An operator == whose parameters are non-const references - c++

I this post, I've seen this:
class MonitorObjectString: public MonitorObject {
// some other declarations
friend inline bool operator==(/*const*/ MonitorObjectString& lhs,
/*const*/ MonitorObjectString& rhs)
{ return lhs.fVal==rhs.fVal; }
Before we can continue, THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT:
I am not questioning anyone's ability to code.
I am just wondering why someone would need non-const references in a comparison.
The poster of that question did not write that code.
This was just in case. This is important too:
I added both /*const*/s and reformatted the code.
Now, we get back to the topic:
I can't think of a sane use of the equality operator that lets you modify its by-ref arguments. Do you?

Perhaps the classes use a form of lazy initialization. When the data is accessed, proper initialization must occur, and the data must be fetched. This may change class members.
However, lazy initialization can be formed so that modification to the class isn't necessary. This can be accomplished by using the Pimpl idiom (by a pointer to a private class) or by using the mutable keyword (not recommended!).

Most likely they forgot the const.
Operator overloads should behave consistently and not perform 'out of character' actions.
As a general rule, an equality operator should never modify any of the objects it is comparing. Declaring const enforces this at the compiler level. However, it is often left out. "Const correctness" is very often overlooked in C++.

There's a more baffling problem with the issue you bring up.
If I have two MonitorObjectStrings that are already const, I can't use this equality function.

There's clearly no requirement for non-const args in this case and, like you, I wouldn't think there's any general case for it either.
However, it's certainly the case that const-correctness problems can push their way up from lower levels of the code, and if you can't correct them low-down, then you might have to work around them higher up. Perhaps that's what happened here at some point?

If you can't use const because you're modifying operands, you're badly misusing operator overloading.
If you can't use const because the implementation calls non-const functions, you really should clean those up, or at least provide const alternatives.
If you're calling into code you can't change which doesn't use const, I'd use the const anyway, use const_cast at the deepest available point, and comment it.
As Shmoopty pointed out, the operator is a lot less useful than it should be since it can't be used on const objects, even if only one of them is const. A numeric equality operator that wouldn't support "a == 5" would violate the Law of Least Astonishment in a big way.


Why is std::string's member operator= not lvalue ref-qualified

I recently learned that member functions can be ref-qualified, which allows me to write
struct S {
S& operator=(S const&) & // can only be used if the implicit object is an lvalue
return *this;
S operator+(S const &, S const &) {
return {};
thereby preventing users from doing things like
S s{};
s + s = S{}; // error
However, I see that std::string's member operator= does not do this. So the following code compiles with no warnings
std::string s;
s + s = s;
Is there a reason for allowing this?
If not, would it be possible to add the ref-qualifier in the future, or would that break existing code somehow?
Likely, the timing plays a role in this decision. Ref-qualified member functions were added to the language with C++11, while std::string has been around since C++98. Changing the definition of something in the standard library is not something to be undertaken lightly, as it could needlessly break existing code. This is not a situation where one should exclusively look at why this weird assignment should be allowed (i.e. look for a use-case). Rather, one should also look at why this weird assignment should be disallowed (i.e. look at the benefits, and weigh them against the potential pain when otherwise working code breaks). How often would this change make a difference in realistic coding scenarios?
Looking at the comments, a counter to one proposed use-case was "They could just [another approach]." Yes, they could, but what if they didn't? Proposing alternatives is productive when initially designing the structure (std::string). However, once the structure is in wide use, you have to account for existing code that currently does not use the alternative. Is there enough benefit for the pain you could cause? Would this change actually catch mistakes often enough? How common are such mistakes in contexts where another warning would not be triggered? (As one example, using assignment instead of equality in the conditional of an if statement is likely to already generate a warning.) These are some of the questions with which the language designers grapple.
Please understand that I am not saying that the change cannot be done, only that it would need to be carefully considered.
It cannot be certain why standard does not prohibit behaviour that you presented but there are a few possible explanations:
It is simply an overlook in C++11. Before C++11 there was no ref-qualified methods and so someone has forgotten to change the bahaviour in standard.
It is kept for backward compatibility for people who were using 'dirty' code like:
std::string("a") = "gds";
for some strange reasons.
And about adding this in future - it would be possible. But first the old operator= would have to become deprecated and later on removed because it would cause code like the one above to not compile. And even then some compilers would probably support it for backward standard compatibility

What is wrong with my syntax in this 1 line bit of code (pointers and references and dereferences oh my)?

The code that I am having trouble with is this line:
result.addElement(&(*(setArray[i]) + *(rhs.setArray[j])));
The + operator in my class is overloaded like this (there are a variety of overloads that can fit in this set, but they all have a similar header):
const Rational Rational::operator+(const Rational &rhs) const
The setarrays in the code above are both arrays of pointers, but the + operator requires references, which might be the problem.
AddElement, the method of result, has this header:
bool Set::addElement(Multinumber* newElement)
The Multinumber* in the header is the parent class of Rational, mentioned above. I don't think any of the specific code matters. I'm pretty sure that it is a syntax issue.
My compiler error is:
68: error: invalid conversion from 'const Multinumber*' to 'Multinumber*'
Thank you for your help!
the issue is with const
bool Set::addElement(Multinumber* newElement) should be Set::addElement(const Multinumber* newElement)
Your operator + returns a const object. However, addElement requires a non-const object, which is where your compiler error is coming from. Basically, addElement is telling you that it feels at liberty to modify your Multinumber at will, but the operator + is beginning you not to modify the returned value.
You should just return a non-const object, unless there's a good reason not to. You're not returning a reference after all.
Of course, if the data in your Set is supposed to be constant and will never be changed, you may as well make addElement take a const pointer, and make sure that it internally deals with const pointers EVERYWHERE.
The issue is with the addElement expecting a non-const where as operator+ is returning a const object.
The fix for the code is cast the return as mentioned below
addElement((Multinumber * )&( *(setArray[i]) + *(rhs.setArray[j])));
If you dont want to cast, as casting might defeat the purpose of type checking here, then you have to change the signature of the addElement. That depending upon your project scope may have impact else where and if this API is public and other developers are using it. Changing signature will impact them also.
So choose wisely.
This code has much more serious issues than you can fix by adding a const or a typecast somewhere.
The result of this code will ultimately be a crash somewhere down the line, because you're passing a pointer to a temporary. Once you finish with line of code that calls addElement, the pointer will be left dangling, and trying to use the object it points to will either result in nonsense (if you're reading the object) or stack corrpution (if you're writing to the object).
The best way to redefine your code would be to change this to
bool Set::addElement(Multinumber newElement) //pass the Multinumber by value
and call addElement as follows:
result.addElement(*setArray[i] + *rhs.setArray[j]);
Note that I eliminated all of the extra parentheses because * has lower precedence than [], so the parentheses around setArray[i] and setArray[i] were redundant. I think the code is more readable this way.
Well really, if I can guess what's going on here, setArray is the internal storage of the Set class, so it's type will need to be redefined from Multinumber** to Multinumber*, in which case the call really should be
result.addElement(setArray[i] + rhs.setArray[j]);
EDIT Ugggh. None of the above will actually allow you to keep your polymorphism. You need to call new Rational somewhere, and the only reasonable place that I can think of is:
result.addElement( new Rational(*setArray[i] + *rhs.setArray[j]) );
This will work without having to redefine Set::addElement.
A better solution would be to redesign the whole thing so that it doesn't depend on polymorphism for numeric classes (because numeric classes really shouldn't be wrapped in pointers in most normal use).

How often do you declare your functions to be const?

Do you find it helpful?
Every time You know that method won't change state of the object you should declare it to be constant.
It helps reading your code. And it helps when you try to change state of the object - compiler will stop you.
As often as possible. Functions that don't need to change data members should be declared as const. This makes code more understandable and may give hint to the compiler for optimization.
When you have a const object, the only methods that the compiler will let you call are those marked safe by the const keyword. In fact, only member methods make sense as const methods.
In C++, every method of an object receives an implicit this pointer to the object; A const method will simply receive a const this pointer.
Assuming you're talking about methods, as in:
struct Example {
void f() const;
Then if they should be callable on a const object, the method should be const.
Not often enough....
While all the answers are correct, if you are using a libary that is not const correct then it is difficult to use const all the places you should use it.
If you have an old API that takes a char * that for all logical purposes should be a const char *, then you either have to forget const in your code or do some ugly casting. In that case I forget const.
I use const at almost every opportunity, and like the fact it provides both documentation of intent and enforces compliance with that intent. Language features don't get much better than that, and yet const is curiously unloved. (The reality seems to be that the majority of self-proclaimed C++ coders can't explain the difference between int*, int*const, const int* and const int*const.)
While it could never have happened due to its 'C' origins, I often think C++ would be a better language if const had been the default and a liberal sprinkling of (say) 'var' or some similar keyword was necessary to allow post-construction modification of variables.
I used to declare functions as const but now I rarely if ever do it anymore.
The main problem was that if I wanted to change a function from const to non-const, it would mean that all other const functions calling that function would also need to be changed to non-const.
That happened more often than I thought due to optimization. For example I had a GetData() function which used to return a pointer to the data, but I later optimized to only set up the data if GetData() ends up being called (which changes the object's state, so it's no longer a const function).
Same thing for other functions that could do some calculation without changing the object's state, but at some point it made more sense caching the result since the function was called many times and was a bottleneck.
Also in practice, at least for my project, I saw very little benefit from declaring my functions as const.

Argument order for mixed const and non-const pass-by-reference

In keeping with the practice of using non-member functions where possible to improve encapsulation, I've written a number of classes that have declarations which look something like:
void auxiliaryFunction(
const Class& c,
std::vector< double >& out);
Its purpose is to do something with c's public member functions and fill a vector with the output.
You might note that its argument order resembles that of a python member function, def auxiliaryFunction(self, out).
However, there are other reasonable ways of choosing the argument order: one would be to say that this function resembles an assignment operation, out = auxiliaryFunction(c). This idiom is used in, for example,
char* strcpy ( char* destination, const char* source );
What if I have a different function that does not resemble a non-essential member function, i.e. one that initializes a new object I've created:
void initializeMyObject(
const double a,
const std::vector<double>& b,
MyObject& out);
So, for consistency's sake, should I use the same ordering (mutable variable last) as I did in auxiliaryFunction?
In general, is it better to choose (non-const , const) over (const, non-const), or only in certain situations? Are there any reasons for picking one, or should I just choose one and stick with it?
(Incidentally, I'm aware of Google style guide's suggestion of using pointers instead of non-const references, but that is tangential to my question.)
The STL algorithms places output (non-const) values last. There you have a precedent for C++ that everyone should be aware of.
I also tend to order arguments from important, to less important. (i.e. size of box goes before box-margin tweak value.)
(Note though: Whatever you do, be consistent! That's infinitely more important than choosing this or that way...)
Few points that may be of help:
Yes, I like the idea of following the standard library's argument ordering convention as much as possible. Principle of least surprises. So, good to go. However, remember that the C standard library itself is not very well crafted, particularly if you look at the file handling API. So beware -- learn from these mistakes.
const with basic arithmetic types are rarely used, it'd be more of a surprise if you do.
The STL, even with its deficiencies provide, IMO, a better example.
Finally, note that C++ has another advantage called Return Value Optimization which is turned on in most modern compilers by default. I'd use that and rewrite your initializeMyObject or even better, use a class and constructors.
Pass by const-reference than by value -- save a lot of copying overhead (both time and memory penalties)
So, your function signature should be more like this:
MyObject initializeMyObject(
double a,
const std::vector<double>& b,
(And I maybe tempted to hide the std::vector<double> by a typedef if possible.)
In general, is it better to choose (non-const , const) over (const, non-const), or only in certain situations? Are there any reasons for picking one, or should I just choose one and stick with it?
Use a liberal dose of const whenever you can. For parameters, for functions. You are making a promise to the compiler (to be true to your design) and the compiler will help you along every time you digress with diagnostics. Make the most of your language features and compilers. Further, learn about const& (const-refernces) and their potential performance benefits.

Why is const-correctness specific to C++?

Disclaimer: I am aware that there are two questions about the usefulness of const-correctness, however, none discussed how const-correctness is necessary in C++ as opposed to other programming languages. Also, I am not satisfied with the answers provided to these questions.
I've used a few programming languages now, and one thing that bugs me in C++ is the notion of const-correctness. There is no such notion in Java, C#, Python, Ruby, Visual Basic, etc., this seems to be very specific to C++.
Before you refer me to the C++ FAQ Lite, I've read it, and it doesn't convince me. Perfectly valid, reliable programs are written in Python all the time, and there is no const keyword or equivalent. In Java and C#, objects can be declared final (or const), but there are no const member functions or const function parameters. If a function doesn't need to modify an object, it can take an interface that only provides read access to the object. That technique can equally be used in C++. On the two real-world C++ systems I've worked on, there was very little use of const anywhere, and everything worked fine. So I'm far from sold on the usefulness of letting const contaminate a codebase.
I am wondering what is it in C++ that makes const necessary, as opposed to other programming languages.
So far, I've seen only one case where const must be used:
#include <iostream>
struct Vector2 {
int X;
int Y;
void display(/* const */ Vector2& vect) {
std::cout << vect.X << " " << vect.Y << std::endl;
int main() {
Compiling this with const commented out is accepted by Visual Studio, but with warning C4239, non-standard extension used. So, if you want the syntactic brevity of passing in temporaries, avoiding copies, and staying standard-compliant, you have to pass by const reference, no way around it. Still, this is more like a quirk than a fundamental reason.
Otherwise, there really is no situation where const has to be used, except when interfacing with other code that uses const. Const seems to me little else than a self-righteous plague that spreads to everything it touches :
The reason that const works in C++ is
because you can cast it away. If you
couldn't cast it away, then your world
would suck. If you declare a method
that takes a const Bla, you could pass
it a non-const Bla. But if it's the
other way around you can't. If you
declare a method that takes a
non-const Bla, you can't pass it a
const Bla. So now you're stuck. So you
gradually need a const version of
everything that isn't const, and you
end up with a shadow world. In C++ you
get away with it, because as with
anything in C++ it is purely optional
whether you want this check or not.
You can just whack the constness away
if you don't like it.
Anders Hejlsberg (C# architect), CLR Design Choices
Const correctness provides two notable advantages to C++ that I can think of, one of which makes it rather unique.
It allows pervasive notions of mutable/immutable data without requiring a bunch of interfaces. Individual methods can be annotated as to whether or not they can be run on const objects, and the compiler enforces this. Yes, it can be a hassle sometimes, but if you use it consistently and don't use const_cast you have compiler-checked safety with regards to mutable vs. immutable data.
If an object or data item is const, the compiler is free to place it in read-only memory. This can particularly matter in embedded systems. C++ supports this; few other languages do. This also means that, in the general case, you cannot safely cast const away, although in practice you can do so in most environments.
C++ isn't the only language with const correctness or something like it. OCaml and Standard ML have a similar concept with different terminology — almost all data is immutable (const), and when you want something to be mutable you use a different type (a ref type) to accomplish that. So it's just unique to C++ within its neighboring languages.
Finally, coming the other direction: there have been times I have wanted const in Java. final sometimes doesn't go far enough as far as creating plainly immutable data (especially immutable views of mutable data), and don't want to create interfaces. Look at the Unmodifiable collection support in the Java API and the fact that it only checks at run time whether modification is allowed for an example of why const is useful (or at least the interface structure should be deepend to have List and MutableList) — there is no reason that attempting to mutate an immutable structure can't be a compile-type error.
I don't think anybody claims const-correctness is "necessary". But again, classes are not really necessary either, are they? The same goes for namespaces, exceptions,... you get the picture.
Const-correctness helps catch errors at compile time, and that's why it is useful.
const is a way for you to express something. It would be useful in any language, if you thought it was important to express it. They don't have the feature, because the language designers didn't find them useful. If the feature was there, it would be about as useful, I think.
I kind of think of it like throw specifications in Java. If you like them, you would probably like them in other languages. But the designers of the other languages didn't think it was that important.
Well, it will have taken me 6 years to really understand, but now I can finally answer my own question.
The reason C++ has "const-correctness" and that Java, C#, etc. don't, is that C++ only supports value types, and these other languages only support or at least default to reference types.
Let's see how C#, a language that defaults to reference types, deals with immutability when value types are involved. Let's say you have a mutable value type, and another type that has a readonly field of that type:
struct Vector {
public int X { get; private set; }
public int Y { get; private set; }
public void Add(int x, int y) {
X += x;
Y += y;
class Foo {
readonly Vector _v;
public void Add(int x, int y) => _v.Add(x, y);
public override string ToString() => $"{_v.X} {_v.Y}";
void Main()
var f = new Foo();
f.Add(3, 4);
What should this code do?
fail to compile
print "3, 4"
print "0, 0"
The answer is #3. C# tries to honor your "readonly" keyword by invoking the method Add on a throw-away copy of the object. That's weird, yes, but what other options does it have? If it invokes the method on the original Vector, the object will change, violating the "readonly"-ness of the field. If it fails to compile, then readonly value type members are pretty useless, because you can't invoke any methods on them, out of fear they might change the object.
If only we could label which methods are safe to call on readonly instances... Wait, that's exactly what const methods are in C++!
C# doesn't bother with const methods because we don't use value types that much in C#; we just avoid mutable value types (and declare them "evil", see 1, 2).
Also, reference types don't suffer from this problem, because when you mark a reference type variable as readonly, what's readonly is the reference, not the object itself. That's very easy for the compiler to enforce, it can mark any assignment as a compilation error except at initialization. If all you use is reference types and all your fields and variables are readonly, you get immutability everywhere at little syntactic cost. F# works entirely like this. Java avoids the issue by just not supporting user-defined value types.
C++ doesn't have the concept of "reference types", only "value types" (in C#-lingo); some of these value types can be pointers or references, but like value types in C#, none of them own their storage. If C++ treated "const" on its types the way C# treats "readonly" on value types, it would be very confusing as the example above demonstrates, nevermind the nasty interaction with copy constructors.
So C++ doesn't create a throw-away copy, because that would create endless pain. It doesn't forbid you to call any methods on members either, because, well, the language wouldn't be very useful then. But it still wants to have some notion of "readonly" or "const-ness".
C++ attempts to find a middle way by making you label which methods are safe to call on const members, and then it trusts you to have been faithful and accurate in your labeling and calls methods on the original objects directly. This is not perfect - it's verbose, and you're allowed to violate const-ness as much as you please - but it's arguably better than all the other options.
You're right, const-correctness isn't necessary. You can certainly write all your code without the const keyword and get things to work, just as you do in Java and Python.
But if you do that, you'll no longer get the compiler's help in checking for const violations. Errors that the compiler would have told you about at compile-time will now be found only at run-time, if at all, and therefore will take you longer to diagnose and fix.
Therefore, trying to subvert or avoid the const-correctness feature is just making things harder for yourself in the long run.
Programming is writing in a language that will be ultimately processed by the computer, but that is both a way of communicating with the computer and other programmers in the same project. When you use a language, you are restricted to the concepts that can be expressed in it, and const is just one more concept you can use to describe your problem, and your solution.
Constantness enables you to express clearly from the design board to the code one concept that other languages lack. As you come from a language that does not have it, you may seem puzzled by a concept you have never used --if you never used it before, how important can it be?
Language and thought are tightly coupled. You can only express your thoughts in the language you speak, but the language also changes the way you think. The fact that you did not have the const keyword in the languages you worked with implies that you have already found other solutions to the same problems, and those solutions are what seems natural to you.
In the question you argued that you can provide a non mutating interface that can be used by functions that do not need to change the contents of the objects. If you think about it for a second, this same sentence is telling you why const is a concept you want to work with.
Having to define a non-mutating interface and implement it in your class is a work around the fact that you cannot express that concept in your language.
Constantness allows you to express those concepts in a language that the compiler (and other programers) can understand. You are establishing a compromise on what you will do with the parameters you receive, the references you store, or defining limits on what the users of your class are allowed to do with the references you provide. Pretty much each non-trivial class can have a state represented by attributes, and in many cases there are invariants that must be kept. The language lets you define functions that offer access to some internal data while at the same time limits the access to a read-only view that guarantees no external code will break your invariants.
This is the concept I miss more when moving to other languages. Consider an scenario where you have a class C that has among others an attribute a of type A that must be visible to external code (users of your class must be able to query for some information on a). If the type of A has any mutating operation, then to keep user code from changing your internal state, you must create a copy of a and return it. The programmer of the class must be aware that a copy must be performed and must perform the (possibly expensive) copy. On the other hand, if you could express constantness in the language, you could just return a constant reference to the object (actually a reference to a constant view of the object) and just return the internal element. This will allow the user code to call any method of the object that is checked as non-mutating, thus preserving your class invariants.
The problem/advantage, all depends on the point of view, of constantness is that it is viral. When you offer a constant reference to an object, only those methods flagged as non-mutating can be called, and you must tell the compiler which of the methods have this property. When you declare a method constant, you are telling the compiler that user code that calls that method will keep the object state. When you define (implement) a method that has a constant signature, the compiler will remind you of your promise and actually require that you do not internally modify the data.
The language enables you to tell the compiler properties of your methods that you cannot express any other way, and at the same time, the compiler will tell you when you are not complying with your design and try to modify the data.
In this context, const_cast<> should never be used, as the results can take you into the realm of undefined behavior (both from a language point of view: the object could be in read-only memory, and from a program point of view: you might be breaking invariants in other classes). But that, of course, you already know if you read the C++FAQ lite.
As a side note, the final keyword in Java has really nothing to do with the const keyword in C++ when you are dealing with references (in C++ references or pointers). The final keyword modifies the local variable to which it refers, whether a basic type or a reference, but is not a modifier of the referred object. That is, you can call mutating methods through a final reference and thus provide changes in the state of the object referred. In C++, references are always constant (you can only bind them to an object/variable during construction) and the const keyword modifies how the user code can deal with the referred object. (In case of pointers, you can use the const keyword both for the datum and the pointer: X const * const declares a constant pointer to a constant X)
If you are writing programs for embedded devices with data in FLASH or ROM you can't live without const-correctness. It gives you the power to control the correct handling of data in different types of memory.
You want to use const in methods as well in order to take advantage of return value optimization. See Scott Meyers More Effective C++ item 20.
This talk and video from Herb Sutter explains the new connotations of const with regards to thread-safety.
Constness might not have been something you had to worry about too much before but with C++11 if you want to write thread-safe code you need to understand the significance of const and mutable
In C, Java and C# you can tell by looking at the call site if a passed object can be modified by a function:
in Java you know it definitely can be.
in C you know it only can be if there is a '&', or equivalent.
in c# you need to say 'ref' at the call site too.
In C++ in general you can't tell this, as a non-const reference call looks identical to pass-by-value. Having const references allows you to set up and enforce the C convention.
This can make a fairly major difference in readability of any code that calls functions. Which is probably enough to justify a language feature.
Anders Hejlsberg (C# architect): ... If you declare a method that takes a non-const Bla, you can't pass it a const Bla. So now you're stuck. So you gradually need a const version of everything that isn't const, and you end up with a shadow world.
So again: if you started to use "const" for some methods you usually forced to use this in most of your code. But the time spent for maintaining (typing, recompiling when some const is missing, etc.) of const-correctness in code seems greater than for fixing of possible (very rare) problems caused by not using of const-correctness at all. Thus lack of const-correctness support in modern languages (like Java, C#, Go, etc.) might result in slightly reduced development time for the same code quality.
An enhancement request ticket for implementing const correctness existed in the Java Community Process since 1999, but was closed in 2005 due to above mentioned "const pollution" and also compatibility reasons:
Although C# language has no const correctness construct but similar functionality possibly will appear soon in "Microsoft Code Contracts" (library + static analysis tools) for .NET Framework by using [Pure] and [Immutable] attributes: Pure functions in C#
Actually, it's not... not entirely, anyway.
In other languages, especially functional or hybrid languages, like Haskell, D, Rust, and Scala, you have the concept of mutability: variables can be mutable, or immutable, and are usually immutable by default.
This lets you (and your compiler/interpreter) reason better about functions: if you know that a function only takes immutable arguments, then you know that function isn't the one that's mutating your variable and causing a bug.
C and C++ do something similar using const, except that it's a much less firm guarantee: the immutability isn't enforced; a function further down the call stack could cast away the constness, and mutate your data, but that would be a deliberate violation of the API contract. So the intention or best practice is for it to work quite like immutability in other languages.
All that said, C++ 11 now has an actual mutable keyword, alongside the more limited const keyword.
The const keyword in C++ (as applied to parameters and type declarations) is an attempt to keep programmers from shooting off their big toe and taking out their whole leg in the process.
The basic idea is to label something as "cannot be modified". A const type can't be modified (by default). A const pointer can't point to a new location in memory. Simple, right?
Well, that's where const correctness comes in. Here are some of the possible combinations you can find yourself in when you use const:
A const variable
Implies that the data labeled by the variable name cannot be modified.
A pointer to a const variable
Implies that the pointer can be modified, but the data itself cannot.
A const pointer to a variable
Implies that the pointer cannot be modified (to point to a new memory location), but that the data to which the pointer points can be modified.
A const pointer to a const variable
Implies that neither the pointer nor the data to which it points can be modified.
Do you see how some things can be goofy there? That's why when you use const, it's important to be correct in which const you are labeling.
The point is that this is just a compile-time hack. The labeling just tells the compiler how to interpret instructions. If you cast away from const, you can do whatever you want. But you'll still have to call methods that have const requirements with types that are cast appropriately.
For example you have a funcion:
void const_print(const char* str)
cout << str << endl;
Another method
void print(char* str)
cout << str << endl;
In main:
int main(int argc, char **argv)
print("Hello"); // syntax error
This because "hello" is a const char pointer, the (C-style) string is put in read only memory.
But it's useful overall when the programmer knows that the value will not be changed.So to get a compiler error instead of a segmentation fault.
Like in non-wanted assignments:
const int a;
int b;
if(a=b) {;} //for mistake
Since the left operand is a const int.