Using string literals as parameters to template tags in Django templates - django

One of the things I find myself doing often is passing string literals as parameters to template tags or functions; for instance:
{% url my-url 'my_param' %}
Unfortunately, the django template engine doesn't let you do this. So I find myself doing this a lot in my view code:
my_context_dict['MY_PARAM'] = 'my_param'
and then in my view code:
{% url my-url MY_PARAM %}
Or creating a series of URL mappings, which I personally try to avoid.
Is it possible to use a string literal in Django templates? Or possibly a more elegant solution? I haven't seen anything on here or in the documentation.

This feels wrong but is right.
The nested ""'s don't seem like they should work. They do. The Django {% %} material is simply pulled out of the HTML without regard for surrounding context. So the "duplicated" "'s aren't really duplicated at all.

Use double quotes instead of single quotes:
{% url my_view "my_param" %}

Very wierd - I have a django project that uses single quotes to pass a string value and it functions just fine.
<a href="{% url categories 'vendor' %}"</a>
<a href="{% url categories 'crew' %}"</a>
On further investigation it turns out this has changed in django 1.5. It now requires the quotes even around the url pattern name.


Using a variable in a {% url %} when `app_name` has been defined

I am having issues trying to use a Django template variable to form a URL in combination with the app_name attribute.
Currently, I am using a template variable to form a URL
On our page about {{ variable_name }}.
Though I am aware that it is seen as good practice to make a URL more accurate by defining app_name in URLs. e.g.
app_name = "name_of_app"
Meaning that URLs are then written like:
Is it possible for me to combine my current code with this approach? To use a variable and the app_name attribute?
I have experimented with this {% url 'NameOfApp:'this_is_a_variable %}, by putting the quote marks in different places, but no success yet.
You need to use the "add" filter as such:
{% url "name_of_app:"|add:variable %}
Django convert all the template tags and variables in to plain text while rendering. We can't directly do that. Try using template filter or with tag.

Could not parse the remainder: '/{{}}' from ''item'/{{menu.Info.Page}}'

<img id="page" class="abc" src="{{STATIC_URL}}page/code_251.png" style=""/>
Hitting this url like localhost:8000/app/page works fine.
If I want something from views and append that pageid with url then showing error as Couldn't parse.
From views:{{page.pageid}}
output url should be :localhost:8000/app/?pageid=xx
for this i tried with below syntax:
<img id="page" class="abc" src="{{STATIC_URL}}page/code_251.png" style=""/>
But above syntax did't worked for me.
May be some changes need to be done on as well.
Can someone share some idea!!
You're confused about at least two things here.
Firstly, you would never use {{ }} inside a tag. You're already in the template language context there: you have access to variables directly.
Secondly, the {% url %} tag works on urlpattern names and parameters, not literal URLs. And your page URL does not expect a querystring value for page_id: it expects it as part of the path. Your generated URL needs to be "/page/3", not "/page?page_id=3".
So your URL tag is just:
<a href="{% url 'page' page_id=page.pageid %}">

Django - How to convert URL template syntax to Django 1.5?

I was able to convert most {% url %} template syntaxes to Django 1.5.
But I'm not able to convert this kind of old url's to Django 1.5:
{% url monthly_archive date|date:'Y' date|date:'m' %}
This does not work:
{% url "monthly_archive date|date:'Y'" date|date:'m' %}
Any ideas?
Best Regards,
Why would you put the close quote there, after the first parameter? That makes no sense. It should go after the URL name, so that the thing quoted is just "monthly_archive".

New url syntax from django 1.3/dev onwards

Why did the django core developers allow the url templatetag to point directly to a django view function? (reference -
{% load url from future %}
{# 1st method: pointing to a view function #}
{% url 'app_views.client' %}
{# 2nd method: pointing to a named url #}
{% url 'myapp:view-name' %}
One can already name the url in and hence use the 2nd method to point to a specific url. It doesn't feel right to allow developers to actually reference a view function directly from the template.
Does anyone know why this decision was made?
Passing a dotted view function name to the {% url %} template tag is simply the form the template tag took in the earlier days of Django, before you could name URLs. It's still supported, though as you point out, you probably wouldn't use it in a modern application.
URLs in Django are just mappings to views. Therefore, in the template, using a named URL is just indirectly referencing the view anyway.
The exception is where a single view is mapped to by multiple URLs.
Also note that they are planning to change the syntax of the url tag in 1.5. It will take a context variable as the parameter, rather than a string. It will still take views or named URLs though.

Django templates, pass template language through a template variable

I was thinking about putting my static pages in the database (simple model of url, title and content) and then having a basic base_static.html template - making them super easy to edit (from admin interface) if necessary.
I know you can easily escape html like so:
{{ content|safe }}
{% autoescape off %}
{{ content }}
{% endautoescape %}
But I need to be able to use some of the template language in the static pages, e.g. a simple for loop to go over variables passed to it from the view.
Is this possible, or would you recommend simply using templates to serve the static pages?(They won't change that much ever)
Thank you for your help.
If you want to store templates in db (and that is what you want if you want to use a template language) you can use this app : django-dbtemplates.
Check this question: Extending Django Flatpages to accept template tags
You may get some ideas from the solution exposed there