C++ inserting a line into a file at a specific line number - c++

I want to be able to read from an unsorted source text file (one record in each line), and insert the line/record into a destination text file by specifying the line number where it should be inserted.
Where to insert the line/record into the destination file will be determined by comparing the incoming line from the incoming file to the already ordered list in the destination file. (The destination file will start as an empty file and the data will be sorted and inserted into it one line at a time as the program iterates over the incoming file lines.)
Incoming File Example:
1 10/01/2008 line1data
2 11/01/2008 line2data
3 10/15/2008 line3data
Desired Destination File Example:
2 11/01/2008 line2data
3 10/15/2008 line3data
1 10/01/2008 line1data
I could do this by performing the sort in memory via a linked list or similar, but I want to allow this to scale to very large files. (And I am having fun trying to solve this problem as I am a C++ newbie :).)
One of the ways to do this may be to open 2 file streams with fstream (1 in and 1 out, or just 1 in/out stream), but then I run into the difficulty that it's difficult to find and search the file position because it seems to depend on absolute position from the start of the file rather than line numbers :).
I'm sure problems like this have been tackled before, and I would appreciate advice on how to proceed in a manner that is good practice.
I'm using Visual Studio 2008 Pro C++, and I'm just learning C++.

The basic problem is that under common OSs, files are just streams of bytes. There is no concept of lines at the filesystem level. Those semantics have to be added as an additional layer on top of the OS provided facilities. Although I have never used it, I believe that VMS has a record oriented filesystem that would make what you want to do easier. But under Linux or Windows, you can't insert into the middle of a file without rewriting the rest of the file. It is similar to memory: At the highest level, its just a sequence of bytes, and if you want something more complex, like a linked list, it has to be added on top.

If the file is just a plain text file, then I'm afraid the only way to find a particular numbered line is to walk the file counting lines as you go.
The usual 'non-memory' way of doing what you're trying to do is to copy the file from the original to a temporary file, inserting the data at the right point, and then do a rename/replace of the original file.
Obviously, once you've done your insertion, you can copy the rest of the file in one big lump, because you don't care about counting lines any more.

A [distinctly-no-c++] solution would be to use the *nix sort tool, sorting on the second column of data. It might look something like this:
cat <file> | sort -k 2,2 > <file2> ; mv <file2> <file>
It's not exactly in-place, and it fails the request of using C++, but it does work :)
Might even be able to do:
cat <file> | sort -k 2,2 > <file>
I haven't tried that route, though.
* http://www.ss64.com/bash/sort.html - sort man page

One way to do this is not to keep the file sorted, but to use a separate index, using berkley db (BerkleyDB). Each record in the db has the sort keys, and the offset into the main file. The advantage to this is that you can have multiple ways of sorting, without duplicating the text file. You can also change lines without rewriting the file by appending the changed line at the end, and updating the index to ignore the old line and point to the new one. We used this successfully for multi-GB text files that we had to make many small changes to.
Edit: The code I developed to do this is part of a larger package that can be downloaded here. The specific code is in the btree* files under source/IO.

Try a modifed Bucket Sort. Assuming the id values lend themselves well to it, you'll get a much more efficient sorting algorithm. You may be able to enhance I/O efficiency by actually writing out the buckets (use small ones) as you scan, thus potentially reducing the amount of randomized file/io you need. Or not.

Hopefully, there are some good code examples on how to insert a record based on line number into the destination file.
You can't insert contents into a middle of the file (i.e., without overwriting what was previously there); I'm not aware of production-level filesystems that support it.

I think the question is more about implementation rather than specific algorithms, specifically, handling very large datasets.
Suppose the source file has 2^32 lines of data. What would be an efficent way to sort the data.
Here's how I'd do it:
Parse the source file and extract the following information: sort key, offset of line in file, length of line. This information is written to another file. This produces a dataset of fixed size elements that is easy to index, call it the index file.
Use a modified merge sort. Recursively divide the index file until the number of elements to sort has reached some minimum amount - true merge sort recurses to 1 or 0 elements, I suggest stopping at 1024 or something, this will need fine tuning. Load the block of data from the index file into memory and perform a quicksort on it and then write the data back to disk.
Perform the merge on the index file. This is tricky, but can be done like this: load a block of data from each source (1024 entries, say). Merge into a temporary output file and write. When a block is emptied, refill it. When no more source data is found, read the temporary file from the start and overwrite the two parts being merged - they should be adjacent. Obviously, the final merge doesn't need to copy the data (or even create a temporary file). Thinking about this step, it is probably possible to set up a naming convention for the merged index files so that the data doesn't need to overwrite the unmerged data (if you see what I mean).
Read the sorted index file and pull out from the source file the line of data and write to the result file.
It certainly won't be quick with all that file reading and writing, but is should be quite efficient - the real killer is the random seeking of the source file in the final step. Up to that point, the disk access is usually linear and should therefore be reasonably efficient.


How to read Text file and returns additional input field using TextIO?

I have a PCollection of KV where key is filename and value is some additional info of the files (e.g., the "Source" systems that generated the files). E.g.,
KV("gs://bucket1/dir1/X1.dat", "SourceX"),
KV("gs://bucket1/dir2/Y1.dat", "SourceY")
I need to read all lines from the files and with the "Source" field, returning as a KV PCollection.
KV(line1 from X1.dat, "SourceX")
KV(line2 from X1.dat, "SourceX")
KV(line1 from Y1.dat, "SourceY")
I was able to achieve this by calling FileIO.match() and followed by a DoFn in which I sequentially read the file and append the SourceX (retrieved from a map passed in SideInput).
To get the benefit of parallel reading, could I use TextIO.readAll() to achieve this? TextIO.read() returns a PCollection, without filename info. How can I join it back the map of Filename to Source mapping? Tried WithKeys transfer, but not working ...
Currently using FileIO.match() as you are doing is the best way to accomplish this, but once https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/12645 is merged you'll be able to use the new ContextualTextIO transforms.
Note that computing line numbers in a distributed manner is inherently expensive; you might want to see if you can use offsets (much esasier to compute, and ordered the same as line numbers) instead.
If I understand correctly, you want to read the file in parallel? Unfortunately, TextIO.readAll does not have this feature. You will have to use FileIO.match, and then write your DoFn to read the file in the custom way that you want.
This is because you will not be able to do a random seek into a file and preserve the count of line numbers.
Is reading files serially a bottleneck for your pipeline?

Most Efficient way of freqently(every 5 secs) updating/maintaining a file/vector mirror?

1) I have a file whose contents are mirrored via a vector type container.
2) The file contents are checked( for changes ) every 5 secs or so.
3) Any changes made to the file causes the vector to be updated, thus the mirror is maintained.
4) The contents of the vector are displayed on a screen in real time.
This problem must come up a lot, but I didn't find a satisfactory answer. It could be the answer just happens to be unsatisfactory, the two are not mutually exclusive, but lets see...
Possible Solutions:
Using basic C++ and the STL only.
1) File Data Length or Last Read Position.
After each read, store last read position.
Any new reads start from last read position.
Any changes to existing file data will remain undetected.
2) Hash Check.
After each read, store the hash of each file line, which can be used later to check/read new file data.
Any changes to file contents are reflected in the vector.
Every file line has be read, hashed and stored....twice!
Overhead as file grows in size.
3) No Checks.
Don't check anything just read the entire file and overwrite the vector each time, regardless of changes to the file contents.
Any changes to the file contents will be reflected in the vector.
if you are on windows, just let the OS notify you on changes in the monitored folder.
this way you do not need to poll and also get info about changes to file attributes (e.g. last write)
once you know a actual change happended, you can read/update.
not sure how its done for other operating systems.

C++ Read only random lines in a file

I had requirement to read text file but its too large then I decide to only read some lines in this file. Can I use seek method for jump given line? Then I can only read that line because that text file is too large reading whole file is wasting lot of time. If its not possible, any one give better solution for that? (seek to given line and read it) (I know binary text files are reading byte by byte)
ex of my file
event1 0
subevent 1
subevent 2
event2 3
(In my file after one event its display number of lines I want to seek for previous event)
Yes, you can seek to a point in the file then read from there. One possible problem is that if the lines are all different lengths, a random location in the file will have a higher probability of being in a longer line: you're not getting evenly distributed probabilities of different lines. If you really really must have identical probabilities then you need to make at least one pass over the file to find the start of each line - then you can store those offsets in a vector and randomly select a vector element to guide seeking to the line data in the file. If you only care a little bit, then you can perhaps advance a small but random number of lines past the one you initially seek to... that will even the odds a bit, avoids the initial pass, but isn't perfect. hansmaad's comment adds a neat approach too - perfect results with pretty-good performance - but requires that you have all the lines numbered in the file itself.
Unless each line has exactly the same length, you're going to have to scan through it.
If you want to jump around in it, you can scan through it, saving the offset of each line in a container of your choice, and then use that to seek to a specific line.
Assuming that the lines are variable / random length, I don't believe there is any built-in way to jump directly to the start of a particular line. You can seek to an arbitrary byte position in the file. However, this might land anywhere in the beginning / middle / end of a line.
My best suggestion would be to attack the problem in two steps:
First, make a complete pass through the file, byte by byte, searching for the start of each line. Record the byte position of each line and store it into an array, vector, etc. (Basically, you are creating an index that maps from line number to starting position.) Then, when you have this index built up, you can easily jump to a particular line, by looking up the position in your index.
As far as I know, there is no built-in way to seek to a new line without already knowing where the lines are. I can't tell you the best way to achieve your goal, because most of your question details how you're trying to accomplish it, not what it is you're actually trying to accomplish. Therefore, I might go one of two ways with this:
1) If you actually need every last bit of data from the file (there is no metadata or other information that can be discarded):
Someone mentioned scanning through the file, tracking the lines as you go and building an index with it so you can read in one line at a time. This might work, and it would be the way to go if you actually need each line in its entirety, or if you only need the line number and plan on reading in small pieces at a time from there. However, without knowing details about your constraints or requirements, I would not recommend reading in entire lines using this method for one main reason: I have no way of knowing that one line will not itself be too large to load (what if there is only one line in the file?).
Instead, I would simply allocate a buffer of a size that is an appropriate amount to process at a time, and process the file in chunks of that size until you reach the end. You can stream more data in as you go. Without additional details, I can't tell you what that magic number should be, but the size of the largest chunk of information you might need to process is a good starting point as a minimum.
2) If you don't need every last bit of data from the file (you can discard some of the information in it), then you only need some of it. If you only need select pieces of data, then they are easier to find if they are tagged (which is what XML is for). There are lots of free XML parsers, or you can write your own. Then you'd search for tags instead of arbitrary line numbers, and changes to the file that result in the data being in a different location won't affect your ability to find it if it's tagged, as it would if you're just going by line numbers.

What's the best way to write to more files than the kernel allows open at a time?

I have a very large binary file and I need to create separate files based on the id within the input file. There are 146 output files and I am using cstdlib and fopen and fwrite. FOPEN_MAX is 20, so I can't keep all 146 output files open at the same time. I also want to minimize the number of times I open and close an output file.
How can I write to the output files effectively?
I also must use the cstdlib library due to legacy code.
The executable must also be UNIX and windows cross-platform compatible.
A couple possible approaches you might take:
keep a cache of opened output file handles that's less than FOPEN_MAX - if a write needs to occur on a files that already open, then just do the write. Otherwise, close one of the handles in the cache and open the output file. If your data is generally clumped together in terms of the data for a particular set of files is grouped together in the input file, this should work nicely with an LRU policy for the file handle cache.
Handle the output buffering yourself instead of letting the library do it for you: keep your own set of 146 (or however many you might need) output buffers and buffer the output to those, and perform an open/flush/close when a particular output buffer gets filled. You could even combine this with the above approach to really minimize the open/close operations.
Just be sure you test well for the edge conditions that can happen on filling or nearly filling an output buffer.
It may also be worth scanning the input file, making a list of each output id and sorting it so that you write all the file1 entries first, then all the file2 entries etc..
If you cannot increase the max FOPEN_MAX somehow, you can create a simple queue of requests and then close and re-open files as needed.
You can also keep track of the last write-time for each file, and try to keep the most recently written files open.
The solution seems obvious - open N files, where N is somewhat less than FOPEN_MAX. Then read through the input file and extract the contents of the first N output files. Then close the output files, rewind the input, and repeat.
First of all, I hope you are running as much in parallel as possible. There is no reason why you can't write to multiple files at the same time. I'd recommend doing what thomask said and queue requests. You can then use some thread synchronization to wait until the entire queue is flushed before allowing the next round of writes to go through.
You haven't mentioned if it's critical to write to these outputs in "real-time", or how much data is being written. Subject to your constraints, one option might be to buffer all the outputs and write them at the end of your software run.
A variant of this is to setup internal buffers of a fixed size, once you hit the internal buffer limit, open the file, append, and close, then clear the buffer for more output. The buffers reduce the number of open/close cycles and give you bursts of writes which the file system is usually setup to handle nicely. This would be for cases where you need somewhat real-time writes, and/or data is bigger than available memory, and file handles exceed some max in your system.
You can do it in 2 steps.
1) Write the first 19 ids to one file, the next 19 ids to the next file and so on. So you need 8 output files (and the input file) opened in parallel for this step.
2) For every so created file create 19 (only 13 for the last one) new files and write the ids to it.
Independent of how large the input file is and how many id-datasets it contains, you always need to open and close 163 files. But you need to write the data twice, so it may only worth it, if the id-datasets are really small and randomly distributed.
I think in most cases it is more efficient to open and close the files more often.
The safest method is to open a file and flush after writing, then close if no more recent writing will take place. Many things outside your program's control can corrupt the content of your file. Keep this in mind as you read on.
I suggest keeping an std::map or std::vector of FILE pointers. The map allows you to access file pointers by an ID. If the ID range is small, you could create a vector, reserving elements, and using the ID as an index. This will allow you to keep a lot of files open at the same time. Beware the concept of data corruption.
The limit of simultaneous open files is set by the operating system. For example, if your OS has a maximum of 10, you will have make arrangements when the 11th file is requested.
Another trick is reserve buffers in dynamic memory for each file. When all the data is processed, open a file (or more than one), write the buffer (using one fwrite), close and move on. This may be faster since you are writing to memory during the data processing rather than a file. An interesting side note is that your OS may also page the buffers to the hard drive as well. The size and quantities of buffers is an optimization issue that is platform dependent (you'll have to adjust and test to get a good combination). Your program will slow down if the OS pages the memory to the disk.
Well, if I was writing it with your listed constraints in the OP, I would create 146 buffers and plop the data into them, then at the end, sequentially walk through the buffers and close/open a single file-handle.
You mentioned in a comment that speed was a major concern and that the naive approach is too slow.
There are a few things that you can start considering. One is a reorganizing of the binary file into sequential strips, which would allow parallel operations. Another is a least-recently used approach to your filehandle collection. Another approach might be to fork out to 8 different processes, each outputting to 19-20 files.
Some of these approaches will be more or less practical to write depending on binary organization(Highly fragmented vs highly sequential).
A major constraint is the size of your binary data. Is it bigger than cache? bigger than memory? streamed out of a tape deck? Continually coming off a sensor stream and only existing as a 'file' in memory? Each of those presents a different optimization strategy...
Another question is usage patterns. Are you doing occasional spike writes to the files, or are you having massive chunks written only a few times? That determines the effectiveness of the different caching/paging strategies of filehandles.
Assuming you are on a *nix system, the limit is per process, not system-wide. So that implies you could launch multiple processes, each responsible for a subset of the id's you are filtering for. Each could keep within the FOPEN_MAX for its process.
You could have one parent process reading the input file then sending the data to various 'write' processes through pipe special files.
"Fewest File Opens" Strategy:
To achieve a minimum number of file opens and closes, you will have to read through the input multiple times. Each time, you pick a subset of the ids that need sorting, and you extract only those records into the output files.
Pseudocode for each thread:
Run through the file, collect all the unique ids.
fseek() back to the beginning of the input.
For every group of 19 IDs:
Open a file for each ID.
Run through the input file, appending matching records to the corresponding output file.
Close this group of 19 output files.
fseek() to the beginning of the input.
This method doesn't work quite as nicely with multiple threads, because eventually the threads will be reading totally different parts of the file. When that happens, it's difficult for the file cache to be efficient. You could use barriers to keep the threads more-or-less in lock-step.
"Fewest File Operations" Strategy
You could use multiple threads and a large buffer pool to make only one run-through of the input. This comes at the expense of more file opens and closes (probably). Each thread would, until the whole file was sorted:
Choose the next unread page of the input.
Sort that input into 2-page buffers, one buffer for each output file. Whenever one buffer page is full:
Mark the page as unavailable.
If this page has the lowest page-counter value, append it to the file using fwrite(). If not, wait until it is the lowest (hopefully, this doesn't happen much).
Mark the page as available, and give it the next page number.
You could change the unit of flushing output files to disk. Maybe you have enough RAM to collect 200 pages at a time, per output file?
Things to be careful about:
Is your data page-aligned? If not, you'll have to be clever about reading "the next page".
Make sure you don't have two threads fwrite()'ing to the same output file at the same time. If that happens, you might corrupt one of the pages.

how to traverse a file in python and c++ in backward way? And also store data in backward (bottom to top) way?

Suppose i want to store 3 lines in a file both in python and C++ .
I want to store it like this
ccc ..
But i am giving ccc input first then bbb then aaa. How will I traverse the file from bottom to top and also store from bottom to top/?
It isn't obvious from the title and question whether you want to store to a file, load from a file, or both, so I'll cover both cases:
If it's OK to load it all into memory at once (in Python):
Otherwise, it gets a lot more difficult. Processing a file backwards requires that you read blocks of data a time from the end, scanning backwards through each block for newline marker, and stitching things back together at block boundaries.
If the data all fit in memory at once, put the numbers into a list (in Python):
open('foo.txt', 'w').writelines(reversed(data))
If data is an iterable, replace it with list(data).
If the data doesn't fit in memory (e.g., you have some generator that spits out a ton of data), the problem will be much harder. The simplest solution that comes to mind is to just push the data into a sqlite database and then copy it into the file. Or you might just find it easier to use the data directly from sqlite.
You might want to use a collections.deque. Afaik those things are optimised for insertion at one of their endpoints, so you could read your file as it is and fill the lines into a deque object with its appendleft method ... just a thought. No idea how efficient that would be. :)
Insert the lines to be generated at the beginning of your linear structure (list, vector<string>) each time, then iterate your structure from beginning to end.