jqgrid dropdown select editoptions - django

I am trying to use the edittype:"select", formatter:"select" and editoptions:{values:'1:Type1;2:Type2'} in my colModel
colModel : [
{name:'pk', index:'pk', width:20, sortable:true, jsonmap:'pk',
{name:'id', index:'id', align:'left', jsonmap:'fields.id',
sortable:true, editable:true, edittype:'select', formatter:'select',
{name:'type', index:'type', width:100,align:'center',
jsonmap:'fields.type', sortable:true,editable:true}
but the value for id returned in the json object is not a string (it doesn't have quotes around it). If I remove the edittype and editoptions the id value appears in the column of the grid but when I include the edittype, formatter and editoptions in the colMode definition I get the javascript error
(E||"").replace is not a function
The json object that fails looks like
{ "pk": 120
"model": "myModel"
"fields": {
"id": 1,
"type": "aType"
The id value has no quotes.
I am using the edittype, formatter and editoptions in other grids but the value I am macthing against is a character (in the json object it is surrounded by quotes) and it works perfectly.
I am only guessing that the problem is with the unquoted number but I am not sure. Has anyone seen this before?

I found that the problm is on line 1067 of the jquery.1.3.2 file. It is the trim function and the code looks like this:
trim:function(text) {
return (text||"").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")
I changed it to this:
trim:function(E) {
return (text.toString()||"").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")
and now it works.
Can anyone tellme if this is a bug or is there something else I can do to overide ths function without changing the jquery file.
Function Override: Placed in the head of any page that shows this problem.
trim:function(E) {
return (text.toString()||"").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")


define expression in camunda

I have a process that has a custom model, similar to the following model(get by calling http://localhost:8080/engine-rest/task/{id}/variables/):
"Title": {
"type": "String",
"value": "aaa",
"valueInfo": {
"247f3af4-36cf-72cc-1a95-601f07640674": {
"type": "String",
"value": "{\"Title\":\"AA\",\"Value\":\"BB\"}",
"valueInfo": {
I want to define a expressions at the gates. How should I do this?
I try these:
${ "247f3af4-36cf-72cc-1a95-601f07640674".Value == "AA"}
${ JSON("247f3af4-36cf-72cc-1a95-601f07640674").prop("Value") == "AA"}
${S(247f3af4-36cf-72cc-1a95-601f07640674).prop("Value").stringValue() == "AA"}
But get following errors:
Unknown property used in expression: ${ "247f3af4-36cf-72cc-1a95-601f07640674".Value == "AA"}. Cause: Could not find property Value in class java.lang.String
Error while evaluating expression: ${ JSON("247f3af4-36cf-72cc-1a95-601f07640674").prop("Value") == "AA"}. Cause: Error invoking function 'JSON'
ENGINE-01009 Error while parsing process. Error parsing '${S(247f3af4-36cf-72cc-1a95-601f07640674).prop("Value").stringValue() == "AA"}': syntax error at position 15, encountered 'c7', expected ')'.
What you are showing is the value of a JSON object stored in a process data, right? What is the name of the process data?
In Java you use JSON(), in the process (JavaScript) use S()
(see https://docs.camunda.org/manual/7.17/reference/spin/json/01-reading-json/)
Place S() around the name of your process data to create the object. Then you can use .prop() to navigate it. ${S(myData).prop("xyz")}.
In this example I used the method to read the JSON response of a REST call and then extract a field:
You use JSON() around the name of the process data, then you can access the properties
I finally find answer
I must use something like this:
${S(a247f3af4_36cf_72cc_1a95_601f07640674).prop("Value").stringValue() == "AA"}
we must start variable name with character and do'nt use -.

Regexp starts with not working Elasticsearch 6.*

I got trouble with understanding regexp mechanizm in ElasticSearch. I have documents that represent property units:
"Unit" :
"DailyAvailablity" :
DailyAvailability field codes availability of property by days for the next two years from today. 'A' means available, 'U' unabailable, 'I' can check in, 'O' can check out. How can I write regexp filter to get all units that are available in particular dates?
I tried to find the 'A' substring with particular length and offset in DailyAvailability field. For example to find units that would be available for 7 days in 7 days from today:
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
"regexp": { "Unit.DailyAvailability": {"value": ".{7}a{7}.*" } }
This query returns for instance unit with DateAvailability that starts from "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUIAA", but contains suitable sequences somehere inside the field. How can I anchor regexp for entire source string? ES docs say that lucene regex should be anchored by default.
P.S. I have tried '^.{7}a{7}.*$'. Returns empty set.
It looks like you are using text datatype to store Unit.DailyAvailability (which is also the default one for strings if you are using dynamic mapping). You should consider using keyword datatype instead.
Let me explain in a bit more detail.
Why does my regex match something in the middle of a text field?
What happens with text datatype is that the data gets analyzed for full-text search. It does some transformations like lowercasing and splitting into tokens.
Let's try to use the Analyze API against your input:
POST _analyze
The response is:
"tokens": [
"token": "uiaouuuuuuuiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaouuuuiaaaaouuuiaouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaouuuuuuuuuuiaaaaaouuuuuuuuuuuuuiaaaaouuuuuuuuuuuuuiaaaaaaaaouuuuuuiaaaaaaaaaouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuiuuuuuuuuiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuiaaaouuuuuuuuuuuuuiuuuuiaouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu",
"start_offset": 0,
"end_offset": 255,
"type": "<ALPHANUM>",
"position": 0
"token": "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuiaaaaaaaaaaaaouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
"start_offset": 255,
"end_offset": 510,
"type": "<ALPHANUM>",
"position": 1
"token": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
"start_offset": 510,
"end_offset": 732,
"type": "<ALPHANUM>",
"position": 2
As you can see, Elasticsearch has split your input into three tokens and lowercased them. This looks unexpected, but if you think that it actually tries to facilitate search for words in human language, it makes sense - there are no such long words.
That's why now regexp query ".{7}a{7}.*" will match: there is a token that actually starts with a lot of a's, which is an expected behavior of regexp query.
...Elasticsearch will apply the regexp to the terms produced by the
tokenizer for that field, and not to the original text of the field.
How can I make regexp query consider the entire string?
It is very simple: do not apply analyzers. The type keyword stores the string you provide as is.
With a mapping like this:
PUT my_regexes
"mappings": {
"doc": {
"properties": {
"Unit": {
"properties": {
"DailyAvailablity": {
"type": "keyword"
You will be able to do a query like this that will match the document from the post:
POST my_regexes/doc/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
"regexp": { "Unit.DailyAvailablity": "UIAOUUUUUUUIA.*" }
Note that the query became case-sensitive because the field is not analyzed.
This regexp won't return any results anymore: ".{12}a{7}.*"
This will: ".{12}A{7}.*"
So what about anchoring?
The regexes are anchored:
Lucene’s patterns are always anchored. The pattern provided must match the entire string.
The reason why it looked like the anchoring was wrong was most likely because tokens got split in an analyzed text field.
Just in addition to brilliant and helpfull answer of Nikolay Vasiliev. In my case I was forced to go farther to make it work on NEST .net. I added attribute mapping to DailyAvailability:
[Keyword(Name = "DailyAvailability")]
public string DailyAvailability { get; set; }
The filter still didn't work and I got mapping:
My field contained about 732 symbols so it was ignored by index. I tried:
[Keyword(Name = "DailyAvailability", IgnoreAbove = 1024)]
public string DailyAvailability { get; set; }
It didn't make any difference on mapping. And only after adding manual mappings it started working properly:
var client = new ElasticClient(settings);
client.CreateIndex("vrp", c => c
.Mappings(ms => ms.Map<Unit>(m => m
.Properties(ps => ps
.Keyword(k => k.Name(u => u.DailyAvailability).IgnoreAbove(1024))
The point is that:
ignore_above - Do not index any string longer than this value. Defaults to 2147483647 so that all values would be accepted. Please however note that default dynamic mapping rules create a sub keyword field that overrides this default by setting ignore_above: 256.
So use explicit mapping for long keyword fields to set ignore_above if you need to filter them with regexp.
For anyone could be useful, the ES tool does not support the \d \w modes, you should write those as [0-9] and [a-z]

Postman - How can I pass array as variable

Is there the possibility to use an array variable inside postman?
e.g. inside the body of a request:
"myData" : {{arrayVariable}}
and inside the data file:
"arrayVariable": ["1", "2", "3"]
It's possible, you can even add your own keys
You can create a JSON body like this:
"myData" : [
And the variable like this:
arrayVariable: "1", "2", "3"
where arrayVariable is the key and "1", "2", "3" is the value.
using variable with a same name will give you an array
Postman environment variables are meant to just save data as string, so here you are the workaround to pass array as environment variable/data file to Postman as a string like this:
"arrayVariable": '["1", "2", "3"]'
Then, add the following piece of code to parse this variable in pre-request script in Postman like this:
var x = JSON.parse(postman.getEnvironmentVariable("arrayVariable"));
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("arrayVariable", x);
Please create your body request like below
"myData" : ["{{arrayVariable}}"]
and there is no change required for data file.you can use as it is.
"arrayVariable": ["1", "2", "3"]
It will work definatly.
The only solution worked for me was something like the answer MickJagger provided, but I think it needs some clarifications.
The JSON data file should be something like this:
"anArray": "1, \"2\", 3.0, \"Foo\", false"
which it's value is a string, escaping the quotations for string elements.
(Note that this example differs from example provided by original question, to cover more use cases.)
The variables is as MickJagger said:
"value": [{{anArray}}]
Maybe other solutions works on previous postman versions, but this solution is tested on postman's latest version (by the time of publishing this answer), i.e. v7.34.0 .

How to check the type of a field before checking the value in rethinkdb?

I have few tables in rethinkdb with very varied datasets. Mostly because over time, out of simple string properties complex objects were created to be more expressive.
When I run a query, I'm making sure that all fields exist, with the hasFields - function. But what if I want to run a RegExp query on my Message property, which can be of type string or object. Of course if it is an object, I don't care about the row, but instead of ignoring it, rethinkdb throws the error:
Unhandled rejection RqlRuntimeError: Expected type STRING but found OBJECT in...
Can I somehow use typeOf to first determine the type, before running the query?
Or what would be a good way to do this?
Your question is not 100% clear to me so I'm going to restate the problem to make sure my solution gets sense.
Get all documents where the message property is of type object or the message property is a string and matches a particular regular expression (using the match method).
You basically need an if statement. For that, you can use the r.branch to 'branch' your conditions depending on these things.
Here's a very long, but clear example on how to do this:
Let's say you have these documents and you want all documents where the message property is an object or a string that has the substring 'string'. The documents look like this:
"id": "a1a17705-e7b0-4c84-b9d5-8a51f4599eeb" ,
"message": "invalid"
}, {
"id": "efa3e26f-2083-4066-93ac-227697476f75" ,
"message": "this is a string"
}, {
"id": "80f55c96-1960-4c38-9810-a76aef60d678" ,
"not_messages": "hello"
}, {
"id": "d59d4e9b-f1dd-4d23-a3ef-f984c2361226" ,
"message": {
"exists": true ,
"text": "this is a string"
For that , you can use the following query:
.hasFields('message') // only get document with the `message` property
.filter(function (row) {
return r.branch( // Check if it's an object
row('message').typeOf().eq('OBJECT'), // return true if it's an object
r.branch( // Check if it's a string
r.branch( // Only return true if the `message` property ...
row('message').match('string'), // has the substring `string`
false // return `false` if it's a string but doesn't match our regex
false // return `false` if it's neither a string or an object
Again this query is long and could be written a lot more elegantly, but it explains the use of branch very clearly.
A shorter way of writing this query is this:
.filter(function (row) {
This basically uses the and and or methods instead of branch.
This query will return you all registers on table message that have the field message and the field is String.
.filter(function (row) {
return row('message').typeOf().eq('STRING')

Mongodb distinct query with contains query

I have a mongo collection User which contains data like:-
id : 1,
name : "gaurav",
skills : "C++ HTML CSS"
when I am searching for all users that have C++ skill in it with the following query I am getting correct results as expected
But when I am searching all the unique names from the user using the same condition I m not getting any desired result
Can anyone help me with what I am doing wrong?
The "contains" is not a valid keyword for MongoDB queries. You need $regex which submits a general "regular expression" statement matching the pcre specifications:
db.user.distinct( "name", { "skills": { "$regex": "C\+\+" } })
If using JavaScript as you language then this is also safe:
db.user.distinct( "name", { "skills": /C\+\+/ })
To determine if the string "C++" occurred somewhere within the string value of the field being tested. The + character is reserved in "regex" operations and therefore you need to escape it with a \ char as the standard escaping mechanism.
On your data this is the result:
db.user.distinct( "name", { "skills": { "$regex": "C\+\+" } })
[ "gaurav" ]
Try to use REGEX like below query