How to use variables in Grafana to exclude list of label names when retrieving data? - regex

I'm looking for a way to exclude some label names from the query by using variables in Grafana.
Current query:
rate(http_request_duration_seconds_sum{container="$container", namespace="$namespace"}[5m]) / rate(http_request_duration_seconds_count{container="$container", namespace="$namespace"}[5m])
We can do it by just adding it to the current query in the following way:
rate(http_request_duration_seconds_sum{container="$container", namespace="$namespace",exported_endpoint=~"/management/health.*"}[5m]) / rate(http_request_duration_seconds_count{container="$container", namespace="$namespace",exported_endpoint=~"/management/health.*"}[5m])
The query above excludes all of the 'exported_endpoint' label that starts with '/management/health'.
That query has two critical issues:
it's hard-coded instead of using variable.
we cannot use list of excluded names, in the future we might want to exclude more endpoints.
What do you suggest?


Django add function to "from" clause?

I'm trying to write a Django query that generates the following:
select group_id, cardinality(array_agg(distinct aul))
from report_table, unnest(active_user_list) as aul
group by group_id
Where active_user_list is an array[int] type.
I'm trying to get a count of the unique items in the arrays of all rows that are in a group. The queryset.extra method gets me very close to this, but adds double quotes around unnest(active_user_list) as aul and doesn't work. I created a custom sql function that does work, but I'd prefer to do it in Django if possible.

django split data and apply search istartswith = query

I have a Project and when searching a query I need to split the data (not search query) in to words and apply searching.
for example:
my query is : 'bot' (typing 'bottle')
but if I use meta_keywords__icontains = query the filter will also return queries with 'robot'.
Here meta_keywords are keywords that can be used for searching.
I won't be able to access data if the data in meta_keywords is 'water bottle' when I use meta_keywords__istartswith is there any way I can use in this case.
what I just need is search in every words of data with just istartswith
I can simply create a model for 'meta_keywords' and use the current data to assign values by splitting and saving as different data. I know it might be the best way. I need some other ways to achieve it.
You can search the name field with each word that istartswith in variable query.
import re
instances = Model.objects.filter(Q(name__iregex=r'[[:<:]]' + re.escape(query)))
Eg: Hello world can be searched using the query 'hello' and 'world'. It don't check the icontains
note: It works only in Python3

How to filter django-taggit top tags

Suppose you have a database with User objects running behind a Djano app
and you want to use django-taggit to tag User objects so you can retrieve subgroups using some convenient filtering.
Additionally you have a Dashboard where you want to display interesting statistics about used tags to glean some information about the subgroups that exists within your Users.
How would you access and display information about the top X tags
used within the Django app?
How would you access only the top X tags of an already filtered
subgroup of the User object?
While there are already a number of posts on SO that describe similar problems most of these describe workarounds or contain scattered information.
In order to make this information easier to find I will post a simple rundown of how to achieve some basic stuff using features of django-taggit that are officially supported but are not present in the official documentation.
How would you access and display information about the top X tags
used within the Django app?
In order to access and display information about the top tags used within the Django app you can use the built in function most_common like so:
top_tags = User.tag.most_common()
This returns a queryset containing all of the tags placed on a User instance ordered from most used descending order.
So say we have 3 tags: ["vegetables", "fruits", "candy"] and 10 users have a fruits tag, 4 users have a vegetables tag and only 1 user has the candy tag the returned order would be: ["fruits", "vegetables", "candy"]
Accessing more information about the tags returned can be done like so:
for tag in top_tags:
print( #the name of the tag
print(tag.num_times) # the number of User objects tagged
Additionally if you are only interested in the top 3 tags then you can
access them like this:
top_tags = User.tag.most_common()[:3]
Where you can replace 3 with X where X is the number of items you want returned.
How would you access only the top X tags of an already filtered
subgroup of the User object?
Since Jul 12, 2016 the most_common() function actually has some additional arguments that you can specify. First of all you can specify a min_count which filters out the top tags that fall below a certain threshold. As an illustration using the tags from the previous example:
top_tags = User.tag.most_common()[:3]
returns all three tags as specified earlier but using
top_tags = User.tag.most_common(min_count=2)[:3]
only returns ["fruits", "vegetables"] this is because only 1 User object was tagged with candy meaning that it falls below the min_count of 2
An additional argument that you can provide to most_common is extra_filters this enables you to provide an object containing additional filter values that you want to filter the tags by.
One usage example would be:
filtered_users = User.objects.filter(age=20, is_delete=False)
top_tags = User.tag.most_common(
min_count=1, extra_filters={
'user__in': filtered_users
Here we create a filtered queryset of User objects that we then provide to the extra_filters argument to limit the tag search to a specific subgroup

Find records in a Extjs Store for which displayValue starts with a specific substring

I am trying to fetch records from ExtJS store which start with specific substring.
e.g. If I have a country store and if I have a string 'IN' then I want records of India and Indonesia from store.
Is there any way to do this?
I suppose this is about a combobox, so that's the default behavior.
For example:
If you just want to filter a store, look at:
filters config - Array of Filters for this store.
filter method - Filters the data in the Store by one or more fields.
filterBy method - Filters by a function.
Ext.util.Filter - Represents a filter that can be applied to a MixedCollection.

using two xpathselectors on the same page

I have a spider where the scraped items are 3: brand, model and price from the same page.
Brands and models are using the same sel.xpath, later extracted and differentiated by .re in loop. However, price item is using different xpath. How can I use or combine two XPathSelectors in the spider?
for brand and model:
titles = sel.xpath('//table[#border="0"]//td[#class="compact"]')
for prices:
prices = sel.xpath('//table[#border="0"]//td[#class="cl-price-cont"]//span[4]')
Tested and exported individually by xpath. My problem is the combining these 2 to construct the proper loop.
Any suggestions?
Provided you can differentiate all 3 kind of items (brand, model, price) later, you can try using XPath union (|) to bundle both XPath queries into one selector :
Responding your comment, above meant to be single XPath string. I'm not using python, but I think it should be about like this :
sel.xpath('//table[#border="0"]//td[#class="compact"] | //table[#border="0"]//td[#class="cl-price-cont"]//span[4]')
I believe you are having trouble associating the price with the make/model because both xpaths give you a list of all numbers, correct? Instead, what you want to do is build an xpath that will get you each row of the table. Then, in your loop, you can do further xpath queries to pull out the make/model/price.
rows = sel.xpath('//table[#border="0"]/tr') # Get all the rows
for row in rows:
make_model = row.xpath('//td[#class="compact"]/text()').extract()
# set make and model here using your regex. something like:
(make,model) = re("^(.+?)\s(.+?)$", make_model).groups()
price = row.xpath('//td[#class="cl-price-cont"]//span[4]/text()').extract()
# do something with the make/model/price.
This way, you know that in each iteration of the loop, the make/model/price you're getting all go together.