When is it necessary to implement locking when using pthreads in C++? - c++

After posting my solution to my own problem regarding memory issues, nusi suggested that my solution lacks locking.
The following pseudo code vaguely represents my solution in a very simple way.
std::map<int, MyType1> myMap;
void firstFunctionRunFromThread1()
MyType1 mt1;
mt1.Test = "Test 1";
myMap[0] = mt1;
void onlyFunctionRunFromThread2()
MyType1 &mt1 = myMap[0];
std::cout << mt1.Test << endl; // Prints "Test 1"
mt1.Test = "Test 2";
void secondFunctionFromThread1()
MyType1 mt1 = myMap[0];
std::cout << mt1.Test << endl; // Prints "Test 2"
I'm not sure at all how to go about implementing locking, and I'm not even sure why I should do it (note the actual solution is much more complex). Could someone please explain how and why I should implement locking in this scenario?

One function (i.e. thread) modifies the map, two read it. Therefore a read could be interrupted by a write or vice versa, in both cases the map will probably be corrupted. You need locks.

Actually, it's not even just locking that is the issue...
If you really want thread two to ALWAYS print "Test 1", then you need a condition variable.
The reason is that there is a race condition. Regardless of whether or not you create thread 1 before thread 2, it is possible that thread 2's code can execute before thread 1, and so the map will not be initialized properly. To ensure that no one reads from the map until it has been initialized you need to use a condition variable that thread 1 modifies.
You also should use a lock with the map, as others have mentioned, because you want threads to access the map as though they are the only ones using it, and the map needs to be in a consistent state.
Here is a conceptual example to help you think about it:
Suppose you have a linked list that 2 threads are accessing. In thread 1, you ask to remove the first element from the list (at the head of the list), In thread 2, you try to read the second element of the list.
Suppose that the delete method is implemented in the following way: make a temporary ptr to point at the second element in the list, make the head point at null, then make the head the temporary ptr...
What if the following sequence of events occur:
-T1 removes the heads next ptr to the second element
- T2 tries to read the second element, BUT there is no second element because the head's next ptr was modified
-T1 completes removing the head and sets the 2nd element as the head
The read by T2 failed because T1 didn't use a lock to make the delete from the linked list atomic!
That is a contrived example, and isn't necessarily how you would even implement the delete operation; however, it shows why locking is necessary: it is necessary so that operations performed on data are atomic. You do not want other threads using something that is in an inconsistent state.
Hope this helps.

In general, threads might be running on different CPUs/cores, with different memory caches. They might be running on the same core, with one interrupting ("pre-empting" the other). This has two consequences:
1) You have no way of knowing whether one thread will be interrupted by another in the middle of doing something. So in your example, there's no way to be sure that thread1 won't try to read the string value before thread2 has written it, or even that when thread1 reads it, it is in a "consistent state". If it is not in a consistent state, then using it might do anything.
2) When you write to memory in one thread, there is no telling if or when code running in another thread will see that change. The change might sit in the cache of the writer thread and not get flushed to main memory. It might get flushed to main memory but not make it into the cache of the reader thread. Part of the change might make it through, and part of it not.
In general, without locks (or other synchronization mechanisms such as semaphores) you have no way of saying whether something that happens in thread A will occur "before" or "after" something that happens in thread B. You also have no way of saying whether or when changes made in thread A will be "visible" in thread B.
Correct use of locking ensures that all changes are flushed through the caches, so that code sees memory in the state you think it should see. It also allows you to control whether particular bits of code can run simultaneously and/or interrupt each other.
In this case, looking at your code above, the minimum locking you need is to have a synchronisation primitive which is released/posted by the second thread (the writer) after it has written the string, and acquired/waited on by the first thread (the reader) before using that string. This would then guarantee that the first thread sees any changes made by the second thread.
That's assuming the second thread isn't started until after firstFunctionRunFromThread1 has been called. If that might not be the case, then you need the same deal with thread1 writing and thread2 reading.
The simplest way to actually do this is to have a mutex which "protects" your data. You decide what data you're protecting, and any code which reads or writes the data must be holding the mutex while it does so. So first you lock, then read and/or write the data, then unlock. This ensures consistent state, but on its own it does not ensure that thread2 will get a chance to do anything at all in between thread1's two different functions.
Any kind of message-passing mechanism will also include the necessary memory barriers, so if you send a message from the writer thread to the reader thread, meaning "I've finished writing, you can read now", then that will be true.
There can be more efficient ways of doing certain things, if those prove too slow.

The whole idea is to prevent the program from going into an indeterminate/unsafe state due to multiple threads accessing the same resource(s) and/or updating/modifying the resource so that the subsequent state becomes undefined. Read up on Mutexes and Locking (with examples).

The set of instructions created as a result of compiling your code can be interleaved in any order. This can yield unpredictable and undesired results. For example, if thread1 runs before thread2 is selected to run, your output may look like:
Test 1
Test 1
Worse yet, one thread may get pre-empted in the middle of assigning - if assignment is not an atomic operation. In this case let's think of atomic as the smallest unit of work which can not be further split.
In order to create a logically atomic set of instructions -- even if they yield multiple machine code instructions in reality -- is to use a lock or mutex. Mutex stands for "mutual exclusion" because that's exactly what it does. It ensures exclusive access to certain objects or critical sections of code.
One of the major challenges in dealing with multiprogramming is identifying critical sections. In this case, you have two critical sections: where you assign to myMap, and where you change myMap[ 0 ]. Since you don't want to read myMap before writing to it, that is also a critical section.

The simplest answer is: you have to lock whenever there is an access to some shared resources, which are not atomics. In your case myMap is shared resource, so you have to lock all reading and writing operations on it.


What is the best architecture to frequently communicate values between multiple threads?

I am writing an application in C++14 that consists of a master thread and multiple slave threads. The master thread coordinates the slave threads which coordinately perform a search, each exploring a part of the search space. A slave thread sometimes encounters a bound on the search. Then it communicates this bound to the master thread which sends the bound to all other slave threads so that they can possibly narrow their searches.
A slave thread must very frequently check whether there is a new bound available, possibly at the entrance of a loop.
What would be the best way to communicate the bound to the slave threads? I can think of using std::atomic<int>, but I am afraid of the performance implications this has whenever the variable is read inside the loop.
The simplest way here is IMO to not overthink this. Just use a std::mutex for each thread, protecting a std::queue that the boundary information is in. Have the main thread wait on a std::condition_variable that each child can lock, write to a "new boundary" queue , then signals te cv, which the main thread then wakes up and copies the value to each child one at at time. As you said in your question, at the top of their loops, the child threads can check their thread-specific queue to see if there's additional bounding conditions.
You actually don't NEED the "main thread" in this. You could have the children write to all other children's queues directly (still mutex-protected), as long as you're careful to avoid deadlock, it would work that way too.
All of these classes can be seen in the thread support library, with decent documentation here.
Yes there's interrupt-based ways of doing things, but in this case polling is relatively cheap because it's not a lot of threads smashing on one mutex, but mostly thread-specific mutexes, and mutexes aren't all that expensive to lock, check, unlock quickly. You're not "holding" on to them for long periods, and thus it's OK. It's a bit of a test really: do you NEED the additional complexity of lock-free? If it's only a dozen (or less) threads, then probably not.
Basically you could make a bet with your architecture that a single write to a primitive datatype is atomic. As you only have one writer, your program would not break if you use the volatile keyword to prevent compiler optimizations that might perform updates to it only in local caches.
However everybody serious about doing things right(tm) will tell you otherwise. Have a look at this article to get a pretty good riskassessment: http://preshing.com/20130618/atomic-vs-non-atomic-operations/
So if you want to be on the safe side, which I recommend, you need to follow the C++ standard. As the C++ standard does not guarantee any atomicity even for the simplest operations, you are stuck with using std::atomic. But honestly, I don't think it is too bad. Sure there is a lock involved, but you can balance out the reading frequency with the benefit of knowing the new boundary early.
To prevent polling the atomic variable, you could use the POSIX signal mechanism to notify slave threads of an update (make sure it works with the platform you are programming for). If that benefits performance or not needs to be seen.
This is actually very simple. You only have to be aware of how things work to be confident the simple solution is not broken. So, what you need is two things:
1. Be sure the variable is written/read to/from memory every time you access it.
2. Be sure you read it in an atomic way, which means you have to read the full value in one go, or if it is not done naturally, have a cheap test to verify it.
To address #1, you have to declare it volatile. Make sure the volatile keyword is applied to the variable itself. Not it's pointer of anything like that.
To address #2, it depends on the type. On x86/64 accesses to integer types is atomic as long as they are aligned to their size. That is, int32_t has to be aligned to 4 bit boundary, and int64_t has to be aligned to 8 byte boundary.
So you may have something like this:
struct Params {
volatile uint64_t bound __attribute__((aligned(8)));
If your bounds variable is more complex (a struct) but still fits in 64 bits, you may union it with uint64_t and use the same attribute and volatile as above.
If it's too big for 64 bit, you will need some sort of a lock to ensure you did not read half stale value. The best lock for your circumstances (single writer, multiple readers) is a sequence lock. A sequence lock is simply an volatile int, like above, that serves as the version of the data. Its value starts from 0 and advances 2 on every update. You increment it by 1 before updating the protected value, and again afterwards. The net result is that even numbers are stable states and odd numbers are transient (value updating). In the readers you do this:
1. Read the version. If not changed - return
2. Read till you get an even number
3. Read the protected variable
4. Read the version again. If you get the same number as before - you're good
5. Otherwise - back to step 2
This is actually one of the topics in my next article. I'll implement that in C++ and let you know. Meanwhile, you can look at the seqlock in the linux kernel.
Another word of caution - you need compiler barriers between your memory accesses so that the compiler does not reorder things it should really not. That's how you do it in gcc:
asm volatile ("":::"memory");

Mutex granularity

I have a question regarding threads. It is known that basically when we call for mutex(lock) that means that thread keeps on executing the part of code uninterrupted by other threads until it meets mutex(unlock). (At least that's what they say in the book) So my question is if it is actually possible to have several scoped WriteLocks which do not interfere with each other. For example something like this:
If I have a buffer with N elements without any new elements coming, however with high frequency updates (like change value of Kth element) is it possible to set a different lock on each element so that the only time threads would stall and wait is if actually 2 or more threads are trying to update the same element?
To answer your question about N mutexes: yes, that is indeed possible. What resources are protected by a mutex depends entirely on you as the user of that mutex.
This leads to the first (statement) part of your question. A mutex by itself does not guarantee that a thread will work uninterrupted. All it guarantees is MUTual EXclusion - if thread B attempts to lock a mutex which thread A has locked, thread B will block (execute no code) until thread A unlocks the mutex.
This means mutexes can be used to guarantee that a thread executes a block of code uninterrupted; but this works only if all threads follow the same mutex-locking protocol around that block of code. Which means it is your responsibility to assign semantics (or meaning) to each individual mutex, and correctly adhere to those semantics in your code.
If you decide for the semantics to be "I have an array a of N data elements and an array m of N mutexes, and accessing a[i] can only be done when m[i] is locked," then that's how it will work.
The need to consistently stick to the same protocol is why you should generally encapsulate the mutex and the code/data protected by it in a class in some way or another, so that outside code doesn't need to know the details of the protocol. It just knows "call this member function, and the synchronisation will happen automagically." This "automagic" will be the class correcrtly implementing the protocol.
A crucial consideration when deciding between a mutex per array and a mutex per element is whether there are operations - like tracking the number of "in-use" array elements, the "active" element, or moving a pointer-to-array to a larger buffer - that can only be done safely by one thread while all the others are blocked.
A lesser but sometimes important consideration is the amount of extra memory more mutexes use.
If you genuinely need to do this kind of update as quickly as possible in a highly contested multi-threaded program, you may also want to learn about lock-free atomic types and their compare-and-swap / exchange operations, but I'd recommend against considering that unless profiling the existing locking is significant in your overall program performance.
A mutex does not stop other threads from running completely, it only stops other threads from locking the same mutex. I.e. while one thread is keeping the mutex locked, the operating system continues to do context switches letting other threads run also, but if any other thread is trying to lock the same mutex its execution will be halted until the mutex is unlocked.
So yes, you can indeed have several different mutexes and lock/unlock them independently. Just beware of deadlocks, i.e. if one thread can lock more than one mutex at a time you can run into a situation where thread 1 has locked mutex A and is trying to lock mutex B but blocks because thread 2 already has mutex B locked and it is trying to lock mutex A..
Its not completely clear that your use case is:
the threads gets a buffer assigned on that they have to work
the threads have some results and request a special buffer to update.
On the first variant you need some assignment logic that assigns a buffer to a thread.
This logic has to be exectued in an atomic way. so the best is to use a mutex to protect the assignment logic.
On the other variant it may be the best to have a vector of mutexes, one for each buffer element.
In Both cases the buffer does not need a protection because it (or better each field of it) is only accessed from one thread at a time.
You also may inform yourself about 'semaphores'. These contain a counter that allows to manage ressources that have a limited amount but more than one. Mutexes are a special case of semaphores with n=1.
You can have mutex per entry, C++11 mutex can be easily converted into an adaptive-spinlock, so you can achieve good CPU/Latency tradeoff.
Or, if you need very low latency yet have enough CPUs you can use an atomic "busy" flag per entry and spin in a tight compare-exchange loop on contention.
From experience, though, the best performance and scalability are achieved when concurrent writes are serialized via a command queue (or a queue of smaller immutable buffers to be concatenated at destination) and a single thread processing the queue.

Do I need mutex for 1 reader and 1 writer where I don't mind losing some writes?

I have a ROS node running two threads and they both share the same class. This class has two sets of parameters "to read" and "to write" to be updated in a control loop.
There are two situations where questions arises.
My program is a node that pumps control data into a quadrotor (case 1) and reads the drone data to get feedback (case 2). Here I can control the execution frequency of thread A and I know the frequency at which thread B can communicate with its read/write external source.
The thread A reads data from the control source and updates the "to read" parameters. The thread B is constantly reading this "to read" parameters and writting them into the drone source. My point here is that I don't mind if I miss some of the values A thread has read, but thread B could happen to read something that's not a "true" value because thread A is writting or something similar?
The thread B after writting the "to read" parameters, reads the state of the drone that will update the second set "to write". Again thread A needs to read this "to write" parameters and write them back to the control source, the same way I don't care if a value is missed because I'll get the next one.
So do I need a mutex here? Or the reading threads will just miss some values but the ones read will be correct and consistent?
BTW: I am using boost:threads to implement the thread B as the thread A it's the ROS node itself.
A data race is undefined behavior. Even if the hardware guarantees atomic access and even your threads never actually access the same data at the same time due to timings. There is no such thing as a benign data race in C++. You can get lucky that the undefined behavior does what you want, but you can never be sure and every new compilation could break everything (not just a missed write). I strongly suggest you use an std::atomic. It will most likely generate almost the same code except that it is guaranteed to always work.
In general the answer is that you need a lock or some other type of synchronization mechanism. For example, if your data is a null-terminated string it's possible for you to read interleaved data. Say one thread was reading the buffer and the string in the buffer is "this is a test". The thread copies the first four bytes and then another thread comes in and overwrites the buffer with "cousin it is crazy". You'd end up copying "thisin it is crazy". That's just one example of things that could go wrong.
If you're always copying atomic types and everything is fixed length, then you could get away with it. But if you do, your data is potentially inconsistent. If two values are supposed to be related, it's possible for that relationship now to be broken because you read one value from the previous update and one value from the new update.

What could happen if two threads access the same bool variable at the same time?

I have a cross platform c++ program where I'm using the boost libraries to create an asynchronous timer.
I have a global variable:
bool receivedInput = false;
One thread waits for and processes input
string argStr;
while (1)
getline(cin, argStr);
receivedInput = true;
The other thread runs a timer where a callback gets called every 10 seconds. In that callback, I check to see if I've received a message
if (receivedInput)
//set up timer to fire again in 10 seconds
receivedInput = false;
So is this safe? For the read in thread 2, I think it wouldn't matter since the condition will evaluate to either true or false. But I'm unsure what would happen if both threads try to set receivedInput at the same time. I also made my timer 3x longer than the period I expect to receive input so I'm not worried about a race condition.
To solve this I used boost::unique_lock when I set receivedInput and boost::shared_lock when I read receivedInput. I used an example from here
This is fundamentally unsafe. After thread 1 has written true to receivedInput it isn't guaranteed that thread 2 will see the new value. For example, the compiler may optimize your code making certain assumptions about the value of receivedInput at the time it is used as the if condition or caching it in a register, so you are not guaranteed that main memory will actually be read at the time the if condition is evaluated. Also, both compiler and CPU may change the order of reads and writes for optimization, for example true may be written to receivedInput before getLine() and processArguments().
Moreover, relying on timing for synchronization is a very bad idea since often you have no guarantees as to the amount of CPU time each thread will get in a given time interval or whether it will be scheduled in a given time interval at all.
A common mistake is to think that making receivedInput volatile may help here. In fact, volatile guarantees that values are actually read/written to the main memory (instead of for example being cached in a register) and that reads and writes of the variable are ordered with respect to each other. However, it does not guarantee that the reads and writes of the volatile variable are ordered with respect to other instructions.
You need memory barriers or a proper synchronization mechanism for this to work as you expect.
You would have to check your threading standard. Assuming we're talking about POSIX threads, this is explicitly undefined behavior -- an object may not be accessed by one thread while another thread is or might be modifying it. Anything can happen.
If your threads use the value of receivedInput to control independent code blocks, but not to synchronize with each other, there is one simple solution:
add "volatile" before receivedInput, so the compiler will not do the optimization preventing the threads share the value of receivedInput.

How do I safely read a variable from one thread and modify it from another?

I have a class instances which is being used in multiple threads. I am updating multiple member variables from one thread and reading the same member variables from one thread. What is the correct way to maintain the thread safety?
obj1.memberV1 = 1;
//unlock here?
Should I unlock the mutex over here? ( if another thread access the obj1 member variables 1 and 2 now, the accessed data might not be correct because memberV2 has not yet be updated. However, if I does not release the lock, the other thread might block because there is time consuming operation below.
//perform some time consuming operation which must be done before the assignment to memberV2 and after the assignment to memberV1
obj1.memberV2 = update field 2 from some calculation
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex1) //should I only unlock here?
Your locking is correct. You should not release the lock early just to allow another thread to proceed (because that would allow the other thread to see the object in an inconsistent state.)
Perhaps it would be better to do something like:
//perform time consuming calculation
obj1.memberV1 = 1;
obj1.memberV2 = result;
This of course assumes that the values used in the calculation won't be modified on any other thread.
Its hard to tell what you are doing that is causing problems. The mutex pattern is pretty simple. You Lock the mutex, access the shared data, unlock the mutex. This protects data, becuase the mutex will only let one thread get the lock at a time. Any thread that fails to get the lock has to wait till the mutex is unlocked. Unlocking wakes the waiters up. They will then fight to attain the lock. Losers go back to sleep. The time it takes to wake up might be multiple ms or more from the time the lock is released. Make sure you always unlock the mutex eventually.
Make sure you don't to keep locks locked for a long period of time. Most of the time, a long period of time is like a micro second. I prefer to keep it down around "a few lines of code." Thats why people have suggested that you do the long running calculation outside the lock. The reason for not keeping locks a long time is you increase the number of times other threads will hit the lock and have to spin or sleep, which decreases performance. You also increase the probability that your thread might be pre-empted while owning the lock, which means the lock is enabled while that thread sleeps. Thats even worse performance.
Threads that fail a lock dont have to sleep. Spinning means a thread encountering a locked mutex doesn't sleep, but loops repeatedly testing the lock for a predefine period before giving up and sleeping. This is a good idea if you have multiple cores or cores capable of multiple simultaneous threads. Multiple active threads means two threads can be executing the code at the same time. If the lock is around a small amount of code, then the thread that got the lock is going to be done real soon. the other thread need only wait a couple nano secs before it will get the lock. Remember, sleeping your thread is a context switch and some code to attach your thread to the waiters on the mutex, all have costs. Plus, once your thread sleeps, you have to wait for a period of time before the scheduler wakes it up. that could be multiple ms. Lookup spinlocks.
If you only have one core, then if a thread encounters a lock it means another sleeping thread owns the lock and no matter how long you spin it aint gonna unlock. So you would use a lock that sleeps a waiter immediately in hopes that the thread owning the lock will wake up and finish.
You should assume that a thread can be preempted at any machine code instruction. Also you should assume that each line of c code is probably many machine code instructions. The classic example is i++. This is one statement in c, but a read, an increment, and a store in machine code land.
If you really care about performance, try to use atomic operations first. Look to mutexes as a last resort. Most concurrency problems are easily solved with atomic operations (google gcc atomic operations to start learning) and very few problems really need mutexes. Mutexes are way way way slower.
Protect your shared data wherever it is written and wherever it is read. else...prepare for failure. You don't have to protect shared data during periods of time when only a single thread is active.
Its often useful to be able to run your app with 1 thread as well as N threads. This way you can debug race conditions easier.
Minimize the shared data that you protect with locks. Try to organize data into structures such that a single thread can gain exclusive access to the entire structure (perhaps by setting a single locked flag or version number or both) and not have to worry about anything after that. Then most of the code isnt cluttered with locks and race conditions.
Functions that ultimately write to shared variables should use temp variables until the last moment and then copy the results. Not only will the compiler generate better code, but accesses to shared variables especially changing them cause cache line updates between L2 and main ram and all sorts of other performance issues. Again if you don't care about performance disregard this. However i recommend you google the document "everything a programmer should know about memory" if you want to know more.
If you are reading a single variable from the shared data you probably don't need to lock as long as the variable is an integer type and not a member of a bitfield (bitfield members are read/written with multiple instructions). Read up on atomic operations. When you need to deal with multiple values, then you need a lock to make sure you didn't read version A of one value, get preempted, and then read version B of the next value. Same holds true for writing.
You will find that copies of data, even copies of entire structures come in handy. You can be working on building a new copy of the data and then swap it by changing a pointer in with one atomic operation. You can make a copy of the data and then do calculations on it without worrying if it changes.
So maybe what you want to do is:
lock the mutex
Make a copy of the input data to the long running calculation.
unlock the mutex
L1: Do the calculation
Lock the mutex
if the input data has changed and this matters
read the input data, unlock the mutex and go to L1
updata data
unlock mutex
Maybe, in the example above, you still store the result if the input changed, but go back and recalc. It depends if other threads can use a slightly out of date answer. Maybe other threads when they see that a thread is already doing the calculation simply change the input data and leave it to the busy thread to notice that and redo the calculation (there will be a race condition you need to handle if you do that, and easy one). That way the other threads can do other work rather than just sleep.
Probably the best thing to do is:
temp = //perform some time consuming operation which must be done before the assignment to memberV2
obj1.memberV1 = 1;
obj1.memberV2 = temp; //result from previous calculation
What I would do is separate the calculation from the update:
temp = some calculation
obj.memberV1 = 1;
obj.memberV2 = temp;