How should I order the members of a C++ class? - c++

Is it better to have all the private members, then all the protected ones, then all the public ones? Or the reverse? Or should there be multiple private, protected and public labels so that the operations can be kept separate from the constructors and so on? What issues should I take into account when making this decision?

I put the public interface first, but I didn't always do this. I used to do things backwards to this, with private, then protected, then public. Looking back, it didn't make a lot of sense.
As a developer of a class, you'll likely be well acquainted with its "innards" but users of the class don't much care, or at least they shouldn't. They're mostly interested in what the class can do for them, right?
So I put the public first, and organize it typically by function/utility. I don't want them to have to wade through my interface to find all the methods related to X, I want them to see all that stuff together in an organized manner.
I never use multiple public/protected/private sections - too confusing to follow in my opinion.

Google favors this order: "Typedefs and Enums, Constants, Constructors, Destructor, Methods, including static methods, Data Members, including static data members."
Matthew Wilson (Safari subscription required) recommends the following order: "Construction, Operations, Attributes, Iteration, State, Implementation, Members, and my favorite, Not to be implemented."
They offer good reasons, and this kind of approach seems to be fairly standard, but whatever you do, be consistent about it.

Coding style is a source for surprisingly heated conversation, with that in mind I risk providing a different opinion:
Code should be written so it is most readable for humans. I complete agree with this statement that was given here several times.
The deviation is which roll are we taking about.
To help the user of the class understand how to use it, one should write and maintain proper documentation. A user should never be needing to read the source code to be able to use the class. If this is done (either manually or using in-source documentation tools) then the order in which public and private class members are defined in the source does not matter for the user.
However, for someone who needs to understand the code, during code review, pull request, or maintenance, the order matters a great deal - the rule is simple:
items should be defined before they are used
This is neither a compiler rule not is it a strictly public v.s. private rule, but common sense - human readability rule. We read code sequentially, and if we need "juggle" back and forth every time we see a class member used, but don't know its type for example, it adversely affects the readability of the code.
Making a division strictly on private v.s. public violates this rule because private class members will appear after they have been used in any public method.

It's my opinion, and I would wager a guess that most people would agree, that public methods should go first. One of the core principles of OO is that you shouldn't have to care about implementation. Just looking at the public methods should tell you everything you need to know to use the class.

As always, write your code for humans first. Consider the person who will be using your class and place the most important members/enums/typedefs/whatever to them at the top.
Usually this means that public members are at the top since that's what most consumers of your class are most interested in. Protected comes next followed by privates. Usually.
There are some exceptions.
Occasionally initialisation order is important and sometimes a private will need to be declared before a public. Sometimes it's more important for a class to be inherited and extended in which case the protected members may be placed higher up. And when hacking unit tests onto legacy code sometimes it's just easier to expose public methods - if I have to commit this near-sin I'll place these at the bottom of the class definition.
But they're relatively rare situations.
I find that most of the time "public, protected, private" is the most useful to consumers of your class. It's a decent basic rule to stick by.
But it's less about ordering by access and more about ordering by interest to the consumer.

I usually define first the interface (to be read), that is public, then protected, then private stuff. Now, in many cases I go a step forward and (if I can handle it) use the PIMPL pattern, fully hiding all the private stuff from the interface of the real class.
class Example1 {
void publicOperation();
void privateOperation1_();
void privateOperation2_();
Type1 data1_;
Type2 data2_;
// example 2 header:
class Example2 {
class Impl;
void publicOperation();
std::auto_ptr<Example2Impl> impl_;
// example2 cpp:
class Example2::Impl
void privateOperation1();
void privateOperation2();
private: // or public if Example2 needs access, or private + friendship:
Type1 data1_;
Type2 data2_;
You can notice that I postfix private (and also protected) members with an underscore. The PIMPL version has an internal class for which the outside world does not even see the operations. This keeps the class interface completely clean: only real interface is exposed. No need to argue about order.
There is an associated cost during the class construction as a dynamically allocated object must be built. Also this works really well for classes that are not meant to be extended, but has some short comings with hierarchies. Protected methods must be part of the external class, so you cannot really push them into the internal class.

I tend to follow the POCO C++ Coding Style Guide.

i think it's all about readability.
Some people like to group them in a fixed order, so that whenever you open a class declaration, you quickly know where to look for e.g. the public data members.
In general, I feel that the most important things should come first. For 99.6% of all classes, roughly, that means the public methods, and especially the constructor. Then comes public data members, if any (remember: encapsulation is a good idea), followed by any protected and/or private methods and data members.
This is stuff that might be covered by the coding standards of large projects, it can be a good idea to check.

In our project, we don't order the members according to access, but by usage. And by that I mean, we order the members as they are used. If a public member uses a private member in the same class, that private member is usually located in front of the public member somewhere, as in the following (simplistic) example:
class Foo
int bar;
int GetBar() const
return bar;
Here, the member bar is placed before the member GetBar() because the former is used by the latter. This can result in multiple access sections, as in the following example:
class Foo
typedef int bar_type;
bar_type bar;
bar_type GetBar() const
return bar;
The bar_type member is used by the bar member, see?
Why is this? I dunno, it seemed more natural that if you encounter a member somewhere in the implementation and you need more details about that (and IntelliSense is screwed up again) that you can find it somewhere above from where you're working.

In practice, it rarely matters. It's primarily a matter of personal preference.
It's very popular to put public methods first, ostensibly so that users of the class will be able to find them more easily. But headers should never be your primary source of documentation, so basing "best practices" around the idea that users will be looking at your headers seems to miss the mark for me.
It's more likely for people to be in your headers if they're modifying the class, in which case they should care about the private interface.
Whichever you choose, make your headers clean and easy to read. Being able to easily find whatever info I happen to be looking for, whether I'm a user of the class or a maintainer of the class, is the most important thing.

It is really helpful to the folks that will use your class to list the public interface first. It's the part they care about and can use. Protected and private can follow along after.
Within the public interface, it's convenient to group constructors, property accessors and mutators, and operators in distinct groups.

Note that (depending on your compiler and dynamic linker), you can retain compatibility with previous versions of a shared library by only adding to the end of the class (i.e. to the end of the interface), and not removing or changing anything else. (This is true for G++ and libtool, and the three part versioning scheme for GNU/Linux shared libraries reflects this.)
There's also the idea that you should order members of the class to avoid wasted space due to memory alignment; one strategy is to order members from smallest to largest size. I've never done this either in C++ or C though.

Overall, your public interface should come before anything, because that's the main/only thing that users of your classes should be interested in. (Of course, in reality that doesn't always hold, but it's a good start.)
Within that, member types and constants are best first, followed by construction operators, operations, and then member variables.

Put the private fields first.
With modern IDEs, people don't read the class to figure out what it's public interface is.
They just use intellisence (or a class browser) for that.
If someone is reading through the class definition, it's usually because they want to understand how it works.
In that case, knowing the fields helps the most. It tells you what the parts of the object are.

binary compatibility
There are a few concrete reasons for the ordering of class members.
These have to do with binary compatibility.
Binary compatibility mainly affects changes to system DLLs and device drivers.
If you're not interested in these, ignore this answer.
Public members must go before private members.
This is so you can mix and change private members without affecting the location of public data.
New public members must go last.
This again avoids affecting the position of existing public members.
The same ordering applies to vtable members.
Apart from this there's no reason to not to follow your own/your colleagues' preferences.

Depends entirely on your preference. There is no "the right way".
When doing C++ in my own pet projects I personally keep convention that I put access modifier before each member or method declaration.


What is the role of private members?

class student
int roll_no;
int standard;
void input();
void display();
I asked my teacher about the significance of making some class members private and some members public. He said that data members are usually made private for security reason. He said that no object can access private things of a class, thats why they are secure.
My question is:
When we will develop software, we will be distributing executable files to users. Users will not be able to edit the code. What type of security our teacher is talking about? When I have created the entire code, how someone can edit it? What is the need to think about security?
No your teacher would not be correct that encapsulation, as this is called, is for security. Encapsulation is actually there for a few other reasons:
Creates better maintainability of code. When all the properties are private and encapsulated, it is easy for the writers of the code to maintain the program simply by changing the methods.
Have a Controlled Environment. Encapsulation lets the users use the given objects, in a controlled manner, through objects. If encapsulation didn't exist, client code could use the members of your class in any way they wanted, while member functions limit this to a specific behavior.
Hide Complexities: Hiding the complexities irrelevant to the users. Sometimes, some properties and methods are only for internal use and the user doesn't have to know about these. This makes it simple for the user to use the object.
An example that illustrates what would happen if you didn't have encapsulation:
Suppose you had a class called Human, with a member called age that is public. Now, if someone wanted to modify this, say, based off input, then they would have to check to see if the input is not negative or not a huge amount every time, unless they make a function for it. Now if there was a member function instead that provided access to age, then it wouldn't be client code's problem anymore, since the setter for the field would take care of it as it would be the responsibility of the class to make sure its fields are valid.
This will not affect users of an application, but the teacher is trying to make you safe from your own mistakes.
Keeping member variables private, when possible, protects you from accessing and changing them accidentally from places in your code where you shouldn't do that.
It also makes is clear for the users of the code which variables and functions are intended to be used from outside the class and which are not, thus clearly defining the API of the class.
Just like each person knows their own secrets and it is somehow dangerous to tell others, private members are not exposed to other classes because it may break something in the class and other classes don't really need to know them.
However, people need to communicate to fulfill their needs. We talk, explain our thoughts to be understood.. well, public members are like this, they are needed for the class itself communicate with other classes.

C++ class design

Maybe this is not pure c++ technical question, but any advice is highly welcome.
I need to implement class with many members (let's say A).
I also need to access these data by set of other classes and this access should be quite fast (drawing stuff conditioned by members from class A).
First approach was to set access level inside A as private and use kind of setters/getters to get particular elements to check (so many method calls).
Other approach, just make everything public in A, next one to make dozen of friend classes. To be honest, i do not like any of the above. Rest of system shouldn't have access to A class members at all, only interested ones.
Maybe someone had to deal with something similar and could advice some good practice, maybe some appropriate design pattern?
If your class is more than a dumb collection of data and flags, the proper approach would be to add whatever you are doing with the data into the class, instead of exposing it with get/set.
For example, if you are pulling coordinates, colors, and line thickness from a class 'Polygon' to draw it, you should instead add a method into the class that does the drawing (and pass the drawing context in as a parameter).
Of the two options I would prefer the getter/setter way, because public members are not a good idea especially if most parts of your system mustn't access these members.
So (even if your question is enough general and greedy of details) if you are worried by "uncontrolled access" maybe a solution could be
declare members private( at most protected, if base class has some subclass that can access to them)
use getters/setters for the members that can be reached by everyone
use friend class(or friend methods to access to private/protected members that shouln't be accessed by random classes).
Finally, you should try to reduce the amount of different classes accessing to your members, as far as possible,defining a common virtual class in order to provide a common set of valid methods for every subclass.

Should I use public or private variables?

I am doing a large project for the first time. I have lots of classes and some of them have public variables, some have private variables with setter and getter methods and same have both types.
I decided to rewrite this code to use primarily only one type. But I don't know which I should use (variables which are used only for methods in the same object are always private and are not subject of this question).
I know the theory what public and private means, but what is used in the real world and why?
private data members are generally considered good because they provide encapsulation.
Providing getters and setters for them breaks that encapsulation, but it's still better than public data members because there's only once access point to that data.
You'll notice this during debugging. If it's private, you know you can only modify the variable inside the class. If it's public, you'll have to search the whole code-base for where it might be modified.
As much as possible, ban getters/setters and make properties private. This follows the principle of information hiding - you shouldn't care about what properties a class has. It should be self-contained. Of course, in practice this isn't feasible, and if it is, a design that follows this will be more cluttered and harder to maintain than one that doesn't.
This is of course a rule of thumb - for example, I'd just use a struct (equivalent with a class with public access) for, say, a simple point class:
struct Point2D
double x;
double y;
Since you say that you know the theory, and other answers have dug into the meaning of public/private, getters and setters, I'd like to focus myself on the why of using accessors instead of creating public attributes (member data in C++).
Imagine that you have a class Truck in a logistic project:
class Truck {
double capacity;
// lots of more things...
Provided you are northamerican, you'll probably use gallons in order to represent the capacity of your trucks. Imagine that your project is finished, it works perfectly, though many direct uses of Truck::capacity are done. Actually, your project becomes a success, so some european firm asks you to adapt your project to them; unfortunately, the project should use the metric system now, so litres instead of gallons should be employed for capacity.
Now, this could be a mess. Of course, one possibility would be to prepare a codebase only for North America, and a codebase only for Europe. But this means that bug fixes should be applied in two different code sources, and that is decided to be unfeasible.
The solution is to create a configuration possibility in your project. The user should be able to set gallons or litres, instead of that being a fixed, hardwired choice of gallons.
With the approach seen above, this will mean a lot of work, you will have to track down all uses of Truck::capacity, and decide what to do with them. This will probably mean to modify files along the whole codebase. Let's suppose, as an alternative, that you decided a more theoretic approach.
class Truck {
double getCapacity() const
{ return capacity; }
// lots of more things...
double capacity;
A possible, alternative change involves no modification to the interface of the class:
class Truck {
double getCapacity() const
{ if ( Configuration::Measure == Gallons ) {
return capacity;
} else {
return ( capacity * 3.78 );
// lots of more things...
double capacity;
(Please take int account that there are lots of ways for doing this, that one is only one possibility, and this is only an example)
You'll have to create the global utility class configuration (but you had to do it anyway), and add an include in truck.h for configuration.h, but these are all local changes, the remaining of your codebase stays unchanged, thus avoiding potential bugs.
Finally, you also state that you are working now in a big project, which I think it is the kind of field in which these reasons actually make more sense. Remember that the objective to keep in mind while working in large projects is to create maintainable code, i.e., code that you can correct and extend with new functionalities. You can forget about getters and setters in personal, small projects, though I'd try to make myself used to them.
Hope this helps.
There is no hard rule as to what should be private/public or protected.
It depends on the role of your class and what it offers.
All the methods and members that constitute the internal workings of
the class should be made private.
Everything that a class offers to the outside world should be public.
Members and methods that may have to be extended in a specialization of this class,
could be declared as protected.
From an OOP point of view getters/setters help with encapsulation and should therefore always be used. When you call a getter/setter the class can do whatever it wants behind the scenes and the internals of the class are not exposed to the outside.
On the other hand, from a C++ point of view, it can also be a disadvantage if the class does lots of unexpected things when you just want to get/set a value. People like to know if some access results in huge overhead or is simple and efficient. When you access a public variable you know exactly what you get, when you use a getter/setter you have no idea.
Especially if you only do a small project, spending your time writing getters/setters and adjusting them all accordingly when you decide to change your variable name/type/... produces lots of busywork for little gain. You'd better spend that time writing code that does something useful.
C++ code commonly doesn't use getters/setters when they don't provide real gain. If you design a 1,000,000-line project with lots of modules that have to be as independent as possible it might make sense, but for most normal-sized code you write day to day they are overkill.
There are some data types whose sole purpose is to hold well-specified data. These can typically be written as structs with public data members. Aside from that, a class should define an abstraction. Public variables or trivial setters and getters suggest that the design hasn't been thought through sufficiently, resulting in an agglomeration of weak abstractions that don't abstract much of anything. Instead of thinking about data, think about behavior: this class should do X, Y, and Z. From there, decide what internal data is needed to support the desired behavior. That's not easy at first, but keep reminding yourself that it's behavior that matters, not data.
Private member variables are preferred over public member variables, mainly for the reasons stated above (encapsulation, well-specified data, etc..). They also provide some data protection as well, since it guarantees that no outside entity can alter the member variable without going through the proper channel of a setter if need be.
Another benefit of getters and setters is that if you are using an IDE (like Eclipse or Netbeans), you can use the IDE's functionality to search for every place in the codebase where the function is called. They provide visibility as to where a piece of data in that particular class is being used or modified. Also, you can easily make the access to the member variables thread safe by having an internal mutex. The getter/setter functions would grab this mutex before accessing or modifying the variable.
I'm a proponent of abstraction to the point where it is still useful. Abstraction for the sake of abstraction usually results in a cluttered mess that is more complicated than its worth.
I've worked with complex rpgies and many games and i started to follow this rule of thumb.
Everything is public until a modification from outside can break something inside, then it should be encapsulated.(corner count in a triangle class for example)
I know info hiding principles etc but really don't follow that.
Public variables are usually discouraged, and the better form is to make all variables private and access them with getters and setters:
private int var;
public int getVar() {
return var;
public void setVar(int _var) {
var = _var;
Modern IDEs like Eclipse and others help you doing this by providing features like "Implement Getters and Setters" and "Encapsulate Field" (which replaces all direct acccesses of variables with the corresponding getter and setter calls).

Is it confusing to omit the "private" keyword from a class definition?

I recently removed a private specified from a class definition because it was at the top, immediately after the class keyword:
class MyClass
int someVariable;
// ...
I thought that it was redundant.
A coworker disagreed with this, saying that it effectively "hid" the private nature of the data.
Most of our legacy code explicitly states the access specifiers, and usually intermingles them inconsistently throughout the definition. Our classes also tend to be very large.
I'm trying to make my newer classes small enough so that my class definitions are similar to:
class MyClass
// 3-4 lines of private variables
// 3-4 lines of protected functions
// public interface
which would allow omission of the redundant access specifier while (hopefully) keeping the private members close enough to the struct/class keyword for reference.
Am I sacrificing readability for brevity, or are the struct/class keywords sufficient?
If you are very familiar with all the default access levels then you probably won't see any difference in readability if you omit them whenever they are unnecessary.
However you will find that many people you work with aren't 100% sure about the default access level rules. This is especially true for people who regularly use different languages where the rules might be different in the different languages. As a result they might get the rules mixed up.
Always specifying the access is the safest option, if only to help the people you work with have one less thing to worry about.
Technically, "private" at the beginning of a class or "public" at the beginning of a struct is redundant, however I personally do not like the intermingled style but rather like to order by access and by declaration type. Readability is more important to me as brevity. So I would have a section "public methods", "private attributes" and so on and I format them as such:
class A
public: // methods
private: // methods
private: // attributes
This of course also generates redundant access declarations. Also, I like putting "public" stuff first because that's most important to users of the class. So, I need an access specifier at the beginning anyway. And I put "public" at the beginning of a "struct" as well.
While incorrect — strictly speaking — your coworker has a point; an experienced C++ programmer doesn't need the default access spoon fed to them, but a less experienced programmer might.
More to the point: most code I've seen and worked with puts the public stuff first, which renders the question moot.
I personally think that being very explicit is generally a good thing. The extra line of code is a small price to pay for the clarity that it adds.
In addition, it allows you to easily reorder your members (private must be first if it's omitted, which is really "backwards" from what you'd expect). If you reorder, and there's a private: modifier in place, other developers are less likely to break something.
Personally, I think it is much more clear with the private keyword included and I would keep it. Just to make sure it is private and everyone else knows it as well.
But I assume this is of personal taste and different for everyone.
I almost always arrange my classes backwards from yours: Public interface first, any protected interface second, and private data last. This is so that users of my classes can simply look at the public and protected interfaces at the top and need not look at the private data at all. Using that order then there's no possible redundancy and the question become moot.
If you prefer to organize yours in the way you outlined, I believe being explicit far outweighs the gain one of line of code. This way it's completely obvious to code readers what the intention is (for example if you change a struct to a class or the reverse at any point).
I often see the public part of a class/struct definition first, thus the protected/private stuff comes later.
It make sense, as a header file is meant to show what the public interface for your class actually is.
At the same time, why not use struct? public by default...
Still, it never hurts to be extra clear in your code as to what is going on. This is the same reason why I avoid the ternary operator and still put in the braces for an if statement that only has one line of code after it.
The most pressing issue though, is what are your companies code standards? Like them or not, that's the standard style you should do for your company, if they say do it such a way, you do it such a way.

Best practices for a class with many members

Any opinions on best way to organize members of a class (esp. when there are many) in C++. In particular, a class has lots of user parameters, e.g. a class that optimizes some function and has number of parameters such as # of iterations, size of optimization step, specific method to use, optimization function weights etc etc. I've tried several general approaches and seem to always find something non-ideal with it. Just curious others experiences.
struct within the class
struct outside the class
public member variables
private member variables with Set() & Get() functions
To be more concrete, the code I'm working on tracks objects in a sequence of images. So one important aspect is that it needs to preserve state between frames (why I didn't just make a bunch of functions). Significant member functions include initTrack(), trackFromLastFrame(), isTrackValid(). And there are a bunch of user parameters (e.g. how many points to track per object tracked, how much a point can move between frames, tracking method used etc etc)
If your class is BIG, then your class is BAD.
A class should respect the Single Responsibility Principle , i.e. : A class should do only one thing, but should do it well. (Well "only one" thing is extreme, but it should have only one role, and it has to be implemented clearly).
Then you create classes that you enrich by composition with those single-role little classes, each one having a clear and simple role.
BIG functions and BIG classes are nest for bugs, and misunderstanding, and unwanted side effects, (especially during maintainance), because NO MAN can learn in minutes 700 lines of code.
So the policy for BIG classes is: Refactor, Composition with little classes targetting only at what they have do.
if i had to choose one of the four solutions you listed: private class within a class.
in reality: you probably have duplicate code which should be reused, and your class should be reorganized into smaller, more logical and reusable pieces. as GMan said: refactor your code
First, I'd partition the members into two sets: (1) those that are internal-only use, (2) those that the user will tweak to control the behavior of the class. The first set should just be private member variables.
If the second set is large (or growing and changing because you're still doing active development), then you might put them into a class or struct of their own. Your main class would then have a two methods, GetTrackingParameters and SetTrackingParameters. The constructor would establish the defaults. The user could then call GetTrackingParameters, make changes, and then call SetTrackingParameters. Now, as you add or remove parameters, your interface remains constant.
If the parameters are simple and orthogonal, then they could be wrapped in a struct with well-named public members. If there are constraints that must be enforced, especially combinations, then I'd implement the parameters as a class with getters and setters for each parameter.
ObjectTracker tracker; // invokes constructor which gets default params
TrackerParams params = tracker.GetTrackingParameters();
params.number_of_objects_to_track = 3;
params.other_tracking_option = kHighestPrecision;
// Now start tracking.
If you later invent a new parameter, you just need to declare a new member in the TrackerParams and initialize it in ObjectTracker's constructor.
It all depends:
An internal struct would only be useful if you need to organize VERY many items. And if this is the case, you ought to reconsider your design.
An external struct would be useful if it will be shared with other instances of the same or different classes. (A model, or data object class/struct might be a good example)
Is only ever advisable for trivial, throw-away code.
This is the standard way of doing things but it all depends on how you'll be using the class.
Sounds like this could be a job for a template, the way you described the usage.
template class FunctionOptimizer <typename FUNCTION, typename METHOD,
typename PARAMS>
for example, where PARAMS encapsulates simple optimization run parameters (# of iterations etc) and METHOD contains the actual optimization code. FUNCTION describes the base function you are targeting for optimization.
The main point is not that this is the 'best' way to do it, but that if your class is very large there are likely smaller abstractions within it that lend themselves naturally to refactoring into a less monolithic structure.
However you handle this, you don't have to refactor all at once - do it piecewise, starting small, and make sure the code works at every step. You'll be surprised how much better you quickly feel about the code.
I don't see any benefit whatsoever to making a separate structure to hold the parameters. The class is already a struct - if it were appropriate to pass parameters by a struct, it would also be appropriate to make the class members public.
There's a tradeoff between public members and Set/Get functions. Public members are a lot less boilerplate, but they expose the internal workings of the class. If this is going to be called from code that you won't be able to refactor if you refactor the class, you'll almost certainly want to use Get and Set.
Assuming that the configuration options apply only to this class, use private variables that are manipulated by public functions with meaningful function names. SetMaxInteriorAngle() is much better than SetMIA() or SetParameter6(). Having getters and setters allows you to enforce consistency rules on the configuration, and can be used to compensate for certain amounts of change in the configuration interface.
If these are general settings, used by more than one class, then an external class would be best, with private members and appropriate functions.
Public data members are usually a bad idea, since they expose the class's implementation and make it impossible to have any guaranteed relation between them. Walling them off in a separate internal struct doesn't seem useful, although I would group them in the list of data members and set them off with comments.