In EL expressions, used in a jsp page, strings are taken literally. For example, in the following code snippet
<c:when test="${myvar == 'prefix.*'}">
test does not evaluate to true if the value of myvar is 'prefixxxxx.' Does anyone know if there is a way to have the string interpreted as a regex instead? Does EL have something similar to awk's tilde ~ operator?
While this special case can be handled with the JSTL fn:startsWith function, regular expressions in general seem like very likely tests. It's unfortunate that JSTL doesn't include a function for these.
On the bright side, it's pretty easy to write an EL function that does what you want. You need the function implementation, and a TLD to let your web application know where to find it. Put these together in a JAR and drop it into your WEB-INF/lib directory.
Here's an outline:
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class Regexp {
public static boolean matches(String pattern, CharSequence str) {
return Pattern.compile(pattern).matcher(str).matches();
<taglib xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="2.0">
<description>Test whether a string matches a regular expression.</description>
<function-signature>boolean matches(java.lang.String, java.lang.CharSequence)</function-signature>
Sorry, I didn't test this particular function, but I hope it's enough to point you in the right direction.
Simply add the following to WEB-INF/tags.tld
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<taglib version="2.1"
<display-name>Acme tags</display-name>
boolean matches(java.lang.String, java.lang.CharSequence)
Then in your jsp
<%#taglib uri="" prefix="custom"%>
custom:matches('aaa.+', someVar) }
This will work exactly the same as Pattern.match
You can use JSTL functions like so -
<c:when test="${fn:startsWith(myVar, 'prefix')}">
Take a look:
for using Pattern.matches inside a jsp page in my case it was enough to call
java.util.regex.Pattern.matches(regexString,stringToCompare) because you can't import package in jsp
I am trying to transform XHTML that contains the entity. Saxon complains that the entity is not defined. How can I define it?
Is it possible to add the entity definition at the beginning of the stylesheet? As suggested
or here:
Using an HTML entity in XSLT (e.g. )
My puny attempt, ignored by Saxon, was to add the following to the beginning of the XSLT:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE stylesheet [
<!ENTITY nbsp " ">
I am using Saxon 9.9 PE.
The HTML I am trying to transform is a complete document, not just a fragment.
One possibility is to pass the URL of the XHTML to the XSLT as a parameter, which would read the XHTML as text using the unparsed-text() function, expand the entity reference using the replace() function, and parse the result using the parse-xml() function. e.g.
<xsl:template name="xsl:initial-template">
<xsl:param name="source"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="
=> unparsed-text()
=> replace(' ', ' ')
=> parse-xml()
If the input document contains an entity reference that isn't declared in the DOCTYPE declaration, then it isn't a well-formed XML document, and therefore it isn't a well-formed XHTML document; and if it isn't well-formed, then Saxon can't handle it.
It would be best to look at the processing workflow that generated this ill-formed document and fix it so the documents it produces are well-formed.
If you can't do that, then you might be able to parse it as HTML. Saxon has an extension function saxon:parse-html(); or if your application is in Java then you could create a SAXSource that uses as its XMLReader.
You should consider using the tool Tidy and convert html files into xhtml. It corrects all such things.
Just run tidy with the argument -asxml.
I need to call the vbscript externally inside the xsl. I have written a sample xml and xsl when I validate the xml against xsl in have an error of cannot create ActiveX Component.
Next I have transformed the xml against the xsl using Altova but I found XML transformation failed due to following error: Function not in namespaceerror in xpath expression,Function not in namespace.
I have inculded the xml below
<ID LINE="1" ID00="ISA" ISA01="00" ID02="" ID03="12" ID04="" ID05="11" ID06="111111" ID07="ZZ" ID08="11111" ID09="121005" ID10="1759" ID11="^" ID12="00501" ID13="005926056" ID14="0" ID15="P" ID16=""/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:fo="" xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" xmlns:user="">
<msxsl:script language="VBScript" implements-prefix="user">
Function ValidDateFormat(sDateValue)
Dim Test As DateTime
If DateTime.TryParseExact(datetime, sFormat, New CultureInfo("en-US"), DateTimeStyles.None, Test) = True Then
Return "t"
Return "f"
End If
End Function
Function checkDateLessthanCurrID(sValue)
Dim Test As DateTime
If DateTime.TryParseExact(sDate, "yyMMdd", New CultureInfo("en-US"), DateTimeStyles.None, Test) AndAlso Test < DateTime.Now Then
Return "t"
Return "f"
End If
End Function
Function checkDateLessthanCurr(sValue)
Dim Test As DateTime
If DateTime.TryParseExact(datetime, "MM:dd:yyyy", New CultureInfo("en-US"), DateTimeStyles.None, Test) AndAlso Test < DateTime.Now Then
Return "t"
Return "f"
End If
End Function
<xsl:output method="text" omit-xml-declaration="yes" />
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:apply-templates select="/LOOP_ID"/>
<xsl:template match="/LOOP_ID">
<xsl:if test="ID/#ID09 !=''">
<xsl:if test="user:checkDateLessthanCurrISA(string(ID/#ID09))='t'">
I need to validate the date in the attribute given in xml. But I cannot validate showing error cannot find the namespace.
I have also created a external dll for the project and registered using regasm But I cannot access the dll inside my xsl.
Can any one help me to solve the issue?
Your first error:
cannot create ActiveX Component
means that your code was actually executed, but failed, due to a missing ActiveX reference.
You didn't state it, but most likely you received this by using MSXML, because that is the only XSLT compiler I know of that uses ActiveX. It is also used in Internet Explorer.
Your second error:
Next I have transformed the xml against the xsl using Altova but I found XML transformation failed due to following error: Function not in namespaceerror in xpath expression,Function not in namespace.
is strange. If I run it with Altova (I use the 2013 Community version) using the /xslt commandline switch to turn off XSLT 2.0 backwards compatibility processing, it tries to parse the script block and returns the following:
Script Compile Error(s) (relative to script begin):
Line 3, Character 0: 'datetime' is a type and cannot be used as an expression.
Line 3, Character 0: 'sFormat' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
Line 3, Character 0: Type 'CultureInfo' is not defined.
Line 3, Character 0: 'DateTimeStyles' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
Line 12, Character 0: 'sDate' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
Line 12, Character 0: Type 'CultureInfo' is not defined.
Line 12, Character 0: 'DateTimeStyles' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
Line 21, Character 0: 'datetime' is a type and cannot be used as an expression.
Line 21, Character 0: Type 'CultureInfo' is not defined.
Line 21, Character 0: 'DateTimeStyles' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
This suggests that the code is not correct. I think the code uses VBScript and the classes you seem to be using are VB.NET.
When running the code against Microsoft's .NET version of XSLT 1.0, I receive the similar errors as above.
It turns out that Microsoft's script parser does not take your code as VBScript (which is ActiveX), but as a VB.NET script. Which is OK, as your code looks like VB.NET.
However, it is literally full of errors. I am not going to fix every error here, but here's a shortened version of your code that runs correctly on both Altova and Microsoft XSLT versions.
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
<msxsl:script language="VBScript" implements-prefix="user">
Function ValidDateFormat(sDateValue As String) As String
Dim Test As DateTime
Dim sFormat As String = "MM-dd-YY"
If DateTime.TryParseExact(sDateValue, sFormat, New Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"), Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, Test) = True Then
Return "true"
Return "false"
End If
End Function
<xsl:output method="text" omit-xml-declaration="yes" />
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:apply-templates />
<xsl:template match="ID[#ID09 !='']">
<xsl:value-of select="user:ValidDateFormat(string(#ID09))"/>
The above returns true or false. I suggest you first try the code inside Visual Studio before you try it with XSLT, because inside XSLT it is quite hard to debug.
On mxsxl:script
In my previous post I was incorrect to assume that msxsl:script was not supported by Altova. Martin Honnen corrected me in the comments. It is supported and it looks like it uses the same code provider underneath as Microsoft uses.
Your original error was an ActiveX error. If you want to run your code with an ActiveX XSLT processor, you will need to do a few more things to get it running. First of all your code is not ActiveX VBScript. Second, you will need to make sure the appropriate ActiveX objects your code required can be instantiated (i.e., are on the system path).
In browsers other than Microsoft Internet Explorer and in other processors, msxsl:script is not supported. .NET scripting is not supported in any browser, use ActiveX scripting instead.
On XSLT 2.0
If you can use Altova, you are essentially using XSLT 2.0, which does not require the extensions you wrote: it can natively compare times and dates, and can get the current date and time. XSLT 2.0 processors include, but are not limited to: Altova (native), Saxon (Java and IKVM.NET), Exselt (.NET), XMLPrime (.NET).
I'd like to create a auto-completion definition file to my domain specific language so that the I get parameter hints for predefined class methods.
In the doc I have the following example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" ?>
<AutoComplete language="C++">
<Environment ignoreCase="no" startFunc="(" stopFunc=")" paramSeparator="," terminal=";" additionalWordChar = "."/>
<KeyWord name="abs" func="yes">
<Overload retVal="int" descr="Returns absolute value of given integer">
<Param name="int number" />
That works like a charm for function calls such as:
That is, I hit "a" and Notepad++ suggests the function abs and hints to its parameters.
However what if abs is a method of a class? For instance:
I would expect that once I hit the key "." and "a" Notepad++ would propose me the abs method and all the parameter hints. However, with the xml definition listed above it does not work.
Does anybody know how to deal with this issue? Is there a regular expression mode that we can use?
Thanks in advance.
I just found out solution. Posting here to leave a trace and help others out.
If I remove additionalWordChar = "." it wokrs!
I have made an HTTP Request to a webpage and it respond successfully with a VAST code (XML) Afterwards I tried to use Apache JMeter Regular Expressions Extractor for Extracting a URL from the MediaFile tag in the responded XML code . but it doesn't work.
Here is the responded data (VAST XML):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<VAST version="2.0">
<Ad id="brightroll_ad">
<Creative id="140363" sequence="1">
<Tracking event="midpoint"><![CDATA[]]></Tracking>
<Tracking event="complete"><![CDATA[]]></Tracking>
<MediaFile type="application/x-shockwave-flash" apiFramework="VPAID" height="360" width="640" delivery="progressive">
and Here is the settings which I have used.
Reference Name: mediaFileUrl_VASTAdTagURI
Regular Expression: <MediaFile type="application//x-shockwave-flash" apiFramework="VPAID" height="360" width="640" delivery="progressive"><([^"]+)http:\/\/([^"]+)]]>>
Template: $1$$2$
Match No.: -1
Default Value: No mediaFileUrl_VASTAdTagURI
The result is always (No mediaFileUrl_VASTAdTagURI). any clue about the problem with the Regular Expression.
JMeter provides XPath Extractor to deal with XML and XHTML data. It can also work for HTML but you'll have to check Use Tidy box so JMeter could use JTidy to work against HTML.
XPath expression to extract contents of CDATA should look something like:
See XPath Tutorial for more details. Few tools which can help in building/debugging XPath expressions:
XPath Checker Firefox add-on
FirePath Firefox add-on
View Results Tree JMeter's listener provides XPath Tester as well
I have a textbox in flex in which I am trying to split the amount entered by the user. Code is something like:
var splitAmount:Array = toAmountLocal.split("\\.");
tried with different options with dot(.) but nothing is working, every time its returning splitAmount.length as 1 only.
If you use a String as an argument for the split method, you don't have to escape anything; just do:
However if you wish to use a regular expression as an argument, then you will have to escape the dot with just one backslash, like this:
Below code may help you: i have added comment what you are missing in logic.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
import mx.controls.Alert;
private var toAmountLocal:String = "";
private function onClickHandler():void
//if user is entering value your local variable should be updated.
toAmountLocal = inputID.text;
var splitAmount:Array = toAmountLocal.split('.');
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
<s:TextInput id="inputID" text="{toAmountLocal}"/>
<s:Button label="Split" click="onClickHandler()"/>