How can I measure CppUnit test coverage (on win32 and Unix)? - c++

I have a very large code base that contains extensive unit tests (using CppUnit). I need to work out what percentage of the code is exercised by these tests, and (ideally) generate some sort of report that tells me on a per-library or per-file basis, how much of the code was exercised.
Here's the kicker: this has to run completely unnatended (eventually inside a continuous integration build), and has to be cross platform (well, WIN32 and *nix at least).
Can anyone suggest a tool, or set of tools that can help me do this? I can't change away from CppUnit (nor would I want to - it kicks ass), but otherwise I'm eager to hear any recommendations you might have.

Which tool should I use?
This article describes another developers frustrations searching for C++ code coverage tools. The author's final solution was Bullseye Coverage.
Bullseye Coverage features:
Cross Platform Support (win32, unix, and embedded), (supports linux gcc compilers and MSVC6)
Easy to use (up and running in a few hours).
Provides "best" metrics: Function Coverage and Condition/Decision Coverage.
Uses source code instrumentation.
As for hooking into your continuous integration, it depends on which CI solution you use, but you can likely hook the instrumentation / coverage measurement steps into the make file you use for automated testing.
Testing Linux vs Windows?
So long as all your tests run correctly in both environments, you should be fine measuring coverage on one or the other. (Though Bullseye appears to support both platforms). But why aren't you doing continuous integration builds in both environments?? If you deliver to clients in both environments then you need to be testing in both.
For that reason, it sounds like you might need to have two continuous build servers set up, one for a linux build and one for a windows build. Perhaps this can be easily accomplished with some virtualization software like vmware or virtualbox. You may not need to run code coverage metrics on both OSs, but you should definitely be running your unit tests on both.

If you can use GNU GCC as your complier, then the gcov tool works well. It's very easy to fully automate the whole process.

If you are using the GCC toolchain, gcov is going to get you source, functional, and branch coverage statistics. gcov works fine for MinGW and Cygwin. This will allow you to get coverage statistics as well as emitting instrumented source code that allows you to visualize unexecuted code.
However, if you really want to hit it out of the park with pretty reports, using gcov in conjunction with lcov is the way to go. lcov will give you bar reports scoped to files and directories, functional coverage statistics, and color coded source file browsing to show coverage (green means executed, red means not...).
lcov is easy on Linux, but may require some perl hacking on Cygwin. I personally have had some problems executing the scripts (lcov is implemented in perl) on Windows. I've gotten a hacked up version to work, but be forewarned.
Another approach is doing the gcov emit on windows, and doing the lcov post processing on Linux, where it will surely work out of the box.

Check out our SD C++ Test Coverage tool. It can be obtained for GCC, and for MSVC6.
It has low overhead probe data collection, a nice display of coverage data overlayed on your code, and complete report generation with rollups on coverage across the method/class/file/directory levels.
EDIT: Aug 2015: Now supports GCC5 and various MS dialects through Visual Studio 2015. To use these tools under Linux, you need Wine, but there the tools provide Linux-native sh scripting and a Linux/Java based UI, so the tool feels like a native Linux tool there.

I guess I should have specified the compiler - we're using gcc for Linux, and MSVC 6 (yeah I know, it's old, but it works (mostly) for us) for WIn32.
For that reasons, gcov won't work for our Win32 builds, and Bullseye won't work for our Linux builds.
Then again maybe I only need coverage in one OS...


C++ code coverage tool for weird target platform

Anyone knows c++ code coverage tool usable under the following conditions:
Target platform is PowerPC CPU inside Nintendo WII dev.kit, that runs custom embedded OS. The only way to exchange data with the PC is to use custom proprietary API (sorry for my NDA).
Compiler is not Microsoft, not GCC, not even command line. Namely it's Metrowerks IDE (running on Windows, of course).
Thanks in advance!
Do you know about BullseyeCoverage. It is a commercial tool, which supports really big number of platforms and compilers. If you don't see you compiler you can write them an inquiry. I did not find the Metrowerks Compiler in the list.
Hope that helps,
See Cpp Test Coverage. This tool can be configured to collect data in embedded systems; you have to figure out how to export an array of bits from inside that system to an external file system, and if you can do that, it can show you precise test coverage.
Does the Metrowerks compiler have special syntax that is not ANSI standard?
My shop has been using a customized version of Covtool. Perhaps that could be ported to your environment.
I have used Cantata. It works with Metroworks. It instruments your code so your application will no run at full speed. You just need rewrite the IO functions so output happens using the custom proprietary API.

Code coverage tools for Symbian C++ and Maemo

What code coverage tools have you used with Symbian C++ and Maemo? What are the pros and cons of the tool you are using?
On Symbian I've used BullseyeCoverage and Testwell CTC++. Cannot really describe the pros/cons of them in detail. Both got the job done, eventually. Both needed some effort with setup and integration with an automated test suite. Both contained bugs that e.g. crashed the downstream compiler with slightly broken instrumented source code.
On Maemo, since the toolchain is GCC based, I'd guess gcov would be a good starting point. Though I haven't been working on Maemo much yet and haven't done any coverage measurement there.
See SD C++ Test Coverage for a tool that has extremely low overhead and works very well in embedded environments.
I have used Bullseye Coverage on Symbian and it is very good. The only problem is that it only runs on emulator and not hardware. Therefore you would not be able to get coverage metrics from a device or devboard. If your app runs on both hardware and emulator, this won't be a big deal (apart from the standard differences between running on emulator vs hardware). Also, as there are plans to replace the emulator with a proper hardware simulator, perhaps bullseye wouldn't be the best choice.
gcov can be used (and is used) in maemo platform and tool called lcov can then be used to generate "pretty" reports.
However, in order use gcov in maemo sdk, you need to disable compiler cache during the build time when you are creating binaries for coverage execution..

Is there build farm for checking open source apps against different OS'es?

I have an Open Source app and I have it working on Windows, Linux and Macintosh ( it's in C++ and built with gcc ). I've only tested it on a few different flavors of Linux so I don't know if it compiles and runs on all different Linux versions. Is there a place where I can upload my code and have it tested across a bunch of different systems like other Linux flavors and things like, Solaris, FreeBSD and other operating systems?
What would be great is if I can have it directly connect to my svn repository and grab the latest code and then email me back any compile errors generated and what the OS was that it had a problem with.
I would be happy to just know it compiles as it is a GUI based app so I wouldn't expect it to actually be ran and tested.
There are a few options but there don't appear to be many (any?) free services like this, which isn't surprising considering the amount of effort and resources it requires. Sourceforge used to operate a compile farm like what you describe but it shut down a year or so ago. You might look into some of the following. If you're inclined to pay for a service or roll your own, then some of these links may be useful. If you're just looking for a free open source compile/build farm that covers multiple platforms it looks like you're pretty much out of luck.
OpenSuse Build Service
Mentioned by Ted first, worth repeating - only for Linux currently but does support a number of distros.
GCC Compile Farm
Mainly focused on testing builds for GCC but does also host a few other projects such as coLinux, BTG BitTorrent client, ClamAV, and others. May be something you can take advantage of, though I don't see what OSes are in the compile farm (contains at least Linux and Solaris based on the page notes).
BuildLocker is a Web-based continuous integration solution for Java and .NET projects. BuildLocker is a virtual dedicated build machine that helps teams find bugs earlier in the development cycle, saving time and money. BuildLocker manages scheduled automated builds of source code in your ProjectLocker Source Control repository. Just check in the source code, and scheduled builds validate the integrity of the code. BuildLocker can even run automated tests, and can alert you anytime a test fails.
CruiseControl is a framework for a continuous build process. It includes, but is not limited to, plugins for email notification, Ant, and various source control tools. A web interface is provided to view the details of the current and previous builds.
Interesting side note, CruiseControl is actually used by StackOverflow's dev team for automated build testing as well, according to the podcast.
Hudson monitors executions of repeated jobs, such as building a software project or jobs run by cron.
Mentioned in the other linked question, only supports Ruby projects and is in private beta currently. However, if your project is in Ruby, it might be worth keeping an eye on RunCodeRun.
CI Feature Matrix
There are many Continuous Integration systems available. This page is an attempt to keep an unbiased comparison of as many as possible of them.
Take a look at the OpenSuSE build service, it includes a fairly wide variety of Linux distros (not just SuSE/OpenSuSE).
From a software point of view, there's also buildbot (sourceforge project site), which can be used to set up your own build/continous integration server.
This was suggested and considered to be used for gcc development (as mentioned on the gcc compile farm wiki page posted above).
If you are planning to go commercial with your open source product you might consider our Parabuild. It allows you to run a set of builds on multiple platforms and machines in parallel. The build will success only if all platform-specific builds success.

Using Visual Studio to develop for C++ for Unix

Does anyone have battle stories to share trying to use Visual Studio to develop applications for Unix? And I'm not talking using .NET with a Mono or Wine virtual platform running beneath.
Our company has about 20 developers all running Windows XP/Vista and developing primarily for Linux & Solaris. Until recently we all logged into a main Linux server and modified/built code the good old fashioned way: Emacs, Vi, dtpad - take your pick. Then someone said, "hey - we're living in the Dark Ages, we should be using an IDE".
So we tried out a few and decided that Visual Studio was the only one that would meet our performance needs (yes, I'm sure that IDE X is a very nice IDE, but we chose VS).
The problem is, how do you setup your environment to have the files available locally to VS, but also available to a build server? We settled with writing a Visual Studio plugin - it writes our files locally and to the build server whenever we hit "Save" and we have a bit fat "sync" button that we can push when our files change on the server side (for when we update to the latest files from our source control server).
The plugin also uses Visual Studio's external build system feature that ultimately just ssh's into the build server and calls our local "make" utility (which is Boost Build v2 - has great dependency checking, but is really slow to start as a result i.e. 30-60 seconds to begin). The results are piped back into Visual Studio so the developer can click on the error and be taken to the appropriate line of code (quite slick actually). The build server uses GCC and cross-compiles all of our Solaris builds.
But even after we've done all this, I can't help but sigh whenever I start to write code in Visual Studio. I click a file, start typing, and VS chugs to catch up with me.
Is there anything more annoying than having to stop and wait for your tools? Are the benefits worth the frustration?
Thoughts, stories, help?
VS chugs to catch up with me.
Hmmm ... you machine needs more memory & grunt. Never had performance problems with mine.
I've about a decade's experience doing exactly what you're proposing, most of it in the finance industry, developing real-time systems for customers in the banking, stock exchanges, stock brokerage niches.
Before proceeding further, I need to confess that all this was done in VS6 + CVS, and of late, SVN.
Source Code Versioning
Developers have separate sourcesafe repositories so that they can store their work and check it packages of work at logical milestones. When they feel they want to do an integration test, we run a script that checks it into SVN.
Once checked into SVN, we've a process that kicks off that will automatically generate relevant makefiles to compile them on the target machines for continuous integration.
We've another set of scripts that synchs new stuff from SVN to the folders that VS looks after. There's a bit of gap because VS can't automatically pick up new files; we usually handle that manually. This only happens regularly the first few days of the project.
That's an overview of how we maintain codes. I have to say, I've probably glossed over some details (let me know if you're interested).
From the coding aspect, we rely heavily on the pre-processors (i.e. #define, etc) and flags in the makefile to shape compilation process. For cross platform portability, we use GCC. A few times, we were force to use aCC on HP-UX and some other compilers, but we did not have much grief. The only thing that is a constant pain, is that we had to watch out for thread heap spaces across platforms. The compiler does not spare us from that.
The question is usually, "Why the h*ll would you even what to have such a complicated way of development?". Our answer is usually another question that goes, "Have you any clue how insane it is to debug a multi-threaded application by examining the core dump or using gdb?". Basically, the fact that we can trace/step through each line of code when you're debugging an obscure bug, makes it all worth the effort!
Plus!... VS's intellisense feature makes it so easy to find the method/attribute belonging to classes. I also heard the VS2008 has refactoring capabilities. I've shifted my focus to Java on Eclipse that has both features. You'd be more productive focusing coding business logic rather than devote energy making your mind do stuff like remember!
Also! ... We'd end up with a product that can run on both Windows and Linux!
Good luck!
I feel your pain. We have an application which is 'cross-platform'. A typical client/server application where the client needs to be able to run on windows and linux. Since our client base mostly uses windows we work using VS2008 (the debugger makes life a lot easier) - however we still need to perform linux builds.
The major problem with this was we were checking in code that we didn't know would build under gcc, which would more than likely break the CI stuff we had setup. So we installed MingGW on all our developer's machines which allows us to test that working copy will build under gcc before we commit it back to the repository.
We develop for Mac and PC. We just work locally in whatever ide we prefer, mostly VS but also xcode. When we feel our changes are stable enough for the build servers we check them in. The two build servers (Mac and PC) look for source control checkins, and each does a build. Build errors are emailed back to the team.
Editing files live on the build server sounds precarious to me. What happens if you request a build while another developer has edits that won't build?
I know this doesn't really answer your question, but you might want to consider setting up remote X sessions, and just run something like KDevelop, which, by the way, is a very nice IDE--or even Eclipse, which is more mainstream, and has a broader developer base. You could probably just use something like Xming as the X server on your Windows machines.
Wow, that sounds like a really strange use for Visual Studio. I'm very happy chugging away in vim. However, the one thing I love about Visual Studio is the debugger. It sounds like you are not even using it.
When I opened the question I thought you must be referring to developing portable applications in Visual Studio and then migrating them to Solaris. I have done this and had pleasant experiences with it.
Network shares.
Of course, then you have killer lag on the network, but at least there's only one copy of your files.
You don't want to hear what I did when I was developing on both platforms. But you're going to: drag-n-drop copy a few times a day. Local build and run, and periodically checking it out on Unix to make sure gcc was happy and that the unit tests were happy on that platform too. Not really a rapid turnaround cycle there.
The main reason we use it is because of the re-factoring/search tools provided through Visual Assist X (by Whole Tomato). Although there are a number of other nice to haves like Intelli-sense. We are also investigating integrations with our other tools AccuRev, Bugzilla and Totalview to complete the environment.
Using multiple compilers sounds like a pain. We have the luxury of just sticking with gcc for all our platforms.
Yikes! That sounds like a great way to introduce errors! :-)
I've had good experience developing Playstation2 code in Visual Studio
using gcc in cygwin. If you've got cygwin with gcc and glibc, it
should be nearly identical to your target environments. The fact that you
have to be portable across Solaris and Linux hints that cygwin should
work just fine.
Most of my programming experience is in Windows and I'm a big fan of visual studio (especially with Resharper, if you happen to be doing C# coding). These days I've been writing an application for linux in C++. After trying all the IDEs (Netbeans, KDevelop, Eclipse CDT, etc), I found Netbeans to be the least crappy. For me, absolute minimum requirements are that I be able to single-step through code and that I have intellisense, with ideally some refactoring functions as well. It's amazing to me how today's linux IDE's are not even close to what Visual Studio 6 was over ten years ago. The biggest pain point right now is how slow and poorly implemented the intellisense in Netbeans is. It takes 2-3 seconds to populate on a fast machine with 8GB of RAM. Eclipse CDT's intellisense was even more laggy. I'm sorry, but a 2 second wait for intellisense doesn't cut it.
So now I'm looking into using VS from Windows, even though my only build target is linux...
Chris, you might want to look at the free automation build server 'CruiseControl', which integrates with all main source control systems (svn, tfs, sourcesafe, etc.). It's whole purpose is to react to check-ins in a source control system. In general, you configure it so that anytime anyone checks code in, a build is initiated and (ideally) unit tests are run. For some languages there are some great plugins that do code analysis, measure unit test code coverage, etc. Notifications are sent back to the team about successful / broken builds.
Here's a post describing how it can be set up for C++: link (
I'm just getting started with converting from a linux-only simple config (Netbeans + SVN, with no build automation) to using Windows VS 2008 with build automation back-end that runs unit tests in addition to doing builds in linux. I shudder at the amount of time it's going to take me to get that all configured, but the sooner the better, I guess.
In my ideal end-state I'll be able to auto-generate the Netbeans project file from the VS project, so that when I need to debug something in linux I can do so from that IDE. VS project files are XML-based, so that shouldn't be too hard.
If anyone has any pointers for any of this, I'd really appreciate it.
You could have developers work in private branches (easier if you're using a DVCS). Then, when you want to checkin some code, you check it into your private branch on [windows|unix], update your sandbox on [unix|windows] and build/test before committing back to the main branch.
We are using a similar solution to what you described.
We have our code stored on the Windows side of the world and UNIX (QNX 4.25 to be exact) has access though an NFS mount (thanks to UNIX services for Windows). We have an ssh into UNIX to run make and the pipe to output into VS. Accessing the code is fast, builds are a little slower than before, but our longest compile is currently less than two minutes, not a big deal.
Using VS for UNIX development has been worth the effort to set it up, because we now have IntelliSense. Less typing = happy developer.
Check out "Final Builder" ( Select a version control system (e.g. cvs or svn, to be honest, cvs would suit this particular use case better by the sounds of it) and then set up build triggers on FinalBuilder so that checkins cause a compile and send the results back to you.
You can set up rulesets in FinalBuilder that prevent you checking in / merging broken code into the baseline or certain branch folders but allow it to others (we don't allow broken commits to /baseline or /branches/*, but we have a /wip/ branching folder for devs who need to share potentially broken code or just want to be able to commit at the end of the day).
You can distribuite FB over multiple "build servers" so that you don't wind up with 20 people trying to build on one box, or waiting for one box to process all the little bitty commits.
Our project has a Linux-based server with Mac and Win clients, all sharing a common codebase. This set up works ridiculously well for us.
I'm doing the exact same thing at work. The setup I use is VS for Windows development, with a Linux VM running under VirtualBox for local build / execute verification. VirtualBox has a facility where you can make a folder on the host OS (Windows 7 in my case) available as a mountable filesystem in the guest (Ubuntu LTS 12.04 in my case). That way, after I start a VS build, and it's saved the files, I can immediately start a make under Linux to verify it builds and runs OK there.
We use SVN for source control, the final target is a Linux machine (it's a game server), so that uses the same makefile as my local Linux build. That way, if I add a file to the project / change a compiler option, usuall adding / changing a -D, I do the modifications initially under VS, and then immediately change the Linus makefile to reflect the same changes. Then when I commit, the build system (Bamboo) picks up the change, and does its own verification build.
Hard earned experience says this is an order of magnitude easier if you build like this from day one.
The first project I worked on started as Windows only, I was hired to port it to Linux, since they wanted to switch to a homogenous server environment, and everything else was Linux. Retrofitting a Windows project into this sort of a setup was a fairly major expenditure of effort.
Project number two was done "two system build" right from day one. We wanted to maintain the ability to use VS for development / debug since it is a very polished IDE, but we also had the requirement for final deploy to Linux servers. As I alluded to above, when the project was build with this in mind right from the start, it was quite painless. The worst part was a single file: system_os.cpp that contained OS specific routines, things like "get current time since linux epoch start in milliseconds", etc. etc. etc.
At the risk of getting a little off topic, we also created unit tests for this, and having the unit tests for the OS specific pieces provided a great deal of confidence that they worked the same on both platforms.

What toolchains exist for Continuous Integration with C++?

Continuous Integration toolchains for .NET, Java, and other languages are relatively well defined, but the C++ market seems to have a lot of diversity.
By CI "toolchain" I specifically mean tools for the build scripts, automated testing, coding standards checking, etc.
What are C++ teams using for CI toolchains?
Another option might be buildbot.
It's written in python, but is not just for python apps. It can execute any script for doing your build. If you look at their success stories, there appear to be a wide variety of languages.
We implemented our C++ cross platform continous integration infrastructure using Parabuild
We were able to integrate every sort of Win/Mac/Linux QA tool with it and it's really easy to install and maintain: it's one click installation on every platform and the web interface is very handy.
While evaluating several continous integration servers the main problem was that they were Java-biased: Parabuild, on the other hand, fits well in the C++ cross platform development and QA workflow
Visual Build Professional is my favorite tool for pulling together all the other tools. Windows only, of course, but it integrates with all flavors of Visual Studio and a host of test tools, source controls tools, issue trackers, etc. It is windows only, though. I know that's not the entire stack, but it's a start.
We actually faced this problem at a site where I was contracting previously.
One bloke sat down and wrote tools, mainly shell scripts, to
check out the current code base every hour or so and do a build to check if it was broken, and
check out the latest good build and do a complete build and run about 8,000 regression tests.
We just couldn't find anything commercially available to do this and so Charlie sat down and wrote this in bash shell scripts and it was running on HP-UX.
As with seemingly every other task in C++, I'm just barely limping along with continuous integration. My setup starts with Eclipse. I set it to generate make files for my projects. I have ant scripts that do the overall build tasks by running 'make all' or 'make clean' on the appropriate makefiles. These ant scripts are part of my project, and I have to update them when I add a new build configuration or a new piece to the system. It's not that bad though.
I use CruiseControl to actually run the builds. Each project (all one of them) has an ant script of its own that performs build specific tasks (copying artifacts, processing results), calling into the project ant script to do the building.
I had to use cppunit for my testing and process the results with an xslt file I found somewhere. I also have the wrong svn revision label on each build because I can't find a suitable svn labeler. All I can find is half-completed years-old code and people arguing that other people are doing it wrong.
It looks to me like CC is a dying system, but I haven't found anything better for C++. Then again, I also feel like C++ is a dying language, so maybe it's bigger than just this.
We used scons for continuous integration run by a central build server. Some projects migrated to buildbot.
I'm now getting into rake and considering solutions as surveyed in this blog. Fowler mentions that ThoughtWorks occasionally use rake for their build scripting in his Continuous Integration article.