What's a good design pattern for web method return values? - web-services

When coding web services, how do you structure your return values? How do you handle error conditions (expected ones and unexpected ones)? If you are returning something simple like an int, do you just return it, or embed it in a more complex object? Do all of the web methods within one service return an instance of a single class, or do you create a custom return value class for each method?

I like the Request/Response object pattern, where you encapsulate your arguments into a single [Operation]Request class, which has simple public properties on it.
Something like AddCustomerRequest, which would return AddCustomerResponse.
The response can include information on the success/failure of the operation, any messages that might be used by the UI, possibly the ID of the customer that was added, for example.
Another good pattern is to make these all derive from a simple IMessage interface, where your general end-point is something like Process(params IMessage[] messages)... this way you can pass in multiple operations in the same web request.

+1 for Ben's answer.
In addition, I suggest considering that the generic response allow for multiple error/warning items, to allow the reply to be as comprehensive and actionable as possible. (Would you want to use a compiler that stopped after the first error message, or one that told you as much as possible?)

If you're using SOAP web services then SOAP faults are the standard way to return error details, where the fault messages can return whatever additional detail you like.

Soap faults are a standard practice where the calling application is a Soap client. There are cases, such as a COM client using XMLHTTP, where the Soap is parsed as XML and Soap faults cannot be easily handled. Can't vote yet but another +1 for #Ben Scheirman.


passing custom messages downstream in spring cloud function's MessageRoutingCallback

Hey I m using MessageRoutingCallback to route to a function in spring cloud functions. It needs FunctionRoutingResult for routing. I also wanted to edit the message. The spring cloud docs says.
"Additionally, the FunctionRoutingResult provides another constructor allowing you to provide an instance of Message as second argument to be used down stream".
But the problem is the constructor with Message type in FunctionRoutingResult is internal and cannot be accessed outside.
Am I doing something wrong here. Any insight would be helpful
Couple of things.
As the documentation explains it is made to assist with routing decisions. For example if routing decision should be made based on payload which may need to be temporarily converted.
The reality is that it is a very bad practice to let framework make such decisions based on the payload, since payload is a privileged information. Similar to the letter in the envelope where mailman does not read the actual letter to make proper routing decisions. .. those all come from the envelope itself. So I will actually update the documentation to remove that paragraph.
And it is definitely not there to modify the message. That would be improper use of MessageRoutingCallback. To modify message you can use function composition. For example MessageRoutingCallback you check some header in the incoming message, determined that the function name should be foo but then actually output modifier|foo as function definition.

RESTful search. Return actual resources or URIs?

Pretty new to all this REST stuff.
I'm designing my API, and am not sure what I'm supposed to return from a search query. I was assuming I would just return all objects that match the query in their entirety, but after reading up a bit about HATEOAS I am thinking I should be returning a list of URI's instead?
I can see that this could help with caching of items, but I'm worried that there will be a lot of overhead generated by the subsequent multiple HTTP requests required to get the actual object info.
Am I misunderstanding? Is it acceptable to return object instances instead or URIs?
I would return a list of resources with links to more details on those resources.
From RESTFull Web Services Cookbook 2010 - Subbu Allamaraju
Design the response of a query as a representation of a collection
resource. Set the appropriate expiration caching headers. If the query
does not match any resources, return an empty collection.
IMHO it is important to always remember that "pure REST" and "real world REST" are two quite different beasts.
How are you returning the list of URIs from your query in the first place? If you return e.g. application/json, this certainly does not tell the client how it is supposed to interpret the content; therefore, the interaction is already being driven by out-of-band information (the client magically already knows where to look for the data it needs) in conflict with HATEOAS.
So, to answer your question: I find it quite acceptable to return object instances instead of URIs -- but be careful because in the general case this means you are generating all this data without knowing if the client is even going to use it. That's why you will see a hybrid approach quite often: the object instances are not full objects (i.e. a portion of the information the server has is not returned), but they do contain a unique identifier that allows the client to fetch the full representation of selected objects if it chooses to do so.

How best to design a RESTful API for initiating an action

I'm building a RESTful web service that has the usual flavor of CRUD operations for a set of data types. The HTTP verb mappings for these APIs are obvious.
The interesting part comes in where the client can request that a long-running (i.e., hours) operation against one of the data objects be initialized; the status of the operation is reported by querying the data type itself.
For example, assume an object with the following characteristics:
Name: "Some name",
CurrentOperation: "LongOperationA",
CurrentOperationPercent: 0.75,
CurrentOperationEtaSeconds: 3600
My question, then, is what the best RESTful approach should be for starting LongOperationA?
The most obvious approach would seem to be making the operation itself the identifier, perhaps something along the lines of POST https://my-web-service.com/api/StartLongOperationA?DataID=xxxx, but that seems a bit clunky, even if I don't specify the data identifier as a query parameter.
It's also pretty trivial to implement this as an idempotent action, so using POST seems like a waste; on the other hand, PUT is awkward, since no data is actually being written to the service.
Has anybody else faced this type of scenario in their services? What have you done to expose an API for initializing actions that honors RESTful principals?
You could do,
POST /LongRunningOperations?DataId=xxxx
to create a new LongRunningOperation. The URI of the long running operation would be returned in the Location header along with a 201 status code.
Or if you want to keep the long running operations associated to the DataId you could do
POST /Data/xxx/LongRunningOperations
Both these options will give you the opportunity to inquire if there are long running operations still executing. If you need information after the operation has completed you can create things like
GET /CompletedLongRunningOperations
GET /Data/xxx/CompletedLongRunningOperations
GET /Data/xxx/LastCompletedLongRunningOperation

Coding architectural question

I'm after some guidance on how to approach coding a problem, I don't want to jump straight into coding without think about it as I need it to be as generic and customisable as possible,
The scenario is i have a web service that acts as a gateway to downstream services, with the aim of authenticating and authorising SOAP message destined for down stream services, basically allivating the downstream service from doing it themselves. Each SOAP message has a variety of different WS-Security mechanisms attached usually a WS-UsernameToken, WS-Timestamp, and a XML Signature of the message body.
My problem is i want to figure out a good extensible way of validating all these security mechanims, I'm not after how to do it just how to appraoch it.
I thought about having a controller class that is intialised and controls the validation flow i.e.
ISecurityController controller = SecurityControllerFacotry.getInstance();
boolean proceed = controller.Validate(soapMessage);
using it very much like a template design pattern which ditates the flow of logic i.e.
public Boolean Validate(Message soapMessage)
return ValidateAuthentication(soapMessage) && ValidateTimeStamp(soapMessage) && ValidateSignture(soapMessage);
Would this be the best apporach to the problem?
Also would it be best to put these validation methods each into a class of there own that which implemented a common interface? So that a class could be instantiated and retrieved from some sort of validation factory i.e.
IValidationMechanism val = ValidationFactory.getValidationType(ValidationFactory.UsernameToken);
boolean result = val.Validate(soapMessage);
This would give me an an easily extensible aspect.
Would this be an vaible solution or can anyone think of other ways of doing it?
I'm interset in design patterns and good oo principles so would like to go down a route utilising them if possible.
Thanks in advance
EDIT: The service is basically a gateway security service that relieves the burden of authentication and authorisation from services that sit behind it. The security service can be thought of as an implicitly invoke intermediary on the SOAP message path that validates the security mechanisms in the SOAP message and depending on the validation result forwards the message to the appropriate down stream service by interrogating the WS-addressing headers. Although the service is not really the question it is more on how to implement the validation procedure.
I think your intuition on this is good; go with the single interface approach. That is, hide your validation implementations behind a single validation interface; this allows you to extend your validation implementations later without modifying the calling code.
And yes, the idea of putting the validation into its own class is a good one; you might want to think about having a common base class, if you have any common validation items (for example, username might be a common validation element, even though each different validation scheme may encode it differently; one as an element, another as an attribute, etc.). I think validation classes is a more appropriate mapping for the level of complexity that you're talking about anyhow, as opposed to validation methods; I suspect that the type of validation you're doing requires groups of methods (i.e., classes).
I can think of another way to validate your SOAP message against different validations. You use a visitor Pattern.
For that You will have a simple wrapper around the SOAP message you get.
SOAPMessage soapMessage;
List<String> validatonErrors;
void accept(Validator validator){
Your security Controller will contain the list of Validatiors which you will inject basically.
List<IValidator> validators;
//Validate the message
void validate(MySOAPMessage soapMessage){
forEach(Validator validator: validators){
Your Validators will look something like this.
UserNameValidator implements IValidator{
public void validate(MySOAPMessage message){
// Validate and put error if any
You dont need and unnecessary factory here for the validators.. if you want to want to add/remove validators from the controller you just inject/un inject then from the list.
Spring has a generic validation package that handles this type of process nicely IMHO.
Theirs looks something like
public interface Validator {
public boolean supports(Class<?> clazz);
public void validate(Object o, Errors errors);
Granted, they're using an Errors param to return validation issues in, which might or might not suit your goal.

Web Service Unit Testing

This is an interesting question I am sure a lot of people will benefit from knowing.
a typical web service will return a serialized complex data type for example:
<name>friendly name</orgUnit>
<name>friendly name</orgUnit>
The VS2008 unit testing seems to want to assert for an exact match of the return object, that is if the object (target and actual) are identical in terms of structure and content.
What I would like to do instead is assert only if the structure is fine, and no errors exist.
To perhaps simplify the matter, in the web service method, if any error occurs I throw a SOAPException.
1.Is there a way to test just based on the return status
2. Best case scenario would be to compare the doc trees for structural integrity of target and actual, and assert based on the structure being sound, and not the content.
Thanks in advance :)
I think that this is a duplicate of WSDL Testing
In that answer I suggested SoapUI as a good tool to use
An answer specific to your requirement would be to compare the serialized versions(to XML) of the object instead of the objects themselves.
Approach in your test case
Lets say you are expecting a return like expected.xml from your webservice .
Invoke service and get an actual Obj. Serialize that to an actual.xml.
Compare actual.xml and expected.xml by using a library like xmldiff(compares structural /value changes at XML level).
Based on the output of xmldiff determine whether the webservice passed the test.