How to add xmlNamespace in keyInfo element of xmlSignature [closed] - xml-signature

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Closed yesterday.
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generate digital signature where needs to add xml namespace in keyinfo element of xml signature. I have successfully generate it also signing it but only xml namespace not came in keyinfo.


Function in CUDA that does the same thing as compiler.SourceModule in pyCUDA [closed]

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Closed 5 days ago.
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I have a question in CUDA programming.
Is there a way to obtain a module by accepting the contents of a *.cu file as a string rather than loading a *.cu file and compiling with cubin? I'd like to utilize nvrtc if possible.
I wrote most of the code using nvrtc, and I'm looking for a way to not create external files like cubin.

Clang-Tidy: check number of lines in a function [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Can you please help me with how to check CPP files in a project for functions exceeding 'n' number of lines using Clang-Tidy?
You can use the readability-function-size check and set the LineThreshold parameter to your n value.

How to extract value form json using Regex [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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How to extract token values from below code response using RegEx:
{"status":"Success","message":"Successful logged in!","data":{"email":"","full_name":"full name","token":"some token","someotherparam":"something"}}
You can use this regex as shown in the example
But I would recommend using some function like json_decode() and retrieve the array.

Remove hastag/pound/octothorpe from string in R [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a string which has a hastag/pound/octothorpe in it, and want it removed using a regex expression.
iii <- '#lkdjljf, lkdflsdkf'
i would like a gsub(regex_bit_here,'',iii)
to remove the hastag/pound/octothorpe
I have triedgsub("^#",'',iii), and it works

I need a REGEX to validate a password field [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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The password must have between 6-15 character and cannot allow the & and %.