Explicit code parallelism in c++ - c++

Out of order execution in CPUs means that a CPU can reorder instructions to gain better performance and it means the CPU is having to do some very nifty bookkeeping and such. There are other processor approaches too, such as hyper-threading.
Some fancy compilers understand the (un)interrelatedness of instructions to a limited extent, and will automatically interleave instruction flows (probably over a longer window than the CPU sees) to better utilise the processor. Deliberate compile-time interleaving of floating and integer instructions is another example of this.
Now I have highly-parallel task. And I typically have an ageing single-core x86 processor without hyper-threading.
Is there a straight-forward way to get my the body of my 'for' loop for this highly-parallel task to be interleaved so that two (or more) iterations are being done together? (This is slightly different from 'loop unwinding' as I understand it.)
My task is a 'virtual machine' running through a set of instructions, which I'll really simplify for illustration as:
void run(int num) {
for(int n=0; n<num; n++) {
vm_t data(n);
for(int i=0; i<data.len(); i++) {
So the execution trail might look like this:
data(1) insn(0) parse
data(1) insn(0) eval
data(1) insn(1) parse
data(2) insn(1) eval
data(2) insn(2) parse
data(2) insn(2) eval
Now, what I'd like is to be able to do two (or more) iterations explicitly in parallel:
data(1) insn(0) parse
data(2) insn(0) parse \ processor can do OOO as these two flow in
data(1) insn(0) eval /
data(2) insn(0) eval \ OOO opportunity here too
data(1) insn(1) parse /
data(2) insn(1) parse
I know, from profiling, (e.g. using Callgrind with --simulate-cache=yes), that parsing is about random memory accesses (cache missing) and eval is about doing ops in registers and then writing results back. Each step is several thousand instructions long. So if I can intermingle the two steps for two iterations at once, the processor will hopefully have something to do whilst the cache misses of the parse step are occurring...
Is there some c++ template madness to get this kind of explicit parallelism generated?
Of course I can do the interleaving - and even staggering - myself in code, but it makes for much less readable code. And if I really want unreadable, I can go so far as assembler! But surely there is some pattern for this kind of thing?

Given optimizing compilers and pipelined processors, I would suggest you just write clear, readable code.

Your best plan may be to look into OpenMP. It basically allows you to insert "pragmas" into your code which tell the compiler how it can split between processors.

Hyperthreading is a much higher-level system than instruction reordering. It makes the processor look like two processors to the operating system, so you'd need to use an actual threading library to take advantage of that. The same thing naturally applies to multicore processors.
If you don't want to use low-level threading libraries and instead want to use a task-based parallel system (and it sounds like that's what you're after) I'd suggest looking at OpenMP or Intel's Threading Building Blocks.
TBB is a library, so it can be used with any modern C++ compiler. OpenMP is a set of compiler extensions, so you need a compiler that supports it. GCC/G++ will from verion 4.2 and newer. Recent versions of the Intel and Microsoft compilers also support it. I don't know about any others, though.
EDIT: One other note. Using a system like TBB or OpenMP will scale the processing as much as possible - that is, if you have 100 objects to work on, they'll get split about 50/50 in a two-core system, 25/25/25/25 in a four-core system, etc.

Modern processors like the Core 2 have an enormous instruction reorder buffer on the order of nearly 100 instructions; even if the compiler is rather dumb the CPU can still make up for it.
The main issue would be if the code used a lot of registers, in which case the register pressure could force the code to be executed in sequence even if theoretically it could be done in parallel.

There is no support for parallel execution in the current C++ standard. This will change for the next version of the standard, due out next year or so.
However, I don't see what you are trying to accomplish. Are you referring to one single-core processor, or multiple processors or cores? If you have only one core, you should do whatever gets the fewest cache misses, which means whatever approach uses the smallest memory working set. This would probably be either doing all the parsing followed by all the evaluation, or doing the parsing and evaluation alternately.
If you have two cores, and want to use them efficiently, you're going to have to either use a particularly smart compiler or language extensions. Is there one particular operating system you're developing for, or should this be for multiple systems?

It sounds like you ran into the same problem chip designers face: Executing a single instruction takes a lot of effort, but it involves a bunch of different steps that can be strung together in an execution pipeline. (It is easier to execute things in parallel when you can build them out of separate blocks of hardware.)
The most obvious way is to split each task into different threads. You might want to create a single thread to execute each instruction to completion, or create one thread for each of your two execution steps and pass data between them. In either case, you'll have to be very careful with how you share data between threads and make sure to handle the case where one instruction affects the result of the following instruction. Even though you only have one core and only one thread can be running at any given time, your operating system should be able to schedule compute-intense threads while other threads are waiting for their cache misses.
(A few hours of your time would probably pay for a single very fast computer, but if you're trying to deploy it widely on cheap hardware it might make sense to consider the problem the way you're looking at it. Regardless, it's an interesting problem to consider.)

Take a look at cilk. It's an extension to ANSI C that has some nice constructs for writing parallelized code in C. However, since it's an extension of C, it has very limited compiler support, and can be tricky to work with.

This answer was written assuming the questions does not contain the part "And I typically have an ageing single-core x86 processor without hyper-threading.". I hope it might help other people who want to parallelize highly-parallel tasks, but target dual/multicore CPUs.
As already posted in another answer, OpenMP is a portable way how to do this. However my experience is OpenMP overhead is quite high and it is very easy to beat it by
rolling a DIY (Do It Youself) implementation. Hopefully OpenMP will improve over time, but as it is now, I would not recommend using it for anything else than prototyping.
Given the nature of your task, What you want to do is most likely a data based parallelism, which in my experience is quite easy - the programming style can be very similar to a single-core code, because you know what other threads are doing, which makes maintaining thread safety a lot easier - an approach which worked for me: avoid dependencies and call only thread safe functions from the loop.
To create a DYI OpenMP parallel loop you need to:
as a preparation create a serial for loop template and change your code to use functors to implement the loop bodies. This can be tedious, as you need to pass all references across the functor object
create a virtual JobItem interface for the functor, and inherit your functors from this interface
create a thread function which is able process individual JobItems objects
create a thread pool of the thread using this thread function
experiment with various synchronizations primitives to see which works best for you. While semaphore is very easy to use, its overhead is quite significant and if your loop body is very short, you do not want to pay this overhead for each loop iteration. What worked great for me was a combination of manual reset event + atomic (interlocked) counter as a much faster alternative.
experiment with various JobItem scheduling strategies. If you have long enough loop, it is better if each thread picks up multiple successive JobItems at a time. This reduces the synchronization overhead and at the same time it makes the threads more cache friendly. You may also want to do this in some dynamic way, reducing the length of the scheduled sequence as you are exhausting your tasks, or letting individual threads to steal items from other thread schedules.


Multithreading efficiency in C++

I am trying to learn threading in C++, and just had a few questions about it (more specifically <thread>.
Let's say the machine this code will run on has 4 cores, should I split up an operation into 4 threads? If I were to create 8 threads instead of 4, would this run slower on a 4 core machine? What if the processor has hyperthreading, should I try and make the threads match the number of physical cores or logical cores?
Should I just not worry about the number of cores a machine has, and try to create as many threads as possible?
I apologize if these questions have been already answered; I've been looking for information about threading with <thread>, which was introduced in c11 so I haven't been able to find too much about it.
The program in question is going to run many independent simulations.
If anybody has any insight about <thread> or just multithreading in general, I would be glad to hear it.
If you are performing pure calculations with no I/O - and those calculations are freestanding and not relying on results from other calculations happening in another thread, the maximum number of such threads should be the number of cores (possibly one or two less if the system is also loaded with other tasks).
If you are doing network I/O or similar, more threads are certainly a possibility.
If you are doing disk-I/O, a single thread reading from the disk is often best, because disk reads from multiple threads leads to moving the read/write head around on the disk, which just makes things slower.
If you're using threads for to make the code simpler, then the number of threads will probably depend on what you are doing.
It also depends on how "freestanding" each thread is. If they need to share data in complex ways, the sharing/waiting for other thread/etc, may well make it slower with more threads.
And as others have said, try to make your framework for this flexible and test different options. Preferably on multiple machines (unless you only have one kind of machine that you will ever run your code on).
There is no such thing as <threads.h>, you mean <thread>, the thread support library introduced in C++11.
The only answer to your question is "test and see". You can make your code flexible enough, so that it can be run by passing an N parameter (where N is the desired number of threads).
If you are CPU-bound, the answer will be very different from the case when you are IO bound.
So, test and see! For your reference, this link can be helpful. And if you are serious, then go ahead and get this book. Multithreading, concurrency, and the like are hairy topics.
Let's say the machine this code will run on has 4 cores, should I split up an operation into 4 threads?
If some portions of your code can be run in parallel, then yes it can be made to go faster, but this is very tricky to do since loading threads and switching data between them takes a ton of time.
If I were to create 8 threads instead of 4, would this run slower on a 4 core machine?
It depends on the context switching it has to do. Sometimes the execution will switch between threads very often and sometimes it will not but this is very difficult to control. It will not in any case run faster than 4 threads doing the same work.
What if the processor has hyperthreading, should I try and make the threads match the number of physical cores or logical cores?
Hyperthreading works nearly the same as having more cores. When you will notice the differences between a real core and an execution core, you will have enough knowledge to work around the caveats.
Should I just not worry about the number of cores a machine has, and try to create as many threads as possible?
NO, threads are hard to manage, avoid them as much as you can.
The program in question is going to run many independent simulations.
You should look into openmp. It is a library in C made to parallelize computation when your program can be split up. Do not confuse parallel with concurrent. Concurrent is simply multiple threads working together while parallel is made specifically to speed up your application. Maybe openmp is overkill for your thing, but it is a good thing to know when you are approaching parallel computing
Don't think of the number of threads you need as in comparison to the machine you're running on. Threading is valuablue any time you have a process that:
A: There is some very slow operation, that the rest of the process need not wait for.
B: Certain functions can run faster than one another and don't need to be executed inline.
C: There is a lot of non-order dependant I/O going on(web servers).
These are just a few of the obvious examples when launching a thread makes sense. The number of threads you launch is therefore more dependant on the number of these scenarios that pop up in your code, than the architecture you expect to run on. In fact unless you're running a process that really really needs to be optimized, it is likely that you can only eek out a few percentage points of additional performance by benchmarking for your architecture in comparison to the number of threads that you launch, and in modern computers this number shouldn't vary much at all.
Let's take the I/O example, as it is the scenario that will see the most benefit. Let's assume that some program needs to interract with 200 users over the network. Network I/O is very very slow. Thousands of times slower than the CPU. If we were to handle each user in turn we would waste thousands of processor cycles just waiting for data to come from the first user. Could we not have been processing information from more than one user at a time? In this case since we have roughly 200 users, and the data that we're waiting for we know to be 1000s of times slower than what we can handle(assuming we have a minimal amount of processing to do on this data), we should launch as many threads as the operating system allows. A web server that takes advantage of threading can serve hundreds of more people per second than one that does not.
Now, let's consider a less I/O intensive example, where say we have several functions that execute in turn, but are independant of one another and some of them might run faster, say because there is disk I/O in one, and no disk I/O in another. In this case, our I/O is still fairly fast, but we will certainly waste processing time waiting for the disk to catch up. As such we can launch a few threads, just to take advantage of our processing power, and minimize wasted cycles. However, if we launch as many threads as the operating system allows we are likely to cuase memory management issues for branch predictors, etc... and launching too many threads in this case is actually sub optimal and can slow the program down. Note that in this, I never mentioned how many cores the machine has! NOt that optimizing for different architectures isn't valuable, but if you optimize for one architecture you are likely very close to optimal for most. Assuming, again, that you're dealing with all reasonably modern processors.
I think most people would say that large scale threading projects are better supported by languages other than c++ (go, scala,cuda). Task parallelism as opposed to data parallelism works better in c++. I would say that you should create as many threads as you have tasks to dole out but if data parallelism is more related to your problem consider maybe using cuda and linking to the rest of your project at a later time
NOTE: if you look at some sort of system monitor you will notice that there are likely far more than 8 threads running, I looked at my computer and it had hundreds of threads running at once so don't worry too much about the overhead. The main reason I choose to mention the other languages is that managing many threads in c++ or c tends to be very difficult and error prone, I did not mention it because the c++ program will run slower(which unless you use cuda it probably won't)
In regards to hyper-threading let me comment on what I have found from experience.
In large dense matrix multiplication hyper-threading actually gives worse performance. For example Eigen and MKL both use OpenMP (at least the way I have used them) and get better results on my system which has four cores and hyper-threading using only four threads instead of eight. Also, in my own GEMM code which gets better performance than Eigen I also get better results using four threads instead of eight.
However, in my Mandelbrot drawing code I get a big performance increase using hyper-threading with OpenMP (eight threads instead of four). The general trend (so far) seems to be that if the code works well using schedule(static) in OpenMP then hyper-threading does not help and may even be worse. If the code works better using schedule(dynamic) then hyper-threading may help.
In other words, my observation so far is that if the run time of each thread can vary a lot hyper-threading can help. If the run time of each thread is constant then it may even make performance worse. But YOU have to test and see for each case.

how to use quad core CPU in application

For using all the cores of a quad core processor what do I need to change in my code is it about adding support of multi threading or is it which is taken care by OS itself. I am having FreeBSD and language I am using is C++. I want to give complete CPU cycles to my application at least 90%.
You need some form of parallelism. Multi-threading or multi-processing would be fine.
Usually, multiple threads are easier to handle (since they can access shared data) than multiple processes. However, usually, multiple threads are harder to handle (since they access shared data) than multiple processes.
And, yes, I wrote this deliberately.
If you have a SIMD scenario, Ninefingers' suggestion to look at OpenMP is also very good. (If you don't know what SIMD means, see Ninefingers' helpful comment below.)
For multi-threaded applications in C++ may I suggest Boost.Thread which should help you access the full potential of your quad-core machine.
As for changing your code, you might want to consider making things as immutable as possible. State transitions between threads are much more difficult to debug. There a plethora of things that could potentially happen in unexpected ways. See this SO thread.
Another option not mentioned here, threading aside, is the use of OpenMP available via the -fopenmp and the libgomp library, both of which I have installed on my FreeBSD 8 system.
These give you #pragma directives to parallelise certain loops, while statements etc i.e. the bits you can parallelise. It takes care of threading and cpu association for you. Note it is a general solution and therefore might not be the optimum way to parallelise, but it will allow you to parallelise certain routines.
Take a look at this: https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/openMP/
As for using threads/processes themselves, certain routines and ways of working lend themselves to it. Can you break tasks out into such a way? Does it make sense to fork() your process or create a thread? If so, do so, but if not, don't try to force your application to be multi-threaded just because. An example I usually give is the greatest common divisor algorithm - it relies on the step before all the time in the traditional implementation therefore is difficult to make parallel.
Also note it is well known that for certain algorithms, parallelisation is actually slower for small values of whatever you are doing in parallel, because although the jobs complete more quickly, the associated time cost of forking and joining (be that threads or processes) actually pushes the time above that of a serial implementation.
I think your only option is to run several threads. If your application is single-threaded, then it will only run on one of the cores (at a time), but if you have more threads, they can run simultaneously.
You need to add support to your application for parallelism through the use of Threading.
Once you have support for parallelism, it's up to the OS to assign your threads to CPU cores.
The first thing I think you should look at is whether your application and its algorithms are suited to be executed in parellel (or possibly as a set of serial tasks that can be processed independently). If this is not the case, it will be difficult to multithread it or break it up into parallel processes, and you may need to look into modifying the way it works.
Once you have established that you will be able to benefit from parallel processing you have the option to either use several processes or threads. The choice depends a lot on the nature of your application and how independent the parallel processes can be. It is easier to coordinate and share data between threads since they are in the same process, but also quite a bit more challenging to develop and debug.
Boost.Thread is a good library if you decide to go down the multi-threaded route.
I want to give complete CPU cycles to my application at least 90%.
Why? Your chip's not hot enough?
Seriously, it takes world experts dozens if not hundreds of hours to parallelize and load-balance an application so that it uses 90% of all four cores. Your CPU is already paid for and it costs the same whether you use it or not. (Actually, it costs slightly less to run, electrically speaking, if you don't use it.) How much is your time worth? How many hours are you willing to invest in order to make more effective use of a resource that may have cost you $300 and is probably sitting idle most of the time anyway?
It's possible to get speedups through parallelism, but it's expensive in human time. You need a good reason to justify it. (Learning how is a good enough reason.)
All the good books I know on parallel programming are for languages other than C++, and for good reason. If you want interesting stuff on parallelism check out Implicit Parallel Programmin in pH or Concurrent Programming in ML or the Fortress Project.

Does MSVC automatically optimize computation on dual core architecture?

Does MSVC automatically optimize computation on dual core architecture?
void Func()
If given the 2 computation with no relations in a function, does the visual studio
compiler automatically optimize the computation and allocate them to different cores?
Don't quote me on it but I doubt it. The OpenMP pragmas are the closest thing to what you're trying to do here, but even then you have to tell the compiler to use OpenMP and delineate the tasks.
Barring linking to libraries which are inherently multi-threaded, if you want to use both cores you have to set up threads and divide the work you want done intelligently.
No. It is up to you to create threads (or fibers) and specify what code runs on each one. The function as defined will run sequentially. It may switch to another thread (thanks Drew) core during execution, but it will still be sequential. In order for two functions to run concurrently on two different cores, they must first be running in two separate threads.
As greyfade points out, the compiler is unable to detect whether it is possible. In fact, I suspect that this is in the class of NP-Complete problems. If I am wrong, I am sure one of the compiler gurus will let me know.
There's no reliable way for the compiler to detect that the two functions are completely independent and that they have no state. Therefore, there's no way for the compiler to know that it's safe to break them out into separate threads of execution. In fact, threads aren't even part of the C++ standard (until C++1x), and even when they will be, they won't be an intrinsic feature - you must use the feature explicitly to benefit from it.
If you want your two functions to run in independent threads, then create independent threads for them to execute in. Check out boost::thread (which is also available in the std::tr1 namespace if your compiler has it). It's easy to use and works perfectly for your use case.
No. Madness would ensue if compilers did such a thing behind your back; what if Computation2 depended on side effects of Computation1?
If you're using VC10, look into the Concurrency Runtime (ConcRT or "concert") and it's partner the Parallel Patterns Library (PPL)
Similar solutions include OpenMP (kind of old and busted IMO, but widely supported) and Intel's Threading Building Blocks (TBB).
The compiler can't tell if it's a good idea.
First, of course, the compiler must be able to prove that it would be a safe optimization: That the functions can safely be executed in parallel. In general, that's a NP-complete problem, but in many simple cases, the compiler can figure that out (it already does a lot of dependency analysis).
Some bigger problems are:
it might turn out to be slower. Creating threads is a fairly expensive operation. The cost of that may just outweigh the gain from parallelizing the code.
it has to work well regardless of the number of CPU cores. The compiler doesn't know how many cores will be available when you run the program. So it'd have to insert some kind of optional forking code. If a core is available, follow this code path and branch out into a separate thread, otherwise follow this other code path. And again, more code and more conditionals also has an effect on performance. Will the result still be worth it? Perhaps, but how is the compiler supposed to know that?
it might not be what the programmer expects. What if I already create precisely two CPU-heavy threads on a dual-core system? I expect them both to be running 99% of the time. Suddenly the compiler decides to create more threads under the hood, and suddenly I have three CPU-heavy threads, meaning that mine get less execution time than I'd expected.
How many times should it do this? If you run the code in a loop, should it spawn a new thread in every iteration? Sooner or later the added memory usage starts to hurt.
Overall, it's just not worth it. There are too many cases where it might backfire. Added to the fact that the compiler could only safely apply the optimization in fairly simple cases in the first place, it's just not worth the bother.

Force Program / Thread to use 100% of processor(s) resources

I do some c++ programming related to mapping software and mathematical modeling.
Some programs take anywhere from one to five hours to perform and output a result; however, they only consume 50% of my core duo. I tried the code on another dual processor based machine with the same result.
Is there a way to force a program to use all available processer resources and memory?
Note: I'm using ubuntu and g++
A thread can only run on one core at a time. If you want to use both cores, you need to find a way to do half the work in another thread.
Whether this is possible, and if so how to divide the work between threads, is completely dependent on the specific work you're doing.
To actually create a new thread, see the Boost.Thread docs, or the pthreads docs, or the Win32 API docs.
[Edit: other people have suggested using libraries to handle the threads for you. The reason I didn't mention these is because I have no experience of them, not because I don't think they're a good idea. They probably are, but it all depends on your algorithm and your platform. Threads are almost universal, but beware that multithreaded programming is often difficult: you create a lot of problems for yourself.]
The quickest method would be to read up about openMP and use it to parallelise your program.
Compile with the command g++ -fopenmp provided that your g++ version is >=4
You need to have as many threads running as there are CPU cores available in order to be able to potentially use all the processor time. (You can still be pre-empted by other tasks, though.)
There are many way to do this, and it depends completely on what you're processing. You may be able to use OpenMP or a library like TBB to do it almost transparently, however.
You're right that you'll need to use a threaded approach to use more than one core. Boost has a threading library, but that's not the whole problem: you also need to change your algorithm to work in a threaded environment.
There are some algorithms that simply cannot run in parallel -- for example, SHA-1 makes a number of "passes" over its data, but they cannot be threaded because each pass relies on the output of the run before it.
In order to parallelize your program, you'll need to be sure your algorithm can "divide and conquer" the problem into independent chunks, which it can then process in parallel before combining them into a full result.
Whatever you do, be very careful to verify the correctness of your answer. Save the single-threaded code, so you can compare its output to that of your multi-threaded code; threading is notoriously hard to do, and full of potential errors.
It may be more worth your time to avoid threading entirely, and try profiling your code instead: you may be able to get dramatic speed improvements by optimizing the most frequently-executed code, without getting near the challenges of threading.
To take full use of a multicore processor, you need to make the program multithreaded.
An alternative to multi-threading is to use more than one process. You would still need to divide & conquer your problem into mutiple independent chunks.
By 50%, do you mean just one core?
If the application isn't either multi-process or multi-threaded, there's no way it can use both cores at once.
Add a while(1) { } somewhere in main()?
Or to echo real advice, either launch multiple processes or rewrite the code to use threads. I'd recommend running multiple processes since that is easier, although if you need to speed up a single run it doesn't really help.
To get to 100% for each thread, you will need to:
(in each thread):
Eliminate all secondary storage I/O
(disk read/writes)
Eliminate all display I/O (screen
Eliminate all locking mechanisms
(mutexs, semaphores)
Eliminate all Primary storage I/O
(operate strictly out of registers
and cache, not DRAM).
Good luck on your rewrite!

Multithreaded image processing in C++

I am working on a program which manipulates images of different sizes. Many of these manipulations read pixel data from an input and write to a separate output (e.g. blur). This is done on a per-pixel basis.
Such image mapulations are very stressful on the CPU. I would like to use multithreading to speed things up. How would I do this? I was thinking of creating one thread per row of pixels.
I have several requirements:
Executable size must be minimized. In other words, I can't use massive libraries. What's the most light-weight, portable threading library for C/C++?
Executable size must be minimized. I was thinking of having a function forEachRow(fp* ) which runs a thread for each row, or even a forEachPixel(fp* ) where fp operates on a single pixel in its own thread. Which is best?
Should I use normal functions or functors or functionoids or some lambda functions or ... something else?
Some operations use optimizations which require information from the previous pixel processed. This makes forEachRow favorable. Would using forEachPixel be better even considering this?
Would I need to lock my read-only and write-only arrays?
The input is only read from, but many operations require input from more than one pixel in the array.
The ouput is only written once per pixel.
Speed is also important (of course), but optimize executable size takes precedence.
More information on this topic for the curious: C++ Parallelization Libraries: OpenMP vs. Thread Building Blocks
Don't embark on threading lightly! The race conditions can be a major pain in the arse to figure out. Especially if you don't have a lot of experience with threads! (You've been warned: Here be dragons! Big hairy non-deterministic impossible-to-reliably-reproduce dragons!)
Do you know what deadlock is? How about Livelock?
That said...
As ckarmann and others have already suggested: Use a work-queue model. One thread per CPU core. Break the work up into N chunks. Make the chunks reasonably large, like many rows. As each thread becomes free, it snags the next work chunk off the queue.
In the simplest IDEAL version, you have N cores, N threads, and N subparts of the problem with each thread knowing from the start exactly what it's going to do.
But that doesn't usually happen in practice due to the overhead of starting/stopping threads. You really want the threads to already be spawned and waiting for action. (E.g. Through a semaphore.)
The work-queue model itself is quite powerful. It lets you parallelize things like quick-sort, which normally doesn't parallelize across N threads/cores gracefully.
More threads than cores? You're just wasting overhead. Each thread has overhead. Even at #threads=#cores, you will never achieve a perfect Nx speedup factor.
One thread per row would be very inefficient! One thread per pixel? I don't even want to think about it. (That per-pixel approach makes a lot more sense when playing with vectorized processor units like they had on the old Crays. But not with threads!)
Libraries? What's your platform? Under Unix/Linux/g++ I'd suggest pthreads & semaphores. (Pthreads is also available under windows with a microsoft compatibility layer. But, uhgg. I don't really trust it! Cygwin might be a better choice there.)
Under Unix/Linux, man:
* pthread_create, pthread_detach.
* pthread_mutexattr_init, pthread_mutexattr_settype, pthread_mutex_init,
* pthread_mutexattr_destroy, pthread_mutex_destroy, pthread_mutex_lock,
* pthread_mutex_trylock, pthread_mutex_unlock, pthread_mutex_timedlock.
* sem_init, sem_destroy, sem_post, sem_wait, sem_trywait, sem_timedwait.
Some folks like pthreads' condition variables. But I always preferred POSIX 1003.1b semaphores. They handle the situation where you want to signal another thread BEFORE it starts waiting somewhat better. Or where another thread is signaled multiple times.
Oh, and do yourself a favor: Wrap your thread/mutex/semaphore pthread calls into a couple of C++ classes. That will simplify matters a lot!
Would I need to lock my read-only and write-only arrays?
It depends on your precise hardware & software. Usually read-only arrays can be freely shared between threads. But there are cases where that is not so.
Writing is much the same. Usually, as long as only one thread is writing to each particular memory spot, you are ok. But there are cases where that is not so!
Writing is more troublesome than reading as you can get into these weird fencepost situations. Memory is often written as words not bytes. When one thread writes part of the word, and another writes a different part, depending on the exact timing of which thread does what when (e.g. nondeterministic), you can get some very unpredictable results!
I'd play it safe: Give each thread its own copy of the read and write areas. After they are done, copy the data back. All under mutex, of course.
Unless you are talking about gigabytes of data, memory blits are very fast. That couple of microseconds of performance time just isn't worth the debugging nightmare.
If you were to share one common data area between threads using mutexes, the collision/waiting mutex inefficiencies would pile up and devastate your efficiency!
Look, clean data boundaries are the essence of good multi-threaded code. When your boundaries aren't clear, that's when you get into trouble.
Similarly, it's essential to keep everything on the boundary mutexed! And to keep the mutexed areas short!
Try to avoid locking more than one mutex at the same time. If you do lock more than one mutex, always lock them in the same order!
Where possible use ERROR-CHECKING or RECURSIVE mutexes. FAST mutexes are just asking for trouble, with very little actual (measured) speed gain.
If you get into a deadlock situation, run it in gdb, hit ctrl-c, visit each thread and backtrace. You can find the problem quite quickly that way. (Livelock is much harder!)
One final suggestion: Build it single-threaded, then start optimizing. On a single-core system, you may find yourself gaining more speed from things like foo[i++]=bar ==> *(foo++)=bar than from threading.
Addendum: What I said about keeping mutexed areas short up above? Consider two threads: (Given a global shared mutex object of a Mutex class.)
/*ThreadA:*/ while(1){ mutex.lock(); printf("a\n"); usleep(100000); mutex.unlock(); }
/*ThreadB:*/ while(1){ mutex.lock(); printf("b\n"); usleep(100000); mutex.unlock(); }
What will happen?
Under my version of Linux, one thread will run continuously and the other will starve. Very very rarely they will change places when a context swap occurs between mutex.unlock() and mutex.lock().
Addendum: In your case, this is unlikely to be an issue. But with other problems one may not know in advance how long a particular work-chunk will take to complete. Breaking a problem down into 100 parts (instead of 4 parts) and using a work-queue to split it up across 4 cores smooths out such discrepancies.
If one work-chunk takes 5 times longer to complete than another, well, it all evens out in the end. Though with too many chunks, the overhead of acquiring new work-chunks creates noticeable delays. It's a problem-specific balancing act.
If your compiler supports OpenMP (I know VC++ 8.0 and 9.0 do, as does gcc), it can make things like this much easier to do.
You don't just want to make a lot of threads - there's a point of diminishing returns where adding new threads slows things down as you start getting more and more context switches. At some point, using too many threads can actually make the parallel version slower than just using a linear algorithm. The optimal number of threads is a function of the number of cpus/cores available, and the percentage of time each thread spends blocked on things like I/O. Take a look at this article by Herb Sutter for some discussion on parallel performance gains.
OpenMP lets you easily adapt the number of threads created to the number of CPUs available. Using it (especially in data-processing cases) often involves simply putting in a few #pragma omps in existing code, and letting the compiler handle creating threads and synchronization.
In general - as long as data isn't changing, you won't have to lock read-only data. If you can be sure that each pixel slot will only be written once and you can guarantee that all the writing has been completed before you start reading from the result, you won't have to lock that either.
For OpenMP, there's no need to do anything special as far as functors / function objects. Write it whichever way makes the most sense to you. Here's an image-processing example from Intel (converts rgb to grayscale):
#pragma omp parallel for
for (i=0; i < numPixels; i++)
pGrayScaleBitmap[i] = (unsigned BYTE)
(pRGBBitmap[i].red * 0.299 +
pRGBBitmap[i].green * 0.587 +
pRGBBitmap[i].blue * 0.114);
This automatically splits up into as many threads as you have CPUs, and assigns a section of the array to each thread.
I would recommend boost::thread and boost::gil (generic image libray). Because there are quite much templates involved, I'm not sure whether the code-size will still be acceptable for you. But it's part of boost, so it is probably worth a look.
As a bit of a left-field idea...
What systems are you running this on? Have you thought of using the GPU in your PCs?
Nvidia have the CUDA APIs for this sort of thing
I don't think you want to have one thread per row. There can be a lot of rows, and you will spend lot of memory/CPU resources just launching/destroying the threads and for the CPU to switch from one to the other. Moreover, if you have P processors with C core, you probably won't have a lot of gain with more than C*P threads.
I would advise you to use a defined number of client threads, for example N threads, and use the main thread of your application to distribute the rows to each thread, or they can simply get instruction from a "job queue". When a thread has finished with a row, it can check in this queue for another row to do.
As for libraries, you can use boost::thread, which is quite portable and not too heavyweight.
Can I ask which platform you're writing this for? I'm guessing that because executable size is an issue you're not targetting on a desktop machine. In which case does the platform have multiple cores or hyperthreaded? If not then adding threads to your application could have the opposite effect and slow it down...
To optimize simple image transformations, you are far better off using SIMD vector math than trying to multi-thread your program.
Your compiler doesn't support OpenMP. Another option is to use a library approach, both Intel's Threading Building Blocks and Microsoft Concurrency Runtime are available (VS 2010).
There is also a set of interfaces called the Parallel Pattern Library which are supported by both libraries and in these have a templated parallel_for library call.
so instead of:
#pragma omp parallel for
for (i=0; i < numPixels; i++)
{ ...}
you would write:
where ToGrayScale is a functor or pointer to function. (Note if your compiler supports lambda expressions which it likely doesn't you can inline the functor as a lambda expression).
parallel_for(0,numPixels,1,[&](int i)
pGrayScaleBitmap[i] = (unsigned BYTE)
(pRGBBitmap[i].red * 0.299 +
pRGBBitmap[i].green * 0.587 +
pRGBBitmap[i].blue * 0.114);
Check the Creating an Image-Processing Network walkthrough on MSDN, which explains how to use Parallel Patterns Library to compose a concurrent image processing pipeline.
I'd also suggest Boost.GIL, which generates highly efficient code. For simple multi-threaded example, check gil_threaded by Victor Bogado. The An image processing network using Dataflow.Signals and Boost.GIL explains an interestnig dataflow model too.
One thread per pixel row is insane, best have around n-1 to 2n threads (for n cpu's), and make each one loop fetching one jobunit (may be one row, or other kind of partition)
on unix-like, use pthreads it's simple and lightweight.
Maybe write your own tiny library which implements a few standard threading functions using #ifdef's for every platform? There really isn't much to it, and that would reduce the executable size way more than any library you could use.
Update: And for work distribution - split your image into pieces and give each thread a piece. So that when it's done with the piece, it's done. This way you avoid implementing job queues that will further increase your executable's size.
I think regardless of the threading model you choose (boost, pthread, native threads, etc). I think you should consider a thread pool as opposed to a thread per row. Threads in a thread pool are very cheap to "start" since they are already created as far as the OS is concerned, it's just a matter of giving it something to do.
Basically, you could have say 4 threads in your pool. Then in a serial fashion, for each pixel, tell the next thread in the thread pool to process the pixel. This way you are effectively processing no more than 4 pixels at a time. You could make the size of the pool based either on user preference or on the number of CPUs the system reports.
This is by far the simplest way IMHO to add threading to a SIMD task.
I think map/reduce framework will be the ideal thing to use in this situation. You can use Hadoop streaming to use your existing C++ application.
Just implement the map and reduce jobs.
As you said, you can use row-level maniputations as a map task and combine the row level manipulations to the final image in the reduce task.
Hope this is useful.
It is very possible, that bottleneck is not CPU but memory bandwidth, so multi-threading WON'T help a lot. Try to minimize memory access and work on limited memory blocks, so that more data can be cached. I had a similar problem a while ago and I decided to optimize my code to use SSE instructions. Speed increase was almost 4x per single thread!
You also could use libraries like IPP or the Cassandra Vision C++ API that are mostly much more optimized than you own code.
There's another option of using assembly for optimization. Now, one exciting project for dynamic code generation is softwire (which dates back awhile - here is the original project's site). It has been developed by Nick Capens and grew into now commercially available swiftshader. But the spin-off of the original softwire is still available on gna.org.
This could serve as an introduction to his solution.
Personally, I don't believe you can gain significant performance by utilizing multiple threads for your problem.