Multithreaded Memory Allocators for C/C++ - c++

I currently have heavily multi-threaded server application, and I'm shopping around for a good multi-threaded memory allocator.
So far I'm torn between:
Sun's umem
Google's tcmalloc
Intel's threading building blocks allocator
Emery Berger's hoard
From what I've found hoard might be the fastest, but I hadn't heard of it before today, so I'm skeptical if its really as good as it seems. Anyone have personal experience trying out these allocators?

I've used tcmalloc and read about Hoard. Both have similar implementations and both achieve roughly linear performance scaling with respect to the number of threads/CPUs (according to the graphs on their respective sites).
So: if performance is really that incredibly crucial, then do performance/load testing. Otherwise, just roll a dice and pick one of the listed (weighted by ease of use on your target platform).
And from trshiv's link, it looks like Hoard, tcmalloc, and ptmalloc are all roughly comparable for speed. Overall, tt looks like ptmalloc is optimized for taking as little room as possible, Hoard is optimized for a trade-off of speed + memory usage, and tcmalloc is optimized for pure speed.

The only way to really tell which memory allocator is right for your application is to try a few out. All of the allocators mentioned were written by smart folks and will beat the others on one particular microbenchmark or another. If all your application does all day long is malloc one 8 byte chunk in thread A and free it in thread B, and doesn't need to handle anything else at all, you could probably write a memory allocator that beats the pants off any of those listed so far. It just won't be very useful for much else. :)
I have some experience using Hoard where I work (enough so that one of the more obscure bugs addressed in the recent 3.8 release was found as a result of that experience). It's a very good allocator - but how good, for you, depends on your workload. And you do have to pay for Hoard (though it's not too expensive) in order to use it in a commercial project without GPL'ing your code.
A very slightly adapted ptmalloc2 has been the allocator behind glibc's malloc for quite a while now, and so it's incredibly widely used and tested. If stability is important above all things, it might be a good choice, but you didn't mention it in your list, so I'll assume it's out. For certain workloads, it's terrible - but the same is true of any general purpose malloc.
If you're willing to pay for it (and the price is reasonable, in my experience), SmartHeap SMP is also a good choice. Most of the other allocators mentioned are designed as drop-in malloc/free new/delete replacements that can be LD_PRELOAD'd. SmartHeap can be used that way as well, but it also includes an entire allocation-related API that lets you fine-tune your allocators to your heart's content. In tests that we've done (again, very specific to a particular application), SmartHeap was about the same as Hoard for performance when acting as a drop-in malloc replacement; the real difference between the two is the degree of customization. You can get better performance the less general-purpose you need your allocator to be.
And depending on your use case, a general-purpose multithreaded allocator might not be what you want to use at all; if you're constantly malloc & free'ing objects that are all the same size, you might want to just write a simple slab allocator. Slab allocation is used in several places in the Linux kernel that fit that description. (I would give you a couple more useful links, but I'm a "new user" and Stack Overflow has decided that new users are not allowed to be too helpful all in one answer. Google can help out well enough, though.)

I personally prefer and recommend ptmalloc as a multithreaded allocator. Hoard is good, but in the evaluation my team did between Hoard and ptmalloc a few years ago, ptmalloc was better. From what I know, ptmalloc has been around for a number of years and is quite widely used as a multithreaded allocator.
You might find this comparison useful.

Maybe this is the wrong way to approach what you are asking, but maybe a different tactic could be employed altogether. If you are looking for a really fast memory allocator maybe you should ask why you need to be spending all that time allocating memory when you could perhaps just get away with stack allocation of variables. Stack allocation, while way more annoying, done right could save you lots in the way of mutex contention, as well as keeping strange memory corruption issues out of your code. Also, you potentially have less fragmentation which could help.

We used hoard on a project where I worked a few years ago. It seemed to work great. I have no experience iwth the other allocators. It should be pretty easy to try different ones and do load testing, no?

The locklessinc allocator is very good and the developer is responsive if you have questions. There's an article he wrote about some of the optimization tricks used, it's an interesting read: I've used it in the past with excellent results.

Probably a late response to your question , but
why to do mallocs if you have performance hick ups ?
Better way would be to do a malloc of a big memory window at the initialization and then come up with a light weight Memory manager that would lease out the memory chunks at run time.
This avoids any possibility of system calls if your heap expansion.

You can try ltalloc (general purpose global memory allocator with speed of fast pool allocator).


Memory management patterns

I'd like to know about other patterns that could be more efficient than the use of factories.
You could use a memory pool, the boost one is pretty good:
And every client could configure the maximum size of the pool.
Allocations and deallocations will be really fast,and you will drop your factory implementation
Measure first. If you haven't proved that your allocator is a performance problem then you shouldn't optimize it away. Your solution to not free memory back may in fact perform worse (e.g., if you're using a simple free-list, you might be spending a lot of time on cache misses when you traverse the list).
If memory allocation is a bottleneck, look into better allocators. TCMalloc is pretty good, and there are commercial and cross-platform solutions available if you want to pay lots of money.
But use a profiler and measure before you do anything drastic.

Implementing a memory manager in multithreaded C/C++ with dynamically sized memory pool?

Background: I'm developing a multiplatform framework of sorts that will be used as base for both game and util/tool creation. The basic idea is to have a pool of workers, each executing in its own thread. (Furthermore, workers will also be able to spawn at runtime.) Each thread will have it's own memory manager.
I have long thought about creating my own memory management system, and I think this project will be perfect to finally give it a try. I find such a system fitting due to the types of usages of this framework will often require memory allocations in realtime (games and texture edition tools).
No generally applicable solution(?) - The framework will be used for both games/visualization (not AAA, but indie/play) and tool/application creation. My understanding is that for game development it is usual (at least for console games) to allocate a big chunk of memory only once in the initialization, and then use this memory internally in the memory manager. But is this technique applicable in a more general application?
In a game you could theoretically know how much memory your scenes and resources will need, but for example, a photo editing application will load resources of all different sizes... So in the latter case a more dynamic memory "chunk size" would be needed? Which leads me to the next problem:
Moving already allocated data and keeping valid pointers - Normally when allocating on the heap, you will acquire a simple pointer to the memory chunk. In a custom memory manager, as far as I understand it, a similar approach is then to return a pointer to somewhere free in the pre-allocated chunk. But what happens if the pre-allocated chunk is too small and needs to be resized or even defragmentated? The data would be needed to be moved around in the memory and the old pointers would be invalid. Is there a way to transparently wrap these pointers in some way, but still use them as normally "outside" the memory management as if they were usual C++ pointers?
Third party libraries - If there is no way to transparently use a custom memory management system for all memory allocation in the application, every third party library I'm linking with, will still use the "old" OS memory allocations internally. I have learned that it is common for libraries to expose functions to set custom allocation functions that the library will use, but it is not guaranteed every library I will use will have this ability.
Questions: Is it possible and feasible to implement a memory manager that can use a dynamically sized memory chunk pool? If so, how would defragmentation and memory resize work, without breaking currently in-use pointers? And finally, how is such a system best implemented to work with third party libraries?
I'm also thankful for any related reading material, papers, articles and whatnot! :-)
As someone who has previously written many memory managers and heap implementations for AAA games for the last few generations of consoles let me tell you its simply not worth it anymore.
Your information is old - back in the gamecube era [circa 2003] we used to do what you said- allocate a large chunk and carve out that chunk manually using custom algorithms tweaked for each game.
Once virtual memory came along (xbox era), games got more complicated [and so made more allocations and became multimthreaded] address fragmentation made this untenable. So we switched to custom allocators to handle certain types of requests only - for instance physical memory, or lock free small block low fragmentation heaps or thread local cache of recently used blocks.
As built in memory managers become better it gets harder to do better than those - certainly in the general case and a close thing for a specific use cases. Doug Lea Allocator [or whatever the mainstream c++ linux compilers come with now] and the latest Windows low fragmentation heaps are really very good, and you'd do far better investing your time elsewhere.
I've got spreadsheets at work measuring all kinds of metrics for a whole load of allocators - all the big name ones and a fair few I've collected over the years. And basically whilst the specialist allocators can win on a few metrics [lowest overhead per alloc, spacial proximity, lowest fragmentation, etc] for overall metrics the mainstream ones are simply the best.
As a user of your library, my personal preferred option is you just allocate memory when you need it. Use operator new/the new operator and I can use the standard C++ mechanisms to replace those and use my custom heap (if I indeed have one), or alternatively I can use platform specific ways of replacing your allocations (e.g. XMemAlloc on Xbox). I don't need tagging [capturing callstacks is far superior which I can do if I want]. Lower down that list comes you giving me an interface that you'll call when you need to allocate memory - this is just a pain for you to implement and I'll probably just pass it onto operator new anyway. The worst thing you can do is 'know best' and create your own custom heaps. If memory allocation performance is a problem, I'd much rather you share the solution the whole game uses than roll your own.
If you're looking to write your own malloc()/free(), etc., you probably should start by checking out the source code for existing systems such as dlmalloc. This is a hard problem, though, for what it's worth. Writing your own malloc library is Hard. Beating existing general purpose malloc libraries will be Even Harder.
And now, here is the correct answer: DON'T IMPLEMENT YET ANOTHER MEMORY MANAGER.
It is incredibly hard to implement a memory manager that does not fail under different kinds of usage patterns and events. You may be able to build a specific manager that works well under YOUR usage patterns, but to write one which works well for MANY users is a full-time job that almost no one has really done well. Worse, it is fantastically easy to implement a memory manager that works great 99% of the time and then 1% of the time crash or suddenly consume most or all available memory on your system due to unexpected heap fragmentation.
I say this as someone who has written multiple memory managers, watched multiple people write their own memory managers, and watched even more people attempt to write memory managers and fail. This problem is deceptively difficult, not because it's hard to write templated allocators and generic types with inheritance and such, but because the other solutions given in this thread tend to fail under corner types of load behavior. Once you start supporting byte alignments (as all real-world allocators must) then heap fragmentation rears its ugly head. Cute heuristics that work great for small test programs, fail miserably when subjected to large, real-world programs.
And once you get it working, someone else will need: cookies to verify against memory stomps; heap usage reporting; memory pools; pools of pools; memory leak tracking and reporting; heap auditing; chunk splitting and coalescing; thread-local storage; lookasides; CPU and process-level page faulting and protection; setting and checking and clearing "free-memory" patterns aka 0xdeadbeef; and whatever else I can't think of off the top of my head.
Writing yet another memory manager falls squarely under the heading of Premature Optimization. Since there are multiple free, good, memory managers with thousands of hours of development and testing behind them, you have to justify spending the cost of your own time in such a way that the result would provide some sort of measurable improvement over what other people have done, and you can use, for free.
If you are SURE you want to implement your own memory manager (and hopefully you are NOT sure after reading this message), read through the dlmalloc sources in detail, then read through the tcmalloc sources in detail as well, THEN make sure you understand the performance trade-offs in implementing a thread-safe versus a thread-unsafe memory manager, and why the naive implementations tend to give poor performance results.
Prepare more than one solution and let the user of the framework adopt any particular one. Policy classes to the generic allocator you develop would do this nicely.
A nice way to get around this is to wrap up pointers in a class with overloaded * operator. Make the internal data of that class only an index to the memory pool. Now, you can just change the index quickly after a background thread copies the data over.
Most good C++ libraries support allocators and you should implement one. You can also overload the global new so your version gets used. And keep in mind that you generally won't need to think about a library allocating or deallocating a large amount of data, which is generally a responsibility of client code.

C++ memory allocation mechanism performance comparison (tcmalloc vs. jemalloc)

I have an application which allocates lots of memory and I am considering using a better memory allocation mechanism than malloc.
My main options are: jemalloc and tcmalloc. Is there any benefits in using any of them over the other?
There is a good comparison between some mechanisms (including the author's proprietary mechanism -- lockless) in
and it mentions some pros and cons of each of them.
Given that both of the mechanisms are active and constantly improving. Does anyone have any insight or experience about the relative performance of these two?
If I remember correctly, the main difference was with multi-threaded projects.
Both libraries try to de-contention memory acquire by having threads pick the memory from different caches, but they have different strategies:
jemalloc (used by Facebook) maintains a cache per thread
tcmalloc (from Google) maintains a pool of caches, and threads develop a "natural" affinity for a cache, but may change
This led, once again if I remember correctly, to an important difference in term of thread management.
jemalloc is faster if threads are static, for example using pools
tcmalloc is faster when threads are created/destructed
There is also the problem that since jemalloc spin new caches to accommodate new thread ids, having a sudden spike of threads will leave you with (mostly) empty caches in the subsequent calm phase.
As a result, I would recommend tcmalloc in the general case, and reserve jemalloc for very specific usages (low variation on the number of threads during the lifetime of the application).
I have recently considered tcmalloc for a project at work. This is what I observed:
Greatly improved performance for heavy usage of malloc in a multithreaded setting. I used it with a tool at work and the performance improved almost twofold. The reason is that in this tool there were a few threads performing allocations of small objects in a critical loop. Using glibc, the performance suffers because of, I think, lock contentions between malloc/free calls in different threads.
Unfortunately, tcmalloc increases the memory footprint. The tool I mentioned above would consume two or three times more memory (as measured by the maximum resident set size). The increased footprint is a no go for us since we are actually looking for ways to reduce memory footprint.
In the end I have decided not to use tcmalloc and instead optimize the application code directly: this means removing the allocations from the inner loops to avoid the malloc/free lock contentions. (For the curious, using a form of compression rather than using memory pools.)
The lesson for you would be that you should carefully measure your application with typical workloads. If you can afford the additional memory usage, tcmalloc could be great for you. If not, tcmalloc is still useful to see what you would gain by avoiding the frequent calls to memory allocation across threads.
Be aware that according to the 'nedmalloc' homepage, modern OS's allocators are actually pretty fast now:
"Windows 7, Linux 3.x, FreeBSD 8, Mac OS X 10.6 all contain state-of-the-art allocators and no third party allocator is likely to significantly improve on them in real world results"
So you might be able to get away with just recommending your users upgrade or something like it :)
You could also consider using Boehm conservative garbage collector. Basically, you replace every malloc in your source code with GC_malloc (etc...), and you don't bother calling free. Boehm's GC don't allocate memory more quickly than malloc (it is about the same, or can be 30% slower), but it has the advantage to deal with useless memory zones automatically, which might improve your program (and certainly eases coding, since you don't care any more about free). And Boehm's GC can also be used as a C++ allocator.
If you really think that malloc is too slow (but you should benchmark; most malloc-s take less than microsecond), and if you fully understand the allocating behavior of your program, you might replace some malloc-s with your special allocator (which could, for instance, get memory from the kernel in big chunks using mmap and manage memory by yourself). But I believe doing that is a pain. In C++ you have the allocator concept and std::allocator_traits, with most standard containers templates accepting such an allocator (see also std::allocator), e.g. the optional second template argument to std::vector, etc...
As others suggested, if you believe malloc is a bottleneck, you could allocate data in chunks (or using arenas), or just in an array.
Sometimes, implementing a specialized copying garbage collector (for some of your data) could help. Consider perhaps MPS.
But don't forget that premature optimization is evil and please benchmark & profile your application to understand exactly where time is lost.
There's a pretty good discussion about allocators here:
Your post do not mention threading, but before considering mixing C and C++ allocation methods, I would investigate the concept of memory pool.BOOST has a good one.

Which memory allocation algorithm suits best for performance and time critical c++ applications?

I ask this question to determine which memory allocation algorithm gives better results with performance critical applications, like game engines, or embedded applications. Results are actually depends percentage of memory fragmented and time-determinism of memory request.
There are several algorithms in the text books (e.g. Buddy memory allocation), but also there are others like TLSF. Therefore, regarding memory allocation algorithms available, which one of them is fastest and cause less fragmentation. BTW, Garbage collectors should be not included.
Please also, note that this question is not about profiling, it just aims to find out optimum algorithm for given requirements.
It all depends on the application. Server applications which can clear out all memory relating to a particular request at defined moments will have a different memory access pattern than video games, for instance.
If there was one memory allocation algorithm that was always best for performance and fragmentation, wouldn't the people implementing malloc and new always choose that algorithm?
Nowadays, it's usually best to assume that the people who wrote your operating system and runtime libraries weren't brain dead; and unless you have some unusual memory access pattern don't try to beat them.
Instead, try to reduce the number of allocations (or reallocations) you make. For instance, I often use a std::vector, but if I know ahead of time how many elements it will have, I can reserve that all in one go. This is much more efficient than letting it grow "naturally" through several calls to push_back().
Many people coming from languages where new just means "gimme an object" will allocate things for no good reason. If you don't have to put it on the heap, don't call new.
As for fragmentation: it still depends. Unfortunately I can't find the link now, but I remember a blog post from somebody at Microsoft who had worked on a C++ server application that suffered from memory fragmentation. The team solved the problem by allocating memory from two regions. Memory for all requests would come from region A until it was full (requests would free memory as normal). When region A was full, all memory would be allocated from region B. By the time region B was full, region A was completely empty again. This solved their fragmentation problem.
Will it solve yours? I have no idea. Are you working on a project which services several independent requests? Are you working on a game?
As for determinism: it still depends. What is your deadline? What happens when you miss the deadline (astronauts lost in space? the music being played back starts to sound like garbage?)? There are real time allocators, but remember: "real time" means "makes a promise about meeting a deadline," not necessarily "fast."
I did just come across a post describing various things Facebook has done to both speed up and reduce fragmentation in jemalloc. You may find that discussion interesting.
Your question is very general, but here's my answer/guidance:
I don't know about game engines, but for embedded and real time applications, The general goals of an allocation algorithm are:
1- Bounded execution time: You have to know in advance the worst case allocation time so you can plan your real time tasks accordingly.
2- Fast execution: Well, the faster the better, obviously
3- Always allocate: Especially for real-time, security critical applications, all requests must be satisfied. If you request some memory space and get a null pointer: trouble!
4- Reduce fragmentation: Although this depends on the algorithm used, generally, less fragmented allocations provide better performance, due to a number of reasons, including caching effects.
In most critical systems, you are not allowed to dynamically allocate any memory to begin with. You analyze your requirements and determine your maximum memory use and allocate a large chunk of memory as soon as your application starts. If you can't, then the application does not even start, if it does start, no new memory blocks are allocated during execution.
If speed is a concern, I'd recommend following a similar approach. You can implement a memory pool which manages your memory. The pool could initialize a "sufficient" block of memory in the start of your application and serve your memory requests from this block. If you require more memory, the pool can do another -probably large- allocation (in anticipation of more memory requests), and your application can start using this newly allocated memory. There are various memory pooling schemes around as well, and managing these pools is another whole topic.
As for some examples: VxWorks RTOS used to employ a first-fit allocation algorithm where the algorithm analyzed a linked list to find a big enough free block. In VxWorks 6, they're using a best-fit algorithm, where the free space is kept in a tree and allocations traverse the tree for a big enough free block. There's a white paper titled Memory Allocation in VxWorks 6.0, by Zoltan Laszlo, which you can find by Googling, that has more detail.
Going back to your question about speed/fragmentation: It really depends on your application. Things to consider are:
Are you going to make lots of very small allocations, or relatively larger ones?
Will the allocations come in bursts, or spread equally throughout the application?
What is the lifetime of the allocations?
If you're asking this question because you're going to implement your own allocator, you should probably design it in such a way that you can change the underlying allocation/deallocation algorithm, because if the speed/fragmentation is really that critical in your application, you're going to want to experiment with different allocators. If I were to recommend something without knowing any of your requirements, I'd start with TLSF, since it has good overall characteristics.
As other already wrote, there is no "optimum algorithm" for each possible application. It was already proven that for any possible algorithm you can find an allocation sequence which will cause a fragmentation.
Below I write a few hints from my game development experience:
Avoid allocations if you can
A common practices in the game development field was (and to certain extent still is) to solve the dynamic memory allocation performance issues by avoiding the memory allocations like a plague. It is quite often possible to use stack based memory instead - even for dynamic arrays you can often come with an estimate which will cover 99 % of cases for you and you need to allocate only when you are over this boundary. Another commonly used approach is "preallocation": estimate how much memory you will need in some function or for some object, create a kind of small and simplistic "local heap" you allocate up front and perform the individual allocations from this heap only.
Memory allocator libraries
Another option is to use some of the memory allocation libraries - they are usually created by experts in the field to fit some special requirements, and if you have similar requiremens, they may fit your requirements.
There is one particular case in which you will find the "default" OS/CRT allocator performs badly, and that is multithreading. If you are targeting Windows, by aware both OS and CRT allocators provided by Microsoft (including the otherwise excellent Low Fragmentation Heap) are currently blocking. If you want to perform significant threading, you need either to reduce the allocation as much as possible, or to use some of the alternatives. See Can multithreading speed up memory allocation?
The best practice is - use whatever you can use to make the thing done in time (in your case - default allocator). If the whole thing is very complex - write tests and samples that will emulate parts of the whole thing. Then, run performance tests and benchmarks to find bottle necks (probably they will nothing to do with memory allocation :).
From this point you will see what exactly slowdowns your code and why. Only based on such precise knowledge you can ever optimize something and choose one algorithm over another. Without tests its just a waste of time since you can't even measure how much your optimization will speedup your app (in fact such "premature" optimizations can really slowdown it).
Memory allocation is a very complex thing and it really depends on many factors. For example, such allocator is simple and damn fast but can be used only in limited number of situations:
char *poolHead = pool;
void *alloc(size_t sz) { char *p = poolHead; poolHead += sz; return p; }
void free() { poolHead = pool; }
So there is no "the best algorithm ever".
One constraint that's worth mentioning, which has not been mentioned yet, is multi-threading: Standard allocators must be implemented to support several threads, all allocating/deallocating concurrently, and passing objects from one thread to another so that it gets deallocated by a different thread.
As you may have guessed from that description, it is a tricky task to implement an allocator that handles all of this well. And it does cost performance as it is impossible to satisfy all these constrains without inter-thread communication (= use of atomic variables and locks) which is quite costly.
As such, if you can avoid concurrency in your allocations, you stand a good chance to implement your own allocator that significantly outperforms the standard allocators: I once did this myself, and it saved me roughly 250 CPU cycles per allocation with a fairly simple allocator that's based on a number of fixed sized memory pools for small objects, stacking free objects with an intrusive linked list.
Of course, avoiding concurrency is likely a no-go for you, but if you don't use it anyway, exploiting that fact might be something worth thinking about.

Will Garbage Collected C be Faster Than C++?

I had been wondering for quite some time on how to manager memory in my next project. Which is writing a DSL in C/C++.
It can be done in any of the three ways.
Reference counted C or C++.
Garbage collected C.
In C++, copying class and structures from stack to stack and managing strings separately with some kind of GC.
The community probably already has a lot of experience on each of these methods. Which one will be faster? What are the pros and cons for each?
A related side question. Will malloc/free be slower than allocating a big chunk at the beginning of the program and running my own memory manager over it? .NET seems to do it. But I am confused why we can't count on OS to do this job better and faster than what we can do ourselves.
It all depends! That's a pretty open question. It needs an essay to answer it!
Hey.. here's one somebody prepared earlier:
It depends how big your objects are, how many of them there are, how fast they're being allocated and discarded, how much time you want to invest optimizing and tweaking to make optimizations. If you know the limits of how much memory you need, for fast performance, I would think you can't really beat grabbing all the memory you need from the OS up front, and then managing it yourself.
The reason it can be slow allocating memory from the OS is that it deals with lots of processes and memory on disk and in ram, so to get memory it's got to decide if there is enough. Possibly, it might have to page another processes memory out from ram to disk so it can give you enough. There's lots going on. So managing it yourself (or with a GC collected heap) can be far quicker than going to the OS for each request. Also, the OS usually deals with bigger chunks of memory, so it might round up the size of requests you make meaning you could waste memory.
Have you got a real hard requirement for going super quick? A lot of DSL applications don't need raw performance. I'd suggest going with whatever's simplest to code. You could spend a lifetime writing memory management systems and worrying which is best.
Why would garbage collected C be faster than C++? The only garbage collectors available for C are pretty inefficient things, more designed to plug memory leaks than to actually improve the quality of your code.
In any case, C++ has the potential for reaching better performance with less code (note that it's only a potential. It's also very possible to write C++ code that is far slower than the equivalent C).
Considering the current state of both languages, GC's are not currently going to improve performance in your code. GC's can be made very efficient in languages designed for it. C/C++ are not among those. ;)
Apart from that, it's impossible to say. Languages don't have a speed. It doesn't make sense to ask which language is faster. It depends on 1) the specific code, 2) the compiler that compiles it, and 3) the system it's running on (hardware as well as OS).
malloc is a fairly slow operation, far slower than the .NET equivalents, so yes, if you are performing a lot of small allocations, you may be better off allocating a large pool of memory once, and then using chunks of that.
The reason is that the OS has to find a free chunk of memory, basically by following a linked list of all free memory areas. In .NET, a new() call is basically nothing more than moving the heap pointer as many bytes as required by the allocation.
uh ... It depends how you write the garbage collection system for your DSL. Neither C or C++ comes with a garbage collection facility built-in but either could be used to write a very efficient or a very inefficient garbage collector. Writing such a thing, by the way, is a non-trivial task.
DSLs are often written in higher level languages such as Ruby or Python specifically because the language writer can leverage the garbage collection and other facilities of the language. C and C++ are great for writing full, industrial strength languages but you certainly need to know what you are doing to use them - knowledge of yacc and lex is especially useful here but a good understanding of dynamic memory management is important also, as you say. You could also check out keykit, an open source music DSL written in C, if you still like the idea of a DSL in C/C++.
With most garbage collection implementations, allocation can see a speed improvement, but then you have the additional cost of the collection phase which can be triggered at any point in your program's execution, leading to a sudden (seemingly random) delay.
As for your second question, it depends on your memory management algorithms. You'd be safe sticking with your library's default malloc implementation, but there are alternatives which boast better performance.
A related side question. Will malloc/free be slower than allocating a big chuck at the begining of the program and running my own memory manager over it? .NET seems to do it. But I am confused why we can't count on OS to do this job better and faster than what we can do ourselves.
The problem with letting the OS handle memory allocation is that it introduces indeterministic behaviour. There's no way for the programmer to know how long the OS will take to return a new chunk of memory - an allocation may be quite costly if memory has to be paged out to disk.
Preallocating therefore might be a good idea, especially when using a copying garbage collector. It'll increase memory consumption, but allocation will be fast because in most cases it'll just be a pointer increment.
As people have pointed out - GC is faster to allocate (because it just gives you the next block on its list), but slower overall (because it has to compact the heap regularly, in order for allocs to be fast).
so - go for the compromise solution (which is actually pretty damn good):
You create your own heaps, one for each size of object you generally allocate (or 4-byte, 8 byte, 16-byte, 32-byte, etc) then, when you want a new piece of memory you grab the last 'block' on the appropriate heap. Because you pre-allocate from these heaps, all you need to do when allocating is grab the next free block. This works better than the standard allocator because you are happily wasting memory - if you want to allocate 12 bytes, you'll give up a whole 16 byte block from the 16-byte heap. You keep a bitmap of used v free blocks so you can allocate quickly without wasting loads of memory or needing to compact.
Also, because you're running several heaps, highly-parallel systems work much better as you don't need to lock so often (ie you have multiple locks for each heap so you don't get contention nearly as much)
Try it - we used it to replace the standard heap on a very intensive application, performance went up by quite a lot.
BTW. the reason the standard allocators are slow is that they try not to waste memory - so if you allocate a 5 byte, 7 byte and 32 bytes from the standard heap, it'll keep those 'boundaries'. Next time you need to allocate, it'll walk through those looking for enough space to give you what you asked for. That worked well for low-memory systems, but you only have to look at how much memory most apps use today to see that GC systems go the other way, and try to make allocations as fast as possible whilst caring nothing for how much memory is wasted.
The problem has a lot of variables, but if your application is written with garbage collection in mind, and if you exploit the special features of the Boehm collector, such as different allocation calls for blocks that don't contain pointers, then as a general rule your application
- Will have simpler interfaces
- Will run somewhat faster
- Will require from 1.2x to 2x the space
than a similar application using explicit memory management.
For documentation and evidence supporting these claims, you can see the information on Boehm's web site, and also Ben Zorn's several papers on the measured cost of conservative garbage collection.
Most importantly you'll save a ton of effort and won't have to worry about a significant class of memory-management bugs.
The issue of C vs C++ is orthogonal, but GC will definitely be faster than reference counting, especially when there's no compiler support for reference counting.
Neither C nor C++ will give you garbage for free. What they will give you is memory allocation libraries (which provide malloc/free, etc). There are many online resources to algorithms for writing garbage collection libraries. A good start is link text
Most non GC languages will allocate and de-allocate the memory as needed and no longer needed. GC'd languages usually allocate large chunks of memory before hand and only free the memory when idle and not in the middle of a intensive task so I am going to yes if GC kicks in at correct time.
The D programming language is a garbage collected language and ABI compatible with C and partly ABI compatible with C++. This Page shows some benchmarks between string performance in C++ and D.
I suggest that if you have written a program where memory allocation and deallocation (explicitly or GC'ed) is the bottleneck, then you should re-think your architecture, design and implementation.
If you don't want to explicitly manage memory, don't use C/C++. There are plenty of languages with either reference counting or compiler-supported garbage collectors that will probably work much better for you.
C/C++ are designed in an environment where the programmer manages their own memory. Trying to retrofit GC or ref counting onto them may help some, but you'll find that you either have to compromise the performance of the GC (because it doesn't have any compiler hinting as to where pointers might be), or you'll find new and fascinating ways that you can screw up the reference counts or the GC or whatever.
I know it sounds like a good idea, but really, you should just grab a language more suited to the task.