Anyone have a good shared memory container for C++? - c++

I've long had a desire for an STLish container that I could place into a shared memory segment or a memory mapped file.
I've considered the use of a custom allocator and placement new to place a regular STL container into a shared memory segment. (like this ddj article). The problem is that STL containers will internally have pointers to the memory they own. Therefore, if the shared memory segment or memory mapped file loads at a different base address (perhaps on a subsequent run, or in a second process), then the internal pointers are suddenly invalid. As far as I can figure out, the custom allocator approach only works if you can always map the memory segment into your process at the same address. At least with memory mapped files, I have lots of experience of that NOT being the case if you just let the system map it where ever it feels like.
I've had some thoughts on how to do this, but I'd like to avoid it if someone else has already done the work (that's me, being lazy).
I'm currently leaving locking out of the discussion, as the best locking strategy is highly application dependent.

The best starting point for this is probably the boost Interprocess libraries. They have a good example of a map in shared memory here:
interprocess map
You will probably also want to read the section on offset smart pointers, which solves the internal pointer problem you were referring to.
Offset Pointer

You may also want to checkout the Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB) Containers.

I always had good experiences (years ago) with ACE. Its a networking/communication framework, but has a section on shared memory.

I only know of proprietary versions. Bloomberg and EA have both published about their STL versions, but havent released ( to my knowledge ) the fruits of their labor.

Try using Qt's QSharedMemory Implementation.


Implementing a memory manager in multithreaded C/C++ with dynamically sized memory pool?

Background: I'm developing a multiplatform framework of sorts that will be used as base for both game and util/tool creation. The basic idea is to have a pool of workers, each executing in its own thread. (Furthermore, workers will also be able to spawn at runtime.) Each thread will have it's own memory manager.
I have long thought about creating my own memory management system, and I think this project will be perfect to finally give it a try. I find such a system fitting due to the types of usages of this framework will often require memory allocations in realtime (games and texture edition tools).
No generally applicable solution(?) - The framework will be used for both games/visualization (not AAA, but indie/play) and tool/application creation. My understanding is that for game development it is usual (at least for console games) to allocate a big chunk of memory only once in the initialization, and then use this memory internally in the memory manager. But is this technique applicable in a more general application?
In a game you could theoretically know how much memory your scenes and resources will need, but for example, a photo editing application will load resources of all different sizes... So in the latter case a more dynamic memory "chunk size" would be needed? Which leads me to the next problem:
Moving already allocated data and keeping valid pointers - Normally when allocating on the heap, you will acquire a simple pointer to the memory chunk. In a custom memory manager, as far as I understand it, a similar approach is then to return a pointer to somewhere free in the pre-allocated chunk. But what happens if the pre-allocated chunk is too small and needs to be resized or even defragmentated? The data would be needed to be moved around in the memory and the old pointers would be invalid. Is there a way to transparently wrap these pointers in some way, but still use them as normally "outside" the memory management as if they were usual C++ pointers?
Third party libraries - If there is no way to transparently use a custom memory management system for all memory allocation in the application, every third party library I'm linking with, will still use the "old" OS memory allocations internally. I have learned that it is common for libraries to expose functions to set custom allocation functions that the library will use, but it is not guaranteed every library I will use will have this ability.
Questions: Is it possible and feasible to implement a memory manager that can use a dynamically sized memory chunk pool? If so, how would defragmentation and memory resize work, without breaking currently in-use pointers? And finally, how is such a system best implemented to work with third party libraries?
I'm also thankful for any related reading material, papers, articles and whatnot! :-)
As someone who has previously written many memory managers and heap implementations for AAA games for the last few generations of consoles let me tell you its simply not worth it anymore.
Your information is old - back in the gamecube era [circa 2003] we used to do what you said- allocate a large chunk and carve out that chunk manually using custom algorithms tweaked for each game.
Once virtual memory came along (xbox era), games got more complicated [and so made more allocations and became multimthreaded] address fragmentation made this untenable. So we switched to custom allocators to handle certain types of requests only - for instance physical memory, or lock free small block low fragmentation heaps or thread local cache of recently used blocks.
As built in memory managers become better it gets harder to do better than those - certainly in the general case and a close thing for a specific use cases. Doug Lea Allocator [or whatever the mainstream c++ linux compilers come with now] and the latest Windows low fragmentation heaps are really very good, and you'd do far better investing your time elsewhere.
I've got spreadsheets at work measuring all kinds of metrics for a whole load of allocators - all the big name ones and a fair few I've collected over the years. And basically whilst the specialist allocators can win on a few metrics [lowest overhead per alloc, spacial proximity, lowest fragmentation, etc] for overall metrics the mainstream ones are simply the best.
As a user of your library, my personal preferred option is you just allocate memory when you need it. Use operator new/the new operator and I can use the standard C++ mechanisms to replace those and use my custom heap (if I indeed have one), or alternatively I can use platform specific ways of replacing your allocations (e.g. XMemAlloc on Xbox). I don't need tagging [capturing callstacks is far superior which I can do if I want]. Lower down that list comes you giving me an interface that you'll call when you need to allocate memory - this is just a pain for you to implement and I'll probably just pass it onto operator new anyway. The worst thing you can do is 'know best' and create your own custom heaps. If memory allocation performance is a problem, I'd much rather you share the solution the whole game uses than roll your own.
If you're looking to write your own malloc()/free(), etc., you probably should start by checking out the source code for existing systems such as dlmalloc. This is a hard problem, though, for what it's worth. Writing your own malloc library is Hard. Beating existing general purpose malloc libraries will be Even Harder.
And now, here is the correct answer: DON'T IMPLEMENT YET ANOTHER MEMORY MANAGER.
It is incredibly hard to implement a memory manager that does not fail under different kinds of usage patterns and events. You may be able to build a specific manager that works well under YOUR usage patterns, but to write one which works well for MANY users is a full-time job that almost no one has really done well. Worse, it is fantastically easy to implement a memory manager that works great 99% of the time and then 1% of the time crash or suddenly consume most or all available memory on your system due to unexpected heap fragmentation.
I say this as someone who has written multiple memory managers, watched multiple people write their own memory managers, and watched even more people attempt to write memory managers and fail. This problem is deceptively difficult, not because it's hard to write templated allocators and generic types with inheritance and such, but because the other solutions given in this thread tend to fail under corner types of load behavior. Once you start supporting byte alignments (as all real-world allocators must) then heap fragmentation rears its ugly head. Cute heuristics that work great for small test programs, fail miserably when subjected to large, real-world programs.
And once you get it working, someone else will need: cookies to verify against memory stomps; heap usage reporting; memory pools; pools of pools; memory leak tracking and reporting; heap auditing; chunk splitting and coalescing; thread-local storage; lookasides; CPU and process-level page faulting and protection; setting and checking and clearing "free-memory" patterns aka 0xdeadbeef; and whatever else I can't think of off the top of my head.
Writing yet another memory manager falls squarely under the heading of Premature Optimization. Since there are multiple free, good, memory managers with thousands of hours of development and testing behind them, you have to justify spending the cost of your own time in such a way that the result would provide some sort of measurable improvement over what other people have done, and you can use, for free.
If you are SURE you want to implement your own memory manager (and hopefully you are NOT sure after reading this message), read through the dlmalloc sources in detail, then read through the tcmalloc sources in detail as well, THEN make sure you understand the performance trade-offs in implementing a thread-safe versus a thread-unsafe memory manager, and why the naive implementations tend to give poor performance results.
Prepare more than one solution and let the user of the framework adopt any particular one. Policy classes to the generic allocator you develop would do this nicely.
A nice way to get around this is to wrap up pointers in a class with overloaded * operator. Make the internal data of that class only an index to the memory pool. Now, you can just change the index quickly after a background thread copies the data over.
Most good C++ libraries support allocators and you should implement one. You can also overload the global new so your version gets used. And keep in mind that you generally won't need to think about a library allocating or deallocating a large amount of data, which is generally a responsibility of client code.

Questions about Boost shared memory

I'm trying to put up a simple but portable way to use shared memory. Boost::interprocess seemed like a good place to start, but I ran into some problems/concerns.
Can I somehow query existence of shm segment, preferably using boost API? I could always try to create it using create_only and catch an exception, but that's bad design, I don't want stack unwinding in the "good" path.
Can I truncate the segment even while other processes are attached? (provided I'll handle the synchronization, ofcourse) I suppose all the other processes would have to re-map, would they also have to re-attach?
Boost doc says that on windows the portable shared_memory_object isn't actually shared memory per se, but rather a memory-mapped file. Did I understand that correctly? This means I'll have to use specialized code on windows, which I was trying to avoid. Makes me question Boost's fitness for my purpose, is there an alternative? Instead of fighting with boost, I might as well write platform-specific code myself - in your opinion, would that be worth the effort?
no that is not bad design. It is a standard way to do so with IPCs. You (usually) don't have access to the naming system and have a kind of list of existing objects like a filesystem.
If I remember well: if you truncate while mapped, there will be memory violations on new invalidated addresses (if memory protection is supported). You don't have to remap, you just have to take care about what you are doing. I'm not sure that you really need to truncate a SHM but that's your problem.
that is not a problem, it just means that the underlying object is a file because standard semantic for SHM include persistence. But don't care, that is boost internals tricks. The semantic is the one you want, so use it to get portability!

MemoryMappedViewAccessor c++ analog

I'm looking for MemoryMappedViewAccessor С++ analog. It exists?
I want to send data from C++ app to .net app using shared memory. And I need random access. Is it possible?
Thank you!
There is no equivalent in C++. Mostly because none is needed, you can simply access the shared memory with a pointer. MemoryMappedViewAccessor is required to serialize garbage collected objects to the view.
Which makes shared memory pretty inefficient from managed code. Do make sure that a pipe or a socket doesn't solve your problem first. They usually do, dealing with concurrency is also much easier with them. Shared memory requires a raft of named mutexes to arbitrate access.

How to get Shared Object in Shared Memory

Our app depends on an external, 3rd party-supplied configuration (including custom driving/decision making functions) loadable as .so file.
Independently, it cooperates with external CGI modules using a chunk of shared memory, where almost all of its volatile state is kept, so that the external modules can read it and modify it where applicable.
The problem is the CGI modules require a lot of the permanent config data from the .so as well, and the main app performs a whole lot of entirely unnecessary copying between the two memory areas to make the data available. The idea is to make the whole Shared Object to load into Shared Memory, and make it directly available to the CGI. The problem is: how?
dlopen and dlsym don't provide any facilities for assigning where to load the SO file.
we tried shmat(). It seems to work only until some external CGI actually tries to access the shared memory. Then the area pointed to appears just as private as if it was never shared. Maybe we're doing something wrong?
loading the .so in each script that needs it is out of question. The sheer size of the structure, connected with frequency of calls (some of the scripts are called once a second to generate live updates), and this being an embedded app make it no-go.
simply memcpy()'ing the .so into shm is not good either - some structures and all functions are interconnected through pointers.
The first thing to bear in mind when using shared memory is that the same physical memory may well be mapped into the two processes virtual address space as different addresses. This means that if pointers are used anywhere in your data structures, they are going to cause problems. Everything must work off an index or an offset to work correctly. To use shared memory, you will have to purge all the pointers from your code.
When loading a .so file, only one copy of the .so file code is loaded (hence the term shared object).
fork may also be your friend here. Most modern operating systems implement copy-on-write semantics. This means that when you fork, your data segments are only copied into separate physical memory when one process writes to the given data segment.
I suppose the easiest option would be to use memory mapped file, what Neil has proposed already. If this option does not fill well, alternative is to could be to define dedicated allocator. Here is a good paper about it: Creating STL Containers in Shared Memory
There is also excellent Ion Gaztañaga's Boost.Interprocess library with shared_memory_object and related features. Ion has proposed the solution to the C++ standardization committee for future TR: Memory Mapped Files And Shared Memory For C++
what may indicate it's worth solution to consider.
Placing actual C++ objects in shared memory is very, very difficult, as you have found. I would strongly recommend you don't go that way - putting data that needs to be shared in shared memory or a memory mapped file is much simpler and likely to be much more robust.
You need to implement object's Serialization
Serialization function will convert your object into bytes, then you can write bytes in SharedMemory and have your CGI module to deserialize bytes back to object.

Best way for interprocess communication in C++

I have two processes one will query other for data.There will be huge amount of queries in a limited time (10000 per second) and data (>100 mb) will be transferred per second.Type of data will be an integral type(double,int)
My question is in which way to connect this process?
Shared memory , message queue , lpc(Local Procedure call) or others....
And also i want to ask which library you suggest? by the way please do not suggest MPI.
edit : under windows xp 32 bit
One Word: Boost.InterProcess. If it really needs to be fast, shared memory is the way to go. You nearly have zero overhead as the operation system does the usual mapping between virtual and physical addresses and no copy is required for the data. You just have to lookout for concurrency issues.
For actually sending commands like shutdown and query, I would use message queues. I previously used localhost network programming to do that, and used manual shared memory allocation, before i knew about boost. Damn if i would need to rewrite the app, I would immediately pick boost. Boost.InterProcess makes this more easy for you. Check it out.
I would use shared memory to store the data, and message queues to send the queries.
I'll second Marc's suggestion -- I'd not bother with boost unless you have a portability concern or want to do cool stuff like map standard container types over shared memory (in which case I'd definitely use boost).
Otherwise, message queues and shared memory are pretty simple to deal with.
If your data consists of multiple types and/or you need things like mutex, use Boost.
Else use a shared section of memory using #pragma data_seg or a memory mapped file.
If you do use shared memory you will have to decide whether or not to spin or not. I'd expect that if you use a semaphore for synchronization and storing data in shared memory you will not get much performance benefit compared to using message queues (at significant clarity degradation), but if you spin on an atomic variable for synchronization, then you have to suffer the consequences of that.