How do you block selected applications from accessing the internet (C++, Win32) - c++

I want to have an application or service that is running that, on some schedule, can disable access to the internet for all applications except for specific ones.
I'm trying to create a filter that can be turned on or off under programmatic control. Not just IP addresses and ports, but I want to be able to block specific applications as well, much like Zone Alarm and other software firewalls let you block.
For example, iexplore.exe, skype.exe, firefox.exe, aim.exe. But still need to allow other applications to connect as needed.
It has to work on Vista as well as XP, but I kind of expect that the method will be different on each of those platforms.
Basically, the filter has to tie the network communication back to the executable that is making the request and then allow or deny it.
On Vista at least, it looks like I want to use filters in the ALE layers of the WFP.
On XP, I'm still looking for the best way to do it. Do I really need to be writing device drivers and dealing with kernel stuff? I'm just a lowly application developer. Kill me now.
Update 2:
Currently looking at the PfCreateInterface and related Pf* API's for pre-Vista systems.

You can change both Vista and XP's firewall policies dynamically using the INetFwAuthorizedApplications interface from the Windows Firewall API.
Also see this question.

You'll have to write a device driver that filters traffic based on the executable requesting the traffic.

by limiting its access to internet using firewall. go to firewall setting advanced tab (win 7)
and do that

I'm not sure, but I think you'd need to do it by getting the program to run as a user that has limited permissions, the question is, can you make a user account that stops such things?

You'll need to redirect all (or at least many) calls to the WinSock API functions of any running program to your own replacement functions. That means getting into the memory of each running program and hijacking those functions, which is an... interesting... exercise. :-)
That might be enough of a pointer to get you started, or at least to suggest some more specific questions to ask.

Could you move aside (ie rename) the system's winsock DLL and replace it with your own ?
Yours should provide the same API, but check the the process name of incoming requests... return an error code to blocked applications and forward the calls from allowed apps onto the real DLL.


Windows API for DNS change notification

I am looking for a way to receive a notification whenever the configured DNS server address of a network interface changes, using native Windows APIs (C/C++). For both performance and reaction time reasons, I'd obviously want to avoid polling.
There is, for example, the NotifyIpInterfaceChange API in Iphlpapi.dll. In my tests, it reliably triggers a notification when the host's IP address, subnet mask, or default gateway changes, but not at all when only the DNS addresses change.
My only "solution" up to this point is using WMI event queries, but it actually polls in the background, so to avoid hogging down the system, the polling interval (WQL WITHIN clause) needs to be set to several seconds, which results in a long and annoying delay for my application. Also, for various reasons (which are not the topic of this discussion), I prefer to avoid WMI usage anyway, resorting to it only when there is no other way.
Actual credit for this answer should go to RbMm, but he's not posting the answer and seems to have gone MIA.
To receive DNS change notifications, the only non-polling solution seems to be using the RegNotifyChangeKeyValue WinApi to monitor for changes under the HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip[6]\Parameters\Interfaces key. Note that there's separate Tcpip and Tcpip6 keys for IPv4 and IPv6 respectively. Anyway, I've implemented and thoroughly tested the solution since the original suggestion and it works without problems.
A semi-related warning: RegNotifyChangeKeyValue has its non-intuitive peculiarities, and it is unlike most other notification APIs, so be sure to study its docs.

c++ Windows automatically detect proxy settings

I have a C++ program which I want to use on my clients machines. However, some of my clients are behind proxies. Therefore, I want my program to automatically detect these proxies.
I have tried many solutions, such as reading the registry for the proxy settings, trying the Windows API's, etc.
However none of them have worked out well. E.g. the registry sometimes holds the url for the PAC-file and sometimes the actual proxy-address itself. Besides that, I haven't been able to find any username and password related to the proxy if it is set on the client machine (which some users say they have).
So, basically my question is:
How can I automatically determine the proxy settings of my clients in C++ so I can use the proxy-settings in my LibCurl requests later on regarding:
I can't get it to work and I have been trying it for two weeks now without any improvement...
You can not read proxy setting in a generic way, since every application is free to store it in any way it wants. You should be able to read Internet Explorer proxy by using WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser function, and it would also work for users browsers which use this setting, like Google Chrome.
How can I automatically determine the proxy settings of my clients in C++ so I can use the proxy-settings in my LibCurl requests?
libproxy is the answer!
Libproxy home page on GitHub
Libproxy repo on GitHub
It has these features according to the home page:
support for all major platforms: Windows, Mac and Linux/UNIX (see upcoming 0.4 release)
extremely small core footprint
no external dependencies within libproxy core (libproxy plugins may have dependencies)
only 3 functions in the stable-ish external API (1.0 will offer full stability)
dynamic adjustment to changing network topology
a standard way of dealing with proxy settings across all scenarios
a sublime sense of joy and accomplishment

How to discover all other instances of my application on the local Windows network?

We want to add a 'collaborative' feature to our application, so our program should be able to automatically discover all other instances of itself that are running on the same local network, without needing any extra configuration from the users.
Our application runs on Windows, so it can use any APIs provided by the OS. We are assuming a network typical for a small business, a couple of Windows PCs, some routers, etc.
Also, will there be problems with anti-viruses, firewalls, and such? We don't want to scare our users.
You can send broadcast packets for that but that only works within a single subnet (actually apparently a "broadcast domain" but it's usually the subnet). If you just try every IP you can think of you might trigger firewall pop-ups that suggest that your software is trying to hack the computer. I think the best way is to use broadcast for the current subnet and offer a user interface for adding other hosts.

Blocking all Windows Internet access from a Win32 app

What would be the simplest way for an application I'm writing to block all Internet access on a Windows machine?
More details:
Windows: XP or higher
Application: A basic Win32 app written in C/C++.
Blocking: It needs to be able to block and unblock at will, ideally in a way that the user can't easily reverse. (By, say, right clicking on a network connection icon in the system tray.) Also, ideally, I'd like the method it uses to allow access to be restored should the user restart Windows or reset the machine, though I'd also be willing to have the app auto launch with Windows and unblock access upon startup if the machine was reset while in a blocked state.
Internet access: Primarily, I'd like to block conventional browsers from hitting conventional http/https sites. Secondarily, it would be nice to block IM clients and client-side social networking apps. It would also be nice, but not required, to still allow local networking for file sharing, etc. (Note that only the first requirement is absolute.)
Final notes: This is not meant to be a security utility, nor will its relationship to the user be adversarial (as, for example, with a parental control utility) so it's not important for it to use a scheme that can't be worked around by a determined user. (Consider that I intend for a reboot or reset to clear the blocking. This means that any workaround a user might discover that would take more effort than this is okay.)
p.s. I suspect that the Windows Firewall API won't work for me because this needs to work for users that haven't enabled the firewall or don't have admin privileges, but I'll be thrilled if I'm corrected on this.
It sounds like you're intending to run applications that you don't want to access the internet. Perhaps you could run them inside a virtual machine such as VirtualBox with networking disabled.
You could do it with a Winsock SPI. The Windows SDK has a sample (under Samples\netds\winsock\lsp) which implements what is called a layered service provider which allows you to hook all the user mode functions provided by Winsock and reject/modify the calls to block network access or redirect traffic to different locations. All installed winsock applications will be affected, so in your code you could have policys for what applications can go out and the like and disabled/enable on the fly. Now a determined person could find ways around this but it would be a pain.
That said this isn't trivial to do but the sample should get you most of the way there.
You cannot effectively or practically write your tool with only a user mode application.
What you need to write is a network I/O stack filter driver. This done by writing a Windows Driver. This is different from a Windows Win32 application. Drivers run in kernel mode and applications run in user mode.
On Windows Vista and later, the kernel mode Network Programming Interface (NPI) is designed for this. This is the same API that Windows Firewalls use. These are sometimes called the Winsock kernel (WSK) APIs.
In effect, you are writing a network firewall (more or less)
here are some links
Introduction to Winsock Kernel (WSK)
Windows Core Networking Blog
The Network Programming Interface Docs on MSDN
Note, your will likely need at least two components
Your driver
A Graphical application that a person can use to control your tool
If you want to do any monitoring, you will likely need a user mode service that collects data from your driver. This works better than trying to do this in the driver. In general, you should do the minimal amount of work in the driver.
A few notes:
You need to be very conscious of security when writing this kind of software. This is very much non trivial. Software that is network facing has the highest security requirements.
Be cognizant of performance.
Your driver and/or service must be aware of the context of a calling application. This is also a security boundary. For example, an application not running as administrator should not be able to control your driver.
take a look at firewall sourcecodes

Wait for certain website to be accessed

My objective is to have an event that is triggered when a website is accessed.
Now, maybe through the window title, or the text in the window. Or maybe even reading a URL.
As of now I am aware of FindWindow (class,title);
However all attempts to put this line of code into a loop and it's exit condition being when the window appears have been fruitless.
Any assistance would be very helpful.
That's not possible. At least if I understood you correctly.
You want to register a callback when ANY software on your machine accesses a specific website?
Just imagine a browser uses SSL, there is no way to detect this by listening to the traffic or something similar.
However, if you want to be notified about all connections to a specific IP, then you could use sniffing mechanisms of your kernel or even redirect all traffic to this IP to a proxy you have set up with iptables or similar.
Windows has a sniffing library called WinPCap, on linux you could use tcpdump.
Though, more information about your problem would be nice.
Looking for window titles can be a bit problematic. I don't know how much control you have over the desktop, but you might consider building an addon for Firefox (or the equivalent in IE) to look for this particular site.
You might also consider building a simple local proxy server (depending on what you are doing) that looks for this site and performs some action. You would have to make sure all the browsers on the machine point to this local proxy to get it working correctly. See the link below for some discussion on a custom proxy server:
How to create a simple proxy in C#?