Automate test of web service communication - web-services

I have an application that sends messages to an external web service. I build and deploy this application using MSBuild and Cruisecontrol.NET. As CCNET build and deploys the app it also runs a set of test using NUnit. I'd now like to test the web service communication as well.
My idea is that as part of the build process a web service should be generated (based on the external web services WSDL) and deployed to the build servers local web server. All the web service should do is to receive the message and place it on the file system so I then can check it using ordinary NUnit for example. This would also make development easier as new developers would only have to run the build script and be up and running (not have to spend time to set up a connection to the third party service).
Are there any existing utilities out there that easily mock a web service based on a WSDL? Anyone done something similar using MSBuild?
Are there other ways of testing this scenario?

I just started looking into and it seems like it will work nicely for testing web services.
Also, maybe look at adding an abstraction layer in your web service, each service call would directly call a testable method (outside of the web scope)? I just did this with a bigger project I'm working on, and it's testability is working nicely.

In general, a very good way to test things like this is to use mock objects.
At work, we use the product TypeMock to test things like Web Service communication and other outside dependencies. It costs money, so for that reason it may not be suitable for your needs, but I think it's a fantastic product. I can tell you from personal experience that it integrates very well with NUnit and CCNet.
It's got a really simple syntax where you basically say "when this method/property is called, I want you to return this value instead." It's great for testing things like network failures, files not being present, and of course, web services.

Take a look at NMock2. It's a open-source mocking product and allows you to create "virtual" implementations for interfaces that support rich and deep interaction.
For example, if your WS interface is called IService and has a Data GetData() method, you can create a mock that requires the method to be called once and returns a new Data object:
var testService = mockery.NewMock<IService>();
Return.Value(new Data());
At the end of the test, call mockery.VerifyAllExpectationsHaveBeenMet() to assure that the GetData method was actually called.
P.S.: don't confuse the "NMock2" project with the "NMock RC2", which is also called "nmock2" on sourceforge. NMock2-the-project seems to have superseded NMock.

This might also be something - MockingBird. Look useful.

At my work place we are using Typemock and nUnit for our unit testing.


Mocking API Calls for Unit Tests with Mockoon and Nunit

I am new to Nunit and have some tests that perform API calls for a .NET 6 Web API app. I want to convert these into true unit tests by removing those external dependencies. I was looking into mocking and found Mockoon.
How I would go about mocking API calls? Can I do it with Mockoon?
I wasn't sure how I could change the API calls programmatically to point to a mock API for testing only.
The ultimate goal is to automate the testing in GitHub Actions but since the tests have external dependencies, these need to be mocked first. Mockoon provides a CLI to deploy in GitHub Actions.
My project was created in VS Code so I'm not sure if Visual Studio utilities would help with configurations.
If you need any more information, please let me know. Thanks!
It's a bit of a broad question for SO I think. But here are some thoughts.
In my opinion, pure unit testing should mock APIs programmatically and not depend on external applications like Mockoon.
What you want to do seems to be more like integration testing, where your code is calling an external API, except that instead of maintaining an instance of the original API specifically for test/QA purposes, you maintain a mock (with Mockoon).
Then, the general idea is more or less the following:
you prepare the mock API with Mockoon locally with the UI.
you save Mockoon's data file in the repository.
During the GitHub Actions workflow, you install Mockoon CLI and start it targeting the data file (relevant tutorial).
You run your application tests and modify the environment variable containing the API URL to point to were the CLI is running (probably something like http://localhost:3000).

How to write automated tests when using cloud APIs?

I'm adding to an open source project that uses in this case some Azure cloud functionality, but the same general problem is applicable for any cloud API. I want to write tests for my code, but the results of the test are reliant on something having happened in the cloud service I'm using, and in order for this to happen, I need to supply credentials to the cloud service. In a private project, I could certainly just add my cloud credentials to the testing environment, but for public/open source projects, I can't do this. I can test locally easily enough, but this project uses CI (as do many OSS projects), so this can't really be done.
One approach seems to be using mock or something similar, but that doesn't actually seem to test that things are happening as they should be, and strikes me as a mostly pointless method to achieve 100% coverage.
Are there any 'virtual test cloud' environments that can be spun up to create an identical interface to the cloud service in question, but only for testing? How do these deal with side effects (the code in question creates a DNS entry, and ideally would test for the actual existence of a DNS entry using the system's resolver rather than another cloud call)?
How do people do this kind of testing?
I start with a spike solution to learn how to pass the required credentials. With this knowledge, I can TDD an acceptance test to call a simple API and get a "success" result.
I exclude the credentials from my repository. Instead, I include a template file with instructions.
From there, I drop down to unit tests to TDD sending requests and receiving responses. I don't test actual communication with any service. Instead:
Test the contents of requests.
Create responses and test how they're handled. This makes it really easy to test all sorts of error conditions.
Once I've TDD'd credentials, requests, and responses, I use what I call a spike test to confirm that everything is in fact working. Basically, this uses non-automated confirmation in anything I can quickly hack together.

Java EE test strategy

Java EE is a new world for me, my experiences are on embedded systems, but I started a new job and I would like to know if there is a test process to follow for web applications based on Java EE. Which test strategy is usually adopted in this field?
Basic Unit test
Functional test
Integration test
System test, stress test, load test,....
and which is the scope of each test phase for web development? As server code and client code are both involved I don't know which is the best approach in this field. Also, several machines are involved: DB, buisness tier, presentation tier, load balancers, authentication with CAS, Active Directory,...
Which is the best test environment for each phases? When using the production CAS authentication, ...
Links, books, simple explanation or other kind of address is well appreciated.
The best test framework is Junit -for unit tests, in my opinion.
-for mocking objects, which you will need a lot, like to mock the database, mock services and other object in j2ee environment to be able to test in isolation .use ,,
-for acceptance and functional testing there is selenium this framework enables you to automate your tests.
I Advice you to read this books about testing in general and testing in j2ee evironment in particular.
First, whatever you plan to do as testing, take care of your build process (a good starting point is maven as build tool)
Junit (or testng) is almost good for everything (due to its simplicity)
Unit test:
For mock, I would prefer Mockito to jmock or easymock.
Acceptance test:
Regarding UI testing selenium is fine for web application (give a look at PageObject pattern if you plan to do a lot of UI testing).
For other interface testing (such as webservice), soapui is a nice starting point.
Integration testing:
You will face the middle ware problem, mainly solved in java by a container. Now it becomes fun :) If you run in "real" JEE, then it depends if it's prior to JEE6 or not as from JEE6 you have an embedded container (which really ease the testing). Otherwise, go for a dependency injection framework (Spring, Guice, ...).
Other hints for integration or acceptance testing:
you will may be need to mock some interface (give a look to MOCO to mock external service based on HTTP).
also think about some embedded servlet container (Jetty) to ease web the testing.
configuration and provisioning can be a problem too. ex.: for the DB you can automate this with "flyway" or "liquibase"
DB testing you have two approach: resetting data after each test (see DBUnit) or in transaction testing (see Spring test for an example)

How to run unit tests for code that uses App Engine services in Go?

I was told the best solution to run unit tests for code that uses App Engine services such as datastore or memcache was to run the development server in a child process, but I'm not sure how. Anybody successfully ran this kind of test and can share a solution?
App Engine SDK for Go uses the Python dev_appserver; see this thread.
You should check out Google App Engine Go testing library by Josh Marsh.
An interesting development, as of 1.8.6 using service stubs has been integrated into the SDK through the "appengine/aetest" package. More info
I know the questioner wants to build a testbed and needs to do this, but I think there's another approach worth mentioning here.
Besides using a testbed for the GAE services, Go's interesting nature also opens up another possibility: write your application to just require objects that have the interfaces that you use (they'd be a subset of the official APIs) and mock them out when testing. This requires you to be doing some amount of dependency injection of some sort, but that's a really good idea anyway.
Once the interfaces the interfaces are written, you can mock them using a library like gomock.

What GUI tool can I use for building applications that interact with multiple APIs?

My company uses a lot of different web services on daily bases. I find that I repeat same steps over and over again on daily bases.
For example, when I start a new project, I perform the following actions:
Create a new client & project in Liquid Planner.
Create a new client Freshbooks
Create a project in Github or Codebasehq
Developers to Codebasehq or Github who are going to be working on this project
Create tasks in Ticketing system on Codebasehq and tasks in Liquid Planner
This is just when starting new projects. When I have to track tasks, it gets even trickier because I have to monitor tasks in 2 different systems.
So my question is, is there a tool that I can use to create a web service that will automate some of these interactions? Ideally, it would be something that would allow me to graphically work with the web service API and produce an executable that I can run on a server.
I don't want to build it from scratch. I know, I can do it with Python or RoR, but I don't want to get that low level.
I would like to add my sources and pass data around from one service to another. What could I use? Any suggestions?
Progress DataXtend Semantic Integrator lets you build WebServices through an Eclipse based GUI.
It is a commercial product, and I happen to work for the company that makes it. In some respects I think it might be overkill for you, as it's really an enterprise-level data mapping tool for mapping disparate data sources (web services, databases, xml files, COBOL) to a common model, as opposed to a simple web services builder, and it doesn't really support your github bits, anymore than normal Eclipse plugins would.
That said, I do believe there are Mantis plugins for github to do task tracking, and I know there's a git plugin for Eclipse that works really well (jgit).
Couldn't you simply use Selenium to execute some of this tasks for you? Basically as long as you can do something from the browser, Selenium will also be able to do. Selenium comes with a language called "selenese", so you can even use it to programmatically create an "API" with your tasks.
I know this is a different approach to what you're originally looking for, but I've been using selenium for a number of tasks, and found it's even good to execute ANT tasks or unit tests.
Hope this helps you
What about Apache Camel?
Camel lets you create the Enterprise Integration Patterns to implement routing and mediation rules in either a Java based Domain Specific Language (or Fluent API), via Spring based Xml Configuration files or via the Scala DSL. This means you get smart completion of routing rules in your IDE whether in your Java, Scala or XML editor.
Apache Camel uses URIs so that it can easily work directly with any kind of Transport or messaging model such as HTTP, ActiveMQ, JMS, JBI, SCA, MINA or CXF Bus API together with working with pluggable Data Format options.