What is the performance implication of converting to bool in C++? - c++

[This question is related to but not the same as this one.]
My compiler warns about implicitly converting or casting certain types to bool whereas explicit conversions do not produce a warning:
long t = 0;
bool b = false;
b = t; // performance warning: forcing long to bool
b = (bool)t; // performance warning
b = bool(t); // performance warning
b = static_cast<bool>(t); // performance warning
b = t ? true : false; // ok, no warning
b = t != 0; // ok
b = !!t; // ok
This is with Visual C++ 2008 but I suspect other compilers may have similar warnings.
So my question is: what is the performance implication of casting/converting to bool? Does explicit conversion have better performance in some circumstance (e.g., for certain target architectures or processors)? Does implicit conversion somehow confuse the optimizer?
Microsoft's explanation of their warning is not particularly helpful. They imply that there is a good reason but they don't explain it.

I was puzzled by this behaviour, until I found this link:
Apparently, coming from the Microsoft Developer who "owns" this warning:
This warning is surprisingly
helpful, and found a bug in my code
just yesterday. I think Martin is
taking "performance warning" out of
It's not about the generated code,
it's about whether or not the
programmer has signalled an intent to
change a value from int to bool.
There is a penalty for that, and the
user has the choice to use "int"
instead of "bool" consistently (or
more likely vice versa) to avoid the
"boolifying" codegen. [...]
It is an old warning, and may have
outlived its purpose, but it's
behaving as designed here.
So it seems to me the warning is more about style and avoiding some mistakes than anything else.
Hope this will answer your question...

The performance is identical across the board. It involves a couple of instructions on x86, maybe 3 on some other architectures.
On x86 / VC++, they all do
cmp DWORD PTR [whatever], 0
setne al
GCC generates the same thing, but without the warnings (at any warning-level).

The performance warning does actually make a little bit of sense. I've had it as well and my curiousity led me to investigate with the disassembler. It is trying to tell you that the compiler has to generate some code to coerce the value to either 0 or 1. Because you are insisting on a bool, the old school C idea of 0 or anything else doesn't apply.
You can avoid that tiny performance hit if you really want to. The best way is to avoid the cast altogether and use a bool from the start. If you must have an int, you could just use if( int ) instead of if( bool ). The code generated will simply check whether the int is 0 or not. No extra code to make sure the value is 1 if it's not 0 will be generated.

Sounds like premature optimization to me. Are you expecting that the performance of the cast to seriously effect the performance of your app? Maybe if you are writing kernel code or device drivers but in most cases, they all should be ok.

As far as I know, there is no warning on any other compiler for this. The only way I can think that this would cause a performance loss is that the compiler has to compare the entire integer to 0 and then assign the bool appropriately (unlike a conversion such as a char to bool, where the result can be copied over because a bool is one byte and so they are effectively the same), or an integral conversion which involves copying some or all of the source to the destination, possibly after a zero of the destination if it's bigger than the source (in terms of memory).
It's yet another one of Microsoft's useless and unhelpful ideas as to what constitutes good code, and leads us to have to put up with stupid definitions like this:
template <typename T>
inline bool to_bool (const T& t)
{ return t ? true : false; }

long t;
bool b;
int i;
signed char c;
You get a warning when you do anything that would be "free" if bool wasn't required to be 0 or 1. b = !!t is effectively assigning the result of the (language built-in, non-overrideable) bool operator!(long)
You shouldn't expect the ! or != operators to cost zero asm instructions even with an optimizing compiler. It is usually true that int i = t is usually optimized away completely. Or even signed char c = t; (on x86/amd64, if t is in the %eax register, after c = t, using c just means using %al. amd64 has byte addressing for every register, BTW. IIRC, in x86 some registers don't have byte addressing.)
Anyway, b = t; i = b; isn't the same as c = t; i = c; it's i = !!t; instead of i = t & 0xff;
Err, I guess everyone already knows all that from the previous replies. My point was, the warning made sense to me, since it caught cases where the compiler had to do things you didn't really tell it to, like !!BOOL on return because you declared the function bool, but are returning an integral value that could be true and != 1. e.g. a lot of windows stuff returns BOOL (int).
This is one of MSVC's few warnings that G++ doesn't have. I'm a lot more used to g++, and it definitely warns about stuff MSVC doesn't, but that I'm glad it told me about. I wrote a portab.h header file with stubs for the MFC/Win32 classes/macros/functions I used. This got the MFC app I'm working on to compile on my GNU/Linux machine at home (and with cygwin). I mainly wanted to be able to compile-test what I was working on at home, but I ended up finding g++'s warnings very useful. It's also a lot stricter about e.g. templates...
On bool in general, I'm not sure it makes for better code when used as a return values and parameter passing. Even for locals, g++ 4.3 doesn't seem to figure out that it doesn't have to coerce the value to 0 or 1 before branching on it. If it's a local variable and you never take its address, the compiler should keep it in whatever size is fastest. If it has to spill it from registers to the stack, it could just as well keep it in 4 bytes, since that may be slightly faster. (It uses a lot of movsx (sign-extension) instructions when loading/storing (non-local) bools, but I don't really remember what it did for automatic (local stack) variables. I do remember seeing it reserve an odd amount of stack space (not a multiple of 4) in functions that had some bools locals.)
Using bool flags was slower than int with the Digital Mars D compiler as of last year:
(D is a lot like C++, but abandons full C backwards compat to define some nice new semantics, and good support for template metaprogramming. e.g. "static if" or "static assert" instead of template hacks or cpp macros. I'd really like to give D a try sometime. :)
For data structures, it can make sense, e.g. if you want to pack a couple flags before an int and then some doubles in a struct you're going to have quite a lot of.

Based on your link to MS' explanation, it appears that if the value is merely 1 or 0, there is not performance hit, but if it's any other non-0 value that a comparison must be built at compile time?

In C++ a bool ISA int with only two values 0 = false, 1 = true. The compiler only has to check one bit. To be perfectly clear, true != 0, so any int can override bool, it just cost processing cycles to do so.
By using a long as in the code sample, you are forcing a lot more bit checks, which will cause a performance hit.
No this is not premature optimization, it is quite crazy to use code that takes more processing time across the board. This is simply good coding practice.

Unless you're writing code for a really critical inner loop (simulator core, ray-tracer, etc.) there is no point in worrying about any performance hits in this case. There are other more important things to worry about in your code (and other more significant performance traps lurking, I'm sure).

Microsoft's explanation seems to be that what they're trying to say is:
Hey, if you're using an int, but are
only storing true or false information in
it, make it a bool!
I'm skeptical about how much would be gained performance-wise, but MS may have found that there was some gain (for their use, anyway). Microsoft's code does tend to run an awful lot, so maybe they've found the micro-optimization to be worthwhile. I believe that a fair bit of what goes into the MS compiler is to support stuff they find useful themselves (only makes sense, right?).
And you get rid of some dirty, little casts to boot.

I don't think performance is the issue here. The reason you get a warning is that information is lost during conversion from int to bool.


Is atomic.load() is faster than calling it normal

Recently I have been using atomic numbers alot in c++ as i use threading too much and thread safe is important to me
Well, I had a problem with printf() function here is an example
atomic_uint64_t count = {0}
// It gives error couple of errors like atomic(cost atomic&) = delete; and use of deleted function atomic so i had to write it like this to make it work
// Or
Well anyways i don't which is better for performance i really care about the speed
So i started to thinking about which is better to retrieve the value and use it in if conditions or anywhere else
if(count.load() < 8 ){
// Do smth
if(count < 8){
// Do smth
Which is better for speed and performance and thanks.
They're exactly identical in their meaning (unless you pass a non-default memory order like count.load(std::memory_order_acquire)).
I'd expect there to be no difference in the generated assembly for all compilers across all ISAs, with optimization enabled of course. There isn't for GCC/clang/MSVC/ICC in code I've looked at on https://godbolt.org/. This is true regardless of surrounding code it's inlining into.
If there is ever a difference, and one is slower or takes more code-size, report that as a missed-optimization compiler bug in whatever compiler you're using. (Unless you had optimization disabled, then an extra level of calls to wrapper functions is possible.)
As for the error, that's because you're evaluating it in a context that doesn't already imply a type: as an operand for a variadic function (printf).
If there's enough context to imply that you want the underlying T value from an atomic<T> (which is what atomic_uint64_t is), then the operator T() overload is called, which is documented as being equivalent to .load(). Same deal for assignment and .store().
There aren't any other functions that let you access only the low 32 bits of an atomic 64-bit integer (unfortunately); even on a 32-bit machine, current compilers will actually go to the trouble of doing a 64-bit atomic load (which is efficient on some 32-bit machines, not on others), then discarding the high 32 if you cast the value to a narrower type. (This is a missed-optimization, but compilers truly don't optimize atomics for the moment.)
So there's no ambiguity being resolved by .load, or any way a cast can pick a different load.
One reason for the existence of .load() and .store() is that they take a std::memory_order parameter, which is defaulted to seq_cst but can be weaker if you just need atomicity but only acq/rel synchronization between threads. Or none at all with relaxed, just atomicity.
Another reason is to let you write foo.load() to remind readers of you code that this is an atomic variable, not just a plain primitive type. For that style reason I'd prefer count.load(). Presumably if you changed its type away from uint64_t, you'd want to change how you printed it, not still cast it to uint64_t. Using .load() will let the compiler warn you about the format-string mismatch if you change its type.

Do constexpr values cause binary size to increase?

I know that templatized types such as the below cost nothing on the compiled binary size:
template<auto value>
struct ValueHolder{};
I'm making a program that will use a LOT of such wrapped types, and I don't think I want to be using integral_constants for that reason, since they have a ::value member. I can get away with something more like:
template<typename ValHolder>
struct Deducer;
template<auto value>
struct Deducer<ValueHolder<value>> {
using Output = ValueHolder<value+1>;
But it's definitely a bit more work, so I want to make sure I'm not doing it for nothing. Note that we're talking TONS of such values (I'd explain, but I don't want to go on too far a tangent; I'd probably get more comments about "should I do the project" than the question!).
So the question is: Do [static] constexpr values take any size at all in the compiled binary, or are the values substituted at compile-time, as if they were typed-in literally? I'm pretty sure they DO take size in the binary, but I'm not positive.
I did a little test at godbolt to look at the assembly of a constexpr vs non-constexpr array side-by-side, and everything looked pretty similar to me: https://godbolt.org/z/9hecfq
int main()
// Non-constexpr large array
size_t arr[0xFFFF] = {};
// Constexpr large array
constexpr size_t cArr[0xFFF] = {};
// Just to avoid unused variable optimizations / warnings
cout << arr[0] << cArr[0] << endl;
return 0;
This depends entirely on:
How much the compiler feels like optimizing the variable away.
How you use the variable.
Consider the code you posted. You created a constexpr array. As this is an array, it is 100% legal to index it with a runtime value. This would require the compiler to emit code that accesses the array at that index, which would require that array to actually exist in memory. So if you use it in such a way, it must have storage.
However, since your code only indexes this array with a constant expression index, a compiler that wants to think a bit more than -O0 would allow would realize that it knows the value of all of the elements in that array. So it knows exactly what cArr[0] is. And that means the compiler can just convert that expression into the proper value and just ignore that cArr exists.
Such a compiler could do the same with arr, BTW; it doesn't have to be a constant expression for the compiler to detect a no-op.
Also, note that since both arrays are non-static, neither will take up storage "in the compiled binary". If runtime storage for them is needed, it will be stack space, not executable space.
Broadly speaking, a constexpr variable will take up storage at any reasonable optimization level if you do something that requires it to take up storage. This could be something as innocuous as passing it to a (un-inlined) function that takes the parameter by const&.
Ask your linker :) There is nothing anywhere in the C++ standard that has any bearing on the answer. So you absolutely, positively, must build your code in release mode, and check if in the particular use scenario it does increase the size or not.
Any general results you obtain on other platforms, different compilers (1), other compile options, other modules added/removed to your project, or even any changes to the code, will not have much relevance.
You have a specific question that depends on so many factors that general answers are IMHO useless.
But moreover, if you actually care about the binary size, then it should be already in your test/benchmark suite, you should have integration builds fail when things grow when they shouldn’t, etc. No measurement and no automation are prima facie evidence that you don’t actually care.
So, since you presumably do care about the binary size, just write the code you had in mind and look in your CI dashboard at the binary size metric. Oh, you don’t have it? Well, that’s the first thing to get done before you go any further. I’m serious.
(1): Same compiler = same binary. I’m crazy, you say? No. It bit me once too many. If the compiler binary is different (other than time stamps), it’s not the same compiler, end of story.

Assignment vs mempcy - which will be faster in this case

which of the two is faster: ?
char* _pos ..;
short value = ..;
*((short*)_pos = va;
char* _pos ..;
short value = ..;
memcpy(_pos, &value, sizeof(short));
As with all "which is faster?" questions, you should benchmark it to see for yourself. And if it matters, then ask why and pick which you want.
In any case, your first example is technically undefined behavior since you are violating strict-aliasing. So if you had to choose without benchmarking, go with the second one.
To answer the actual question, which is faster will probably depend on the alignment of pos. If it's aligned properly, then 1 will probably be faster. If not, then 2 might be faster depending on how it's optimized by the compiler. (1 might even crash if the hardware doesn't support misaligned access.)
But this is all guess-work. You really need to benchmark it to know for sure.
At the very least, you should look at the compiled assembly:
: *(short *)_pos = value;
mov WORD PTR [rcx], dx
: memcpy(_pos, &value, sizeof(short));
mov WORD PTR [rcx], dx
Which in this case (in MSVC) shows the exact same assembly with default optimizations. So you can expect the performance to be the same.
With gcc at an optimization level of -O1 or higher, the following two functions compile to exactly the same machine code on x86:
void foo(char *_pos, short value)
memcpy(_pos, &value, sizeof(short));
void bar(char *_pos, short value)
*(short *)_pos = value;
The compiler might implement them both the same way.
If it does it naively, assignment will be faster.
For any practical purpose, they'll both be done in no time, and you don't need to worry.
Also note that you may have alignment problem s(_pos may not be aligned on 2 bytes, which may crash on some processors), and type punning problems (the compiler may assume that what _pos points to isn't changed, because you wrote using a short *).
Does it matter? It might be that the first case will save you some cycles (depends on the compiler sophistication and optimizations). But is it worth the readibility and maintainability hit?
Many bugs are introduced because of premature optimization. You should first identify the bottleneck, and if this assignment is that bottleneck - benchmark each of the options (taking care of alignment and other issues mentioned here by others already).
The question is implementation-dependent. In practice, for doing nothing but copying sizeof(short) bytes, if one is going to be slower, it's going to be memcpy. For considerably larger data sets, if one is going to be faster, it's generally going to be memcpy.
As pointed out, #1 invokes undefined behavior.
We can see that simple assignment is certainly easier to read and write and less error prone than both. Clarity and correctness should come first, even in performance-critical areas for the simple reason that it's easier to optimize correct code than it is to fix optimized, incorrect code. If this is really a C++ question, the need for such code (casts or memcpy that bulldoze over the type system to x-ray and copy around bits) should be very, very rare.
If you are certain that there won't be an alignment issue, and you really find this is a bottleneck situation then go ahead and do the first.
If you are unhappy calling memcpy then do something like:
*pos = static_cast<char>(value & 0xff );
*(pos+1) = static_cast<char>(value >> 8 );
although if you are going to do that then use unsigned values.
The above code ensures you get little-endian too. (Obviously reverse the order of the assignments if you want big-endian). You might want a consistent endian-ness if the data is passed around as some kind of binary blob, which is, I assume, what you are trying to create.
You might wish to use something like google protocol buffers if you want to create binary blobs. There is also boost::serialize which includes binary serialization.
You can avoid breaking aliasing rules and calling a function by using a union:
union {
char* c;
short* s;
} _pos;
short value = ...
_pos->s = value;

Force compiler to not optimize side-effect-less statements

I was reading some old game programming books and as some of you might know, back in that day it was usually faster to do bit hacks than do things the standard way. (Converting float to int, mask sign bit, convert back for absolute value, instead of just calling fabs(), for example)
Nowadays is almost always better to just use the standard library math functions, since these tiny things are hardly the cause of most bottlenecks anyway.
But I still want to do a comparison, just for curiosity's sake. So I want to make sure when I profile, I'm not getting skewed results. As such, I'd like to make sure the compiler does not optimize out statements that have no side effect, such as:
void float_to_int(float f)
int i = static_cast<int>(f); // has no side-effects
Is there a way to do this? As far as I can tell, doing something like i += 10 will still have no side-effect and as such won't solve the problem.
The only thing I can think of is having a global variable, int dummy;, and after the cast doing something like dummy += i, so the value of i is used. But I feel like this dummy operation will get in the way of the results I want.
I'm using Visual Studio 2008 / G++ (3.4.4).
To clarify, I would like to have all optimizations maxed out, to get good profile results. The problem is that with this the statements with no side-effect will be optimized out, hence the situation.
Edit Again
To clarify once more, read this: I'm not trying to micro-optimize this in some sort of production code.
We all know that the old tricks aren't very useful anymore, I'm merely curious how not useful they are. Just plain curiosity. Sure, life could go on without me knowing just how these old hacks perform against modern day CPU's, but it never hurts to know.
So telling me "these tricks aren't useful anymore, stop trying to micro-optimize blah blah" is an answer completely missing the point. I know they aren't useful, I don't use them.
Premature quoting of Knuth is the root of all annoyance.
Assignment to a volatile variable shold never be optimized away, so this might give you the result you want:
static volatile int i = 0;
void float_to_int(float f)
i = static_cast<int>(f); // has no side-effects
So I want to make sure when I profile, I'm not getting skewed results. As such, I'd like to make sure the compiler does not optimize out statements
You are by definition skewing the results.
Here's how to fix the problem of trying to profile "dummy" code that you wrote just to test: For profiling, save your results to a global/static array and print one member of the array to the output at the end of the program. The compiler will not be able to optimize out any of the computations that placed values in the array, but you'll still get any other optimizations it can put in to make the code fast.
In this case I suggest you make the function return the integer value:
int float_to_int(float f)
return static_cast<int>(f);
Your calling code can then exercise it with a printf to guarantee it won't optimize it out. Also make sure float_to_int is in a separate compilation unit so the compiler can't play any tricks.
extern int float_to_int(float f)
int sum = 0;
// start timing here
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
sum += float_to_int(1.0f);
// end timing here
printf("sum=%d\n", sum);
Now compare this to an empty function like:
int take_float_return_int(float /* f */)
return 1;
Which should also be external.
The difference in times should give you an idea of the expense of what you're trying to measure.
What always worked on all compilers I used so far:
extern volatile int writeMe = 0;
void float_to_int(float f)
writeMe = static_cast<int>(f);
note that this skews results, boith methods should write to writeMe.
volatile tells the compiler "the value may be accessed without your notice", thus the compiler cannot omit the calculation and drop the result. To block propagiation of input constants, you might need to run them through an extern volatile, too:
extern volatile float readMe = 0;
extern volatile int writeMe = 0;
void float_to_int(float f)
writeMe = static_cast<int>(f);
int main()
readMe = 17;
Still, all optimizations inbetween the read and the write can be applied "with full force". The read and write to the global variable are often good "fenceposts" when inspecting the generated assembly.
Without the extern the compiler may notice that a reference to the variable is never taken, and thus determine it can't be volatile. Technically, with Link Time Code Generation, it might not be enough, but I haven't found a compiler that agressive. (For a compiler that indeed removes the access, the reference would need to be passed to a function in a DLL loaded at runtime)
Compilers are unfortunately allowed to optimise as much as they like, even without any explicit switches, if the code behaves as if no optimisation takes place. However, you can often trick them into not doing so if you indicate that value might be used later, so I would change your code to:
int float_to_int(float f)
return static_cast<int>(f); // has no side-effects
As others have suggested, you will need to examine the assemnler output to check that this approach actually works.
You just need to skip to the part where you learn something and read the published Intel CPU optimisation manual.
These quite clearly state that casting between float and int is a really bad idea because it requires a store from the int register to memory followed by a load into a float register. These operations cause a bubble in the pipeline and waste many precious cycles.
a function call incurs quite a bit of overhead, so I would remove this anyway.
adding a dummy += i; is no problem, as long as you keep this same bit of code in the alternate profile too. (So the code you are comparing it against).
Last but not least: generate asm code. Even if you can not code in asm, the generated code is typically understandable since it will have labels and commented C code behind it. So you know (sortoff) what happens, and which bits are kept.
p.s. found this too:
inline float pslNegFabs32f(float x){
fld x //Push 'x' into st(0) of FPU stack
fchs //change sign
fstp x //Pop from st(0) of FPU stack
return x;
supposedly also very fast. You might want to profile this too. (although it is hardly portable code)
Return the value?
int float_to_int(float f)
return static_cast<int>(f); // has no side-effects
and then at the call site, you can sum all the return values up, and print out the result when the benchmark is done. The usual way to do this is to somehow make sure you depend on the result.
You could use a global variable instead, but it seems like that'd generate more cache misses. Usually, simply returning the value to the caller (and making sure the caller actually does something with it) does the trick.
If you are using Microsoft's compiler - cl.exe, you can use the following statement to turn optimization on/off on a per-function level [link to doc].
#pragma optimize("" ,{ on |off })
Turn optimizations off for functions defined after the current line:
#pragma optimize("" ,off)
Turn optimizations back on:
#pragma optimize("" ,on)
For example, in the following image, you can notice 3 things.
Compiler optimizations flag is set - /O2, so code will get optimized.
Optimizations are turned off for first function - square(), and turned back on before square2() is defined.
Amount of assembly code generated for 1st function is higher. In second function there is no assembly code generated for int i = num; statement in code.
Thus while 1st function is not optimized, the second function is.
See https://godbolt.org/z/qJTBHg for link to this code on compiler explorer.
A similar directive exists for gcc too - https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Function-Specific-Option-Pragmas.html
A micro-benchmark around this statement will not be representative of using this approach in a genuine scenerio; the surrounding instructions and their affect on the pipeline and cache are generally as important as any given statement in itself.
GCC 4 does a lot of micro-optimizations now, that GCC 3.4 has never done. GCC4 includes a tree vectorizer that turns out to do a very good job of taking advantage of SSE and MMX. It also uses the GMP and MPFR libraries to assist in optimizing calls to things like sin(), fabs(), etc., as well as optimizing such calls to their FPU, SSE or 3D Now! equivalents.
I know the Intel compiler is also extremely good at these kinds of optimizations.
My suggestion is to not worry about micro-optimizations like this - on relatively new hardware (anything built in the last 5 or 6 years), they're almost completely moot.
Edit: On recent CPUs, the FPU's fabs instruction is far faster than a cast to int and bit mask, and the fsin instruction is generally going to be faster than precalculating a table or extrapolating a Taylor series. A lot of the optimizations you would find in, for example, "Tricks of the Game Programming Gurus," are completely moot, and as pointed out in another answer, could potentially be slower than instructions on the FPU and in SSE.
All of this is due to the fact that newer CPUs are pipelined - instructions are decoded and dispatched to fast computation units. Instructions no longer run in terms of clock cycles, and are more sensitive to cache misses and inter-instruction dependencies.
Check the AMD and Intel processor programming manuals for all the gritty details.

GCC: program doesn't work with compilation option -O3

I'm writing a C++ program that doesn't work (I get a segmentation fault) when I compile it with optimizations (options -O1, -O2, -O3, etc.), but it works just fine when I compile it without optimizations.
Is there any chance that the error is in my code? or should I assume that this is a bug in GCC?
My GCC version is 3.4.6.
Is there any known workaround for this kind of problem?
There is a big difference in speed between the optimized and unoptimized version of my program, so I really need to use optimizations.
This is my original functor. The one that works fine with no levels of optimizations and throws a segmentation fault with any level of optimization:
struct distanceToPointSort{
indexedDocument* point ;
distanceToPointSort(indexedDocument* p): point(p) {}
bool operator() (indexedDocument* p1,indexedDocument* p2){
return distance(point,p1) < distance(point,p2) ;
} ;
And this one works flawlessly with any level of optimization:
struct distanceToPointSort{
indexedDocument* point ;
distanceToPointSort(indexedDocument* p): point(p) {}
bool operator() (indexedDocument* p1,indexedDocument* p2){
float d1=distance(point,p1) ;
float d2=distance(point,p2) ;
std::cout << "" ; //without this line, I get a segmentation fault anyways
return d1 < d2 ;
} ;
Unfortunately, this problem is hard to reproduce because it happens with some specific values. I get the segmentation fault upon sorting just one out of more than a thousand vectors, so it really depends on the specific combination of values each vector has.
Now that you posted the code fragment and a working workaround was found (#Windows programmer's answer), I can say that perhaps what you are looking for is -ffloat-store.
Do not store floating point variables in registers, and inhibit other options that might change whether a floating point value is taken from a register or memory.
This option prevents undesirable excess precision on machines such as the 68000 where the floating registers (of the 68881) keep more precision than a double is supposed to have. Similarly for the x86 architecture. For most programs, the excess precision does only good, but a few programs rely on the precise definition of IEEE floating point. Use -ffloat-store for such programs, after modifying them to store all pertinent intermediate computations into variables.
Source: http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-3.4.6/gcc/Optimize-Options.html
I would assume your code is wrong first.
Though it is hard to tell.
Does your code compile with 0 warnings?
g++ -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -ansi
Here's some code that seems to work, until you hit -O3...
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int i = 0, j = 1, k = 2;
printf("%d %d %d\n", *(&j-1), *(&j), *(&j+1));
return 0;
Without optimisations, I get "2 1 0"; with optimisations I get "40 1 2293680". Why? Because i and k got optimised out!
But I was taking the address of j and going out of the memory region allocated to j. That's not allowed by the standard. It's most likely that your problem is caused by a similar deviation from the standard.
I find valgrind is often helpful at times like these.
EDIT: Some commenters are under the impression that the standard allows arbitrary pointer arithmetic. It does not. Remember that some architectures have funny addressing schemes, alignment may be important, and you may get problems if you overflow certain registers!
The words of the [draft] standard, on adding/subtracting an integer to/from a pointer (emphasis added):
"If both the pointer operand and the result point to elements of the same array object, or one past the last element of the array object, the evaluation shall not produce an overflow; otherwise, the behavior is undefined."
Seeing as &j doesn't even point to an array object, &j-1 and &j+1 can hardly point to part of the same array object. So simply evaluating &j+1 (let alone dereferencing it) is undefined behaviour.
On x86 we can be pretty confident that adding one to a pointer is fairly safe and just takes us to the next memory location. In the code above, the problem occurs when we make assumptions about what that memory contains, which of course the standard doesn't go near.
As an experiment, try to see if this will force the compiler to round everything consistently.
volatile float d1=distance(point,p1) ;
volatile float d2=distance(point,p2) ;
return d1 < d2 ;
The error is in your code. It's likely you're doing something that invokes undefined behavior according to the C standard which just happens to work with no optimizations, but when GCC makes certain assumptions for performing its optimizations, the code breaks when those assumptions aren't true. Make sure to compile with the -Wall option, and the -Wextra might also be a good idea, and see if you get any warnings. You could also try -ansi or -pedantic, but those are likely to result in false positives.
You may be running into an aliasing problem (or it could be a million other things). Look up the -fstrict-aliasing option.
This kind of question is impossible to answer properly without more information.
It is very seldom the compiler fault, but compiler do have bugs in them, and them often manifest themselves at different optimization levels (if there is a bug in an optimization pass, for example).
In general when reporting programming problems: provide a minimal code sample to demonstrate the issue, such that people can just save the code to a file, compile and run it. Make it as easy as possible to reproduce your problem.
Also, try different versions of GCC (compiling your own GCC is very easy, especially on Linux). If possible, try with another compiler. Intel C has a compiler which is more or less GCC compatible (and free for non-commercial use, I think). This will help pinpointing the problem.
It's almost (almost) never the compiler.
First, make sure you're compiling warning-free, with -Wall.
If that didn't give you a "eureka" moment, attach a debugger to the least optimized version of your executable that crashes and see what it's doing and where it goes.
5 will get you 10 that you've fixed the problem by this point.
Ran into the same problem a few days ago, in my case it was aliasing. And GCC does it differently, but not wrongly, when compared to other compilers. GCC has become what some might call a rules-lawyer of the C++ standard, and their implementation is correct, but you also have to be really correct in you C++, or it'll over optimize somethings, which is a pain. But you get speed, so can't complain.
I expect to get some downvotes here after reading some of the comments, but in the console game programming world, it's rather common knowledge that the higher optimization levels can sometimes generate incorrect code in weird edge cases. It might very well be that edge cases can be fixed with subtle changes to the code, though.
This is one of the weirdest problems I've ever had.
I dont think I have enough proof to state it's a GCC bug, but honestly... It really looks like one.
This is my original functor. The one that works fine with no levels of optimizations and throws a segmentation fault with any level of optimization:
struct distanceToPointSort{
indexedDocument* point ;
distanceToPointSort(indexedDocument* p): point(p) {}
bool operator() (indexedDocument* p1,indexedDocument* p2){
return distance(point,p1) < distance(point,p2) ;
} ;
And this one works flawlessly with any level of optimization:
struct distanceToPointSort{
indexedDocument* point ;
distanceToPointSort(indexedDocument* p): point(p) {}
bool operator() (indexedDocument* p1,indexedDocument* p2){
float d1=distance(point,p1) ;
float d2=distance(point,p2) ;
std::cout << "" ; //without this line, I get a segmentation fault anyways
return d1 < d2 ;
} ;
Unfortunately, this problem is hard to reproduce because it happens with some specific values. I get the segmentation fault upon sorting just one out of more than a thousand vectors, so it really depends on the specific combination of values each vector has.
Wow, I didn't expect answers so quicly, and so many...
The error occurs upon sorting a std::vector of pointers using std::sort()
I provide the strict-weak-ordering functor.
But I know the functor I provide is correct because I've used it a lot and it works fine.
Plus, the error cannot be some invalid pointer in the vector becasue the error occurs just when I sort the vector. If I iterate through the vector without applying std::sort first, the program works fine.
I just used GDB to try to find out what's going on. The error occurs when std::sort invoke my functor. Aparently std::sort is passing an invalid pointer to my functor. (of course this happens with the optimized version only, any level of optimization -O, -O2, -O3)
as other have pointed out, probably strict aliasing.
turn it of in o3 and try again. My guess is that you are doing some pointer tricks in your functor (fast float as int compare? object type in lower 2 bits?) that fail across inlining template functions.
warnings do not help to catch this case. "if the compiler could detect all strict aliasing problems it could just as well avoid them" just changing an unrelated line of code may make the problem appear or go away as it changes register allocation.
As the updated question will show ;) , the problem exists with a std::vector<T*>. One common error with vectors is reserve()ing what should have been resize()d. As a result, you'd be writing outside array bounds. An optimizer may discard those writes.
post the code in distance! it probably does some pointer magic, see my previous post. doing an intermediate assignment just hides the bug in your code by changing register allocation. even more telling of this is the output changing things!
The true answer is hidden somewhere inside all the comments in this thread. First of all: it is not a bug in the compiler.
The problem has to do with floating point precision. distanceToPointSort should be a function that should never return true for both the arguments (a,b) and (b,a), but that is exactly what can happen when the compiler decides to use higher precision for some data paths. The problem is especially likely on, but by no means limited to, x86 without -mfpmath=sse. If the comparator behaves that way, the sort function can become confused, and the segmentation fault is not surprising.
I consider -ffloat-store the best solution here (already suggested by CesarB).