Fetch historical liquidation orders from Binance - blockchain

I am fetching the past liquidation orders of a specific trading pairs (say ETHUSDT) in a time interval (3/2021-3/2022) to perform some market simulation.
However when I looked up the official documentation of binance api, I only found the websocket market stream to fetch the real-time liquidation order by the websocket uri : wss://fstream.binance.com/ws/!forceOrder#arr.
I searched the past Postman Collection and saw that there was a REST endpoint to get all the liquidation order by the url" https://fapi.binance.com/fapi/v1/allForceOrders?. However, this endpoint is deprecated. I can not find anything to retrieve the historical data for the liquidation.
Anyone has any idea where should I go to? Thank you very much!


Data off-cchain and Data feed from Chainlink

I have already watched videos and tuto about these topics but some subjects staus unsolved in my mind.
I am informing myself for some time about Dynamic NFT with Chainlink, so if I understand it well :
Every time I request a data feed it's 1 LINK per request/data right? (for ETH mainnet).
Is there a solution to have fewer Oracle fees?
Can I create my own data feed?
Chainlink price feed are free to use (no gas fees)?
Thank you

Google document AI

I have raised a request for Google invoice parser last week, but haven't received any response from them. Does anyone has experience in getting access from google? or any contact?
With API calls you can
Either get immediately the result in a Document structure if your file is small
Or get the name of the processing job if your file is large. Then you have to request periodically the job name to check the status and get the result
I got a response for the invoice parser in about a month, I think it depends on how many requests they have and after the recent web presentation of their AI api's requests grew. Just give it some more time.

Google Finance API Time Period

I am using a C# class to get the prices of a given stock from Google Finance.
The communication between the class and the Web Service is working well.
I am using the following url:
The problem is that the returned prices are only from about 1 year ago.
I need to get all the available prices records.
If I search for stock ticker "BBAS3" in the Google webpage, it shows me a graph that goes until 2003.
As far I could find, there is no official documentation about the API.
I found some more info in this site:
Google's Undocumented Finance API
As it shows, I can use the following parameter:
p - Period. (A number followed by a "d" or "Y", eg. Days or years. Ex: 40Y = 40 years.)
Then I tried (&p=5Y):
But the result was the same.
Does anyone knows another way to achieve what I need?
Google is changed Now.
I've been playing around with the undocumented Google Finance API. It provides intra-day data for the past 10 days and day-granularity data going back for years. Handy!
There are lots of web pages that attempt to describe how this thing works. I've pulled together a bunch of data from them, as well as a few of my own observations. You can watch this thing in action by popping open FireBug while messing about on with the google finance chart. It will make AJAX requests to this API.
Here's an example URL to pull all historical data for GOOG at daily granularity:
Visit this Documentation
As You Search is Available at

How to retrieve the service fee details from Amazon market API

Is it possible to retrieve the service fee charges independent of the SKU like Subscription Fee, FBA Inventory Storage Fee etc. using amazon market API.
I tried the Financial Event API which returns the service fees in the format
Which does not contains the data like PostedDate. Is there any oter APIs availabile to get the detailed data of service fee amounts?
In case it's useful for someone else, I figured out an approach that kind of works for me, though it's not ideal.
I'm using the Reports API to download the _GET_V2_SETTLEMENT_REPORT_DATA_FLAT_FILE_ report, which has the fees and a posted-date column. Some of Amazon's documentation about it can be found here: http://docs.developer.amazonservices.com/en_US/reports/Reports_ReportType.html
The disadvantage is that it's only generated once every two weeks. The advantage, compared to the Finances API, is that you get the posting date and the specific transaction that the fee came from.

Bounce rate from the Alexa API

Does the Alexa API give a way to query Bounce Rates? There seems to be no ResponseGroup that returns this information. I've tried all the ResponseGroups and Actions mentioned in the documentation here.
There is no way to get highly accurate data via their API, but the alternative is to use SimilarWeb API for engagement data such as:
Average Page Views
Average number of page views per visitor
Average Time On Site
Bounce Rate
You can read more about the Engagement API in this link: https://developer.similarweb.com/engagement_api