Should unit tests be written before the code is written? - unit-testing

I know that one of the defining principles of Test driven development is that you write your Unit tests first and then write code to pass those unit tests, but is it necessary to do it this way?
I've found that I often don't know what I am testing until I've written it, mainly because the past couple of projects I've worked on have more evolved from a proof of concept rather than been designed.
I've tried to write my unit tests before and it can be useful, but it doesn't seem natural to me.

Some good comments here, but I think that one thing is getting ignored.
writing tests first drives your design. This is an important step. If you write the tests "at the same time" or "soon after" you might be missing some design benefits of doing TDD in micro steps.
It feels really cheesy at first, but it's amazing to watch things unfold before your eyes into a design that you didn't think of originally. I've seen it happen.
TDD is hard, and it's not for everybody. But if you already embrace unit testing, then try it out for a month and see what it does to your design and productivity.
You spend less time in the debugger and more time thinking about outside-in design. Those are two gigantic pluses in my book.

There have been studies that show that unit tests written after the code has been written are better tests. The caveat though is that people don't tend to write them after the event. So TDD is a good compromise as at least the tests get written.
So if you write tests after you have written code, good for you, I'd suggest you stick at it.
I tend to find that I do a mixture. The more I understand the requirements, the more tests I can write up front. When the requirements - or my understanding of the problem - are weak, I tend to write tests afterwards.

TDD is not about the tests, but how the tests drive your code.
So basically you are writing tests to let an architecture evolve naturally (and don't forget to refactor !!! otherwise you won't get much benefit out of it).
That you have an arsenal of regression tests and executable documentation afterwards is a nice sideeffect, but not the main reason behind TDD.
So my vote is:
Test first
PS: And no, that doesn't mean that you don't have to plan your architecture before, but that you might rethink it if the tests tell you to do so !!!!

I've lead development teams for the past 6-7 years. What I can tell for sure is that as a developer and the developers I have worked with, it makes a phenomenal difference in the quality of the code if we know where our code fits into the big picture.
Test Driven Development (TDD) helps us answer "What?" before we answer "How?" and it makes a big difference.
I understand why there may be apprehensions about not following it in PoC type of development/architect work. And you are right it may not make a complete sense to follow this process. At the same time, I would like to emphasize that TDD is a process that falls in the Development Phase (I know it sounds obsolete, but you get the point :) when the low level specification are clear.

I think writing the test first helps define what the code should actually do. Too many times people don't have a good definition of what the code is supposed to do or how it should work. They simply start writing and make it up as they go along. Creating the test first makes you focus on what the code will do.

Not always, but I find that it really does help when I do.

I tend to write them as I write my code. At most I will write the tests for if the class/module exists before I write it.
I don't plan far enough ahead in that much detail to write a test earlier than the code it is going to test.
I don't know if this is a flaw in my thinking or method's or just TIMTOWTDI.

I start with how I would like to call my "unit" and make it compile.
picker =
assert item
then I create
class Pick
def pick(something)
return nil
then I keep on using the Pick in my "test" case so I could see how I would like it to be called and how I would treat different kinds of behavior. Whenever I realize I could have trouble on some boundaries or some kind of error/exception I try to get it to fire and get an new test case.
So, in short. Yes.
The ratio doing test before is a lot higher than not doing it.

Directives are suggestion on how you could do things to improve the overall quality or productivity or even both of the end product. They are in no ways laws to be obeyed less you get smitten in a flash by the god of proper coding practice.
Here's my compromise on the take and I found it quite useful and productive.
Usually the hardest part to get right are the requirements and right behind it the usability of your class, API, package... Then is the actual implementation.
Write your interfaces (they will change, but will go a long way in knowing WHAT has to be done)
Write a simple program to use the interfaces (them stupid main). This goes a long way in determining the HOW it is going to be used (go back to 1 as often as needed)
Write tests on the interface (The bit I integrated from TDD, again go back to 1 as often as needed)
write the actual code behind the interfaces
write tests on the classes and the actual implementation, use a coverage tool to make sure you do not forget weid execution paths
So, yes I write tests before coding but never before I figured out what needs to be done with a certain level of details. These are usually high level tests and only treat the whole as a black box. Usually will remain as integration tests and will not change much once the interfaces have stabilized.
Then I write a bunch of tests (unit tests) on the implementation behind it, these will be much more detailed and will change often as the implementation evolves, as it get's optimized and expanded.
Is this strictly speaking TDD ? Extreme ? Agile...? whatever... ? I don't know, and frankly I don't care. It works for me. I adjust it as needs go and as my understanding of software development practice evolve.
my 2 cent

I've been programming for 20 years, and I've virtually never written a line of code that I didn't run some kind of unit test on--Honestly I know people do it all the time, but how someone can ship a line of code that hasn't had some kind of test run on it is beyond me.
Often if there is no test framework in place I just write a main() into each class I write. It adds a little cruft to your app, but someone can always delete it (or comment it out) if they want I guess. I really wish there was just a test() method in your class that would automatically compile out for release builds--I love my test method being in the same file as my code...
So I've done both Test Driven Development and Tested development. I can tell you that TDD can really help when you are a starting programmer. It helps you learn to view your code "From outside" which is one of the most important lessons a programmer can learn.
TDD also helps you get going when you are stuck. You can just write some very small piece that you know your code has to do, then run it and fix it--it gets addictive.
On the other hand, when you are adding to existing code and know pretty much exactly what you want, it's a toss-up. Your "Other code" often tests your new code in place. You still need to be sure you test each path, but you get a good coverage just by running the tests from the front-end (except for dynamic languages--for those you really should have unit tests for everything no matter what).
By the way, when I was on a fairly large Ruby/Rails project we had a very high % of test coverage. We refactored a major, central model class into two classes. It would have taken us two days, but with all the tests we had to refactor it ended up closer to two weeks. Tests are NOT completely free.

I'm not sure, but from your description I sense that there might be a misunderstanding on what test-first actually means. It does not mean that you write all your tests first. It does mean that you have a very tight cycle of
write a single, minimal test
make the test pass by writing the minimal production code necessary
write the next test that will fail
make all the existing tests pass by changing the existing production code in the simplest possible way
refactor the code (both test and production!) so that it doesn't contain duplication and is expressive
continue with 3. until you can't think of another sensible test
One cycle (3-5) typically just takes a couple of minutes. Using this technique, you actually evolve the design while you write your tests and production code in parallel. There is not much up front design involved at all.
On the question of it being "necessary" - no, it obviously isn't. There have been uncountable projects successfull without doing TDD. But there is some strong evidence out there that using TDD typically leads to significantly higher quality, often without negative impact on productivity. And it's fun, too!
Oh, and regarding it not feeling "natural", it's just a matter of what you are used to. I know people who are quite addicted to getting a green bar (the typical xUnit sign for "all tests passing") every couple of minutes.

There are so many answers now and they are all different. This perfectly resembles the reality out there. Everyone is doing it differently. I think there is a huge misunderstanding about unit testing. It seems to me as if people heard about TDD and they said it's good. Then they started to write unit tests without really understanding what TDD really is. They just got the part "oh yeah we have to write tests" and they agree with it. They also heard about this "you should write your tests first" but they do not take this serious.
I think it's because they do not understand the benefits of test-first which in turn you can only understand once you've done it this way for some time. And they always seem to find 1.000.000 excuses why they don't like writing the tests first. Because it's too difficult when figuring out how everything will fit together etc. etc. In my opinion, it's all excuses for them to hide away from their inability to once discipline themselve, try the test-first approach and start to see the benefits.
The most ridicoulous thing if they start to argue "I'm not conviced about this test-first thing but I've never done it this way" ... great ...
I wonder where unit testing originally comes from. Because if the concept really originates from TDD then it's just ridicoulous how people get it wrong.

Writing the tests first defines how your code will look like - i.e. it tends to make your code more modular and testable, so you do not create a "bloat" methods with very complex and overlapping functionality. This also helps to isolate all core functionality in separate methods for easier testing.

Personally, I believe unit tests lose a lot of their effectiveness if not done before writing the code.
The age old problem with testing is that no matter how hard we think about it, we will never come up with every possibly scenario to write a test to cover.
Obviously unit testing itself doesn't prevent this completely, as it restrictive testing, looking at only one unit of code not covering the interactions between this code and everything else, but it provides a good basis for writing clean code in the first place that should at least restrict the chances for issues of interaction between modules. I've always worked to the principle of keeping code as simple as it possibly can be - infact I believe this is one of the key principles of TDD.
So starting off with a test that basically says you can create a class of this type and build it up, in theory, writing a test for every line of code or at least covering every route through a particular piece of code. Designing as you go! Obviously based on a rough-up-front design produced initially, to give you a framework to work to.
As you say it is very unnatural to start with and can seem like a waste of time, but I've seen myself first hand that it pays off in the long run when defects stats come through and show the modules that were fully written using TDD have far lower defects over time than others.

Before, during and after.
Before is part of the spec, the contract, the definition of the work
During is when special cases, bad data, exceptions are uncovered while implementing.
After is maintenance, evolution, change, new requirements.

I don't write the actual unit tests first, but I do make a test matrix before I start coding listing all the possible scenarios that will have to be tested. I also make a list of cases that will have to be tested when a change is made to any part of the program as part of regression testing that will cover most of the basic scenarios in the application in addition to fully testing the bit of code that changed.

Remember with Extreme programming your tests effectly are you documenation. So if you don't know what you're testing, then you don't know what you want your application is going to do?
You can start off with "Stories" which might be something like
"Users can Get list of Questions"
Then as you start writing code to solve the unit tests. To solve the above you'll need at least a User and question class. So then you can start thinking about the fields:
"User Class Has Name DOB Address TelNo Locked Fields"
Hope it helps.

Yes, if you are using true TDD principles. Otherwise, as long as you're writing the unit-tests, you're doing better than most.
In my experience, it is usually easier to write the tests before the code, because by doing it that way you give yourself a simple debugging tool to use as you write the code.

I write them at the same time. I create the skeleton code for the new class and the test class, and then I write a test for some functionality (which then helps me to see how I want the new object to be called), and implement it in the code.
Usually, I don't end up with elegant code the first time around, it's normally quite hacky. But once all the tests are working, you can refactor away until you end up with something pretty neat, tidy and proveable to be rock solid.

It helps when you are writing something that you are used writing to write first all the thing you would regularly check for and then write those features. More times then not those features are the most important for the piece of software you are writing. Now , on the other side there are not silver bullets and thing should never be followed to the letter. Developer judgment plays a big role in the decision of using test driven development versus test latter development.


TDD with unclear requirements

I know that TDD helps a lot and I like this method of development when you first create a test and then implement the functionality. It is very clear and correct way.
But due to some flavour of my projects it often happens that when I start to develop some module I know very little about what I want and how it will look at the end. The requirements appear as I develop, there may be 2 or 3 iterations when I delete all or part of the old code and write new.
I see two problems:
1. I want to see the result as soon as possible to understand are my ideas right or wrong. Unit tests slow down this process. So it often happens that I write unit tests after the code is finished what is known to be a bad pattern.
2. If I first write the tests I need to rewrite not only the code twice or more times but also the tests. It takes much time.
Could someone please tell me how can TDD be applied in such situation?
Thanks in advance!
I want to see the result as soon as possible to understand are my ideas right or wrong. Unit tests slow down this process.
I disagree. Unit tests and TDD can often speed up getting results because they force you to concentrate on the results rather than implementing tons of code that you might never need. It also allows you to run the different parts of your code as you write them so you can constantly see what results you are getting, rather than having to wait until your entire program is finished.
I find that TDD works particularly well in this kind of situation; in fact, I would say that having unclear and/or changing requirements is actually very common.
I find that the best uses of TDD is ensuring that your code is doing what you expect it to do. When you're writing any code, you should know what you want it to do, whether the requirements are clear or not. The strength of TDD here is that if there is a change in the requirements, you can simply change one or more of your unit tests to reflect the changed requirements, and then update your code while being sure that you're not breaking other (unchanged) functionality.
I think that one thing that trips up a lot of people with TDD is the assumption that all tests need to be written ahead of time. I think it's more effective to use the rule of thumb that you never write any implementation code while all of your tests are passing; this simply ensures that all code is covered, while also ensuring that you're checking that all code does what you want it to do without worrying about writing all your tests up front.
IMHO, your main problem is when you have to delete some code. This is waste and this is what shall be addressed first.
Perhaps you could prototype, or utilize "spike solutions" to validate the requirements and your ideas then apply TDD on the real code, once the requirements are stable.
The risk is to apply this and to have to ship the prototype.
Also you could test-drive the "sunny path" first and only implement the remaining such as error handling ... after the requirements have been pinned down. However the second phase of the implementation will be less motivating.
What development process are you using ? It sounds agile as you're having iterations, but not in an environment that fully supports it.
TDD will, for just about anybody, slow down initial development. So, if initial development speed is 10 on a 1-10 scale, with TDD you might get around an 8 if you're proficient.
It's the development after that point that gets interesting. As projects get larger, development efficiency typically drops - often to 3 on the same scale. With TDD, it's very possible to still stay in the 7-8 range.
Look up "technical debt" for a good read. As far as I'm concerned, any code without unit tests is effectively technical debt.
TDD helps you to express the intent of your code. This means that writing the test, you have to say what you expect from your code. How your expectations are fulfilled is then secondary (this is the implementation). Ask yourself the question: "What is more important, the implementation, or what the provided functionality is?" If it is the implementation, then you don't have to write the tests. If it is the functionality provided then writing the tests first will help you with this.
Another valuable thing is that by TDD, you will not implement functionality that will not be needed. You only write code that needs to satisfy the intent. This is also called YAGNI (You aint gonna need it).
There's no getting away from it - if you're measuring how long it takes to code just by how long it takes you to write classes, etc, then it'll take longer with TDD. If you're experienced it'll add about 15%, if you're new it'll take at least 60% longer if not more.
BUT, overall you'll be quicker. Why?
by writing a test first you're specifying what you want and delivering just that and nothing more - hence saving time writing unused code
without tests, you might think that the results are so obvious that what you've done is correct - when it isn't. Tests demonstrate that what you've done is correct.
you will get faster feedback from automated tests than by doing manual testing
with manual testing the time taken to test everything as your application grows increases rapidly - which means you'll stop doing it
with manual tests it's easy to make mistakes and 'see' something passing when it isn't, this is especially true if you're running them again and again and again
(good) unit tests give you a second client to your code which often highlights design problems that you might miss otherwise
Add all this up and if you measure from inception to delivery and TDD is much, much faster - you get fewer defects, you're taking fewer risks, you progress at a steady rate (which makes estimation easier) and the list goes on.
TDD will make you faster, no question, but it isn't easy and you should allow yourself some space to learn and not get disheartened if initially it seems slower.
Finally you should look at some techniques from BDD to enhance what you're doing with TDD. Begin with the feature you want to implement and drive down into the code from there by pulling out stories and then scenarios. Concentrate on implementing your solution scenario by scenario in thin vertical slices. Doing this will help clarify the requirements.
Using TDD could actually make you write code faster - not being able to write a test for a specific scenario could mean that there is an issue in the requirements.
When you TDD you should find these problematic places faster instead of after writing 80% of your code.
There are a few things you can do to make your tests more resistant to change:
You should try to reuse code inside
your tests in a form of factory
methods that creates your test
objects along with verify methods
that checks the test result. This
way if some major behavior change
occurs in your code you have less
code to change in your test.
Use IoC container instead of passing
arguments to your main classes -
again if the method signature
changes you do not need to change
all of your tests.
Make your unit tests short and Isolated - each test should check only one aspect of your code and use Mocking/Isolation framework to make the test independent of external objects.
Test and write code for only the required feature (YAGNI). Try to ask yourself what value my customer will receive from the code I'm writing. Don't create overcomplicated architecture instead create the needed functionality piece by piece while refactoring your code as you go.
Here's a blog post I found potent in explaining the use of TDD on a very iterative design process scale:
Joshua Block commented on something similar in the book "Coders at work". His advice was to write examples of how the API would be used (about a page in length). Then think about the examples and the API a lot and refactor the API. Then write the specification and the unit tests. Be prepared, however, to refactor the API and rewrite the spec as you implement the API.
When I deal with unclear requirements, I know that my code will need to change. Having solid tests helps me feel more comfortable changing my code. Practising TDD helps me write solid tests, and so that's why I do it.
Although TDD is primarily a design technique, it has one great benefit in your situation: it encourages the programmer to consider details and concrete scenarios. When I do this, I notice that I find gaps or misunderstandings or lack of clarity in requirements quite quickly. The act of trying to write tests forces me to deal with the lack of clarity in the requirements, rather than trying to sweep those difficulties under the rug.
So when I have unclear requirements, I practise TDD both because it helps me identify the specific requirements issues that I need to address, but also because it encourages me to write code that I find easier to change as I understand more about what I need to build.
In this early prototype-phase I find it to be enough to write testable code. That is, when you write your code, think of how to make it possible to test, but for now, focus on the code itself and not the tests.
You should have the tests in place when you commit something though.

What techniques can be used to make writing tests more interesting?

I must admit that I often struggle with practising Test-Driven Development. In spite of using Ruby on Rails which makes TDD super easy because it's baked-in, I find writing tests to be so boring! It's like dental flossing; I know that I should do it but struggle to muster much enthusiasm.
What techniques do you use to make writing tests interesting? For example, one tip I saw was to invent a little story around the test fixture data rather than just using meaningless, unrelated data.
If you write the tests first, they are your specifications for coding.
All the thinking has to be done when writing tests. "What should it do?" "How will I know it's done it?" "What interfaces does it have that will need to be mocked?"
Further, if you structure your tests using a simple naming convention (using "shoulds") you can more easily determine what's supposed to be happening.
See for some thoughts on this.
If you write the tests last, they are boring, since you know the code works.
Writing negative tests is usually more interesting than the "sunny day" ones. Think through all the inventive ways you could break your class (passing in null, values too big/small etc).
Not only will it give your brain a different angle to chew on it'll also make your class more robust since people will call it with null, big numbers etc etc.
I'm worried that this sounds like a code smell.
Are the tests boring because they're very repetitive?
Are the tests covering the same things multiple times? (i.e. the test cases don't just test one thing at a time so there's lots of repeated testing of the same things...?)
You might be bored because the tests are written at the wrong level of abstraction or they force you to do lots of busywork that isn't necessary.
It sounds like something needs to be refactored or at least abstracted so that each test expresses just what's new or different from the rest of the code.
If lots of tests seem obvious or tedious, there's something missing from the abstractions that you're using.
I'd start looking for patterns in the kinds of tests that you feel are boring or tedious and see if something can't be done - like creating a tiny test framework to help make those tests easier to write.
On examination, you might just need to delete some redundant tests and clean up the naming - so that it's clear exactly what you need to test and what you can rely on being tested elsewhere in the test suite.
This is all about trade-offs. I think it's worth re-assessing the kinds of tests you're writing and having a look at what alternatives there might be.
If you're bored when writing tests, then you're testing the wrong things. I'm writing tests when something failed, when I didn't understand something or when something new comes up. This way, my tests are never futile or to comply to an "100% code coverage" policy and I'm never bored.
There's a case to be made that boringness isn't altogether bad. I'd say it's stronger with respect to your regular code than to your test code, but it probably applies to tests, too.
Excitement comes when you don't know what your code is doing, when you don't trust it, when every time you run it - or release it - there's that little guy sitting on your shoulder shrieking "No!". When you spend a lot of time in the debugger; when your code is too complex, tangled and gnarly (not in a good way) and scary.
Boredom may be the opposite of excitement, and seen in that light, boring is good. One foot after the other, predictable step after predictable step, we write nice simple reliable working code. Red-green-refactor.
Nice simple reliable working code is something I can get enthusiastic about.
If you are using TDD correctly, then you should write the test before you write the code. It should be a good test to ensure that the code you are writing works, and should be a small increment.
As such, it is really part of development. What is different from writing one unit test vs. writing one function that you need to implement your code?
Saying that you find writing tests boring, is like saying "I find writing I/O boring .. is there anything I can do to make it more interesting?" or "I find writing UI boring .."
Well, actually writing any kind of code can be boring, or interesting ... but that's more a function of the developer than of the code :) My friend is being forced to write code for a company, although he's not really a programmer, and his comment is "I don't see how you can do this all day!!!"
Since you are a developer, my feeling is that you do like writing code, so the real problem is that you are not correctly following TDD and making tests a real part of your development. Even though a framework may attempt to make this necessary, it is really up to you to correctly follow the process (i.e. write the test first) and to really integrate it with your development.
Then, it is really an insignificant part of the overall development, like checking in code, commenting, formatting - all of which some people might find "boring" but are necessary. It doesn't bother us because it is just part of development and we find development interesting.
First I want to write production code, so I strive to write test first : nor writing any line of code without a failing test. This is not always possible but at least it forces me to write tests.
Then I try to break the code I have written using boundary tests, negative cases, wrong API usage (e.g. missing or several initialization calls) ...
Also I run the test often ; the "all tests passed" message at the end makes me feel comfortable about what has been written so far ... and I'm also happy when I found (and fix) a bug.
Sometimes, I'm having fun with the names and the numbers I'm using for my tests (birth date, favorite player number, phone numbers ...).

Why should I use Test Driven Development? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 13 years ago.
Why should I practice Test Driven Development and how should I start?
For a developer that doesn't know about Test-Driven Development, what problem(s) will be solved by adopting TDD?
[EDIT] Let's assume that the developer already (ab)uses a unit testing framework.
Here are three reasons that TDD might help a developer/team:
Better understanding of what you're going to write
Enforces the policy of writing tests a little better
Speeds up development
One reason to write the tests first is to have a better understanding of the actual code before you write it. To me, this is the main benefit of test driven development. When you write the test cases first, you think more critically about the corner cases. It's then easier to address them when you write the code and ensure that they're accurate.
Another reason is to actually enforce writing the tests. Often when people do unit-testing without the TDD, they have a testing framework set up, write some new code, and then quit. They think that the code already works just fine, so why write tests? It's simple enough that it won't break, right? But now you've lost the advantages of doing unit-tests in the first place (completely different discussion). Write them first, and they're already there.
Writing these tests first could mean that you don't need to launch the program in a debugging environment (slow — especially for larger projects) to test if a few small things work. Of course there's no excuse for not doing so before committing changes.
Convincing yourself or other people to write the tests first may be difficult. You may have better luck getting them to write both at the same time which may be just as beneficial.
Presumably you test code that you've written before you commit it to a repository.
If that's not true you have other issues to deal with.
If it is true, you can look at writing tests using a framework as a way to automate those main routines or drivers that you currently write so you can run all of them automatically at the push of a button. You don't have to pore over output to decide if the test passed or failed; you embed the success or failure of the test in the code and get a thumbs up or down decision right away. Running all the tests at once reduces the chances of a "whack a mole" situation where you fix something in one class and break something else. All the tests have to pass.
Sounds good so far, yes?
The TDD folks just take it one step further by demanding that you write the test FIRST before you write the class. It fails, of course, because you haven't written the class. It's their way of guaranteeing that you write test classes.
If you're already using a test framework, getting good value out of the tests you write, and have meaningful code coverage up around 70%, then I think you're doing well. I'm not sure that TDD will give you much more value. It's up to you to decide whether or not you go that extra mile. Personally, I don't do it. I write tests after the class and refactor if I feel the need. Some people might find it helpful to write the test first knowing it'll fail, but I don't.
(This is more of a comment agreeing with duffymo's answer than an answer of its own.)
duffymo answers:
The TDD folks just take it one step further by demanding that you write the test FIRST before you write the class. It fails, of course, because you haven't written the class. It's their way of guaranteeing that you write test classes.
I think it's actually to force coders to think about what their code is doing. Having to think about a test makes one consider what the code is supposed to do: what the pre-conditions and post-conditions are, which functions are primitive and which are composed of primitive functions, what the minimal necessary public interface is, and what's an implementation detail.
These are all things I routinely think about, so like you, "test first" doesn't add a whole lot, for me. And frankly (I know this is heresy in some circles) I like to "anchor" the core ideas of a class by sketching out the public interface first; that way I can look at it, mentally use it, and see if it's as clean as I thought it was. (A class or a library should be easy and intuitive for client programmers to use.)
In other words, I do what TDD tries to ensure happens by writing tests first, but like duffymo, I get there a different way.
And the real point of "test first" is to get a coder to pause and think like a designer. It's silly to make a fetish of how the programmer enters that state; for those who don't do it naturally, "test first" serves as a ritual to get them there. For those who do, "test first" doesn't add much -- and can get in the way of the programmer's habitual way of getting into that state.
Again, we want to look at results, not rituals. If a junior guy needs a ritual, a "stations of the cross" or a rosary* to "get in the groove", "test first" serves that purpose. If someone has their own way to get there, that's great too.
Note that I'm not saying that code shouldn't be tested. It should. It gives us a safety net, which in turn allows us to concentrate our attention on writing good code, even audacious code, because we know the net is there to catch errors.
All I am saying is that fetishistic insistence on "test first" confuses the method (one of many) with the goal, making the programmer think about what he's coding.
* To be ecumenical, I'll note that both Catholics and Muslims use rosaries. And again, it's a mechanical, muscle-memory way to put oneself into a certain frame of mind. It's a fetish (in the original sense of a magic object, not the "sexual fetish" meaning) or good-luck charm. So is saying "Om mani padme hum", or sitting zazen, or stroking a "lucky" rabbit's foot, (Not so lucky for the rabbit.) The philosopher Jerry Fodor, when thinking about hard problems, has a similar ritual: he repeats to himself, "C'mon, Jerry, you can do it!" (I tried that too, but since my name is not Jerry, it didn't work for me. ;) )
You won't waste time writing features you don't need. You'll have a comprehensive unit test suite to serve as a safety net for refactoring. You'll have executable examples of how your code is intended to be used. Your development flow will be smoother and faster; you'll spend less time in the debugger.
But most of all, your design will be better. Your code will be better factored - loosely coupled, highly cohesive - and better formed - smaller, better-named methods & classes.
For my current project (which runs on a relatively heavyweight process), I have adopted a peculiar form of TDD that consists of writing skeleton test cases based on requirements documents and GUI mockups. I write dozens, sometimes hundreds of those before starting to implement anything (this runs totally against "pure" TDD which says you should write a few tests, then immediately start on a skeleton implementation).
I have found this to be an excellent way to review the requirements documents. I have to think about the behaviour described in them much more intensively than if I just were to read them . In consequence, I find many more inconsistencies and gaps in them which I would otherwise only have found during implementation. This way, I can ask for clarification earlier and have better requirements when I start implementing.
Then, during implementation, the tests are a way to measure how far I've yet to go. And they prevent me from forgetting anything (don't laugh, that's a real problem when you work on larger use cases).
And the moral is: even when your dev process doesn't really support TDD, it can still be done in a way, and improve quality and productivity.
I personally do not use TDD, but one of the biggest pro's I can see with the methology is that customer satisfaction ensurance. Basically, the idea is that the steps of your development process are these:
1) Talk to customer about what the application is supposed to do, and how it is supposed to react to different situations.
2) Translate the outcome of 1) into Unit Tests, which each test one feature or scenario.
3) Write simple, "sloppy" code that (barely) passes the tests. When this is done, you have met your customer's expectations.
4) Refactor the code you wrote in 3) until you think you've done it in the most effective way possible.
When this is done you have hopefully produced high-quality code, that meets your customer's needs. If the customer now wants a new feature, you start the cycle over - discuss the feature, write a test that makes sure it works, write code that passes the test, refactor.
And as others have said, each time you run your tests you ensure that the old code still works, and that you can add new functionality without breaking old one.
Most of the people I have talked to don't use a complete TDD model. They usually find the best testing model that works for them. Find yours play with TDD and find where you are the most productive.
TDD (Test Driven Development/ Design) provides the following advantages
ensures you know the story card's acceptance criteria before you start
ensures that you know when to stop coding (i.e., when the acceptance criteria has been meet thus prevents gold platting)
As a result you end up with code that is
clean design
able to be refactored with confidence
the minimal code necessary to satisfy the story card
a living specification of how the code works
able to support a sustainable pace of new features
I made a big effort to learn TDD for Ruby on Rails development. It took several days before I really got into it and it. I was very skeptical but I made the effort because programmers I respect support it.
At this point I feel it was definitely worth the effort. There are several benefits which I'm sure others will be happy to list for you. To me the most important advantage is that it helps avoid that nightmare situation late in a project where something suddenly breaks for no apparent reason and then you're spending a day and a half with the debugger. It helps prevent your code base from deteriorating as you add more and more logic to it.
It is common knowledge that writing tests and having a large number of automated tests are a Good Thing.
However, without TDD, it often just becomes tedious. People write tests, and then leave it, and the tests do not get updated as they should, nor do new features get tested as often as they should either.
A big part of this is because the code has become a pain to test - TDD will influence your design so that it is much easier to test. Because you've used TDD, you have a good number of tests, which makes it much easier to find regressions whenever your code or requirements change, simplifying debugging drammatically, causing an appreciation of good TDD and encouraging more tests to be written when changes are needed - and we're back to the start of the cycle.
There are many advantages:
Higher code quality
Fewer bugs
Less wasted time
Any of those alone would be sufficient justification to implement TDD.

Writing Unit Tests Later

I know that TDD style is writing the test first, see it fails then go and make it green, which is good stuff. Sometimes it really works for me.
However especially when I was experimenting with some stuff (i.e. not sure about the design, not sure if it's going to work) or frantically writing code, I don't want to write unit tests, it breaks my flow.
I tend to write unit tests later on and especially just before stuff getting too complicated. Also there is another problem writing them later is generally more boring.
I'm not quite sure if this is a good approach (definitely not the best).
What do you think? Do you code write your unit tests later? Or how do you deal this flow problem or experimental design / code stage.
What I've learned is that there is no experimental code, at least not working in production environments and/or tight deadlines. Experiments are generally carried out until something "works" at which point that becomes the production code.
The other side of this is that TDD from the start will result in better design of your code. You'll be thinking more about it, reworking it, refactoring it more frequently than if you write the tests after the fact.
I've written tests after the fact. Better late then never. They are always worth having.
However, I have to say, the first time I wrote them before writing the tested code, it was extremely satisfying. No more fiddling around with manual testing. I was surprised just how good it felt.
Also, I tend to write unit tests before refactoring legacy code - which, almost by definition, means that I'm writing tests to test code that's already written. Provides a security blanket that makes me more comfortable with getting into big blocks of code written by others.
"I'm not quite sure if this is a good approach (definitely not the best)."
Not good? Why not?
Are you designing for testability? In that case, your design is test-driven. What more can anyone ask for?
Whether the tests come first, in the middle or last doesn't matter as much as designing for testability. In the end, changes to the design will make tests fail, and you can fix things. Changes to the tests in anticipation of design changes will make the tests fail, also. Both are fine.
If you get to the end of your design work, and there's something hard to test in the middle, then you failed to do TDD. You'll have to refactor your design to make it testable.
I often take the same approach you're talking about. What seems to work well is to treat the exerimental code exactly as such, and then start a proper design based on what you've learned. From here you can write your tests first. Otherwise, you're left with lots of code that was written as temporary or experimental, and probably won't get around to writing tests for all of it.
I would say that for normal development, TDD works extremely well. There are cases where you may not need to write the tests first (or even at all), but those are infrequent. Sometimes, however, you need to do some exploration to see what will work. I would consider this to be a "spike", and I don't necessarily think that TDD is absolutely necessary in this case. I would probably not use the actual "spike" code in my project. After all, it was just an exploration and now that I have a better idea of how it ought to work, I can probably write better code (and tests) than my "spike" code. If I did decide to use my "spike" code, I'd probably go back and write tests for it.
Now, if you find that you've violated TDD and written some production code before your tests - it happens - then, too, I'd go back and write the tests. In fact, on the occasions where this has happened to me I've often found things that I've neglected once I start writing the tests because more tests come to mind that aren't handled by the code. Eventually, you get back in the TDD rythym (and vow never to do that again).
Consider the psychological tendencies associated with sunk cost. That is, when you get to the second part of the equation, that laziness gene we all have makes us want to protect the work we have already done. The consequences?
If you write the tests first...
You tend to write the code to fit the tests. This encourages the "simplest thing that solves the problem" type development and keeps you focused on solving the problem not working on meta-problems.
If you write the code first...
You will be tempted to write the tests to fit the code. In effect this is the equivalent of writing the problem to fit your answer, which is kind of backwards and will quite often lead to tests that are of lesser value.
Although I'd be surprised if 1 programmer out of 50 ALWAYS writes tests first, I'd still argue that it is something to strive for if you want to write good software.
I usually write my tests first but sometime while experimenting I write the code after. Once I get an idea of what my code is supposed to do, I stop the code and start the tests.
Writing the code first is natural when you're trying to figure out how your code is going to work. Writing the test first helps you determine what your code show do (not how it should do it). If you're writing the code first, you're trying to solve the problem without completely defining the problem. This isn't necessarily "bad", but you are using unit tests as a regression tool rather than a development tool (again, not "bad" - just not TDD).
VS 2008 has a nice feature that will generate test classes for an object, the tests needs to me tweaked but it dose a lot of the grunt work for you. Its really nice for crating tests for your less then diligent co-workers.
Another good point for this is it help to prevent you from missing something, expectantly when your working on code that isn't yours.
if your using a different testing framework then MSUnitTest, it's fairly simple to convert then tests from MSUnit to Nunit, etc. just do some copy and past.
I would like to say that I always write Unit tests first but of course I don't (for numerous reasons well known to any real programmer :-)). What I (ok, also not always...) do is to convert every bug which takes me more than five minutes to find into a unit test. Even before I fix it. This has the following advantages:
It documents the bug and alerts me if it shows up again at a later point of time.
It helps in finding the bug, since I have a well-defined place to put debugging code into (setting up my data structures, call the right methods, set breakpoints on etc.) Before I discovered unit testing I modified the main() function for this testing code resulting in strange results when I forgot to remove it afterwards ...
Usually it gives me good ideas what else could go wrong, so it quite often evolves in a whole bunch of unit tests and resulting in more than one bug getting discovered resp. fixed.

Disadvantages of Test Driven Development? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
What do I lose by adopting test driven design?
List only negatives; do not list benefits written in a negative form.
If you want to do "real" TDD (read: test first with the red, green, refactor steps) then you also have to start using mocks/stubs, when you want to test integration points.
When you start using mocks, after a while, you will want to start using Dependency Injection (DI) and a Inversion of Control (IoC) container. To do that you need to use interfaces for everything (which have a lot of pitfalls themselves).
At the end of the day, you have to write a lot more code, than if you just do it the "plain old way". Instead of just a customer class, you also need to write an interface, a mock class, some IoC configuration and a few tests.
And remember that the test code should also be maintained and cared for. Tests should be as readable as everything else and it takes time to write good code.
Many developers don't quite understand how to do all these "the right way". But because everybody tells them that TDD is the only true way to develop software, they just try the best they can.
It is much harder than one might think. Often projects done with TDD end up with a lot of code that nobody really understands. The unit tests often test the wrong thing, the wrong way. And nobody agrees how a good test should look like, not even the so called gurus.
All those tests make it a lot harder to "change" (opposite to refactoring) the behavior of your system and simple changes just becomes too hard and time consuming.
If you read the TDD literature, there are always some very good examples, but often in real life applications, you must have a user interface and a database. This is where TDD gets really hard, and most sources don't offer good answers. And if they do, it always involves more abstractions: mock objects, programming to an interface, MVC/MVP patterns etc., which again require a lot of knowledge, and... you have to write even more code.
So be careful... if you don't have an enthusiastic team and at least one experienced developer who knows how to write good tests and also knows a few things about good architecture, you really have to think twice before going down the TDD road.
Several downsides (and I'm not claiming there are no benefits - especially when writing the foundation of a project - it'd save a lot of time at the end):
Big time investment. For the simple case you lose about 20% of the actual implementation, but for complicated cases you lose much more.
Additional Complexity. For complex cases your test cases are harder to calculate, I'd suggest in cases like that to try and use automatic reference code that will run in parallel in the debug version / test run, instead of the unit test of simplest cases.
Design Impacts. Sometimes the design is not clear at the start and evolves as you go along - this will force you to redo your test which will generate a big time lose. I would suggest postponing unit tests in this case until you have some grasp of the design in mind.
Continuous Tweaking. For data structures and black box algorithms unit tests would be perfect, but for algorithms that tend to be changed, tweaked or fine tuned, this can cause a big time investment that one might claim is not justified. So use it when you think it actually fits the system and don't force the design to fit to TDD.
When you get to the point where you have a large number of tests, changing the system might require re-writing some or all of your tests, depending on which ones got invalidated by the changes. This could turn a relatively quick modification into a very time-consuming one.
Also, you might start making design decisions based more on TDD than on actually good design prinicipals. Whereas you may have had a very simple, easy solution that is impossible to test the way TDD demands, you now have a much more complex system that is actually more prone to mistakes.
I think the biggest problem for me is the HUGE loss of time it takes "getting in to it". I am still very much at the beginning of my journey with TDD (See my blog for updates my testing adventures if you are interested) and I have literally spent hours getting started.
It takes a long time to get your brain into "testing mode" and writing "testable code" is a skill in itself.
TBH, I respectfully disagree with Jason Cohen's comments on making private methods public, that's not what it is about. I have made no more public methods in my new way of working than before. It does, however involve architectural changes and allowing for you to "hot plug" modules of code to make everything else easier to test. You should not be making the internals of your code more accessible to do this. Otherwise we are back to square one with everything being public, where is the encapsulation in that?
So, (IMO) in a nutshell:
The amount of time taken to think (i.e. actually grok'ing testing).
The new knowledge required of knowing how to write testable code.
Understanding the architectural changes required to make code testable.
Increasing your skill of "TDD-Coder" while trying to improve all the other skills required for our glorious programming craft :)
Organising your code base to include test code without screwing your production code.
PS: If you would like links to positives, I have asked and answered several questions on it, check out my profile.
In the few years that I've been practicing Test Driven Development, I'd have to say the biggest downsides are:
Selling it to management
TDD is best done in pairs. For one, it's tough to resist the urge to just write the implementation when you KNOW how to write an if/else statement. But a pair will keep you on task because you keep him on task. Sadly, many companies/managers don't think that this is a good use of resources. Why pay for two people to write one feature, when I have two features that need to be done at the same time?
Selling it to other developers
Some people just don't have the patience for writing unit tests. Some are very proud of their work. Or, some just like seeing convoluted methods/functions bleed off the end of the screen. TDD isn't for everyone, but I really wish it were. It would make maintaining stuff so much easier for those poor souls who inherit code.
Maintaining the test code along with your production code
Ideally, your tests will only break when you make a bad code decision. That is, you thought the system worked one way, and it turns out it didn't. By breaking a test, or a (small) set of tests, this is actually good news. You know exactly how your new code will affect the system. However, if your tests are poorly written, tightly coupled or, worse yet, generated (cough VS Test), then maintaining your tests can become a choir quickly. And, after enough tests start to cause more work that the perceived value they are creating, then the tests will be the first thing to be deleted when schedules become compressed (eg. it gets to crunch time)
Writing tests so that you cover everything (100% code coverage)
Ideally, again, if you adhere to the methodology, your code will be 100% tested by default. Typically, thought, I end up with code coverage upwards of 90%. This usually happens when I have some template style architecture, and the base is tested, and I try to cut corners and not test the template customizations. Also, I have found that when I encounter a new barrier I hadn't previously encountered, I have a learning curve in testing it. I will admit to writing some lines of code the old skool way, but I really like to have that 100%. (I guess I was an over achiever in school, er skool).
However, with that I'd say that the benefits of TDD far outweigh the negatives for the simple idea that if you can achieve a good set of tests that cover your application but aren't so fragile that one change breaks them all, you will be able to keep adding new features on day 300 of your project as you did on day 1. This doesn't happen with all those who try TDD thinking it's a magic bullet to all their bug-ridden code, and so they think it can't work, period.
Personally I have found that with TDD, I write simpler code, I spend less time debating if a particular code solution will work or not, and that I have no fear to change any line of code that doesn't meet the criteria set forth by the team.
TDD is a tough discipline to master, and I've been at it for a few years, and I still learn new testing techniques all the time. It is a huge time investment up front, but, over the long term, your sustainability will be much greater than if you had no automated unit tests. Now, if only my bosses could figure this out.
On your first TDD project there are two big losses, time and personal freedom
You lose time because:
Creating a comprehensive, refactored, maintainable suite of unit and acceptance tests adds major time to the first iteration of the project. This may be time saved in the long run but equally it can be time you don't have to spare.
You need to choose and become expert in a core set of tools. A unit testing tool needs to be supplemented by some kind of mocking framework and both need to become part of your automated build system. You also want to pick and generate appropriate metrics.
You lose personal freedom because:
TDD is a very disciplined way of writing code that tends to rub raw against those at the top and bottom of the skills scale. Always writing production code in a certain way and subjecting your work to continual peer review may freak out your worst and best developers and even lead to loss of headcount.
Most Agile methods that embed TDD require that you talk to the client continually about what you propose to accomplish (in this story/day/whatever) and what the trade offs are. Once again this isn't everyone's cup of tea, both on the developers side of the fence and the clients.
Hope this helps
TDD requires you to plan out how your classes will operate before you write code to pass those tests. This is both a plus and a minus.
I find it hard to write tests in a "vacuum" --before any code has been written. In my experience I tend to trip over my tests whenever I inevitably think of something while writing my classes that I forgot while writing my initial tests. Then it's time to not only refactor my classes, but ALSO my tests. Repeat this three or four times and it can get frustrating.
I prefer to write a draft of my classes first then write (and maintain) a battery of unit tests. After I have a draft, TDD works fine for me. For example, if a bug is reported, I will write a test to exploit that bug and then fix the code so the test passes.
Prototyping can be very difficult with TDD - when you're not sure what road you're going to take to a solution, writing the tests up-front can be difficult (other than very broad ones). This can be a pain.
Honestly I don't think that for "core development" for the vast majority of projects there's any real downside, though; it's talked down a lot more than it should be, usually by people who believe their code is good enough that they don't need tests (it never is) and people who just plain can't be bothered to write them.
Well, and this stretching, you need to debug your tests. Also, there is a certain cost in time for writing the tests, though most people agree that it's an up-front investment that pays off over the lifetime of the application in both time saved debugging and in stability.
The biggest problem I've personally had with it, though, is getting up the discipline to actually write the tests. In a team, especially an established team, it can be hard to convince them that the time spent is worthwhile.
The downside to TDD is that it is usually tightly associated with 'Agile' methodology, which places no importance on documentation of a system, rather the understanding behind why a test 'should' return one specific value rather than any other resides only in the developer's head.
As soon as the developer leaves or forgets the reason that the test returns one specific value and not some other, you're screwed. TDD is fine IF it is adequately documented and surrounded by human-readable (ie. pointy-haired manager) documentation that can be referred to in 5 years when the world changes and your app needs to as well.
When I speak of documentation, this isn't a blurb in code, this is official writing that exists external to the application, such as use cases and background information that can be referred to by managers, lawyers and the poor sap who has to update your code in 2011.
I've encountered several situations where TDD makes me crazy. To name some:
Test case maintainability:
If you're in a big enterprise, many chances are that you don't have to write the test cases yourself or at least most of them are written by someone else when you enter the company. An application's features changes from time to time and if you don't have a system in place, such as HP Quality Center, to track them, you'll turn crazy in no time.
This also means that it'll take new team members a fair amount of time to grab what's going on with the test cases. In turn, this can be translated into more money needed.
Test automation complexity:
If you automate some or all of the test cases into machine-runnable test scripts, you will have to make sure these test scripts are in sync with their corresponding manual test cases and in line with the application changes.
Also, you'll spend time to debug the codes that help you catch bugs. In my opinion, most of these bugs come from the testing team's failure to reflect the application changes in the automation test script. Changes in business logic, GUI and other internal stuff can make your scripts stop running or running unreliably. Sometimes the changes are very subtle and difficult to detect. Once all of my scripts report failure because they based their calculation on information from table 1 while table 1 was now table 2 (because someone swapped the name of the table objects in the application code).
If your tests are not very thorough you might fall into a false sense of "everything works" just because you tests pass. Theoretically if your tests pass, the code is working; but if we could write code perfectly the first time we wouldn't need tests. The moral here is to make sure to do a sanity check on your own before calling something complete, don't just rely on the tests.
On that note, if your sanity check finds something that is not tested, make sure to go back and write a test for it.
The biggest problem are the people who don't know how to write proper unit tests. They write tests that depend on each other (and they work great running with Ant, but then all of sudden fail when I run them from Eclipse, just because they run in different order). They write tests that don't test anything in particular - they just debug the code, check the result, and change it into test, calling it "test1". They widen the scope of classes and methods, just because it will be easier to write unit tests for them. The code of unit tests is terrible, with all the classical programming problems (heavy coupling, methods that are 500 lines long, hard-coded values, code duplication) and is a hell to maintain. For some strange reason people treat unit tests as something inferior to the "real" code, and they don't care about their quality at all. :-(
You lose the ability to say you are "done" before testing all your code.
You lose the capability to write hundreds or thousands of lines of code before running it.
You lose the opportunity to learn through debugging.
You lose the flexibility to ship code that you aren't sure of.
You lose the freedom to tightly couple your modules.
You lose option to skip writing low level design documentation.
You lose the stability that comes with code that everyone is afraid to change.
You lose a lot of time spent writing tests. Of course, this might be saved by the end of the project by catching bugs faster.
Refocusing on difficult, unforeseen requirements is the constant bane of the programmer. Test-driven development forces you to focus on the already-known, mundane requirements, and limits your development to what has already been imagined.
Think about it, you are likely to end up designing to specific test cases, so you won't get creative and start thinking "it would be cool if the user could do X, Y, and Z". Therefore, when that user starts getting all excited about potential cool requirements X, Y, and Z, your design may be too rigidly focused on already specified test cases, and it will be difficult to adjust.
This, of course, is a double edged sword. If you spend all your time designing for every conceivable, imaginable, X, Y, and Z that a user could ever want, you will inevitably never complete anything. If you do complete something, it will be impossible for anyone (including yourself) to have any idea what you're doing in your code/design.
You will lose large classes with multiple responsibilities.
You will also likely lose large methods with multiple responsibilities.
You may lose some ability to refactor, but you will also lose some of the need to refactor.
Jason Cohen said something like:
TDD requires a certain organization for your code. This might be architecturally wrong; for example, since private methods cannot be called outside a class, you have to make methods non-private to make them testable.
I say this indicates a missed abstraction -- if the private code really needs to be tested, it should probably be in a separate class.
Dave Mann
The biggest downside is that if you really want to do TDD properly you will have to fail a lot before you succeed. Given how many software companies work (dollar per KLOC) you will eventually get fired. Even if your code is faster, cleaner, easier to maintain, and has less bugs.
If you are working in a company that pays you by the KLOCs (or requirements implemented -- even if not tested) stay away from TDD (or code reviews, or pair programming, or Continuous Integration, etc. etc. etc.).
I second the answer about initial development time. You also lose the ability to confortably work without the safety of tests. I've also been described as a TDD nutbar, so you could lose a few friends ;)
It's percieved as slower. Long term that's not true in terms of the grief it will save you down the road, but you'll end up writing more code so arguably you're spending time on "testing not coding". It's a flawed argument, but you did ask!
It can be hard and time consuming writing tests for "random" data like XML-feeds and databases (not that hard). I've spent some time lately working with weather data feeds. It's quite confusing writing tests for that, at least as i don't have too much experience with TDD.
You have to write applications in a different way: one which makes them testable. You'd be surprised how difficult this is at first.
Some people find the concept of thinking about what they're going to write before they write it too hard. Concepts such as mocking can be difficult for some too. TDD in legacy apps can be very difficult if they weren't designed for testing. TDD around frameworks that are not TDD friendly can also be a struggle.
TDD is a skill so junior devs may struggle at first (mainly because they haven't been taught to work this way).
Overall though the cons become solved as people become skilled and you end up abstracting away the 'smelly' code and have a more stable system.
unit test are more code to write, thus a higher upfront cost of development
it is more code to maintain
additional learning required
Good answers all. I would add a few ways to avoid the dark side of TDD:
I've written apps to do their own randomized self-test. The problem with writing specific tests is even if you write lots of them they only cover the cases you think of. Random-test generators find problems you didn't think of.
The whole concept of lots of unit tests implies that you have components that can get into invalid states, like complex data structures. If you stay away from complex data structures there's a lot less to test.
To the extent your application allows it, be shy of design that relies on the proper ordering of notifications, events and side-effects. Those can easily get dropped or scrambled so they need a lot of testing.
Let me add that if you apply BDD principles to a TDD project, you can alleviate a few of the major drawbacks listed here (confusion, misunderstandings, etc.). If you're not familiar with BDD, you should read Dan North's introduction. He came up the concept in answer to some of the issues that arose from applying TDD at the workplace. Dan's intro to BDD can be found here.
I only make this suggestion because BDD addresses some of these negatives and acts as a gap-stop. You'll want to consider this when collecting your feedback.
It takes some time to get into it and some time to start doing it in a project but... I always regret not doing a Test Driven approach when I find silly bugs that an automated test could have found very fast. In addition, TDD improves code quality.
You have to make sure your tests are always up to date, the moment you start ignoring red lights is the moment the tests become meaningless.
You also have to make sure the tests are comprehensive, or the moment a big bug appears, the stuffy management type you finally convinced to let you spend time writing more code will complain.
The person who taught my team agile development didn't believe in planning, you only wrote as much for the tiniest requirement.
His motto was refactor, refactor, refactor. I came to understand that refactor meant 'not planning ahead'.
Development time increases : Every method needs testing, and if you have a large application with dependencies you need to prepare and clean your data for tests.
TDD requires a certain organization for your code. This might be inefficient or difficult to read. Or even architecturally wrong; for example, since private methods cannot be called outside a class, you have to make methods non-private to make them testable, which is just wrong.
When code changes, you have to change the tests as well. With refactoring this can be a
lot of extra work.