Bounce rate from the Alexa API - amazon-web-services

Does the Alexa API give a way to query Bounce Rates? There seems to be no ResponseGroup that returns this information. I've tried all the ResponseGroups and Actions mentioned in the documentation here.

There is no way to get highly accurate data via their API, but the alternative is to use SimilarWeb API for engagement data such as:
Average Page Views
Average number of page views per visitor
Average Time On Site
Bounce Rate
You can read more about the Engagement API in this link:


Fetch historical liquidation orders from Binance

I am fetching the past liquidation orders of a specific trading pairs (say ETHUSDT) in a time interval (3/2021-3/2022) to perform some market simulation.
However when I looked up the official documentation of binance api, I only found the websocket market stream to fetch the real-time liquidation order by the websocket uri : wss://!forceOrder#arr.
I searched the past Postman Collection and saw that there was a REST endpoint to get all the liquidation order by the url" However, this endpoint is deprecated. I can not find anything to retrieve the historical data for the liquidation.
Anyone has any idea where should I go to? Thank you very much!

Fetching Facebook Ad spends grouped by campaign names

I wanted to fetch the daily ad spends in Facebook based on campaigns separately, ie, for each campaign with its spend.
I have tried with API call, but that gives state wise classification. How do I group based on campaign names?
"" + encodeURI("level=ad&fields=spend&access_token=FB_ACCESS_TOKEN&breakdowns=region,country&time_range={'since':'2022-08-09','until':'2022-08-09'}&filtering=[{\"field\":\"country\",\"operator\":\"CONTAIN\",\"value\":\"US\"}]&limit=100")
Campaigns and adsets has an insights field where you can read performance and spending metrics.
Get insights from campaigns endpoint,insights{spend}
you can use date filters with you calls to get lifetime spending.
you can also get spending from campaign adset insights field.
Check the official documentation

Instagram Graph API Insights - Reach between two dates

In Instagram, the reach metric is a de-duplicated data source. In other words, the sum of 7 days worth of data does not necessarily equal the value for that week. This is similar to the Facebook Marketing reach metric.
I'd like to support this scenario: given two dates, give me the reach between those two dates.
In the FB Marketing API this is easily achieved using the since and until parameters to define the date boundaries, and then using a time_increment of all_days to retrieve the reach summed up across all those days.
For example, using the FB Marketing API Docs here is a FB Marketing url that requests a week's worth of data summed up:
In the Instagram Graph API I can define a since and until parameter to define the date boundaries, but there is no parameter like time_increment.
Using the Instagram Graph API Docs, here is a url that requests a week's worth of data split up by day:
Is there any way to change that around to get the summed up reach between two dates? I had hoped for a period option of all_days similar to the FB Marketing API's time_increment parameter but that doesn't exist.

"Average Daily Active Users" for Facebook API Limits

I've suddenly started running into API limits. I've been restricting my API calls to: number of users * 200, but I'm getting error #4 about once per day.
This calculation was based on the docs from end of 2015 that said number of users your app had yesterday, plus new logins today.
But it looks like that has changed to:
The number of users your app has is the average daily active users of your app, plus today's new logins
Can someone explain to me what "average daily active users" is? And is there a way I can get access to this number?
Some information on what I'm doing:
My app fetches pages and posts from pages. To do this, I hit the Facebook API to get user's liked pages. Then each hour, I fetch posts from pages the system knows about.
I do the following:
Batch requests (50 per batch)
I'm only fetching posts since the last fetch (using since, until and limit params. 90% of the requests return 0 posts)
I'm only fetching posts from pages my users like
I'm using my app token for these requests
I limit the number of calls per hour to users * 200
Batch Requests don´t reduce API limits, they are only faster, that´s all. That being said: You wrote that you are using an "App Token" for the requests - you should use a "User Token" instead. It´s still a LOT of calls though, the only thing you can do in addition is to reduce the amount of API calls.
I found this endpoint in the documentation:
I tested this via<my_app_id>?access_token=<my_access_token>&fields=daily_active_users
And it returned
"daily_active_users": "152",
"id": "<my_app_id>"
It is not average daily active users though

Maximum limit fetching facebook pages with Graph API

What is the maximum limit for fetching the facebook pages from an account?
Let's suppose if a facebook account has more than 200 pages to administer. If I try to retrieve facebook pages of that account using '/me/accounts' edge.
Then I get data as well as paging (containing cursors and next, previous page links). What I want to know is If I can set a limit while fetching the facebook pages like '/me/accounts?limit=200' and get all the 200 facebook pages the account has??
I have searched the documentation But there is no clear explanation as for this rate limit.
If you mean the API limit, it´s dynamic and not a definitive value. A general rule is "600 calls per 600 seconds, per token & per IP". You can also read this in other Stackoverflow threads, for example: What's the Facebook's Graph API call limit?
If you mean the limit parameter: Afaik they are changing it from time to time. I would not rely on it and just use the default value with paging, which is usually 25.