Testing a function that throws on failure - c++

What is the best way of testing a function that throws on failure? Or testing a function that is fairly immune to failure?
For instance; I have a I/O Completion Port class that throws in the constructor if it can't initialise the port correctly. This uses the Win32 function of CreateIoCompletionPort in the initialiser list. If the handle isn't set correctly - a non-null value - then the constructor will throw an exception. I have never seen this function fail.
I am pretty certain that this (and other functions like it in my code) if they fail will behave correctly, the code is 50 lines long including white-space, so my questions are
a) is it worth testing that it will throw
b) and if it is worth testing, how to?
c) should simple wrapper classes as these be unit-tested?
For b) I thought about overriding CreateIoCompletionPort and passing the values through. In the unit test override it and cause it to return 0 when a certain value is passed in. However since this is used in the constructor then this needs to be static. Does this seem valid or not?

If you are doing this in .NET, there is an ExpectedException attribute that you can add to your test:
[Test, ExpectedException(typeof(SpecificException), "Exception's specific message")]
public void TestWhichHasException()
Test will pass if the exception of that type and with the specified message is thrown. The attribute has other overloads including having InnerExceptions, etc.

It is definitely worthwhile to test failure conditions, both that your class properly throws an exception when you want it to and that exceptions are handled properly in the class.
This can easily be done if you are acting on an object passed in to the constructor... just pass in a mock. If not, I tend to prefer to have the functionality moved to a protected method, and override the protected method to evoke my failure case. I will use Java as an example, but it should be easy enough to port the ideas to a C# case:
public class MyClass {
public MyClass() throws MyClassException {
// Whatever, including a call to invokeCreateIoCompletionPort
protected int invokeCreateIoCompletionPort(String str, int i) {
return StaticClass.createIoCompletionPort(str, i);
public class MyTest {
public void myTest() {
try {
new MyClass();
fail("MyClassException was not thrown!");
} catch (MyClassException e) {
private static class MyClassWrapper extends MyClass {
protected int invokeCreateIoCompletionPort(String str, int i) {
throw new ExpectedException();
As you can see, it is pretty easy to test whether an exception is being thrown by the constructor or method you are testing, and it is also pretty easy to inject an exception from an external class that can throw an exception. Sorry I'm not using your actual method, I just used the name to illustrate how it sounded like you are using it, and how I would test the cases it sounded you wanted to test.
Basically, any API details you expose can usually be tested, and if you want to KNOW that exceptional cases work as they should, you probably will want to test it.

You should consider writing your code in such a way that you can mock your I/O completion port. Make an interface/abstract class that exposes the methods you need on the I/O object, and write and test implementation that does things like it's supposed to (and an option to simulate failure perhaps).
AFAIK it's a common practice to mock external resources when unit testing, to minimize dependencies.

Sound like C++ to me. You need a seam to mock out the Win32 functions. E.g. in your class you would create a protected method CreateIoCompletionPort() which calls ::CreateIoCompletionPort() and for your test you create a class that derives from you I/O Completion Port class and overrides CreateIoCompletionPort() to do nothing but return NULL. Your production class is still behaving like it was designed but you are now able to simulate a failure in the CreateIoCompletionPort() function.
This technique is from Michael Feathers book "Working effectively with legacy code".


Can method call be tested without Mockito.verify?

If i need to test if a method within class under test has been called or not, can it be done without Mockito (or any mocking tool for that matter)?
Reason asking is that wherever i read about Mockito and similar tools, it says one should never mock CUT but its dependencies (that part is clear).
So, if thats the case then there are only 2 options left:
there is some other way of testing it without mocking
the fact the method was called should not be tested itself but some side effect or methods return value
For example (trivial and non-realworld), class MyClass can have 2 methods: A() and B(). A conditionay calls B based on some internal state.
After arranging state & acting by calling A() we want to assert that B() was called.
Either its not possible without mocking the whole CUT or 2 methods like this in a single class are always SRP violation smell and call for redesign where B() should actually be (mocked) dependency of MyClass CUT.
So, whats correct?
Usually I tend to not even use spies, instead I prefer to write my code in a way that for any class I write:
I test only non-private methods, since they're entry points into the class under test. So, in your example, if a() calls b(), maybe b() should be be private and, as a consequence, should not be tested. To generalize, a() is something that a class "can do" (a behavior), so I test the behavior, and not the method itself. If this behavior internally calls other things - well, its an internal matter of that class, if possible I don't make any assumptions on how does the class work internally, and always prefer "white-box" testing.
I only test "one" non-private method in a test.
All the methods should return something (best option) or at least call dependencies, or change internal state of the object under test. The list of dependencies is always clean-to-understand, I can't instantiate the object of CUT without supplying it a list of dependencies. For example, using constructor dependency injection is a good way of doing this. I mock only dependencies indeed, and never mock / spy CUT. Dependencies are never static but injected.
Now with these simple rules, the need to "test if a method within class under test has been called or not" basically can boil down to one of the following:
you're talking about private method. In this case - don't test it, test only public things.
The method is public - in this case you explicitly call it in unit test, so its irrelevant.
Now lets ask why do you want to test this if a method within CUT has been called or not?
If you want to make sure that it changed something. If this "something" is within the class - in other words, its internal state has changed, check in test that the change is indeed done in the state by calling another method that allows to query the state
If this "something" is a code that is managed by dependency, create a mock of this dependency and verify that it was called with the expected parameters.
Take a look at the Mockito Documentation (https://static.javadoc.io/org.mockito/mockito-core/3.0.0/org/mockito/Mockito.html#13)
When using a Spy you can 'replace' a method in the same class that is under test.
public class Test {
class MyClass {
public void a() {
public void b() {
public void test() {
MyClass testClass = new MyClass();
MyClass spy = Mockito.spy(testClass);
Mockito.verify(spy, Mockito.times(1)).b();
So whether that is something that should be done is a different question ;)
I think it highly depends on what method B() is actually doing and whether that is supposed be part of MyClass in the first place.
Either its not possible without mocking the whole CUT
In this case we do not mock the whole CUT only the method you do not want to be called.
Reason asking is that wherever i read about Mockito and similar tools, it says one should never mock CUT but its dependencies (that part is clear).
I believe this statement is not entirely accurate in correlation with spying.
The whole point of spying in my eyes is to use it on the class under test. Why would one want to spy on a dependecy that is not even supposed to be part of the test in the first place?

Ignoring mock calls during setup phase

I often face the problem that mock objects need to be brought in a certain state before the "interesting" part of a test can start.
For example, let's say I want to test the following class:
struct ToTest
virtual void onEnable();
virtual void doAction();
Therefore, I create the following mock class:
struct Mock : ToTest
MOCK_METHOD0(onEnable, void());
MOCK_METHOD0(doAction, void());
The first test is that onEnable is called when the system that uses a ToTest object is enabled:
TEST(SomeTest, OnEnable)
Mock mock;
// register mock somehow
// interesting part of the test
EXPECT_CALL(mock, onEnable());
So far, so good. The second test is that doAction is called when the system performs an action and is enabled. Therefore, the system should be enabled before the interesting part of the test can start:
TEST(SomeTest, DoActionWhenEnabled)
Mock mock;
// register mock somehow
// initialize system
// interesting part of the test
EXPECT_CALL(mock, doAction());
This works but gives an annoying warning about an uninteresting call to onEnable. There seem to be two common fixes of this problem:
Using NiceMock<Mock> to suppress all such warnings; and
Add an EXPECT_CALL(mock, onEnable()) statement.
I don't want to use the first method since there might be other uninteresting calls that really should not happen. I also don't like the second method since I already tested (in the first test) that onEnable is called when the system is enabled; hence, I don't want to repeat that expectation in all tests that work on enabled systems.
What I would like to be able to do is say that all mock calls up to a certain point should be completely ignored. In this example, I want expectations to be only checked starting from the "interesting part of the test" comment.
Is there a way to accomplish this using Google Mock?
The annoying thing is that the necessary functions are there: gmock/gmock-spec-builders.h defines Mock::AllowUninterestingCalls and others to control the generation of warnings for a specific mock object. Using these functions, it should be possible to temporarily disable warnings about uninteresting calls.
That catch is, however, that these functions are private. The good thing is that class Mock has some template friends (e.g., NiceMock) that can be abused. So I created the following workaround:
namespace testing
// HACK: NiceMock<> is a friend of Mock so we specialize it here to a type that
// is never used to be able to temporarily make a mock nice. If this feature
// would just be supported, we wouldn't need this hack...
struct NiceMock<void>
static void allow(const void* mock)
static void warn(const void* mock)
static void fail(const void* mock)
typedef NiceMock<void> UninterestingCalls;
This lets me access the private functions through the UninterestingCalls typedef.
The flexibility you're looking for is not possible in gmock, by design. From the gmock Cookbook (emphasis mine):
[...] you should be very cautious about when to use naggy or strict mocks, as they tend to make tests more brittle and harder to maintain. When you refactor your code without changing its externally visible behavior, ideally you should't need to update any tests. If your code interacts with a naggy mock, however, you may start to get spammed with warnings as the result of your change. Worse, if your code interacts with a strict mock, your tests may start to fail and you'll be forced to fix them. Our general recommendation is to use nice mocks (not yet the default) most of the time, use naggy mocks (the current default) when developing or debugging tests, and use strict mocks only as the last resort.
Unfortunately, this is an issue that we, and many other developers, have encountered. In his book, Modern C++ Programming with Test-Driven Development, Jeff Langr writes (Chapter 5, on Test Doubles):
What about the test design? We split one test into two when we changed from a hand-rolled mock solution to one using Google Mock. If we expressed everything in a single test, that one test could set up the expectations to cover all three significant events. That’s an easy fix, but we’d end up with a cluttered test.
By using NiceMock, we take on a small risk. If the code later somehow changes to invoke another method on the [...] interface, our tests aren’t going to know about it. You should use NiceMock when you need it, not habitually. Seek to fix your design if you seem to require it often.
You might be better off using a different mock class for your second test.
class MockOnAction : public ToTest {
// This is a non-mocked function that does nothing
virtual void onEnable() {}
// Mocked function
MOCK_METHOD0(doAction, void());
In order for this test to work, you can have onEnable do nothing (as shown above). Or it can do something special like calling the base class or doing some other logic.
virtual void onEnable() {
// You could call the base class version of this function
// or hardcode some other logic
// isEnabled = true;

Test: stub vs real implementation

I have been wondering about the general use of stubs for unit tests vs using real (production) implementations, and specifically whether we don't run into a rather nasty problem when using stubs as illustrated here:
Suppose we have this (pseudo) code:
public class A {
public int getInt() {
if (..) {
return 2;
else {
throw new AException();
public class B {
public void doSomething() {
A a = new A();
try {
catch(AException e) {
throw new BException(e);
public class UnitTestB {
public void throwsBExceptionWhenFailsToReadInt() {
// Stub A to throw AException() when getInt is called
// verify that we get a BException on doSomething()
Now suppose we at some point later when we have written hundreds of tests more, realize that A shouldn't really throw AException but instead AOtherException. We correct this:
public class A {
public int getInt() {
if (..) {
return 2;
else {
throw new AOtherException();
We have now changed the implementation of A to throw AOtherException and we then run all our tests. They pass. What's not so good is that the unit test for B passes but is wrong. If we put together A and B in production at this stage, B will propagate AOtherException because its implementation thinks A throws AException.
If we instead had used the real implementation of A for our throwsBExceptionWhenFailsToReadInt test, then it would have failed after the change of A because B wouldn't throw the BException anymore.
It's just a frightening thought that if we had thousand of tests structured like the above example, and we changed one tiny thing, then all the unit tests would still run even though the behavior of many of the units would be wrong! I may be missing something, and I'm hoping some of you clever folks could enlighten me as to what it is.
When you say
We have now changed the implementation of A to throw AOtherException and we then run all our tests. They pass.
I think that's incorrect. You obviously haven't implemented your unit test, but Class B will not catch AException and thus not throw BException because AException is now AOtherException. Maybe I'm missing something, but wouldn't your unit test fail in asserting that BException is thrown at that point? You will need to update your class code to appropriately handle the exception type of AOtherException.
If you change the interface of class A then your stub code will not build (I assume you use the same header file for production and stub versions) and you will know about it.
But in this case you are changing the behaviour of your class because the exception type is not really part of the interface. Whenever you change the behaviour of your class you really have to find all the stub versions and check if you need to change their behaviour as well.
The only solution I can think of for this particular example is to use a #define in the header file to define the exception type. This could get messy if you need to pass parameters to the exception's contructor.
Another technique I have used (again not applicable to this particular example) is to derive your production and stub classes from a virtual base class. This separates the interface from the implementation, but you still have to look at both implementations if you change the behaviour of the class.
It's normal that the test you wrote using stubs doesn't fail since it is intended to verify that object B communicates well with A and can handle the response from getInt() assuming that getInt() throws an AException. It is not intended to check if getInt() really throws an AException at any point.
You can call that kind of test you wrote a "collaboration test".
Now what you need to be complete is the counterpart test that checks if getInt() will ever throw an AException (or a AOtherException, for that matter) in the first place. It's a "contract test".
J B Rainsberger has a great presentation on the contract and collaboration tests technique.
With that technique here's how you'd typically go, solving the whole "false green test" problem :
Identify that getInt() now needs to throw a AOtherException rather than an AException
Write a contract test verifying that getInt() does throw a AOtherException under given circumstances
Write the corresponding production code to make the test pass
Realize you need collaboration tests for that contract test : for each collaborator using getInt(), can it handle the AOtherException we're going to throw ?
Implement those collaboration tests (let's say you don't notice there's already a collaboration test checking for AException at that point yet).
Write production code that matches the tests and realize that B already expects an AException when calling getInt() but not a AOtherException.
Refer to the existing collaboration test containing the stubbed A throwing an AException and realize it's obsolete and you need to delete it.
This is if you start using that technique just now, but assuming you adopted it from the start, there wouldn't be any real problem since what you'd naturally do is change the contract test of getInt() to make it expect AOtherException, and change the corresponding collaboration tests just after that (the golden rule is that a contract test always goes with a collaboration test so with time it becomes a no-brainer).
If we instead had used the real implementation of A for our
throwsBExceptionWhenFailsToReadInt test, then it would have failed
after the change of A because B wouldn't throw the BException anymore.
Sure, but this would have been a whole other kind of test -an integration test, actually. An integration test verifies both sides of the coin : does object B handle response R from object A correctly, and does object A ever respond that way in the first place ? It's only normal for a test like this to fail when the implementation of A used in the test starts to respond R' instead of R.
The specific example you have mentioned is a tricky one.. the compiler cannot catch it or notify you. In this case, you'd have to be diligent to find all usages and update the corresponding tests.
That said, this type of issue should be a fraction of the tests - you cannot wave away the benefits just for this corner case.
See also: TDD how to handle a change in a mocked object - there was a similar discussion on the testdrivendevelopment forums (linked in the above question). To quote Steve Freeman (of GOOS fame and a proponent of the interaction-based tests)
All of this is true. In practice, combined with a judicious
combination of higher level tests, I haven't seen this to be a big
problem. There's usually something bigger to deal with first.
Ancient thread, I know, but I thought I'd add that JUnit has a really handy feature for exception handling. Instead of doing try/catch in your test, tell JUnit that you expect a certain exception to be thrown by the class.
public void ensureCorrectExceptionForA {
A a = new A();
Extending this to your class B you can omit some of the try/catch and let the framework detect the correct usage of exceptions.

How to set the ErrorCode of a ManagementException?

I want to handle a ManagementException exception for a specific ErrorCode only and am having trouble writing the unit test for it. Ordinarily, I would write the test so that it is something like the following:
Searcher search = MockRepository.GenerateMock<Searcher>();
// wrapper for ManagementObjectSearcher
search.Expect(s => s.Get()).Throw(new ManagementException());
However, this doesn't set the ErrorCode to the one that I want in particular, indeed ManagementException doesn't have a constructor which sets this value.
How can this be done?
(Note that I am using RhinoMocks as my mocking framework but I am assuming that this is framework independent; all I need to know here is how to create a ManagementException which has a specific ErrorCode value. Also I have found some references to a System.Management.ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo(ManagementStatus errorCode) method online but this doesn't appear to be publicly accessible).
The least effort to get over this hurdle would be a static helper / utility method that uses reflection to hack-slot in the required error code. Using the most excellent Reflector, I see there is a private "errorCode" field, which is only set via internal ctors defined in ManagementException. So :)
public static class EncapsulationBreaker
public static ManagementException GetManagementExceptionWithSpecificErrorCode(ManagementStatus statusToBeStuffed)
var exception = new ManagementException();
var fieldInfo = exception.GetType().GetField("errorCode",
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.GetField | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
fieldInfo.SetValue(exception, statusToBeStuffed);
return exception;
Verified that it works
public void TestGetExceptionWithSpecifiedErrorCode()
var e = EncapsulationBreaker.GetManagementExceptionWithSpecificErrorCode(ManagementStatus.BufferTooSmall);
Assert.AreEqual(ManagementStatus.BufferTooSmall, e.ErrorCode);
Although I generally frown upon reflection in tests, this is one of the rare cases where it is needed / useful.
Derive a class from ManagementException and hide the error code implementation with your own. Have your mock return this class.
Have a very simple and small method or class which catches that exception and gets the error code out of it, and then passes that on to the real class that does the work. Under test, replace that code with directly passing to the real class what you would pass when you get that error code.
The most obvious way is to subclass the exception, but if that doesn't work, then code which catches it, and immediately throws your own exception that does allow you to expose that code would be another option.
I would subclass ManagementException and in the subclass override the ErrorCode getter (if the normal protection levels stop you from doing that, maybe introspection can get you closer). Any code that handles ManagementException but has never heard about your specific subclass should handle your subclass "as if" it was the ManagementException that you're trying to simulate for testing purposes, after all.
Edit: it's conceivable that ErrorCode just cannot be overridden (I hate languages that are SO rigid that they can stop testing in this way, but cannot deny they exist;-). In this case, Dependency Injection can still save you -- DI is one of my favorite patterns for testing.
DI's purpose in testing is to decouple the code under test from rigid assumptions that would inhibit testability -- and that's just what we have here, albeit in an unusual form. Your code under test currently does, say, x.ErrorCode to obtain the error code of exception x. Very well, it must then do, instead, getErrorCode(x) where getErrorCode is a delegate which normally just does return x.ErrorCode; and it must have a setter for the getErrorCode delegate, so that for testing purposes, you can change it to a delegate which does return 23 (or whatever error-code value you want to simulate for testing).
Details can vary, but dependency injection can (among other things) help compensate for some kinds of excessive rigidity in objects you inevitably get from the system (or from other libraries &c that you cannot directly modify), as in this example.

Rhino Mocks - How can I test that at least one of a group of methods is called?

Say I have an interface IFoo which I am mocking. There are 3 methods on this interface. I need to test that the system under test calls at least one of the three methods. I don't care how many times, or with what arguments it does call, but the case where it ignores all the methods and does not touch the IFoo mock is the failure case.
I've been looking through the Expect.Call documentation but can't see an easy way to do it.
Any ideas?
You can give rhino mocks a lambda to run when a function get's called. This lambda can then increment a counter. Assert the counter > 1 and you're done.
Commented by Don Kirkby:
I believe Mendelt is referring to the Do method.
Not sure this answers your question but I've found that if I need to do anything like that with Rhino (or any similiar framework/library), anything that I didn't know how to do upfront, then I'm better just creating a manual mock.
Creating a class that implements the interface and sets a public boolean field to true if any of the methods is called will be trivially easy, you can give the class a descriptive name which means that (most importantly) the next person viewing the code will immediately understand it.
If I understood you correctly you want to check that the interface is called at least once on any of three specified methods. Looking through the quick reference I don't think you can do that in Rhino Mocks.
Intuitively I think you're trying to write a test that is brittle, which is a bad thing. This implies incomplete specification of the class under test. I urge you to think the design through so that the class under test and the test can have a known behavior.
However, to be useful with an example, you could always do it like this (but don't).
public class MyTest {
// The mocked interface
public class MockedInterface implements MyInterface {
int counter = 0;
public method1() { counter++; }
public method2() { counter++; }
public method3() { counter++; }
// The actual test, I assume you have the ClassUnderTest
// inject the interface through the constructor and
// the methodToTest calls either of the three methods on
// the interface.
public void testCallingAnyOfTheThreeMethods() {
MockedInterface mockery = new MockedInterface();
ClassUnderTest classToTest = new ClassUnderTest(mockery);
Assert.That(mockery.counter, Is.GreaterThan(1));
(Somebody check my code, I've written this from my head now and haven't written a C# stuff for about a year now)
I'm interested to know why you're doing this though.