Are REST request headers encrypted by SSL? - web-services

I'm developing a client/server app that will communicate via rest. Some custom request data will be stored in the header of the request. Both the server sending the request and the receiving server have an SSL certificate - will the headers be encrypted, or just the content?

SSL encrypts the entire communications path from the client to the server and back, so yes - the headers will be encrypted.
By the way, if you develop networked applications and care about data security, the least you should do is read a book like Practical Cryptography, by Niels Ferguson and Bruce Schneier, and probably further reading that's more focused on web application security would be a good idea. If I may make an observation - and please, I don't mean that as a personal criticism - your question indicates a fundamental lack of understanding of very basic web security technologies, and that's never a good sign.
Also, it's never a bad idea to confirm that data which is assumed to be encrypted is indeed encrypted. You can use a network analyzer to monitor traffic on the wire and watch out for anything sensitive being sent in the clear. I've used Wireshark to do this before - the results can be surprising, sometimes.

As long as you're communicating in the SSL tunnel, everything sent between the server and the client will be encrypted. The encryption is done before any data is sent or received.

Both headers and content are encrypted.

You appear to think that REST is a distinct protocol.
REST is not a protocol. It is a design style for HTTP-based applications.
So, your a writing an HTTP application. Are the headers encrypted? Yes, if you are using the HTTPS (HTTP over SSL) protocol instead of plain HTTP.
Having certificates on both sides is not directly relevant to your question. SSL certificates are used for authentication. They help in detecting man-in-the-middle attacks such as are possible using DNS cache poisoning.

Having a certificate is not enough, you have to configure the web server to encrypt the connections (that is, to use the certificate) for that domain or virtual host. In addition, I think you would just need a single certificate, responses to requests will still be encrypted.
And yes, HTTP headers are encrypted as well as the data.

The other answers are correct that headers are indeed encrypted, along with the body, when using SSL. But keep in mind that the URL, which can include query parameters, is never encrypted. So be careful to never put any sensitive information in URL query parameters.
Update: as #blowdart pointed out below, this is wrong. See the comment below.

SSL..or rather HTTPS (HTTP over SSL) sends all HTTP content over SSL, and as HTTP content and headers are in fact the same thing, this means the headers are encrypted as well.
Seeing as GET and POST data is sent via HTTP headers, then it only makes sense then when sending data securely you wouldn't just want the response code or content to be encrypted.

Not everything is encrypted: the request query string is not encrypted. Believe me, I've seen requests like this:
Please don't put sensitive data as parameters in the query string.


How do http-websites prevent MITM attack for token based authentication?

I am new to web services and read about token based authentication which can be used with web services from What is token based authentication?. I searched on internet but its quite confusing how http based websites manage to do token based authentication without any security vulnerability.
What point I have?
I can sit in between server and client and store the token somehow by sniffing the traffic and make misuse of it before it expires. Am I wrong here?
As mentioned on
"Facebook uses an OAuth token passed as a cookie or HTTP header and
protected by HTTPS."
How can I implement this as in that case the website will be http-based and only http-headers will be using https. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Your edit suggest a misunderstanding of what HTTPS does.
Normatively speaking, HTTP (meaning, the "language" that is spoken on the network, defined by is a text based, "application level protocol", used over TCP sockets (TCP being the "transport level" layer).
In that sense, HTTP and HTTPS are the same "language", nothing differs in them. HTTP and HTTPS are both text based request/response protocols, each consisting of headers and an body, with requests specifying a verb such as GET, POST, PUT, ... No difference whatsoever.
What is different in HTTP vs. HTTPS, is that underneath this HTTP "language" (application level protocol), HTTPS uses TCP sockets that are encrypted using a SSL or TLS layer that provides encryption.
As the SSL/TLS layer happens under the HTTP layer, there can be no difference between what happens to the headers of a request and what happens to the body.
Back to your question :
How can I implement this as in that case the website will be http-based and only http-headers will be using https. Please correct me if I am wrong.
You can't have only the headers, and not the body using HTTPS in a single request/response cycle. It's all or nothing.
The conclusion is, as per the article you link to : token based authentication can only be secure if the token is always secured. Which, if you are always using HTTPS (in all request/response), is guaranteed (both the headers and the body are protected). If even one single request or response is not sent over HTTPS, then you have a flaw.

How to use HTTPS for webservice and android app?

Im working on some JSON-based web service that is supposed to work with Android application.
I would like to encrypt data transport between client (android) and server (virtual server in datacenter).
I don't have to make sure that my server is my server, just data encryption.
I have no idea how to use HTTPS.
Do I just put my PHP files in private_html and use url?
To use HTTPS, you don't have to do anything in the coding of your web service - it's all in your hosting. Here the are steps you can follow. The specific instructions differ in your hosting (IIS, Apache, AWS/Azure, etc), but you can google specifics on how to accomplish any of these steps for whatever host and application framework you decide.
Buy an SSL certificate (there are many different vendors, but expect between $75-$200 for the certificate) based on the vendor, reputation, and level of security you need.
Generate a certificate signing request (CSR) from the server you'll be hosting.
Upload the CSR to the SSL vendor who will validate and provide the certificate for your use.
Import the SSL certificate into your application server, and configure the site to use the certificate. For instance, if you're hosting Microsoft IIS, you'd import the SSL certificate and then add HTTPS bindings on 443 to the specific website hosting your web service.
Another point of security. Since you are deploying SSL, you don't have to do any application level encryption (assuming you are not putting sensitive information in query strings - use POST if you think you need to). You probably would want to implement some security to restrict access to your web service so only your app can access it. Best practice is some level of OAuth, but at a minimum some type of pre-shared key in the header of the request is a lot better than nothing.
Here are some additional sites for more information:
If you don't want to pay for a certificate, you can use certificate signet by your own CA and add the root certificates into your application using HTTPClient and keystores
Here there's some guides
KeyStore, HttpClient, and HTTPS: Can someone explain this code to me?
You can limit users to use JUST and only HTTPS in apache, IIS or whatever do you use. If your client connects to your server, his communications will be likely to encrypted, because he is already using HTTPS. And for responsing in HTTPS you virtually cannot send HTTPS responses, as far as I know, unless that other side isn't also a website (for example, if you have your website, you could send such a response e.g. to Google). You should be okay to send data like http status codes (OK, NotModified, PageNotFound, ...), or if you want something more, or if it is a requirement, then there you still have JSON and you could encode it as well, with some encoding algorithms, or use binary JSON format.
Check if your hosting company provides a free public shared https address. Most of them do.
If you want to understand how to do it right, follow this thread
Warning: Don't stick with the solution below for production.
If you plan o use an https endpoint without a certificate you have to make sure to disable peer verification, check this answer

encrypting form data before submitting to server

I have developed a Django application and now want to make sure the POST data transmitted through the page is safe.
I have couple of questions about this?
I see SSL certificates being displayed on many webpages. How do I get this certificate?
Do I need to change anything on my submitted form to encrypt the data or should I change any settings on my webserver?
I know its a general question but it would be great if someone provides a good answer.
First off, the POST data transmitted through the page is never safe from an application perspective. You don't have control over the user of the website. SSL and HTTPS helps prevent man in the middle attacks to ensure the request from the client (browser) to your server is encrypted. The underlying data that is sent can be malicious, so you should always validate inputs.
Secondly, if you want to use HTTPS and SSL, which I highly recommend, you'll need to obtain a certificate from one of the providers out there and install it with your webserver, which I presume is apache. Typically your domain provider can help you with obtaining an SSL certificate for your domain from one of the main certificate authorities. Regarding the installation and setup, there is tons of information about this online as it's a common task. I'm not familiar with Apache configuration to provide any specific recommendations. You'll also want to have rewrite rules so that your site can only be accessed via HTTPS and if someone tries to use HTTP, it simply redirects to HTTPS.
Lastly, you don't need to do anything in your Django application as your webserver should handle the basic interactions between your server and client to validate the HTTPS requests.

Boost ASIO with OpenSSL Can't Read HTTP Headers

I'm attempting to write a simple HTTP/HTTPS proxy using Boost ASIO. HTTP is working fine, but I'm having some issues with HTTPS. For the record this is a local proxy. Anyway so here is an example of how a transaction works with my setup.
Browser asks for
I lie to the browser and tell it to go to
Browser socket connects to my local server on 443I attempt to read the headers so I can do a real host lookup and open a second upstream socket so I can simply forward out the requests.
This is where things fail immediately. When I try to print out the headers of the incoming socket, it appears that they are already encrypted by the browser making the request. I thought at first that perhaps the jumbled console output was just that the headers were compressed, but after some thorough testing this is not the case.
So I'm wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction, perhaps to some reading material where I can better understand what is happening here. Why are the headers immediately encrypted before the connection to the "server" (my proxy) even completes and has a chance to communicate with the client? Is it a temp key? Do I need to ignore the initial headers and send some command back telling the client what temporary key to use or not to compress/encrypt at all? Thanks so much in advance for any help, I've been stuck on this for a while.
HTTPS passes all HTTP traffic, headers and all, over a secure SSL connection. This is by design to prevent exactly what you're trying to do which is essentially a man-in-the-middle attack. In order to succeed, you'll have to come up with a way to defeat SSL security.
One way to do this is to provide an SSL certificate that the browser will accept. There are a couple common reasons the browser complains about a certificate: (1) the certificate is not signed by an authority that the browser trusts and (2) the certificate common name (CN) does not match the URL host.
As long as you control the browser environment then (1) is easily fixed by creating your own certificate authority (CA) and installing its certificate as trusted in your operating system and/or browser. Then in your proxy you supply a certificate signed by your CA. You're basically telling the browser that it's okay to trust certificates that your proxy provides.
(2) will be more difficult because you have to supply the certificate with the correct CN before you can read the HTTP headers to determine the host the browser was trying to reach. Furthermore, unless you already know the hosts that might be requested you will have to generate (and sign) a matching certificate dynamically. Perhaps you could use a pool of IP addresses for your proxy and coordinate with your spoofing DNS service so that you know which certificate should be presented on which connection.
Generally HTTPS proxies are not a good idea. I would discourage it because you'll really be working against the grain of browser security.
I liked this book as a SSL/TLS reference. You can use a tool like OpenSSL to create and sign your own certificates.

Non-Transparent Proxy Caching of SSL

I asked the question before but didn't phrase it quite right. I'm using RESTful principles to build a secure web-app that uses both transport authentication/encryption and message level security.
The message level security is essentially client-independent (still encrypted though), and hence this allows the individual messages to be cached, or stored on an intermediary server without significant risk of exposing private data.
Transport level security is needed to authenticate both end-points using TLS client-authentication. The situation is analogous to having a central mainframe where messages originate, and caches at each branch where the clients are located. I want the client->cache and cache->mainframe connections to be secured using TLS and the individual X509 Certificates. Hence, the client will know it is talking to a proxy, and the mainframe will know it is talking to the proxy and not directly to the client.
Is there some way of doing this using HTTP standards, and not through some hack?
Essentially, I want the client to try and access the mainframe URI, to know it has to go through the proxy, and use TLS with the proxy (with the proxy having its own certificate), and then for the proxy to proceed to connect to the mainframe (with each having their own certificate) on behalf of the client. The proxy can cache the data the mainframe returns, and use that instead of having to connect to the mainframe each time.
Does anybody know proxy/caching software or a method that will allow this?
Would this get more responses on as it's essentially a server software/config question rather than a programming problem per se?
Basically, it sounds like you want a standard SSL reverse proxy with caching. You could do this without writing any code with Apache + mod_cache, configured as a reverse proxy.
The kicker is the message security. It'd only work if your requests are 100% cacheable based only on path/querystring, and if they were "unique by client" (eg, a client ID in the QS or something). Something tells me that one or both of these are not true. This would be pretty trivial to build in ASP.NET, or by extending mod_cache (basically just standard response caching, bucketed by the client cert thumbprint).