Comparing chars together? [duplicate] - c++

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How do I properly compare strings in C?
(10 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I'm fairly new to C++ and have run into a problem when trying to compare two chars, here is an example:
#define PartOne "He"
#define PartTwo "llo"
char Final1Var[] = PartOne PartTwo;
char ComapreVars[] = "Hello";
if(Final1Var == ComapreVars)//This is were the problem occurs, the chars are supposed to be equal to each other BUT for some reason the 'if' statement ends up determining they're not?
InGameDialog::Alert("They Match");
InGameDialog::Alert("They Don't Match");
What is going wrong with the code? I can't imagine why this wouldn't work? Any suggestions?

in c++ character array's could not be compared using == operator you have to use strcmp function or string comparison function.

This is a very common question. I'll mark it as duplicate once I find a good answer to this among the other questions.
In the mean time, you're not comparing chars, you're comparing char[]s, which is entirely different. You'll want to use strcmp, strncmp, or std::string types would be an even better solution.
What is array decaying? has some reasonable explanations for what's going on in your code and why.


How do i "subtract" a character from a string in c++ [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Remove last character from C++ string
(12 answers)
Closed 8 months ago.
Lets say I have a string variable with the value "bananas" in it. I want to subtract the last letter so the string becomes "banana". I am quite a newbie, so I dont even know how to tackle this.
Just use the pop_back() function.
Try this code, it 'subtracts' the last character:
std::string str = "bananas";

Is there a way to multiply a string and an integer in C++? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Multiplying a string by an int in C++
(10 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
In Python, there is a way to multiply a string, for example, "A" * 3 would return "AAA". However, this syntax doesn't work in C++, it just gives me an error, invalid operands of types 'const char [2]' and 'int' to binary 'operator*'. Is there a way to multiply a string like this in C++?
There is no such operator in C++.
But you can write a function that takes a string and a number as argument, and return the repeated string.
std::string also has a constructor that repeats given character a number of times. This may be useful since you used a string of one character as the example.
You can overload an operator
std::string operator*(const std::string& s, unsigned n)
... // your code here
Not really... Although you can right one yourself. C++ is a very different beast to Python. It's much more low level and It is not as forgiving.
C++ deals with "real" memory (as it were).
You can't really just say "A" * 3 because before the "A" simply used 1 byte of memory if you have 3 "A"'s you need 3 bytes. and since C++'s main benefit is in it's ability to allow the user to author It's memory use, C++ won't just create 3 extra bytes.
You can implement your own version of Python's "A" * 3 by using the overload operator (although you would have to use a class type like string) C++ provides But I wouldn't really recommend this.
I'd suggest just using a std::vector and append the character as many times as you would like.
Also have a think about what you are trying to really do. C++ is all about performance rather than usability. If you are trying to set multiple bytes to a certain value you can use std::memset

How does C++ understand two letter characters [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Multicharacter literal in C and C++
(6 answers)
What do single quotes do in C++ when used on multiple characters?
(5 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
C++ seems to allow up to four characters to be held in single quotes, such as:
char c = 'abcd';
but at runtime, only the last value ('d') seems to be actually stored away. This behavior seems to happen for pairs of two, three, or four (at five the compiler finally calls uncle). But what's the deal with this design? I don't really see the logic in it.

C++ String Comparisons [duplicate]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
string comparison with the most similar string
I was wondering what the best way to go about comparing two strings for (For a certain percentage of) similarity is. EX: String 1 is "I really like to eat pie," and String 2 is "I really like to eat cheese," with a function returning "true" because more than 50% of the characters are similar.
I was thinking that I could see if each character in one string is somewhere in the other, but there's probably a more precise way to go about things. Any suggestions?
Levenshtein distance might be suitable. It tells how many single-character insertions, deletions or replacements must be made in order to transform one string into the other. You can also give different priorities to the three operations.
For a fuzzy compare like this you could split each string up into words (using strtok()) and compare the two word arrays case-insensitive using stricmp(). There is also the SOUNDEX algorithm to compare words to see if they sound the same.

C++: Comparing two strings [duplicate]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
comparing two strings with comma seperated values
I am working in C++, where I have two strings:
string str1 = "1,4,8,",
str2 = "4,1,8,";
Both strings contains comma separated values. Now I just want to check whether all the elements in str1 also exist in str2, regardless of their position. Is there any direct way to check this? Do I need to write custom code for this?
As far as C++ is concerned, those strings are just sequences of characters. If you apply meaning to those characters (such as "comma separated values"), then you'll have to write some code to extract the data and deal with it.
I would do something like:
split the string on ','
convert each sequence of digits into an integer (skipping over empty elements)
insert those integers into a set (one for each input string)
compare the sets
It's up to you to determine what kind of integer to use.
Yes, you need to write custom code, although not a lot of it. Once you figure out the algorithm you can post here if you have further questions on how to implement each part.