What is the cleanest way to direct wxWidgets to always use wxFileConfig? - c++

I am writing my first serious wxWidgets program. I'd like to use the wxConfig facility to make the program's user options persistent. However I don't want wxConfigBase to automatically use the Windows registry. Even though I'm initially targeting Windows, I'd prefer to use a configuration (eg .ini) file. Does anyone know a clean and simple way of doing this ? Thanks.

According to the source of wx/config.h file, all you need is to define the wxUSE_CONFIG_NATIVE symbol to 0 in your project and then it will always use wxFileConfig.

The cleanest and simplest way is to use wxFileConfig class.


c++ what is the *clever* way of creating setup program and handle extraction

I know how to create and code my own setup program but i need to be redirected at some point. This point i'm sure inlight other people too.
I created a setup project. All is done. Except, installation files inside of EXE.
I know 2 different ways of doing this:
Create resource in EXE and embed RAR/ZIP file.
Put compressed archive with files along with EXE. EXE will read contents and data from this protected and compressed ZIP.
But what i want is number 1. I want to embed it. But;
What is the proper way of embedding this? Are other setup creators do the same thing? Embed resource as compressed single zip in EXE? Or do they another trick?
How do you extract files? On the fly by memory? Like read each file one-by-one. Synced. Or first, copy ZIP to temp and extract from it.
Or even embed all files separately to the resources.
I, even think that if i should create simple MSI without dialogs and embed it and run from background but i want to take all control. I want everything belongs to the original setup that i created.
I want to make my own dialogs, effects, procedures, functions and
steps. Yes, MSI is acceptable but i will stick with its features. Oh,
If im able to extend it, why should i spent more time doing this
instead of making my own? I am so confused... I am talking about very big setup project here. Not just a standard ugly UI with less features. At least, im gonna try :)
Do not give me any sample/code just show me a correct path, please.
Best options here:
Create ZIP compatible EXE that reads itself as ZIP and read the file list and extract.
Create non-zip compatible EXE that has a hidden body somewhere and read that area (seek) and get the list & extract.
The proper way to do it is to use the Windows installer technology, aka MSI. There is a nice, Microsoft blessed toolset called WiX that you can use to greatly simplify the process.
If you are truly intent on reinventing the wheel, you can look through the source code to WiX on how things are done.
Best options here:
Create ZIP compatible EXE that reads itself as ZIP and read the file list and extract.
Create non-zip compatible EXE that has a hidden body somewhere and read that area (seek) and get the list & extract.
Why write your own? Much easier to use WiX (http://wixtoolset.org/) with optionally a graphical interface like WiXEdit (http://wixedit.sourceforge.net/). Have you thought about additional requirements like uninstall etc...
Good luck!
Would InnoSetup help with your problem? You can personalise the dialogs and extend its functionality quite a lot.

C++, console Application, reading files from directory

I have a directory and I want to read all the text files in it using C++ and having windows OS also using console application
I don't know the files' names or their number
thanks in advance
Take a look at Boost.Filesystem, especially the basic_directory_iterator.
If you want the C++ and portable way, follow the solution by #Space_C0wb0y and use boost.Filesystem, otherwise, if you want to get your hands dirty with the Windows APIs, you can use the FindFirstFile/FindNextFile/FindClose functions.
You can find here an example related to them.

Vim OmniCppComplete on vectors of pointers

I might have done something wrong in the set up but is OmniCppComplete supposed to provide the members/functions of classes when doing this?
At the moment all I get when trying that are things relating to the vector class itself, which obviously isn't very useful. I think it might have been working before I tagged /usr/include/ but I could be wrong.
Also, is it possible to disable the preview window? I find it just clutters up my workspace. And since I enabled ShowPrototypeInAbbr I don't really need it.
I do not think it is possible to get proper code completion on the objects that are included in the vector, but someone please correct me if I am mistaken.
To disable the preview window, make sure to not set preview for the the completeopt option, type :help completeopt in Vim for more information.
We finally have sane code completion for C++ in Vim using GCCSense. With GCCSense it is possible to autocomplete on the contents of a vector.

All users path?

In C# I can do the following:
DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ALLUSERSPROFILE"));
Which will get me the path to the all users profile.
In C++ I can use the SHGetFolderPath, but it does not seem to have a CSLID for all users.
Is there an equlivant function that I can blow the %ALLUSERSPROFILE% out to its path value?
Use SHGetFolderPath with CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA. Or SHGetKnownFolderPath since Vista with FOLDERID_ProgramData.
Alternatively, use the .NET native Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData)
Use ExpandEnvironmentStrings to expand the %ALLUSERSPROFILE% string. This method is part of Kernel32.dll.
For most purposes, you should be able to use SHGetFolderPath with one of the CSIDL_COMMON_... values (see here for a complete list) to get the subdirectory of the all users' path that you're interested in. (For Windows Vista and above, you can use SHGetKnownFolderPath with one of the FOLDERID_Public... values; see here.)
Note that in certain security situations that folder might not even be a real folder. There not being a CSIDL_ for it is always a strong hint that you're off the beaten path.
Are you sure you're not better off with _APPDATA?
You could use the getenv CRT function to get the value of the ALLUSERSPROFILE environment variable in much the same way as you are for C#.

Is there any standard way to load parameters from a file in C++ on Linux?

Imaging that a program needs to know quite a lot of parameters to do its tasks properly, such as 'Port = 2323' this kind of things.
now I want to save these parameters in a plain text file, similar to Unix' system variables such as users and groups.
Is there any standard way/libraries that can help me to do this? Does anyone ever used them before? thanks
Boost.Program_options library. Is this you are looking for?
The program_options library allows program developers to obtain program options, that is (name, value) pairs from the user, via conventional methods such as command line and config file.
Qt offers this by default, and in a cross-platform way. Checkout out QSettings
You can also create an alias or shell script that executes your program with given parameters. To conviniently get these parameters there's "getopt"
Link here for a cross platform ini handler.
Hope this helps.