How do I make a fully statically linked .exe with Visual Studio Express 2005? - c++

My current preferred C++ environment is the free and largely excellent Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Express edition. From time to time I have sent release .exe files to other people with pleasing results. However recently I made the disturbing discovery that the pleasing results were based on more luck that I would like. Attempting to run one of these programs on an old (2001 vintage, not scrupulously updated) XP box gave me nothing but a nasty "System cannot run x.exe" (or similar) message.
Some googling revealed that with this toolset, even specifying static linking results in a simple hello-world.exe actually relying on extra .dll files (msvcm80.dll etc.). An incredibly elaborate version scheming system (manifest files anyone?) then will not let the .exe run without exactly the right .dll versions. I don't want or need this stuff, I just want an old fashioned self contained .exe that does nothing but lowest common denominator Win32 operations and runs on any old win32 OS.
Does anyone know if its possible to do what I want to do with my existing toolset ?
Thank you.

For the C-runtime go to the project settings, choose C/C++ then 'Code Generation'. Change the 'runtime library' setting to 'multithreaded' instead of 'multithreaded dll'.
If you are using any other libraries you may need to tell the linker to ignore the dynamically linked CRT explicitly.

My experience in Visual Studio 2010 is that there are two changes needed so as to not need DLL's. From the project property page (right click on the project name in the Solution Explorer window):
Under Configuration Properties --> General, change the "Use of MFC" field to "Use MFC in a Static Library".
Under Configuration Properties --> C/C++ --> Code Generation, change the "Runtime Library" field to "Multi-Threaded (/MT)"
Not sure why both were needed. I used this to remove a dependency on glut32.dll.
Added later: When making these changes to the configurations, you should make them to "All Configurations" --- you can select this at the top of the Properties window. If you make the change to just the Debug configuration, it won't apply to the Release configuration, and vice-versa.

I've had this same dependency problem and I also know that you can include the VS 8.0 DLLs (release only! not debug!---and your program has to be release, too) in a folder of the appropriate name, in the parent folder with your .exe:
How to: Deploy using XCopy (MSDN)
Also note that things are guaranteed to go awry if you need to have C++ and C code in the same statically linked .exe because you will get linker conflicts that can only be resolved by ignoring the correct libXXX.lib and then linking dynamically (DLLs).
Lastly, with a different toolset (VC++ 6.0) things "just work", since Windows 2000 and above have the correct DLLs installed.

In regards Jared's response, having Windows 2000 or better will not necessarily fix the issue at hand. Rob's response does work, however it is possible that this fix introduces security issues, as Windows updates will not be able to patch applications built as such.
In another post, Nick Guerrera suggests packaging the Visual C++ Runtime Redistributable with your applications, which installs quickly, and is independent of Visual Studio.


Prevent adding new csproj from adding AnyCPU back to solution file

We have a solution that we only want to have the x86 platform but every time we add a new project to the solution it adds AnyCPU back for every single project in the solution. This is tedious to remove all the AnyCPU lines in the solution file because we have 70+ projects in the solution. Is their any way to configure Visual Studio to prevent this from being added?
Not sure if this is relevant but we are on the legacy project system and only use csproj in our solution.
The reason I would like to keep AnyCPU from being added back to the solution is because of warnings and issues with building with certain nuget packages.
Some of our third party dependencies are built against x86 and it produces warnings with no codes when we reference them so I am unable to suppress them.
The nuget package I am specifically aware causes issues is CefSharp. It will fail to build our desktop application that references it if the developer selects AnyCPU. It uses the platform to determine if it should copy its unmanaged x86 or x64 dll.
Here is the section of the solution that causes issues when we go to build. From what I have read Visual Studio looks through this list alphabetically for a platform if one is not provided. This example is from an unrelated solution.
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
As far as I can tell Hans' answer is the correct way to handle this. I have looked for other ways to handle this but after looking on uservoice was able to find where this was suggested in 2011.
This is a very common mistake. VS2010 is for a large part responsible for it, its project templates chose x86 instead of AnyCPU. Fixed again in VS2012 but not otherwise repairing any damage done by solutions that were once exposed to VS2010. Or helping programmers to get it right.
The platform selection is meaningless for C# projects. You use the exact same build tools for any platform, the generated code is truly compatible with "any cpu". It is the just-in-time compiler that locks in the target processor, it does so at runtime. The only setting that matters at all to affect what the jitter does is present in the Project > Properties > Build tab. Only the settings for the EXE project matter, libraries don't have a choice but to be compatible with the bitness of the process.
It does matter for C++ projects. A lot, they use a completely different compiler and linker for each platform. Necessarily so, C++ projects generate machine code up front and that code must be compatible with the user's machine. Also the reason this got fumbled at VS2010, that's when the C++ build system moved to MSBuild.
The typical reason AnyCPU pops back into the solution is adding a new project. Since they default to AnyCPU again, it needs to be added back to the solution platforms.
By far the best solution is to stop fighting the machine. AnyCPU should be your preference. Use Build > Configuration Manager > Active Solution combobox > Edit. Remove x86 so only AnyCPU remains. And do focus on what you want to accomplish, it is the EXE project settings that matter. Beware of yet another trap, even though the default platform is AnyCPU, a project template turns on the "Prefer 32-bit" checkbox by default. Not any cpu anymore. High time Microsoft fixes this btw, the 64-bit debugger and jitter have been stable and capable long enough to no longer need this.

How to set up Visual Studio to debug a DLL ("Unable to start program error")

Basically, I have a Visual Studio project that builds a DLL (a VST audio plugin). Where this type of project scenario has been set up for me in the past, I would be able to build, run, and debug the plugin. Visual studio would automatically launch whichever program I was using to host the plugin. I am trying to achieve the same effect in my current project, but I don't know how to set that up. Currently when I build and run my DLL in Visual Studio, I get the error "Unable to start program". The DLL still builds, and I can still run it, but I can't debug it from Visual Studio, because I don't know what I need to do in my project settings to make this happen. How can I do this?
What I do know is that, in projects where this sucessfully works, there are some modifications made to the Visual Studio project settings under fields marked 'pre-build events' and 'post-build events', so presumably what I want to do is edit these in some way to tell Visual Studio the following: "Hey, before you try and run and debug this DLL, you have to launch another program (my program is called Max.exe), and then you have to wait until that program loads the DLL. Then you can debug! Don't be a stupid computer and try to debug it before it's even loaded in Max.exe..."
What I do not know : EVERYTHING ELSE. This is literally all I know about what I'm trying to do, hense the colourful attempt to talk to a computer in English.
Currently when I build and run my DLL in Visual Studio, I get the error "Unable to start program". This is unsurprising seeing as the project knows nothing about the environment I want to use to test the DLL, but the problem is that I don't have a clue what Visual Studio needs to know. I really don't know enough about programming to understand the implications of what I'm trying to do either. Yes, I did mention those fields marked pre-build and post-build because I remember them being important, but I don't know exactly what or how to write in those fields, and I also do not know if there will be more things I need to tell Visual Studio before this will work.
Q.E.D I'm not actually sure what pre and post build events are, or how they work. And I barely know the first thing about customizing VS project settings. All I know is how to write audio processing code. I felt the need for this disclaimer because typically my questions are met with angry programmers who think I don't do my own research; they fail to realize I am an audio engineer who skipped programming 101. Yes, how to debug a dll is a common question I'm sure, but answers to those questions tend to assume pre-requisite knowledge that I do not have.
You will want to edit the Command field in your project's Debugging properties. Right-click on your project in the solution explorer and click Properties (it's generally the last item). Open the Debugging page under Configuration Properties. The Command field indicates which executable to launch when debugging.
By default this contains $(TargetPath) which refers to the final binary your project compiles. This is useless for DLLs since DLLs are not executable. Change this to the path of whatever third party application you are writing a plugin for.
With this change, launching with debugging will actually launch the third party application and attach the debugger to it. Once the application loads your plugin, you will be able to debug it normally.
For Visual Studio,
In Solution Explorer, right click on project and select Properties.
In Properties, choose Configuration Properties -> Debugging.
For Command, enter the full path of the executable that will be loading your DLL. Fill in the Command Arguments and Working Directory accordingly.
In addition, you need to make sure that the executable actually loads the DLL you are building. A mistake that a lot make is to launch their executable, and not realize the executable is loading another version of the DLL they are trying to debug. This can happen due to Windows searching for the first DLL that it finds using the DLL searching logic (exe directory, path, etc.).

How to compile c++ without needing a [duplicate]

My current preferred C++ environment is the free and largely excellent Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Express edition. From time to time I have sent release .exe files to other people with pleasing results. However recently I made the disturbing discovery that the pleasing results were based on more luck that I would like. Attempting to run one of these programs on an old (2001 vintage, not scrupulously updated) XP box gave me nothing but a nasty "System cannot run x.exe" (or similar) message.
Some googling revealed that with this toolset, even specifying static linking results in a simple hello-world.exe actually relying on extra .dll files (msvcm80.dll etc.). An incredibly elaborate version scheming system (manifest files anyone?) then will not let the .exe run without exactly the right .dll versions. I don't want or need this stuff, I just want an old fashioned self contained .exe that does nothing but lowest common denominator Win32 operations and runs on any old win32 OS.
Does anyone know if its possible to do what I want to do with my existing toolset ?
Thank you.
For the C-runtime go to the project settings, choose C/C++ then 'Code Generation'. Change the 'runtime library' setting to 'multithreaded' instead of 'multithreaded dll'.
If you are using any other libraries you may need to tell the linker to ignore the dynamically linked CRT explicitly.
My experience in Visual Studio 2010 is that there are two changes needed so as to not need DLL's. From the project property page (right click on the project name in the Solution Explorer window):
Under Configuration Properties --> General, change the "Use of MFC" field to "Use MFC in a Static Library".
Under Configuration Properties --> C/C++ --> Code Generation, change the "Runtime Library" field to "Multi-Threaded (/MT)"
Not sure why both were needed. I used this to remove a dependency on glut32.dll.
Added later: When making these changes to the configurations, you should make them to "All Configurations" --- you can select this at the top of the Properties window. If you make the change to just the Debug configuration, it won't apply to the Release configuration, and vice-versa.
I've had this same dependency problem and I also know that you can include the VS 8.0 DLLs (release only! not debug!---and your program has to be release, too) in a folder of the appropriate name, in the parent folder with your .exe:
How to: Deploy using XCopy (MSDN)
Also note that things are guaranteed to go awry if you need to have C++ and C code in the same statically linked .exe because you will get linker conflicts that can only be resolved by ignoring the correct libXXX.lib and then linking dynamically (DLLs).
Lastly, with a different toolset (VC++ 6.0) things "just work", since Windows 2000 and above have the correct DLLs installed.
In regards Jared's response, having Windows 2000 or better will not necessarily fix the issue at hand. Rob's response does work, however it is possible that this fix introduces security issues, as Windows updates will not be able to patch applications built as such.
In another post, Nick Guerrera suggests packaging the Visual C++ Runtime Redistributable with your applications, which installs quickly, and is independent of Visual Studio.

Visual C++ / Visual Studio settings. What is calling for MSVCR120D.DLL

Background. I ran a release version of my program on another computer and immediately got a message, "Could not find Your_DLL.dll or one of it's dependencies". I believe I've tracked this down to the fact that "Your_DLL.dll" makes use of MSVCR120D.DLL . I checked this using Dependency Walker (Depends.exe). On my original computer, all is well because I have the full Visual Studio (2013) and MSVCR120D.DLL is present. However, it is not present on another machine, nor should it be as it's a Debug version of MSVCR120.DLL. I'm pulling my hair out trying to figure out where in my project for "Your_DLL" I am making use of MSVCR120D.DLL or have any debug settings under the release build. A search for MSVCR120D.DLL in the whole directory turns up nothing. Of course, perhaps something in the settings for the release build is somehow making use of a debug dll that in turn calls this debug dll. Can someone give me a clue where to look for the problem?
The flavor of a run-time library is specified in the compiler switch /M...
For dynamically linked CRT, it should be /MD for release config, and /MDd for debug. I would check that first, by looking into:
Project Properties -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Code Generation -> Runtime Library
The Depends tool has a "Profile" command (Profile -> Start Profiling), where you can see a run-time information for dynamically loaded DLLs. Hope that will point you to the offender.
Thank you for all the answers. We found the problem, and I must admit that I'm the one who caused it! "Your_DLL.dll" was building just fine in Debug and Release. The problem was how I was using it from another dll. The other dll was a C# project and under references, I added "Your_DLL.dll". Unfortunately, I left the "Copy local" to True. By company policy, we build everything to a central place C:\bin\debug or C:\bin\release. Also, by company policy, when we add a reference, we pick the debug version (you have to pick one!) but make sure to have "Copy Local" as FALSE. So when our build script builds, it correctly builds "Your_DLL.dll" and puts a release version in C:\bin\release. However, when CSharp.dll is subsequently built, it was putting a debug version of "Your_DLL.dll" in C:\bin\release. We finally noticed the problem when we saw that the version of Your_DLL.dll was the same size in c:\bin\debug and c:\bin\release.
I've always had a sinking feeling about the way we handle references. Perhaps there is a better way? But that's probably a whole other stack overflow question.
I hope this helps someone in the future.
Thank you,

Building both DLL and static libs from the same project

I have a number of native C++ libraries (Win32, without MFC) compiling under Visual Studio 2005, and used in a number of solutions.
I'd like to be able to choose to compile and link them as either static libraries or DLLs, depending on the needs of the particular solution in which I'm using them.
What's the best way to do this? I've considered these approaches:
1. Multiple project files
Example: "foo_static.vcproj" vs "foo_dll.vcproj"
Pro: easy to generate for new libraries, not too much manual vcproj munging.
Con: settings, file lists, etc. in two places get out of sync too easily.
2. Single project file, multiple configurations
Example: "Debug | Win32" vs "Debug DLL | Win32", etc.
Pro: file lists are easier to keep in sync; compilation options are somewhat easier to keep in sync
Con: I build for both Win32 and Smart Device targets, so I already have multiple configurations; I don't want to make my combinatorial explosion worse ("Static library for FooPhone | WinMobile 6", "Dynamic library for FooPhone | WinMobile 6", "Static library for BarPda | WinMobile 6", etc.
Worse Con: VS 2005 has a bad habit of assuming that if you have a configuration defined for platform "Foo", then you really need it for all other platforms in your solution, and haphazardly inserts all permutations of configuration/platform configurations all over the affected vcproj files, whether valid or not. (Bug filed with MS; closed as WONTFIX.)
3. Single project file, selecting static or dynamic via vsprops files
Example: store the appropriate vcproj fragments in property sheet files, then apply the "FooApp Static Library" property sheet to config/platform combinations when you want static libs, and apply the "FooApp DLL" property sheet when you want DLLs.
Pros: This is what I really want to do!
Cons: It doesn't seem possible. It seems that the .vcproj attribute that switches between static and dynamic libraries (the ConfigurationType attribute of the Configuration element) isn't overrideable by the .vsprops file. Microsoft's published schema for these files lists only <Tool> and <UserMacro> elements.
EDIT: In case someone suggests it, I've also tried a more "clever" version of #3, in which I define a .vsprops containing a UserMacro called "ModuleConfigurationType" with a value of either "2" (DLL) or "4" (static library), and changed the configuration in the .vcproj to have ConfigurationType="$(ModuleConfigurationType)". Visual Studio silently and without warning removes the attribute and replaces it with ConfigurationType="1". So helpful!
Am I missing a better solution?
I may have missed something, but why can't you define the DLL project with no files, and just have it link the lib created by the other project?
And, with respect to settings, you can factor them out in vsprop files...
There is an easy way to create both static and dll lib versions in one project.
Create your dll project. Then do the following to it:
Simply create an nmake makefile or .bat file that runs the lib tool.
Basically, this is just this:
lib /NOLOGO /OUT:<your_lib_pathname> #<<
Then, in your project, add a Post Build Event where the command just runs the .bat file (or nmake or perl). Then, you will always get both a dll and a static lib.
I'll refrain from denigrating visual studio for not allowing the tool for this to exist in a project just before Linker (in the tool flow).
I think the typical way this is done is choice 2 above. It is what I use and what I have seen done by a number of libraries and companies.
If you find it does not work for you then by all means use something else.
Good luck.
I prefer 2 configurations way.
Setup all common settings via 'All configurations' item in a project properties windows. After it separated settings. And it's done. Let's go coding.
Also there is very good feature named 'Batch build', which builds specified configurations by turn.
Multiple projects are the best way to go - this is the configuration i have most widely seen in umpteen no of projects that i have come across.
That said, it might be also possible to implement the third option by modifying your vcproj files on the fly from external tools(like a custom vbscript), that you could invoke from a make file. You can use shell variables to control the behavior of the tool.
Note that you should still use use visual studio to make the build, the makefile should only launch your external tool if required to make the mods and then follow that by the actual build command
I use Visual Studio 6.0 (Still) due to issues that are preventing us from Migrating to VS2005 or newer. Rebuilding causes severe issues (everything breaks)... so many of us are considering lobbying a migration to GnuC++ moving forward in a structured way to eventually get us off of licensed Visual Studio products and onto Eclipse and Linux.
In Unix/Linux it is easy to build for all configurations.. so I can't believe what a time and productivity sink it is to try and accomplish the same task in Visual Studio. For VS6.0 I have so far found that only having two separate projects seems to be workable. I haven't yet tried the multiple configuration technique, but will see if it works in the older VS6.0.
Why not go for version 1 and generate the second set of project files from the first using a script or something. That way you know that the differences are JUST the pieces required to build a dll or static lib.