Garbage Collection in C++ -- why? - c++

I keep hearing people complaining that C++ doesn't have garbage collection. I also hear that the C++ Standards Committee is looking at adding it to the language. I'm afraid I just don't see the point to it... using RAII with smart pointers eliminates the need for it, right?
My only experience with garbage collection was on a couple of cheap eighties home computers, where it meant that the system would freeze up for a few seconds every so often. I'm sure it has improved since then, but as you can guess, that didn't leave me with a high opinion of it.
What advantages could garbage collection offer an experienced C++ developer?

I keep hearing people complaining that C++ doesn't have garbage collection.
I am so sorry for them. Seriously.
C++ has RAII, and I always complain to find no RAII (or a castrated RAII) in Garbage Collected languages.
What advantages could garbage collection offer an experienced C++ developer?
Another tool.
Matt J wrote it quite right in his post (Garbage Collection in C++ -- why?): We don't need C++ features as most of them could be coded in C, and we don't need C features as most of them could coded in Assembly, etc.. C++ must evolve.
As a developer: I don't care about GC. I tried both RAII and GC, and I find RAII vastly superior. As said by Greg Rogers in his post (Garbage Collection in C++ -- why?), memory leaks are not so terrible (at least in C++, where they are rare if C++ is really used) as to justify GC instead of RAII. GC has non deterministic deallocation/finalization and is just a way to write a code that just don't care with specific memory choices.
This last sentence is important: It is important to write code that "juste don't care". In the same way in C++ RAII we don't care about ressource freeing because RAII do it for us, or for object initialization because constructor do it for us, it is sometimes important to just code without caring about who is owner of what memory, and what kind pointer (shared, weak, etc.) we need for this or this piece of code. There seems to be a need for GC in C++. (even if I personaly fail to see it)
An example of good GC use in C++
Sometimes, in an app, you have "floating data". Imagine a tree-like structure of data, but no one is really "owner" of the data (and no one really cares about when exactly it will be destroyed). Multiple objects can use it, and then, discard it. You want it to be freed when no one is using it anymore.
The C++ approach is using a smart pointer. The boost::shared_ptr comes to mind. So each piece of data is owned by its own shared pointer. Cool. The problem is that when each piece of data can refer to another piece of data. You cannot use shared pointers because they are using a reference counter, which won't support circular references (A points to B, and B points to A). So you must know think a lot about where to use weak pointers (boost::weak_ptr), and when to use shared pointers.
With a GC, you just use the tree structured data.
The downside being that you must not care when the "floating data" will really be destroyed. Only that it will be destroyed.
So in the end, if done properly, and compatible with the current idioms of C++, GC would be a Yet Another Good Tool for C++.
C++ is a multiparadigm language: Adding a GC will perhaps make some C++ fanboys cry because of treason, but in the end, it could be a good idea, and I guess the C++ Standards Comitee won't let this kind of major feature break the language, so we can trust them to make the necessary work to enable a correct C++ GC that won't interfere with C++: As always in C++, if you don't need a feature, don't use it and it will cost you nothing.

The short answer is that garbage collection is very similar in principle to RAII with smart pointers. If every piece of memory you ever allocate lies within an object, and that object is only referred to by smart pointers, you have something close to garbage collection (potentially better). The advantage comes from not having to be so judicious about scoping and smart-pointering every object, and letting the runtime do the work for you.
This question seems analogous to "what does C++ have to offer the experienced assembly developer? instructions and subroutines eliminate the need for it, right?"

With the advent of good memory checkers like valgrind, I don't see much use to garbage collection as a safety net "in case" we forgot to deallocate something - especially since it doesn't help much in managing the more generic case of resources other than memory (although these are much less common). Besides, explicitly allocating and deallocating memory (even with smart pointers) is fairly rare in the code I've seen, since containers are a much simpler and better way usually.
But garbage collection can offer performance benefits potentially, especially if alot of short lived objects are being heap allocated. GC also potentially offers better locality of reference for newly created objects (comparable to objects on the stack).

The motivating factor for GC support in C++ appears to be lambda programming, anonymous functions etc. It turns out that lambda libraries benefit from the ability to allocate memory without caring about cleanup. The benefit for ordinary developers would be simpler, more reliable and faster compiling lambda libraries.
GC also helps simulate infinite memory; the only reason you need to delete PODs is that you need to recycle memory. If you have either GC or infinite memory, there is no need to delete PODs anymore.

I don't understand how one can argue that RAII replaces GC, or is vastly superior. There are many cases handled by a gc that RAII simply cannot deal with at all. They are different beasts.
First, RAII is not bullet proof: it works against some common failures which are pervasive in C++, but there are many cases where RAII does not help at all; it is fragile to asynchronous events (like signals under UNIX). Fundamentally, RAII relies on scoping: when a variable is out of scope, it is automatically freed (assuming the destructor is correctly implemented of course).
Here is a simple example where neither auto_ptr or RAII can help you:
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;
volatile sig_atomic_t got_sigint = 0;
class A {
A() { printf("ctor\n"); };
~A() { printf("dtor\n"); };
void catch_sigint (int sig)
got_sigint = 1;
/* Emulate expensive computation */
void do_something()
void handle_sigint()
printf("Caught SIGINT\n");
int main (void)
A a;
auto_ptr<A> aa(new A);
signal(SIGINT, catch_sigint);
while (1) {
if (got_sigint == 0) {
} else {
return -1;
The destructor of A will never be called. Of course, it is an artificial and somewhat contrived example, but a similar situation can actually happen; for example when your code is called by another code which handles SIGINT and which you have no control over at all (concrete example: mex extensions in matlab). It is the same reason why finally in python does not guarantee execution of something. Gc can help you in this case.
Other idioms do not play well with this: in any non trivial program, you will need stateful objects (I am using the word object in a very broad sense here, it can be any construction allowed by the language); if you need to control the state outside one function, you can't easily do that with RAII (which is why RAII is not that helpful for asynchronous programming). OTOH, gc have a view of the whole memory of your process, that is it knows about all the objects it allocated, and can clean asynchronously.
It can also be much faster to use gc, for the same reasons: if you need to allocate/deallocate many objects (in particular small objects), gc will vastly outperform RAII, unless you write a custom allocator, since the gc can allocate/clean many objects in one pass. Some well known C++ projects use gc, even where performance matter (see for example Tim Sweenie about the use of gc in Unreal Tournament: GC basically increases throughput at the cost of latency.
Of course, there are cases where RAII is better than gc; in particular, the gc concept is mostly concerned with memory, and that's not the only ressource. Things like file, etc... can be well handled with RAII. Languages without memory handling like python or ruby do have something like RAII for those cases, BTW (with statement in python). RAII is very useful when you precisely need to control when the ressource is freed, and that's quite often the case for files or locks for example.

The committee isn't adding garbage-collection, they are adding a couple of features that allow garbage collection to be more safely implemented. Only time will tell whether they actually have any effect whatsoever on future compilers. The specific implementations could vary widely, but will most likely involve reachability-based collection, which could involve a slight hang, depending on how it's done.
One thing is, though, no standards-conformant garbage collector will be able to call destructors - only to silently reuse lost memory.

What advantages could garbage collection offer an experienced C++ developer?
Not having to chase down resource leaks in your less-experienced colleagues' code.

It's an all-to-common error to assume that because C++ does not have garbage collection baked into the language, you can't use garbage collection in C++ period. This is nonsense. I know of elite C++ programmers who use the Boehm collector as a matter of course in their work.

Garbage collection allows to postpone the decision about who owns an object.
C++ uses value semantics, so with RAII, indeed, objects are recollected when going out of scope. This is sometimes referred to as "immediate GC".
When your program starts using reference-semantics (through smart pointers etc...), the language does no longer support you, you're left to the wit of your smart pointer library.
The tricky thing about GC is deciding upon when an object is no longer needed.

Garbage collection makes RCU lockless synchronization much easier to implement correctly and efficiently.

Easier thread safety and scalability
There is one property of GC which may be very important in some scenarios. Assignment of pointer is naturally atomic on most platforms, while creating thread-safe reference counted ("smart") pointers is quite hard and introduces significant synchronization overhead. As a result, smart pointers are often told "not to scale well" on multi-core architecture.

Garbage collection is really the basis for automatic resource management. And having GC changes the way you tackle problems in a way that is hard to quantify. For example when you are doing manual resource management you need to:
Consider when an item can be freed (are all modules/classes finished with it?)
Consider who's responsibility it is to free a resource when it is ready to be freed (which class/module should free this item?)
In the trivial case there is no complexity. E.g. you open a file at the start of a method and close it at the end. Or the caller must free this returned block of memory.
Things start to get complicated quickly when you have multiple modules that interact with a resource and it is not as clear who needs to clean up. The end result is that the whole approach to tackling a problem includes certain programming and design patterns which are a compromise.
In languages that have garbage collection you can use a disposable pattern where you can free resources you know you've finished with but if you fail to free them the GC is there to save the day.
Smart pointers which is actually a perfect example of the compromises I mentioned. Smart pointers can't save you from leaking cyclic data structures unless you have a backup mechanism. To avoid this problem you often compromise and avoid using a cyclic structure even though it may otherwise be the best fit.

I, too, have doubts that C++ commitee is adding a full-fledged garbage collection to the standard.
But I would say that the main reason for adding/having garbage collection in modern language is that there are too few good reasons against garbage collection. Since eighties there were several huge advances in the field of memory management and garbage collection and I believe there are even garbage collection strategies that could give you soft-real-time-like guarantees (like, "GC won't take more than .... in the worst case").

using RAII with smart pointers eliminates the need for it, right?
Smart pointers can be used to implement reference counting in C++ which is a form of garbage collection (automatic memory management) but production GCs no longer use reference counting because it has some important deficiencies:
Reference counting leaks cycles. Consider A↔B, both objects A and B refer to each other so they both have a reference count of 1 and neither is collected but they should both be reclaimed. Advanced algorithms like trial deletion solve this problem but add a lot of complexity. Using weak_ptr as a workaround is falling back to manual memory management.
Naive reference counting is slow for several reasons. Firstly, it requires out-of-cache reference counts to be bumped often (see Boost's shared_ptr up to 10× slower than OCaml's garbage collection). Secondly, destructors injected at the end of scope can incur unnecessary-and-expensive virtual function calls and inhibit optimizations such as tail call elimination.
Scope-based reference counting keeps floating garbage around as objects are not recycled until the end of scope whereas tracing GCs can reclaim them as soon as they become unreachable, e.g. can a local allocated before a loop be reclaimed during the loop?
What advantages could garbage collection offer an experienced C++ developer?
Productivity and reliability are the main benefits. For many applications, manual memory management requires significant programmer effort. By simulating an infinite-memory machine, garbage collection liberates the programmer from this burden which allows them to focus on problem solving and evades some important classes of bugs (dangling pointers, missing free, double free). Furthermore, garbage collection facilitates other forms of programming, e.g. by solving the upwards funarg problem (1970).

In a framework that supports GC, a reference to an immutable object such as a string may be passed around in the same way as a primitive. Consider the class (C# or Java):
public class MaximumItemFinder
String maxItemName = "";
int maxItemValue = -2147483647 - 1;
public void AddAnother(int itemValue, String itemName)
if (itemValue >= maxItemValue)
maxItemValue = itemValue;
maxItemName = itemName;
public String getMaxItemName() { return maxItemName; }
public int getMaxItemValue() { return maxItemValue; }
Note that this code never has to do anything with the contents of any of the strings, and can simply treat them as primitives. A statement like maxItemName = itemName; will likely generate two instructions: a register load followed by a register store. The MaximumItemFinder will have no way of knowing whether callers of AddAnother are going to retain any reference to the passed-in strings, and callers will have no way of knowing how long MaximumItemFinder will retain references to them. Callers of getMaxItemName will have no way of knowing if and when MaximumItemFinder and the original supplier of the returned string have abandoned all references to it. Because code can simply pass string references around like primitive values, however, none of those things matter.
Note also that while the class above would not be thread-safe in the presence of simultaneous calls to AddAnother, any call to GetMaxItemName would be guaranteed to return a valid reference to either an empty string or one of the strings that had been passed to AddAnother. Thread synchronization would be required if one wanted to ensure any relationship between the maximum-item name and its value, but memory safety is assured even in its absence.
I don't think there's any way to write a method like the above in C++ which would uphold memory safety in the presence of arbitrary multi-threaded usage without either using thread synchronization or else requiring that every string variable have its own copy of its contents, held in its own storage space, which may not be released or relocated during the lifetime of the variable in question. It would certainly not be possible to define a string-reference type which could be defined, assigned, and passed around as cheaply as an int.

Garbage Collection Can Make Leaks Your Worst Nightmare
Full-fledged GC that handles things like cyclic references would be somewhat of an upgrade over a ref-counted shared_ptr. I would somewhat welcome it in C++, but not at the language level.
One of the beauties about C++ is that it doesn't force garbage collection on you.
I want to correct a common misconception: a garbage collection myth that it somehow eliminates leaks. From my experience, the worst nightmares of debugging code written by others and trying to spot the most expensive logical leaks involved garbage collection with languages like embedded Python through a resource-intensive host application.
When talking about subjects like GC, there's theory and then there's practice. In theory it's wonderful and prevents leaks. Yet at the theoretical level, so is every language wonderful and leak-free since in theory, everyone would write perfectly correct code and test every single possible case where a single piece of code could go wrong.
Garbage collection combined with less-than-ideal team collaboration caused the worst, hardest-to-debug leaks in our case.
The problem still has to do with ownership of resources. You have to make clear design decisions here when persistent objects are involved, and garbage collection makes it all too easy to think that you don't.
Given some resource, R, in a team environment where the developers aren't constantly communicating and reviewing each other's code carefully at alll times (something a little too common in my experience), it becomes quite easy for developer A to store a handle to that resource. Developer B does as well, perhaps in an obscure way that indirectly adds R to some data structure. So does C. In a garbage-collected system, this has created 3 owners of R.
Because developer A was the one that created the resource originally and thinks he's the owner of it, he remembers to release the reference to R when the user indicates that he no longer wants to use it. After all, if he fails to do so, nothing would happen and it would be obvious from testing that the user-end removal logic did nothing. So he remembers to release it, as any reasonably competent developer would do. This triggers an event for which B handles it and also remembers to release the reference to R.
However, C forgets. He's not one of the stronger developers on the team: a somewhat fresh recruit who has only worked in the system for a year. Or maybe he's not even on the team, just a popular third party developer writing plugins for our product that many users add to the software. With garbage collection, this is when we get those silent logical resource leaks. They're the worst kind: they do not necessarily manifest in the user-visible side of the software as an obvious bug besides the fact that over durations of running the program, the memory usage just continues to rise and rise for some mysterious purpose. Trying to narrow down these issues with a debugger can be about as fun as debugging a time-sensitive race condition.
Without garbage collection, developer C would have created a dangling pointer. He may try to access it at some point and cause the software to crash. Now that's a testing/user-visible bug. C gets embarrassed a bit and corrects his bug. In the GC scenario, just trying to figure out where the system is leaking may be so difficult that some of the leaks are never corrected. These are not valgrind-type physical leaks that can be detected easily and pinpointed to a specific line of code.
With garbage collection, developer C has created a very mysterious leak. His code may continue to access R which is now just some invisible entity in the software, irrelevant to the user at this point, but still in a valid state. And as C's code creates more leaks, he's creating more hidden processing on irrelevant resources, and the software is not only leaking memory but also getting slower and slower each time.
So garbage collection does not necessarily mitigate logical resource leaks. It can, in less than ideal scenarios, make leaks far easier to silently go unnoticed and remain in the software. The developers might get so frustrated trying to trace down their GC logical leaks that they simply tell their users to restart the software periodically as a workaround. It does eliminate dangling pointers, and in a safety-obsessed software where crashing is completely unacceptable under any scenario, then I would prefer GC. But I'm often working in less safety-critical but resource-intensive, performance-critical products where a crash that can be fixed promptly is preferable to a really obscure and mysterious silent bug, and resource leaks are not trivial bugs there.
In both of these cases, we're talking about persistent objects not residing on the stack, like a scene graph in a 3D software or the video clips available in a compositor or the enemies in a game world. When resources tie their lifetimes to the stack, both C++ and any other GC language tend to make it trivial to manage resources properly. The real difficulty lies in persistent resources referencing other resources.
In C or C++, you can have dangling pointers and crashes resulting from segfaults if you fail to clearly designate who owns a resource and when handles to them should be released (ex: set to null in response to an event). Yet in GC, that loud and obnoxious but often easy-to-spot crash is exchanged for a silent resource leak that may never be detected.


RAII vs. Garbage Collector

I recently watched a great talk by Herb Sutter about "Leak Free C++..." at CppCon 2016 where he talked about using smart pointers to implement RAII (Resource acquisition is initialization) - Concepts and how they solve most of the memory leaks issues.
Now I was wondering. If I strictly follow RAII rules, which seems to be a good thing, why would that be any different from having a garbage collector in C++? I know that with RAII the programmer is in full control of when the resources are freed again, but is that in any case beneficial to just having a garbage collector? Would it really be less efficient? I even heard that having a garbage collector can be more efficient, as it can free larger chunks of memory at a time instead of freeing small memory pieces all over the code.
If I strictly follow RAII rules, which seems to be a good thing, why would that be any different from having a garbage collector in C++?
While both deal with allocations, they do so in completely different manners. If you are reffering to a GC like the one in Java, that adds its own overhead, removes some of the determinism from the resource release process and handles circular references.
You can implement GC though for particular cases, with much different performance characteristics. I implemented one once for closing socket connections, in a high-performance/high-throughput server (just calling the socket close API took too long and borked the throughput performance). This involved no memory, but network connections, and no cyclic dependency handling.
I know that with RAII the programmer is in full control of when the resources are freed again, but is that in any case beneficial to just having a garbage collector?
This determinism is a feature that GC simply doesn't allow. Sometimes you want to be able to know that after some point, a cleanup operation has been performed (deleting a temporary file, closing a network connection, etc).
In such cases GC doesn't cut it which is the reason in C# (for example) you have the IDisposable interface.
I even heard that having a garbage collector can be more efficient, as it can free larger chunks of memory at a time instead of freeing small memory pieces all over the code.
Can be ... depends on the implementation.
Garbage collection solves certain classes of resource problems that RAII cannot solve. Basically, it boils down to circular dependencies where you do not identify the cycle before hand.
This gives it two advantages. First, there are going to be certain types of problem that RAII cannot solve. These are, in my experience, rare.
The bigger one is that it lets the programmer be lazy and not care about memory resource lifetimes and certain other resources you don't mind delayed cleanup on. When you don't have to care about certain kinds of problems, you can care more about other problems. This lets you focus on the parts of your problem you want to focus on.
The downside is that without RAII, managing resources whose lifetime you want constrained is hard. GC languages basically reduce you to either having extremely simple scope-bound lifetimes or require you to do resource management manually, like in C, with manually stating you are done with a resource. Their object lifetime system is strongly tied to GC, and doesn't work well for tight lifetime management of large complex (yet cycle-free) systems.
To be fair, resource management in C++ takes a lot of work to do properly in such large complex (yet cycle-free) systems. C# and similar languages just make it a touch harder, in exchange they make the easy case easy.
Most GC implementations also forces non-locality full fledged classes; creating contiguous buffers of general objects, or composing general objects into one larger object, is not something that most GC implementations make easy. On the other hand, C# permits you to create value type structs with somewhat limited capabilities. In the current era of CPU architecture, cache friendliness is key, and the lack of locality GC forces is a heavy burden. As these languages have a bytecode runtime for the most part, in theory the JIT environment could move commonly used data together, but more often than not you just get a uniform performance loss due to frequent cache misses compared to C++.
The last problem with GC is that deallocation is indeterminate, and can sometimes cause performance problems. Modern GCs make this less of a problem than it has been in the past.
RAII and GC solve problems in completely different directions. They are completely different, despite what some would say.
Both address the issue that managing resources is hard. Garbage Collection solves it by making it so that the developer doesn't need to pay as much attention to managing those resources. RAII solves it by making it easier for developers to pay attention to their resource management. Anyone who says they do the same thing has something to sell you.
If you look at recent trends in languages, you're seeing both approaches being used in the same language because, frankly, you really need both sides of the puzzle. You're seeing lots of languages which use garbage collection of sorts so that you don't have to pay attention to most objects, and those languages also offer RAII solutions (such as python's with operator) for the times you really want to pay attention to them.
C++ offers RAII through constructors/destructors and GC through shared_ptr (If I may make the argument that refcounting and GC are in the same class of solutions because they're both designed to help you not need to pay attention to lifespan)
Python offers RAII through with and GC through a refcounting system plus a garbage collector
C# offers RAII through IDisposable and using and GC through a generational garbage collector
The patterns are cropping up in every language.
Notice that RAII is a programming idiom, while GC is a memory management technique. So we are comparing apples with oranges.
But we can restrict RAII to its memory management aspects only and compare that to GC techniques.
The main difference between so called RAII based memory management techniques (which really means reference counting, at least when you consider memory resources and ignore the other ones such as files) and genuine garbage collection techniques is the handling of circular references (for cyclic graphs).
With reference counting, you need to code specially for them (using weak references or other stuff).
In many useful cases (think of std::vector<std::map<std::string,int>>) the reference counting is implicit (since it can only be 0 or 1) and is practically omitted, but the contructor and destructor functions (essential to RAII) behave as if there was a reference counting bit (which is practically absent). In std::shared_ptr there is a genuine reference counter. But memory is still implicitly manually managed (with new and delete triggered inside constructors and destructors), but that "implicit" delete (in destructors) gives the illusion of automatic memory management. However, calls to new and delete still happen (and they cost time).
BTW the GC implementation may (and often does) handle circularity in some special way, but you leave that burden to the GC (e.g. read about the Cheney's algorithm).
Some GC algorithms (notably generational copying garbage collector) don't bother releasing memory for individual objects, it is release en masse after the copy. In practice the Ocaml GC (or the SBCL one) can be faster than a genuine C++ RAII programming style (for some, not all, kind of algorithms).
Some GC provide finalization (mostly used to manage non-memory external resources like files), but you'll rarely use it (since most values consume only memory resources). The disadvantage is that finalization does not offer any timing guarantee. Practically speaking, a program using finalization is using it as a last resort (e.g. closing of files should still happen more or less explicitly outside of finalization, and also with them).
You still can have memory leaks with GC (and also with RAII, at least when used improperly), e.g. when a value is kept in some variable or some field but will never be used in the future. They just happen less often.
I recommend reading the garbage collection handbook.
In your C++ code, you might use Boehm's GC or Ravenbrook's MPS or code your own tracing garbage collector. Of course using a GC is a tradeoff (there are some inconvenience, e.g. non-determinism, lack of timing guarantees, etc...).
I don't think that RAII is the ultimate way of dealing with memory in all cases. In several occasions, coding your program in a genuinely and efficiently GC implementations (think of Ocaml or SBCL) can be simpler (to develop) and faster (to execute) than coding it with fancy RAII style in C++17. In other cases it is not. YMMV.
As an example, if you code a Scheme interpreter in C++17 with the fanciest RAII style, you would still need to code (or use) a explicit GC inside it (because a Scheme heap has circularities). And most proof assistants are coded in GC-ed languages, often functional ones, (the only one I know which is coded in C++ is Lean) for good reasons.
BTW, I'm interested in finding such a C++17 implementation of Scheme (but less interested in coding it myself), preferably with some multi-threading ability.
One of the problem about garbage collectors is that it's hard to predict program performance.
With RAII you know that in exact time resource will go out of scope you will clear some memory and it will take some time. But if you are not a master of garbage collector settings you cannot predict when cleanup will happen.
For example: cleaning a bunch of small objects can be done more effectively with GC because it can free large chunk, but it will be not fast operation, and it's hard to predict when in will occur and because of "large chunk cleanup" it will take some processor time and can affect your program performance.
Roughly speaking. The RAII idiom may be better for the latency and jitter. A garbage collector may be better for the system's throughput.
"Efficient" is a very broad term, in sense of development efforts RAII is typically less efficient than GC, but in terms of performance GC is typically less efficient than RAII. However it is possible to provide contr-examples for both cases. Dealing with generic GC when you have very clear resource (de)allocation patters in managed languages can be rather troublesome, just like the code using RAII can be surprisingly inefficient when shared_ptr is used for everything for no reason.
Garbage collection and RAII each support one common construct for which the other is not really suitable.
In a garbage-collected system, code may efficiently treat references to immutable objects (such as strings) as proxies for the data contained therein; passing around such references is almost as cheap as passing around "dumb" pointers, and is faster than making a separate copy of the data for each owner, or trying to track ownership of a shared copy of the data. In addition, garbage-collected systems make it easy to create immutable object types by writing a class which creates a mutable object, populating it as desired, and providing accessor methods, all while refraining from leaking references to anything that might mutate it once the constructor finishes. In cases where references to immutable objects need to be widely copied but the objects themselves don't, GC beats RAII hands down.
On the other hand, RAII is excellent at handling situations where an object needs to acquire exclusive services from outside entities. While many GC systems allow objects to define "Finalize" methods and request notification when they are found to be abandoned, and such methods may sometimes manage to release outside services that are no longer needed, they are seldom reliable enough to provide a satisfactory way of ensuring timely release of outside services. For management of non-fungible outside resources, RAII beats GC hands down.
The key difference between the cases where GC wins versus those where RAII wins is that GC is good at managing fungible memory that can be freed on an as-needed basis, but poor at handling non-fungible resources. RAII is good at handling objects with clear ownership, but bad at handling ownerless immutable data holders which have no real identity apart from the data they contain.
Because neither GC nor RAII handles all scenarios well, it would be helpful for languages to provide good support for both of them. Unfortunately, languages which focus on one tend to treat the other as an afterthought.
The main part of the question about whether one or the other is "beneficial" or more "efficient" cannot be answered without giving lots of context and arguing about the definitions of these terms.
Beyond that, you can basically feel the tension of the ancient "Is Java or C++ the better language?" flamewar crackling in the comments. I wonder what an "acceptable" answer to this question could look like, and am curious to see it eventually.
But one point about a possibly important conceptual difference has not yet been pointed out: With RAII, you are tied to the thread that calls the destructor. If your application is single threaded (and even though it was Herb Sutter who stated that The Free Lunch Is Over: Most software today effectively still is single-threaded), then a single core may be busy with handling the cleanups of objects that are no longer relevant for the actual program...
In contrast to that, the garbage collector usually runs in its own thread, or even multiple threads, and is thus (to some extent) decoupled from the execution of the other parts.
(Note: Some answers already tried to point out application patterns with different characteristics, mentioned efficiency, performance, latency and throughput - but this specific point was not mentioned yet)
RAII uniformly deals with anything that is describable as a resource. Dynamic allocations are one such resource, but they are by no means the only one, and arguably not the most important one. Files, sockets, database connections, gui feedback and more are all things that can be managed deterministically with RAII.
GCs only deal with dynamic allocations, relieving the programmer of worrying about the total volume of allocated objects over the lifetime of the program (they only have to care about the peak concurrent allocation volume fitting)
RAII and garbage collection are intended to solve different problems.
When you use RAII you leave an object on the stack which sole purpose is to clean up whatever it is you want managed (sockets, memory, files, etc.) on leaving the scope of the method. This is for exception-safety, not just garbage collection, which is why you get responses about closing sockets and freeing mutexes and the like. (Okay, so no one mentioned mutexes besides me.) If an exception is thrown, stack-unwinding naturally cleans up the resources used by a method.
Garbage collection is the programmatic management of memory, though you could "garbage-collect" other scarce resources if you'd like. Explicitly freeing them makes more sense 99% of the time. The only reason to use RAII for something like a file or socket is you expect the use of the resource to be complete when the method returns.
Garbage collection also deals with objects that are heap-allocated, when for instance a factory constructs an instance of an object and returns it. Having persistent objects in situations where control must leave a scope is what makes garbage collection attractive. But you could use RAII in the factory so if an exception is thrown before you return, you don't leak resources.
I even heard that having a garbage collector can be more efficient, as it can free larger chunks of memory at a time instead of freeing small memory pieces all over the code.
That's perfectly doable - and, in fact, is actually done - with RAII (or with plain malloc/free). You see, you don't necessarily always use the default allocator, which deallocates piecemeal only. In certain contexts you use custom allocators with different kinds of functionality. Some allocators have the in-built ability of freeing everything in some allocator region, all at once, without having to iterate individual allocated elements.
Of course, you then get into the question of when to deallocate everything - whether the use of those allocators (or the slab of memory with which they're associated has to be RAIIed or not, and how.

C++ memory management paradigms

I'm moving from C to C++11 and trying to figure out the memory management paradigm for C++11 programs (or any modern languages with built-in exceptions). Specifically, I'm having a crack at game development where running out of memory is a real concern.
In C, I'm using to checking the return value of malloc; and generally use custom allocators.
With C++, I'm quite confused; though I like how the STL containers were built allowing custom allocators. Since the STL containers all manage their own memory, simply adding an element to a vector could throw a std::bad_alloc. How do I guard against such things? I have heard wrapping all throwing calls in try/catch blocks can be prohibitively expensive.
However, allowing the exception to travel up the callstack would allow in a bunch of functions that would not fully execute, and would lead to some really tricky code. i.e. if A->B->C->D is a callstack, D throws, and A catches, then B, C, and D could have potentially created some weird problems by not being able to finish execution normally.
Additionally, the nothrow argument seems to allow very C-like code; though I now don't see the benefit over a plain malloc.
What are some best practices out there for writing exception-safe C++ code that guards against out-of-memory issues?
edit: A relevant answer on progammers.stackexchange arguing for exception-less C++ design in consoles. Not sure if these arguments still apply to the 8th generation consoles
My answer will be geared more towards game development since that is my background and that is part of what you are interested in. Different types of applications will have different requirements.
Games generally allocate all dynamic memory up front and stick within that budget. Consoles in particular have hard memory limits and most games will want to use all of it.
There's a few reasons for allocating everything up front.
One, performance. Memory allocation is slow. You want to avoid it at all costs. If you allocate everything up front, you can then write custom, high performance memory allocators like Pool Allocators, Stack Allocators, etc, that just grab memory from your pre-allocated buffer. It's important to choose the best allocator for the task at hand.
Two, you'll know quickly if there isn't enough memory for your game. In development, you'll crash if you run out of memory and will need to adjust usage, but the final release shouldn't crash because you've allocated up front and stuck within your memory budgets.
For exceptions, many (but not all) games disable exceptions, again for performance reasons. In fact some console compilers don't even support exceptions. Then you will either need to use an STL library with no exceptions, or implement your own containers. Many game teams choose to implement their own for performance reasons as well as to better integrate them with custom memory allocators.
That said, dynamic memory allocation, STL, and exceptions are probably perfectly fine for smaller personal projects/games, but keep in mind what will be necessary for large, high performance, real-time games.
For exception safety, I would definitely use RAII. That is its purpose. Also I would recommend using smart pointers like std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr for memory management. Coupled with RAII, if your constructors throw, memory will be freed.
Use destructors to clean up automatically when scopes are exited. That's called RAII, Resource Acquisition Is Initializion, although the acronym is not exactly the best one could devise. All the standard containers etc. clean up automatically.
In languages like C# and Java which are based on garbage collection, you instead pepper the code with try blocks and “using” statements. Java just got that (part of the try syntax IIRC); it's been in C# from the beginning (keyword using); in Python it's called with; and C++ doesn't have it and doesn't need it. I once created a WITH macro for C++, a clever little hack, thinking I would be using it all the time, but I haven't used it once except just to try it out right after creating it: in C++ RAII does it all.
Summing up: use RAII, i.e., use destructors, and just let those exceptions propagate.
Regarding memory exhaustion, ordinarily that's just regarded as “we're done for”, nothing to do except terminate as orderly as possible.
But it doesn't hurt to maybe set aside a little buffer which can deallocated when memory is exhausted, so as to have some working memory for cleanup-work.
C++ doesn't differentiate between hard exceptions (fatal like e.g. memory exhaustion) and soft exceptions (general failures that are not fatal).

To GC or Not To GC

I've recently seen two really nice and educating languages talks:
This first one by Herb Sutter, presents all the nice and cool features of C++0x, why C++'s future seems brighter than ever, and how M$ is said to be a good guy in this game. The talk revolves around efficiency and how minimizing heap activity very often improves performance.
This other one, by Andrei Alexandrescu, motivates a transition from C/C++ to his new game-changer D. Most of D's stuff seems really well motivated and designed. One thing, however, surprised me, namely that D pushes for garbage collection and that all classes are created solely by reference. Even more confusing, the book The D Programming Language Ref Manual specifically in the section about Resource Management states the following, quote:
Garbage collection eliminates the tedious, error prone memory allocation tracking code
necessary in C and C++. This not only means much faster development time and lower
maintenance costs, but the resulting program frequently runs faster!
This conflicts with Sutter's constant talk about minimizing heap activity. I strongly respect both Sutter's and Alexandrescou's insights, so I feel a bit confused about these two key questions
Doesn't creating class instances solely by reference result in a lot of unnecesseary heap activity?
In which cases can we use Garbage Collection without sacrificing run-time performance?
To directly answer your two questions:
Yes, creating class instances by reference does result in a lot of heap activity, but:
a. In D, you have struct as well as class. A struct has value semantics and can do everything a class can, except polymorphism.
b. Polymorphism and value semantics have never worked well together due to the slicing problem.
c. In D, if you really need to allocate a class instance on the stack in some performance-critical code and don't care about the loss of safety, you can do so without unreasonable hassle via the scoped function.
GC can be comparable to or faster than manual memory management if:
a. You still allocate on the stack where possible (as you typically do in D) instead of relying on the heap for everything (as you often do in other GC'd languages).
b. You have a top-of-the-line garbage collector (D's current GC implementation is admittedly somewhat naive, though it has seen some major optimizations in the past few releases, so it's not as bad as it was).
c. You're allocating mostly small objects. If you allocate mostly large arrays and performance ends up being a problem, you may want to switch a few of these to the C heap (you have access to C's malloc and free in D) or, if it has a scoped lifetime, some other allocator like RegionAllocator. (RegionAllocator is currently being discussed and refined for eventual inclusion in D's standard library).
d. You don't care that much about space efficiency. If you make the GC run too frequently to keep the memory footprint ultra-low, performance will suffer.
The reason creating an object on the heap is slower than creating it on the stack is that the memory allocation methods need to deal with things like heap fragmentation. Allocating memory on the stack is as simple as incrementing the stack pointer (a constant-time operation).
Yet, with a compacting garbage collector, you don't have to worry about heap fragmentation, heap allocations can be as fast as stack allocations. The Garbage Collection page for the D Programming Language explains this in more detail.
The assertion that GC'd languages run faster is probably assuming that many programs allocate memory on the heap much more often than on the stack. Assuming that heap allocation could be faster in a GC'd language, then it follows that you have just optimized a huge part of most programs (heap allocation).
An answer to 1):
As long as your heap is contiguous, allocating on it is just as cheap as allocating on the stack.
On top of that, while you allocate objects that lie next to each other, your memory caching performance will be great.
As long as you don't have to run the garbage collector, no performance is lost, and the heap stays contiguous.
That's the good news :)
Answer to 2):
GC technology has advanced greatly; they even come in real-time flavors nowadays. That means that guaranteeing contiguous memory is a policy-driven, implementation-dependent issue.
So if
you can afford a real-time gc
there are enough allocation-pauses in your application
it can keep your free-list a free-block
You may end up with better performance.
Answer to unasked question:
If developers are freed from memory-management issues, they may have more time to spend on real performance and scalability aspects in their code. That's a non-technical factor coming into play, too.
It's not either "garbage collection" or "tedious error prone" handwritten code. Smart pointers that are truly smart can give you stack semantics and mean you never type "delete" but you aren't paying for garbage collection. Here's another video by Herb that makes the point - safe and fast - that's what we want.
Another point to consider is the 80:20 rule. It is likely that that vast majority of the places you allocate are irrelevant and you won't gain much over a GC even if you could push the cost there to zero. If you accept that, then the simplicity you can gain by using a GC can displace the cost of using it. This is particularly true if you can avoid doing copies. What D provides is a GC for the 80% cases and access to stack allocation and malloc for the 20%.
Even if you had ideal garbage collector, it still would have been slower than creating things on stack. So you have to have a language that allows both at the same time. Furthermore, the only way to achieve the same performance with garbage collector as with manually managed memory allocations (done the right way), is to make it do the same things with memory as experienced developer would have had done, and that in many cases would require a garbage collector decisions to be made in compile-time and executed in run-time. Usually, garbage collection makes things slower, languages working with dynamic memory only are slower, and predictability of execution of programs written in those languages is low while latency of execution is higher. Frankly, I personally don't see why one would need a garbage collector. Managing memory manually is not hard. At least not in C++. Of course, I won't mind compiler generate code that clean-ups all things for me as I would have done, but this doesn't seem possible at the moment.
In many cases a compiler can optimize heap-allocation back to stack allocation. This is the case if your object doesn't escape the local scope.
A decent compiler will almost certainly make x stack-allocated in the following example:
void f() {
Foo* x = new Foo();
x->doStuff(); // Assuming doStuff doesn't assign 'this' anywhere
// delete x or assume the GC gets it
What the compiler does is called escape analysis.
Also, D could in theory have a moving GC, which means potential performance improvements by improved cache usage when the GC compacts your heap objects together. It also combats heap fragmentation as explained in Jack Edmonds' answer. Similar things can be done with manual memory management, but it's extra work.
A incremental low priority GC will collect garbage when high priority task are not running. The high priority threads will run faster since no memory deallocation will be done.
This is the idea of Henriksson's RT Java GC see
Garbage collection does in fact slow code down. It's adding extra functionality to the program that has to run in addition to your code. There are other problems with it as well, such as for example, the GC not running until memory is actually needed. This can result in small memory leaks. Another issue is if a reference is not removed properly, the GC will not pick it up, and once again result in a leak. My other issue with GC is that it kind of promotes lazyness in programmers. I'm an advocate of learning the low level concepts of memory management before jumping into higher level. It's like Mathematics. You learn how to solve for the roots of a quadratic, or how to take a derivative by hand first, then you learn how to do it on the calculator. Use these things as tools, not crutches.
If you don't want to hit your performance, be smart about the GC and your heap vs stack usage.
My point is that GC is inferior to malloc when you do normal procedural programming. You just go from procedure to procedure, allocate and free, use global variables, and declare some functions _inline or _register. This is C style.
But once you go higher abstraction layer, you need at least reference counting. So you can pass by reference, count them and free once the counter is zero. This is good, and superior to malloc after the amount and hierarchy of objects become too difficult to manage manually. This is C++ style. You will define constructors and destructors to increment counters, you will copy-on-modify, so the shared object will split in two, once some part of it is modified by one party, but another party still needs the original value. So you can pass huge amount of data from function to function without thinking whether you need to copy data here or just send a pointer there. The ref-counting does those decisions for you.
Then comes the whole new world, closures, functional programming, duck typing, circular references, asynchronouse execution. Code and data start mixing, you find yourself passing function as parameter more often than normal data. You realize that metaprogramming can be done without macros or templates. Your code starts to soak in the sky and loosing solid ground, because you are executing something inside callbacks of callbacks of callbacks, data becomes unrooted, things become asynchronous, you get addicted to closure variables. So this is where timer based, memory-walking GC is the only possible solution, otherwise closures and circular references are not possible at all. This is JavaScript way.
You mentioned D, but D is still improved C++ so malloc or ref counting in constructors, stack allocations, global variables (even if they are compicated trees of entities of all kinds) is probably what you choose.

What is the philosophy of managing memory in C++? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
What is the design factor in managing memory in C++?
For example: why is there a memory leak when a program does not release a memory object before it exits? Isn't a good programming language design supposed to maintain a "foo-table" that takes care of this situation ? I know I am being a bit naive, but what is the design philosophy of memory management in C++ with respect to classes, structs, methods, interfaces, abstract classes?
Certainly one cannot humanely remember every spec of C++. What is the core driving design of memory management?
What is the core driving design of memory management ?
In almost all cases, you should use automatic resource management. Basically:
Wherever it is practical to do so, prefer creating objects with automatic storage duration (that is, on the stack, or function-local)
Whenever you must use dynamic allocation, use Scope-Bound Resource Management (SBRM; more commonly called Resource Acquisition is Initialization or RAII).
Rarely do you have to write your own RAII container: the C++ standard library provides a whole set of containers (e.g., vector and map) and smart pointers like shared_ptr (from C++ TR1, C++0x, and Boost) work very well for most common situations.
Basically, in really good C++ code, you should never call delete yourself1 to clean up memory that you've allocated: memory management and resource cleanup should always be encapsulated in a container of some kind.
1. Obviously, the exception here is when you implement an RAII container yourself, since that container must be responsible for cleaning up whatever it owns.
It's not entirely clear whether you're asking about the philosophy of what's built into C++, or how to use it in a way that prevents memory leaks.
The primary way to prevent memory leaks (and other resource leaks) is known as either RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) or SBRM (Scope Bound Resource Management). Either way, the basic idea is pretty simple: since objects with auto storage duration are automatically destroyed on exit from their scope, you allocate memory in the ctor of such an object, and free the memory in its dtor.
As far as C++ itself goes, it doesn't really have a philosophy. It provides mechanisms, but leaves it up to the programmer to decide which mechanism is appropriate for the situation at hand. That's often RAII. Sometimes it might be a garbage collector. Still other times, other times it might be various sorts of custom memory managers. Of course, sometimes it's a combination of two or all three of those, or something else entirely.
Edit: As to why C++ does things this way, it's fairly simple: almost any other choice will render the language unsuited to at least some kinds of problems -- including a number for which C++ was quite clearly intended to be suitable. One of the most obvious of these was being able to run on a "bare" machine with a minimum of support structure (e.g., no OS)
C and C++ take the position that you, the programmer, know when you are done with memory you have allocated. This avoids the need for the language runtime to know much of anything about what has been allocated, and the associated tasks (reference counting, garbage collection, etc.) needed to "clean up" when necessary.
At the crux is the idea that: if you allocate it, you must free it. (malloc/free, new/delete)
There are several methods of helping manage this so that you don't have to explicitly remember. RAII and the smart pointer implementations that provide containers that do it is extremely useful and powerful for managing memory based on object creation and destruction. They will save you hours of time.
why is there a memory leak when a program does not release a memory object before it exits ?
Well, the OS typically clean up your mess for you. However, what happens when your program is running for an arbitrary amount of time and you have leaked so much memory that you can't allocate anymore? You crash, and that's not good.
Isn't a good programming language design supposed to maintain a "foo-table" that takes care of this situation ?
No. Some programming languages have automated memory management, some do not. There are benefits and drawbacks to both models. Languages with manual memory management allow you to say when and where resources are allocated and released, i.e., it is very deterministic. A relative beginner will however inevitably write code that leaks while they are getting used to dealing with memory management.
Automated schemes are great for the programmer, but you don't get the same level of determinism. If I am writing a hardware driver, this may not be a good model for me. If I were writing a simple GUI, then I probably don't care about some objects persisting for a bit longer than they need to, so I will take an automated management scheme every time. That's not to say that GC'd languages are only for 'simple' tasks, some tasks just require a tighter control over your resources. Not all platforms have 4GB+ memory for you to play around in).
There are patterns that you can use to help you with memory management. The canonical example would be RAII (Resource Allocation is Initialization)
Philosophy-wise, I think there are two things that lead to C++ not having a garbage collector (which seems to be what you're getting at):
Compatibility with C. C++ tries to be very compatible with C, for better or worse. C didn't have garbage collection, so C++ doesn't, at least not by default. I guess you could sum this up as "historical reasons".
The "you only pay for what you use" philosophy. C++ tries to avoid imposing any overhead above C unless you explicitly ask for it. So you only pay the price of exceptions if you actually throw one, etc. There's an argument that garbage collection would impose a cost whenever an object is allocated on the heap so it couldn't be the default behavior in C++.
Note that there is actually quite a bit of debate about whether garbage collection is actually more or less efficient than manual memory management. The better garbage collectors generally want to be able to move stuff around though, and C++ has pointer arithmetic (again, inherited from C) that makes it very hard to make such a collector work with C++.
Here's Stroustrup's (not really direct) answer to "Why doesn't C++ have garbage collection?":
If you want automatic garbage collection, there are good commercial and public-domain garbage collectors for C++. For applications where garbage collection is suitable, C++ is an excellent garbage collected language with a performance that compares favorably with other garbage collected languages. See The C++ Programming Language (3rd Edition) for a discussion of automatic garbage collection in C++. See also, Hans-J. Boehm's site for C and C++ garbage collection.
Also, C++ supports programming techniques that allows memory management to be safe and implicit without a garbage collector.
C++0x offers a GC ABI.
Isn't a good programming language design supposed to maintain a "foo-table" that takes care of this situation ?
Is it? why? A good programming language is one that lets you solve problems, no more, no less.
A garbage collector certainly lowers the barrier of entry, but it also takes control away from the programmer, which might be a problem in some cases. True, on a modern 2.5GHz quad-core computer, and with today's advanced and efficient garbage collectors, we can live with that. But C++ had to work with much more limited hardware, ranging from desktop computers with a whopping 16MB of RAM down to embedded platforms with 16KB, and everything in between. It has to be usable in realtime code, where you can not just pause the program for 0.5 seconds to run a garbage collection.
C++ isn't just designed to be the language used on desktop computers. It's meant to be usable everywhere, on memory-limited systems, in hard realtime scenarios, on large supercomputers and everywhere else.
C++'s guiding principle is "you don't pay for what you don't use". If you don't want a garbage collector, you shouldn't have to pay the (steep) price of one.
There are very powerful techniques to manage memory in C++ and avoid memory leaks, even without a garbage collector. If a garbage collector was the only way to avoid memory leaks, then there'd be a strong argument in favor of adding one to the language. But it isn't. You just have to learn how to properly manage memory yourself in C++.
What is the core driving design of memory management?
The driving design (no pun intended) is a bit like that of stick-shift transmission cars, as opposed to automatic transmission cars. Like a stick-shift car, C++ gives you freedom and control over the machine, but it's not as easy to use as automatic ones that take care of many things for you.
The following could easily have been written about C++ versus Java:
People who drive stick shift cars know the difference and the advantages of
having total control of your car engine; people who drive cars with automatic
transmissions do not. (...) Race cars, for example, do not use automatic
transmissions. (...) People who are used to shifting gears will focus more
on their driving making it more efficient and safe.
I should add, though, that C++ does have some mechanism that handle the memory for you, like others have mentioned, e.g. RAII, smart pointers etc.
C++ has no design philosophy wrt memory. All it has are two functions for allocating memory (new malloc) and two functions for freeing memory ( delete free ) and a frew related functions. Even those can be replaced by the programmer.
This is because C++ aims to run on generic computers. Generic computers are a CPU, memory (RAM, varieties of ROM) and a bus/busses for peripherals. There is no built in memory management on generic computers.
Now most computers come with memory ( typically a ROM variant ) which contains a bios/monitor. There you might see some rudimentary form of memory management --probably not.
Some computers come with OSes which will have memory management, but even there it is often primitive, and it is easy for me to claim that most computers running a C++ program have no OS at all.
If you expect C++ to run on any computer, it cannot have a memory management philosophy.

Is shared ownership of objects a sign of bad design?

Background: When reading Dr. Stroustrup's papers and FAQs, I notice some strong "opinions" and great advices from legendary CS scientist and programmer. One of them is about shared_ptr in C++0x. He starts explaining about shared_ptr and how it represents shared ownership of the pointed object. At the last line, he says and I quote:
. A shared_ptr represents shared
ownership but shared ownership isn't
my ideal: It is better if an object
has a definite owner and a definite,
predictable lifespan.
My Question: To what extent does RAII substitute other design patterns like Garbage Collection? I am assuming that manual memory management is not used to represent shared ownership in the system.
To what extent does RAII substitute other design patterns like Garbage Collection? I am assuming that manual memory management is not used to represent shared ownership in the system
Hmm, with GC, you don't really have to think about ownership. The object stays around as long as anyone needs it. Shared ownership is the default and the only choice.
And of course, everything can be done with shared ownership. But it sometimes leads to very clumsy code, because you can't control or limit the lifetime of an object. You have to use C#'s using blocks, or try/finally with close/dispose calls in the finally clause to ensure that the object gets cleaned up when it goes out of scope.
In those cases, RAII is a much better fit: When the object goes out of scope, all the cleanup should happen automatically.
RAII replaces GC to a large extent. 99% of the time, shared ownership isn't really what you want ideally. It is an acceptable compromise, in exchange for saving a lot of headaches by getting a garbage collector, but it doesn't really match what you want. You want the resource to die at some point. Not before, and not after. When RAII is an option, it leads to more elegant, concise and robust code in those cases.
RAII is not perfect though. Mainly because it doesn't deal that well with the occasional case where you just don't know the lifetime of an object. It has to stay around for a long while, as long as anyone uses it. But you don't want to keep it around forever (or as long as the scope surrounding all the clients, which might just be the entirety of the main function).
In those cases, C++ users have to "downgrade" to shared ownership semantics, usually implemented by reference-counting through shared_ptr. And in that case, a GC wins out. It can implement shared ownership much more robustly (able to handle cycles, for example), and more efficiently (the amortized cost of ref counting is huge compared to a decent GC)
Ideally, I'd like to see both in a language. Most of the time, I want RAII, but occasionally, I have a resource I'd just like to throw into the air and not worry about when or where it's going to land, and just trust that it'll get cleaned up when it's safe to do so.
The job of a programmer is to express things elegantly in his language of choice.
C++ has very nice semantics for construction and destruction of objects on the stack. If a resource can be allocated for the duration of a scope block, then a good programmer will probably take that path of least resistance. The object's lifetime is delimited by braces which are probably already there anyway.
If there's no good way to put the object directly on the stack, maybe it can be put inside another object as a member. Now its lifetime is a little longer, but C++ still doe a lot automatically. The object's lifetime is delimited by a parent object — the problem has been delegated.
There might not be one parent, though. The next best thing is a sequence of adoptive parents. This is what auto_ptr is for. Still pretty good, because the programmer should know what particular parent is the owner. The object's lifetime is delimited by the lifetime of its sequence of owners. One step down the chain in determinism and per se elegance is shared_ptr: lifetime delimited by the union of a pool of owners.
But maybe this resource isn't concurrent with any other object, set of objects, or control flow in the system. It's created upon some event happening and destroyed upon another event. Although there are a lot of tools for delimiting lifetimes by delegations and other lifetimes, they aren't sufficient for computing any arbitrary function. So the programmer might decide to write a function of several variables to determine whether an object is coming into existence or disappearing, and call new and delete.
Finally, writing functions can be hard. Maybe the rules governing the object would take too much time and memory to actually compute! And it might just be really hard to express them elegantly, getting back to my original point. So for that we have garbage collection: the object lifetime is delimited by when you want it and when you don't.
Sorry for the rant, but I think the best way to answer your question is context: shared_ptr is just a tool for computing the lifetime of an object, which fits into a broad spectrum of alternatives. It works when it works. It should be used when it's elegant. It should not be used if you have less than a pool of owners, or if you're trying to compute some sophisticated function using it as a convoluted way to increment/decrement.
My Question: To what extent does RAII substitute other design patterns
like Garbage Collection? I am assuming that manual memory management
is not used to represent shared ownership in the system.
I'm not sure about calling this a design pattern, but in my equally strong opinion, and just talking about memory resources, RAII tackles almost all the problems that GC can solve while introducing fewer.
Is shared ownership of objects a sign of bad design?
I share the thought that shared ownership is far, far from ideal in most cases, because the high-level design doesn't necessarily call for it. About the only time I've found it unavoidable is during the implementation of persistent data structures, where it's at least internalized as an implementation detail.
The biggest problem I find with GC or just shared ownership in general is that it doesn't free the developer of any responsibilities when it comes to application resources, but can give the illusion of doing so. If we have a case like this (Scene is the sole logical owner of the resource, but other things hold a reference/pointer to it like a camera storing a scene exclusion list defined by the user to omit from rendering):
And let's say the application resource is like an image, and its lifetime is tied to user input (ex: the image should be freed when the user requests to close a document containing it), then the work to properly free the resource is the same with or without GC.
Without GC, we might remove it from a scene list and allow its destructor to be invoked, while triggering an event to allow Thing1, Thing2, and Thing3 to set their pointers to it to null or remove them from a list so that they don't have dangling pointers.
With GC, it's basically the same thing. We remove the resource from the scene list while triggering an event to allow Thing1, Thing2, and Thing3 to set their references to null or remove them from a list so that the garbage collector can collect it.
The Silent Programmer Mistake Which Flies Under Radar
The difference in this scenario is what happens when a programmer mistake occurs, like Thing2 failing to handle the removal event. If Thing2 stores a pointer, it now has a dangling pointer and we might have a crash. That's catastrophic but something we might easily catch in our unit and integration tests, or at least something QA or testers will catch rather quickly. I don't work in a mission-critical or security-critical context, so if the crashy code managed to ship somehow, it's still not so bad if we can get a bug report, reproduce it, and detect it and fix it rather quickly.
If Thing2 stores a strong reference and shares ownership, we have a very silent logical leak, and the image won't be freed until Thing2 is destroyed (which it might not be destroyed until shutdown). In my domain, this silent nature of the mistake is very problematic, since it can go quietly unnoticed even after shipping until users start to notice that working in the application for an hour causes it to take gigabytes of memory, e.g., and starts slowing down until they restart it. And at that point, we might have accumulated a large number of these issues, since it's so easy for them to fly under the radar like a stealth fighter bug, and there's nothing I dislike more than stealth fighter bugs.
And it's due to that silent nature that I tend to dislike shared ownership with a passion, and TBH I never understood why GC is so popular (might be my particular domain -- I'm admittedly very ignorant of ones that are mission-critical, e.g.) to the point where I'm hungry for new languages without GC. I have found investigating all such leaks related to shared ownership to be very time-consuming, and sometimes investigating for hours only to find the leak was caused by source code outside of our control (third party plugin).
Weak References
Weak references are conceptually ideal to me for Thing1, Thing2, and Thing3. That would allow them to detect when the resource has been destroyed in hindsight without extending its lifetime, and perhaps we could guarantee a crash in those cases or some might even be able to gracefully deal with this in hindsight. The problem to me is that weak references are convertible to strong references and vice versa, so among the internal and third party developers out there, someone could still carelessly end up storing a strong reference in Thing2 even though a weak reference would have been far more appropriate.
I did try in the past to encourage the use of weak references as much as possible among the internal team and documenting that it should be used in the SDK. Unfortunately it was difficult to promote the practice among such a wide and mixed group of people, and we still ended up with our share of logical leaks.
The ease at which anyone, at any given time, can extend the lifetime of an object far longer than appropriate by simply storing a strong reference to it in their object starts to become a very frightening prospect when looking down at a huge codebase that's leaking massive resources. I often wish that a very explicit syntax was required to store any kind of strong reference as a member of an object of a kind which at least would lead a developer to think twice about doing it needlessly.
Explicit Destruction
So I tend to favor explicit destruction for persistent application resources, like so:
// This is ideal to me, not trying to release a bunch of strong
// references and hoping things get implicitly destroyed.
... since we can count on it to free the resource. We can't be completely assured that something out there in the system won't end up having a dangling pointer or weak reference, but at least those issues tend to be easy to detect and reproduce in testing. They don't go unnoticed for ages and accumulate.
The one tricky case has always been multithreading for me. In those cases, what I have found useful instead of full-blown garbage collection or, say, shared_ptr, is to simply defer destruction somehow:
// *May* be deferred until threads are finished processing the resource.
In some systems where the persistent threads are unified in a way such that they have a processing event, e.g., we can mark the resource to be destroyed in a deferred fashion in a time slice when threads are not being processed (almost starts to feel like stop-the-world GC, but we're keeping explicit destruction). In other cases, we might use, say, reference counting but in a way that avoids shared_ptr, where a resource's reference count starts at zero and will be destroyed using that explicit syntax above unless a thread locally extends its lifetime by incrementing the counter temporarily (ex: using a scoped resource in a local thread function).
As roundabout as that seems, it avoids exposing GC references or shared_ptr to the outside world which can easily tempt some developers (internally on your team or a third party developer) to store strong references (shared_ptr, e.g.) as a member of an object like Thing2 and thereby extend a resource's lifetime inadvertently, and possibly for far, far longer than appropriate (possibly all the way until application shutdown).
Meanwhile RAII automatically eliminates physical leaks just as well as GC, but furthermore, it works for resources other than just memory. We can use it for a scoped mutex, a file which automatically closes on destruction, we can use it even to automatically reverse external side effects through scope guards, etc. etc.
So if given the choice and I had to pick one, it's easily RAII for me. I work in a domain where those silent memory leaks caused by shared ownership are absolutely killer, and a dangling pointer crash is actually preferable if (and it likely will) be caught early during testing. Even in some really obscure event that it's caught late, if it manifests itself in a crash close to the site where the mistake occurred, that's still preferable than using memory profiling tools and trying to figure out who forgot to release a reference while wading through millions of lines of code. In my very blunt opinion, GC introduces more problems than it solves for my particular domain (VFX, which is somewhat similar to games in terms of scene organization and application state), and one of the reasons besides those very silent shared ownership leaks is because it can give the developers the false impression that they don't have to think about resource management and ownership of persistent application resources while inadvertently causing logical leaks left and right.
"When does RAII fail"
The only case I've ever encountered in my whole career where I couldn't think of any possible way to avoid shared ownership of some sort is when I implemented a library of persistent data structures, like so:
I used it to implement an immutable mesh data structure which can have portions modified without being made unique, like so (test with 4 million quadrangles):
Every single frame, a new mesh is being created as the user drags over it and sculpts it. The difference is that the new mesh is strong referencing parts not made unique by the brush so that we don't have to copy all the vertices, all the polygons, all the edges, etc. The immutable version trivializes thread safety, exception safety, non-destructive editing, undo systems, instancing, etc.
In this case the whole concept of the immutable data structure revolves around shared ownership to avoid duplicating data that wasn't made unique. It's a genuine case where we cannot avoid shared ownership no matter what (at least I can't think of any possible way).
That's about the only case where we might need GC or reference counting that I've encountered. Others might have encountered some of their own, but from my experience, very, very few cases genuinely need shared ownership at the design level.
Is Garbage Collection a Design Pattern? I don't know.
The big advantage of shared ownership, is its inherent predictability. With GC the reclamation of resources is out of your hands. Thats the point. When, and how it happens is usually not on the mind of the developer using it. With shared ownership, you are in control (beware, sometimes too much control is a bad thing). Lets say your app spawns off a million shared_ptr's to X. All of those are your doing, you are responsible for them and you have total control over when those references are created and destroyed. So a determined and careful programmer should know exaclty who references what and for how long. If you want an object to be destroyed, you have to destroy all the shared references to it, and viola, it's gone.
This carries some profound consequences for people who make realtime software, which MUST be totally predictable. This also means you can fudge up in ways that look an awful lot like memory leaks. I personally don't want to be a determined and careful programmer when I don't have to be (go ahead and laugh, I want to go on picnics and bike rides, not count my references), so where appropriate GC is my prefered route. I have written a little bit of realtime sound software, and used shared references to manage resources predictably.
Your question: When does RAII fail? (In the context of shared references)
My Answer: When you can't answer the question: who may have a reference to this? When vicious insipid circles of ownership develop.
My question: When does GC fail?
My answer: When you want total control and predictability. When the GC is the written by Sun Microsystems in a last minute dash to deadline and has ridiculous behaviors which could only have been designed and implemented by severely drunk protohuman code monkeys borrowed from Microsoft.
My opinion: I think BS is just really serious about clear design. It seems obvious that having one place where resources are destroyed is usually a clearer design than having many places where they might destroyed.