Where can I find an example burn-down / planning game template? [closed] - templates

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'd like to experiment with burn-down and planning game with the team I'm on. People on my team are interested in making it happen, however I'm sure someone has done this before and has learned some lessons we hopefully don't have to repeat. Does anyone know of an example Excel (or other tool) template available for burn-down or planning game activities?

This MSDN Blog article Has quite a good review of using burndowns in combination with Cumulative Flow Diagrams which fleshes out the diagrams even more. In the resources links at the bottom of the article there is a link to the Microsoft Scrum kit which has a pre-built excel file.

yes I answered this somewhere else but we use tools just to generate burndown charts.
Like this one: http://www.burndown-charts.com
For the rest, a real board, some post-its and good will do wonders.
And for that tool they also manage teams and allow readonly view of the chart so you can show it to your manager:D .


Types of techniques used in each testing method [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have been research on what is unit testing, integration testing and system testing.
I am writing a thesis on an exam system I am creating using php, jquery, javascript and mysqli programming. It is basically an exam system which connects to the database where the teachers are able to create exams and students take the created exams.
Anyway what my question is that does anyone have an examples or know any useful websites of different techniques to use to be able to fulfil these types of testing methods. If you can name these procedures then I will be more than happy to research those methods and be able to include those in my testing methods in my thesis.
When you provide an example or name the techniques, can you state if they are either unit testing, integration testing and system testing.
Thank you very much :)
Take a look at that, I think it will be helpful for you: http://www.istqb.org/downloads
Go to Foundation Level Documents -> Foundation Level Syllabus (2011)

Open Source customer review system in Django, or any other Python framework [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to implement an opinion or customer review system, kind of Disqus, or comments for models in Django, with some extra work on processing this reviews.
I have been googling and searching in github for hours, some platform for working with customer reviews, opinions or comments.
Seems like there is a big controversy about comments native in Django. I have read many good, but many bad things so far.
I am wondering if some of you guys know something similar to Disqus but open source.
I am searching some open source platform, because there is a lot of work to do(in which actually I am working) based on processing the reviews and analyzing them and I wanted to cut off the time for developing from scratch the whole system for managing users and reviews, and focus on the text analytics part.
Any opinion is welcomed!
Take a look at askbot (disclaimer - I am co-founder and developer of the askbot project).
Askbot is a Q&A system like this site, only open source and more flexible and has better support of email. Our project is still work in progress but we are moving quite fast.

Coldfusion Video tutorials [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am pretty much interested in learning coldfusion technology.However the text based guide though wonderful seems to be monotonous at times and i frequently lose focus.Even though i have developed my skill in coldfusion with the textual guide i would suggest to come up with video tutorials that will grab prgramers interest.Adobe is on way to bring cf 10 and 11.How about with video tutorials??
Or else if there is any video tutorials available plz provide a link for the same.
Consider this as my suggestion.
Here they are, AFAIK only CF related video training available:
From Lynda : http://www.lynda.com/ColdFusion-training-tutorials/174-0.html
From VTC : http://www.vtc.com/products/Adobe-ColdFusion-8-Advanced-Tutorials.htm
After you get grip over basics, knock yourself out with HUGE library of how-tos and meetings over at http://www.meetup.com/coldfusionmeetup/messages/boards/
Good luck. :)

Good TTCN-3 resources [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Does anyone know any good resources for learning TTCN-3?
All I've seen (through Google) is either toy demos that does not implement real codecs to a real language (i.e. no test adaptors so that your test cases actually talks to the networ), or the ETSI language references which are dry and not exactly helpful for someone to learn to navigate an existing test system.
Try this book, An Introduction to TTCN-3, http://amzn.com/0470663065
I started with this: http://ttcn-3.net/tutorial.html, there's a complete test case example, explained step by step and its implementation in C#.
Here you have some documentation from the TRex TTCN-3 refactoring and metrics tool

Which open-source C++ database GUI project should I help with? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am looking for an open-source project involving c++ GUI(s) working with a database. I have not done it before, and am looking for a way to get my feet wet. Which can I work on?
How about this one http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlitebrowser/:
SQLite Database browser is a light GUI editor for SQLite databases, built on top of QT. The main goal of the project is to allow non-technical users to create, modify and edit SQLite databases using a set of wizards and a spreadsheet-like interface.
Do a project you can get involved in and passionate about. Hopefully a product you use every day.
Anything that you like and feel that you can contribute to.
In my brief experience contributing to an open-source project, I found two points keep me contributing:
Great people - the other people contributing were fun to collaborate with and hang out with (virtually).
Project you care about - doesn't really matter which project as long as the its goals are something you want to spend your free time working on.
Sourceforge has a help wanted page: http://sourceforge.net/people/
browse the postings to see if a project is in your expertise or find one that sound interesting...
And let me be the first to say thank you for being willing to contribute your time and knowlede to the open source movement.