Repository Pattern - POCOs or IQueryable? - repository-pattern

I'm new to the Repository Pattern and after doing a lot of reading on the web I have a rough understanding of what is going on, but there seems to be a conflict of ideas.
One is what the IRepository should return.
I would like to deal in ONLY Pocos so I would have an IRepository implementation for every aggregate root, like so:
public class OrangeRepository: IOrangeRepository
public Orange GetOrange(IOrangeCriteria criteria);
where IOrangeCriteria takes a number of arguments specific to finding an Orange.
The other thing I have is a number of data back-ends - this is why I got into this pattern in the first place. I imagine I will have an implementation for each, e.g
OrangeRepositoryOracle, OrangeRepositorySQL, OrangeRepositoryMock etc
I would like to keep it open so that I could use EF or NHibernate - again if my IOrangeRepository deals in POCOs then I would encapsulate this within the Repository itself, by implementing a OrangeRepositoryNHibernate etc.
Am I on the right lines?
EDIT: Thanks for the feedback, I don't have anyone else to bounce these ideas off at the moment so it is appreciated!

Yes, your version is the safest / most compatible one. You can still use it with about any resources, not only data access ones, but with web services, files, whatever.
Note that with the IQueryable version you still get to work based on your POCOs classes, but you are tied to the IQueryable. Also consider that you could be having code that uses the IQueryable and then turns out it you hit a case where one of the repository's ORM doesn't handle it well.

I use the same pattern as you do. I like it a lot. You can get your data from any resources.
But the advantage of using IQuerable is that you do not have to code your own criteria API like the OrangeCriteria.
When NHibernate gets full Linq support then I may switch to the IQueryable.
Then you get
public class OrangeRepository: IOrangeRepository {
public IQueryable<Orange> GetOranges();


Please explain the Repository-, Mapping-, and Business-Layer relations and responsibilities

I've been reading a lot about this stuff and I am currently in the middle of the development of a larger web-application and its corresponding back-end.
However, I've started with a design where I ask a Repository to fetch data from the database and map it into a DTO. Why DTO? Simply because until now basically everything was simple stuff and no more complexity was necessary. If it got a bit more complex then I started to map e.g. 1-to-n relations directly in the service layer. Something like:
// This is Service-Layer
public List<CarDTO> getCarsFromOwner(Long carOwnerId) {
// Entering Repository-Layer
List<CarDTO> cars = this.carRepository = this.carRepository.getCars(carOwnerId);
Map<Long, List<WheelDTO>> wheelMap = this.wheelRepository.getWheels(carId);
for(CarDTO car : cars) {
List<WheelDTO> wheels = wheelMap.get(car.getId());
return cars;
This works of course but it turns out that sometimes things are getting more complex than this and I'm starting to realize that the code might look quite ugly if I don't do anything about this.
Of course, I could load wheelMap in the CarRepository, do the wheel-mapping there and only return complete objects, but since SQL queries can sometimes look quite complex I don't want to fetch all cars and their wheels plus taking care of the mapping in getCars(Long ownerId).
I'm clearly missing a Business-Layer, right? But I'm simply not able to get my head around its best practice.
Let's assume I have Car and a Owner business-objects. Would my code look something like this:
// This is Service-Layer
public List<CarDTO> getCarsFromOwner(Long carOwnerId) {
// The new Business-Layer
CarOwner carOwner = new CarOwner(carOwnerId);
List<Car> cars = carOwner.getAllCars();
return cars;
which looks as simple as it can be, but what would happen on the inside? The question is aiming especially at CarOwner#getAllCars().
I imagine that this function would use Mappers and Repositories in order to load the data and that especially the relational mapping part is taken care of:
List<CarDTO> cars = this.carRepository = this.carRepository.getCars(carOwnerId);
Map<Long, List<WheelDTO>> wheelMap = this.wheelRepository.getWheels(carId);
for(CarDTO car : cars) {
List<WheelDTO> wheels = wheelMap.get(car.getId());
But how? Is the CarMapper providing functions getAllCarsWithWheels() and getAllCarsWithoutWheels()? This would also move the CarRepository and the WheelRepository into CarMapper but is this the right place for a repository?
I'd be happy if somebody could show me a good practical example for the code above.
Additional Information
I'm not using an ORM - instead I'm going with jOOQ. It's essentially just a type-safe way to write SQL (and it makes quite fun using it btw).
Here is an example how that looks like:
public List<CompanyDTO> getCompanies(Long adminId) {
LOGGER.debug("Loading companies for user ..");
Table<?> companyEmployee =
List<CompanyDTO> fetchInto =, COMPANY.NAME)
return fetchInto;
Pattern Repository belongs to the group of patterns for data access objects and usually means an abstraction of storage for objects of the same type. Think of Java collection that you can use to store your objects - which methods does it have? How it operates?
By this defintion, Repository cannot work with DTOs - it's a storage of domain entities. If you have only DTOs, then you need more generic DAO or, probably, CQRS pattern. It is common to have separate interface and implementation of a Repository, as it's done, for example, in Spring Data (it generates implementation automatically, so you have only to specify the interface, probably, inheriting basic CRUD operations from common superinterface CrudRepository).
class Car {
private long ownerId;
private List<Wheel> wheels;
interface CarRepository extends CrudRepository<Car,Long> {
List<Car> findByOwnerId(long id);
Things get complicated, when your domain model is a tree of objects and you store them in relational database. By definition of this problem you need an ORM. Every piece of code that loads relational content into object model is an ORM, so your repository will have an ORM as an implementation. Typically, JPA ORMs do the wiring of objects behind the scene, simpler solutions like custom mappers based on JOOQ or plain JDBC have to do it manually. There's no silver bullet that will solve all ORM problems efficiently and correctly: if you have chosen to write custom mapping, it's still better to keep the wiring inside the repository, so business layer (services) will operate with true object models.
In your example, CarRepository knows about Cars. Car knows about Wheels, so CarRepository already has transitive dependency on Wheels. In CarRepository#findByOwnerId() method you can either fetch the Wheels for a Car directly in the same query by adding a join, or delegate this task to WheelRepository and then only do the wiring. User of this method will receive fully-initialized object tree. Example:
class CarRepositoryImpl implements CarRepository {
public List<Car> findByOwnerId(long id) {
// pseudocode for some database query interface
String sql = select(CARS).join(WHEELS);
final Map<Long, Car> carIndex = new HashMap<>();
execute(sql, record -> {
long carId = record.get(CAR_ID);
Car car = carIndex.putIfAbsent(carId, Car::new);
... // map the car if necessary
Wheel wheel = ...; // map the wheel
return carIndex.values().stream().collect(toList());
What's the role of business layer (sometimes also called service layer)? Business layer performs business-specific operations on objects and, if these operations are required to be atomic, manages transactions. Basically, it knows, when to signal transaction start, transaction commit and rollback, but has no underlying knowledge about what these messages will actually trigger in transaction manager implementation. From business layer perspective, there are only operations on objects, boundaries and isolation of transactions and nothing else. It does not have to be aware of mappers or whatever sits behind Repository interface.
In my opinion, there is no correct answer.
This really depends upon the chosen design decision, which itself depends upon your stack and your/team's comfort.
Case 1:
I disagree with below highlighted sections in your statement:
"Of course, I could load wheelMap in the CarRepository, do the wheel-mapping there and only return complete objects, but since SQL queries can sometimes look quite complex I don't want to fetch all cars and their wheels plus taking care of the mapping in getCars(Long ownerId)"
sql join for the above will be simple. Additionally, it might be faster as databases are optimized for joins and fetching data.
Now, i called this approach as Case1 because this could be followed if you decide to pull data via your repository using sql joins. Instead of just using sql for simple CRUD and then manipulating objects in java. (below)
Case2: Repository is just used to fetch data for "each" domain object which corresponds to "one" table.
In this case what you are doing is already correct.
If you will never use WheelDTO separately, then there is no need to make a separate service for it. You can prepare everything in the Car service.
But, if you need WheelDTO separately, then make different services for each. In this case, there can be a helper layer on top of service layer to perform object creation. I do not suggest implementing an orm from scratch by making repositories and loading all joins for every repo (use hibernate or mybatis directly instead)
Again IMHO, whichever approach you take out of the above, the service or business layers just complement it. So, there is no hard and fast rule, try to be flexible according to your requirements. If you decide to use ORM, some of the above will again change.

Ember-Router: dynamically create state from a recursive path

I need a way for ember router to route to a recursive path.
For Example:
Can this be done with Embers router, and if so, how?
I've been looking for examples, tearing apart the source, and I've pretty much come to the conclusion, it's not possible.
In a previous question, someone had pointed me to a way to get the url manually and split it, but I'm stuck at creating the state for the router to resolve to.
As of now, in my project, I currently just use the Ember.HashLocation to setup my own state manager.
The reason for the need of this, is because the module definitions are stored in a database, and at any given point a submodule of a submodule, recursively, could be added. So I'm trying to make the Application Engine handle the change.
Do your submodules in the database not have unique IDs? It seems to me that rather than representing your hierarchy in the path, you should just go straight to the appropriate module or submodule. Of course the hierarchy is still in your data model, but it shouldn't have to be represented in your routing scheme. Just use:
And don't encode the hierarchy in the routes. I understand it might be natural to do so, but there's probably not a technical reason to.
If your submodules don't have unique ids, it's maybe a little could build a unique ID by concatenating the ancestor ids together (say, with underscores), which is similar to splitting the URL, but a little cleaner probably. I will say that Ember/Ember Data doesn't seem to be too easy to use with entities with composite keys--if everything has a simple numeric key everything becomes easier (anyone want to argue with me on this, please explain to me how!).
DO you mean like this: {

Return record from a database table using Apache CXF

I am using Apache CXF (apache-cxf-2.5.0) to create Web Services using a bottom-up approach (Java first approach). I want to return some data/records (for example, username, email) from a database table. I can write a Java class which returns a simple response. But I am not able to find way to return a response such as data/records extracted from a database table. How to do that?
You don't mention how you are accessing the database, but the basic idea is that you ensure that the classes that you return have JAXB annotations (notably #XmlRootElement or #XmlType) on them, which allows CXF to convert the instances of those classes into XML document fragments. The classes which you annotate this way probably should not have lots of functionality in them; they should exist just to hold data. (I find anything else too confusing given the complex lifecycle they'll have.) Once the annotations are in place, just return the relevant objects and all the conversions will happen automatically.
I'm talking a simple class like this:
#XmlRootElement // <---- THIS LINE HERE!
public class UserInfo {
public String username;
public String email;
You can use this in conjunction with other annotations (e.g., for your ORM) as necessary. Of course, if you're talking straight JDBC to the DB to get the information out, you won't need to worry about that.
The one tricky bit is that the objects being returned will have a lifespan that goes beyond that of the database transaction you're using; you may need to detach (i.e., do some copying, though the ORM layer might provide assistance) the objects extracted from the DB for that to work. This won't be much of a concern in this case as the DB you're describing is very simple (one table, no inter-row relations) but could be an issue if you make things more complex.

Save data through a web service using NHibernate?

We currently have an application that retrieves data from the server through a web service and populates a DataSet. Then the users of the API manipulate it through the objects which in turn change the dataset. The changes are then serialized, compressed and sent back to the server to get updated.
However, I have begin using NHibernate within projects and I really like the disconnected nature of the POCO objects. The problem we have now is that our objects are so tied to the internal DataSet that they cannot be used in many situations and we end up making duplicate POCO objects to pass back and forth.
Batch.GetBatch() -> calls to web server and populates an internal dataset
Batch.SaveBatch() -> send changes to web server from dataset
Is there a way to achieve a similar model that we are using which all database access occurs through a web service but use NHibernate?
Edit 1
I have a partial solution that is working and persisting through a web service but it has two problems.
I have to serialize and send my whole collection and not just changed items
If I try to repopulate the collection upon return my objects then any references I had are lost.
Here is my example solution.
Client Side
public IList<Job> GetAll()
return coreWebService
public IList<Job> Save(IList<Job> Jobs)
return coreWebService
Server Side
public byte[] GetJobs()
using (ISession session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession())
return (from j in session.Linq<Job>()
select j).ToList().BinarySerialize();
public byte[] Save(byte[] JobBytes)
var Jobs = JobBytes.BinaryDeserialize<IList<Job>>();
using (ISession session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession())
using (ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
foreach (var job in Jobs)
return Jobs.BinarySerialize();
As you can see I am sending the whole collection to the server each time and then returning the whole collection. But I'm getting a replaced collection instead of a merged/updated collection. Not to mention the fact that it seems highly inefficient to send all the data back and forth when only part of it could be changed.
Edit 2
I have seen several references on the web for almost a transparent persistent mechanism. I'm not exactly sure if these will work and most of them look highly experimental.
ADO.NET Data Services w/NHibernate (Ayende)
ADO.NET Data Services w/NHibernate (Wildermuth)
Custom Lazy-loadable Business Collections with NHibernate
NHibernate and WCF is Not a Perfect Match
Spring.NET, NHibernate, WCF Services and Lazy Initialization
How to use NHibernate Lazy Initializing Proxies with Web Services or WCF
I'm having a hard time finding a replacement for the DataSet model we are using today. The reason I want to get away from that model is because it takes a lot of work to tie every property of every class to a row/cell of a dataset. Then it also tightly couples all of my classes together.
I've only taken a cursory look at your question, so forgive me if my response is shortsighted but here goes:
I don't think you can logically get away from doing a mapping from domain object to DTO.
By using the domain objects over the wire you are tightly coupling your client and service, part of the reason to have a service in the first place is to promote loose coupling. So that's an immediate issue.
On top of that you're going to end up with a brittle domain logic interface where you can't make changes on the service side without breaking your client.
I suspect your best bet would be to implement a loosely coupled service which implements a REST / or some other loosely coupled interface. You could use a product such as automapper to make the conversions simpler and easier and also flatten data structures as necessary.
At this point I don't know of any way to really cut down the verbosity involved in doing the interface layers but having worked on large projects that didn't make the effort I can honestly tell you the savings wasn't worth it.
I think your issue revolves around this issue:
Are you or are you not going to send ORM-Entities over the wire?
Since you have a Services-Oriented architecture.. I (like the author) do not recommend this practice.
I use NHibernate. I call those ORM-Entities. They are THE POCO model. But they have "virtual" properties that allow for lazy-loading.
However, I also have some DTO-Objects. These are also POCO's. These do not have lazy'loading friendly properties.
So I do alot of "converting". I hydrate ORM-Entities (with NHibernate)...and then I end up converting them to Domain-DTO-Objects. Yes, it stinks in the beginning.
The server sends out the Domain-DTO-Objects's. There is NO lazy loading. I have to populate them with the "Goldie Locks" "just right" model. Aka, if I need Parent(s) with one level of children, I have to know that up front and send the Domain-DTO-Objects over that way, with just the right amount of hydration.
WHen I send back Domain-DTO-Objects's (from client to the server), I have to reverse the process. I convert the Domain-DTO-Objects into ORM-Entities. And allow NHibernate to work with the ORM-Entities.
Because the architecture is "disconnected", I do alot of (NHiberntae) ".Merge()" calls.
// ormItem is any NHibernate poco
using (ISession session = ISessionCreator.OpenSession())
using (ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
ParkingAreaNHEntity mergedItem = session.Merge(ormItem);
.Merge is a wonderful thing. Entity Framework does not have it. Boo.
Is this alot of setup? Yes.
Do I think it is perfect? No.
However. Because I send very basic DTO's(Poco's) that are not "flavored" to the ORM, I have the ability to switch ORM's without killing my contracts to the outside world.
My datalayer can be ADO.NET, EF, NHibernate, or anything. I have to write the "Converters" if I switch, and the ORM code, but everything else is isolated.
Many people argue with me. They said I'm doing too much, and the ORM-Entities are fine.
Again, I like to "now allow any lazy loading" appearances. And I prefer to have my data-layer isolated. My clients should not know or care about my data-layer/orm of choice.
There are just enough subtle differences (or some not so subtle ones) between EF and NHibernate to screwball the game plan.
Do my Domain-DTO-Objects's look 95% like my ORM-Entities? Yep. But its the 5% that can screwball you.
Moving from DataSets, especially if they are populated from stored-procedures with alot of biz-logic in the TSQL, isn't trivial. But now that I do object model, and I NEVER write a stored procedure that isn't simple CRUD functions, I'd never go back.
And I hate maintenance projects with voodoo TSQL in the stored procedures. It ain't 1999 anymore. Well, most places.
Good luck.
PS Without .Merge(in EF), here is what you have to do in a disconnected world: (boo microsoft)

Data clean-up; what layer?

I have an app built on Model-Glue: Unity that contains some search forms. I need to trim leading and trailing spaces from search strings before using them to query the database. I'm also keeping the search terms in a bean that a user can save and re-use.
My problem is that I am unsure where to perform that trim(). The bean seems to be the wrong place for it, as I'm keeping the bean simple (no logic). Normally I would take care of that when updating the bean, but I'm using MakeEventBean to keep things simple. Re-touching all of the data in the Service layer seems an unnecessary layer of overhead. And, lastly, doing it in the datalayer with the actual SQL query doesn't seem right either. It'll work, but the information in my search bean will still be wrong.
What have you done in such cases?
Disclaimer: I'm not a MG user, so I'm not sure if this will be good and possible approach. Just want to share the idea.
In case of Transfer ORM beans I do such specific things in decorators which extend auto-generated beans.
For example, I can easily override setter setSearchPhrase(phrase), where trim the argument value and invoke original method.
I ended up making my Beans a little smarter than they were. Rather than monkey with every single setThing() method, I added a trimAll() method simple applied a trim() to each of the private properties in the Bean.