Can someone explain the c++ FAILED function? - c++

I've seen a lot of example c++ code that wraps function calls in a FAILED() function/method/macro.
Could someone explain to me how this works? And if possible does anyone know a c# equivalent?

It generally checks COM function errors. But checking any function that returns a HRESULT is what it's meant for, specifically. FAILED returns a true value if the HRESULT value is negative, which means that the function failed ("error" or "warning" severity). Both S_OK and S_FALSE are >= 0 and so they are not used to convey an error. With "negative" I mean that the high bit is set for HRESULT error codes, i.e., their hexadecimal representation, which can be found in, e.g., winerror.h, begins with an 8, as in 0x8000FFFF.

This page shows the half of the WinError.h include file that defines FAILED(). It's actually just a very simple macro, the entire definition goes like this:
#define FAILED(Status) ((HRESULT)(Status)<0)

And if possible does anyone know a c# equivalent?
You won't actually need that in C#, unless you're using COM objects. Most .NET functions either already return a (more or less) meaningful value (i.e. null, false) or throw an exception when they fail.
If you're directly accessing a COM object, you can define a simple Failed function that does what the macro in unwind's post does. Define that locally (protected/private), since the messy COM details shouldn't be visible in your app anyway.
In case you didn't know, there's also a SUCCEEDED macro in COM. No need to test for failure :)


How do I expose through COM an exception caught with structured exceptions handling?

My COM server implemented in Visual C++ uses a ton of other C++ code. That other C++ code sometimes wraps code in __try-__except and translates structured exceptions into custom C++ exceptions. This part I cannot change.
No method of my COM server should let those exceptions propagate through the COM boundary so it has to catch and translate them into HRESULTs. Those custom C++ exceptions contain the original error code which was obtained during translation - it's something like EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. The question is how I craft an appropriate HRESULT value so that the client has as much information as possible as to what happened (and perhaps decide to restart the server (and itself in case of inproc) after seeing an access violation).
Suppose it was EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION which is defined in WinBase.h
and the latter is defined in WinNT.h
I could use HRESULT_FROM_WIN32() to translate that code into HRESULT assuming that it was a Win32 error in the first place.
Do I use HRESULT_FROM_WIN32() here or do I use any other way to do the translation?
You are supposed to return HRESULT code, where you choose appropriate code to indicate status of operation. It does not have to be a failure code, but you typically want to show something that satisfies FAILED(...) macro, e.g. E_FAIL, or DISP_E_EXCEPTION or HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION).
It is highly unlikely that callers compare against specific exception-related HRESULT, so specific failure code makes sense rather for diagnostic. Also, as you complete handling the exception before exiting from COM method, there is no need to return specific HRESULT code because no additional actions are required or necessary.
To provide additional information, it is possible to use ISupportErrorInfo, IErrorInfo and friends. Callers can retrieve free text description and many popular environments to this automatically, so for example .NET caller will have this additional information on exception message rather than standard message generated from HRESULT code.
ATL offers AtlReportError to wrap SetErrorInfo API, which also suggests on generating HRESULT code:
... If hRes is zero, then the first four versions of AtlReportError return DISP_E_EXCEPTION. The last two versions return the result of the macro MAKE_HRESULT( 1, FACILITY_ITF, nID ).

How do I read the MSDN and apply?

Okay, so I want to stop asking lots of questions on how to do most programming stuff because most of my questions are given answers that say "Read the MSDN" founded here. Thing is, I have no idea how to read it or most programming languages. For example, lets take the FtpCreateDirectory function on MSDN (which you can find here)
Now, pretend I just learned this feature and I want to try it out. How do I read it, how to I take the functions/commands it shows me. How do I type it? This reallt does not help:
BOOL FtpCreateDirectory(
_In_ HINTERNET hConnect,
_In_ LPCTSTR lpszDirectory
I've not used this myself, but let's step through and give an example:
HINTERNET hinternet = InternetConnect(...); //assume hinternet is valid
if (!FtpCreateDirectory(hinternet, "C:\\example")) {
std::cerr << "Error creating FTP directory. Code: " << GetLastError();
Step by step:
First, we get a HINTERNET handle. How? Well, the docs say this about the parameter:
Handle returned by a previous call to InternetConnect using INTERNET_SERVICE_FTP.
That's why I called InternetConnect in the example.
Next, we look at the second parameter. Looking at the Windows Data Types article, you can see that it takes either a CONST WCHAR * or CONST CHAR *, depending on whether UNICODE is defined. For simplicity, I acted as though it wasn't, though you can use the TEXT macro to make a string literal wide or narrow depending on UNICODE.
Pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the name of the directory to be created. This can be either a fully qualified path or a name relative to the current directory.
As we can see, it's just a path, so I passed in an example path. This is just an example, but keep in mind what the Remarks section says about this parameter.
Now, we check the return value:
Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE otherwise. To get a specific error message, call GetLastError. (more not shown)
Therefore, we wrap the call in an if statement to catch an error, which we can retrieve the code for using GetLastError. It's important to use the error handling technique described in each function's article. A lot of them say that upon an error, you can use GetLastError, but some don't support GetLastError usage, and some support different types of error retrieving functions, so make sure to follow the guidelines for each function individually.
Other than that, the _In_ means that the parameter goes in and it's no use after. This is opposed to, among others, _Out_, which means that you'd pass in allocated memory and the function would write to it, so you can use it after the function call with the value the function writes.
in the refernce part of MSDN there is a basic assumption that you understand the context for the API set.
If win32 c(++) programming is what you want then you need to read an intro do windows programming / win32. Its not clear what your area of interest is, are you trying to write desktop apps, servers, drivers,....
For some cases classic books like Charles Petzold programming windows are a good place to start. MSDN has a lot of intro level stuff too (google 'start win32 programming')

How are you supposed to read the following documentation?

From IDispatch::GetTypeInfoCount
The return value obtained from the
returned HRESULT is one of the
following: [S_OK -> Success],
[E_NOTIMPL -> Failure]
And the sample at the bottom returns E_INVALIDARG and NOERROR.
As far as I see E_INVALIDARG is not S_OK, nor is it NOERROR, so what do you do? Do you check for invalid pointers or you don't?
It seems that COM is pretty much foundation for everything, and I can't find one good source of information about correct behavior of simple IDispatch. How do you approach such inconsistencies in your production code?
With COM, you should never check for specific return values unless you actually need to have special handling for those values. Instead, you should use the FAILED or SUCCEEDED macros when you just need to know if a call failed or succeeded. i.e.
HRESULT hr = ...;
if (FAILED(hr)) {
COM calls can often return a much wider range of error codes than is specified in the documentation. The called function is not the only source of errors. Depending on the call is actually made (in-process, out-of-process, DCOM) the COM system itself can return a whole host of errors.
NOERROR is defined to the very same value as S_OK. Checking for a null pointer before dereferencing is good style in any method but in this sample it should return E_POINTER.
Values NOERROR/S_OK and E_NOTIMPL are the most typical you should expect from that method unless you abuse the method, that list can of course omit codes like E_POINTER.
Anyway don't target for specific codes, use SUCCEEDED/FAILED macros.

What's a good, threadsafe, way to pass error strings back from a C shared library

I'm writing a C shared library for internal use (I'll be dlopen()'ing it to a c++ application, if that matters). The shared library loads (amongst other things) some java code through a JNI module, which means all manners of nightmare error modes can come out of the JVM that I need to handle intelligently in the application. Additionally, this library needs to be re-entrant. Is there in idiom for passing error strings back in this case, or am I stuck mapping errors to integers and using printfs to debug things?
My approach to the problem would be a little different from everyone else's. They're not wrong, it's just that I've had to wrestle with a different aspect of this problem.
A C API needs to provide numeric error codes, so that the code using the API can take sensible measures to recover from errors when appropriate, and pass them along when not. The errno.h codes demonstrate a good categorization of errors; in fact, if you can reuse those codes (or just pass them along, e.g. if all your errors come ultimately from system calls), do so.
Do not copy errno itself. If possible, return error codes directly from functions that can fail. If that is not possible, have a GetLastError() method on your state object. You have a state object, yes?
If you have to invent your own codes (the errno.h codes don't cut it), provide a function analogous to strerror, that converts these codes to human-readable strings.
It may or may not be appropriate to translate these strings. If they're meant to be read only by developers, don't bother. But if you need to show them to the end user, then yeah, you need to translate them.
The untranslated version of these strings should indeed be just string constants, so you have no allocation headaches. However, do not waste time and effort coding your own translation infrastructure. Use GNU gettext.
If your code is layered on top of another piece of code, it is vital that you provide direct access to all the error information and relevant context information that that code produces, and you make it easy for developers against your code to wrap up all that information in an error message for the end user.
For instance, if your library produces error codes of its own devising as a direct consequence of failing system calls, your state object needs methods that return the errno value observed immediately after the system call that failed, the name of the file involved (if any), and ideally also the name of the system call itself. People get this wrong waaay too often -- for instance, SQLite, otherwise a well designed API, does not expose the errno value or the name of the file, which makes it infuriatingly hard to distinguish "the file permissions on the database are wrong" from "you have a bug in your code".
EDIT: Addendum: common mistakes in this area include:
Contorting your API (e.g. with use of out-parameters) so that functions that would naturally return some other value can return an error code.
Not exposing enough detail for callers to be able to produce an error message that allows a knowledgeable human to fix the problem. (This knowledgeable human may not be the end user. It may be that your error messages wind up in server log files or crash reports for developers' eyes only.)
Exposing too many different fine distinctions among errors. If your callers will never plausibly do different things in response to two different error codes, they should be the same code.
Providing more than one success code. This is asking for subtle bugs.
Also, think very carefully about which APIs ought to be allowed to fail. Here are some things that should never fail:
Read-only data accessors, especially those that return scalar quantities, most especially those that return Booleans.
Destructors, in the most general sense. (This is a classic mistake in the UNIX kernel API: close and munmap should not be able to fail. Thankfully, at least _exit can't.)
There is a strong case that you should immediately call abort if malloc fails rather than trying to propagate it to your caller. (This is not true in C++ thanks to exceptions and RAII -- if you are so lucky as to be working on a C++ project that uses both of those properly.)
In closing: for an example of how to do just about everything wrong, look no further than XPCOM.
You return pointers to static const char [] objects. This is always the correct way to handle error strings. If you need them localized, you return pointers to read-only memory-mapped localization strings.
In C, if you don't have internationalization (I18N) or localization (L10N) to worry about, then pointers to constant data is a good way to supply error message strings. However, you often find that the error messages need some supporting information (such as the name of the file that could not be opened), which cannot really be handled by constant data.
With I18N/L10N to worry about, I'd recommend storing the fixed message strings for each language in an appropriately formatted file, and then using mmap() to 'read' the file into memory before you fork any threads. The area so mapped should then be treated as read-only (use PROT_READ in the call to mmap()).
This avoids complicated issues of memory management and avoids memory leaks.
Consider whether to provide a function that can be called to get the latest error. It can have a prototype such as:
int get_error(int errnum, char *buffer, size_t buflen);
I'm assuming that the error number is returned by some other function call; the library function then consults any threadsafe memory it has about the current thread and the last error condition returned to that thread, and formats an appropriate error message (possibly truncated) into the given buffer.
With C++, you can return (a reference to) a standard String from the error reporting mechanism; this means you can format the string to include the file name or other dynamic attributes. The code that collects the information will be responsible for releasing the string, which isn't (shouldn't be) a problem because of the destructors that C++ has. You might still want to use mmap() to load the format strings for the messags.
You do need to be careful about the files you load and, in particular, any strings used as format strings. (Also, if you are dealing with I18N/L10N, you need to worry about whether to use the 'n$ notation to allow for argument reordering; and you have to worry about different rules for different cultures/languages about the order in which the words of a sentence are presented.)
I guess you could use PWideChars, as Windows does. Its thread safe. What you need is that the calling app creates a PwideChar that the Dll will use to set an error. Then, the callling app needs to read that PWideChar and free its memory.
R. has a good answer (use static const char []), but if you are going to have various spoken languages, I like to use an Enum to define the error codes. That is better than some #define of a bunch of names to an int value.
return integers, don't set some global variable (like errno— even if it is potentially TLSed by an implementation); aking to Linux kernel's style of return -ENOENT;.
have a function similar to strerror that takes such an integer and returns a pointer to a const string. This function can transparently do I18N if needed, too, as gettext-returnable strings also remain constant over the lifetime of the translation database.
If you need to provide non-static error messages, then I recommend returning strings like this: error_code_t function(, char** err_msg). Then provide a function to free the error message: void free_error_message(char* err_msg). This way you hide how the error strings are allocated and freed. This is of course only worth implementing of your error strings are dynamic in nature, meaning that they convey more than just a translation of error codes.
Please havy oversight with mu formatting. I'm writing this on a cell phone...

Which school of reporting function failures is better

Very often you have a function, which for given arguments can't generate valid result or it can't perform some tasks. Apart from exceptions, which are not so commonly used in C/C++ world, there are basically two schools of reporting invalid results.
First approach mixes valid returns with a value which does not belong to codomain of a function (very often -1) and indicates an error
int foo(int arg) {
if (everything fine)
return some_value;
return -1; //on failure
The scond approach is to return a function status and pass the result within a reference
bool foo(int arg, int & result) {
if (everything fine) {
result = some_value;
return true;
return false; //on failure
Which way do you prefer and why. Does additional parameter in the second method bring notable performance overhead?
Don't ignore exceptions, for exceptional and unexpected errors.
However, just answering your points, the question is ultimately subjective. The key issue is to consider what will be easier for your consumers to work with, whilst quietly nudging them to remember to check error conditions. In my opinion, this is nearly always the "Return a status code, and put the value in a separate reference", but this is entirely one mans personal view. My arguments for doing this...
If you choose to return a mixed value, then you've overloaded the concept of return to mean "Either a useful value or an error code". Overloading a single semantic concept can lead to confusion as to the right thing to do with it.
You often cannot easily find values in the function's codomain to co-opt as error codes, and so need to mix and match the two styles of error reporting within a single API.
There's almost no chance that, if they forget to check the error status, they'll use an error code as if it were actually a useful result. One can return an error code, and stick some null like concept in the return reference that will explode easily when used. If one uses the error/value mixed return model, it's very easy to pass it into another function in which the error part of the co-domain is valid input (but meaningless in the context).
Arguments for returning the mixed error code/value model might be simplicity - no extra variables floating around, for one. But to me, the dangers are worse than the limited gains - one can easily forget to check the error codes. This is one argument for exceptions - you literally can't forget to handle them (your program will flame out if you don't).
boost optional is a brilliant technique. An example will assist.
Say you have a function that returns an double and you want to signify
an error when that cannot be calculated.
double divide(double a, double b){
return a / b;
what to do in the case where b is 0;
boost::optional<double> divide(double a, double b){
if ( b != 0){
return a / b;
return boost::none;
use it like below.
boost::optional<double> v = divide(a, b);
// Note the dereference operator
cout << *v << endl;
cout << "divide by zero" << endl;
The idea of special return values completely falls apart when you start using templates. Consider:
template <typename T>
T f( const T & t ) {
if ( SomeFunc( t ) ) {
return t;
else { // error path
return ???; // what can we return?
There is no obvious special value we can return in this case, so throwing an exception is really the only way. Returning boolean types which must be checked and passing the really interesting values back by reference leads to an horrendous coding style..
Quite a few books, etc., strongly advise the second, so you're not mixing roles and forcing the return value to carry two entirely unrelated pieces of information.
While I sympathize with that notion, I find that the first typically works out better in practice. For one obvious point, in the first case you can chain the assignment to an arbitrary number of recipients, but in the second if you need/want to assign the result to more than one recipient, you have to do the call, then separately do a second assignment. I.e.,
account1.rate = account2.rate = current_rate();
account2.rate = account1.rate;
The proof of the pudding is in the eating thereof. Microsoft's COM functions (for one example) chose the latter form exclusively. IMO, it is due largely to this decision alone that essentially all code that uses the native COM API directly is ugly and nearly unreadable. The concepts involved aren't particularly difficult, but the style of the interface turns what should be simple code into an almost unreadable mess in virtually every case.
Exception handling is usually a better way to handle things than either one though. It has three specific effects, all of which are very good. First, it keeps the mainstream logic from being polluted with error handling, so the real intent of the code is much more clear. Second, it decouples error handling from error detection. Code that detects a problem is often in a poor position to handle that error very well. Third, unlike either form of returning an error, it is essentially impossible to simply ignore an exception being thrown. With return codes, there's a nearly constant temptation (to which programmers succumb all too often) to simply assume success, and make no attempt at even catching a problem -- especially since the programmer doesn't really know how to handle the error at that part of the code anyway, and is well aware that even if he catches it and returns an error code from his function, chances are good that it will be ignored anyway.
In C, one of the more common techniques I have seen is that a function returns zero on success, non-zero (typically an error code) on error. If the function needs to pass data back to the caller, it does so through a pointer passed as a function argument. This can also make functions that return multiple pieces of data back to the user more straightforward to use (vs. return some data through a return value and some through a pointer).
Another C technique I see is to return 0 on success and on error, -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error.
The techniques you presented each have pros and cons, so deciding which one is "best" will always be (at least partially) subjective. However, I can say this without reservations: the technique that is best is the technique that is consistent throughout your entire program. Using different styles of error reporting code in different parts of a program can quickly become a maintenance and debugging nightmare.
There shouldn't be much, if any, performance difference between the two. The choice depends on the particular use. You cannot use the first if there is no appropriate invalid value.
If using C++, there are many more possibilities than these two, including exceptions and using something like boost::optional as a return value.
C traditionally used the first approach of coding magic values in valid results - which is why you get fun stuff like strcmp() returning false (=0) on a match.
Newer safe versions of a lot of the standard library functions use the second approach - explicitly returning a status.
And no exceptions aren't an alternative here. Exceptions are for exceptional circumstances which the code might not be able to deal with - you don't raise an exception for a string not matching in strcmp()
It's not always possible, but regardless of which error reporting method you use, the best practice is to, whenever possible, design a function so that it does not have failure cases, and when that's not possible, minimize the possible error conditions. Some examples:
Instead of passing a filename deep down through many function calls, you could design your program so that the caller opens the file and passes the FILE * or file descriptor. This eliminates checks for "failed to open file" and report it to the caller at each step.
If there's an inexpensive way to check (or find an upper bound) for the amount of memory a function will need to allocate for the data structures it will build and return, provide a function to return that amount and have the caller allocate the memory. In some cases this may allow the caller to simply use the stack, greatly reducing memory fragmentation and avoiding locks in malloc.
When a function is performing a task for which your implementation may require large working space, ask if there's an alternate (possibly slower) algorithm with O(1) space requirements. If performance is non-critical, simply use the O(1) space algorithm. Otherwise, implement a fallback case to use it if allocation fails.
These are just a few ideas, but applying the same sort of principle all over can really reduce the number of error conditions you have to deal with and propagate up through multiple call levels.
For C++ I favour a templated solution that prevents the fugliness of out parameters and the fugliness of "magic numbers" in combined answers/return codes. I've expounded upon this while answering another question. Take a look.
For C, I find the fugly out parameters less offensive than fugly "magic numbers".
You missed a method: Returning a failure indication and requiring an additional call to get the details of the error.
There's a lot to be said for this.
int count;
if (!TryParse("12x3", &count))
This answer has generated quite a bit of controversy and downvoting. To be frank, I am entirely unconvinced by the dissenting arguments. Separating whether a call succeeded from why it failed has proven to be a really good idea. Combining the two forces you into the following pattern:
HKEY key;
long errcode = RegOpenKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, NULL, &key);
if (errcode != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return DisplayError(errcode);
Contrast this with:
HKEY key;
if (!RegOpenKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, NULL, &key))
return DisplayError(GetLastError());
(The GetLastError version is consistent with how the Windows API generally works, but the version that returns the code directly is how it actually works, due to the registry API not following that standard.)
In any case, I would suggest that the error-returning pattern makes it all too easy to forget about why the function failed, leading to code such as:
HKEY key;
return DisplayGenericError();
Looking at R.'s request, I've found a scenario where it can actually be satisfied.
For a general-purpose C-style API, such as the Windows SDK functions I've used in my examples, there is no non-global context for error codes to rest in. Instead, we have no good alternative to using a global TLV that can be checked after failure.
However, if we expand the topic to include methods on a class, the situation is different. It's perfectly reasonable, given a variable reg that is an instance of the RegistryKey class, for a call to reg.Open to return false, requiring us to then call reg.ErrorCode to retrieve the details.
I believe this satisfies R.'s request that the error code be part of a context, since the instance provides the context. If, instead of a RegistryKey instance, we called a static Open method on RegistryKeyHelper, then the retrieval of the error code on failure would likewise have to be static, which means it would have to be a TLV, albeit not an entirely global one. The class, as opposed to an instance, would be the context.
In both of these cases, object orientation provides a natural context for storing error codes. Having said that, if there is no natural context, I would still insist on a global, as opposed to trying to force the caller to pass in an output parameter or some other artificial context, or returning the error code directly.
I think there is no right answer to this. It depends on your needs, on the overall application design etc. I personally use the first approach though.
I think a good compiler would generate almost the same code, with the same speed. It's a personal preference. I would go on first.
If you have references and the bool type, you must be using C++. In which case, throw an exception. That's what they're for. For a general desktop environment, there's no reason to use error codes. I have seen arguments against exceptions in some environments, like dodgy language/process interop or tight embedded environment. Assuming neither of those, always, always throw an exception.
Well, the first one will compile either in C and C++, so to do portable code it's fine.
The second one, although it's more "human readable" you never know truthfully which value is the program returning, specifying it like in the first case gives you more control, that's what I think.
I prefer using return code for the type of error occured. This helps the caller of the API to take appropriate error handling steps.
Consider GLIB APIs which most often return the error code and the error message along with the boolean return value.
Thus when you get a negative return to a function call, you can check the context from the GError variable.
A failure in the second approach specified by you will not help the caller to take correct actions. Its different case when your documentation is very clear. But in other cases it will be a headache to find how to use the API call.
For a "try" function, where some "normal" type of failure is reasonably expected, how about accepting either a default return value or a pointer to a function which accepts certain parameters related to the failure and returns such a value of the expected type?
Apart from doing it the correct way, which of these two stupid ways do you prefer?
I prefer to use exceptions when I'm using C++ and need to throw an error, and in general, when I don't want to force all calling functions to detect and handle the error. I prefer to use stupid special values when there is only one possible error condition, and that condition means there is no way the caller can proceed, and every conceivable caller will be able to handle it.. which is rare. I prefer to use stupid out parameters when modifying old code and for some reason I can change the number of parameters but not change the return type or identify a special value or throw an exception, which so far has been never.
Does additional parameter in the
second method bring notable
performance overhead?
Yes! Additional parameters cause your 'puter to slow down by at least 0 nanoseconds. Best to use the "no-overhead" keyword on that parameter. It's a GCC extension __attribute__((no-overhead)), so YMMV.