iOS 16 - How to include more than 1 AppIntent / AppShortcut - swiftui

I've implemented 2 different AppIntents, each includes their own AppShortcutsProvider with phrases unique to each AppIntent. Individually, they work great. But, when I try to include both in my app, only the last one defined works.
In my ContentView.onAppear(), I've tried calling:
and only those defined in ShortcutsTwo are recognized by Siri.
I've tried including ShortcutsTwo's AppShortcut(intent:, phrases) in ShortcutOne's AppShortcutsProvider (since it's static var appShortcuts: is defined as an array, ie, [Shortcuts] - but that doesn't work either.
Overall, I've found the system to be rather temperamental. ie, I have had to power off my iPhone & reboot my Mac to get changes recognized.
Any thoughts on how to get 2 or more AppIntents to work in one app?

OK, I’ve found 2 things of interest.
You CAN define 2 AppShortcuts(intent:) - but they CAN NOT have []s around them nor commas separating them:
static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] {
AppShortcut(intent:IntentOne(), phrases: [“phrase 1”])
AppShortcut(intent:IntentTwo(), phrases: [“phrase 2”])
While developing, other devices that are listening to Siri but which do NOT have the current AppShortcuts defined will royally mess with your head. Turn off other devices until you’ve finished debugging your AppIntents!


What are those folders in SDL-1.2.15

I'm trying to understand source code of SDL-1.2.15, and to find out how it renders stuff on windows. But I can't find where the rendering is happening. I looked inside SDL-1.2.15/src/video folder, and there is a ton of subfolders, and I don't know what any of these stands for. See for yourself.
aalib/ directfb/ ipod/ os2fslib/ quartz/ windib/
ataricommon/ dummy/ maccommon/ photon/ riscos/ windx5/
bwindow/ fbcon/ macdsp/ picogui/ svga/ wscons/
caca/ gapi/ macrom/ ps2gs/ symbian/ x11/
dc/ gem/ nanox/ ps3/ vgl/ xbios/
dga/ ggi/ nds/ qtopia/ wincommon/ Xext/
Is this documented somewhere? This is a pretty popular library, so it probably is documented, right? Right? What's the point of having source code if you can't even understand it, if you can't find functions you are using.
While not all the names are self-explanatory, they contain some hints.
directfb, fbcon (framebuffer console) and X (x11, Xext) are output layers on Linux (unix).
The ones starting with win indicate they are for Windows. More specifically, windib should be about device independent bitmaps (DIBs), dx5 about DirectX 5, and wincommon about some common stuff. Indeed, using grep shows that (only) these folders contain Windows-specific code:
grep -r windows.h src/video/*
[ lists files in the win* folders ]
You could also just compile the package on Windows and see which files were compiled (which folders contain object files)
However, to find out what it actually does, you should rather study the function you're interested in (e.g. SDL_BlitSurface), look at it's implementation, and then look at the implementation of the functions it uses. Start in SDL_video.h (and notice that SDL_BlitSurface is just a define).
You should use some tool to search the code base. Grep or some IDE. Or both.
First of all, why not SDL2?
These are different SDL's video drivers. You can get what driver is used by your program by calling SDL_VideoDriverName. Which driver will be used determined by target platform (e.g. operating system - most drivers are platform-specific), environment variable SDL_VIDEODRIVER, or calling side.

C++ FatFs undefined reference to functions

I have a code written in Atmel Studio to read/write data from a SD card. I am using FatFs here. My problem is the code doesn't compile when I use some of the functions (f_chdir, f_getcwd...) in FatFs. Some functions works fine (f_puts, f_open, f_mount, f_mkdir...). All these functions are located in same header file (ff.h, ff.c)
The error says "undefined reference to -function-, ld returned 1 exit status". When I go to the error it shows the end of the code while it is suppose to show where the error is.
I cannot understand the problem with my code. Any help is appreciated.
Just ran into this using the SD card for a project using SAM4S Xplained Pro (Atmel 7, ASF 3.20).
Make sure you have all the asf projects (fatfs, sd_mmc, memory access control, and then the other basics e.g. pmc, gpio, and maybe a few more). My asf did NOT include sd_mmc_mem.c and sd_mmc_mem.h for some reason, so I had to include those myself. Also remember to do the sd_mmc_init() at the top of your main loop. As for the configuration...
If you look closely at ffconf.h, the first thing it does is include conf_fatfs.h, which (wait for it!) is EXACTLY the same file line by line as ffconf.h. All the variables are defined there first and foremost (and guarded by an #ifndef FFCONF and NOT an CONF_FATFS) aka that's where it counts..
Go into conf_fatfs.h and change _USE_STRFUNC to 1 or 2 et voila.
Also note that in the places where you use it, you'll have to #include the ff.h preceded by either ffconf.h or conf_access.h
ASF is a real snake pit if you don't know what you're looking for.
By default, the memory control access interface is disabled in the ASF wizard. In order to enable the memory control access, please follow the steps below.
Open the ASF wizard (Alt + W).
Enable the Memory Control Access as follows.
ASF SD sd_mmc_mem.h memory access enable
Finally, click the “Apply” option to make the changes.
This adds sd_mmc_mem.h /.c files
Open the ffconf.h in your favorite editor and set _FS_RPATH to 2. From ffconf.h:
#define _FS_RPATH 0
/* This option configures relative path feature.
/ 0: Disable relative path feature and remove related functions.
/ 1: Enable relative path feature. f_chdir() and f_chdrive() are available.
/ 2: f_getcwd() function is available in addition to 1.
/ Note that directory items read via f_readdir() are affected by this option. */
Which features of the fatfs library are included in your build is configurable, so that you don't have to lose valuable ROM space (as well as a few bytes of RAM) for functions you're not using.
For versions of the FatFS library prior to 0.8a, _FS_RPATH supports only values 0 and 1; f_getcwd is not available in these versions.
Additionally, in versions prior to 0.8, it is necessary for C++ code to explicitly include its headers as C headers to avoid name mangling:
extern "C" {
#include "ff.h"
From version 0.8 onwards, it does this internally. You can find the new versions here if you're still working with an old one -- the comment you left leads me to believe that this might be the case.
Check if _FS_MINIMZE in ffconf.h is 0 to have all functions available.
In my version that I downloaded from elm-chan it was by default set to 3 and lead to the compiler error: undefined reference.
In file ffconf.h, set #define _USE_FIND to 1.
/* This option switches filtered directory read functions, f_findfirst() and
/ f_findnext(). (0:Disable, 1:Enable 2:Enable with matching altname[] too) */
I needed to use f_findfirst() and f_findnext() functions and i was getting undefined reference errors.
Now this solved my problem.
Drive/directory handling functions are under #if _FS_RPATH >= 1 (or similar preprocessors) .

libPd and c++ wrapper implementation

I'm trying to use libPd, the wrapper for PureData.
But the documentation is poor and I'm not very into C++
Do you know how I can simply send a floating value to a Pd patch?
Do I need to install libPd or I can just include the files?
First of all, check out ofxpd. It has an excellent libpd implementaiton with OpenFrameworks. If you are starting with C++ you may want to start with OpenFrameworks since it has some great documentation and nice integration with Pd via the ofxpd extension.
There are two good references for getting started with libpd (though neither cover C++ in too much detail): the original article and Peter Brinkmann's book.
On the libpd wiki there is a page for getting started with libpd. The linked project at the bottom has some code snippets in main.cpp that demonstrate how to send floats to your Pd patch.
pd.sendFloat("fromCPP", 100);
pd.sendSymbol("fromCPP", "test string");
In your Pd patch you'll set up a [receive fromCPP] and then these messages will register in your patch.
In order to get the print output you have to use the receivers from libpd in order to receiver the strings and then do something with them. libpd comes with PdBase, which is a great class for getting libpd up and running. PdBase has sendBang, sendFloat, sendMessage, and also has the receivers set up so that you can get output from your Pd patch.
if you want to send a value to a running instance of Pd (the standalone application), you could do so via Pd's networking facilities.
[netreceive 65432 1]
[route value]
will receive data sent from the cmdline via:
echo "value 1.234567;" | pdsend 65432 localhost udp
you can also send multiple values at once, e.g.
echo "value 1.234567 3.141592;" | pdsend 65432 localhost udp
if you find pdsend to slow for your purposes (e.g. if you launch the executable for each message you want to send you have a considerable overhead!), you could construct the message directly in your application and use an ordinary UDP-socket to send FUDI-messages to Pd.
FUDI-messages really are simple text strings, with atoms separated by whitespace and a terminating semicolon, e.g.
accelerator 1.23 3.14 2.97; button 1;
you might also considering using OSC, but for this you will need some externals (OSC by mrpeach; net by mrpeach (or iemnet)) on the Pd side.
as for performance, i've been using the latter with complex tracking data (hundreds of values per frame at 125fps) and for streaming multichannel audio, so i don't think this is a problem.
if you are already using libPd and only want to communicate from the host-application, use Adam's solution (but your question is a bit vague about that, so i'm including this answer just in case)

What is the difference between fcgi_stdio and fcgiapp?

I am trying to get started with fastcgi development, therefor I download the reference implementation of libfcgi and tried to get a testprogram to run with lighttpd. Since fcgi_stdio allows for cgi backwards compatibility, I decided to start with that.
However I could not get the examples/tiny-fcgi.c to work with lighttpd, it yielded an internal server errror 500, the same configuration allows to run the lighttpd example program (, below C/C++ FastCGI on lightty named socket) flawless. However it is totally unclear to me why the default supplied example would not work.
What is wrong with the examples/tiny-fcgi.c example from the reference implementation causing lighttpd to return error 500?
Which implementation of fastcgi is preferable for c++ development (fcgi_stdio, fcgiapp, Other)? (There is something for streams in the fcgi pack, however I failed to find good/any documentation)
I have tested the unmodified example (Ubuntu/13.10/amd-64, Apache/2.4.6, libapache2-mod-fastcgi/2.4.7~0910052141-1.1, libfcgi-dev/2.4.0-8.1ubuntu4) and it runs ok:
manuelz#garibaldi:~$ curl habrich/tiny-fcgi
<title>FastCGI Hello! (C, fcgi_stdio library)</title>
<h1>FastCGI Hello! (C, fcgi_stdio library)</h1>
Request number 2 running on host <i>habrich</i>
Hard to tell without knowing your configuration, but here's a shot in the dark: getenv will return NULL if SERVER_NAME is undefined.
fcgiapp is the base implementation: I would use that one for new development. fcgi_stdio is a wrapper for compatibility with CGI: use that for migrating legacy CGI projects. Quote:
fcgi_stdio is implemented as a thin layer on top of fcgiapp
You can find decent documentation for fcgiapp in the fcgiapp.h header.
I do not know whether your problem has the same origin as mine had, but at least it has the same symptoms.
There are different versions of the tiny-fcgi example. I first tried the one given here (example 1). This failed with an internal server error. However, the example given here (which does basically the same) works. The small but crucial difference is that the working code uses
instead of
not exactly the same for me, but if i avoid using getenv the example runs without errors, have to discover why getenv leads into error

vimrc to detect remote connection

At the moment I have to hard code the names of servers on my vimrc in order to either make it different on the remote machine. This is done by conditional statement using hostname() function in vim. I want to make the conditional to be based on the status of remote connection and not on the hostname. So...
The first possible solution I found was using the following bash command in system():
cat /proc/$PPID/status | head -1 | cut -f2
This does not work because I use GNU screen and this will not detect my connection status properly.
The second possible solution I am exploring right now is using who am i This reliably shows whether or not remote connection has been made from which client, but I have trouble getting it working with system()
if substitute(system('who am i'), "theclient", ????, "") == ""
How could I get ???? to extract my client name somehow??
Even if the second solution works, allowing me to use .vimrc for many different remote machines, it is still tied to one client. I want the conditional to work in all remote session, regardless of the client name. So I am wondering, is this possible?
The following line allows me to create a variable that detects the remote connection status:
let g:remoteSession = ($STY == "")
Now you can surround the lines that you want to be ignored in the remote connection via:
if g:remoteSession
On a side note, I do not know how expensive it is look up the environment variable compared to the global variable, but I am guessing the difference is negligible. The system call in an environment like cygwin where fork() is inefficient, it is worth doing the optimization.
Instead of adding conditional logic to a shared ~/.vimrc, you could alternatively source system-local settings. I use the following:
" Source system-specific .vimrc first.
if filereadable(expand('~/local/.vimrc'))
source ~/local/.vimrc
" Stop sourcing if inclusion guard exists.
if exists('g:loaded_vimrc')
" Common settings of .vimrc here...
I find this more scalable than trying to maintain an ever-changing list of hostnames in a central location.