A C++ Application Compiled With VS2008 Doesn't Run In Other Computer - c++

I have created a wn32 project with Visual Studio 2008 and Visual C++ language, it uses the ws2_32.lib library and then I compiled in Release mode.
It runs very good in the same computer, but when I copy the exe file to other computer (that doesn't have installed Visual Studio), it doesn't run.
The message I see is:
This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
But, if I compile my application using DEV C++, it generates a bigger executable (738KB) compared with the Visual Studio 2008 executable (9.5 KB). However, the DEV C++ executable runs in the other computer.
I have add the library ws2_32.lib to the linker properties of my project, in the Additional Dependencies field.
How can I fix it to work with Visual Studio 2008?
My code is the following: http://www.stan.com.mx/yupi/udpserver.cpp

The problem is almost certainly that the other computer does not have version 9 of the C++ CRT installed.
The default setting for compiling against the CRT in VS2008 is to dynamically link vs. statically linking. If you want to deploy your program with a real setup project you'll need to include the CRT redistributable.
However if you want to do an XCOPY deployment follow the steps on the following page.

Try installing the Visual C++ redistributables. If that doesn't work, use DependencyWalker to find out what DLLs are missing.

I agree with JaredPar. The application you build with VS2008 is using dynamic linking, whereas the DEV C++ is linking statically, hence the larger size and why one works and not the other.
However, if its a plain win32 application project you've got (and you don't want/need to distribute it with a setup), you may be able to get it to run on another machine without redistributing the CRT by getting VS2008 to link statically for you (if its just the standard lib you're missing). I don't have a copy of VS2008 to hand, so I'll describe how to do it in VS2005 and hopefully it'll translate across.
Bring up configuration properties for the project (right click the project name, then select "properties" from the menu)
Expand "Configuration Properties", then "C/C++", then click "Code Generation"
Under the "Runtime Library" item, for your particular configuration select the non-DLL version of the library i.e. for debug builds you want "Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd) and for release builds you want "Multi-threaded (/MT)"
Try and see if that works. You'll obviously get a much bigger final binary now the library is statically linked.

You may be missing an external dependency required by your program. Check the project settings to see if you are linking against MFC dynamically for example. You can also run Depends utility to check for missing dependencies.


Bad Image error when trying to run program

So I recently finished a VC++ console application I have been working on and I sent it to one of my friends to try out but he cant even open it because he keeps getting an error.
A box will open up with the title Bad - Image and then it shows the error and stuff, it says it cant find the file MSVCP140D.dll on my friends computer but when I start the program it runs fine.
Can anyone tell me why he cant play the program and how to fix it?
You have built your project in debug mode and you are using Multi-threaded Debug DLL (/MDd) RunTime library.
In Visual Studio main menu, select Project -> Properties
Go to "Configuration Properties" -> C/C++ -> Code Generation
In Runtime Library, select Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd) and rebuild your project.
Alternatively you can build your project in Release mode, then select Multi-threaded (/MT) Runtime library.
This will make a stand-alone executable file which uses standard windows libraries, you won't have to provide additional dlls with the *.exe file.
You need to ship your program with the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package. That's MSVCP140D.dll.
As user4581301 pointed out, the D in MSVCP140D.dll means 'Debug'.
You shouldn't ship a debug-enabled executable. It makes reverse engineering, hacking, and other modifications easier.
You should instead compile a release build, and ship it with the redistributable.
Well you need to do one thing(the easy solution), you just go to your system32 directory at system where you have built the code and find out the file MSVCP140D.dll, put it with your executable(.exe) and give it to your friend, and tell him to keep the dll in same folder as the exe.
MSVCP140D.dll (redistributable pack) is one of the run time dependencies you need to provide to run your application.
Now it will get installed. Or you can copy the dll at system32 at target system and then try.
But you shouldn't provide the debug build if you are giving it to client, you should provide the release version of it.

How to get rid of Debug runtime DLLs

I am using a VS2015 to create DLLs which will be used in a project (which will be run on another PC).
I have build the DLLs in Release version on my PC but when I start the project on another PC, I get following errors:
VCRUNTIME140D.dll is missing
MSVCP140D.dll is missing
MSVCP140D.dll is missing
What steps should I take while creating these DLLs so that these debug runtime DLLs won't be required to the run the project on any PC.
In spite of it being built in release mode, if you require "...D.dll", then there are debug builds in the mix.
This could be the result of the third party dll you have or there are DEBUG or _DEBUG defines floating around.
Most likely is that the build (of the dll or the host exe) is explicitly set to use the debug version of the runtime (/MDd). Change this in the project settings to not use the debug version of the runtime (/MD).
Open the project's Property Pages dialog box.
Expand the C/C++ folder.
Select the Code Generation property page.
Modify the Runtime Library property.
To assist in the diagnosis of which binary is responsible for the debug dependency, you can use Dependency Walker to track down the offender. It will give you a list (as a tree) of the dependencies of each file.
In general, for missing the C++ runtimes (release version) on a target machine, you should install the C++ redistributable. As of this writing, VS 2015 redistributable is available here.
In C/C++ -> Code Generation -> set Runtime Library to:
Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)
And yes, such setting is very much needed if you want to debug a process on a remote machine. So, don't go by others saying, "test with Release build only". Obviously, you'll need Remote Tools installed.
As stated by Niall, you should use dependency walker in order to find which part of the project is causing the error, it might not be the dll in issue after all.
My bet is it's just some part of the project you forgot and built in debug mode, which of should never be used for production as debug dlls are not included in C++ redistrib installers.

How to create a .exe with visual studio 2015 that I can run from my desktop

I've written a game using OpenGL, GLFW, C/C++. I use third party libraries like SOIL and irrKlang. I use Microsoft Visual 2015. Both the debug and release version run ok from visual studio. In properties -> C++ -> Code Generation-> Runtime Library I selected /MDd. I did try other settings but the release version wouldn't work with any other. All of my .dll are saved in the release and debug folders.
However, when I go to my release folder and copy and paste the .exe found there, onto my desktop,it no longer runs. I keep getting a message that says the irrKlang.dll is missing. Could someone please explain how to get a standalone .exe of my game up and running?
Two things here. First, the .exe is the executable which contains the entry point of your application. So this is indeed the first piece you need. However, your application is allowed to depend on code that's not linked into it statically, but rather dynamically -- such dynamically linked code is only loaded at runtime. These runtime libraries of code are called DLLs ("dynamically linked libraries").
If your application depends on a DLL, it will look for that DLL while it's running. If it doesn't find it, you'll see that message box about a missing DLL. So, you need to copy not only the .exe file, but all the .dlls it depends on (and that they depend on) too. Note that your application links against many default system DLLs, e.g. kernel32, but these don't need to be copied next to the .exe because they're always present in the system search path.
Now, the second part. If you want to run your application on a PC that doesn't have Visual Studio installed, you need to make sure that computer has the C/C++ runtimes that the VS2015 toolchain automatically links against installed. These are not DLLs that you copy by hand; rather, there is a redistributable installer for them which installs them globally on the PC for all applications. You can ship this with your own installer.
For this to work, you want to be linking with just /MD in Release (the debug CRT is for debugging only, and is only installed when Visual Studio is installed -- it's not meant to run outside your PC).
This statement:
"Both the debug and release version run ok from visual studio. In properties -> C++ -> Code Generation-> Runtime Library I selected /MDd. I did try other settings but the release version wouldn't work with any other."
Leads me to believe that maybe you don't have a release version of one of your third party libraries.
/MDd causes your application to use the debug version of the MS runtime, which means that something in your project is being built with or as a debug version.
I use the 'depends.exe' application to see the dependencies of my executables and DLLs. It used to be provided directly by Microsoft, but now seems to be supported via a third party. Older SDKs will have it.

Release .exe for vs2012 c++ requesting MSVCR110.dll

I'm attempting to compile a release executable using vs2012 Express. However, whenever I try to run the .exe on other computers, I get a warning that I need msvcr110.dll. I could simply copy the dll over, but I'm looking for a more long term solution.
In my attempts to isolate what is causing the error, I have reverted back to a new c++ project using the default settings, except for changing the configuration to release in the configuration manager.
I've been trying to solve this on my own for over a week now without any progress, so any suggestions would be appreciated.
Link to the CRT statically. Choose "Multithreaded", and not the DLL option in the Runtime Library dropdown in the project properties.
In your project properties choose option Configuration Properties/C/C++/Code Generation/Runtime Library and pick option 'Multi-threaded (/MT)' (or 'Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)' for your debug configuration).
For dynamically linked applications, the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 must be installed in target machines. Be sure to choose the architecture that matches your application.
Statically linking will obviously work, too, but I tend to classify this as a workaround.

How to not link against msvcr100.dll?

I am compiling project in Visual Studio 10, compiled executable runs fine on win 7 but it doesnt works on win xp because of missing msvcrt100.dll.
I tried to use "/NOTDEFAULTLIB" but it also removes some other external libs that i use.
Is there way to not link against latest Microsoft runtime library ?
Thanks in advance.
To not link against the DLL you must link against the runtime statically.
To do this, go to C/C++ Properties -> Code Generation and under Runtime Library select Multi-threaded (/MT) or Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd) from the drop-down. Note, once you're using a static runtime library all of your other library code you link against must also be built with the same setting. And you will also likely have to add additional libraries to the Linker -> Input under Additional Dependencies.
It only works on Windows 7 machine by accident, somebody installed that DLL earlier.
Short from creating an installer (easy to do with a Setup project), a simple fix is copying msvcr100.dll along with your own binaries. If you only have an EXE then the simple solution is to link the static version of the CRT. Switch to the Release build, right-click the project, Properties, C/C++, Code Generation, Runtime Library setting. Change it to /MT from the default /MD.