How do I clear the cin buffer in C++?
I would prefer the C++ size constraints over the C versions:
// Ignore to the end of Stream
// Ignore to the end of line
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n')
This would read in and ignore everything until EOF. (you can also supply a second argument which is the character to read until (ex: '\n' to ignore a single line).
Also: You probably want to do a: std::cin.clear(); before this too to reset the stream state.
This was the only thing that worked for me when reading from console. In every other case it would either read indefinitely due to lack of \n, or something would remain in the buffer.
I found out that the previous solution made things worse. THIS one however, works:
cin.getline(temp, STRLEN);
if ( {
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
I have found two solutions to this.
The first, and simplest, is to use std::getline() for example:
std::getline(std::cin, yourString);
... that will discard the input stream when it gets to a new-line. Read more about this function here.
Another option that directly discards the stream is this...
#include <limits>
// Possibly some other code here
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
Good luck!
int i;
cout << "Please enter an integer value: ";
// cin >> i; leaves '\n' among possible other junk in the buffer.
// '\n' also happens to be the default delim character for getline() below.
cin >> i;
if (
cout << "\ncin failed - substituting: i=1;\n\n";
i = 1;
cin.clear(); cin.ignore(INT_MAX,'\n');
cout << "The value you entered is: " << i << " and its double is " << i*2 << ".\n\n";
string myString;
cout << "What's your full name? (spaces inclded) \n";
getline (cin, myString);
cout << "\nHello '" << myString << "'.\n\n\n";
How about:
I prefer:
There's an example where cin.ignore just doesn't cut it, but I can't think of it at the moment. It was a while ago when I needed to use it (with Mingw).
However, fflush(stdin) is undefined behavior according to the standard. fflush() is only meant for output streams. fflush(stdin) only seems to work as expected on Windows (with GCC and MS compilers at least) as an extension to the C standard.
So, if you use it, your code isn't going to be portable.
See Using fflush(stdin).
Also, see for an alternative.
Another possible (manual) solution is
while (cin.get() != '\n')
I cannot use fflush or cin.flush() with CLion so this came handy.
Easiest way:
It just positions the cin pointer at the end of the stdin stream and cin.clear() clears all error flags such as the EOF flag.
It worked for me. I have used for loop with getline().
The following should work:
On some systems it's not available and then you can use:
#include <stdio_ext.h>
and then use function
cin.get() seems to flush it automatically oddly enough (probably not preferred though, since this is confusing and probably temperamental).
fflush(stdin) − It is used to clear the input buffer memory. It is recommended to use before writing scanf statement.
fflush(stdout) − It is used for clearing the output buffer memory. It is recommended to use before printf statement.
The following should work:
On some systems it's not available and then you can use:
Both Windows and Linux define the behaviour of fflush() on an input stream,
and even define it the same way (miracle of miracles).
The POSIX, C and C++ standards for fflush() do not define the behaviour,
but none of them prevent a system from defining it.
If you're coding for maximum portability, avoid fflush(stdin);
if you're coding for platforms that define the behaviour, use it — but be aware that it is not portable
portable code does not use fflush(stdin). Code that is tied to Microsoft's platform may use it and
it may work as expected, but beware of the portability issues.
I am aware that if a program listens for EOF (e.g. ^D) as a sign to stop taking input, e.g. by relying on a conditional like while (std::cin) {...}, one needs to call cin.clear() before standard input can be read from again (readers who'd like to know more, see this table).
I recently learned that this is insufficient, and that the underlying C file descriptors, including stdin, need clearerr() to be run to forget EOF states.
Since clearerr() needs a C-style file descriptor, and C++ operates mainly with std::basic_streambufs and the like (e.g. cin), I want to generalise some code (see below) to run clearerr() on any streambuf's associated C-style file-descriptor, even if that may not be stdin.
EDITS (1&2):
I wonder if stdin is the only ever file-descriptor that behaves like this (needing clearerr() to run) ...?
If it isn't, then the following code should end the question of generalisation (idea pointed out by zkoza in their answer)
As zkoza pointed out in their comment below, stdin is the only file-descriptor that would, logically, ever need such treatment (i.e. clearerr()). Checking whether a given C++ stream is actually really attached to *std::cin.rdbuf() is all that is needed:
std::istream theStream /* some stream with some underlying streambuf */
if (theStream.rdbuf() == std::cin.rdbuf())
I'm writing a tool in C++ where I need to get multiple lines of user input, twice.
I know there are multiple ways of getting multiline input (e.g. waiting for double-newlines), but I want to use EOF as the user's signal that they're done — not unlike when you gpg -s or -e.
After much consultation (here, here, and on, I decided to use... (and I quote the third):
[the] idiomatic C++ input loops such as [...]
while(std::getline(stream, string)){...}
Since these rely on std::basic_ios::operator bool to do their job, I ensured that cin.rdstate() was cleared between the first and second user-input instructions (using cin.clear()).
The gist of my code is as follows:
std::istream& getlines (std::basic_istream<char> &theStream,
std::vector<std::string> &stack) {
std::ios::iostate current_mask (theStream.exceptions());
std::string &_temp (*new std::string);
while (theStream) {
if (std::getline(theStream, _temp))
stack.push_back(_temp); // I'd really like the input broken...
// ... into a stack of `\n`-terminated...
// ... strings each time
// If `eofbit` is set, clear it
// ... since std::basic_istream::operator bool needs `goodbit`
if (theStream.eof())
& (std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit));
// Here the logical AND with
// ... (failbit OR badbit) unsets eofbit
// std::getline sets failbit if nothing was extracted
if ( && !stack.size()) {
throw std::ios::failure("No input recieved!");
else if ( && stack.size()) {
theStream.clear(theStream.rdstate() & std::ios::badbit);
clearerr(stdin); // 👈 the part which I want to generalise
delete &_temp;
return theStream;
This does what you need:
#include <iostream>
int main()
char c = '1', d = '1';
std::cout << "Enter a char: \n";
std::cin >> c;
std::cout << (int)c << "\n";
std::cout << std::cin.eof() << "\n";
std::cout << std::cin.eof() << "\n";
std::cout << "Enter another char: \n";
std::cin >> d;
std::cout << (int)d << "\n";
std::cout << std::cin.eof() << "\n";
It works because C++'s std::cin is tied, by default, with C's stdin (so, the first line is actually not needed). You have to modify your code to check if the stream is std::cin and if so, perform clearerr(stdin);
Actually, sync_with_stdio ensures only synchronization between the C and C++ interfaces, but internally they work on the same file descriptors and this may be why clearerr(stdin); works whether or not the interfaces are tied by sync_with_stdio
EDIT2: Does these answer your problem? Getting a FILE* from a std::fstream ?
I am trying to implement a pause function in C++, but it is looping forever.
I am using macOS but I am trying to create a pause function that will work in any system... I believe my cin >> is not capturing '\n' or '\r' from the keyboard and it is looping forever.
void Transferencia::pause() {
char enter = 0;
while(enter != '\n' && enter != '\r') {
cout << "(Press Enter to Continue...) ";
cin >> enter;
I want to pause my program until user press the key "enter".
But even when I press "enter/return" it keeps looping...
At very first: enter != '\n' || enter != '\r' is a tautology: Even if enter does equal one of the characters it cannot be equal to the other one. So one of the tests must be true... You actually want to stay in the loop when enter is unequal to both values.
std::cin >> ... won't read data before you press enter, but it will discard the newlines (actually, all whitespace). So it would suffice just to read one single character right without loop (the loop again would get an endless one); solely: If the user doesn't enter anything at all before pressing 'enter' key, there's no character to read from std::cin and we'd still be waiting.
What you can do is reading entire lines:
std::string s;
std::getline(std::cin, s);
That will accept empty lines as well, so does exactly what you want (note: no loop around!).
Edit (stolen from the comments; thanks, Thomas Matthews): An even more elegant way is
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
as it won't create any additional resources that would be discarded afterwards anyway (the std::string object!).
Edit 2:
Depending on type of last input operation, there might still be a newline (or even further data) buffered, e. g. after int n; std::cin >> n;. In this case, you need to skip the input yet buffered. So you would need ignore twice.
However, if the last input operation consumed the newline already (e. g. std::getline – or if there wasn't any preceding input operation at all), then this would lead to user having to press enter twice. So you need to detect what's has been going on before.
std::cin.rdbuf().in_avail() allows you to detect how many characters are yet buffered. So you can have:
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
std::cout << "press enter" << std::endl;
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
On some systems (including mine), though, in_avail can return 0 even though a newline is yet buffered! std::cin.sync_with_stdio(false); can fix the issue; you should execute it before very first input operation. Hopefully, you don't use C++ (streams) and C (scanf, printf, etc) IO intermixed then...
The easiest way to do this is with getline().
cin >> ignores whitespace, newline characters included. getline() will read an entire line, newline character included. However, it does not copy the newline character to the output string. If the user simply hit the enter key and nothing else, you'd end up with an empty string.
So, to get your desired behavior, you would construct your loop like this:
string line;
cout << "(Press Enter to Continue...) " << endl;
getline(cin, line);
if(line == "")
#Aconcagua has answered your question but this is what I want to add in.
Normally, for handling some specific kind of event in computer, we usually follow event-driven paradigm or event-callback.
The idea is there is an event loop that waits for a new event coming into the system. This case, keyboard is an event, the event loop then calls event-callback. What event-callback does is it compares the value of input with some conditions then do some other tasks (it might change some state of the program or notify users).
The idea is keep CPU busy by either 2 ways.
event-driven : do other tasks while waiting for a new event
multithreading: multiple threads in the system. This approach has the disadvantage is at data-race
Have fun
cout << "Would you like to make another transaction? (y/n)" << endl;
cin >> repeat_transaction;
while (repeat_transaction != 'y' && repeat_transaction != 'n')
cout << "Invalid selection: Please enter y or n";
cin >> repeat_transaction;
During the Invalid selection loop, I once accidentally pressed "mn". I noticed the console read out Invalid selection..., So, it did in fact finish and re-enter the while loop. However, after this the console terminated the program. If you enter a single character 'a' or 'y' or 'n' it acts just as it should. Ending or not ending. This was before I attempted to use static_cast to force the truncation of the user input.
Since you managed to get this program to compile I can only assume that repeat_transaction was specified as a char and not a std::string.
When you use cin to get a character it only gets one character but it doesn't flush the buffer. I believe you understand this issue since you wrote This was before I attempted to use static_cast to force the truncation of the user input. . You can attempt to use cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n'); instead of static_cast<char>(repeat_transaction); after each call to cin >> repeat_transaction; . There are downsides to this. If you enter 'mn' it will work as expected. It reads the m which is not y or n and then flushes the extra characters until it finds end of line \n. If you do nm, n will match and the m will be thrown away. So in that case it will accept nm as valid and exit the loop.
There are other ways that may be easier and give you the effect closer to what you are looking for. Instead of reading a character at a time you can read an entire line into a string using getline (See the C++ documentation for more information). You can then check if the length of the string is not equal to 1 character. If it's not length 1 then it is invalid input. If it is 1 then you want to check for y and n. Although basic (and not overly complex) this code would do a reasonable job:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
string repeat_transaction;
cout << "Would you like to make another transaction? (y/n)" << endl;
getline(cin, repeat_transaction);
while (repeat_transaction.length() != 1 || (repeat_transaction != "y" && repeat_transaction != "n"))
cout << "Invalid selection: Please enter y or n";
getline(cin, repeat_transaction);
return 0;
I said reasonable job since one deficiency you might see is that you want to trim white spaces from the beginning and end. If someone enters n or y with a space or tab in front it will be seen as invalid (whitespace at the end would be similar). This may not be an issue for you, but I thought I would mention it.
On a final note, you may have noticed I used using namespace std;. I did so to match what was in the original question. However, this is normally considered bad practice and should be avoided. These StackOverflow answers try to explain the issues. It is better to not do it and prepend all standard library references with std::. For example string would be std::string, cin would be std::cin etc.
This question already has an answer here:
Cin.get() issue with C++ [duplicate]
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
First, here is the code:
using namespace std;
cout << "\aOperation \"HyperHype\" is now activated!\n";
cout << "Enter your agent code:_______\b\b\b\b\b\b\b";
long code;
cin >> code;
cout << "\aYou entered " << code << ".....\n";
cout << "\aCode verified! Proceed with Plan Z3!\n";
return 0;
It compiles without a problem and runs almost without flaw; after 'code' receives its value from standard input, the final string flashes up for maybe a millisecond and the program dies. As you can see I placed the 'cin.get()' member function after the final string in order to prevent this, yet it continues to die after the 'cin >> code;' line.
This method has worked for all of my other practice programs up until now, and there is nothing structurally different between this program and any of the others.
Any suggestions?
(Assume proper header files and preprocessor directives are in place.)
You are reading the newline character you already entered earlier with your final get() call. You might want to ignore all characters up to and including the first newline before waiting for some other input:
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
You can shorten this to become
std::cin >> std::ws;
if it is OK requiring to enter a non-whitespace character to terminate the program: the std::ws manipulator extracts whitespace characters until either a non-whitespace character or the end of the stream is reached.
Note that std::istream::get() actually does work as it should! It just reads the next character. It just happens not to do what you did expect.
Add a cin >> code line instead of the two cin.get(). If the program just closes anyway, then this would probably be the simplest thing to do.
simply trying to compare two user defined vectors to see if they are equal, current code:
vector<int> ivec1, ivec2; //vectors, uninitialized
int temp1;
cout << "Enter integers to be stored in ivec1." << endl;
while(cin >> temp1) //takes input from user and creates new element in the vector to store it
int temp2;
cout << "Enter integers to be stored in ivec2." << endl;
while(cin >> temp2) //same as above with different vector
if(ivec1 == ivec2)
cout << "ivec1 and ivec2 are equal!" << endl;
cout << "ivec1 and ivec2 are NOT equal!" << endl;
So far it lets me assign values to ivec1 just fine, but as I exit the while loop by entering a letter to make cin fail, it skips the second while block. Out of curiosity I tried putting in other cin statements after the first while loop, and it ignores them all as well.
Does forcing cin to fail cause the program to ignore all other calls for it or something, or is there another problem? If so, how can I get this program to do what I want?
screenshot for your viewing pleasure:
*PS. having temp1 and temp2 was just me trying to figure out if using the same int for both assignment loops was causing the problem, anyway I just figured I'd leave it there
You would have to do cin.clear() to reset the stream state. Then you will have to make sure that the offending character is read from the stream (using one of the techniques described here), so that the next input operation does not fail as well.
You mean that you a doing a ctrl-D to give end-of-file for the first loop.
The problem with that is that once EOF is achived it will persist and the second loop will also see the EOF and never read anything.
Instead use a terminating charater such as a blank line or a '.' and specifically test for that in toy while loop instead of while (cin >> tmp1)
Use cin.clear() between the loops. This command resets the state of the stream back to a usable one.
Might be helpful to know that you don't always have to enter an invalid character to exit a loop, you can also use (on windows) a ctrl-z (ctrl-d on other systems) on the console, which stimulates an EOF. You'd still have to cin.clear() (because an EOF still invalidates the stream) - but it's not as dangerous
When the first while loop exits because of failure of std::cin, it also sets the failure flag internally. All you need to clear that flag by writing the following after the first while loop:
It clears all the failure flag, so that cin can be used to read further inputs.
I found this when I was working through the same problem. I had to add cin.clear() and cin.ignore() to reset the stream between loops and have it recognize the 'cin' calls again.