How to place multiple control in single pane - mfc

I am using Xtreme Toolkit Pro for creating docking pane in my MFC application.
The Pane class allows to attach only one control (which is inherited from CWnd class) at a time. I want to add multiple controls in my pane. How can I achive it?
If any one has an experience in this or relevant area please share it with me.
Info about Xtreme tool kit docking panes:

Through the builtin dialog editor you can create a window with multiple control
Make sure the properties Appearance>Style is set to "Child" and Behavior>SystemModal is set to "False".
Then just attach the Dialog window handle to the docking pane.


How to limit numbers in edit box created in VS designer

I have a project in Visual Studio. There is a dialog that I created in the designer view, which results in a bunch of IDs and properties in the .rc file. One of the controls is an edit box with ES_NUMBER set.
How can I set a min and max? All the answers I see are for programmatically created controls where one subclasses CEdit. Is it even possible to spawn a subclassed edit control when using the .rc?
Use a auto-buddy Up-Down control.

Create a property sheet using a dialog template

I need to extend an existing MFC app with a UI that will end up very cluttered unless I use a tab control. However, the nature of the UI is that there are some controls that are global, and only some that can be localised to a particular tab.
The standard use of tab controls (CPropertySheet + CPropertyPage) more or less expects there only to be CPropertyPage instances (tabs) visible on the CPropertySheet object, and nothing else. There is a Microsoft Example Project that shows a single additional window painted outside the area occupied by the tab control... but it's not immediately clear how it is created/drawn/handled, and it is only one single additional window that generates few events (I guess it is painted, so there must be a WM_PAINT event handler lurking somewhere).
Is it possible to lay out a bunch of controls with the MS Dialog Editor, including a tab control, and create the CPropertySheet using that template, hook up event handlers in a nice way, etc... or some equivalent way of getting the MFC framework to do as much of the creating, drawing and event handling as possible when it comes to a situation like this?
Yes it is possible to create dialog templates and use them in a CPropertyPage.
Each CPropertyPage behaves nearly like a dialog and handles all events for the controls on it.
Also there are features like OnApply that help you to manage the data exchange between the controls and your internal storage.
The central CPropertySheet only creates the dialog that get active. So OnInintDialog for a page is called the first time when the page gets active.
In the MFC since 2010 are more possibilities than a CPropertySheet. You can create tabbed views, that again may be CFormViews. I don't like CDialog based applications so I would prefer a tabbed view in a standard frame with toolbar and menus if appropriate for the application. So another method to unclutter your UI is to choose the MDI interface with tabbed documents... but multiple documents maybe isn't what you want.
Here is a sample of an SDI application with multiple tabbed views.
Also Coeproject shows some more samples here and with splitters and tabs here.
There are at least three solutions paths:
Try to squeeze the situation into the CPropertySheet + CPropertyPage framework which does not naturally allow for additional dialog controls on the CPropertySheet object, and so you will get no framework support this
Place a tab control on an ordinary dialog, and then use the TCN_SELCHANGE messages to fire code that manually hides & shows individual dialog controls subject to the tab control (again no framework support, but this time "within" the tab control instead of outside it)
Follow Mark Ransom's observation that if you can embed one kind of CWnd-based control on a CPropertySheet then you can probably embed any such object, including a CDialog-based object that has been developed in the MFC Dialog Editor
All of these approaches are going to encounter challenges, and it will depend on the specifics of the situation as to which is better. But first you should really consider whether there is a cleaner UI design which would lend itself to a simpler solution.
In my specific case, I saw no cleaner design alternatives, and found it easiest to take the second approach. It left me with some reasonably simple calls to ShowWindow() to show/hide the controls inside the tab control.

Creating a Control Panel Applet similar to built in applets

I have created a Control panel applet. The icon is placed in the control panel. When I double click my icon, it just opens a notepad application.
What I have to implement is, when I double click on my icon, it should open the GUI similar to the UI of other the Control panel (Power options of control panel.)
My question is, do I need to create a separate windows forms application? or any other way is there?
Creating address bar similar to explorer is not possible, since MS has not exposed such control.
You can take a look at the following link...
MFC: Address Bar control like Windows Explorer

Qt how to create a settings/configuration window

I was trying to find an example of creating a settings/configuration windows. The settings window is launched by clicking "Options" action in the menu item. I wanted to figure out how to open up a 2nd window from the main window. As well how the new window return the settings information back to main window. Tried to play around with the QDialog or some inherited dialog classes, but those are for limited uses, not for general setting window. Is there any example/documentation about this?
Have you seen this property browser. Similar to property editor in Qt Designer. qtpropertybrowser Image

regarding mfc dialog bar

I am new to MFC and VC++ programming. I have two questions:
How do I make a resizable dialog bar?
How do I give background color for a dockable dialog bar?
So i assume we are working in visual studios 2008 or similar and i assume you have an MFC SDI or MDI application that you are working on.
Open the resource viewer (View->resource view).
Expand the project that you would like to place the dialog in.
Expand to the dialog folder.
Right click this folder and click add resource.
Expand and add a new dialog bar.
Give it any properties you like using the properties window.
To (display/ give context) your dialog bar, instantiate and get the
handle of the dialog. Like
GetDlgItem(ID)-> ShowWindow(SW_SHOW);//show
Where ID is the id of the dialog. You can obtain this by going into the resource viewer, right click on the dialog, properties, and the ID is given in there.