"Functionoids"? - c++

I've read the description of "functionoids" here. They look like a poor-man's version of Boost::function and Boost::bind. Am I missing something? Is there a good reason to use them if you're already using Boost?

My vote goes to tr1::function.
Functors or functionoids represent the base from which tr1/boost::function has evolved. The limit with common-interface functors is that they break the OO-paradigm since they represent different types and can only passed to template functions (unless you provide a base class from which they derive from).
Indeed by means of the type erasure technique tr1::function overcomes this limit: They are best used to implement dynamic strategy classes.

Alternatively see the FQA answer here.


Are there any more useful use-cases of functors?

I am trying to understand cases that require using functors. Most of the answer on Stackoverflow and other websites put emphasis on being able to define different adders or multipliers regarding benefits of functors.
Can the use of functors go beyond them? What are some other uses of functors?
More often than not, functors are used with other API calls that need some kind of function object. For example, sorting vectors of user-defined objects which don't have operator() or operator< (etc.) defined.
There are some cases where a set of functors may prove useful. One such case comes when you have several algorithms which functionally do the same thing, but achieve varying levels of accuracy. This happens a lot with some numeric optimization problems: given the general form of a matrix, we might use a different technique to find the solution of a linear equation (e.g., sparse vs dense problem-matracies can employ different algorithms to invert the matrix).
In particular, you should consider functors versus lambdas. In modern versions of C++, there really isn't a need to specify a functor unless you're implementing a function/method that needs a functor (or lambda) as an argument. There are some cases to consider: Do you need a unit-test? Is the functor itself a prototype of future functionality? etc.
ADDENDUM: The key thing to consider is that the use of functor/lambda ultimately boils down to a design decision. As #t.niese noted in the comments, you could use just use functions in combination of template arguments. In addition to the previous considerations above, consider whether or not you can make a compile-time or run-time assessment of the needed functionality.
Additionally, as you make design decisions, you may want to consider "Is there a need for this function to be used outside of this specific context?" If the answer is no, that's a compelling argument to choose a lambda over a free function. With regards to functor specifically, this was an important pattern added before the addition of lambdas to the standard. Typically they're defined in a somewhat private context (frequently in the implementation files, thus after compiled into a library, obfuscated to users of the API). Now with lambdas, you can simply define them within another function or even as a function argument, instead of pre-defining them prior to need.

Where does a tuple store its data?

When I define a tuple like std::tuple<int, char> foo; Where inside the class does it store the int and char values? I'm looking for a layman's terms explanation.
If you take the time to digest it then the GNU implementation is actually a decent example of recursive inheritance using C++0x variadic templates. This is not a subject that lends itself easily to a layman's explanation and is best understood by reading the code over and over until it makes sense.
From what I can see they're inheriting upwards for each successive type in the tuple's type-list with each inherited class taking charge of the storage for that type until the recursion hits the end of the type-list.
Anywhere it wants, really. I mean, it's an implementation detail. But I would say all implementations will eventually boil down to data members with automatic storage duration inside the tuple object. If you're really interested, you can look into the source code of open-source standard library implementations (like libc++ and libstdc++) or the implementation used by your compiler.

C++ standard way to check if type has function with specific signature

This question is related to: Check if a class has a member function of a given signature
Is this functionality implemented by C++11 standard or do I need to use custom implementation?
Is this functionality implemented by C++11 standard
No, it's not. Implementing something like this generally had to be done using macros, to pass the function name in.
do I need to use custom implementation?
Probably not. Such stuff is seldomly needed. There might be other solutions to your underlying problem.

Is boost::variant rocket science? (And should I therefore avoid it for simple problems?)

OK, so I have this tiny little corner of my code where I'd like my function return either of (int, double, CString) to clean up the code a bit.
So I think: No problem to write a little union-like wrapper struct with three members etc. But wait! Haven't I read of boost::variant? Wouldn't this be exactly what I need? This would save me from messing around with a wrapper struct myself! (Note that I already have the boost library available in my project.)
So I fire up my browser, navigate to Chapter 28. Boost.Variant and lo and behold:
The variant class template is a safe, generic, stack-based discriminated union container, offering a simple solution for manipulating an object from a heterogeneous set of types [...]
Great! Exactly what I need!
But then it goes on:
Boost.Variant vs. Boost.Any
Boost.Any makes little use of template metaprogramming techniques (avoiding potentially hard-to-read error messages and significant compile-time processor and memory demands).
"Internal heap limit reached" -- Microsoft Visual C++ -- The compiler option /ZmNNN can increase the memory allocation limit. The NNN is a scaling percentage (i.e., 100 denotes the default limit). (Try /Zm200.)
Uh oh. So using boost::variant may significantly increase compile-time and generate hard-to-read error messages. What if someone moves my use of boost::variant to a common header, will our project suddenly take lots longer to compile? Am I introducing an (unnecessarily) complex type?
Should I use boost::variant for my simple tiny problem?
Generally, use boost::variant if you do want a discriminated union (any is for unknown types -- think of it as some kind of equivalent to how void* is used in C).
Some advantages include exception handling, potential usage of less space than the sum of the type sizes, type discriminated "visiting". Basically, stuff you'd want to perform on the discriminated union.
However, for boost::variant to be efficient, at least one of the types used must be "easily" constructed (read the documentation for more details on what "easily" means).
Boost.variant is not that complex, IMHO. Yes, it is template based, but it doesn't use any really complex feature of C++. I've used quite a bit and no problem at all. I think in your case it would help better describing what your code is doing.
Another way of thinking is transforming what that function returns into a more semantically rich structure/class that allows interpreting which inner element is interesting, but that depends on your design.
This kind of boost element comes from functional programming, where you have variants around every corner.
It should be a way to have a type-safe approach to returning a kind of value that can be of many precise types. This means that is useful to solve your problem BUT you should consider if it's really what you need to do.
The added value compared to other approaches that tries to solve the same problem should be the type-safety (you won't be able to place whatever you want inside a variant without noticing, in opposition to a void*)
I don't use it because, to me, it's a symptom of bad design.
Either your method should return an object that implements a determinated interface or it should be split in more than one method. Design should be reviewed, anyway.

Internal typedefs in C++ - good style or bad style?

Something I have found myself doing often lately is declaring typedefs relevant to a particular class inside that class, i.e.
class Lorem
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Lorem> ptr;
typedef std::vector<Lorem::ptr> vector;
// ...
These types are then used elsewhere in the code:
Lorem::vector lorems;
Lorem::ptr lorem( new Lorem() );
lorems.push_back( lorem );
Reasons I like it:
It reduces the noise introduced by the class templates, std::vector<Lorem> becomes Lorem::vector, etc.
It serves as a statement of intent - in the example above, the Lorem class is intended to be reference counted via boost::shared_ptr and stored in a vector.
It allows the implementation to change - i.e. if Lorem needed to be changed to be intrusively reference counted (via boost::intrusive_ptr) at a later stage then this would have minimal impact to the code.
I think it looks 'prettier' and is arguably easier to read.
Reasons I don't like it:
There are sometimes issues with dependencies - if you want to embed, say, a Lorem::vector within another class but only need (or want) to forward declare Lorem (as opposed to introducing a dependency on its header file) then you end up having to use the explicit types (e.g. boost::shared_ptr<Lorem> rather than Lorem::ptr), which is a little inconsistent.
It may not be very common, and hence harder to understand?
I try to be objective with my coding style, so it would be good to get some other opinions on it so I can dissect my thinking a little bit.
I think it is excellent style, and I use it myself. It is always best to limit the scope of names as much as possible, and use of classes is the best way to do this in C++. For example, the C++ Standard library makes heavy use of typedefs within classes.
It serves as a statement of intent -
in the example above, the Lorem class
is intended to be reference counted
via boost::shared_ptr and stored in a
This is exactly what it does not do.
If I see 'Foo::Ptr' in the code, I have absolutely no idea whether it's a shared_ptr or a Foo* (STL has ::pointer typedefs that are T*, remember) or whatever. Esp. if it's a shared pointer, I don't provide a typedef at all, but keep the shared_ptr use explicitly in the code.
Actually, I hardly ever use typedefs outside Template Metaprogramming.
The STL does this type of thing all the time
The STL design with concepts defined in terms of member functions and nested typedefs is a historical cul-de-sac, modern template libraries use free functions and traits classes (cf. Boost.Graph), because these do not exclude built-in types from modelling the concept and because it makes adapting types that were not designed with the given template libraries' concepts in mind easier.
Don't use the STL as a reason to make the same mistakes.
Typedefs are the ones what policy based design and traits built upon in C++, so The power of Generic Programming in C++ stems from typedefs themselves.
Typdefs are definitely are good style. And all your "reasons I like" are good and correct.
About problems you have with that. Well, forward declaration is not a holy grail. You can simply design your code to avoid multi level dependencies.
You can move typedef outside the class but Class::ptr is so much prettier then ClassPtr that I don't do this. It is like with namespaces as for me - things stay connected within the scope.
Sometimes I did
And it can be default for all domain classes and with some specialization for certain ones.
The STL does this type of thing all the time - the typedefs are part of the interface for many classes in the STL.
are all typedefs that are part of the interface for various STL template classes.
Another vote for this being a good idea. I started doing this when writing a simulation that had to be efficient, both in time and space. All of the value types had an Ptr typedef that started out as a boost shared pointer. I then did some profiling and changed some of them to a boost intrusive pointer without having to change any of the code where these objects were used.
Note that this only works when you know where the classes are going to be used, and that all the uses have the same requirements. I wouldn't use this in library code, for example, because you can't know when writing the library the context in which it will be used.
Currently I'm working on code, that intensively uses these kind of typedefs. So far that is fine.
But I noticed that there are quite often iterative typedefs, the definitions are split among several classes, and you never really know what type you are dealing with. My task is to summarize the size of some complex data structures hidden behind these typedefs - so I can't rely on existing interfaces. In combination with three to six levels of nested namespaces and then it becomes confusing.
So before using them, there are some points to be considered
Does anyone else need these typedefs? Is the class used a lot by other classes?
Do I shorten the usage or hide the class? (In case of hiding you also could think of interfaces.)
Are other people working with the code? How do they do it? Will they think it is easier or will they become confused?
When the typedef is used only within the class itself (i.e. is declared as private) I think its a good idea. However, for exactly the reasons you give, I would not use it if the typedef's need to be known outside the class. In that case I recommend to move them outside the class.
I recommend to move those typedefs outside the class. This way, you remove direct dependency on shared pointer and vector classes and you can include them only when needed. Unless you are using those types in your class implementation, I consider they shouldn't be inner typedefs.
The reasons you like it are still matched, since they are solved by the type aliasing through typedef, not by declaring them inside your class.