A more generic visitor pattern - c++

I'm sorry if my question is so long and technical but I think it's so important other people will be interested about it
I was looking for a way to separate clearly some softwares internals from their representation in c++
I have a generic parameter class (to be later stored in a container) that can contain any kind of value with the the boost::any class
I have a base class (roughly) of this kind (of course there is more stuff)
class Parameter
template typename<T> T GetValue() const { return any_cast<T>( _value ); }
template typename<T> void SetValue(const T& value) { _value = value; }
string GetValueAsString() const = 0;
void SetValueFromString(const string& str) const = 0;
boost::any _value;
There are two levels of derived classes:
The first level defines the type and the conversion to/from string (for example ParameterInt or ParameterString)
The second level defines the behaviour and the real creators (for example deriving ParameterAnyInt and ParameterLimitedInt from ParameterInt or ParameterFilename from GenericString)
Depending on the real type I would like to add external function or classes that operates depending on the specific parameter type without adding virtual methods to the base class and without doing strange casts
For example I would like to create the proper gui controls depending on parameter types:
Widget* CreateWidget(const Parameter& p)
Of course I cannot understand real Parameter type from this unless I use RTTI or implement it my self (with enum and switch case), but this is not the right OOP design solution, you know.
The classical solution is the Visitor design pattern http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visitor_pattern
The problem with this pattern is that I have to know in advance which derived types will be implemented, so (putting together what is written in wikipedia and my code) we'll have sort of:
struct Visitor
virtual void visit(ParameterLimitedInt& wheel) = 0;
virtual void visit(ParameterAnyInt& engine) = 0;
virtual void visit(ParameterFilename& body) = 0;
Is there any solution to obtain this behaviour in any other way without need to know in advance all the concrete types and without deriving the original visitor?
Edit: Dr. Pizza's solution seems the closest to what I was thinking, but the problem is still the same and the method is actually relying on dynamic_cast, that I was trying to avoid as a kind of (even if weak) RTTI method
Maybe it is better to think to some solution without even citing the visitor Pattern and clean our mind. The purpose is just having the function such:
Widget* CreateWidget(const Parameter& p)
behave differently for each "concrete" parameter without losing info on its type

For a generic implementation of Vistor, I'd suggest the Loki Visitor, part of the Loki library.

I've used this ("acyclic visitor") to good effect; it makes adding new classes to the hierarchy possible without changing existing ones, to some extent.

If I understand this correctly...
We had a object that could use different hardware options. To facilitate this we used a abstract interface of Device. Device had a bunch of functions that would be fired on certain events. The use would be the same but the various implementations of the Device would either have a fully-fleshed out functions or just return immediately. To make life even easier, the functions were void and threw exceptions on when something went wrong.

For completeness's sake:
it's of course completely possible to write an own implementation of a multimethod pointer table for your objects and calculate the method addresses manually at run time. There's a paper by Stroustrup on the topic of implementing multimethods (albeit in the compiler).
I wouldn't really advise anyone to do this. Getting the implementation to perform well is quite complicated and the syntax for using it will probably be very awkward and error-prone. If everything else fails, this might still be the way to go, though.

I am having trouble understanding your requirements. But Ill state - in my own words as it were - what I understand the situation to be:
You have abstract Parameter class, which is subclassed eventually to some concrete classes (eg: ParameterLimitedInt).
You have a seperate GUI system which will be passed these parameters in a generic fashion, but the catch is that it needs to present the GUI component specific to the concrete type of the parameter class.
The restrictions are that you dont want to do RTTID, and dont want to write code to handle every possible type of concrete parameter.
You are open to using the visitor pattern.
With those being your requirements, here is how I would handle such a situation:
I would implement the visitor pattern where the accept() returns a boolean value. The base Parameter class would implement a virtual accept() function and return false.
Concrete implementations of the Parameter class would then contain accept() functions which will call the visitor's visit(). They would return true.
The visitor class would make use of a templated visit() function so you would only override for the concrete Parameter types you care to support:
class Visitor
template< class T > void visit( const T& param ) const
assert( false && "this parameter type not specialised in the visitor" );
void visit( const ParameterLimitedInt& ) const; // specialised implementations...
Thus if accept() returns false, you know the concrete type for the Parameter has not implemented the visitor pattern yet (in case there is additional logic you would prefer to handle on a case by case basis). If the assert() in the visitor pattern triggers, its because its not visiting a Parameter type which you've implemented a specialisation for.
One downside to all of this is that unsupported visits are only caught at runtime.


Calling Templated C++ Method based on Runtime Logic

I often run into the problems associated with SubType Polymorphism, I'm looking for an elegant solution I may not already be aware of.
Here is a simple inheritence hierarchy:
struct BaseClass {
virtual ~BaseClass() = 0;
std::string name;
template <T>
struct DerivedClass
DerivedClass(const std::string& _name): name(_name) { }
Now I might create lots of these DerivedClass instances with different names and template types and store them in an array using their BaseClass.
std::vector<BaseClass*> array;
array.push_back(new DerivedClass<TABC>("abc"));
array.push_back(new DerivedClass<TDEF>("def"));
This is pretty standard runtime polymorphism.
However, when I have a new layer of functionality that is type-specific to add and don't want this new layer to be coupled in both directions, I end up having to do something like this:
template <typename T>
void method(DerivedClass<T>* object) { }
void callMethod(BaseClass* object)
// this is the logic I'm trying to move up a layer
if (object->name == "abc") method<TABC>(object);
else if (object->name == "def") method<TDEF>(object);
Each of these methods has to have the same list of run-time strings to compile-time types to convert, which means adding a new type requires a lot of changes.
If I was to assume the new layer would only support specific options known at compile-time (as is the case here anyway), then it would be feasible to add new types at runtime, but not be able to use them in this layer, which would be fine.
My current thinking is if I was to introduce a virtual method to the class hierarchy that took a function pointer, I could register the function pointers for each method in the second layer based on specific compile-time types (ideally only specified once), kind of like a double dispatch type method.
Any thoughts, suggestions?
You need that link to call the specific template version based on a string, the best you can do is have a dictionary of string->lambda function and use the string as a lookup to get a function<> to call. This avoids the nested ifs and it's relatively easy to maintain, both at compile time (the default list) and at runtime (any changes are just array changes).
Rather than steal Sean Parent's thunder I'll direct you to this talk which will show you how to achieve this cleanly, safely and simply.
The technique is called 'polymorphism as an implementation detail'. It has transformed the way I write code.

Alternate ways to identify polymorphic objects?

I've been searching all through the web and I seem to not find any alternate way of doing comparing if two polymorphic objects are the same type, or if a polymorphic object IS a type. The reason for this is because I am going to implement a Entity System inside of my game that I am currently creating.
I have not found another way of doing this other than with the use macros or a cast (the cast not being a portable method of doing so). Currently this is how I am identifying objects, is there a more efficient or effective way of doing this? (without the use of C++ RTTI)
I pasted it on pastebin, since pasting it here is just too much of a hassle.
And just incase you still do not understand exactly what I'm trying to achieve, I'll try to explain it. An entity in a game is like an object inside of the game (e.g. a player or enemy), it have have components attached to it, these components are data for an entity. A system in the entity system is what brings the data and logic of the game together.
For example, if I wanted to display a model up on the screen it would be similar to this:
World world; // Where all entities are contained
// create an entity from the world, and add
// some geometry that is loaded from a file
Entity* e = world.createEntity();
e->add(new GeometryComponent());
e->get<GeometryComponent>()->loadModel("my_model.obj"); // this is what I want to be able to do
world.addSystem(new RenderingSystem());
// game loop
bool isRunning = true;
// etc...
// update the world
Here's a framework, programmed in Java, that does mainly what I want to be able to do.
See std::is_polymorphic. I believe boost has it too.
If T is a polymorphic class (that is, a class that declares or inherits at least one virtual function), provides the member constant value equal true. For any other type, value is false.
Why can't you just do this in your example?
Entity* e = world.createEntity();
GemoetryComponent* gc = new GeometryComponent();
Create the structure before stripping the type information.
If you're determined not to use C++'s built-in RTTI, you can reimplement it yourself by deriving all classes from a base class that contains a virtual method:
class Base {
virtual string getType() = 0;
Then every derived class needs to overload this method with a version that returns a distinct string:
class Foo : public Base {
string getType() { return "Foo"; }
You can then simply compare the results of calling getType() on each object to determined if they are the same type. You could use an enumeration instead of a string if you know up front all the derived classes that will ever be created.
Entity* e = world.createEntity();
e->add(new GeometryComponent());
// this is what I want to be able to do
First the simple: there is a base type to all of the components that can be added, or else you would not be able to do e->add(new GeometryComponent()). I assume that this particular base has at least one virtual function, in which case the trivial solution is to implement get as:
template <typename T>
T* get() {
return dynamic_cast<T*>(m_component); // or whatever your member is
The question says that you don't want to use RTTI, but you fail to provide a reason. The common misundertandings are that RTTI is slow, if that is the case, consider profiling to see if that is your case. In most cases the slowness of dynamic_cast<> is not important, as dynamic_casts should happen rarely on your program. If dynamic_cast<> is a bottleneck, you should refactor so that you don't use it which would be the best solution.
A faster approach, (again, if you have a performance bottleneck here you should redesign, this will make it faster, but the design will still be broken) if you only want to allow to obtain the complete type of the object would be to use a combination of typeid to tests the type for equality and static_cast to perform the downcast:
template <typename T>
T* get() {
if (typeid(*m_component)==typeid(T))
return static_cast<T*>(m_component);
return 0;
Which is a poor man's version of dynamic_cast. It will be faster but it will only let you cast to the complete type (i.e. the actual type of the object pointed, not any of it's intermediate bases).
If you are willing to sacrifice all correctness (or there is no RTTI: i.e. no virtual functions) you can do the static_cast directly, but if the object is not of that type you will cause undefined behavior.

runtime type comparison

I need to find the type of object pointed by pointer.
Code is as below.
//pWindow is pointer to either base Window object or derived Window objects like //Window_Derived.
const char* windowName = typeid(*pWindow).name();
if(strcmp(windowName, typeid(Window).name()) == 0)
// ...
else if(strcmp(windowName, typeid(Window_Derived).name()) == 0)
// ...
As i can't use switch statement for comparing string, i am forced to use if else chain.
But as the number of window types i have is high, this if else chain is becoming too lengthy.
Can we check the window type using switch or an easier method ?
EDIT: Am working in a logger module. I thought, logger should not call derived class virtual function for logging purpose. It should do on its own. So i dropped virtual function approach.
First of all use a higher level construct for strings like std::string.
Second, if you need to check the type of the window your design is wrong.
Use the Liskov substitution principle to design correctly.
It basically means that any of the derived Window objects can be replaced with it's super class.
This can only happen if both share the same interface and the derived classes don't violate the contract provided by the base class.
If you need some mechanism to apply behavior dynamically use the Visitor Pattern
Here are the things to do in order of preference:
Add a new virtual method to the base class and simply call it. Then put a virtual method of the same name in each derived class that implements the corresponding else if clause inside it. This is the preferred option as your current strategy is a widely recognized symptom of poor design, and this is the suggested remedy.
Use a ::std::map< ::std::string, void (*)(Window *pWindow)>. This will allow you to look up the function to call in a map, which is much faster and easier to add to. This will also require you to split each else if clause into its own function.
Use a ::std::map< ::std::string, int>. This will let you look up an integer for the corresponding string and then you can switch on the integer.
There are other refactoring strategies to use that more closely resemble option 1 here. For example,if you can't add a method to the Window class, you can create an interface class that has the needed method. Then you can make a function that uses dynamic_cast to figure out if the object implements the interface class and call the method in that case, and then handle the few remaining cases with your else if construct.
Create a dictionary (set/hashmap) with the strings as keys and the behaviour as value.
Using behaviour as values can be done in two ways:
Encapsulate each behaviour in it's
own class that inherit from an
interface with"DoAction" method that
execute the behavior
Use function pointers
I found this article that might be what you're looking for:
You might try putting all your typeid(...).name() values in a map, then doing a find() in the map. You could map to an int that can be used in a switch statement, or to a function pointer. Better yet, you might look again at getting a virtual function inside each of the types that does what you need.
What you ask for is possible, it's also unlikely to be a good solution to your problem.
Effectively the if/else if/else chain is ugly, the first solution that comes to mind will therefore to use a construct that will lift this, an associative container comes to mind and the default one is obviously std::unordered_map.
Thinking on the type of this container, you will realize that you need to use the typename as the key and associate it to a functor object...
However there are much more elegant constructs for this. The first of all will be of course the use of a virtual method.
class Base
void execute() const { this->executeImpl(); }
virtual void executeImpl() const { /* default impl */ }
class Derived: public Base
virtual void executeImpl() const { /* another impl */ }
It's the OO way of dealing with this type of requirement.
Finally, if you find yourself willing to add many different operations on your hierarchy, I will suggest the use of a well-known design pattern: Visitor. There is a variation called Acyclic Visitor which helps dealing with dependencies.

C++ checking the type of reference

Is it bad design to check if an object is of a particular type by having some sort of ID data member in it?
class A
bool isStub;
A(bool isStubVal):isStub(isStubVal){}
bool isStub(){return isStub;}
class A1:public A
class AStub:public A
Problem is A holds a lot of virtual functions, which A1 doesn't override but the stub needs to, for indidicating that you are working on a stub instead of an actual object. Here maintainability is the question, for every function that i add to A, i need to override it in stub. forgetting it means dangerous behaviour as A's virtual function gets executed with stub's data. Sure I can add an abstract class ABase and let A and Astub inherit from them. But the design has become rigid enough to allow this refactor.
A reference holder to A is held in another class B. B is initialized with the stub reference, but later depending on some conditions, the reference holder in B is reinitialized with the A1,A2 etc.. So when i do this BObj.GetA(), i can check in GetA() if the refholder is holding a stub and then give an error in that case. Not doing that check means, i would have to override all functions of A in AStub with the appropriate error conditions.
Generally, yes. You're half OO, half procedural.
What are you going to do once you determine the object type? You probably should put that behavior in the object itself (perhaps in a virtual function), and have different derived classes implement that behavior differently. Then you have no reason to check the object type at all.
In your specific example you have a "stub" class. Instead of doing...
Just call
and have the implemention in AStub be a empty
Generally yes. Usually you want not to query the object, but to expect it to BEHAVE the proper way. What you suggest is basically a primitive RTTI, and this is generally frowned upon, unless there are better options.
The OO way would be to Stub the functionality, not check for it. However, in the case of a lot of functions to "stub" this may not seem optimal.
Hence, this depends on what you want the class to really do.
Also note, that in this case you don't waste space:
class A
virtual bool isStub() = 0;
class A1:public A
virtual bool isStub() { return false; };
class AStub:public A
virtual bool isStub() { return true; };
... buuut you have a virtual function -- what usually is not a problem, unless it's a performance bottleneck.
If you want to find out the type of object at runtime you can use a dynamic_cast. You must have a pointer or reference to the object, and then check the result of the dynamic_cast. If it is not NULL, then the object is the correct type.
With polymorphic classes you can use the typeofoperator to perform RTTI. Most of the time you shouldn't need to. Without polymorphism, there's no language facility to do so, but you should need to even less often.
One caveat. Obviously your type is going to be determined at construction time. If your determination of 'type' is a dynamic quantity you can't solve this problem with the C++ type system. In that case you need to have some function. But in this case it is better to use the overridable/dynamic behavior as Terry suggested.
Can you provide some better information as what you are trying to accomplish?
This sort of thing is fine. It's generally better to put functionality in the object, so that there's no need to switch on type -- this makes the calling code simpler and localises future changes -- but there's a lot to be said for being able to check the types.
There will always be exceptions to the general case, even with the best will in the world, and being able to quickly check for the odd specific case can make the difference between having something fixed by one change in one place, a quick project-specific hack in the project-specific code, and having to make more invasive, wide-reaching changes (extra functions in the base class at the very least) -- possibly pushing project-specific concerns into shared or framework code.
For a quick solution to the problem, use dynamic_cast. As others have noted, this lets one check that an object is of a given type -- or a type derived from that (an improvement over the straightforward "check IDs" approach). For example:
bool IsStub( const A &a ) {
return bool( dynamic_cast< const AStub * >( &a ) );
This requires no setup, and without any effort on one's part the results will be correct. It is also template-friendly in a very straightforward and obvious manner.
Two other approaches may also suit.
If the set of derived types is fixed, or there are a set of derived types that get commonly used, one might have some functions on the base class that will perform the cast. The base class implementations return NULL:
class A {
virtual AStub *AsStub() { return NULL; }
virtual OtherDerivedClass *AsOtherDerivedClass() { return NULL; }
Then override as appropriate, for example:
class AStub : public A {
AStub *AsStub() { return this; }
Again, this allows one to have objects of a derived type treated as if they were their base type -- or not, if that would be preferable. A further advantage of this is that one need not necessarily return this, but could return a pointer to some other object (a member variable perhaps). This allows a given derived class to provide multiple views of itself, or perhaps change its role at runtime.
This approach is not especially template friendly, though. It would require a bit of work, with the result either being a bit more verbose or using constructs with which not everybody is familiar.
Another approach is to reify the object type. Have an actual object that represents the type, that can be retrieved by both a virtual function and a static function. For simple type checking, this is not much better than dynamic_cast, but the cost is more predictable across a wide range of compilers, and the opportunities for storing useful data (proper class name, reflection information, navigable class hierarchy information, etc.) are much greater.
This requires a bit of infrastructure (a couple of macros, at least) to make it easy to add the virtual functions and maintain the hierarchy data, but it provides good results. Even if this is only used to store class names that are guaranteed to be useful, and to check for types, it'll pay for itself.
With all this in place, checking for a particular type of object might then go something like this example:
bool IsStub( const A &a ) {
return a.GetObjectType().IsDerivedFrom( AStub::GetClassType() );
(IsDerivedFrom might be table-driven, or it could simply loop through the hierarchy data. Either of these may or may not be more efficient than dynamic_cast, but the approximate runtime cost is at least predictable.)
As with dynamic_cast, this approach is also obviously amenable to automation with templates.
In the general case it might not be a good design, but in some specific cases it is a reasonable design choice to provide an isStub() method for the use of a specific client that would otherwise need to use RTTI. One such case is lazy loading:
class LoadingProxy : IInterface
IInterface m_delegate;
IInterface loadDelegate();
LoadingProxy(IInterface delegate) : m_delegate(delegate){}
int useMe()
if (m_delegate.isStub())
m_delegate = loadDelegate();
return m_delegate.useMe();
The problem with RTTI is that it is relatively expensive (slow) compared with a virtual method call, so that if your useMe() function is simple/quick, RTTI determines the performance. On one application that I worked on, using RTTI tests to determine if lazy loading was needed was one of the performance bottlenecks identified by profiling.
However, as many other answers have said, the application code should not need to worry about whether it has a stub or a usable instance. The test should be in one place/layer in the application. Unless you might need multiple LoadingProxy implementations there might be a case for making isStub() a friend function.

polymorphic handles

I have handles of different types inside a hierarchy.
class Handle { common data }
class HandleA : Handle { data specific to a }
class HandleB : Handle { data specific to b }
Most parts of the code only deal with handles. But some parts ( the "managers" for HandleA/HandleB ) need access to the data in the child classes.
void ManagerA::DoSomething(Handle handle)
// needs access to data in handleA
Are there any solutions to this that don't involve casting?
My ideas so far:
- Save the additional data inside a map in ManagerA/B and use the handle to lookup that data (additional hashtable lookup)
- Have polymorphic methods in the handles ( handle.DoSomething()) that call the appropiate manager methods (needs an additional pointer in every handle)
- Screw it and use casts
Any ideas? Am I missing something?
Receiving an argument by value, as you're doing in:
void ManagerA::DoSomething(Handle handle)
WILL "slice away" anything in the passed-in argument beyond what a Handle instance holds, so your handle argument will have NO "extra data". You absolutely need to pass by pointer or reference (possibly const if the data does not need to be modified, of course).
That being said, the normal polymorphic approach involves defining virtual methods within the base class and overriding them appropriately in the subclasses. Why not follow such a perfectly normal architecture rather than fighting against the OO approach? There may be valid reasons (which justify e.g. adopting some variant on a visitor pattern, etc), but you just don't explain enough of the forces in play for us to be able to help along those lines; on the information as presented I'd have to suggest "rearchitect to use virtual methods".
If it's data specific to only one -- and only one type, use dynamic_cast<T>, that's what it's there for. Otherwise declare a virtual function in the base class.
EDIT: It's unlikely that any solution is going to result in measurable performance differences at runtime.
I wouldn't use polymorphism for handles - being handles rather than pointers, they are supposed to absolutely hide the implementation of the referenced object. If you use virtual functions, the user of the handle could call those functions, which is surely a bad idea.
The two common solutions are casting and using a map. If the later, your handle doesn't even have to be a class - it could just as well be an int or so. On Windows, handles are void* pointers. I have no idea what's really behind the pointer, but I really don't care. And that's the point of handles, as far as I'm concerned.
What about changing the signature for DoSomething to:
void ManagerA::DoSomething(HandleA handle)
Your first and third ideas would work. Another idea is to use double-dispatch (I don't know if that Wikipedia article is understandable: the original article/explanation in Meyer's More Effective C++ is 20-odd pages long), which means implementing a virtual method like Handle::DoSomething(Manager&).
Another possibility is storing the concrete type in each handle, possibly as an integer or an enum. You either hard-code all the possible concrete handle types, or use some sort of type registration mechanism. Obviously this approach has its own drawbacks, but it is another possibility, one you didn't mention. It's the approach X-Windows used for event types. The event data structure was a union of all possible event data, with a type variable indicating the true data type of a particular event. Not saying it's good, just saying it's an option, one that doesn't require dynamic casting.
enum HandleType
class Handle
HandleType _type;
Handle(HandleType type) :
HandleType get_type() const
{ return _type; }
class HandleA
HandleA() :
void ManagerA::DoSomething(Handle& handle)
if (handle.get_type() == HANDLE_TYPE_A)