Regex Search and Replace Program - regex

Is there a simple and lightweight program to search over a text file and replace a string with regex?

For searching: grep - simple and fast. Included with Linux, here's a Windows version, not sure about Mac.
For replacing: sed. Here's a Windows version, not sure about Mac.
Of course, if you want to actually open up a file and see its contents while you search and replace, you can use emacs for that. Or ConTEXT. Or vim. Or what have you. ;)
See also this question.

Perl excels at this, with its -i, -n, -p and -e switches. See the slides from my talk Field Guide To The Perl Command Line Switches for examples.
Others have mentioned sed and awk, and it's no surprise that Perl was inspired by them. However, Perl may well be easier to get and install for you and/or your users.

There's also sed, which is a useful tool to learn the basics of - great for doing quick regex based substitutions.
Quick example, to change "foo" to "bar" in input.txt ...
sed -e 's/foo/bar/g' input.txt > output.txt

Many decent text editors have the option as well, vim, emacs, EditPlus and so on.

sed or awk. I recommend the book sed&awk to master the subject or the booklet sed&awk pocket reference for a quick reference. Of course mastering regular expressions is a must...

You didn't mention what platform you're using... If you are interested in a relatively simple GUI tool, there's regexxer. Otherwise, the commandline tools such as sed that were mentioned earlier can be very useful.

It depends if you're dealing with one or many files. At the risk of being pilloried, I'm assuming you're using Windows because you didn't specify a platform.
For one file at a time, Notepad2 does the trick and is extremely fast, lightweight and portable.
For search/replace over multiple files at once, try Agent Ransack.

Try WildGem:
I'm the creator. Small, super-fast, portable and self-contained. You can use Regex, but it also has its own simple language syntax to make queries much easier in theory.
I quote:
Unlike similar programs, WildGem is fast with a dual split display, and updates or highlights matches as you type in realtime. A unique colour coded syntax allows you to easily find/replace text without worrying about having to escape special symbols.
Here's a screenshot:

NOt knowing the platform, I'd say the ad that popped-up pon this page might be appropriate: PowerGREP. Don't know anything about it, but it sounds similar to what you're looking for.

Use emacs or xemacs. It has a perfect regexp replacement function. You can even use constructions like /1 (or /2 or /3) to get a matched expression back in your replacement that was identified with ( ) around them. To prevent a vi-emacs clash: vi will also have similar constructions. I'm not sure of any modern editors that support this functionality.
Tip: Try out a simple replacement first, it can be a bit unclear as you might up add '\' to escape the special RegExp constructions...


underscore to camelCase RegEx

Our standards have changed and I want to do a 'find and replace' in say Dreamweaver(it allows for RegEx or we just got Visual Studio 2010, if it allows for searching by RegEx) for all the underscores and camelCase them.
What would be the RegEx to do that?
RegEx baffles me. I definitely need to do some studying.
Thanks in advance!
Update: A little more info - I'm searching within my html,aspx,cfm or css documents for any string that contains an underscore and replacing it with the following letter capitalized.
I had this problem, but I need to also handle converting fields like gap_in_cover_period_d_last_5_yr into gapInCoverPeriodDLast and found 9 out of 10 other sed expressions, don't like 1 letter words or numbers.
So to answer the question, use sed. sed -s is the equivalent to using the :s command in vim. So the example below is a command (ie sed -s/.../gc
This seemed to work, although I did have to run it twice (word_a_word will become wordA_word on the first pass and wordAWord on the second. sed backward commands, are just too magical for my muggle blood):-
I recently had to approach a similar situation you asked about. Here is a regex I've been using in VIM which does the job for me:
As an example:
this_is_a_test becomes thisIsATest
I don't think there is a good way to do this purely with regex. Searching for _ characters is easy, something like ._. should work to find an _ with something on either side, but you need a more powerful scripting system to change the case of the character following the _. I suggest perl :)
I have a solution in PHP
preg_replace("/(_)(.)/e", "strtoupper('\\2')", $str)
There may be a more elegant selector criteria but I wanted to keep it simple.

Regex - match a string not contain a 'semi-word'

I tried to make regex syntax for that but I failed.
I have 2 variables
and I want to catch only the second variable,I mean only the world what don't contain PlayerInfo, but cointains [playerid]
"(\S+)\[playerid\]" cath both words and (\S+[^PlayerInfo])\[playerid\] jump on some variables- they contais p,l,a,y ...
I need to replace in notepad++,all variables like Text[playerid] to ExClass [playerid][Text]
Couple Pluasible solutions.
List item
Notepad has a plugin called python script. Running regex from there
gives full regex functionality, the python version anyway, and a lot
of powerful potential beyond that. And I use the online python regex tester to help out.
RegRexReplace plugin helps create regex plugins in Notepad++, so when you do hit a limitation, you find out a lot quicker.
Or of course default to your alternate editor (I'm assuming you have
one?) or this online regex tool is absolutely amazing. You
can perform the action on the text online as well.
(I'd try to build a regex for you, but I'm a bit lost as to what you're looking for. Unless the Ivo Abeloos got it. If you're still coming up short, maybe a code example along with values displayed?)
Good luck!
It seems that Notepad++ support negative lookbehind since v6.
In notepad++ you could try to replace (.+)\[(.+)\] with ExClass\[\2\]\[\1\]
Try to use negative lookbehind.
EDIT: unfortunately notepad++ does not support negative lookbehind.
I tried to make a workaround based on the following naive idea:
But this expression does not work either. Notepad++ seems to fail in alternative operator. Thus the answer is: it is impossible to do exactly what you want. Try to solve the problem in other way or use alternative tool.

Need simple regex for LaTeX

In my LaTeX files, I have literally thousands of occurrences of the following construct:
$\displaystyle{...math goes here...}$
I'd like to replace these with
\mymath{...math goes here...}
Note that the $'s disappear, but the curly braces remain---if not for the trailing $, this would be a basic find-and-replace. If only I knew any regex, I'm sure it would handle this with no problem. What's the regex I need to make this happen?
Many thanks in advance.
Edit: Some issues and questions have arisen, so let me clarify:
Yes, $\displaystyle{ ... }$ can occur multiple times on the same line.
No, nested }$'s (such as $\displaystyle{...{more math}$...}$) cannot occur. I mean, I suppose it could if you put it in an \mbox or something, but I can't imagine why anyone would ever do that inside a $\displaystlye{}$ construct, the purpose of which is to display math inline with text. At any rate, it's not something I've ever done or am likely to do.
I tried using the perl suggestion, but while the shell raised no objections, the files remained unaffected.
I tried using the sed suggestion, but the shell objected to an "unexpected token near `('". I've never used sed before (and "man sed" was obtuse), but here's what I did: navigated to a directory containing .tex files and typed "sed s/\$\\displaystyle({[^}]+})\$/\\mymath\1/g *.tex". No luck. How do I use sed to do what I want?
Again, many many thanks for all offered help.
Be very careful when using REGEX to do this type of substitution
because the theoretical answer is that
REGEX is incapable of matching this type of pattern.
REGEX is a finite state machine; it does not incorporate a pushdown stack so
it cannot work with nested structures such as "{...math goes here...}" if
there is any possibility of nesting such that something like "{more math}$"
can appear as part of a "math goes here" string. You need at a minimum a
context free grammar to describe this type of construct - a state machine
just doesn't cut it!
Now having said that, you may still be able to pull this off using REGEX
provided none of your "math goes here" strings are more complex than
what a state machine can handle.
Give it a shot.... but beware of the results!
perl -pi -e 's/$\\displaystyle({.*)}\$/\\mymath$1}/g' *.tex
if multiples }$ are on the same line you need a non greedy version:
perl -pi -e 's/$\\displaystyle({.*?)}\$/\\mymath$1}/g' *.tex

Regular expression extraction in text editors

I'm kind of new to programming, so forgive me if this is terribly obvious (which would be welcome news).
I do a fair amount of PHP development in my free time using pregmatch and writing most of my expressions using the free (open source?) Regex Tester.
However frequently I find myself wanting to simply quickly extract something and the only way I know to do it is to write my expression and then script it, which is probably laughable, but welcome to my reality. :-)
What I'd like is something like a simple text editor that I can feed my expression to (given a file or a buffer full of pasted text) and have it parse the expression and return a document with only the results.
What I find is usually regex search/replace functions, as in Notepad++ I can easily find (and replace) all instances using an expression, but I simply don't know how to only extract it...
And it's probably terribly obvious, can expression match only the inverse? Then I could use something like (just the expression I'm currently working on):
And replace everything that doesn't match with nothing. But I'm sure this is something common and simple, I'd really appreciate any poniters.
FWIW I know grep and I could do it using that, but I'm hoping their are better gui'ified solution I'm simply ignorant of.
What I was hoping for would be something that worked in a more standard set of gui tools (ie, the tools I might already be using). I appreciate all the responses, but using perl or vi or grep is what I was hoping to avoid, otherwise I would have just scripted it myself (of course I did) since their all relatively powerful, low-level tools.
Maybe I wasn't clear enough. As a senior systems administrator the cli tools are familiar to me, I'm quite fond of them. Working at home however I find most of my time is spent in a gui, like Netbeans or Notepad++. I just figure there would be a simple way to achieve the regex based data extraction using those tools (since in these cases I'd already be using them).
Something vaguely like what I was referring to would be this which will take aa expression on the first line and a url on the second line and then extract (return) the data.
It's ugly (I'll take it down after tonight since it's probably riddled with problems).
Anyway, thanks for your responses. I appreciate it.
If you want a text editor with good regex support, I highly recommend Vim. Vim's regex engine is quite powerful and is well-integrated into the editor. e.g.
This says to delete every line in your buffer which doesn't match pattern regex.
This says on every line that matches regex, do another search/replace to replace text matching another_regex with replacement.
If you want to use commandline grep or a Perl/Ruby/Python/PHP one-liner any other tool, you can filter the current buffer's text through that tool and update the buffer to reflect the results:
:%!grep regex
:%!perl -nle 'print if /regex/'
Have you tried ?
There's a plugin for Netbeans here, but development looks stalled:
You might also try The Regulator:
Most regex engines will allow you to match the opposite of the regex.
Usually with the ! operator.
I know grep has been mentioned, and you don't want a cli tool, but I think ack deserves to be mentioned.
ack is a tool like grep, aimed at
programmers with large trees of
heterogeneous source code.
ack is written purely in Perl, and
takes advantage of the power of Perl's
regular expressions.
A good text editor can be used to perform the actions you are describing. I use EditPadPro for search and replace functionality and it has some other nice feaures including code coloring for most major formats. The search panel functionality includes a regular expression mode that allows you to input a regex then search for the first instance which identifies if your expression matches the appropriate information then gives you the option to replace either iteratively or all instances.
My suggestion is grep, and cygwin if you're stuck on a Windows box.
echo "text" | grep ([^<]*)
cat filename | grep ([^<]*)
What I'd like is something like a
simple text editor that I can feed my
expression to (given a file or a
buffer full of pasted text) and have
it parse the expression and return a
document with only the results.
You have just described grep. This is exactly what grep does. What's wrong with it?

What's the best tool to find and replace regular expressions over multiple files?

Preferably free tools if possible.
Also, the option of searching for multiple regular expressions and each replacing with different strings would be a bonus.
Seriously, it makes sysadmin stuff so much easier. Here's an example:
perl -pi -e 's/something/somethingelse/g' *.log
sed is quick and easy:
sed -e "s/pattern/result/" <file list>
You can also join it with find:
find <other find args> -exec sed -e "s/pattern/result/" "{}" ";"
I've written a free command line tool for Windows to do this. It's called rxrepl, it supports unicode and file search. Some may find it useful.
Textpad does a good job of it on Windows. And it's a very good editor as well.
Emacs's directory editor has the `dired-do-query-replace-regexp' function to search for and replace a regexp over a set of marked files.
Unsurprisingly, Perl does a fine job of handling this, in conjunction with a decent shell:
for file in #filelist ; do
perl -p -i -e "s/pattern/result/g" $file
This has the same effect (but is more efficient, and without the race condition) as:
for file in #filelist ; do
cat $file | sed "s/pattern/result/" > /tmp/newfile
mv /tmp/newfile $file
Under Windows, I used to like WinGrep
Under Ubuntu, I use Regexxer.
For find-and-replace on multiple files on Windows I found rxFind to be very helpful.
For Mac OS X, TextWrangler does the job.
My personal favorite is PowerGrep by JGSoft. It interfaces with RegexBuddy which can help you to create and test the regular expression, automatically backs up all changes (and provides undo capabilities), provides the ability to parse multiple directories (with filename patterns), and even supports file formats such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and PDF.
In Windows there is free alternative that works the best: Notepad++
Go to "Search" -> "Find in Files". One may give directory, file pattern, set regular expressions then preview the matches and finally replace all files recursively.
I love this tool:
Gives you an "as you type" preview of your regular expression... FANTASTIC for those not well versed in RE's... and it is super fast at changing hundreds or thousands of files at a time...
And then let's you UNDO your changes as well...
Very nice...
Patrick Steil -
I'd go for bash + find + sed.
jEdit's regex search&replace in files is pretty decent. Slightly overkill if you only use it for that, though. It also doesn't support the multi-expression-replace you asked for.
Vim for the rescue (and president ;-) ). Try:
vim -c "argdo! s:foo:bar:gci" <list_of_files>
(I do love Vim's -c switch, it's magic.
Or if you had already in Vim, and opened the files, e.g.:
vim <list_of_files>
Just issue:
:bufdo! s:foo:bar:gci
Of course sed and perl is capable as well.
I have the luxury of Unix and Ubuntu; In both, I use gawk for anything that requires line-by-line search and replace, especially for line-by-line for substring(s).
Recently, this was the fastest for processing 1100 changes against millions of lines in hundreds of files (one directory)
On Ubuntu I am a fan of regexxer
sudo apt-get install regexxer
if 'textpad' is a valid answer, I would suggest Sublime Text hands down.
Multi-cursor edits are an even more efficient way to make replacements in general I find, but its "Find in Files" is top tier for bulk regex/plain find replacements.
If you are a Programmer: A lot of IDEs should do a good Job as well.
For me PyCharm worked quite nice:
Edit > Find > Replace in Path or Strg + Shift + R
Check Regex at the top
It has a live preview.
I've found the tool RxFind useful (free OSS).
Brackets (source code, deb/Ubuntu, OSx and Windows) has a good visualization of results, permitting select them individually to apply substitution. You can search by standard text, case sensitive or not, and regex.
Very important: you can exclude patterns of files and directories in the search.
For at least 25 years, I've been using Emacs for large-scale replacements across large numbers of files. Run etags to specify any set of files to search through:
$ etags file1.txt dir1/*.yml dir2/*.json dir3/*.md
Then open Emacs and run tags-query-replace, which prompts for regex and replacement: