compact representation and delivery of point data - compression

I have an array of point data, the values of points are represented as x co-ordinate and y co-ordinate.
These points could be in the range of 500 upto 2000 points or more.
The data represents a motion path which could range from the simple to very complex and can also have cusps in it.
Can I represent this data as one spline or a collection of splines or some other format with very tight compression.
I have tried representing them as a collection of beziers but at best I am getting a saving of 40 %.
For instance if I have an array of 500 points , that gives me 500 x and 500 y values so I have 1000 data pieces.
I around 100 quadratic beziers from this. each bezier is represented as controlx, controly, anchorx, anchory.
which gives me 100 x 4 = 400 pcs of data.
So input = 1000pcs , output = 400pcs.
I would like to further tighen this, any suggestions?

By its nature, spline is an approximation. You can reduce the number of splines you use to reach a higher compression ratio.
You can also achieve lossless compression by using some kind of encoding scheme. I am just making this up as I am typing, using the range example in previous answer (1000 for x and 400 for y),
Each point only needs 19 bits (10 for x, 9 for y). You can use 3 bytes to represent a coordinate.
Use 2 byte to represent displacement up to +/- 63.
Use 1 byte to represent short displacement up to +/- 7 for x, +/- 3 for y.
To decode the sequence properly, you would need some prefix to identify the type of encoding. Let's say we use 110 for full point, 10 for displacement and 0 for short displacement.
The bit layout will look like this,
Coordinates: 110xxxxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyyy
Dislacement: 10xxxxxxxyyyyyyy
Short Displacement: 0xxxxyyy
Unless your sequence is totally random, you can easily achieve high compression ratio with this scheme.
Let's see how it works using a short example.
3 points: A(500, 400), B(550, 380), C(545, 381)
Let's say you were using 2 byte for each coordinate. It will take 16 bytes to encode this without compression.
To encode the sequence using the compression scheme,
A is first point so full coordinate will be used. 3 bytes.
B's displacement from A is (50, -20) and can be encoded as displacement. 2 bytes.
C's displacement from B is (-5, 1) and it fits the range of short displacement 1 byte.
So you save 10 bytes out of 16 bytes. Real compression ratio is totally depending on the data pattern. It works best on points forming a moving path. If the points are random, only 25% saving can be achieved.

If for example you use 32-bit integers for point coords and there is range limit, like x: 0..1000, y:0..400, you can pack (x, y) into a single 32-bit variable.
That way you achieve another 50% compression.

You could do a frequency analysis of the numbers you are trying to encode and use varying bit lengths to represent them, of course here I am vaguely describing Huffman coding

Firstly, only keep enough decimal points in your data that you actually need. Removing these would reduce your accuracy, but its a calculated loss. To do that, try converting your number to a string, locating the dot's position, and cutting of those many characters from the end. That could process faster than math, IMO. Lastly you can convert it back to a number.
150.234636746 -> "150.234636746" -> "150.23" -> 150.23
Secondly, try storing your data relative to the last number ("relative values"). Basically subtract the last number from this one. Then later to "decompress" it you can keep an accumulator variable and add them up.
150, 200, 250 -> 150, 50, 50


Linear interpolation of two vector arrays with different lengths

I have two curves. One handdrawn and one is a smoothed version of the handdrawn.
The data of each curve is stored in 2 seperate vector arrays.
Time Delta is also stored in the handdrawn curve vector, so i can replay the drawing process and so that it looks natural.
Now i need to transfer the Time Delta from Curve 1 (Raw input) to Curve 2 (already smoothed curve).
Sometimes the size of the first vector is larger and sometimes smaller than the second vector.
(Depends on the input draw speed)
So my question is: How do i fill vector PenSmoot.time with the correct values?
Case 1: Input vector is larger
PenInput.time[0] = 0 PenSmoot.time[0] = 0
PenInput.time[1] = 5 PenSmoot.time[1] = ?
PenInput.time[2] = 12 PenSmoot.time[2] = ?
PenInput.time[3] = 2 PenSmoot.time[3] = ?
PenInput.time[4] = 50 PenSmoot.time[4] = ?
PenInput.time[5] = 100
PenInput.time[6] = 20
PenInput.time[7] = 3
PenInput.time[8] = 9
PenInput.time[9] = 33
Case 2: Input vector is smaller
PenInput.time[0] = 0 PenSmoot.time[0] = 0
PenInput.time[1] = 5 PenSmoot.time[1] = ?
PenInput.time[2] = 12 PenSmoot.time[2] = ?
PenInput.time[3] = 2 PenSmoot.time[3] = ?
PenInput.time[4] = 50 PenSmoot.time[4] = ?
PenSmoot.time[5] = ?
PenSmoot.time[6] = ?
PenSmoot.time[7] = ?
PenSmoot.time[8] = ?
PenSmoot.time[9] = ?
Simplyfied representation:
PenInput holds the whole data of a drawn curve (Raw Input)
PenInput.x // X coordinate)
PenInput.y // Y coordinate)
PenInput.pressure // The pressure of the pen)
PenInput.timetotl // Total elapsed time)
PenInput.timepart // Time fragments)
PenSmoot holds the data of the massaged (smoothed,evenly distributed) curve of PenInput
PenSmoot.x // X coordinate)
PenSmoot.y // Y coordinate)
PenSmoot.pressure // Unknown - The pressure of the pen)
PenSmoot.timetotl // Unknown - Total elapsed time)
PenSmoot.timepart // Unknown - Time fragments)
This is the struct that i have.
struct Pencil
sf::VertexArray vertices;
std::vector<int> pressure;
std::vector<sf::Int32> timetotl;
std::vector<sf::Int32> timepart;
[This answer has been extensively revised based on editing to the question.]
Okay, it seems to me that you just about need to interpolate the time stamps in parallel with the points.
I'm going to guess that the incoming data is something on the order of an array of points (e.g., X, Y coordinates) and an array of time deltas with the same number of each, so time-delta N tells you the time it took to get from point N-1 to point N.
When you interpolate the points, you're probably going to want to do it intelligently. For example, in the shape shown in the question, we have what look like two nearly straight lines, one with positive slope, and the other with negative slope. According to the picture, that's composed of 263 points. We could reduce that to three points and still have a fairly reasonable representation of the original shape by choosing the two end-points plus one point where the two lines meet.
We probably don't need to go quite that far though. Especially taking time into account, we'd probably want to use at least 7 points for the output--one for each end-point of each colored segment. That would give us 6 straight line segments. Let's say those are at points 0, 30, 140, 180, 200, 250, and 263.
We'd then use exactly the same segmentation on the time deltas. Add up the deltas from 0 to 30 to get an average speed for the first segment. Add up the deltas for 31 through 140 to get an average speed for the second segment (and so on to the end).
Increasing the number of points works out roughly the same way. We need to look at exactly which input points were used to create a pair of output points. For a simplistic example, let's assume we produced output that was precisely double the number of input points. We'd then interpolate time deltas exactly halfway between each pair of input points.
In the case shown in the question, we start with unevenly distributed inputs, but produce evenly distributed outputs. So the second output point might be an average of the first four input points. The next output point might be an average of three input points (and so on). In many cases, it's likely that neither end-point of a segment in the output corresponds precisely to any point in the input.
That's fine too. We interpolate between two points of the input to figure out the time hack for the starting point of the output segment. Likewise for the ending point. Then we can compute the total time it should have taken to travel between them based on the time delta between the points.
If you want to get fancy, you could use a higher order interpolation instead of linear. That does require more input points per interpolation, but it looks like you probably have plenty to do something like a quadratic or cubic interpolation (in most cases). This is likely to make the most differences at transitions--places the "pen" was accelerating or decelerating quickly. In such an place, linear interpolation can give somewhat misleading results (though, given the number of points you seem to be working with, it may not make enough difference to notice).
As an illustration, let's consider a straight line. We're going to start from 5 input points, and produce 7 output points.
So, the input points are [0, 2, 7, 10, 15], and the associated time deltas are [0, 1, 4, 8, 3].
So, out total distance traveled is 16, and we want our output points to be evenly distributed. So, the distance between output points will be 16/7 = (roughly) 2.29.
So, obviously the first output point and time are both 0. The second output point is 2.29. To compute the output time, we take the entirety of the time to the first input point (0->2), plus .29 / (7-2) * (4-1). That interpolated section gives 1.37, so our first output time delta is 2.37.
The next output point should be at a distance of 4.58. Since the second input segment goes from 2 to 7, our entire second output segment will lie within the second input segment. So, we take 2.29 / (7-2), telling use that this output segment occupies .458 of the input segment. We then multiply that by the time for the second input segment to get the time delta for the second output segment: .458 * (4-1) = 1.374.
[...and it continues on the same way until we reach the end.]

Converting 12 bit color values to 8 bit color values C++

I'm attempting to convert 12-bit RGGB color values into 8-bit RGGB color values, but with my current method it gives strange results.
Logically, I thought that simply dividing the 12-bit RGGB into 8-bit RGGB would work and be pretty simple:
// raw_color_array contains R,G1,G2,B in a bayer pattern with each element
// ranging from 0 to 4096
for(int i = 0; i < array_size; i++)
raw_color_array[i] /= 16; // 4096 becomes 256 and so on
However, in practice this actually does not work. Given, for example, a small image with water and a piece of ice in it you can see what actually happens in the conversion (right most image).
Why does this happen? and how can I get the same (or close to) image on the left, but as 8-bit values instead? Thanks!
EDIT: going off of #MSalters answer, I get a better quality image but the colors are still drasticaly skewed. What resources can I look into for converting 12-bit data to 8-bit data without a steep loss in quality?
It appears that your raw 12 bits data isn't on a linear scale. That is quite common for images. For a non-linear scale, you can't use a linear transformation like dividing by 16.
A non-linear transform like sqrt(x*16) would also give you an 8 bits value. So would std::pow(x, 12.0/8.0)
A known problem with low-gradient images is that you get banding. If your images has an area where the original value varies from say 100 to 200, the 12-to-8 bit reduction will shrink that to less than 100 different values. You get rounding , and with naive (local) rounding you get bands. Linear or non-linear, there will then be some inputs x that all map to y, and some that map to y+1. This can be mitigated by doing the transformation in floating point, and then adding a random value between -1.0 and +1.0 before rounding. This effectively breaks up the band structure.
After you clarified that this 12bit data is only for one color, here is my simple answer:
Since you want to convert its value to its 8 bit equivalent, it obviously means you lost some of the data (4bits). This is the reason why you are not getting the same output.
After clarification:
If you want to retain the actual colour values!
Apply de-mosaicking in the 12 Bit image and then scale the resultant data to 8 - Bit. So that the colour loss due to de-mosaicking will be less compared to the previous approach.
You say that your 12-bits represent 2^12 bits of one colour. That is incorrect. There are reds, greens and blues in your image. Look at the histogram. I made this with ImageMagick at the command line:
convert cells.jpg histogram:png:h.png
If you want 8-bits per pixel, rather than trying to blindly/statically apportion 3 bits to Green, 2 bits to Red and 3 bits to Blue, you would probably be better off going with an 8-bit palette so you can have 250+ colours of all variations rather than restricting yourself to just 8 blue shades, 4 reds an 8 green. So, like this:
convert cells.jpg -colors 254 PNG8:result.png
Here is the result of that beside the original:
The process above is called "quantisation" and if you want to implement it in C/C++, there is a writeup here.

HOG: What is done in the contrast-normalization step?

According to the HOG process, as described in the paper Histogram of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection (see link below), the contrast normalization step is done after the binning and the weighted vote.
I don't understand something - If I already computed the cells' weighted gradients, how can the normalization of the image's contrast help me now?
As far as I understand, contrast normalization is done on the original image, whereas for computing the gradients, I already computed the X,Y derivatives of the ORIGINAL image. So, if I normalize the contrast and I want it to take effect, I should compute everything again.
Is there something I don't understand well?
Should I normalize the cells' values?
Is the normalization in HOG not about contrast anyway, but is about the histogram values (counts of cells in each bin)?
Link to the paper:
The contrast normalization is achieved by normalization of each block's local histogram.
The whole HOG extraction process is well explained here:
When you normalize the block histogram, you actually normalize the contrast in this block, if your histogram really contains the sum of magnitudes for each direction.
The term "histogram" is confusing here, because you do not count how many pixels has direction k, but instead you sum the magnitudes of such pixels. Thus you can normalize the contrast after computing the block's vector, or even after you computed the whole vector, assuming that you know in which indices in the vector a block starts and a block ends.
The steps of the algorithm due to my understanding - worked for me with 95% success rate:
Define the following parameters (In this example, the parameters are like HOG for Human Detection paper):
A cell size in pixels (e.g. 6x6)
A block size in cells (e.g. 3x3 ==> Means that in pixels it is 18x18)
Block overlapping rate (e.g. 50% ==> Means that both block width and block height in pixels have to be even. It is satisfied in this example, because the cell width and cell height are even (6 pixels), making the block width and height also even)
Detection window size. The size must be dividable by a half of the block size without remainder (so it is possible to exactly place the blocks within with 50% overlapping). For example, the block width is 18 pixels, so the windows width must be a multiplication of 9 (e.g. 9, 18, 27, 36, ...). Same for the window height. In our example, the window width is 63 pixels, and the window height is 126 pixels.
Calculate gradient:
Compute the X difference using convolution with the vector [-1 0 1]
Compute the Y difference using convolution with the transpose of the above vector
Compute the gradient magnitude in each pixel using sqrt(diffX^2 + diffY^2)
Compute the gradient direction in each pixel using atan(diffY / diffX). Note that atan will return values between -90 and 90, while you will probably want the values between 0 and 180. So just flip all the negative values by adding to them +180 degrees. Note that in HOG for Human Detection, they use unsigned directions (between 0 and 180). If you want to use signed directions, you should make a little more effort: If diffX and diffY are positive, your atan value will be between 0 and 90 - leave it as is. If diffX and diffY are negative, again, you'll get the same range of possible values - here, add +180, so the direction is flipped to the other side. If diffX is positive and diffY is negative, you'll get values between -90 and 0 - leave them the same (You can add +360 if you want it positive). If diffY is positive and diffX is negative, you'll again get the same range, so add +180, to flip the direction to the other side.
"Bin" the directions. For example, 9 unsigned bins: 0-20, 20-40, ..., 160-180. You can easily achieve that by dividing each value by 20 and flooring the result. Your new binned directions will be between 0 and 8.
Do for each block separately, using copies of the original matrix (because some blocks are overlapping and we do not want to destroy their data):
Split to cells
For each cell, create a vector with 9 members (one for each bin). For each index in the bin, set the sum of all the magnitudes of all the pixels with that direction. We have totally 6x6 pixels in a cell. So for example, if 2 pixels have direction 0 while the magnitude of the first one is 0.231 and the magnitude of the second one is 0.13, you should write in index 0 in your vector the value 0.361 (= 0.231 + 0.13).
Concatenate all the vectors of all the cells in the block into a large vector. This vector size should of course be NUMBER_OF_BINS * NUMBER_OF_CELLS_IN_BLOCK. In our example, it is 9 * (3 * 3) = 81.
Now, normalize this vector. Use k = sqrt(v[0]^2 + v[1]^2 + ... + v[n]^2 + eps^2) (I used eps = 1). After you computed k, divide each value in the vector by k - thus your vector will be normalized.
Create final vector:
Concatenate all the vectors of all the blocks into 1 large vector. In my example, the size of this vector was 6318

Filtering 1bpp images

I'm looking to filter a 1 bit per pixel image using a 3x3 filter: for each input pixel, the corresponding output pixel is set to 1 if the weighted sum of the pixels surrounding it (with weights determined by the filter) exceeds some threshold.
I was hoping that this would be more efficient than converting to 8 bpp and then filtering that, but I can't think of a good way to do it. A naive method is to keep track of nine pointers to bytes (three consecutive rows and also pointers to either side of the current byte in each row, for calculating the output for the first and last bits in these bytes) and for each input pixel compute
sum = filter[0] * (lastRowPtr & aMask > 0) + filter[1] * (lastRowPtr & bMask > 0) + ... + filter[8] * (nextRowPtr & hMask > 0),
with extra faff for bits at the edge of a byte. However, this is slow and seems really ugly. You're not gaining any parallelism from the fact that you've got eight pixels in each byte and instead are having to do tonnes of extra work masking things.
Are there any good sources for how to best do this sort of thing? A solution to this particular problem would be amazing, but I'd be happy being pointed to any examples of efficient image processing on 1bpp images in C/C++. I'd like to replace some more 8 bpp stuff with 1 bpp algorithms in future to avoid image conversions and copying, so any general resouces on this would be appreciated.
I found a number of years ago that unpacking the bits to bytes, doing the filter, then packing the bytes back to bits was faster than working with the bits directly. It seems counter-intuitive because it's 3 loops instead of 1, but the simplicity of each loop more than made up for it.
I can't guarantee that it's still the fastest; compilers and especially processors are prone to change. However simplifying each loop not only makes it easier to optimize, it makes it easier to read. That's got to be worth something.
A further advantage to unpacking to a separate buffer is that it gives you flexibility for what you do at the edges. By making the buffer 2 bytes larger than the input, you unpack starting at byte 1 then set byte 0 and n to whatever you like and the filtering loop doesn't have to worry about boundary conditions at all.
Look into separable filters. Among other things, they allow massive parallelism in the cases where they work.
For example, in your 3x3 sample-weight-and-filter case:
Sample 1x3 (horizontal) pixels into a buffer. This can be done in isolation for each pixel, so a 1024x1024 image can run 1024^2 simultaneous tasks, all of which perform 3 samples.
Sample 3x1 (vertical) pixels from the buffer. Again, this can be done on every pixel simultaneously.
Use the contents of the buffer to cull pixels from the original texture.
The advantage to this approach, mathematically, is that it cuts the number of sample operations from n^2 to 2n, although it requires a buffer of equal size to the source (if you're already performing a copy, that can be used as the buffer; you just can't modify the original source for step 2). In order to keep memory use at 2n, you can perform steps 2 and 3 together (this is a bit tricky and not entirely pleasant); if memory isn't an issue, you can spend 3n on two buffers (source, hblur, vblur).
Because each operation is working in complete isolation from an immutable source, you can perform the filter on every pixel simultaneously if you have enough cores. Or, in a more realistic scenario, you can take advantage of paging and caching to load and process a single column or row. This is convenient when working with odd strides, padding at the end of a row, etc. The second round of samples (vertical) may screw with your cache, but at the very worst, one round will be cache-friendly and you've cut processing from exponential to linear.
Now, I've yet to touch on the case of storing data in bits specifically. That does make things slightly more complicated, but not terribly much so. Assuming you can use a rolling window, something like:
d = s[x-1] + s[x] + s[x+1]
works. Interestingly, if you were to rotate the image 90 degrees during the output of step 1 (trivial, sample from (y,x) when reading), you can get away with loading at most two horizontally adjacent bytes for any sample, and only a single byte something like 75% of the time. This plays a little less friendly with cache during the read, but greatly simplifies the algorithm (enough that it may regain the loss).
buffer source, dest, vbuf, hbuf;
for_each (y, x) // Loop over each row, then each column. Generally works better wrt paging
hbuf(x, y) = (source(y, x-1) + source(y, x) + source(y, x+1)) / 3 // swap x and y to spin 90 degrees
for_each (y, x)
vbuf(x, 1-y) = (hbuf(y, x-1) + hbuf(y, x) + hbuf(y, x+1)) / 3 // 1-y to reverse the 90 degree spin
for_each (y, x)
dest(x, y) = threshold(hbuf(x, y))
Accessing bits within the bytes (source(x, y) indicates access/sample) is relatively simple to do, but kind of a pain to write out here, so is left to the reader. The principle, particularly implemented in this fashion (with the 90 degree rotation), only requires 2 passes of n samples each, and always samples from immediately adjacent bits/bytes (never requiring you to calculate the position of the bit in the next row). All in all, it's massively faster and simpler than any alternative.
Rather than expanding the entire image to 1 bit/byte (or 8bpp, essentially, as you noted), you can simply expand the current window - read the first byte of the first row, shift and mask, then read out the three bits you need; do the same for the other two rows. Then, for the next window, you simply discard the left column and fetch one more bit from each row. The logic and code to do this right isn't as easy as simply expanding the entire image, but it'll take a lot less memory.
As a middle ground, you could just expand the three rows you're currently working on. Probably easier to code that way.

How to get ALL data from 2D Real to Complex FFT in Cuda

I am trying to do a 2D Real To Complex FFT using CUFFT.
I realize that I will do this and get W/2+1 complex values back (W being the "width" of my H*W matrix).
The question is - what if I want to build out a full H*W version of this matrix after the transform - how do I go about copying some values from the H*(w/2+1) result matrix back to a full size matrix to get both parts and the DC value in the right place
I'm not familiar with CUDA, so take that into consideration when reading my response. I am familiar with FFTs and signal processing in general, though.
It sounds like you start out with an H (rows) x W (cols) matrix, and that you are doing a 2D FFT that essentially does an FFT on each row, and you end up with an H x W/2+1 matrix. A W-wide FFT returns W values, but the CUDA function only returns W/2+1 because real data is even in the frequency domain, so the negative frequency data is redundant.
So, if you want to reproduce the missing W/2-1 points, simply mirror the positive frequency. For instance, if one of the rows is as follows:
Index Data
0 12 + i
1 5 + 2i
2 6
3 2 - 3i
The 0 index is your DC power, the 1 index is the lowest positive frequency bin, and so forth. You would thus make your closest-to-DC negative frequency bin 5+2i, the next closest 6, and so on. Where you put those values in the array is up to you. I would do it the way Matlab does it, with the negative frequency data after the positive frequency data.
I hope that makes sense.
There are two ways this can be acheived. You will have to write your own kernel to acheive either of this.
1) You will need to perform conjugate on the (half) data you get to find the other half.
2) Since you want full results anyway, it would be best if you convert the input data from real to complex (by padding with 0 imaginary) and performing the complex to complex transform.
From practice I have noticed that there is not much of a difference in speed either way.
I actually searched the nVidia forums and found a kernel that someone had written that did just what I was asking. That is what I used. if you search the cuda forum for "redundant results fft" or similar you will find it.