Insert commas into number string - regex

Hey there, I'm trying to perform a backwards regular expression search on a string to divide it into groups of 3 digits. As far as i can see from the AS3 documentation, searching backwards is not possible in the reg ex engine.
The point of this exercise is to insert triplet commas into a number like so:
10000000 => 10,000,000
I'm thinking of doing it like so:
string.replace(/(\d{3})/g, ",$1")
But this is not correct due to the search not happening from the back and the replace $1 will only work for the first match.
I'm getting the feeling I would be better off performing this task using a loop.
Due to AS3 not supporting lookahead this is how I have solved it.
public static function formatNumber(number:Number):String
var numString:String = number.toString()
var result:String = ''
while (numString.length > 3)
var chunk:String = numString.substr(-3)
numString = numString.substr(0, numString.length - 3)
result = ',' + chunk + result
if (numString.length > 0)
result = numString + result
return result

If your language supports postive lookahead assertions, then I think the following regex will work:
Demonstrated in Java:
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.Test;
public class CommifyTest {
public void testCommify() {
String num0 = "1";
String num1 = "123456";
String num2 = "1234567";
String num3 = "12345678";
String num4 = "123456789";
String regex = "(\\d)(?=(\\d{3})+$)";
assertEquals("1", num0.replaceAll(regex, "$1,"));
assertEquals("123,456", num1.replaceAll(regex, "$1,"));
assertEquals("1,234,567", num2.replaceAll(regex, "$1,"));
assertEquals("12,345,678", num3.replaceAll(regex, "$1,"));
assertEquals("123,456,789", num4.replaceAll(regex, "$1,"));

Found on
Community > Thousands separator
Pattern: /\d{1,3}(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g
Replace: $&,
trace ( String("1000000000").replace( /\d{1,3}(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g , "$&,") );
It done the job!

If your regex engine has positive lookaheads, you could do something like this:
string.replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+$)/, "$1,")
Where the positive lookahead (?=...) means that the regex only matches when the lookahead expression ... matches.
(Note that lookaround-expressions are not always very efficient.)

While many of these answers work fine with positive integers, many of their argument inputs are cast as Numbers, which implies that they can handle negative values or contain decimals, and here all of the solutions fail. Though the currently selected answer does not assume a Number I was curious to find a solution that could and was also more performant than RegExp (which AS3 does not do well).
I put together many of the answers here in a testing class (and included a solution from this blog and an answer of my own called commaify) and formatted them in a consistent way for easy comparison:
public class CommaNumberSolutions
public static function commaify( input:Number ):String
var split:Array = input.toString().split( '.' ),
front:String = split[0],
back:String = ( split.length > 1 ) ? "." + split[1] : null,
n:int = input < 0 ? 2 : 1,
commas:int = Math.floor( (front.length - n) / 3 ),
i:int = 1;
for ( ; i <= commas; i++ )
n = front.length - (3 * i + i - 1);
front = front.slice( 0, n ) + "," + front.slice( n );
if ( back )
return front + back;
return front;
public static function getCommaString( input:Number ):String
var s:String = input.toString();
if ( s.length <= 3 )
return s;
var i:int = s.length % 3;
if ( i == 0 )
i = 3;
for ( ; i < s.length; i += 4 )
var part1:String = s.substr(0, i);
var part2:String = s.substr(i, s.length);
s = part1.concat(",", part2);
return s;
public static function formatNumber( input:Number ):String
var s:String = input.toString()
var result:String = ''
while ( s.length > 3 )
var chunk:String = s.substr(-3)
s = s.substr(0, s.length - 3)
result = ',' + chunk + result
if ( s.length > 0 )
result = s + result
return result
public static function commaCoder( input:Number ):String
var s:String = "";
var len:Number = input.toString().length;
for ( var i:int = 0; i < len; i++ )
if ( (len-i) % 3 == 0 && i != 0)
s += ",";
s += input.toString().charAt(i);
return s;
public static function regex1( input:Number ):String
return input.toString().replace( /-{0,1}(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+$)/g, "$1," );
public static function regex2( input:Number ):String
return input.toString().replace( /-{0,1}\d{1,3}(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g , "$&,")
public static function addCommas( input:Number ):String
var negative:String = "";
if ( input < 0 )
negative = "-";
input = Math.abs(input);
var s:String = input.toString();
var results:Array = s.split(/\./);
s = results[0];
if ( s.length > 3 )
var mod:Number = s.length % 3;
var output:String = s.substr(0, mod);
for ( var i:Number = mod; i < s.length; i += 3 )
output += ((mod == 0 && i == 0) ? "" : ",") + s.substr(i, 3);
if ( results.length > 1 )
if ( results[1].length == 1 )
return negative + output + "." + results[1] + "0";
return negative + output + "." + results[1];
return negative + output;
if ( results.length > 1 )
if ( results[1].length == 1 )
return negative + s + "." + results[1] + "0";
return negative + s + "." + results[1];
return negative + s;
Then I tested each for accuracy and performance:
public class TestCommaNumberSolutions
private var functions:Array;
function TestCommaNumberSolutions()
functions = [
{ name: "commaify()", f: CommaNumberSolutions.commaify },
{ name: "addCommas()", f: CommaNumberSolutions.addCommas },
{ name: "getCommaString()", f: CommaNumberSolutions.getCommaString },
{ name: "formatNumber()", f: CommaNumberSolutions.formatNumber },
{ name: "regex1()", f: CommaNumberSolutions.regex1 },
{ name: "regex2()", f: CommaNumberSolutions.regex2 },
{ name: "commaCoder()", f: CommaNumberSolutions.commaCoder }
protected function verify():void
var assertions:Array = [
{ input: 1, output: "1" },
{ input: 21, output: "21" },
{ input: 321, output: "321" },
{ input: 4321, output: "4,321" },
{ input: 54321, output: "54,321" },
{ input: 654321, output: "654,321" },
{ input: 7654321, output: "7,654,321" },
{ input: 987654321, output: "987,654,321" },
{ input: 1987654321, output: "1,987,654,321" },
{ input: 21987654321, output: "21,987,654,321" },
{ input: 321987654321, output: "321,987,654,321" },
{ input: 4321987654321, output: "4,321,987,654,321" },
{ input: 54321987654321, output: "54,321,987,654,321" },
{ input: 654321987654321, output: "654,321,987,654,321" },
{ input: 7654321987654321, output: "7,654,321,987,654,321" },
{ input: 87654321987654321, output: "87,654,321,987,654,321" },
{ input: -1, output: "-1" },
{ input: -21, output: "-21" },
{ input: -321, output: "-321" },
{ input: -4321, output: "-4,321" },
{ input: -54321, output: "-54,321" },
{ input: -654321, output: "-654,321" },
{ input: -7654321, output: "-7,654,321" },
{ input: -987654321, output: "-987,654,321" },
{ input: -1987654321, output: "-1,987,654,321" },
{ input: -21987654321, output: "-21,987,654,321" },
{ input: -321987654321, output: "-321,987,654,321" },
{ input: -4321987654321, output: "-4,321,987,654,321" },
{ input: -54321987654321, output: "-54,321,987,654,321" },
{ input: -654321987654321, output: "-654,321,987,654,321" },
{ input: -7654321987654321, output: "-7,654,321,987,654,321" },
{ input: -87654321987654321, output: "-87,654,321,987,654,321" },
{ input: .012345, output: "0.012345" },
{ input: 1.012345, output: "1.012345" },
{ input: 21.012345, output: "21.012345" },
{ input: 321.012345, output: "321.012345" },
{ input: 4321.012345, output: "4,321.012345" },
{ input: 54321.012345, output: "54,321.012345" },
{ input: 654321.012345, output: "654,321.012345" },
{ input: 7654321.012345, output: "7,654,321.012345" },
{ input: 987654321.012345, output: "987,654,321.012345" },
{ input: 1987654321.012345, output: "1,987,654,321.012345" },
{ input: 21987654321.012345, output: "21,987,654,321.012345" },
{ input: -.012345, output: "-0.012345" },
{ input: -1.012345, output: "-1.012345" },
{ input: -21.012345, output: "-21.012345" },
{ input: -321.012345, output: "-321.012345" },
{ input: -4321.012345, output: "-4,321.012345" },
{ input: -54321.012345, output: "-54,321.012345" },
{ input: -654321.012345, output: "-654,321.012345" },
{ input: -7654321.012345, output: "-7,654,321.012345" },
{ input: -987654321.012345, output: "-987,654,321.012345" },
{ input: -1987654321.012345, output: "-1,987,654,321.012345" },
{ input: -21987654321.012345, output: "-21,987,654,321.012345" }
var i:int;
var len:int = assertions.length;
var assertion:Object;
var f:Function;
var s1:String;
var s2:String;
for each ( var o:Object in functions )
i = 0;
f = o.f;
trace( '\rVerify: ' + );
for ( ; i < len; i++ )
assertion = assertions[ i ];
s1 = f.apply( null, [ assertion.input ] );
s2 = assertion.output;
if ( s1 !== s2 )
trace( 'Test #' + i + ' Failed: ' + s1 + ' !== ' + s2 );
protected function measure():void
// Generate random inputs
var values:Array = [];
for ( var i:int = 0; i < 999999; i++ ) {
values.push( Math.random() * int.MAX_VALUE * ( Math.random() > .5 ? -1 : 1) );
var len:int = values.length;
var stopwatch:Stopwatch = new Stopwatch;
var s:String;
var f:Function;
trace( '\rTesting ' + len + ' random values' );
// Test each function
for each ( var o:Object in functions )
i = 0;
s = "";
f = o.f;
for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
s += f.apply( null, [ values[i] ] ) + " ";
trace( + '\t\ttook ' + (stopwatch.elapsed/1000) + 's' ); //(stopwatch.elapsed/len) + 'ms'
import flash.utils.getTimer;
class Stopwatch
protected var startStamp:int;
protected var stopStamp:int;
protected var _started:Boolean;
protected var _stopped:Boolean;
function Stopwatch( startNow:Boolean = true ):void
if ( startNow )
public function start():void
startStamp = getTimer();
_started = true;
_stopped = false;
public function stop():void
stopStamp = getTimer();
_stopped = true;
_started = false;
public function get elapsed():int
return ( _stopped ) ? stopStamp - startStamp : ( _started ) ? getTimer() - startStamp : 0;
public function get started():Boolean
return _started;
public function get stopped():Boolean
return _stopped;
Because of AS3's lack of precision with larger Numbers every class failed these tests:
Test #15 Failed: 87,654,321,987,654,320 !== 87,654,321,987,654,321
Test #31 Failed: -87,654,321,987,654,320 !== -87,654,321,987,654,321
Test #42 Failed: 21,987,654,321.012344 !== 21,987,654,321.012345
Test #53 Failed: -21,987,654,321.012344 !== -21,987,654,321.012345
But only two functions passed all of the other tests: commaify() and addCommas().
The performance tests show that commaify() is the most preformant of all the solutions:
Testing 999999 random values
commaify() took 12.411s
addCommas() took 17.863s
getCommaString() took 18.519s
formatNumber() took 14.409s
regex1() took 40.654s
regex2() took 36.985s
Additionally commaify() can be extended to including arguments for decimal length and zero-padding on the decimal portion — it also outperforms the others at 13.128s:
public static function cappedDecimal( input:Number, decimalPlaces:int = 2 ):Number
if ( decimalPlaces == 0 )
return Math.floor( input );
var decimalFactor:Number = Math.pow( 10, decimalPlaces );
return Math.floor( input * decimalFactor ) / decimalFactor;
public static function cappedDecimalString( input:Number, decimalPlaces:int = 2, padZeros:Boolean = true ):String
if ( padZeros )
return cappedDecimal( input, decimalPlaces ).toFixed( decimalPlaces );
return cappedDecimal( input, decimalPlaces ).toString();
public static function commaifyExtended( input:Number, decimalPlaces:int = 2, padZeros:Boolean = true ):String
var split:Array = cappedDecimalString( input, decimalPlaces, padZeros ).split( '.' ),
front:String = split[0],
back:String = ( split.length > 1 ) ? "." + split[1] : null,
n:int = input < 0 ? 2 : 1,
commas:int = Math.floor( (front.length - n) / 3 ),
i:int = 1;
for ( ; i <= commas; i++ )
n = front.length - (3 * i + i - 1);
front = front.slice( 0, n ) + "," + front.slice( n );
if ( back )
return front + back;
return front;
So, I'd offer that commaify() meets the demands of versatility and performance though certainly not the most compact or elegant.

This really isn't the best use of RegEx... I'm not aware of a number formatting function, but this thread seems to provide a solution.
function commaCoder(yourNum):String {
//var yourNum:Number = new Number();
var numtoString:String = new String();
var numLength:Number = yourNum.toString().length;
numtoString = "";
for (i=0; i<numLength; i++) {
if ((numLength-i)%3 == 0 && i != 0) {
numtoString += ",";
numtoString += yourNum.toString().charAt(i);
return numtoString;
If you really are insistent on using RegEx, you could just reverse the string, apply the RegEx replace function, then reverse it back.

A sexeger is good for this. In brief, a sexeger is a reversed regex run against a reversed string that you reverse the output of. It is generally more efficient than the alternative. Here is some pseudocode for what you want to do:
string = reverse string
string.replace(/(\d{3})(?!$)/g, "$1,")
string = reverse string
Here is is a Perl implemntation
use strict;
use warnings;
my $s = 13_456_789;
for my $n (1, 12, 123, 1234, 12345, 123456, 1234567) {
my $s = reverse $n;
$s =~ s/([0-9]{3})(?!$)/$1,/g;
$s = reverse $s;
print "$s\n";

You may want to consider NumberFormatter

I'll take the downvotes for not being the requested language, but this non-regex technique should apply (and I arrived here via searching for "C# regex to add commas into number")
var raw = "104241824 15202656 KB 13498560 KB 1612672KB already 1,000,000 or 99.999 or 9999.99";
int i = 0;
bool isnum = false;
var formatted = raw.Reverse().Aggregate(new StringBuilder(), (sb, c) => {
//$"{i}: [{c}] {isnum}".Dump();
if (char.IsDigit(c) && c != ' ' && c!= '.' && c != ',') {
if (isnum) {
if (i == 3) {
//$"ins ,".Dump();
sb.Insert(0, ',');
i = 0;
else isnum = true;
else {
isnum = false;
i = 0;
sb.Insert(0, c);
return sb;
results in:
104,241,824 15,202,656 KB 13,498,560 KB 1,612,672KB already 1,000,000 or 99.999 or 9,999.99

// This is a simple code and it works fine...:)
import java.util.Scanner;
public class NumberWithCommas {
public static void main(String a[]) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
String num;
System.out.println("\n enter the number:");
num =;
public static void printNumber(String ar) {
int len, i = 0, temp = 0;
len = ar.length();
temp = len / 3;
if (len % 3 == 0)
temp = temp - 1;
len = len + temp;
char[] ch = ar.toCharArray();
char[] ch1 = new char[len];
for (int j = 0, k = (ar.length() - 1); j < len; j++)
if (i < 3)
ch1[j] = ch[k];
ch1[j] = ',';
i = 0;
for (int j = len - 1; j >= 0; j--)

If you can't use lookahead on regular expressions, you can use this:
string.replace(/^(.*?,)?(\d{1,3})((?:\d{3})+)$/, "$1$2,$3")
inside a loop until there's nothing to replace.
For example, a perlish solution would look like this:
my $num = '1234567890';
while ($num =~ s/^(.*?,)?(\d{1,3})((?:\d{3})+)$/$1$2,$3/) {}

Perl RegExp 1 liner:
1 while $VAR{total} =~ s/(.*\d)(\d\d\d)/$1,$2/g;

Try this code. it's simple and best performance.
var reg:RegExp=/\d{1,3}(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g;
var my_num:Number = 48712694;
var my_num_str:String = String(my_num).replace(reg,"$&,");


How would you go about placing boxes correctly

I am trying to make a datepicker with dates placed beneath the name of the days of the week. But I can't really get the spacing and the placement correct. don't really know what would make it possible to make the placement modifyable during run either because I mean if a month starts on a Wednesday the first date must align with Wednesday instead of Monday or well Sunday.
Here is my code:
val datesList = listOf<String>("Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat")
var dayCounter: Int = 1
var week: Int = 1
Row(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(), horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.SpaceEvenly) {
datesList.forEach {
Text(text = it.toString().substring(0,3))
while (dayCounter <= 31){
Row(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth().padding(5.dp)) {
for (i in week..7){
if(dayCounter <= 31){
Box(contentAlignment = Alignment.Center, modifier = Modifier.background(Color.Red , CircleShape).padding(10.dp)) {
Text(text = dayCounter++.toString())
I have already tried with padding but that just stretches the boxes. and aspectratio wont work either because of the different amount of dates on each row. So I'm kinda stuck will someone please help?
I think this is what you want...
fun DatePicker() {
val datesList = listOf<String>("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat")
var dayCounter: Int = 1
var week: Int = 1
Column(Modifier.fillMaxWidth()) {
horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Center
) {
datesList.forEach {
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center
) {
Text(text = it.substring(0, 3))
var initWeekday = 3 // wednesday
while (dayCounter <= 31) {
) {
if (initWeekday > 0) {
repeat(initWeekday) {
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.weight(1f))
for (i in week..(7 - initWeekday)) {
if (dayCounter <= 31) {
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center,
modifier = Modifier
.background(Color.Red, CircleShape)
) {
Text(text = dayCounter++.toString())
} else {
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.weight(1f))
initWeekday = 0
Here's the result:

react-markdown shows div instead of element tag when using custom component

I'm trying to write a custom plugin for underline support ( with ~the underlined text~ syntax ) in react-markdown ( remark ) and the problem is the result uses div tag instead of ins.
here is the plugin:
const UNDERLINE_REGEX = /~(.*)~/g;
const extractPosition = (string, start, end) => {
const startLine = string.slice(0, start).split("\n");
const endLine = string.slice(0, end).split("\n");
return {
start: {
line: startLine.length,
column: startLine[startLine.length - 1].length + 1,
end: {
line: endLine.length,
column: endLine[endLine.length - 1].length + 1,
const extractText = (string, start, end) => ({
type: "text",
value: string.slice(start, end),
position: extractPosition(string, start, end),
const underlinePlugin = () => {
function transformer(tree) {
visit(tree, "text", (node, position, parent) => {
const definition = [];
let lastIndex = 0;
const matches = node.value.matchAll(UNDERLINE_REGEX);
for (const match of matches) {
const value = match[1];
const type = "underline";
const tagName = "ins";
if (match.index !== lastIndex) {
extractText(node.value, lastIndex, match.index)
children: [
match.index + 1, // 1 is start ~
match.index + value.length + 1 // 1 is start ~
position: extractPosition(
match.index + value.length + 2 // 2 is start and end ~
lastIndex = match.index + value.length + 2; // 2 is start and end ~
if (lastIndex !== node.value.length) {
const text = extractText(
const last = parent.children.slice(position + 1);
parent.children = parent.children.slice(0, position);
parent.children = parent.children.concat(definition);
parent.children = parent.children.concat(last);
return transformer;
Here is the Markdown usage:
ins: ({ value }) => <ins>{value}</ins>,
underline: ({ value }) => <ins>{value}</ins>,
~Hello~, **world**!
And here is the result
I used type: 'underline', type: 'ins', tagName: 'underline', 'tagName: 'ins', but none of them works. I don't know what am I doing wrong here.
Thank you for your time :)
The remark markdown processor supports the CommonMark specification which does not include support for ins or del tags. The react-markdown component is, presumably, subject to the CommonMark limitation (Why no underline?).

How to select first chars with a custom word boundary?

I've test cases with a series of words like this :
input: "Halley's Comet",
expected: "HC",
input: "First In, First Out",
expected: "FIFO",
input: "The Road _Not_ Taken",
expected: "TRNT",
I want with one regex to match all first letters of these words, avoid char: "_" to be matched as a first letter and count single quote in the word.
Currently, I have this regex working on pcre syntax but not with Go regexp package : (?<![a-zA-Z0-9'])([a-zA-Z0-9'])
I know lookarounds aren't supported by Go but I'm looking for a good way to do that.
I also use this func to get an array of all strings : re.FindAllString(s, -1)
Thanks for helping.
Something that plays with character classes and word boundaries should suffice:
package main
import (
func main() {
re := regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)\b_*([a-z])[a-z]*(?:'s)?_*\b\W*`)
fmt.Println(re.ReplaceAllString("O'Brian's dog", "$1"))
ftr, regexp less solution
package main
import (
func main() {
inputs := []string{"Hallمرحباey's Comet", "First In, First Out", "The Road _Not_ Taken", "O'Brian's Dog"}
c := [][]string{}
w := [][]string{}
for _, input := range inputs {
c = append(c, firstLet(input))
w = append(w, words(input))
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", w)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", c)
func firstLet(in string) (out []string) {
var inword bool
for _, r := range in {
if !inword {
if isChar(r) {
inword = true
out = append(out, string(r))
} else if r == ' ' {
inword = false
return out
func words(in string) (out []string) {
var inword bool
var w []rune
for _, r := range in {
if !inword {
if isChar(r) {
w = append(w, r)
inword = true
} else if r == ' ' {
if len(w) > 0 {
out = append(out, string(w))
w = w[:0]
inword = false
} else if r != '_' {
w = append(w, r)
if len(w) > 0 {
out = append(out, string(w))
return out
func isChar(r rune) bool {
return (r >= 'a' && r <= 'z') || (r >= 'A' && r <= 'Z')
[][]string{[]string{"Hallمرحباey's", "Comet"}, []string{"First", "In,", "First", "Out"}, []string{"The", "Road", "Not", "Taken"}, []string{"O'Brian's", "Dog"}}
[][]string{[]string{"H", "C"}, []string{"F", "I", "F", "O"}, []string{"T", "R", "N", "T"}, []string{"O", "D"}}

Regular expression to extract Words inside nested parentheses

im looking for the regexp that make able to do this tasks
message Body Input: Test1 (Test2) (test3) (ti,ab(text(text here(possible text)text(possible text(more text))))) end (text)
the result that i want Result: (text(text here(possible text)text(possible text(more text))))
I want to collect everything that is inside ti,ab(................)
var messageBody = message.getPlainBody()
var ssFile = DriveApp.getFileById(id);
var ss =;
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
var range = sheet.getRange(1, 1, sheet.getLastRow(), sheet.getLastColumn() + 1)
var values = range.getValues();
values[0][sheet.getLastColumn()] = "Search Strategy";
for (var i = 1; i < values.length; i++) {
//here my Regexp
var y = messageBody.match(/\((ti,ab.*)\)/ig);
if (y);
values[i][values[i].length - 1] = y.toString();
The only solution you may use here is to extract all substrings inside parentheses and then filter them to get all those that start with ti,ab:
var a = [], r = [], result;
var txt = "Test1 (Test2) (test3) (ti,ab(text(text here(possible text)text(possible text(more text))))) end (text)";
for(var i=0; i < txt.length; i++){
if(txt.charAt(i) == '(') {
if(txt.charAt(i) == ')') {
result = r.filter(function(x) { return /^ti,ab\(/.test(x); })
.map(function(y) {return y.substring(6,y.length-1);})
The nested parentheses function is borrowed from Nested parentheses get string one by one. The /^ti,ab\(/ regex matches ti,ab( at the start of the string.
The above solution allows extracting nested parentheses inside nested parentheses. If you do not need it, use
var txt = "Test1 (Test2) ((ti,ab(text(text here))) AND ab(test3) Near Ti(test4) NOT ti,ab,su(test5) NOT su(Test6))";
var start=0, r = [], level=0;
for (var j = 0; j < txt.length; j++) {
if (txt.charAt(j) == '(') {
if (level === 0) start=j;
if (txt.charAt(j) == ')') {
if (level > 0) {
if (level === 0) {
r.push(txt.substring(start, j+1));
console.log("r: ", r);
var rx = "\\b(?:ti|ab|su)(?:,(ti|ab|su))*\\(";
var result = r.filter(function(y) { return new RegExp(rx, "i").test(y); })
.map(function(x) {
return x.replace(new RegExp(rx, "ig"), '(')
The pattern used to filter and remove the unnecessary words
\b - a word boundary
(?:ti|ab|su) - 1 of the alternatives,
(?:,(ti|ab|su))* - 0 or more repetitions of , followed with 1 of the 3 alternatives
\( - a (.
The match is replaced with ( to restore it in the match.

Google Visualization : How do I perform check/uncheck with google visualization table associated checkbox?

I am unable to perform the check and uncheck action with google visualization table associated checkbox. The checkboxes are generated dynamically based on the query value.(0/1)
function drawQuestions(queryResponse, table_container_id) {
if (queryResponse.isError()) {
alert('Error in query: ' + queryResponseData.getMessage() + ' ' + queryResponseData.getDetailedMessage());
var questionBankResponse = queryResponse.getDataTable();
if (questionBankResponse.getNumberOfRows() === 0) {
alert('Empty rows in query: ' + );
var questionDataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable();
questionDataTable.addColumn('string', '');
questionDataTable.addColumn('string', '');
questionDataTable.addColumn('string', '');
var questionDataTableRow = new Array();
var rowCounter;
var questionHeader = questionBankResponse.getValue(0, 0);
for (rowCounter = 0; rowCounter < questionBankResponse.getNumberOfRows() ; rowCounter++) {
var count = 0 * 1;
var chbQuestion;
var questionId = questionBankResponse.getValue(rowCounter, 2);
var questionName = questionBankResponse.getValue(rowCounter, 3);
var answerValue = questionBankResponse.getValue(rowCounter, 4);
var answerOthers = questionBankResponse.getValue(rowCounter, 5);
if (answerValue === null)
answerValue = 0;
if (answerValue.toString() === "1") {
chbQuestion = "<input type=\"checkbox\"" + " id=\"" + questionId + "\" checked=\"true\" />";
else {
chbQuestion = "<input type=\"checkbox\"" + " id=\"" + questionId + "\" />";
if (isNaN(answerOthers))
txtAnswerOthers = "<input type=\"text\"" + "size=\"100\" id=\"" + questionId + "\"" + " value='" + answerOthers + "' name='" + answerOthers + "' />";
txtAnswerOthers = null;
questionDataTableRow[count++] = chbQuestion;
questionDataTableRow[count++] = questionName;
questionDataTableRow[count++] = txtAnswerOthers;
for (rowCounter = 0; rowCounter < questionDataTable.getNumberOfRows() ; rowCounter++) {
questionDataTable.setProperty(rowCounter, 0, "style", "width:30px");
questionDataTable.setProperty(rowCounter, 1, "style", "width:100%");
var tableObject = new google.visualization.Table(document.getElementById(table_container_id));
tableObject.draw(questionDataTable, { allowHtml: true, 'cssClassNames': cssClasses, width: '100%', sort: 'disable' });
Issue: Checkbox state has not been changed before and after the click.
Referred: Previous answer reference
Finally, I developed a solution for this. Here it is.
First, draw the table using google visualization API then draw the checkbox using HTML dom.
function handleQuestionsSqlQueryResponse(dataQueryQuestionsResponse) {
if (dataQueryQuestionsResponse.isError()) {
alert('Error in query: ' + dataQueryQuestionsResponse.getMessage() + ' ' + dataQueryQuestionsResponse.getDetailedMessage());
var dtQuestions = dataQueryQuestionsResponse.getDataTable();
var intNoOfRows = dtQuestions.getNumberOfRows();
for (intRowCounter = 0; intRowCounter < intNoOfRows ; intRowCounter++) {
var tblQuestions = new google.visualization.DataTable();
tblQuestions.addColumn('string', '');
tblQuestions.addColumn('string', '');
var arrQuestions = new Array();
var strQuestionSection = dtQuestions.getValue(intRowCounter, 0);
var strQuestionDetails = dtQuestions.getValue(intRowCounter, 1);
if (strQuestionSection !== null && strQuestionDetails !== null) {
arrQuestions = strQuestionDetails.split(";");
for (var intRowIterator = 0; intRowIterator < arrQuestions.length; intRowIterator++) {
var intCount = 0 * 1;
var tblQuestionsRow = new Array();
var strQuestionNo = arrQuestions[intRowIterator].split("|")[0];
var strQuestionName = arrQuestions[intRowIterator].split("|")[1];
tblQuestionsRow[intCount++] = strQuestionName;
if (strQuestionName === "Other / Unknown? Please Describe:") {
tblQuestionsRow[intCount++] = "<input type=\"text\"" + "size=\"30\" id=\"" + strQuestionNo + "Others" + "\"" + " value='' name='" + strQuestionNo + "' disabled />";
} else {
tblQuestionsRow[intCount++] = null;
var tableObject = new google.visualization.Table(document.getElementById(strQuestionSection));
tableObject.draw(tblQuestions, { allowHtml: true, 'cssClassNames': cssClasses, width: '100%', sort: 'disable' });
for (intRowCounter = 0; intRowCounter < intNoOfRows ; intRowCounter++) {
var intQuestionValue = 0;
var strQuestionSection = dtQuestions.getValue(intRowCounter, 0);
var strQuestionDetails = dtQuestions.getValue(intRowCounter, 1);
var tblContainer = document.getElementById(strQuestionSection);
var tblReference = tblContainer.getElementsByTagName('TBODY')[0];
arrQuestions = strQuestionDetails.split(";");
for (var intRowIterator = 0; intRowIterator < arrQuestions.length; intRowIterator++) {
var tblRow = tblReference.rows[intRowIterator];
var tblCheckBox = tblRow.insertCell(0);
var strQuestionNo = arrQuestions[intRowIterator].split("|")[0];
if (strQuestionNo !== null) {
tblCheckBox.innerHTML = "<input type=\"checkbox\"" + " id=\"" + strQuestionNo + "\" name=\"" + strQuestionNo + "\" value=\"" +
intQuestionValue + "\" onchange=\"doCheckOrUnCheck('" + strQuestionNo + "');\" />";