How do I tear down observer relationship in multithreaded C++? - c++

I have a Subject which offers Subscribe(Observer*) and Unsubscribe(Observer*) to clients. Subject runs in its own thread (from which it calls Notify() on subscribed Observers) and a mutex protects its internal list of Observers.
I would like client code - which I don't control - to be able to safely delete an Observer after it is unsubscribed. How can this be achieved?
Holding the mutex - even a recursive
mutex - while I notify observers
isn't an option because of the
deadlock risk.
I could mark an observer for removal
in the Unsubscribe call and remove it
from the Subject thread. Then
clients could wait for a special
'Safe to delete' notification. This
looks safe, but is onerous for
Some illustrative code follows. The problem is how to prevent Unsubscribe happening while Run is at the 'Problem here' comment. Then I could call back on a deleted object. Alternatively, if I hold the mutex throughout rather than making the copy, I can deadlock certain clients.
#include <set>
#include <functional>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
class Observer
void Notify() {}
class Subject
Subject() : t(bind(&Subject::Run, this))
void Subscribe(Observer* o)
mutex::scoped_lock l(m);
void Unsubscribe(Observer* o)
mutex::scoped_lock l(m);
void Run()
for (;;)
set<Observer*> notifyList;
mutex::scoped_lock l(m);
notifyList = observers;
// Problem here
for_each(notifyList.begin(), notifyList.end(),
set<Observer*> observers;
thread t;
mutex m;
I can't Notify observers while holding the mutex because of the deadlock risk. The most obvious way this can happen - the client calls Subscribe or Unsubscribe from inside Notify - is easily remedied by making the mutex recursive. More insidious is the risk of intermittent deadlock on different threads.
I'm in a multithreaded environment, so at any point in a thread's execution, it will typically hold a sequence of locks L1, L2, ... Ln. Another thread will hold locks K1, K2, ... Km. A properly written client will ensure that different threads will always acquire locks in the same order. But when clients interact with my Subject's mutex - call it X - this strategy will be broken: Calls to Subscribe / Unsubscribe acquire locks in the order L1, L2, ... Ln, X. Calls to Notify from my Subject thread acquire locks in the order X, K1, K2, ... Km. If any of the Li or Kj can coincide down any call path, the client suffers an intermittent deadlock, with little prospect of debugging it. Since I don't control the client code, I can't do this.

Unsubscribe() should be synchronous, so that it does not return until Observer is guaranteed not to be in Subject's list anymore. That's the only way to do it safely.
ETA (moving my comment to the answer):
Since time doesn't seem to be an issue, take and release the mutex between notifying each observer. You won't be able to use for_each the way you are now, and you'll have to check the iterator to ensure that it's still valid.
for ( ... )
take mutex
check iterator validity
release mutex
That will do what you want.

Can you change the signature of Subscribe() an Unsubscribe()? Replacing the Observer* with something like shared_ptr<Observer> would make things easier.
EDIT: Replaced "easy" by "easier" above.
For an example of how this is difficult to "get right", see the history of the Boost.Signals and of the adopted-but-not-yet-in-the-distribution Boost.Signals2 (formerly Boost.ThreadSafeSignals) libraries.

The "ideal" solution would involve using shared_ptr and weak_ptr. However, in order to be generic, it also has to account for the issue of Subject being dropped before some of its Observer (yes, that can happen too).
class Subject {
void Subscribe(std::weak_ptr<Observer> o);
void Unsubscribe(std::weak_ptr<Observer> o);
std::mutex mutex;
std::set< std::weak_ptr<Observer> > observers;
class Observer: boost::noncopyable {
void Notify();
std::weak_ptr<Subject> subject;
With this structure, we create a cyclic graph, but with a judicious use of weak_ptr so that both Observer and Subject can be destroyed without coordination.
Note: I have assumed, for simplicity, that an Observer observes a single Subject at a time, but it could easily observe multiple subjects.
Now, it seems that you are stuck with unsafe memory management. This is a quite difficult situation, as you can imagine. In this case, I would suggest an experiment: an asynchronous Unsubscribe. Or at least, the call to Unsubscribe will be synchronous from the outside, but be implemented asynchronously.
The idea is simple: we will use the event queue to achieve synchronization. That is:
the call to Unsubscribe posts an event in the queue (payload Observer*) and then waits
when the Subject thread has processed the Unsubscribe event(s), it wakes up the waiting thread(s)
You can use either busy-waiting or a condition variable, I would advise a condition variable unless performance dictates otherwise.
Note: this solution completely fails to account for Subject dying prematurely.

Rather than have clients get a "SafeToDelete" notification, provide them with an IsSubscribed( Observer *) method. The client code then becomes:
subject.Unsubscribe( obsever );l
while( subject.IsSubscribed( observer ) ) {
sleep_some_short_time; // OS specific sleep stuff
delete observer;
which is not too onerous.

You could create a "to-delete queue" in the CSubject type. When you remove the the Observer, you could call pSubject->QueueForDelete(pObserver). Then when the subject thread is between notifications, it could safely delete observers from the queue.

Mmm... I don't really understand your question, because if a client calls Unsubscribe you should be able to let the client delete it (it's not used by you). However, if for some reason you cannot close the relationship once the client unsubscribes the observer, you could add "Subject" a new operation to safely delete an Observer, or just for the clients to signal that they are not interested in an Observer any more.
Rethink edit: OK, now I think I understand what's your problem. I think the best solution to your problem is doing the following:
Have each stored observer element to have a "valid" flag. This flag will be used to notify it or not while you're in the notification loop.
You need a mutex to protect the access to that "valid" flag. Then, the unsubscribe operation locks the mutex for the "valid" flag, sets it to false for the selected observer.
The notification loop also has to lock and unlock the mutex of the valid flag, and only act upon observers that are "valid".
Given that the unsubscribe operation will block on the mutex to reset the valid flag (and that that particular Observer won't be used any more in your thread), the code is thread safe, and clients can delete any observer as soon as unsubscribe has returned.

Would something like this be satisfactory? It still isn't safe to unsubscribe an observer while being notified though, for that you would need an interface like you mentioned (as far as I can tell).
Subscribe(Observer *x)
// add x to the list
Unsubscribe(Observer *x)
while (!ok_to_delete)
// remove x from list
while (true) {
// wait for something to trigger a notify
ok_to_delete = false;
// build a list of observers to notify
// notify all observers from the list saved earlier
ok_to_delete = true;
If you want to be able to Unsubscribe() inside Notify() - (a bad design decision on the client IMO...) you can add the thread id of the notifier thread into your data structure. In the Unsubscribe function you can check that thread id against the current thread's id (most threading libraries provide this - eg. pthread_self). If they are the same, you can proceed without waiting on the condition variable.
NOTE: If the client is responsible for deleting the observer, this means you run into the situation where inside the Notify callback, you will have unsubscribed and deleted the observer, but are still executing something with that junked this pointer. It is something the client will have to be aware of and to only delete it at the end of the Notify().

I think this does the trick if not very elegantly:
class Subject {
Subject() : t(bind(&Subject::Run, this)),m_key(0) { }
void Subscribe(Observer* o) {
mutex::scoped_lock l(m);
InternalObserver io( o );
boost::shared_ptr<InternalObserver> sp(&io);
observers.insert(pair<int,boost::shared_ptr<InternalObserver>> (MakeKey(o),sp));
void Unsubscribe(Observer* o) {
mutex::scoped_lock l(m);
observers.find( MakeKey(o) )->second->exists = false; }
void WaitForSomethingInterestingToHappen() {}
void Run()
for (;;)
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < observers.size(); ++ i )
mutex::scoped_lock l(m);
if( observers[i]->exists )
mem_fun(&Observer::Notify);//needs changing
int MakeKey(Observer* o) {
return ++m_key;//needs changeing, sha of the object?
class InternalObserver {
InternalObserver(Observer* o) : m_o( o ), exists( true ) {}
Observer* m_o;
bool exists;
map< int, boost::shared_ptr<InternalObserver> > observers;
thread t;
mutex m;
int m_key;

Change observers to a map with key Observer* and value a wrapper of Observer. The wrapper includes a volatile boolean to indicate if the Observer is valid. In subscribe method, the wrapper object is created in valid state. In unsubscribe method, the wrapper is marked as invalid. Notify is called on the wrapper instead of the actual Observer. The wrapper will call Notify on the actual Observer if it is valid (still subscribed)
#include <map>
#include <functional>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
class Observer
void Notify() {}
class ObserverWrapper : public Observer
Observer* wrappee;
volatile bool valid;
ObserverWrapper(Observer* o)
wrappee = o;
valid = true;
void Notify()
if (valid) wrappee->Notify();
class Subject
Subject() : t(bind(&Subject::Run, this))
void Subscribe(Observer* o)
mutex::scoped_lock l(m);
boost::shared_ptr<ObserverWrapper> sptr(new ObserverWrapper(o));
observers.insert(pair<Observer*, sptr));
void Unsubscribe(Observer* o)
mutex::scoped_lock l(m);
observers.find(o)->second->valid = false;
void Run()
for (;;)
vector<ObserverWrapper*> notifyList;
mutex::scoped_lock l(m);
boost::copy(observers | boost::adaptors::map_values, std::back_inserter(notifyList));
// Should be no problem here
for_each(notifyList.begin(), notifyList.end(),
map<Observer*, ObserverWrapper*> observers;
thread t;
mutex m;


C++ condition variable without mutexes?

I think I'm misunderstanding the CV-Mutex design pattern because I'm creating a program that seems to not need a mutex, only CV.
Goal Overview
I am parsing a feed from a website from 2 different accounts. Alice, Bob. The parsing task is slow, so I have two separate threads each dedicated to handling the feeds from Alice and Bob.
I then have a thread that receives messages from the network and assigns the work to either the threadA or threadB, depending on who the update message is for. That way the reader/network thread isn't stalled, and the messages for Alice are in-order and the messages for Bob are in-order, too.
I don't care if Alice thread is a little bit behind Bob thread chronologically, as long as the individual account feeds are in-order.
Implementation Details
This is very similar to a thread pool, except the threads are essentially locked to a fixed-size array of size 2, and I use the same thread for each feed.
I create a AccountThread class which maintains a queue of JSON messages to be processed as soon as possible within the class. Here is the code for that:
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <mutex>
using namespace std;
class AccountThread {
AccountThread(const string& name) : name(name) { }
void add_message(const string& d) {
this->cv.notify_all(); // could also do notify_one but whatever
void run_parsing_loop() {
while (true) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> mlock(lock_mutex);
cv.wait(mlock, [&] {
return this->is_dead || this->message_queue.size() > 0;
if (this->is_dead) { break; }
const auto message = this->message_queue.front();
// Do message parsing...
void kill_thread() {
this->is_dead = true;
const string& name;
condition_variable cv;
mutex lock_mutex;
queue<string> message_queue;
// To Kill Thread if Needed
bool is_dead;
I can add the main.cpp code, but it's essentially just a reader loop that calls thread.add_message(message) based on what the account name is.
Why do I need the lock_mutex here? I don't see it's purpose since this class is essentially single-threaded. Is there a better design pattern for this? I feel like if I'm including a variable that I don't really need, such as the mutex then I'm using the wrong design pattern for this task.
I'm just adapting the code from some article I saw online about a threadpool implementation and was curious.
First things first: there's no condition_variable::wait without a mutex. The interface of wait requires a mutex. So regarding
I'm creating a program that seems to not need a mutex, only CV
note that the mutex is needed to protect the condition variable itself. If the notion of how you'd have a data race without the mutex doesn't immediately make sense, check Why do pthreads’ condition variable functions require a mutex.
Secondly there's multiple pain points in the code you provide. Consider this version where the problems are addressed and I'll explain the issues below:
class AccountThread {
AccountThread(const string& name) : name(name)
consumer = std::thread(&AccountThread::run_parsing_loop, this); // 1
kill_thread(); // 2
void add_message(const string& d) {
std::lock_guard lok(lock_mutex); // 3
void run_parsing_loop()
while (!is_dead) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> mlock(lock_mutex);
cv.wait(mlock, [this] { // 4
return is_dead || !message_queue.empty();
if (this->is_dead) { break; }
std::string message = this->message_queue.front();
string parsingMsg = name + " is processing " + message + "\n";
std::cout << parsingMsg;
void kill_thread() {
std::lock_guard lock(lock_mutex);
this->is_dead = true;
cv.notify_one(); // 5
string name; // 6
mutable condition_variable cv; // 7
mutable mutex lock_mutex;
std::thread consumer;
queue<string> message_queue;
bool is_dead{false}; // 8
Top to bottom the problems noted (in the numbered comments are):
If you have a worker thread class, like AccountThread, it's easier to get right when the class provides the thread. This way only the relevant interface is exposed and you have better control over the lifetime and workings of the consumer.
Case in point, when an AccountThread "dies" the worker should also die. In the example above I fix this dependency by killing the consumer thread inside the destructor.
add_message caused a data race in your code. Since you intend to run the parsing loop in a different thread, it's wrong to simply push to the queue without having a critical section.
It's cleaner to capture this here, e.g. you probably don't need the reference to mlock captured.
kill_thread was not correct. You need to notify the, potentially waiting, consumer thread that a change in state happened. To correctly do that you need to protect the state checked in the predicate with a lock.
The initial version with const string &name is probably not something you want. Member const references don't extend the lifetime of temporaries, and the way your constructor is written can leave an instance with dangling state. Even if you do the typical checks, overload the constructor with an r-value reference version, you'll be depending on an external string being alive longer than your AccountThread object. Better use a value member.
Remember the M&M rule.
You had undefined behavior. The is_alive member was used without being initialized.
All in all, I think the suggested changes point in the right direction. You can also check an implementation of a Go-like communication channel if you want more insight on how something like the TBB component you mention is implemented. Such a channel (or buffer queue) would simplify implementation to avoid manual usage of mutexes, CVs and alive states:
class AccountThread {
AccountThread(const string& name) : name(name) {
consumer = std::thread(&AccountThread::run_parsing_loop, this);
~AccountThread() {
void add_message(const string& d) { _data.push(d); }
void run_parsing_loop() {
try {
while (true) {
// This pop waits until there's data or the channel is closed.
auto message = _data.pop();
// TODO: Implement parsing here
} catch (...) {
// Single exception thrown per thread lifetime
void kill_thread() { _data.set(yap::BufferBehavior::Closed); }
string name;
std::thread consumer;
yap::BufferQueue<string> _data;

Wait on two conditions [duplicate]

First a little context: I'm in the process of learning about threading in C++11 and for this purpose, I'm trying to build a small actor class, essentially (I left the exception handling and propagation stuff out) like so:
class actor {
private: std::atomic<bool> stop;
private: std::condition_variable interrupt;
private: std::thread actor_thread;
private: message_queue incoming_msgs;
public: actor()
: stop(false),
actor_thread([&]{ run_actor(); })
public: virtual ~actor() {
// if the actor is destroyed, we must ensure the thread dies too
stop = true;
// to this end, we have to interrupt the actor thread which is most probably
// waiting on the incoming_msgs queue:
private: virtual void run_actor() {
try {
// wait for new message and process it
// but interrupt the waiting process if interrupt is signaled:
catch(interrupted_exception) {
// ...
private: virtual void process(const message&) = 0;
// ...
Every actor runs in its own actor_thread, waits on a new incoming message on incoming_msgs and -- when a message arrives -- processes it.
The actor_thread is created together with the actor and has to die together with it, which is why I need some kind of interrupt mechanism in the message_queue::wait_and_pop(std::condition_variable interrupt).
Essentially, I require that wait_and_pop blocks until either
a) a new message arrives or
b) until the interrupt is fired, in which case -- ideally -- an interrupted_exception is to be thrown.
The arrival of a new message in the message_queue is presently modeled also by a std::condition_variable new_msg_notification:
// ...
// in class message_queue:
message wait_and_pop(std::condition_variable& interrupt) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
// How to interrupt the following, when interrupt fires??
return !queue.empty();
auto msg(std::move(queue.front()));
return msg;
To cut the long story short, the question is this: How do I interrupt the waiting for a new message in new_msg_notification.wait(...) when the interrupt is triggered (without introducing a time-out)?
Alternatively, the question may be read as: How do I wait until any one of two std::condition_variables are signaled?
One naive approach seems to be not to use std::condition_variable at all for the interrupt and instead just use an atomic flag std::atomic<bool> interrupted and then busy wait on new_msg_notification with a very small time-out until either a new message has arrived or until true==interrupted. However, I would very much like to avoid busy waiting.
From the comments and the answer by pilcrow, it looks like there are basically two approaches possible.
Enqueue a special "Terminate" message, as proposed by Alan, mukunda and pilcrow. I decided against this option because I have no idea about the size of the queue at the time I want the actor to terminate. It may very well be (as it is mostly the case when I want something to quickly terminate) that there are thousands of messages left to process in the queue and it seems unacceptable to wait for them to be processed until finally the terminate message gets its turn.
Implement a custom version of a condition variable, that may be interrupted by another thread by forwarding the notification to the condition variable that the first thread is waiting on. I opted for this approach.
For those of you interested, my implementation goes as follows. The condition variable in my case is actually a semaphore (because I like them more and because I liked the exercise of doing so). I equipped this semaphore with an associated interrupt which can be obtained from the semaphore via semaphore::get_interrupt(). If now one thread blocks in semaphore::wait(), another thread has the possibility to call semaphore::interrupt::trigger() on the interrupt of the semaphore, causing the first thread to unblock and propagate an interrupt_exception.
interrupt_exception {};
semaphore {
public: class interrupt;
private: mutable std::mutex mutex;
// must be declared after our mutex due to construction order!
private: interrupt* informed_by;
private: std::atomic<long> counter;
private: std::condition_variable cond;
~semaphore() throw();
public: void
public: interrupt&
get_interrupt() const { return *informed_by; }
public: void
post() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
cond.notify_one(); // never throws
public: unsigned long
load () const {
return counter.load();
semaphore::interrupt {
private: semaphore *forward_posts_to;
private: std::atomic<bool> triggered;
interrupt(semaphore *forward_posts_to) : triggered(false), forward_posts_to(forward_posts_to) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(forward_posts_to->mutex);
forward_posts_to->informed_by = this;
public: void
trigger() {
triggered = true;
forward_posts_to->cond.notify_one(); // never throws
public: bool
is_triggered () const throw() {
return triggered.load();
public: void
reset () throw() {
semaphore::semaphore() : counter(0L), informed_by(new interrupt(this)) {}
// must be declared here because otherwise semaphore::interrupt is an incomplete type
semaphore::~semaphore() throw() {
delete informed_by;
semaphore::wait() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
if(0L==counter) {
throw interrupt_exception();
return counter>0;
Using this semaphore, my message queue implementation now looks like this (using the semaphore instead of the std::condition_variable I could get rid of the std::mutex:
message_queue {
private: std::queue<message> queue;
private: semaphore new_msg_notification;
public: void
push(message&& msg) {
public: const message
wait_and_pop() {
auto msg(std::move(queue.front()));
return msg;
public: semaphore::interrupt&
get_interrupt() const { return new_msg_notification.get_interrupt(); }
My actor, is now able to interrupt its thread with very low latency in its thread. The implementation presently like this:
actor {
private: message_queue
/// must be declared after incoming_msgs due to construction order!
private: semaphore::interrupt&
private: std::thread
private: std::exception_ptr
: interrupt(incoming_msgs.get_interrupt()), my_thread(
try {
catch(...) {
exception = std::current_exception();
private: virtual void
run_actor() {
private: virtual void
process(const message&) = 0;
public: void
notify(message&& msg_in) {
public: virtual
~actor() throw (interrupt_exception) {
You ask,
What is the best way to wait on multiple condition variables in C++11?
You can't, and must redesign. One thread may wait on only one condition variable (and its associated mutex) at a time. In this regard the Windows facilities for synchronization are rather richer than those of the "POSIX-style" family of synchronization primitives.
The typical approach with thread-safe queues is to enqueue a special "all done!" message, or to design a "breakable" (or "shutdown-able") queue. In the latter case, the queue's internal condition variable then protects a complex predicate: either an item is available or the queue has been broken.
In a comment you observe that
a notify_all() will have no effect if there is no one waiting
That's true but probably not relevant. wait()ing on a condition variable also implies checking a predicate, and checking it before actually blocking for a notification. So, a worker thread busy processing a queue item that "misses" a notify_all() will see, the next time it inspects the queue condition, that the predicate (a new item is available, or, the queue is all done) has changed.
Recently I resolved this issue with the help of single condition variable and separate Boolean variable for each producer/worker.
The predicate within the wait function in consumer thread can check for these flags and take the decision which producer/worker has satisfied the condition.
Maybe this can works:
get rid of interrupt.
message wait_and_pop(std::condition_variable& interrupt) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
return !queue.empty() || stop;
if( !stop )
auto msg(std::move(queue.front()));
return msg;
return NULL; //or some 'terminate' message
In destructor, replace interrupt.notify_all() with new_msg_notification.notify_all()

What is the best way to wait on multiple condition variables in C++11?

First a little context: I'm in the process of learning about threading in C++11 and for this purpose, I'm trying to build a small actor class, essentially (I left the exception handling and propagation stuff out) like so:
class actor {
private: std::atomic<bool> stop;
private: std::condition_variable interrupt;
private: std::thread actor_thread;
private: message_queue incoming_msgs;
public: actor()
: stop(false),
actor_thread([&]{ run_actor(); })
public: virtual ~actor() {
// if the actor is destroyed, we must ensure the thread dies too
stop = true;
// to this end, we have to interrupt the actor thread which is most probably
// waiting on the incoming_msgs queue:
private: virtual void run_actor() {
try {
// wait for new message and process it
// but interrupt the waiting process if interrupt is signaled:
catch(interrupted_exception) {
// ...
private: virtual void process(const message&) = 0;
// ...
Every actor runs in its own actor_thread, waits on a new incoming message on incoming_msgs and -- when a message arrives -- processes it.
The actor_thread is created together with the actor and has to die together with it, which is why I need some kind of interrupt mechanism in the message_queue::wait_and_pop(std::condition_variable interrupt).
Essentially, I require that wait_and_pop blocks until either
a) a new message arrives or
b) until the interrupt is fired, in which case -- ideally -- an interrupted_exception is to be thrown.
The arrival of a new message in the message_queue is presently modeled also by a std::condition_variable new_msg_notification:
// ...
// in class message_queue:
message wait_and_pop(std::condition_variable& interrupt) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
// How to interrupt the following, when interrupt fires??
return !queue.empty();
auto msg(std::move(queue.front()));
return msg;
To cut the long story short, the question is this: How do I interrupt the waiting for a new message in new_msg_notification.wait(...) when the interrupt is triggered (without introducing a time-out)?
Alternatively, the question may be read as: How do I wait until any one of two std::condition_variables are signaled?
One naive approach seems to be not to use std::condition_variable at all for the interrupt and instead just use an atomic flag std::atomic<bool> interrupted and then busy wait on new_msg_notification with a very small time-out until either a new message has arrived or until true==interrupted. However, I would very much like to avoid busy waiting.
From the comments and the answer by pilcrow, it looks like there are basically two approaches possible.
Enqueue a special "Terminate" message, as proposed by Alan, mukunda and pilcrow. I decided against this option because I have no idea about the size of the queue at the time I want the actor to terminate. It may very well be (as it is mostly the case when I want something to quickly terminate) that there are thousands of messages left to process in the queue and it seems unacceptable to wait for them to be processed until finally the terminate message gets its turn.
Implement a custom version of a condition variable, that may be interrupted by another thread by forwarding the notification to the condition variable that the first thread is waiting on. I opted for this approach.
For those of you interested, my implementation goes as follows. The condition variable in my case is actually a semaphore (because I like them more and because I liked the exercise of doing so). I equipped this semaphore with an associated interrupt which can be obtained from the semaphore via semaphore::get_interrupt(). If now one thread blocks in semaphore::wait(), another thread has the possibility to call semaphore::interrupt::trigger() on the interrupt of the semaphore, causing the first thread to unblock and propagate an interrupt_exception.
interrupt_exception {};
semaphore {
public: class interrupt;
private: mutable std::mutex mutex;
// must be declared after our mutex due to construction order!
private: interrupt* informed_by;
private: std::atomic<long> counter;
private: std::condition_variable cond;
~semaphore() throw();
public: void
public: interrupt&
get_interrupt() const { return *informed_by; }
public: void
post() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
cond.notify_one(); // never throws
public: unsigned long
load () const {
return counter.load();
semaphore::interrupt {
private: semaphore *forward_posts_to;
private: std::atomic<bool> triggered;
interrupt(semaphore *forward_posts_to) : triggered(false), forward_posts_to(forward_posts_to) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(forward_posts_to->mutex);
forward_posts_to->informed_by = this;
public: void
trigger() {
triggered = true;
forward_posts_to->cond.notify_one(); // never throws
public: bool
is_triggered () const throw() {
return triggered.load();
public: void
reset () throw() {
semaphore::semaphore() : counter(0L), informed_by(new interrupt(this)) {}
// must be declared here because otherwise semaphore::interrupt is an incomplete type
semaphore::~semaphore() throw() {
delete informed_by;
semaphore::wait() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
if(0L==counter) {
throw interrupt_exception();
return counter>0;
Using this semaphore, my message queue implementation now looks like this (using the semaphore instead of the std::condition_variable I could get rid of the std::mutex:
message_queue {
private: std::queue<message> queue;
private: semaphore new_msg_notification;
public: void
push(message&& msg) {
public: const message
wait_and_pop() {
auto msg(std::move(queue.front()));
return msg;
public: semaphore::interrupt&
get_interrupt() const { return new_msg_notification.get_interrupt(); }
My actor, is now able to interrupt its thread with very low latency in its thread. The implementation presently like this:
actor {
private: message_queue
/// must be declared after incoming_msgs due to construction order!
private: semaphore::interrupt&
private: std::thread
private: std::exception_ptr
: interrupt(incoming_msgs.get_interrupt()), my_thread(
try {
catch(...) {
exception = std::current_exception();
private: virtual void
run_actor() {
private: virtual void
process(const message&) = 0;
public: void
notify(message&& msg_in) {
public: virtual
~actor() throw (interrupt_exception) {
You ask,
What is the best way to wait on multiple condition variables in C++11?
You can't, and must redesign. One thread may wait on only one condition variable (and its associated mutex) at a time. In this regard the Windows facilities for synchronization are rather richer than those of the "POSIX-style" family of synchronization primitives.
The typical approach with thread-safe queues is to enqueue a special "all done!" message, or to design a "breakable" (or "shutdown-able") queue. In the latter case, the queue's internal condition variable then protects a complex predicate: either an item is available or the queue has been broken.
In a comment you observe that
a notify_all() will have no effect if there is no one waiting
That's true but probably not relevant. wait()ing on a condition variable also implies checking a predicate, and checking it before actually blocking for a notification. So, a worker thread busy processing a queue item that "misses" a notify_all() will see, the next time it inspects the queue condition, that the predicate (a new item is available, or, the queue is all done) has changed.
Recently I resolved this issue with the help of single condition variable and separate Boolean variable for each producer/worker.
The predicate within the wait function in consumer thread can check for these flags and take the decision which producer/worker has satisfied the condition.
Maybe this can works:
get rid of interrupt.
message wait_and_pop(std::condition_variable& interrupt) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
return !queue.empty() || stop;
if( !stop )
auto msg(std::move(queue.front()));
return msg;
return NULL; //or some 'terminate' message
In destructor, replace interrupt.notify_all() with new_msg_notification.notify_all()

Best way to handle multi-thread cleanup

I have a server-type application, and I have an issue with making sure thread's aren't deleted before they complete. The code below pretty much represents my server; the cleanup is required to prevent a build up of dead threads in the list.
using namespace std;
class A {
void doSomethingThreaded(function<void()> cleanupFunction, function<bool()> getStopFlag) {
somethingThread = thread([cleanupFunction, getStopFlag, this]() {
void doSomething(function<bool()> getStopFlag);
thread somethingThread;
class B {
void runServer();
void stop() {
stopFlag = true;
void waitForListToBeEmpty() { ... };
void handleAccept(...) {
shared_ptr<A> newClient(new A());
unique_lock<mutex> lock(listMutex);
newClient.doSomethingThreaded(bind(&B::cleanup, this, newClient), [this]() {
return stopFlag;
void cleanup(shared_ptr<A> data) {
unique_lock<mutex> lock(listMutex);
list<shared_ptr<A>> clientData;
mutex listMutex;
atomc<bool> stopFlag;
The issue seems to be that the destructors run in the wrong order - i.e. the shared_ptr is destructed at when the thread's function completes, meaning the 'A' object is deleted before thread completion, causing havok when the thread's destructor is called.
Call cleanup function
All references to this (i.e. an A object) removed, so call destructor (including this thread's destructor)
Call this thread's destructor again -- OH NOES!
I've looked at alternatives, such as maintaining a 'to be removed' list which is periodically used to clean the primary list by another thread, or using a time-delayed deletor function for the shared pointers, but both of these seem abit chunky and could have race conditions.
Anyone know of a good way to do this? I can't see an easy way of refactoring it to work ok.
Are the threads joinable or detached? I don't see any detach,
which means that destructing the thread object without having
joined it is a fatal error. You might try simply detaching it,
although this can make a clean shutdown somewhat complex. (Of
course, for a lot of servers, there should never be a shutdown
anyway.) Otherwise: what I've done in the past is to create
a reaper thread; a thread which does nothing but join any
outstanding threads, to clean up after them.
I might add that this is a good example of a case where
shared_ptr is not appropriate. You want full control over
when the delete occurs; if you detach, you can do it in the
clean up function (but quite frankly, just using delete this;
at the end of the lambda in A::doSomethingThreaded seems more
readable); otherwise, you do it after you've joined, in the
reaper thread.
For the reaper thread, something like the following should work:
class ReaperQueue
std::deque<A*> myQueue;
std::mutex myMutex;
std::conditional_variable myCond;
A* getOne()
std::lock<std::mutex> lock( myMutex );
myCond.wait( lock, [&]( !myQueue.empty() ) );
A* results = myQueue.front();
return results;
void readyToReap( A* finished_thread )
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock( myMutex );
myQueue.push_back( finished_thread );
void reaperThread()
for ( ; ; )
A* mine = getOne();
delete mine;
(Warning: I've not tested this, and I've tried to use the C++11
functionality. I've only actually implemented it, in the past,
using pthreads, so there could be some errors. The basic
principles should hold, however.)
To use, create an instance, then start a thread calling
reaperThread on it. In the cleanup of each thread, call
To support a clean shutdown, you may want to use two queues: you
insert each thread into the first, as it is created, and then
move it from the first to the second (which would correspond to
myQueue, above) in readyToReap. To shut down, you then wait
until both queues are empty (not starting any new threads in
this interval, of course).
The issue is that, since you manage A via shared pointers, the this pointer captured by the thread lambda really needs to be a shared pointer rather than a raw pointer to prevent it from becoming dangling. The problem is that there's no easy way to create a shared_ptr from a raw pointer when you don't have an actual shared_ptr as well.
One way to get around this is to use shared_from_this:
class A : public enable_shared_from_this<A> {
void doSomethingThreaded(function<void()> cleanupFunction, function<bool()> getStopFlag) {
somethingThread = thread([cleanupFunction, getStopFlag, this]() {
shared_ptr<A> temp = shared_from_this();
this creates an extra shared_ptr to the A object that keeps it alive until the thread finishes.
Note that you still have the problem with join/detach that James Kanze identified -- Every thread must have either join or detach called on it exactly once before it is destroyed. You can fulfill that requirement by adding a detach call to the thread lambda if you never care about the thread exit value.
You also have potential for problems if doSomethingThreaded is called multiple times on a single A object...
For those who are interested, I took abit of both answers given (i.e. James' detach suggestion, and Chris' suggestion about shared_ptr's).
My resultant code looks like this and seems neater and doesn't cause a crash on shutdown or client disconnect:
using namespace std;
class A {
void doSomething(function<bool()> getStopFlag) {
class B {
void runServer();
void stop() {
stopFlag = true;
void waitForListToBeEmpty() { ... };
void handleAccept(...) {
shared_ptr<A> newClient(new A());
unique_lock<mutex> lock(listMutex);
thread clientThread([this, newClient]() {
// Capture the shared_ptr until thread over and done with.
newClient->doSomething([this]() {
return stopFlag;
// Detach to remove the need to store these threads until their completion.
void cleanup(shared_ptr<A> data) {
unique_lock<mutex> lock(listMutex);
list<shared_ptr<A>> clientData; // Can remove this if you don't
// need to connect with your clients.
// However, you'd need to make sure this
// didn't get deallocated before all clients
// finished as they reference the boolean stopFlag
// OR make it a shared_ptr to an atomic boolean
mutex listMutex;
atomc<bool> stopFlag;

boost asio asynchronously waiting on a condition variable

Is it possible to perform an asynchronous wait (read : non-blocking) on a conditional variable in boost::asio ? if it isn't directly supported any hints on implementing it would be appreciated.
I could implement a timer and fire a wakeup even every few ms, but this is approach is vastly inferior, I find it hard to believe that condition variable synchronization is not implemented / documented.
If I understand the intent correctly, you want to launch an event handler, when some condition variable is signaled, in context of asio thread pool? I think it would be sufficient to wait on the condition variable in the beginning of the handler, and io_service::post() itself back in the pool in the end, something of this sort:
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
boost::asio::io_service io;
boost::mutex mx;
boost::condition_variable cv;
void handler()
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lk(mx);
std::cout << "handler awakened\n";;
void buzzer()
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lk(mx);
int main()
boost::thread bt(buzzer);;
I can suggest solution based on boost::asio::deadline_timer which works fine for me. This is kind of async event in boost::asio environment.
One very important thing is that the 'handler' must be serialised through the same 'strand_' as 'cancel', because using 'boost::asio::deadline_timer' from multiple threads is not thread safe.
class async_event
boost::asio::io_service& io_service,
boost::asio::strand<boost::asio::io_context::executor_type>& strand)
: strand_(strand)
, deadline_timer_(io_service, boost::posix_time::ptime(boost::posix_time::pos_infin))
// 'handler' must be serialised through the same 'strand_' as 'cancel' or 'cancel_one'
// because using 'boost::asio::deadline_timer' from multiple threads is not thread safe
template<class WaitHandler>
void async_wait(WaitHandler&& handler) {
void async_notify_one() {
boost::asio::post(strand_, boost::bind(&async_event::async_notify_one_serialized, this));
void async_notify_all() {
boost::asio::post(strand_, boost::bind(&async_event::async_notify_all_serialized, this));
void async_notify_one_serialized() {
void async_notify_all_serialized() {
boost::asio::strand<boost::asio::io_context::executor_type>& strand_;
boost::asio::deadline_timer deadline_timer_;
Unfortunately, Boost ASIO doesn't have an async_wait_for_condvar() method.
In most cases, you also won't need it. Programming the ASIO way usually means, that you use strands, not mutexes or condition variables, to protect shared resources. Except for rare cases, which usually focus around correct construction or destruction order at startup and exit, you won't need mutexes or condition variables at all.
When modifying a shared resource, the classic, partially synchronous threaded way is as follows:
Lock the mutex protecting the resource
Update whatever needs to be updated
Signal a condition variable, if further processing by a waiting thread is required
Unlock the mutex
The fully asynchronous ASIO way is though:
Generate a message, that contains everything, that is needed to update the resource
Post a call to an update handler with that message to the resource's strand
If further processing is needed, let that update handler create further message(s) and post them to the apropriate resources' strands.
If jobs can be executed on fully private data, then post them directly to the io-context instead.
Here is an example of a class some_shared_resource, that receives a string state and triggers some further processing depending on the state received. Please note, that all processing in the private method some_shared_resource::receive_state() is fully thread-safe, as the strand serializes all calls.
Of course, the example is not complete; some_other_resource needs a similiar send_code_red() method as some_shared_ressource::send_state().
#include <boost/asio>
#include <memory>
using asio_context = boost::asio::io_context;
using asio_executor_type = asio_context::executor_type;
using asio_strand = boost::asio::strand<asio_executor_type>;
class some_other_resource;
class some_shared_resource : public std::enable_shared_from_this<some_shared_resource> {
asio_strand strand;
std::shared_ptr<some_other_resource> other;
std::string state;
void receive_state(std::string&& new_state) {
std::string oldstate = std::exchange(state, new_state);
if(state == "red" && oldstate != "red") {
// state transition to "red":
} else if(state != "red" && oldstate == "red") {
// state transition from "red":
some_shared_resource(asio_context& ctx, const std::shared_ptr<some_other_resource>& other)
: strand(ctx.get_executor()), other(other) {}
void send_state(std::string&& new_state) {
boost::asio::post(strand, [me = weak_from_this(), new_state = std::move(new_state)]() mutable {
if(auto self = me.lock(); self) {
As you see, posting always into ASIO's strands can be a bit tedious at first. But you can move most of that "equip a class with a strand" code into a template.
The good thing about message passing: As you are not using mutexes, you cannot deadlock yourself anymore, even in extreme situations. Also, using message passing, it is often easier to create a high level of parallelity than with classical multithreading. On the downside, moving and copying around all these message objects is time consuming, which can slow down your application.
A last note: Using the weak pointer in the message formed by send_state() facilitates the reliable destruction of some_shared_resource objects: Otherwise, if A calls B and B calls C and C calls A (possibly only after a timeout or similiar), using shared pointers instead of weak pointers in the messages would create cyclic references, which then prevents object destruction. If you are sure, that you never will have cycles, and that processing messages from to-be-deleted objects doesn't pose a problem, you can use shared_from_this() instead of weak_from_this(), of course. If you are sure, that objects won't get deleted before ASIO has been stopped (and all working threads been joined back to the main thread), then you can also directly capture the this pointer instead.
FWIW, I implemented an asynchronous mutex using the rather good continuable library:
class async_mutex
cti::continuable<> tail_{cti::make_ready_continuable()};
std::mutex mutex_;
async_mutex() = default;
async_mutex(const async_mutex&) = delete;
const async_mutex& operator=(const async_mutex&) = delete;
[[nodiscard]] cti::continuable<std::shared_ptr<int>> lock()
std::shared_ptr<int> result;
cti::continuable<> tail = cti::make_continuable<void>(
[&result](auto&& promise) {
result = std::shared_ptr<int>((int*)1,
[promise = std::move(promise)](auto) mutable {
std::lock_guard _{mutex_};
std::swap(tail, tail_);
co_await std::move(tail);
co_return result;
usage eg:
async_mutex mutex;
const auto _ = co_await mutex.lock();
// only one lock per mutex-instance