How to fix an MFC Painting Glitch? - c++

I'm trying to implement some drag and drop functionality for a material system being developed at my work. Part of this system includes a 'Material Library' which acts as a repository, divided into groups, of saved materials on the user's hard drive.
As part of some UI polish, I was hoping to implement a 'highlight' type feature. When dragging and dropping, windows that you can legally drop a material onto will very subtly change color to improve feedback to the user that this is a valid action.
I am changing the bar with 'Basic Materials' (Just a CWnd with a CStatic) from having a medium gray background when unhighlighed to a blue background when hovered over. It all works well, the OnDragEnter and OnDragExit messages seem robust and set a flag indicating the highlight status. Then in OnCtrlColor I do this:
if (!m_bHighlighted) {
pDC->FillSolidRect(0, 0, m_SizeX, kGroupHeaderHeight, kBackgroundColour);
else {
pDC->FillSolidRect(0, 0, m_SizeX, kGroupHeaderHeight, kHighlightedBackgroundColour);
However, as you can see in the screenshot, the painting 'glitches' below the dragged object, leaving the original gray in place. It looks really ugly and basically spoils the whole effect.
Is there any way I can get around this?

Remote debugging is a godsend for debugging visual issues. It's a pain to set up, but having a VM ready for remote debugging will pay off for sure.
What I like to do is set a ton of breakpoints in my paint handling, as well as in the framework paint code itself. This allows you to effectively "freeze frame" the painting without borking it up by flipping into devenv. This way you can get the true picture of who's painting in what order, and where you've got the chance to break in a fill that rect the way you need to.

It almost looks like the CStatic doesn't know that it needs to repaint itself, so the background color of the draggable object is left behind. Maybe try to invalidate the CStatic, and see if that helps at all?

Thanks for the answers guys, ajryan, you seem to always come up with help for my questions so extra thanks.
Thankfully this time the answer was fairly straightforward....
m_pDragDropTargetWnd->SendMessage(WM_USER_DRAG_DROP_OBJECT_DRAG_ENTER, (WPARAM)pDragDropObject, (LPARAM)(&dragDropPoint));
This turns off the drawing of the dragged image, then sends a message to the window being entered to repaint in a highlighted state, then finally redraws the drag image over the top. Seems to have done the trick.


When resizing, make the window transparent with a dotted-line border

I'm asking this question ahead of time, since I haven't gotten around to attempting an actual, real implementation yet. Win32 (C++) is turning out to be a colossal pain to program. But, my question is this:
I want to make my application's window become fully transparent with a dotted perimeter when resizing the window. How would I accomplish this? Think of what happens in Windows 3/3.1 (I believe it was this version) when resizing a window. Everything goes transparent, with a dotted-outline where the mouse is moving, then it repaints the entire contents. That's what I'm trying to achieve.
A while ago, I tried handling the WM_(ENTER/EXIT)SIZEMOVE messages and make use of SetWindowLong() to set the WS_EX_TRANSPARENT extended style, but my window became (indefinitely) pass-through, and when the window's focus was killed, it could never again regain focus.
Do I need to handle other messages like WM_NCLBUTTON(DOWN/UP)? I have a boolean flag to tell me when to halt drawing during resizing, and the logic for determining when I'm resizing works perfectly, but I cannot get the visuals to work. I'm not sure which parts of the Win32 API to actually use. I've done some research, and uxtheme.lib/.h seems promising, but I'm not sure how that would work with WM_NCPAINT, which I have been using with (some) luck.
I need to clarify something, in case anyone was confused or unsure of what I meant. What I meant by the Windows 3.1/3 resizing scenario is that once WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE has occurred, the window (controls, caption, frame) should be made entirely invisible, and the window's nonclient-region's perimeter should display a dotted-outline of sorts. Then, only until the resize has been finished, when WM_EXITSIZEMOVE has occurred should the entire window (controls, caption, frame) be fully redrawn, updated, and returned to its normal, functional state. Sorry for any miscommunication!
I found the answer... After so long, finally found it. Here's where I found it! - Hope it helps anyone else possibly in my shoes!
And it turns out that the solution was rather simple. In fact, the core concept of what is explained is near-completely what I was thinking, yet I just had no idea how to implement it. The solution involves overriding the default WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, WM_MOUSEMOVE, WM_LBUTTONUP (specifically when initiating a window movement) messages, and drawing a patterned rectangle which follows the position of the cursor. Then, afterwards, calling SetWindowPos or some other similar function to relocate the window.
Basically, block Windows from attempting to display anything graphics related until the resizing has been finished. Then, and only then, make Windows move the entire window in one huge, foul swoop.
Based on Remy's comment, there is a global option and corresponding registry setting for this, so perhaps try setting the registry setting when the move starts and restoring it when the move finishes.
Unfortunately this doesn't work as Windows appears only to pick up the setting on restart, broadcasting WM_SETTINGCHANGE also doesn't trigger it, which is a pity as doing something yourself that the OS already has an implementation of do is rather a poor state of affairs.

WinAPI: How to disable GroupBox's frame?

I need a GroupBox control for something else that showing it in application's window. That's why I want to disable the frame surrounding it (or at least make it invisible by, for example, drawing it with the color that matches with window's background). Both are harder than I thought though, I've been loking for the solution everywhere and found nothing. I don't want to use anything as straightforward as painting over it in WM_PAINT-case in window procedure because there will be that annoying sparkling when I move the window.
I'm running out of ideas, tried a few things on my own, none worked. Anyone have some tips?

Can I run code *after* a built-in wxWidgets event is handled?

I suspect there must be a built-in way to do this, but my Google-fu has failed me.
I'm using a wxScrolledWindow, and I have to paint an unscrolled background picture behind the contents each time the window is scrolled. I've made a scroll handler like this...
void homewindow_t::onScroll(wxScrollEvent &evt) {
...which works to force it to redraw the entire window each time. Unfortunately, it draws the window before the scroll is handled, so the background is repainted and then scrolled up or down, screwing up the alignment. The documentation suggests that Refresh just invalidates the screen, meaning that the scroll handler must be forcing a redraw.
The only way around this that I can see is to handle the scrolling code myself, which I'd rather not do if I don't have to.
Ideas, suggestions, clues...?
The only general solution I've found to running code after an event is handled is to post a second, different event to the event queue before skipping the current event (so that it gets handled by the default handler), and handle that when it comes up.
However, perusing the wxWidgets source code, I've found an answer to my specific problem: there's a function, wxScrolledWindow::EnableScrolling. Although it's not obvious from the name, this will enable or disable the "physical scrolling," which is what forces the instant redraw. So calling EnableScrolling(false, false); in the window's constructor solves the issue entirely.
To paint a "fixed" background in wxScrolledWindow you should just offset the DC origin to compensate for scrolling before drawing it (and then reset it back, of course), there is really no need to deal with events at all.
However if you really need to define a "post handler", then there is a way to do it, see this blog post. While the API described in it will only be available in wx 2.9.5, you do the same thing in the previous wx versions manually using wxEVT_IDLE.

How do I handle WM_NCCALCSIZE and make chrome-like interface?

I'm currently using Google Chrome as my main browser. I wondered how the developers put the custom titlebar, because I wanted to incorporate into one of my own applications.
If you guys don't know what I'm talking about, here's a picture:
I found an article about the interface, which is here:
However, I don't know how to do this. I'm currently using VC++ Express. Can anyone give me step by step instructions and how to get an interface like that? Except I don't want tabs on top.
I'm writing this in Win32.
If memory serves, the main things you need to handle aren't WM_NCCALCSIZE, but WM_NCHITTEST and WM_NCPAINT.
WM_NCHITTEST is what tells the system when the cursor is over the title bar, so you need to take a cursor position and decide whether it's over the area you consider "title bar". In particular, if the user clicks and drags with the cursor in this area, the whole window gets dragged.
WM_NCPAINT is just like WM_PAINT except for the non-client area -- i.e., this is when you need to actually draw whatever you're going to for the title bar (and window borders, if memory serves).
I should add that I haven't played with this in quite a while. There's almost certainly more I'm not remembering right now.
OK, the answer is simple:
Chomre simply does not use the Windows built in functionality for drawing a frame border, titlebar, titlebar buttons, etc..
When you call GetWindowRect(hChromeWindow) and GetClientRect(hChromeWindow) you will notice that the rectangles are identical. This means that Chrome turns off all Windows functionality for drawing a border (simply return 0 in WM_NCCALSIZE without doing anything else) and then they draw EVERYTHING into the client area.
So in WM_PAINT they draw the titlebar and the upper part of the window (URL bar, tabs, etc..) together. In WM_NCPAINT they do nothing.
This is not the common way to do it, but the easiest, and it is bullet-proof.
By the way: Java applications do the same.

Custom draw button using uxtheme.dll

I have implemented my custom button inheriting from CButton and drawing it by using uxtheme.dll (DrawThemeBackground with BP_PUSHBUTTON).
Everything works fine but I have two statuses (Normal and Pressed) which Hot status is the same. It means when the user places the cursor over the button it is drawn alike regardless the button status (Pressed or not).
This is a bit confusing to the user and I would like to change the way the button is drawn in Pressed & Hot status. Does anybody know a way?
I have also thought about custumizing the whole drawing but the buttons use gradients, borders, shadows, etc. So it is not easy to achive the same look&feel drawing everything by myself. Is there a way to find the source code of the dll or know how to do it?
Thanks in advance.
Note: I think I could be able to achive what I want to do by using CMFCButton and overriding the OnDraw method. Let the control draw the button on OnDrawBorder and then drawing the inside button myself. But I need to know how the control draws the inside button when pressed. It is a gradient and I can't guess how it's done. Does anybody have a clue?
In answer to your second question, if you derive from CMFCButton instead of CButton you can override OnDraw() or OnDrawText() instead of the usual DrawItem(). That way the default button background will be drawn, and then your drawing code is executed.
The only way I know of to really tackle this is to use 'custom draw', rather than 'owner draw'. Custom draw came in with Windows 2000, but is only used by button controls with comctrl32 6.0 (so Windows XP onwards), isn't very clearly documented, and isn't something MFC goes out of its way to support.
Anyway, the good thing about custom draw is that it lets you hook in at various points in the drawing process, unlike owner draw, which makes you deal with the whole thing. Have a look in MSDN at the NM_CUSTOMDRAW notification message.
For the other part of your problem, detecting the 'hot' state, the easiest way to do this is to use WM_MOUSEMOVE messages and the TrackMouseEvent() function to track whether the mouse is over your button.
Unfortunately this is a bit of a vague answer: the amount of code you need to demonstrate a button that uses custom draw is a bit too much to type into these answer boxes! I do have a project that demonstrates such techniques, using a custom draw button (falling back to owner draw on older Windows versions) that adds a little arrow to the button. You can have a look at the source code by getting
Open it and have a look at the "DropArrowButton" class. The important bit is the OnCustomDraw() handler and its helper function DrawControl(): these get called at the various button drawing phases, and use UxTheme to draw the control appropriately.
I finally figured out how to achive what I want to do. It's pretty easy indeed.
I use two calls to DrawThemeBackground. The first one with PBS_PRESSED and the second one with state PBS_HOT. Then I make a ExcludeClipRect to avoid from drawing over the center of the button.
Something like this:
DrawThemeBackground( hTheme,
CDC *pDC = CDC::FromHandle(pCustomDraw->hdc);
CRect rectClient;
CRect rectInternal = rectClient;
DrawThemeBackground( hTheme,
Of course this is not the whole code but I think is enough to make my point.