CPU throttling in C++ - c++

I was just wondering if there is an elegant way to set the maximum CPU load for a particular thread doing intensive calculations.
Right now I have located the most time consuming loop in the thread (it does only compression) and use GetTickCount() and Sleep() with hardcoded values. It makes sure that the loop continues for a certain period and then sleeps for a certain minimum time. It more or less does the job, i.e. guarantees that the thread will not use more than 50% of CPU. However, behavior is dependent on the number of CPU cores (huge disadvantage) and simply ugly (smaller disadvantage :)). Any ideas?

I am not aware of any API to do get the OS's scheduler to do what you want (even if your thread is idle-priority, if there are no higher-priority ready threads, yours will run). However, I think you can improvise a fairly elegant throttling function based on what you are already doing. Essentially (I don't have a Windows dev machine handy):
Pick a default amount of time the thread will sleep each iteration. Then, on each iteration (or on every nth iteration, such that the throttling function doesn't itself become a significant CPU load),
Compute the amount of CPU time your thread used since the last time your throttling function was called (I'll call this dCPU). You can use the GetThreadTimes() API to get the amount of time your thread has been executing.
Compute the amount of real time elapsed since the last time your throttling function was called (I'll call this dClock).
dCPU / dClock is the percent CPU usage (of one CPU). If it is higher than you want, increase your sleep time, if lower, decrease the sleep time.
Have your thread sleep for the computed time.
Depending on how your watchdog computes CPU usage, you might want to use GetProcessAffinityMask() to find out how many CPUs the system has. dCPU / (dClock * CPUs) is the percentage of total CPU time available.
You will still have to pick some magic numbers for the initial sleep time and the increment/decrement amount, but I think this algorithm could be tuned to keep a thread running at fairly close to a determined percent of CPU.

On linux, you can change the scheduling priority of a thread with nice().

I can't think of any cross platform way of what you want (or any guaranteed way full stop) but as you are using GetTickCount perhaps you aren't interested in cross platform :)
I'd use interprocess communications and set the intensive processes nice levels to get what you require but I'm not sure that's appropriate for your situation.
I agree with Bernard which is why I think a process rather than a thread might be more appropriate but it just might not suit your purposes.

The problem is it's not normal to want to leave the CPU idle while you have work to do. Normally you set a background task to IDLE priority, and let the OS handle scheduling it all the CPU time that isn't used by interactive tasks.
It sound to me like the problem is the watchdog process.
If your background task is CPU-bound then you want it to take all the unused CPU time for its task.
Maybe you should look at fixing the watchdog program?

You may be able to change the priority of a thread, but changing the maximum utilization would either require polling and hacks to limit how many things are occurring, or using OS tools that can set the maximum utilization of a process.
However, I don't see any circumstance where you would want to do this.


Multitasking and measuring time difference

I understand that a preemptive multitasking OS can interrupt a process at any "code position".
Given the following code:
int main() {
while( true ) {
doSthImportant(); // needs to be executed at least each 20 msec
// start of critical section
int start_usec = getTime_usec();
int timeDiff_usec = getTime_usec() - start_usec;
// end of critical section
evalUsedTime( timeDiff_usec );
sleep_msec( 10 );
I would expect this code to usually produce proper results for timeDiff_usec, especially in case that doSthElse() and getTime_usec() don't take much time so they get interrupted rarely by the OS scheduler.
But the program would get interrupted from time to time somewhere in the "critical section". The context switch will do what it is supposed to do, and still in such a case the program would produce wrong results for the timeDiff_usec.
This is the only example I have in mind right now but I'm sure there would be other scenarios where multitasking might get a program(mer) into trouble (as time is not the only state that might be changed at re-entry).
Is there a way to ensure that measuring the time for a certain action works fine?
Which other common issues are critical with multitasking and need to be considered? (I'm not thinking of thread safety - but there might be common issues).
I changed the sample code to make it more precise.
I want to check the time being spent to make sure that doSthElse() doesn't take like 50 msec or so, and if it does I would look for a better solution.
Is there a way to ensure that measuring the time for a certain action works fine?
That depends on your operating system and your privilege level. On some systems, for some privilege levels, you can set a process or thread to have a priority that prevents it from being preempted by anything at lower priority. For example, on Linux, you might use sched_setscheduler to give a thread real-time priority. (If you're really serious, you can also set the thread affinity and SMP affinities to prevent any interrupts from being handled on the CPU that's running your thread.)
Your system may also provide time tracking that accounts for time spent preempted. For example, POSIX defines the getrusage function, which returns a struct containing ru_utime (the amount of time spent in “user mode” by the process) and ru_stime (the amount of time spent in “kernel mode” by the process). These should sum to the total time the CPU spent on the process, excluding intervals during which the process was suspended. Note that if the kernel needs to, for example, spend time paging on behalf of your process, it's not defined how much (if any) of that time is charged to your process.
Anyway, the common way to measure time spent on some critical action is to time it (essentially the way your question presents) repeatedly, on an otherwise idle system, throw out outlier measurements, and take the mean (after eliminating outliers), or take the median or 95th percentile of the measurements, depending on why you need the measurement.
Which other common issues are critical with multitasking and need to be considered? (I'm not thinking of thread safety - but there might be common issues).
Too broad. There are whole books written about this subject.

Multithreading crowds out other processes

I have added multithreading to a raytracer I am writing, and while it does run much faster now, when it's running, my computer is almost unusably slow. Obviously I want to use all my PC's compute power, but I don't want it to prevent any other application from getting access to the CPUs.
I thought about having the threads sleep, but unless they all sleep at the same time, then the other threads would just eat up the extra time. Also, I don't necessarily want to give up a certain percentage of available compute power if I'm not going to use it.
Also, (This is not my official question) I've noticed that for some reason the first thread launched does more work than the second, and the second more than the third, and so on until like the last 5 threads (out of 32) won't actually get a crack at any work, despite the fact that there's plenty to go a around (there's at least 0.5M work items for them to chew through). If someone would like to venture a guess in the comments, it would be appreciated.
If you use the standard threads, you could try to use thread::hardware_concurrency to find out an estimate of the maximul number of threads that are really supported by hardware, in order not to overload your cpu.
If it returns 0 the information is not available. In other cases you could limit yourself to this number or a little bit below (thinking that other processes might use these as well).
If limiting the number of threads does not improve responsiveness, you can also consider calling from time to time this_thread::yield() to give opportunity to reschedule threads. But depending on the kind of job and synchronisation you use, this second alternative might decrease performance.
As requested, my comment as an answer:
It sounds like you've oversubscribed your poor CPU. Try reducing the number of threads?
If there's significantly more threads than hardware cores, a lot of time is going to be wasted switching between threads, scheduling them in the OS, and in contention over shared variables. It would also cause the general slowdown of the other running programs, because they have to contend with the high number of threads from your program (which by default all have the same priority as the other programs' threads in the eyes of the OS scheduler).

C++: Limiting CPU usage intentionally

At my company, we often test the performance of our USB and FireWire devices under CPU strain.
There is a test code we run that loads the CPU, and it is often used in really simple informal tests to see what happens to our device's performance.
I took a look at the code for this, and its a simple loop that increments a counter and does a calculation based on the new value, storing this result in another variable.
Running a single instance will use 1/X of the CPU, where X is the number of cores.
So, for instance, if we're on a 8-core PC and we want to see how our device runs under 50% CPU usage, we can open four instances of this at once, and so forth...
I'm wondering:
What decides how much of the CPU gets used up? does it just run everything as fast as it can on a single thread in a single threaded application?
Is there a way to voluntarily limit the maximum CPU usage your program can use? I can think of some "sloppy" ways (add sleep commands or something), but is there a way to limit to say, some specified percent of available CPU or something?
CPU quotas on Windows 7 and on Linux.
Also on QNX (i.e. Blackberry Tablet OS) and LynuxWorks
In case of broken links, the articles are named:
Windows -- "CPU rate limits in Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7"
Linux -- "CPU Usage Limiter for Linux"
QNX -- "Adaptive Partitioning"
LynuxWorks - "Partitioning Operating Systems" and "ARINC 653"
The OS usually decides how to schedule processes and on which CPUs they should run. It basically keeps a ready queue for processes which are ready to run (not marked for termination and not blocked waiting for some I/O, event etc.). Whenever a process used up its timeslice or blocks it basically frees a processing core and the OS selects another process to run. Now if you have a process which is always ready to run and never blocks then this process essentially runs whenever it can thus pushing the utilization of a processing unit to a 100%. Of course this is a bit simplified description (there are things like process priorities for example).
There is usually no generic way to achieve this. The OS you are using might offer some mechanism to do this (some kind of CPU quota). You could try and measure how much time has passed vs. how much cpu time your process used up and then put your process to sleep for certain periods to achieve an approximation of desired CPU utilization.
You've essentially answered your own questions!
The key trait of code that burns a lot of CPU is that it never does anything that blocks (e.g. waiting for network or file I/O), and never voluntarily yields its time slice (e.g. sleep(), etc.).
The other trick is that the code must do something that the compiler cannot optimize away. So, most likely your CPU burn code outputs something based on the loop calculation at the end, or is simply compiled without optimization so that the optimizer isn't tempted to remove the useless loop. Since you're trying to load the CPU, there's no sense in optimizing anyways.
As you hypothesized, single threaded code that matches this description will saturate a CPU core unless the OS has more of these processes than it has cores to run them--then it will round-robin schedule them and the utilization of each will be some fraction of 100%.
The issue isn't how much time the CPU spends idle, but rather how long it takes for your code to start executing. Who cares if it's idle or doing low-priority busywork, as long as the latency is low?
Your problem is fundamentally a consequence of using a synthetic benchmark, presumably in an attempt to obtain reproducible results. But synthetic benchmarks tend to produce meaningless results, so reproducibility is moot.
Look at your bug database, find actual customer complaints, and use actual software and test hardware to reproduce a situation that actually made someone dissatisfied. Develop the performance test in parallel with hard, meaningful performance requirements.

How limit cpu usage from specific process?

How i can limit cpu usage to 10% for example for specific process in windows C++?
You could use Sleep(x) - will slow down your program execution but it will free up CPU cycles
Where x is the time in milliseconds
This is rarely needed and maybe thread priorities are better solution but since you asked, what you should is:
do a small fraction of your "solid" work i.e. calculations
measure how much time step 1) took, let's say it's twork milliseconds
Sleep() for (100/percent - 1)*twork milliseconds where percent is your desired load
go back to 1.
In order for this to work well, you have to be really careful in selecting how big a "fraction" of a calculation is and some tasks are hard to split up. A single fraction should take somewhere between 40 and 250 milliseconds or so, if it takes less, the overhead from sleeping and measuring might become significant, if it's more, the illusion of using 10% CPU will disappear and it will seem like your thread is oscillating between 0 and 100% CPU (which is what happens anyway, but if you do it fast enough then it looks like you only take whatever percent). Two additional things to note: first, as mentioned before me, this is on a thread level and not process level; second, your work must be real CPU work, disk/device/network I/O usually involves a lot of waiting and doesn't take as much CPU.
That is the job of OS, you can not control it.
You can't limit to exactly 10%, but you can reduce it's priority and restrict it to use only one CPU core.

Sleeping for an exact duration

My understanding of the Sleep function is that it follows "at least semantics" i.e. sleep(5) will guarantee that the thread sleeps for 5 seconds, but it may remain blocked for more than 5 seconds depending on other factors. Is there a way to sleep for exactly a specified time period (without busy waiting).
As others have said, you really need to use a real-time OS to try and achieve this. Precise software timing is quite tricky.
However... although not perfect, you can get a LOT better results than "normal" by simply boosting the priority of the process that needs better timing. In Windows you can achieve this with the SetPriorityClass function. If you set the priority to the highest level (REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS: 0x00000100) you'll get much better timing results. Again - this will not be perfect like you are asking for, though.
This is also likely possible on other platforms than Windows, but I've never had reason to do it so haven't tested it.
EDIT: As per the comment by Andy T, if your app is multi-threaded you also need to watch out for the priority assigned to the threads. For Windows this is documented here.
Some background...
A while back I used SetPriorityClass to boost the priority on an application where I was doing real-time analysis of high-speed video and I could NOT miss a frame. Frames were arriving to the pc at a very regular (driven by external framegrabber HW) frequency of 300 frames per second (fps), which fired a HW interrupt on every frame which I then serviced. Since timing was very important, I collected a lot of stats on the interrupt timing (using QueryPerformanceCounter stuff) to see how bad the situation really was, and was appalled at the resulting distributions. I don't have the stats handy, but basically Windows was servicing the interrupt whenever it felt like it when run at normal priority. The histograms were very messy, with the stdev being wider than my ~3ms period. Frequently I would have gigantic gaps of 200 ms or greater in the interrupt servicing (recall that the interrupt fired roughly every 3 ms)!! ie: HW interrupts are FAR from exact! You're stuck with what the OS decides to do for you.
However - when I discovered the REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS setting and benchmarked with that priority, it was significantly better and the service interval distribution was extremely tight. I could run 10 minutes of 300 fps and not miss a single frame. Measured interrupt servicing periods were pretty much exactly 1/300 s with a tight distribution.
Also - try and minimize the other things the OS is doing to help improve the odds of your timing working better in the app where it matters. eg: no background video transcoding or disk de-fragging or anything while your trying to get precision timing with other code!!
In summary:
If you really need this, go with a real time OS
If you can't use a real-time OS (impossible or impractical), boosting your process priority will likely improve your timing by a lot, as it did for me
HW interrupts won't do it... the OS still needs to decide to service them!
Make sure that you don't have a lot of other processes running that are competing for OS attention
If timing is really important to you, do some testing. Although getting code to run exactly when you want it to is not very easy, measuring this deviation is quite easy. The high performance counters in PCs (what you get with QueryPerformanceCounter) are extremely good.
Since it may be helpful (although a bit off topic), here's a small class I wrote a long time ago for using the high performance counters on a Windows machine. It may be useful for your testing:
#pragma once
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
class CHiResTimer
LARGE_INTEGER frequency;
LARGE_INTEGER startCounts;
double ConvertCountsToSeconds(LONGLONG Counts);
CHiResTimer(); // constructor
void ResetTimer(void);
double GetElapsedTime_s(void);
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CHiResTimer.h"
double CHiResTimer::ConvertCountsToSeconds(LONGLONG Counts)
return ((double)Counts / (double)frequency.QuadPart) ;
QueryPerformanceCounter(&startCounts); // starts the timer right away
void CHiResTimer::ResetTimer()
QueryPerformanceCounter(&startCounts); // reset the reference counter
double CHiResTimer::GetElapsedTime_s()
return ConvertCountsToSeconds(countsNow.QuadPart - startCounts.QuadPart);
The reason it's "at least semantics" is because that after those 5 seconds some other thread may be busy.
Every thread gets a time slice from the Operating System. The Operating System controls the order in which the threads are run.
When you put a thread to sleep, the OS puts the thread in a waiting list, and when the timer is over the operating system "Wakes" the thread.
This means that the thread is added back to the active threads list, but it isn't guaranteed that t will be added in first place. (What if 100 threads need to be awaken in that specific second ? Who will go first ?)
While standard Linux is not a realtime operating system, the kernel developers pay close attention to how long a high priority process would remain starved while kernel locks are held. Thus, a stock Linux kernel is usually good enough for many soft-realtime applications.
You can schedule your process as a realtime task with the sched_setscheduler(2) call, using either SCHED_FIFO or SCHED_RR. The two have slight differences in semantics, but it may be enough to know that a SCHED_RR task will eventually relinquish the processor to another task of the same priority due to time slices, while a SCHED_FIFO task will only relinquish the CPU to another task of the same priority due to blocking I/O or an explicit call to sched_yield(2).
Be careful when using realtime scheduled tasks; as they always take priority over standard tasks, you can easily find yourself coding an infinite loop that never relinquishes the CPU and blocks admins from using ssh to kill the process. So it might not hurt to run an sshd at a higher realtime priority, at least until you're sure you've fixed the worst bugs.
There are variants of Linux available that have been worked on to provide hard-realtime guarantees. RTLinux has commercial support; Xenomai and RTAI are competing implementations of realtime extensions for Linux, but I know nothing else about them.
As previous answerers said: there is no way to be exact (some suggested realtime-os or hardware interrupts and even those are not exact). I think what you are looking for is something that is just more precise than the sleep() function and you find that depending on your OS in e.g. the Windows Sleep() function or under GNU the nanosleep() function.
Both will give you precision within a few milliseconds.
Well, you try to tackle a difficult problem, and achieving exact timing is not feasible: the best you can do is to use hardware interrupts, and the implementation will depend on both your underlying hardware, and your operating system (namely, you will need a real-time operating system, which most regular desktop OS are not). What is your exact target platform?
No. Because you're always depending on the OS to handle waking up threads at the right time.
There is no way to sleep for a specified time period using standard C. You will need, at minimum, a 3rd party library which provides greater granularity, and you might also need a special operating system kernel such as the real-time Linux kernels.
For instance, here is a discussion of how close you can come on Win32 systems.
This is not a C question.