More efficient way to reuse vector as array in winsock? - c++

I'm currently using vectors as c-style arrays to send and recieve data through Winsock.
I have a std::vector and I'm using that as my 'byte array'.
The problem is, I'm using two vectors, one for each send, and one for each recv, but what I'm doing seems to be fairly inefficient.
std::string EndBody("\r\n.\r\n");
SendData just calls send the appropriate amount of times and ensures everything works as it should.
Anyway. Unless I zero out the vector before each use I get errors with stuff overlapping. Is there a more efficient way for me to do what I'm doing? Because it seems that zeroing out the entire buffer on each call is horribly inefficient.

you can use m_SendBuffer.clear()
otherwise the end() method would not know what is the real size of the buffer.
clear() is not a very expensive method to call. Unless you're working on some 486 or something it shouldn't affect your performances

Seems like the other posters are focusing on the cost of clearing the buffer, or the size of the buffer. Yet you don't really need to clear or zero out the whole buffer, or know its size, for what you're doing. The 'errors with stuff overlapping' is a problem with SendData, that you've not posted the code for. Presumably SendData doesn't know how much of the buffer it needs to send unless the data within it is zero-terminated. if that assumption is correct, all you have to do is zero-terminate the data correctly.
m_SendBuffer[EndBody.size()] = 0;

Wouldn't calling clear mean the vector gets a new size of 0? If the OP is using the vector as a large chunk of memory then they'd have to then call resize after clear to ensure the appropriate space is available for calls to send and recv.
Calling clear then resize on the vector would be around the same as just filling it with zeros would it not?

As far as I understand the STL docs, calling clear simply sets the .end() value to be the same as .begin() and sets size to zero,which is instant.
It doesn't change the amount of memory allocated or where the memory is (any iterator will obviously be invalid, but the data tends to linger!). The .capacity() doesn't change and neither does the data stored there, as you have already discovered. If you are always using .begin() .end() and STL iterators to access the area this won't matter.
Don't forget, method variables of a class aren't initialised unless you include them in your initialisation list. Adding m_SendBuffer(BUFSIZE,0) there might do the trick.


Most efficient way to write a buffer

I have to write an audio buffer that is filled/read progressively.
For now i'm using
when read_samples samples have been read from the buffer (I have to clear it to free RAM).
But I know erase() is very expensive so what alternative do I have, considering I basically only have to move the pointer to the first element of my buffer and free the beginning ?
std::deque appears to be a container that's best suited for something like this. std::deque is a random access container, like std::vector, but has (amortized) constant insertion and deletion complexity at the beginning of the container, unlike std::vector (and at the end of the container as well).
Finally I'm still using
as it's really efficient : the erasing is done in one chunk, and the data left is relocated at the beginning of my vector, thus no pointer changes.
Don't use C++ for this. Write it in C, which is of course also a subset of C++.
The buffer consists of a region of memory, and two pointers, one to the start position, one to the end. When data comes in, you add it to the end pointer, until you wrap. When data goes out, you increment the read pointer. You never need to delete or erase data. If the buffer overflows, likely that means something has gone wrong and you need to shut down the system - expanding it will just prolong the crash process.

Buffer overrun with STL vector

I am copying the contents of one STL vector to another.
The program is something like this
std::vector<uint_8> l_destVector(100); //Just for illustration let us take the size as 100.
std::vector<uint_8> l_sourceVector; //Let us assume that source vector is already populated.
memcpy(,, l_sourceVector.size() );
The above example is pretty simplistic but in my actual code the size
of destination vector is dynamically calculated.
Also the source vector is getting populated dynamically making it possible to have different length of data.
Hence it increases the chance of buffer overrun.
The problem I faced is my program is not crashing at the point of memcpy when there is a buffer overrun but sometime later making it hard to debug.
How do we explain this behavior?
Based on the responses I am editing the question to make my concern more understandable.
So, this is a legacy code and there are lot of places where vector has been copied using memcpy, and we do not intend to change the existing code. My main concern here is "Should memcpy not guarantee immediate crash, if not why ?", I would honestly admit that this is not very well written code.
A brief illustration of actual use is as follows.
In the below method, i_DDRSPDBuffer and i_dataDQBuffer where generated based on some logic in the calling method.
o_dataBuffer was assigned a memory space that would have been sufficient to take the data from two input buffers, but some recent changes in method that calls updateSPDDataToRecordPerDimm, is causing overrun in one of the flows.
typedef std::vector<uint8_t> DataBufferHndl;
errHdl_t updateSPDDataToRecordPerDimm(
dimmContainerIterator_t i_spdMmap,
const DataBufferHndl & i_DDRSPDBuffer,
const DataBufferHndl & i_dataDQBuffer,
DataBufferHndl & o_dataBuffer)
uint16_t l_dimmSPDBytes = (*i_spdMmap).second.dimmSpdBytes;
// Get the Data Buffer Handle for the input and output vectors
uint8_t * l_pOutLDimmSPDData =;
const uint8_t * l_pInDDRSPDData =;
const uint8_t * l_pInDQData =;
memcpy(l_pOutLDimmSPDData, l_pInDDRSPDData, l_dimmSPDBytes);
memcpy(l_pOutLDimmSPDData + l_dimmSPDBytes,
memcpy(l_pOutLDimmSPDData ,
l_pInDQData, LDIMM_DQ_DATA_BYTES); ====> Expecting the crash here but the crash happens some where after the method updateSPDDataToRecordPerDimm returns.
It doesn't have to crash, it's undefined behaviour.
If you had used std::copy instead with std::vector<uint_8>::iterators in debug mode, you probably would've hit an assertion which would've caught it.
Do not do that! It will eventually bite you.
Use either std::copy and and output_iterator, or since you know the size of the destination, resize the vector to the correct size or create a vector of the correct size and pipe the contents straight in, or simply the assignment operator.
It doesn't crash right at the moment of memcpy because you 'only' overwrite the memory behind the allocated vector. As long as your program does not read from that corrupt memory and use the data, your program will continue to run.
As already mentioned before, using memcpy is not the recommended way to copy the contents of stl containers. You'd be on the safe side with
And in both cases you'd also get the aforementioned iterator debugging which will trigger close to the point where the error actually is.

Efficiently collect data from multiple 1-D arrays in to a single 1-D array

I've got a prewritten function in C that fills an 1-D array with data, e.g.
int myFunction(myData **arr,...);
myData *array;
int arraySize;
arraySize = myFunction(&arr, ...);
I would like to call the function n times in a row with slightly different parameters (n is dependent on user input), and I need all the data collected in a single C array afterwards. The size of the returned array is not always fixed. Oh, and myFunction does the memory allocation internally. I want to do this in a memory-efficient way, but using realloc in each iteration does not sound like a good idea.
I do have all the C++ functionality available (the project is in C++, just using a C library), but using std::vector is no good because the collected data is later sent in to a function with a definition similar to:
void otherFunction(myData *data, int numData, ...);
Any ideas? Only things I can think of are realloc or using a std::vector and copying the data into an array afterwards, and those don't sound too promising.
Using realloc() in each iteration sounds like a very fine idea to me, for two reasons:
"does not sound like a good idea" is what people usually say when they have not established a performance requirement for their software, and they have not tested their software against the performance requirement to see if there is any need to improve it.
Instead of reallocating a new block each time, the realloc method will simply keep expanding your memory block which will presumably be at the top of the memory heap, so it won't be wasting any time either traversing memory block lists, or copying data around. This holds true provided that whatever memory allocated by myFunction() gets freed before it returns. You can verify it by looking at the pointer returned by realloc() and seeing that it always (or almost always(*1)) is the exact same pointer as the one you gave it to reallocate.
EDIT (*1) some C++ runtimes implement two heaps, one for small allocations and one for large allocations, so if your block gets allocated in the heap for small blocks, and then it grows large, there is a possibility that it will be moved once to the heap for large blocks. So, don't expect the pointer to always be the same; just most of the time.
Just copy all of the data into an std::vector. You can call otherFunction on a vector v with
otherFunction(&v[0], v.size(), ...)
otherFunction(, v.size(), ...)
As for your efficiency requirement: it looks to me like your optimizing prematurely. First try this option, then measure how fast it is and only look for other solutions if it's really too slow.
If you know that you are going to call the function N times, and returned arrays are always M long, then why don't you just allocate one array M*N initially? Or if you don't know one of M or N, then set a worst case maximum. Or are M and N both dependent on user-input?
Then, change how you call your user-input-getting function, such that the array pointer you pass it is actually an offset into that large array, so that it stores the data in the right location. Then, next iteration, offset further, and call again.
I think best solution would be to write your own 1D array class with some methods which you need.
depending on how you write the class you'll get such result. (sorry bad grammar)..

Resizable char buffer container type for C++

I'm using libcurl (HTTP transfer library) with C++ and trying to download files from remote HTTP servers. As file is downloaded, my callback function is called multiple times (e.g. every 10 kb) to send me buffer data.
Basically I need something like "string bufer", a data structure to append char buffer to existing string. In C, I allocate (malloc) a char* and then as new buffers come, I realloc and then memcpy so that I can easily copy my buffer to resized array.
In C, there are multiple solutions to achieve this.
I can keep using malloc, realloc, memcpy but I'm pretty sure that they are not recommended in C++.
I can use vector<char>.
I can use stringstream.
My use cases is, I'll append a few thousands of items (chars) at a time, and after it all finishes (download is completed), I will read all of it at once. But I may need options like seek in the future (easy to achieve in array solution (1)) but it is low priority now.
What should I use?
I'd go for stringstream. Just insert into it as you recieve the data, and when you're done you can extract a full std::string from it. I don't see why you'd want to seek into an array? Anyway, if you know the block size, you can calculate where in the string the corresponding block went.
I'm not sure if many will agree with this, but for that use case I would actually use a linked list, with each node containing an arbitrarily large array of char that were allocated using new. My reasoning being:
Items are added in large chunks at a time, one at a time at the back.
I assume this could use quite a large amount of space, so you avoid reallocation events when a vector would otherwise need more space.
Since items are read sequentially, the penalty of link lists being unidirectional doesn't affect you.
Should Seeking through the list become a priority, this wouldn't work though. If it's not a lot of data ultimately, I honestly think a vector would be fine, dispite not being the most efficient structure.
If you just need to append char buffers, you can also simply use std::string and the member function append. On top of that stringstream gives you formatting, functionality, so you can add numbers, padding etc., but from your description you appear not to need that.
I would use vector<char>. But they will all work even with a seek, so your question is really one of style and there are no definitive answers there.
I think I'd use a deque<char>. Same interface as vector, and vector would do, but vector needs to copy the whole data each time an append exceeds its existing capacity. Growth is exponential, but you'd still expect about log N reallocations, where N is the number of equal-sized blocks of data you append. Deque doesn't reallocate, so it's the container of choice in cases where a vector would need to reallocate several times.
Assuming the callback is handed a char* buffer and length, the code to copy and append the data is simple enough:
mydeque.insert(mydeque.end(), buf, buf + len);
To get a string at the end, if you want one:
std::string mystring(mydeque.begin(), mydeque.end());
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by seek, but obviously deque can be accessed by index or iterator, same as vector.
Another possibility, though, is that if you expect a content-length at the start of the download, you could use a vector and reserve() enough space for the data before you start, which avoids reallocation. That depends on what HTTP requests you're making, and to what servers, since some HTTP responses will use chunked encoding and won't provide the size up front.
Create your own Buffer class to abstract away the details of the storage. If I were you I would likely implement the buffer based on std::vector<char>.

Using read() directly into a C++ std:vector

I'm wrapping up user space linux socket functionality in some C++ for an embedded system (yes, this is probably reinventing the wheel again).
I want to offer a read and write implementation using a vector.
Doing the write is pretty easy, I can just pass &myvec[0] and avoid unnecessary copying. I'd like to do the same and read directly into a vector, rather than reading into a char buffer then copying all that into a newly created vector.
Now, I know how much data I want to read, and I can allocate appropriately (vec.reserve()). I can also read into &myvec[0], though this is probably a VERY BAD IDEA. Obviously doing this doesn't allow myvec.size to return anything sensible. Is there any way of doing this that:
Doesn't completely feel yucky from a safety/C++ perspective
Doesn't involve two copies of the data block - once from kernel to user space and once from a C char * style buffer into a C++ vector.
Use resize() instead of reserve(). This will set the vector's size correctly -- and after that, &myvec[0] is, as usual, guaranteed to point to a continguous block of memory.
Edit: Using &myvec[0] as a pointer to the underlying array for both reading and writing is safe and guaranteed to work by the C++ standard. Here's what Herb Sutter has to say:
So why do people continually ask whether the elements of a std::vector (or std::array) are stored contiguously? The most likely reason is that they want to know if they can cough up pointers to the internals to share the data, either to read or to write, with other code that deals in C arrays. That’s a valid use, and one important enough to guarantee in the standard.
I'll just add a short clarification, because the answer was already given. resize() with argument greater than current size will add elements to the collection and default - initialize them. If You create
std::vector<unsigned char> v;
and then resize
All unsigned chars will get initialized to 0. Btw You can do the same with a constructor
std::vector<unsigned char> v(someSize);
So theoretically it may be a little bit slower than a raw array, but if the alternative is to copy the array anyway, it's better.
Reserve only prepares the memory, so that there is no reallocation needed, if new elements are added to the collection, but You can't access that memory.
You have to get an information about the number of element written to Your vector. The vector won't know anything about it.
Assuming it's a POD struct, call resize rather than reserve. You can define an empty default constructor if you really don't want the data zeroed out before you fill the vector.
It's somewhat low level, but the semantics of construction of POD structs is purposely murky. If memmove is allowed to copy-construct them, I don't see why a socket-read shouldn't.
EDIT: ah, bytes, not a struct. Well, you can use the same trick, and define a struct with just a char and a default constructor which neglects to initialize it… if I'm guessing correctly that you care, and that's why you wanted to call reserve instead of resize in the first place.
If you want the vector to reflect the amount of data read, call resize() twice. Once before the read, to give yourself space to read into. Once again after the read, to set the size of the vector to the number of bytes actually read. reserve() is no good, since calling reserve doesn't give you permission to access the memory allocated for the capacity.
The first resize() will zero the elements of the vector, but this is unlikely to create much of a performance overhead. If it does then you could try Potatoswatter's suggestion, or you could give up on the size of the vector reflecting the size of the data read, and instead just resize() it once, then re-use it exactly as you would an allocated buffer in C.
Performance-wise, if you're reading from a socket in user mode, most likely you can easily handle data as fast as it comes in. Maybe not if you're connecting to another machine on a gigabit LAN, or if your machine is frequently running 100% CPU or 100% memory bandwidth. A bit of extra copying or memsetting is no big deal if you are eventually going to block on a read call anyway.
Like you, I'd want to avoid the extra copy in user-space, but not for performance reasons, just because if I don't do it, I don't have to write the code for it...