How to convert Euler angles to directional vector? - c++

I have pitch, roll, and yaw angles. How would I convert these to a directional vector?
It'd be especially cool if you can show me a quaternion and/or matrix representation of this!

Unfortunately there are different conventions on how to define these things (and roll, pitch, yaw are not quite the same as Euler angles), so you'll have to be careful.
If we define pitch=0 as horizontal (z=0) and yaw as counter-clockwise from the x axis, then the direction vector will be
x = cos(yaw)*cos(pitch)
y = sin(yaw)*cos(pitch)
z = sin(pitch)
Note that I haven't used roll; this is direction unit vector, it doesn't specify attitude. It's easy enough to write a rotation matrix that will carry things into the frame of the flying object (if you want to know, say, where the left wing-tip is pointing), but it's really a good idea to specify the conventions first. Can you tell us more about the problem?
(I've been meaning to get back to this question for two and a half years.)
For the full rotation matrix, if we use the convention above and we want the vector to yaw first, then pitch, then roll, in order to get the final coordinates in the world coordinate frame we must apply the rotation matrices in the reverse order.
First roll:
| 1 0 0 |
| 0 cos(roll) -sin(roll) |
| 0 sin(roll) cos(roll) |
then pitch:
| cos(pitch) 0 -sin(pitch) |
| 0 1 0 |
| sin(pitch) 0 cos(pitch) |
then yaw:
| cos(yaw) -sin(yaw) 0 |
| sin(yaw) cos(yaw) 0 |
| 0 0 1 |
Combine them, and the total rotation matrix is:
| cos(yaw)cos(pitch) -cos(yaw)sin(pitch)sin(roll)-sin(yaw)cos(roll) -cos(yaw)sin(pitch)cos(roll)+sin(yaw)sin(roll)|
| sin(yaw)cos(pitch) -sin(yaw)sin(pitch)sin(roll)+cos(yaw)cos(roll) -sin(yaw)sin(pitch)cos(roll)-cos(yaw)sin(roll)|
| sin(pitch) cos(pitch)sin(roll) cos(pitch)sin(roll)|
So for a unit vector that starts at the x axis, the final coordinates will be:
x = cos(yaw)cos(pitch)
y = sin(yaw)cos(pitch)
z = sin(pitch)
And for the unit vector that starts at the y axis (the left wing-tip), the final coordinates will be:
x = -cos(yaw)sin(pitch)sin(roll)-sin(yaw)cos(roll)
y = -sin(yaw)sin(pitch)sin(roll)+cos(yaw)cos(roll)
z = cos(pitch)sin(roll)

There are six different ways to convert three Euler Angles into a Matrix depending on the Order that they are applied:
typedef float Matrix[3][3];
struct EulerAngle { float X,Y,Z; };
// Euler Order enum.
enum EEulerOrder
Matrix EulerAnglesToMatrix(const EulerAngle &inEulerAngle,EEulerOrder EulerOrder)
// Convert Euler Angles passed in a vector of Radians
// into a rotation matrix. The individual Euler Angles are
// processed in the order requested.
Matrix Mx;
const FLOAT Sx = sinf(inEulerAngle.X);
const FLOAT Sy = sinf(inEulerAngle.Y);
const FLOAT Sz = sinf(inEulerAngle.Z);
const FLOAT Cx = cosf(inEulerAngle.X);
const FLOAT Cy = cosf(inEulerAngle.Y);
const FLOAT Cz = cosf(inEulerAngle.Z);
FWIW, some CPU's can compute Sin & Cos simultaneously (for example fsincos on x86). If you do this, you can make it a bit faster with three calls rather than 6 to compute the initial sin & cos values.
Update: There are actually 12 ways depending if you want right-handed or left-handed results -- you can change the "handedness" by negating the angles.

Beta saved my day. However I'm using a slightly different reference coordinate system and my definition of pitch is up\down (nodding your head in agreement) where a positive pitch results in a negative y-component. My reference vector is OpenGl style (down the -z axis) so with yaw=0, pitch=0 the resulting unit vector should equal (0, 0, -1).
If anyone comes across this post and has difficulties translating Beta's formulas to this particular system, the equations I use are:
vDir->X = sin(yaw);
vDir->Y = -(sin(pitch)*cos(yaw));
vDir->Z = -(cos(pitch)*cos(yaw));
Note the sign change and the yaw <-> pitch swap. Hope this will save someone some time.

You need to be clear about your definitions here - in particular, what is the vector you want? If it's the direction an aircraft is pointing, the roll doesn't even affect it, and you're just using spherical coordinates (probably with axes/angles permuted).
If on the other hand you want to take a given vector and transform it by these angles, you're looking for a rotation matrix. The wiki article on rotation matrices contains a formula for a yaw-pitch-roll rotation, based on the xyz rotation matrices. I'm not going to attempt to enter it here, given the greek letters and matrices involved.

If someone stumbles upon looking for implementation in FreeCAD.
import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui
from FreeCAD import Vector
from math import sin, cos, pi
cr = FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.getCameraOrientation().toEuler()
crx = cr[2] # Roll
cry = cr[1] # Pitch
crz = cr[0] # Yaw
crx = crx * pi / 180.0
cry = cry * pi / 180.0
crz = crz * pi / 180.0
x = sin(crz)
y = -(sin(crx) * cos(crz))
z = cos(crx) * cos(cry)
view = Vector(x, y, z)


How to rotate model to follow path

I have a spaceship model that I want to move along a circular path. I want the nose of the ship to always point in the direction it is moving in.
Here is the code I have to move it in a circle right now:
glm::mat4 m = glm::mat4(1.0f);
long value_ms = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::time_point_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::
m = glm::translate(m, translate);
m = glm::translate(m, glm::vec3(-50, 0, -20));
m = glm::scale(m, glm::vec3(0.025f, 0.025f, 0.025f));
m = glm::translate(m, glm::vec3(1800, 0, 3000));
float speed = .002;
float x = 100 * cos(value_ms * speed); // + 1800;
float y = 0;
float z = 100 * sin(value_ms * speed); // + 3000;
m = glm::translate(m, glm::vec3(x, y, z));
How would I move it so the nose always points ahead? I tried doing glm::rotate with the rotation axis set as x or y or z but I cannot get it to work properly.
First see Understanding 4x4 homogenous transform matrices as I am using terminology and stuff from there...
Its usual to use a transform matrix of object for its navigation purposes and not the other way around ... So you should have a transform matrix M for your space ship that represents its position and orientation in [GCS] (global coordinate system). On top of that is sometimes multiplied another matrix M0 that align your space ship mesh to the first matrix (you know some meshes are not centered around (0,0,0) nor axis aligned...)
Now when you are moving your object you just do local transformations on the M so moving forward is just translating M origin position by a multiple of forward axis basis vector. The same goes for sliding to sides (just use different basis vector) resulting in that the object is alway aligned to where it supposed to be (in respect to movement). The same goes for turns. So going in circle is just moving forward and turning at constant speeds per time iteration step (timer).
You are doing this backwards first you compute position and orientation and then you are trying to make operations resulting in matrix that would do the same... In such case is much much easier to construct the matrix M instead of creating transformations that will create it... So what you need is:
origin position
3 perpendicular (most likely unit) basis vectors
So the origin is your x,y,z position. 2 basis vectors can be obtained from the circle so forward is tangent (or position-last_position) and vector towards circle center cen be used as (right or left). The 3th vector can be obtained by cross product so let assume:
+X axis is right
+Y axis is up
+Z axis is forward
you got:
pos = (r*cos(a),0.0,r*sin(a))
center = (0.0,0.0,0.0)
Z = (cos(a-0.5*M_PI),0.0,sin(a-0.5*M_PI))
X = (cos(a),0.0,sin(a))-ceneter
Y = cross(X,Z)
O = pos
X /= length(X)
Y /= length(Y)
Z /= length(Z)
So now just feed your X,Y,Z,O to your matrix (depending on the conventions you use like multiplication order, direct/inverse matrix, row-major or column-major matrices ...)
so for example like this:
double M[16]=
double M[16]=
0.0 ,0.0 ,0.0 ,1.0,
And that is all ... The matrix might be transposed, inverted etc based on the conventions you use. Sorry I do not use GLM but the syntax should be very siilar ... the matrix feeding might be even simpler if rows or columns are loadable by a vector ...

DirectX 3D rotate eyePt around lookAt

I'm really stuggling with the maths i need for this maths has never been my strong point once you get into Calculus and Geometry.
So how do i rotate a vector3 around another vector3
D3DXVECTOR3 lookAt = this->cam->getLookAt();
D3DXVECTOR3 eyePt = this->cam->getEyePt();
I need to rotate lookAt around eyePt how do I do this I know I need a Matrix but what I'm supposed to fill it with and how I do the rotation in it I just don't understand.
So if some one could provide code with explanations of the steps used to do it would really help
Another note is that i only want to translate on X,Z axis as i'm rotation around Y axis so here is an image of what im trying to do
Take the unit vector eyePt, which will be the axis of rotations. (I presume it's a unit vector; if not, I can show you how to turn it into a unit vector.) Let's call it E:
E = Ey
(This is the vector (Ex, Ey, Ez), but it's hard to do mathematical notation here.)
Now construct three matrices. The identity matrix I:
1 0 0
I = 0 1 0
0 0 1
the tensor product of E and E, which we'll call T:
0 -Ez Ey
T = Ez 0 -Ex
-Ey Ex 0
and the cross-product matrix of E, which we'll call P:
ExEx ExEy ExEz
P = ExEy EyEy EyEz
ExEz EyEz EzEz
Now choose an angle of rotation, theta (in radians). The rotation matrix will be:
R = cos(theta)I + (1-cos(theta))T + sin(theta)P
Now to rotate the vector v (which in this case is lookAt), just multiply R by it:
vafter = Rvbefore

Rotate a 3D- Point around another one

I have a function in my program which rotates a point (x_p, y_p, z_p) around another point (x_m, y_m, z_m) by the angles w_nx and w_ny.
The new coordinates are stored in global variables x_n, y_n, and z_n. Rotation around the y-axis (so changing value of w_nx - so that the y - values are not harmed) is working correctly, but as soon as I do a rotation around the x- or z- axis (changing the value of w_ny) the coordinates aren't accurate any more. I commented on the line I think my fault is in, but I can't figure out what's wrong with that code.
void rotate(float x_m, float y_m, float z_m, float x_p, float y_p, float z_p, float w_nx ,float w_ny)
float z_b = z_p - z_m;
float x_b = x_p - x_m;
float y_b = y_p - y_m;
float length_ = sqrt((z_b*z_b)+(x_b*x_b)+(y_b*y_b));
float w_bx = asin(z_b/sqrt((x_b*x_b)+(z_b*z_b))) + w_nx;
float w_by = asin(x_b/sqrt((x_b*x_b)+(y_b*y_b))) + w_ny; //<- there must be that fault
x_n = cos(w_bx)*sin(w_by)*length_+x_m;
z_n = sin(w_bx)*sin(w_by)*length_+z_m;
y_n = cos(w_by)*length_+y_m;
What the code almost does:
compute difference vector
convert vector into spherical coordinates
add w_nx and wn_y to the inclination and azimuth angle (see link for terminology)
convert modified spherical coordinates back into Cartesian coordinates
There are two problems:
the conversion is not correct, the computation you do is for two inclination vectors (one along the x axis, the other along the y axis)
even if computation were correct, transformation in spherical coordinates is not the same as rotating around two axis
Therefore in this case using matrix and vector math will help:
b = p - m
b = RotationMatrixAroundX(wn_x) * b
b = RotationMatrixAroundY(wn_y) * b
n = m + b
basic rotation matrices.
Try to use vector math. Decide in which order you rotate, first along x, then along y perhaps.
If you rotate along z-axis, [z' = z]
x' = x*cos a - y*sin a;
y' = x*sin a + y*cos a;
The same repeated for y-axis: [y'' = y']
x'' = x'*cos b - z' * sin b;
z'' = x'*sin b + z' * cos b;
Again rotating along x-axis: [x''' = x'']
y''' = y'' * cos c - z'' * sin c
z''' = y'' * sin c + z'' * cos c
And finally the question of rotating around some specific "point":
First, subtract the point from the coordinates, then apply the rotations and finally add the point back to the result.
The problem, as far as I see, is a close relative to "gimbal lock". The angle w_ny can't be measured relative to the fixed xyz -coordinate system, but to the coordinate system that is rotated by applying the angle w_nx.
As kakTuZ observed, your code converts point to spherical coordinates. There's nothing inherently wrong with that -- with longitude and latitude, one can reach all the places on Earth. And if one doesn't care about tilting the Earth's equatorial plane relative to its trajectory around the Sun, it's ok with me.
The result of not rotating the next reference axis along the first w_ny is that two points that are 1 km a part of each other at the equator, move closer to each other at the poles and at the latitude of 90 degrees, they touch. Even though the apparent purpose is to keep them 1 km apart where ever they are rotated.
if you want to transform coordinate systems rather than only points you need 3 angles. But you are right - for transforming points 2 angles are enough. For details ask Wikipedia ...
But when you work with opengl you really should use opengl functions like glRotatef. These functions will be calculated on the GPU - not on the CPU as your function. The doc is here.
Like many others have said, you should use glRotatef to rotate it for rendering. For collision handling, you can obtain its world-space position by multiplying its position vector by the OpenGL ModelView matrix on top of the stack at the point of its rendering. Obtain that matrix with glGetFloatv, and then multiply it with either your own vector-matrix multiplication function, or use one of the many ones you can obtain easily online.
But, that would be a pain! Instead, look into using the GL feedback buffer. This buffer will simply store the points where the primitive would have been drawn instead of actually drawing the primitive, and then you can access them from there.
This is a good starting point.

3d coordinate from point and angles

I'm working on a simple OpenGL world- and so far I've got a bunch of cubes randomly placed about and it's pretty fun to go zooming about. However I'm ready to move on. I would like to drop blocks in front of my camera, but I'm having trouble with the 3d angles. I'm used to 2d stuff where to find an end point we simply do something along the lines of:
endy = y + (sin(theta)*power);
endx = x + (cos(theta)*power);
However when I add the third dimension I'm not sure what to do! It seems to me that the power of the second dimensional plane would be determined by the z axis's cos(theta)*power, but I'm not positive. If that is correct, it seems to me I'd do something like this:
endz = z + (sin(xtheta)*power);
power2 = cos(xtheta) * power;
endx = x + (cos(ytheta) * power2);
endy = y + (sin(ytheta) * power2);
(where x theta is the up/down theta and y = left/right theta)
Am I even close to the right track here? How do I find an end point given a current point and an two angles?
Working with euler angles doesn't work so well in 3D environments, there are several issues and corner cases in which they simply don't work. And you actually don't even have to use them.
What you should do, is exploit the fact, that transformation matrixes are nothing else, then coordinate system bases written down in a comprehensible form. So you have your modelview matrix MV. This consists of a model space transformation, followed by a view transformation (column major matrices multiply right to left):
MV = V * M
So what we want to know is, in which way the "camera" lies within the world. That is given to you by the inverse view matrix V^-1. You can of course invert the view matrix using Gauss Jordan method, but most of the time your view matrix will consist of a 3×3 rotation matrix with a translation vector column P added.
0 1
Recall that
(M * N)^-1 = N^-1 * M^-1
and also
(M * N)^T = M^T * N^T
so it seems there is some kind of relationship between transposition and inversion. Not all transposed matrices are their inverse, but there are some, where the transpose of a matrix is its inverse. Namely it are the so called orthonormal matrices. Rotations are orthonormal. So
R^-1 = R^T
neat! This allows us to find the inverse of the view matrix by the following (I suggest you try to proof it as an exersice):
V = / R P \
\ 0 1 /
V^-1 = / R^T -P \
\ 0 1 /
So how does this help us to place a new object in the scene at a distance from the camera? Well, V is the transformation from world space into camera space, so V^-1 transforms from camera to world space. So given a point in camera space you can transform it back to world space. Say you wanted to place something at the center of the view in distance d. In camera space that would be the point (0, 0, -d, 1). Multiply that with V^-1:
V^-1 * (0, 0, -d, 1) = (R^T)_z * d - P
Which is exactly what you want. In your OpenGL program you somewhere have your view matrix V, probably not properly named yet, but anyway it is there. Say you use old OpenGL-1 and GLU's gluLookAt:
void display(void)
/* setup viewport, clear, set projection, etc. */
/* the modelview matrix now holds the View transform */
At this point we can extract the modelview matrix
GLfloat view[16];
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, view);
Now view is in column major order. If we were to use it directly we could directly address the columns. But remember that transpose is inverse of a rotation, so we actually want the 3rd row vector. So let's assume you keep view around, so that in your event handler (outside display) you can do the following:
GLfloat z_row[3];
z_row[0] = view[2];
z_row[1] = view[6];
z_row[2] = view[10];
And we want the position
GLfloat * const p_column = &view[12];
Now we can calculate the new objects position at distance d:
GLfloat new_object_pos[3] = {
z_row[0]*d - p_column[0],
z_row[1]*d - p_column[1],
z_row[2]*d - p_column[2],
There you are. As you can see, nowhere you had to work with angles or trigonometry, it's just straight linear algebra.
Well I was close, after some testing, I found the correct formula for my implementation, it looks like this:
endy = cam.get_pos().y - (sin(toRad(180-cam.get_rot().x))*power1);
power2 = cos(toRad(180-cam.get_rot().x))*power1;
endx = cam.get_pos().x - (sin(toRad(180-cam.get_rot().y))*power2);
endz = cam.get_pos().z - (cos(toRad(180-cam.get_rot().y))*power2);
This takes my camera's position and rotational angles and get's the corresponding points. Works like a charm =]

Drawing lines at increasing angles

I'm not very good at math or geometry, but I want to draw some line segments at increasing angles. What I want to draw is something like when you hold your hand up and spread your fingers apart: lines that start at a common point and expand out at angles that have an equal difference between them.
I have tried this:
len = 300;
angle = 10;
for (i = 0; i <= 5; ++i) {
endPointX = 50 + len * Math.cos(angle);
endPointY = 50 + len * Math.tan(angle);
draw.Line(50, 50, endPointX, endPointY);
angle += 10;
However, that's totally wrong and produces something like this
But I want something like this (bad mspaint, sorry):
What's the right math for this?
There are two separate issues in your question, I will cover each.
Here's an ASCII picture of your situation:
/ |
/ |
/ |
len / | y
/ |
/ |
/ |
/ __|
/ θ | |
A x C
This is a right triangle. It has three sides:
The diagonal side in the picture opposite to the 90° angle is called the hypotenuse and has a length len. The hypotenuse is what you're trying to draw.
The vertical side is the side opposite to the angle θ and has a length y.
The horizontal side is the side adjacent to the angle θ and has a length x.
Given the above illustration the following equations are true:
cos(θ) = x/len
sin(θ) = y/len
These equations are another way of saying:
The cosine of an angle is equal to the length of the adjacent side divided by the length of the hypotenuse.
The sine of an angle is equal to the length of the opposite side divided by the length of the hypotenuse.
When solving the equation for x and y, you get:
x = len * cos(θ)
y = len * sin(θ)
So you want sin() and cos(), not cos() and tan(). If the point A is not at the origin, you would need to offset x and y by addition, like so:
x = len * cos(θ) + 50
y = len * sin(θ) + 50
With the values for x and y, you can find the coordinates for point B on the triangle, and thus be able to draw your lines.
Also, assuming you're programming in Java, the trigonometric functions in the Math class expect the angle in radians, not degrees. Lots of programming languages that provides trigonometric functions are like this.
Radians and degrees measure the same thing, but a complete rotation in degrees goes from 0 to 360° while a complete rotation in radians go from 0 to 2π.
To convert angles in degrees to radians, multiply the angle by π/180. In Java, the constant π is provided by Math.PI.
For example, an angle of 10° degrees is equivalent to 10 * π/180, or π/18 radians.
Firstly, you want cos and sin, not cos and tan.
Secondly, most maths libraries perform trigonometric functions in radians, not degrees. So 10 is a very large difference indeed! To convert from degrees to radians, multiply by (pi/180).
You shouldn't be using tan, but sin. If I remember correctly, it should be something like:
The negative on sin is important.
The reason you are getting uneven looking angles is that every time you add 10 you're actually spinning the line around the circle 1.6 times.
The math functions expect angles to be in radians, not degrees.
360 degrees = 2*Math.PI radians.
Instead of 10, write "2*Math.PI/36.0"
Also, use sin instead of tan.