Count image similarity on GPU [OpenGL/OcclusionQuery] - opengl

OpenGL. Let's say I've drawn one image and then the second one using XOR. Now I've got black buffer with non-black pixels somewhere, I've read that I can use shaders to count black [ rgb(0,0,0) ] pixels ON GPU?
I've also read that it has to do something with OcclusionQuery.
Is it possible and how? [any programming language]
If you've got other idea on how to find similarity via OpenGL/GPU - that would be great too.

I'm not sure how you do the XOR bit (at least it should be slow; I don't think any of current GPUs accelerate that), but here's my idea:
have two input images
turn on occlusion query.
draw the two images to the screen (i.e. full screen quad with two textures set up), with a fragment shader that computes abs(texel1-texel2), and kills the pixel (discard in GLSL) if the pixels are the same (difference is zero or below some threshold). Easiest is probably just using a GLSL fragment shader, and there you just read two textures, compute abs() of the difference and discard the pixel. Very basic GLSL knowledge is enough here.
get number of pixels that passed the query. For pixels that are the same, the query won't pass (pixels will be discarded by the shader), and for pixels that are different, the query will pass.
At first I though of a more complex approach that involves depth buffer, but then realized that just killing pixels should be enough. Here's my original though (but the above one is simpler and more efficient):
have two input images
clear screen and depth buffer
draw the two images to the screen (i.e. full screen quad with two textures set up), with a fragment shader that computes abs(texel1-texel2), and kills the pixel (discard in GLSL) if the pixels are different. Draw the quad so that it's depth buffer value is something close to near plane.
after this step, depth buffer will contain small depth values for pixels that are the same, and large (far plane) depth values for pixels that are different.
turn on occlusion query, and draw another full screen quad with depth closer than far plane, but larger than the previous quad.
get number of pixels that passed the query. For pixels that are the same, the query won't pass (depth buffer is already closer), and for pixels that are different, the query will pass. You'd use SAMPLES_PASSED_ARB to get this. There's an occlusion query example at to get your started.
Of course all this requires GPU with occlusion query support. Most GPUs since 2002 or so do support that, with exception of some low-end ones (in particular, Intel 915 (aka GMA 900) and Intel 945 (aka GMA 950)).


How to write integers alongside pixels in the framebuffer, and then use the written integer to ignore the depth buffer

What I want to do
I want to have a set triangles bleed through, or rather ignore the depth buffer, for another set triangles, but only if they have the same number.
Problem (optional reading)
I do not know how to do this without introducing a ton of bubbles into the pipeline. Right now I have very high throughput because I can throw my geometry onto the GPU, tell it to render, and forget about it. However, if I have to keep toggling the state when drawing, I'm worried I'm going to tank my performance. Other people who have done what I've just said (doing a ton of draw calls and state changes) have much worse performance than me. This performance hit is also significantly worse on older hardware, where we are talking on order of 50 - 100+ times performance loss by doing it the state-change way.
Unfortunately this triangle bleeding scenario happens many thousands of times, so the state machine will be getting flooded with "draw triangles, depth off, draw triangles that bleed through, depth on, ...", except N times, where N can get large (N >= 1000).
A good way of imagining this is having a set of triangles T_i, and a set of triangles that bleed through B_i where B_i only bleeds through T_i, and i ranges from 0...1000+. Note that if we are drawing B_100, then it should only bleed through T_100, not T_99 or T_101.
My next thought is to draw all the triangles with their integer into one framebuffer (along with the integer), then draw the bleed through triangles into another framebuffer (also with the integer), and then merge these framebuffers together. I figure they will have the color, depth, and the integer, so I can hopefully merge them in the fragment shader.
Problem is, I have no idea how to write an integer alongside the out vec4 fragColor in the fragment shader.
Questions (and in short)
This leaves me with two questions:
How do I write an integer into a framebuffer? Do I need to write to 4 separate texture framebuffers? (like one color/depth framebuffer texture, another integer framebuffer texture, and then double this so I can merge the pairs of framebuffers together at some point?)
To make this more clear, the algorithm would look like
Render all the 'could be bled from triangles', described above as set T_i,
write colors and depth info into FB1, and write integers into FB2
Render all the 'bleeding' triangles, described above as set B_i,
write colors and depth into FB3, and write integers to FB4
Bind the textures for FB1, FB2, FB3, FB4
Render each pixel by sampling the RGBA, depth, and integers
from the appropriate texture and write those out into the
final framebuffer
I would need to access the color and depth from the textures in the shader. I would also need to access the integer from the other texture. Then I can do the comparison and choose which pixel to write to the default framebuffer.
Is this idea possible? I assume if (1) is, then the answer is yes. Maybe another question could be whether there's a better way. I tried thinking of doing this with the stencil buffer but had no luck
What you want is theoretically possible, but I can't speak as to its performance. You'll be reading and writing a whole lot of texels in a lot of textures for every program iteration.
Anyway to answer your questions:
A framebuffer can have multiple color attachments by using glFramebufferTexture2D with GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1, etc. Each texture can then have its own internal format, in your example you probably want a regular RGB texture for your color output, and a second 1-integer only texture.
Your depth buffer is complicated, because you don't want to let OpenGL handle it as normal. If you want to take over the depth buffer, you probably want to attach it as yet another, float texture that you can check against or not your screen-space fragments.
If you have doubts about your shader, remember that you can bind the any number of textures as input samplers you program in code, and each color bind gets its own output value (your shader runs per-texel, so you output one value at a time). Make sure the format of your output is correct, ie vec3/vec4 for the color buffer, int for your integer buffer and float for the float buffer.
And stencil buffers won't help you turn depth checking on or off in a single (possibly indirect) draw call. I can't visualize what your bleeding thing means, but it can probably help with that? Maybe? But definitely not conditional depth checking.

Changing the size of a pixel depending on it's color with GLSL

I have a application that will encode data for bearing and intensity using 32 bits. My fragment shader already decodes the values and then sets the color depending on bearing and intensity.
I'm wondering if it's also possible, via shader, to change the size (and possibly shape) of the drawn pixel.
As an example, let's say we have 4 possible values for intensity, then 0 would cause a single pixel to be drawn, 1 would draw a 2x2 square, 2 a 4x4 square and 3 a circle with a radius of 6 pixels.
In the past, we had to do all this on the CPU side and I was hoping to offload this job to the GPU.
No, fragment shaders cannot affect the "size" of the data they write. Once something has been rasterized into fragments, it doesn't really have a "size" anymore.
If you're rendering GL_POINTS primitives, you can change their size from the vertex shader. As for point sizes, it's rather difficult to ensure that a particular point covers an exact number of fragments.
The first thing that came into my mind is doing something similiar to blur technique, but instead of bluring the texture, we use it to look for neighbouring texels with a range to check if it has the intensity above 1.0f. if yes, then set the current texel color to for example red.
If you're using a fbo that is 1:1 in comparison to window size, use 1/width and 1/height in texture coordinates to get approximately 1 pixel (well not exactly because it is not a pixel but texel, just nearly)
Although this work just fine, the downside of this is it is very expensive as it will have n^2 complexity and probably some branching.
Edit: after thinking awhile this might not work for size with even number

How can I apply a depth test to vertices (not fragments)?

TL;DR I'm computing a depth map in a fragment shader and then trying to use that map in a vertex shader to see if vertices are 'in view' or not and the vertices don't line up with the fragment texel coordinates. The imprecision causes rendering artifacts, and I'm seeking alternatives for filtering vertices based on depth.
Background. I am very loosely attempting to implement a scheme outlined in this paper ( The idea is to represent arbitrary virtual objects as lots of tangent discs. While they wanted to replace triangles in some graphics card of the future, I'm implementing this on conventional cards; my discs are just fans of triangles ("Discs") around center points ("Points").
This is targeting WebGL.
The strategy I intend to use, similar to what's done in the paper, is:
Render the Discs in a Depth-Only pass.
In a second (or more) pass, compute what's visible based solely on which Points are "visible" - ie their depth is <= the depth from the Depth-Only pass at that x and y.
I believe the authors of the paper used a gaussian blur on top of the equivalent of a GL_POINTS render applied to the Points (ie re-using the depth buffer from the DepthOnly pass, not clearing it) to actually render their object. It's hard to say: the process is unfortunately a one line comment, and I'm unsure of how to duplicate it in WebGL anyway (a naive gaussian blur will just blur in the background pixels that weren't touched by the GL_POINTS call).
Instead, I'm hoping to do something slightly different, by rerendering the discs in a second pass instead as cones (center of disc becomes apex of cone, think "close the umbrella") and effectively computing a voronoi diagram on the surface of the object (ala redbook The idea is that an output pixel is the color value of the first disc to reach it when growing radiuses from 0 -> their natural size.
The crux of the problem is that only discs whose centers pass the depth test in the first pass should be allowed to carry on (as cones) to the 2nd pass. Because what's true at the disc center applies to the whole disc/cone, I believe this requires evaluating a depth test at a vertex or object level, and not at a fragment level.
Since WebGL support for accessing depth buffers is still poor, in my first pass I am packing depth info into an RGBA Framebuffer in a fragment shader. I then intended to use this in the vertex shader of the second pass via a sampler2D; any disc center that was closer than the relative texture2D() lookup would be allowed on to the second pass; otherwise I would hack "discarding" the vertex (its alpha would be set to 0 or some flag set that would cause discard of fragments associated with the disc/cone or etc).
This actually kind of worked but it caused horrendous z-fighting between discs that were close together (very small perturbations wildly changed which discs were visible). I believe there is some floating point error between depth->rgba->depth. More importantly, though, the depth texture is being set by fragment texel coords, but I'm looking up vertices, which almost certainly don't line up exactly on top of relevant texel coordinates; so I get depth +/- noise, essentially, and the noise is the issue. Adding or subtracting .000001 or something isn't sufficient: you trade Type I errors for Type II. My render became more accurate when I switched from NEAREST to LINEAR for the depth texture interpolation, but it still wasn't good enough.
How else can I determine which disc's centers would be visible in a given render, so that I can do a second vertex/fragment (or more) pass focused on objects associated with those points? Or: is there a better way to go about this in general?

glsl pixel shader- distance to closest target pixel

i have a 2k x 1k image with randomly placed "target" pixels. these pixels are pure red.
in a frag/pixel shader, for each pixel that is not red (target color), i need to find the distance to the closest red pixel. i'll use this distance value to create a gradient.
i found this answer, which seems the closest to my problem ---
Finding closest non-black pixel in an image fast ---
but it's not glsl specific.
i have the option to send my red target pixels into the frag shader as a texture buffer array. but i think it would be cleaner if i didn't need to.
A shader cannot read and write to the same texture because that would introduce too many constraints and complexities about the sequence of execution and would make caching much more difficult. So you're talking about sending some data about the red pixels in and getting the distance information out.
Fragment shaders run in parallel and it's much more expensive to perform random-access texture reads than to read from a location that is known outside of the shader, primarily due to pipelining considerations. The pre-programmable situation where sampling coordinates are known at vertices and then interpolated across the face of the geometry is still the most optimal way to access a texture.
So, writing a shader that, for each pixel, did a search outwards for a red pixel would be extremely inefficient. It's definitely possible, doing much the algorithm you link to, but probably not the smartest way around.
Ideally you'd phrase things the other way around and use some sort of accumulation. So:
clear your output buffer to its maximal values;
for each red location:
for every output fragment, work out the distance from the location;
check what distance is already stored for that fragment;
if the new distance is less than that stored, replace the stored version.
The easiest way to do that in OpenGL is likely going to be to use a depth buffer, because that has the per-fragment steps (2) and (3) implemented directly in hardware.
So for each each fragment you're going to calculate the distance from the current red fragment. You're going to output that as depth. When you're finished with all red dots you can use the depth buffer as input to a shader that outputs appropriate colours.
To avoid 2000 red spots turning into a 2000-pass drawing algorithm which would quickly run up against memory bandwidth, you'll probably want to write a single shader that does a large number of red dots at once and outputs a single depth value.
You should check GL_MAX_UNIFORM_LOCATIONS to find out how many uniforms you can push at once. It's guaranteed to be at least 1024 on recent versions of desktop OpenGL. You'll probably want to generate your shader dynamically.
Why don't you gaussian blur the whole image with a large radius, but at each iteration keep adding the red pixels back into the equation at full intensity so they bleed out. The red channel of the final blur would be your distance values - the higher values are closer to the red pixels. It's an approximation, but then you can make use of heavily optimised blur shaders.

Texture Image processing on the GPU?

I'm rendering a certain scene into a texture and then I need to process that image in some simple way. How I'm doing this now is to read the texture using glReadPixels() and then process it on the CPU. This is however too slow so I was thinking about moving the processing to the GPU.
The simplest setup to do this I could think of is to display a simple white quad that takes up the entire viewport in an orthogonal projection and then write the image processing bit as a fragment shader. This will allow many instances of the processing to run in parallel as well as to access any pixel of the texture it requires for the processing.
Is this a viable course of action? is it common to do things this way?
Is there maybe a better way to do it?
Yes, this is the usual way of doing things.
Render something into a texture.
Draw a fullscreen quad with a shader that reads that texture and does some operations.
Simple effects (e.g. grayscale, color correction, etc.) can be done by reading one pixel and outputting one pixel in the fragment shader. More complex operations (e.g. swirling patterns) can be done by reading one pixel from offset location and outputting one pixel. Even more complex operations can be done by reading multiple pixels.
In some cases multiple temporary textures would be needed. E.g. blur with high radius is often done this way:
Render into a texture.
Render into another (smaller) texture, with a shader that computes each output pixel as average of multiple source pixels.
Use this smaller texture to render into another small texture, with a shader that does proper Gaussian blur or something.
... repeat
In all of the above cases though, each output pixel should be independent of other output pixels. It can use one more more input pixels just fine.
An example of processing operation that does not map well is Summed Area Table, where each output pixel is dependent on input pixel and the value of adjacent output pixel. Still, it is possible to do those kinds on the GPU (example pdf).
Yes, it's the normal way to do image processing. The color of the quad doesn't really matter if you'll be setting the color for every pixel. Depending on your application, you might need to careful about pixel sampling issues (i.e. ensuring that you sample from exactly the correct pixel on the source texture, rather than halfway between two pixels).