script for actionscript/flash and c++ - c++

I havent used flash or action script much. I am planning a small project that i'd like to be online via flash but i'd like to reuse the code in my c/c++ projects
Is there a script language i can use? i am thinking lua or python. After googling i found flua which is incomplete and jython. Can i use java in flash? would it be a good idea to use python in java which is ran with flash?

Have you taken a look at Alchemy?
With Alchemy, Web application developers can now reuse hundreds of millions of lines of existing open source C and C++ client or server-side code on the Flash Platform. Alchemy brings the power of high performance C and C++ libraries to Web applications with minimal degradation on AVM2. The C/C++ code is compiled to ActionScript 3.0 as a SWF or SWC that runs on Adobe Flash Player 10 or Adobe AIR 1.5.

Have you looked at Haxe?
The Haxe compiler can produce swf files, JavaScripts and other, with a language that resembles ActionScript or JavaScript more or less, depending on what language details you care about.
Here's this nice teaser from the haxe site: "Currently in testing, with the right build of Haxe from Hugh Sanderson, you can now output your Haxe applications to pure C++ source code, complete with makefiles."
But no, I don't know about using Java inside a Flash. You mean the Flash app executing Java while it's running? or using Java to create a Flash app?

There's no way to embed Java within a Flash movie. If you're creating a SWF that will display in a browser then you're restricted to Actionscript. You could create a Java applet, load it in the same page, and use javascript to communicate between the two, though I wouldn't recommend that.
If you're using a projector to create an EXE then you may be able to load and use C++ dlls, though I've never attempted this.


Integrating TideSDK with C *.dll

I've already written some backend *.dll files that I intend to use in a project. I need to visualize a simulation of the code, for which I intend to use charts and graphs from Chart.JS, by using it along with TideSDK for a desktop application.
I have no clue on how to call the C libraries via JS though. And I want to avoid creating wrapper classes in Python and going through that circuitous route. Any other options? Or are there any alternatives when trying to create an HTML/CSS/JS desktop application connected to a backend C/C++ library? Will AppJS make things easier?
TideSDK is capable of extension with modules that can be compiled and included in its runtime. It was written to be extended but I would recommend waiting for TideKit. TideSDK is a bit old and setting up a toolchain could be problematic at this point.
We've been investing in a broader vision with TideKit that is getting ready for release. You will be able to extend it with native modules and you won't need to wait too much longer to see what we've been up to.
If you have started anything with TideSDK, you will be able to migrate your code easily to TideKit. The ability to work with with native or JavaScript modularity, and to develop for all screens from a single project code base is where all our efforts have been going.
Note that AppJS was discontinued earlier this year. An alternative is writing C extensions in node through node-webkit. Note that if you are going cross platform on this and you needed OSX as well, you cannot achieve Apple AppStore compliance with node-webkit due to private APIs as a result of its port of webkit.

Link C++ library to html front end

I do computational research with a C++/CUDA library that does intensive number crunching. Recently I was thinking to set up a little showcase of my library on my webpage where people could work interactively with the library and see the results (plots, animations, etc.) in real time.
I have very limited html and website creating expertise. Are there libraries out there to link the html front-end to the C++/CUDA back-end? I'm developing in Linux environment but obviously I'd like my webpage to be accessed by anyone independent of their OS and/or browser.
So after a little bit of research I found the Wt library which is written in C++ and used for webpage development. Based on the information on their homepage, it seems to be exactly what I'm looking for:
Typical use scenarios:
High performance, complex web applications which are fully personalized (and thus cannot benefit from caching), fully Ajax enabled and at the same time entirely accessible and Search Engine Optimized.
Web-based GUIs for embedded systems benefit from the low footprint of a C++ web application server.
Web-based GUIs that require integration with (existing) C++ libraries, for example for scientific or engineering applications, or existing C++ desktop applications
I did something like this. To do this, I used a simple library I wrote called jrb_node at
There are other libraries like cppnetlib
Basically you make a small http server that based on the request will perform some computation and return the results as an http response. You can then combine that with javascript and Ajax if you want to make it more interactive.
An alternative to consider is to use WebCL. CUDA is pretty similar to OpenCL and it should be pretty easy to convert your code to the latter. If you have other C++ code, that might be a bit of problem though.
Do you want to run CUDA on server (e.g. the users will input the parameters, push a button and your server will do number crunching) or on client (e.g. it will be user GPU that does computations)?
For server-side you should be able to use pretty much any server technology - PHP, JSP, etc. They all provide a way to integrate to "native code".
For client-side you will not be able to do with just HTML - you need to use some "fat client" technology - e.g. ActiveX, Java applet. I do not know if Silverlight or Flash have access to native code. IMHO, you might as well just write a Qt application and put a download link on your site.

Is packaged apps preferable over C++ for creating a cross-platform serial read/write application to communicate with my mbed electronics project?

I would like to create a cross-platform serial read/write application to communicate with my mbed electronics project. I cannot decide whether to code this application in Chrome packed app or c++(using the openFrameworks framework). I have more experience coding in html and javascript than I do in c++, but I wouldn't mind learning c++. What drew me to the packed app idea was the ability to write code in html and javascript. Eventually my project will be open-sourced. What are some of the pros and cons of using packaged apps versus c++?
C++ can be used to do chip level programming and to manipulate the chips that require lot of coding in order to implement the functionality of your desire.
Packaged apps deliver an experience as capable as a native app, but as safe as a web page. Just like web apps, packaged apps are written in HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS. But packaged apps look and behave like native apps, and they have native-like capabilities that are much more powerful than those available to web apps.
Packaged apps would be a modern concept and it would be a better option because it gives more importance to your project when the reviewers of your project find that you are using a new concept.
I'm working-on in one app that I need for setting-up embedded devices, the app must be cross plattform because it will be used in Windows, OSX and Linux.
I'm developing it in java using RXTX library that is tested and work fine in the three plattforms.

How to run C++ applications on a webpage?

Are there any tools to run C++ applications written in QT on standard web browsers?
My C++ app has to run from a webpage, do some math, and return the result back to the webpage.
Check out NaCl (Native Client). No Qt, but you can use c++.
You can't. You can write the server side in a web app in C++, of course, but the Qt GUI framework is only for applications that show their user interface on the machine they are running on. (With the usual caveats in the case of remote X11 connections and so forth, but that won't help you for a web app).
I have read about a sample application like this. I think you can search for this term "Qt WebKit Hybrid application". In that example, the user interface is written in HTML and Javascript and the backend in C++. Even, the C++ objects ownerships can be transferred to Javascript. I'm not sure I'm correct but I'm partially correct.
Here is the link.
It's possible to compile C++ code to JavaScript using Emscripten, and then call compiled C++ functions from JavaScript, as explained here. This will allow you to run C++ code in a web browser or other JavaScript environment, without any additional plugins.
There is one more solution to this, you can write a browser plugin. I think that this is better then ActiveX and NaCl. For details on how to write plugins check this: How to write a C++ FireFox 3 plugin (not extension) on Windows?
Maybe you could embed the code in an ActiveX control.

What embedded browser for C++ project?

Is there any browser I could embedd in C++ application on Windows?
I need all features typical browser has (HTTP client, cookies support, DOM style HTML parser, JavaScript engine) except rendering.
Because I don't need rendering capability (and that's rather big part of a browser) I would prefer a browser with non monolithic design so I wouldn't have to include rendering stuff into my project.
It would be nice if it had C++ rather than C API.
I need this embedded browser mainly because I have much trouble finding C++ HTML parser which could handle broken HTML like browsers do.
If you know any, please answer Library Recommendation: C++ HTML Parser SO question or at least vote on it to increase a chance someone will give a good answer.
Sounds like all you need is something like libcurl which is an HTTP library and will let you do GET/POST/etc.
When I think browser I generally think rendering/JavaScript and not HTTP library.
In that case I'd look at WebKit (which I think has a C++ API) and hope you don't have to pull too much in.
Edit Again
On second thought (since rendering is such a big part of what browsers do), you might be better off using a stand-alone JS engine like SpiderMonkey and a stand-alone XML parser like Xerces-C (plus maybe tidy to make your HTML into XML).
I'm a bit confused by your question regarding embedding a web browser for which you don't need rendering capabilities. A web browser is rendering web pages by definition, unless you just need HTTP and XML with JavaScript capabilities which is a subset of a browser functionalities?
If you need a web browser to embed in your C++ application, I would suggest to consider Qt that comes with the WebKit plugin. It is C++, LGPL and has a very nice IDE (Qt Creator). I tried Qt with Qt Creator on unix (Ubuntu) and it was very impressive. The debugger is a bit light but it is just the first version. The adapter of Qt into visual c++ 2008 is now free.
You might also want to check out Awesomium-- it's free for non-commercial use and has all of the features you're looking for (if you don't need rendering, simply don't use it).
There is a project called CEF = The Chromium Embedded Framework - it is:
a simple framework for
embedding Chromium-based browsers in other applications. It is a
BSD-licensed open source project founded by Marshall Greenblatt in
2008 and based on the Google Chromium project. Unlike the Chromium
project itself, which focuses mainly on Google Chrome application
development, CEF focuses on facilitating embedded browser use cases in
third-party applications.
and yes:
The base CEF framework includes support for the C and C++ programming
Including javascript support and html parsing makes this non-trivial task - you have to use one of the available browsers.
IE is usable through its COM model - you can create instance of it in your window be it invisible or not and call its javascript/html capabilities.
It has been designed to be used like that since the beginning and certainly it is working fine.
The other options are:
Gecko/Mozilla - a couple of years ago it wasn't usable like this, currently I think it is.
WebKit/V8 - no public API has been released for chrome yet, you could use webkit itself, but it doesn't have javascript engine. Another option is to take a look at the Chrome codebase and see if you could get out of it what you need.
I would probably go for IE, since it is maybe the easiest option and I have already used it. The other options seem to me more like building a browser instead of just using it.
How about Gecko ? You may not need the entire engine but you may find some its components useful like SpiderMonkey which is a JavaScript engine written in C.
I'd recommend picking up Qt for C++ programming. It has a built-in library that embeds Webkit with all the bells'n'whistles, and Qt is a great C++ library in general.
Old question, I know, but take a look on
IActiveScript and family COM interfaces allows script execution (not only JS, any language that registers as script interpeter, for that matter) in-memory.