Casting between multi- and single-dimentional arrays - c++

This came up from this answer to a previous question of mine.
Is it guaranteed for the compiler to treat array[4][4] the same as array[16]?
For instance, would either of the below calls to api_func() be safe?
void api_func(const double matrix[4][4]);
// ...
typedef double Matrix[4][4];
double* array1 = new double[16];
double array2[16];
// ...

From the C++ standard, referring to the sizeof operator:
When applied to an array, the result is the total number of bytes in the array. This implies that the size of an array of n elements is n times the size of an element.
From this, I'd say that double[4][4] and double[16] would have to have the same underlying representation.
I.e., given
sizeof(double[4]) = 4*sizeof(double)
sizeof(double[4][4]) = 4*sizeof(double[4])
then we have
sizeof(double[4][4]) = 4*4*sizeof(double) = 16*sizeof(double) = sizeof(double[16])
I think a standards-compliant compiler would have to implement these the same, and I think that this isn't something that a compiler would accidentally break. The standard way of implementing multi-dimensional arrays works as expected. Breaking the standard would require extra work, for likely no benefit.
The C++ standard also states that an array consists of contiguously-allocated elements, which eliminates the possibility of doing anything strange using pointers and padding.

I don't think there is a problem with padding introduced by having a multi-dimensional array.
Each element in an array must satisfy the padding requirements imposed by the architecture. An array [N][M] is always going to have the same in memory representation as one of [M*N].

Each array element should be laid out sequentially in memory by the compiler. The two declarations whilst different types are the same underlying memory structure.

#Konrad Rudolph:
I get those two (row major/column major) mixed up myself, but I do know this: It's well-defined.
int x[3][5], for example, is an array of size 3, whose elements are int arrays of size 5. (§ Adding all the rules from the standard about arrays, addressing, etc. you get that the second subscript references consecutive integers, wheras the first subscript will reference consecutive 5-int objects. (So 3 is the bigger number; you have 5 ints between x[1][0] and x[2][0].)

I would be worried about padding being added for things like Matrix[5][5] to make each row word aligned, but that could be simply my own superstition.

A bigger question is: do you really need to perform such a cast?
Although you might be able to get away with it, it would still be more readable and maintainable to avoid altogether. For example, you could consistently use double[m*n] as the actual type, and then work with a class that wraps this type, and perhaps overloads the [] operator for ease of use. In that case, you might also need an intermediate class to encapsulate a single row -- so that code like my_matrix[3][5] still works as expected.


Array of class holding an array memory layout

If we have a class which holds an array, let's call it vector and hold the values in a simple array called data:
class vector
double data[3];
Note: called as vector is for clearer explanation, it is not std::vector!!!
So my question is that, if I store only typedefs near this array inside the class and some constrexpr, am I correct if the class will be only 3 doubles after each other inside the memory?
And then if i create an array of vectors like:
vector vl[3];
Note: size of the array is not always known at compile time, not use 3 for the example.
then in the memory it'll be just 9 doubles after each other, right?
so vl[0].data[3] will always return the 2nd vectors 1st element? And in this case is it guaranteed that the result will be always like a simple array in the memory?
I found only cases with array of arrays, but not with array of classes holding an array, and I'm not sure if it is exactly the same at the end. I made some tests and it seems like it is working as I expected, but I don't know if it is always true..
Thank you!
Mostly, yes.
The standard doesn't promise that there never is anything after data in the representation of a vector, but all the implementations that I know of won't add any padding in this case.
What is promised is that there is no padding before data in the representation of vector, because it is a StandardLayout type.
You are right with your first example: The class layout is like a C struct. The first member resides at the address of the struct itself, and if it is an array, all the array's members are adjacent.
Between struct members, however, may be padding; so there is no guarantee that the size of a struct is the sum of all member sizes. I'd have to dig into the standard but I assume this includes padding at the end. This answer affirms that; assert(sizeof(vector) == 3*sizeof(double)) may not hold. In reality I'd assume that an implementation may pad a struct containing three chars so that the struct aligns at word boundaries in an array, but not three doubles which are typically the type with the strongest alignment requirements. But there is no guarantee between implementations, architectures and compiler options: Imagine we switch to 128 bit CPUs.
With respect to your second example: The above applies recursively, so the standard gives no guarantee that the 9 doubles will be adjacent. On the other hand, I bet they will be, and the program can assert it with a simple compile-time static_assert.

Why aren't built-in arrays safe?

The book C++ Primer, 5th edition by Stanley B. Lippman (ISBN 0-321-71411-3/978-0-321-71411-4) mentions:
An [std::]array is a safer, easier-to-use alternative to built-in arrays.
What's wrong with built-in arrays?
A built-in array is a contiguous block of bytes, usually on the stack. You really have no decent way to keep useful information about the array, its boundaries or its state. std::array keeps this information.
Built-in arrays are decayed into pointers when passed from/to functions. This may cause:
When passing a built-in array, you pass a raw pointer. A pointer doesn't keep any information about the size of the array. You will have to pass along the size of the array and thus uglify the code. std::array can be passed as reference, copy or move.
There is no way of returning a built-in array, you will eventually return a pointer to local variable if the array was declared in that function scope.
std::array can be returned safely, because it's an object and its lifetime is managed automatically.
You can't really do useful stuff on built-in arrays such as assigning, moving or copying them. You'll end writing a customized function for each built-in array (possibly using templates). std::array can be assigned.
By accessing an element which is out of the array boundaries, you are triggering undefined behaviour. std::array::at will preform boundary checking and throw a regular C++ exception if the check fails.
Better readability: built in arrays involves pointers arithmetic. std::array implements useful functions like front, back, begin and end to avoid that.
Let's say I want to sort a built-in array, the code could look like:
int arr[7] = {/*...*/};
std::sort(arr, arr+7);
This is not the most robust code ever. By changing 7 to a different number, the code breaks.
With std::array:
std::array<int,7> arr{/*...*/};
std::sort(arr.begin(), arr.end());
The code is much more robust and flexible.
Just to make things clear, built-in arrays can sometimes be easier. For example, many Windows as well as UNIX API functions/syscalls require some (small) buffers to fill with data. I wouldn't go with the overhead of std::array instead of a simple char[MAX_PATH] that I may be using.
It's hard to gauge what the author meant, but I would guess they are referring to the following facts about native arrays:
they are raw
There is no .at member function you can use for element access with bounds checking, though I'd counter that you usually don't want that anyway. Either you're accessing an element you know exists, or you're iterating (which you can do equally well with std::array and native arrays); if you don't know the element exists, a bounds-checking accessor is already a pretty poor way to ascertain that, as it is using the wrong tool for code flow and it comes with a substantial performance penalty.
they can be confusing
Newbies tend to forget about array name decay, passing arrays into functions "by value" then performing sizeof on the ensuing pointer; this is not generally "unsafe", but it will create bugs.
they can't be assigned
Again, not inherently unsafe, but it leads to silly people writing silly code with multiple levels of pointers and lots of dynamic allocation, then losing track of their memory and committing all sorts of UB crimes.
Assuming the author is recommending std::array, that would be because it "fixes" all of the above things, leading to generally better code by default.
But are native arrays somehow inherently "unsafe" by comparison? No, I wouldn't say so.
How is std::array safer and easier-to-use than a built-in array?
It's easy to mess up with built-in arrays, especially for programmers who aren't C++ experts and programmers who sometimes make mistakes. This causes many bugs and security vulnerabilities.
With a std::array a1, you can access an element with bounds checking or without bounds checking a[i]. With a built-in array, it's always your responsibility to diligently avoid out-of-bounds accesses. Otherwise the code can smash some memory that goes unnoticed for a long time and becomes very difficult to debug. Even just reading outside an array's bounds can be exploited for security holes like the Heartbleed bug that divulges private encryption keys.
C++ tutorials may pretend that array-of-T and pointer-to-T are the same thing, then later tell you about various exceptions where they are not the same thing. E.g. an array-of-T in a struct is embedded in the struct, while a pointer-to-T in a struct is a pointer to memory that you'd better allocate. Or consider an array of arrays (such as a raster image). Does auto-increment the pointer to the next pixel or the next row? Or consider an array of objects where an object pointer coerces to its base class pointer. All this is complicated and the compiler doesn't catch mistakes.
With a std::array a1, you can get its size a1.size(), compare its contents to another std::array a1 == a2, and use other standard container methods like a1.swap(a2). With built-in arrays, these operations take more programming work and are easier to mess up. E.g. given int b1[] = {10, 20, 30}; to get its size without hard-coding 3, you must do sizeof(b1) / sizeof(b1[0]). To compare its contents, you must loop over those elements.
You can pass a std::array to a function by reference f(&a1) or by value f(a1) [i.e. by copy]. Passing a built-in array only goes by reference and confounds it with a pointer to the first element. That's not the same thing. The compiler doesn't pass the array size.
You can return a std::array from a function by value, return a1. Returning a built-in array return b1 returns a dangling pointer, which is broken.
You can copy a std::array in the usual way, a1 = a2, even if it contains objects with constructors. If you try that with built-in arrays, b1 = b2, it'll just copy the array pointer (or fail to compile, depending on how b2 is declared). You can get around that using memcpy(b1, b2, sizeof(b1) / sizeof(b1[0])), but this is broken if the arrays have different sizes or if they contain elements with constructors.
You can easily change code that uses std::array to use another container like std::vector or std::map.
See the C++ FAQ Why should I use container classes rather than simple arrays? to learn more, e.g. the perils of built-in arrays containing C++ objects with destructors (like std::string) or inheritance.
Don't Freak Out About Performance
Bounds-checking access requires a few more instructions each time you fetch or store an array element. In some inner loop code that jams through a large array (e.g. an image processing routine that you call on every video frame), this cost might add up enough to matter. In that rare case it makes sense to use unchecked access a[i] and carefully ensure that the loop code takes care with bounds.
In most code you're either offloading the image processing code to the GPU, or the bounds-checking cost is a tiny fraction of the overall run time, or the overall run time is not at issue. Meanwhile the risk of array access bugs is high, starting with the hours it takes you to debug it.
The only benefit of a built-in array would be slightly more concise declaration syntax. But the functional benefits of std::array blow that out of the water.
I would also add that it really doesn't matter that much. If you have to support older compilers, then you don't have a choice, of course, since std::array is only for C++11. Otherwise, you can use whichever you like, but unless you make only trivial use of the array, you should prefer std::array just to keep things in line with other STL containers (e.g., what if you later decide to make the size dynamic, and use std::vector instead, then you will be happy that you used std::array because all you will have to change is probably the array declaration itself, and the rest will be the same, especially if you use auto and other type-inference features of C++11.
std::array is a template class that encapsulate a statically-sized array, stored inside the object itself, which means that, if you instantiate the class on the stack, the array itself will be on the stack. Its size has to be known at compile time (it's passed as a template parameter), and it cannot grow or shrink.
Arrays are used to store a sequence of objects
Check the tutorial:
A std::vector does the same but it's better than built-in arrays (e.g: in general, vector hasn't much efficiency difference than built
in arrays when accessing elements via operator[]):
The built-in arrays are a major source of errors – especially when they are used to build multidimensional arrays.
For novices, they are also a major source of confusion. Wherever possible, use vector, list, valarray, string, etc.
STL containers don't have the same problems as built in arrays
So, there is no reason in C++ to persist in using built-in arrays. Built-in arrays are in C++ mainly for backwards compatibility with C.
If the OP really wants an array, C++11 provides a wrapper for the built-in array, std::array. Using std::array is very similar to using the built-in array has no effect on their run-time performance, with much more features.
Unlike with the other containers in the Standard Library, swapping two array containers is a linear operation that involves swapping all the elements in the ranges individually, which generally is a considerably less efficient operation. On the other side, this allows the iterators to elements in both containers to keep their original container association.
Another unique feature of array containers is that they can be treated as tuple objects: The header overloads the get function to access the elements of the array as if it was a tuple, as well as specialized tuple_size and tuple_element types.
Anyway, built-in arrays are all ways passed by reference. The reason for this is when you pass an array to a function as a argument, pointer to it's first element is passed.
when you say void f(T[] array) compiler will turn it into void f(T* array)
When it comes to strings. C-style strings (i.e. null terminated character sequences) are all ways passed by reference since they are 'char' arrays too.
STL strings are not passed by reference by default. They act like normal variables.
There are no predefined rules for making parameter pass by reference. Even though the arrays are always passed by reference automatically.
vector<vector<double>> G1=connectivity( current_combination,M,q2+1,P );
vector<vector<double>> G2=connectivity( circshift_1_dexia(current_combination),M,q1+1,P );
This could also be copying vectors since connectivity returns a vector by value. In some cases, the compiler will optimize this out. To avoid this for sure though, you can pass the vector as non-const reference to connectivity rather than returning them. The return value of maxweight is a 3-dimensional vector returned by value (which may make a copy of it).
Vectors are only efficient for insert or erase at the end, and it is best to call reserve() if you are going to push_back a lot of values. You may be able to re-write it using list if you don't really need random access; with list you lose the subscript operator, but you can still make linear passes through, and save iterators to elements, rather than subscripts.
With some compilers, it can be faster to use pre-increment, rather than post-increment. Prefer ++i to i++ unless you actually need to use the post-increment. They are not the same.
Anyway, vector is going to be horribly slow if you are not compiling with optimization on. With optimization, it is close to built-in arrays. Built-in arrays can be quite slow without optimization on also, but not as bad as vector.
std::array has the at member function which is safe. It also have begin, end, size which you can use to make your code safer.
Raw arrays don't have that. (In particular, when raw arrays are decayed to pointers -e.g. when passed as arguments-, you lose any size information, which is kept in the std::array type since it is a template with the size as argument)
And a good optimizing C++11 compiler will handle std::array (or references to them) as efficiently as raw arrays.
Built-in arrays are not inherently unsafe - if used correctly. But it is easier to use built-in arrays incorrectly than it is to use alternatives, such as std::array, incorrectly and these alternatives usually offer better debugging features to help you detect when they have been used incorrectly.
Built-in arrays are subtle. There are lots of aspects that behave unexpectedly, even to experienced programmers.
std::array<T, N> is truly a wrapper around a T[N], but many of the already mentioned aspects are sorted out for free essentially, which is very optimal and something you want to have.
These are some I haven't read:
Size: N shall be a constant expression, it cannot be variable, for both. However, with built-in arrays, there's VLA(Variable Length Array) that allows that as well.
Officially, only C99 supports them. Still, many compilers allow that in previous versions of C and C++ as extensions. Therefore, you may have
int n; std::cin >> n;
int array[n]; // ill-formed but often accepted
that compiles fine. Had you used std::array, this could never work because N is required and checked to be an actual constant expression!
Expectations for arrays: A common flawed expectation is that the size of the array is carried along with the array itself when the array isn't really an array anymore, due to the kept misleading C syntax as in:
void foo(int array[])
// iterate over the elements
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(array); ++i)
array[i] = 0;
but this is wrong because array has already decayed to a pointer, which has no information about the size of the pointed area. That misconception triggers undefined behavior if array has less than sizeof(int*) elements, typically 8, apart from being logically erroneous.
Crazy uses: Even further on that, there are some quirks arrays have:
Whether you have array[i] or i[array], there is no difference. This is not true for array, because calling an overloaded operator is effectively a function call and the order of the parameters matters.
Zero-sized arrays: N shall be greater than zero but it is still allowed as an extensions and, as before, often not warned about unless more pedantry is required. Further information here.
array has different semantics:
There is a special case for a zero-length array (N == 0). In that
case, array.begin() == array.end(), which is some unique value. The
effect of calling front() or back() on a zero-sized array is

Why am I being told that an array is a pointer? What is the relationship between arrays and pointers in C++?

My background is C++ and I'm currently about to start developing in C# so am doing some research. However, in the process I came across something that raised a question about C++.
This C# for C++ developers guide says that
In C++ an array is merely a pointer.
But this StackOverflow question has a highly-upvoted comment that says
Arrays are not pointers. Stop telling people that.
The page on pointers says that arrays and pointers are related (and mentions implicit conversion, so they're obviously not the same).
The concept of arrays is related to that of pointers. In fact, arrays work very much like pointers to their first elements, and, actually, an array can always be implicitly converted to the pointer of the proper type.
I'm getting the impression that the Microsoft page wanted to simplify things in order to summarise the differences between C++ and C#, and in the process wrote something that was simpler but not 100% accurate.
But what have arrays got to do with pointers in the first place? Why is the relationship close enough for them to be summarised as the "same" even if they're not?
The page says that arrays "work like" pointers to their first element. What does that mean, if they're not actually pointers to their first element?
There is a lot of bad writing out there. For example the statement:
In C++ an array is merely a pointer.
is simply false. How can such bad writing come about? We can only speculate, but one possible theory is that the author learned C++ by trial and error using a compiler, and formed a faulty mental model of C++ based on the results of his experiments. This is possibly because the syntax used by C++ for arrays is unconventional.
The next question is, how can a learner know if he/she is reading good material or bad material? Other than by reading my posts of course ;-) , participating in communities like Stack Overflow helps to bring you into contact with a lot of different presentations and descriptions, and then after a while you have enough information and experience to make your own decisions about which writing is good and which is bad.
Moving back to the array/pointer topic: my advice would be to first build up a correct mental model of how object storage works when we are working in C++. It's probably too much to write about just for this post, but here is how I would build up to it from scratch:
C and C++ are designed in terms of an abstract memory model, however in most cases this translates directly to the memory model provided by your system's OS or an even lower layer
The memory is divided up into basic units called bytes (usually 8 bits)
Memory can be allocated as storage for an object; e.g. when you write int x; it is decided that a particular block of adjacent bytes is set aside to store an integer value. An object is any region of allocated storage. (Yes this is a slightly circular definition!)
Each byte of allocated storage has an address which is a token (usually representible as a simple number) that can be used to find that byte in memory. The addresses of any bytes within an object must be sequential.
The name x only exists during the compilation stage of a program. At runtime there can be int objects allocated that never had a name; and there can be other int objects with one or more names during compilation.
All of this applies to objects of any other type, not just int
An array is an object which consists of many adjacent sub-objects of the same type
A pointer is an object which serves as a token identifying where another object can be found.
From hereon in, C++ syntax comes into it. C++'s type system uses strong typing which means that each object has a type. The type system extends to pointers. In almost all situations, the storage used to store a pointer only saves the address of the first byte of the object being pointed to; and the type system is used at compilation time to keep track of what is being pointed to. This is why we have different types of pointer (e.g. int *, float *) despite the fact that the storage may consist of the same sort of address in both cases.
Finally: the so-called "array-pointer equivalence" is not an equivalence of storage, if you understood my last two bullet points. It's an equivalence of syntax for looking up members of an array.
Since we know that a pointer can be used to find another object; and an array is a series of many adjacent objects; then we can work with the array by working with a pointer to that array's first element. The equivalence is that the same processing can be used for both of the following:
Find Nth element of an array
Find Nth object in memory after the one we're looking at
and furthermore, those concepts can be both expressed using the same syntax.
They are most definitely not the same thing at all, but in this case, confusion can be forgiven because the language semantics are ... flexible and intended for the maximum confusion.
Let's start by simply defining a pointer and an array.
A pointer (to a type T) points to a memory space which holds at least one T (assuming non-null).
An array is a memory space that holds multiple Ts.
A pointer points to memory, and an array is memory, so you can point inside or to an array. Since you can do this, pointers offer many array-like operations. Essentially, you can index any pointer on the presumption that it actually points to memory for more than one T.
Therefore, there's some semantic overlap between (pointer to) "Memory space for some Ts" and "Points to a memory space for some Ts". This is true in any language- including C#. The main difference is that they don't allow you to simply assume that your T reference actually refers to a space where more than one T lives, whereas C++ will allow you to do that.
Since all pointers to a T can be pointers to an array of T of arbitrary size, you can treat pointers to an array and pointers to a T interchangably. The special case of a pointer to the first element is that the "some Ts" for the pointer and "some Ts" for the array are equal. That is, a pointer to the first element yields a pointer to N Ts (for an array of size N) and a pointer to the array yields ... a pointer to N Ts, where N is equal.
Normally, this is just interesting memory crapping-around that nobody sane would try to do. But the language actively encourages it by converting the array to the pointer to the first element at every opportunity, and in some cases where you ask for an array, it actually gives you a pointer instead. This is most confusing when you want to actually use the array like a value, for example, to assign to it or pass it around by value, when the language insists that you treat it as a pointer value.
Ultimately, all you really need to know about C++ (and C) native arrays is, don't use them, pointers to arrays have some symmetries with pointers to values at the most fundamental "memory as an array of bytes" kind of level, and the language exposes this in the most confusing, unintuitive and inconsistent way imaginable. So unless you're hot on learning implementation details nobody should have to know, then use std::array, which behaves in a totally consistent, very sane way and just like every other type in C++. C# gets this right by simply not exposing this symmetry to you (because nobody needs to use it, give or take).
Arrays and pointers in C and C++ can be used with the exact same semantics and syntax in the vast majority of cases.
That is achieved by one feature:
Arrays decay to pointers to their first element in nearly all contexts.
Exceptions in C: sizeof, _Alignas, _Alignas, address-of &
In C++, the difference can also be important for overload-resolution.
In addition, array notation for function arguments is deceptive, these function-declarations are equivalent:
int f(int* a);
int f(int a[]);
int f(int a[3]);
But not to this one:
int f(int (&a)[3]);
Besides what has already been told, there is one big difference:
pointers are variables to store memory addresses, and they can be incremented or decremented and the values they store can change (they can point to any other memory location). That's not the same for arrays; once they are allocated, you can't change the memory region they reference, e.g. you cannot assign other values to them:
int my_array[10];
int x = 2;
my_array = &x;
Whereas you can do the same with a pointer:
int *p = array;
p = &x;
The meaning in this guide was simply that in C# an array is an object (perhaps like in STL that we can use in C++), while in C++ an array is basically a sequence of variables located & allocated one after the other, and that's why we can refer to them using a pointer (pointer++ will give us the next one etc.).
it's as simple as:
int arr[10];
int* arr_pointer1 = arr;
int* arr_pointer2 = &arr[0];
so, since arrays are contiguous in memory, writing
is the same as writing:
pushing things a bit further, writing:
//resolves to
//note also that this is perfectly valid
//resolves to

Zero a 2d array in C++. Do I need 2 for loops?

How can I zero a 2D array in C++? Do I need two for loops just for that?
Coming from other higher languages, I wonder why C++ doesn't initialize arrays to meaningful/sensible defaults? Do I always need to declare an array then "zero" it out right afterwards?
C++ language tries to follow the principle of "you don't pay for what you don't use". It doesn't initialize fundamental types to any default values because you might not want it to happen. In any case, the language provides you the opportunity to explicitly request such initialization.
At the moment of declaration you can use initializers and simply do this
int array[10][20] = {};
or, for a dynamically allocated array
int (*array)[20] = new int[10][20]();
and this will give a zero-initialized array. No loops necessary.
But if you want to zero-out an existing array, then you will indeed have to use something more elaborate. In case of integer types a good old memset will work. For pointer or floating-point types the situation is in general case more complicated. memset might work or it might not work, depending on the implementation-defined properties. In any case, the standard library can help you to reduce the number of explicit loops by providing such loop wrappers as std::fill.
Depends how you create it.
Two-dimensional vector, yes, two for-loops (because integers are primitive types - classes will call the default ctor).
Two-dimensional array? No, you can memset or bzero at once as the memory is all contiguous, whether using malloc or new.
You can simply use memset to put zeros everywhere. Documented here
memset(pointer, value_to_put, num_bytes);
So in this case, you would have something along the lines of
memset(myArray, 0, sizeof(arrayElement) * width * height);
Only C-style arrays of scalar types have the option to be created without initialization. To initialize such an array to zero, you can just provide an empty initializer:
int a[3][3] = {}; // 3x3 zeroes
As you're coming from 'other higher languages', consider less low-level types for your 2D data (there are multiple matrix libraries: boost.ublas and Eigen probably the most popular, and of course there are multi-arrays in boost too)

How does using arrays in C++ result in security problems

I was told that the optimal way to program in C++ is to use STL and string rather than arrays and character arrays.
vector<int> myInt;
rather than
int myInt[20]
However, I don't understand the rational behind why it would result in security problems.
I suggest you read up on buffer overruns, then. It's much more likely that a programmer creates or risks buffer overruns when using raw arrays, since they give you less protection and don't offer an API. Sure, it's possible to shoot yourself in the foot using STL too, but at least it's harder.
There appears to be some confusion here about what security vectors can and cannot provide. Ignoring the use of iterators, there are three main ways of accessing elements ina vector.
the operator[] function of vector - this provides no bounds checking and will
result in undefined behaviour on a bounds error, in the same way as an array would if you use an invalid index.
the at() vector member function - this provides bounds checking and will raise an exception if an invalid index is used, at a small performance cost
the C++ operator [] for the vector's underlying array - this provides no bounds checking, but gives the highest possible access speed.
Arrays don't perform bound checking. Hence they are very vulnerable to bound checking errors which can be hard to detect.
Note: the following code has a programming error.
int Data[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
int Sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= 4; ++i) Sum += Data[i];
Using arrays like this, you won't get an exception that helps you find the error; only an incorrect result.
Arrays don't know their own size, whereas a vector defines begin and end methods to access its elements. With arrays you'll always have to rely on pointer arithmetics (And since they are nothing but pointers you can accidentially cast them)
C++ arrays do not perform bounds checking, on either insert or read and it is quite easy to accidentally access items from outside of the array bounds.
From an OO perspective, the vector also has more knowledge about itself and so can take care of its own housekeeping.
Your example has a static array with a fixed number of items; depending on your algorithm, this may be just as safe as a vector with a fixed number of items.
However, as a rule of thumb, when you want to dynamically allocate an array of items, a vector is much easier and also lets you make fewer mistakes. Any time you have to think, there's a possibility for a bug, which might be exploited.