How can i mock a serial port UART linux - c++

So basically im doing a project for a extracurricular activity and it involves having a microcontroller read some data from a CAN bus and then send that data over through a UART serial connection to a bananaPi Zero M2 thats currently running arch linux.
The microcontroller is probably an arduino of some kind(most likely a modified version of it), the problem resides with the constant change of the project, and since i want my code to survive longer than a year a part of that is creating tests, ive been looking for a way to emulate the serial connection that is made from the bananaPi (on file/dev /dev/ttyS0) to the microcontroller so that i dont have to constantly compile the code for the bananaPi set everything up just to check if "hello" is being correctly sent over the serial line. The thing is i havent found a way to sucessfully virtualize a serial port
So i've looked a bit on options and i found socat, apparently it can redirect sockets and all kinds of connections and especially baud rates(although personally its not really that relevant for giving credence to the tests to my colleagues is of the most importance) So i spent a evening trying to learn three things at once and after a lot of problems and a lot of learning i came to this
void Tst_serialport::sanityCheck(){
socat.startDetached("socat -d -d pty,rawer,b115200,link=/tmp/banana, pty,rawer,b115200,link=/tmp/tango");
_store = new store("/tmp/banana");
void Tst_serialport::checkSendMessage(){
QSerialPort tango;
void Tst_serialport::closeHandle(){
The intent here being that in sanityCheck a fake serial device would be created on /tmp/banana and /tmp/tango that would redirect io between each other so that when _store started listening to banana and i sent a message to tango i would receive that same message inside the store object
The thing is the function that is waiting for messages, etc... isnt triggering even tough ive managed to work with it when i had an arduino plugged directly to my computer
before continuing im sorry that the code is kinda all messed up, im kinda new to both qt and c++, although i have some experience with C which made me use a lot of C stuff when i shouldve sticked with qt. Unfortunately i havent had much time to refactor everything to a more clean version of the code
Here's the other side
int store::setupSerial() {
QSerialPort* serial= new QSerialPort();
if (!serial->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
qDebug() << "Can't open " << this->dev << ", error code" << serial->error();
return 1;
this->port = serial;
connect(this->port, &QSerialPort::readyRead, this, &store::handleReadyRead);
connect(this->port, &QSerialPort::errorOccurred, this, &store::handleError);
return 0;
store::store( char * dev, QObject *parent ): QObject(parent){
if (dev == nullptr){
// TODO: fix this(use a better function preferably one handled by QT)
int len = sizeof(char)*strlen(DEFAULT_DEVICE)+1;
this->dev = (char*)malloc(len);
//copy dev to this->dev
int len = sizeof(char)*strlen(dev)+1;
this->dev = (char*)malloc(len);
void store::handleReadyRead(){
//can be optimized using pointers or even a variable as a "bookmark" wether a int or pointer
uint32_t size = (int)lastMessage[0] | (int)lastMessage[1] << 8 | (int)lastMessage[2] << 16 | (int)lastMessage[3] << 24;
int8_t eof = 0x00;
if((bool)((long unsigned int)lastMessage.size() == size+sizeof(size)+sizeof(eof))&& ((bool) lastMessage[lastMessage.size()-1] == eof)){
//clear lastMessage()
//... some other code here
If you're wondering whats the output or the result well
11:23:40: Starting /home/micron/sav/Trabalhos/2022-2023/FormulaStudent/VolanteAlphaQT/build-VolanteAlphaQT-Desktop-Testing/bin/VolanteAlphaQT_testes...
********* Start testing of Tst_serialport *********
Config: Using QtTest library 5.15.8, Qt 5.15.8 (x86_64-little_endian-lp64 shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 12.2.1 20230201), arch unknown
PASS : Tst_serialport::initTestCase()
2023/02/15 11:23:40 socat[6248] N PTY is /dev/pts/2
2023/02/15 11:23:40 socat[6248] N PTY is /dev/pts/3
2023/02/15 11:23:40 socat[6248] N starting data transfer loop with FDs [5,5] and [7,7]
PASS : Tst_serialport::sanityCheck()
FAIL! : Tst_serialport::checkSendMessage() Compared values are not the same
Actual (_store->lastMessage): ""
Expected ("Hello") : Hello
Loc: [../VolanteAlphaQT_1/test/tst_serialport.cpp(35)]
PASS : Tst_serialport::closeHandle()
PASS : Tst_serialport::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 4 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 1005ms
********* Finished testing of Tst_serialport *********
11:23:41: /home/micron/sav/Trabalhos/2022-2023/FormulaStudent/VolanteAlphaQT/build-VolanteAlphaQT-Desktop-Testing/bin/VolanteAlphaQT_testes exited with code 1
As usual all per most of my questions its not very descriptive it basically just never triggers the signal ReadyRead which in turn causes last message to be blank
Conclusion / TL;DR
So what am i doing wrong? why is the ready read signal not being triggered? Is there a better way to simulate/mock a serial connection?

Well, I found the solution.
Apparently it wasn't a socat problem, the ready signal is way slower than I had in mind and when I slept it actually froze the process. Due to the ready signal taking some time even after the buffer itself being ready, the QCOMPARE came right after the "unfreeze" making the stall useless.
The actual solution was rather simple I placed a _store->waitForReadyRead(); so I could wait for the signal to be sent without freezing the process.


Can't read from serial device

I'm trying to write a library to read data from a serial device, a Mipex-02 gas sensor. Unfortunately, my code doesn't seem to open the serial connection properly, and I can't figure out why.
The full source code is available on github, specifically, here's the configuration of the serial connection:
MipexSensor::MipexSensor(string devpath) {
if (!check_dev_path(devpath))
throw "Invalid devpath";
this->path = devpath;
this->debugout_ = false;
this->last_concentration = this->last_um = this->last_ur = this->last_status = 0;
cout << "Connecting to "<< devpath << endl;
I think the meaning of the enums here are obvious enough. The values are from the instruction manual:
UART characteristics:
exchange rate – 9600 baud,
8-bit message,
1 stop bit,
without check for parity
So at first I was using interceptty to test it, and it worked perfectly fine. But when I tried to connect to the device directly, I couldn't read anything. the RX LED flashes on the devices so clearly the program manages to send something, but -unlike with interceptty- the TX LED never flash.
So I don't know if it's sending data incorrectly, if it's not sending all of it, and I can't even sniff the connection since it only happens when interceptty isn't in the middle. Interceptty's command-line is interceptty -s 'ispeed 9600 ospeed 9600 -parenb -cstopb -ixon cs8' -l /dev/ttyUSB0 (-s options are passed to stty) which is in theory the same options set in the code.
Thanks in advance.

Qt creator - RS232 writing over serial to fast

for(int i = 0; i < receivedACLCommands.count(); i++ )
QByteArray s = receivedACLCommands[i].toLatin1();
In my method I have a QStringList that contains all my commands. The commands will be send to a PID controller that needs to process the command before a new one I being send. I tried this with the waitForBytesWriten but this isnt working for me.
*the controller is an old SCORBOT controller-a.(works with ACL commands).
Yes, waitForBytesWritten() isn't going to solve that. Only other thing you can do is sleep for a while after the wait call, thus giving the device some time to process the command you have just written. Exactly how long to sleep is of course a blind guess, it is not necessarily a constant.
Do focus on enabling handshaking first, typically ignored too often. QSerialPort::setFlowControl() function. A decent device will use its RTS signal to turn off your CTS input (Clear to Send) when it isn't ready to receive anything. CTS/RTS handshaking is supported by Qt, you use QSerialPort::HardwareControl

QSerialPort proper sending of many lines

I am trying to write really big files to serialport using QSerialPort (QT 5.3.1). The problem is - I keep sending more than device can handle.
Programm works like this (this function is called once in 50ms):
void MainWindow::sendNext()
if(sending && !paused && port.isWritable())
if(currentLine >= gcode.size()) //check if we are at the end of array
sending = false;
currentLine = 0;
if(sendLine( currentLine++; //check if this was written to a serial port
ui->filelines->setText(QString::number(gcode.size()) + QString("/") + QString::number(currentLine) + QString(" Lines"));
ui->progressBar->setValue(((float)currentLine/gcode.size()) * 100);
But it eventually gets flawed and hangs (on the device, not on the PC). If only I could check somehow if the device is ready or not for next line, but I cant find anything like it in the QSerial docs.
Any ideas?
You can use QSerialPort::waitForBytesWritten to ensure that the bytes are written. However this function would block the thread and it's recommended to use it in a new thread, otherwise your main thread would be blocked and your application freezes periodically.
The RS232 does have some flow control capabilities.
Check if Your device uses RTS/CTS and if so change the connection properties to use hardware flow control.
The QSerialPort also allows for checking the flow control lines manually with dataTerminalReady or requestToSend

QTcpSocket Read Error

I have a Qt based TCP client and server making use of QTcpServer and QTcpSocket classes for communication. The server is compiled using Qt 5.3.1 and the client is compiled using Qt 4.8.1. This is done so because the client is a part of a framework that uses Qt 4.8.1 running on Ubuntu 12.04.
Since the classes I make use is available in both Qt versions I assume this wont create a problem.
However my client has some weird issues that it does not receive data from the server! I checked the server side and the data is sent from the server and I can also see the data packet on the wire using wireshark. However on my client code, the data does not arrive!
I investigated this a bit and it led me to a strange conclusion that this happens only if I use the read method of QTcpSocket! If I use the native POSIX read system call, I am able to read the data correctly! Please see my code below:
qDebug() << "QTcpSocket::bytesAvailable() gives" << m_pSocket->bytesAvailable();
char nData;
qint32 szReceived;
if(sizeof(char) != (szReceived = m_pSocket->read((char*)&nData,sizeof(char))))
qDebug() << "Error reading data from QTcpSocket::read()" << m_pSocket->errorString();
qDebug() << "QTcpSocket::read() returned" << szReceived;
int nDesc = m_pSocket->socketDescriptor();
if(sizeof(char) != (szReceived = read(nDesc, &nData,sizeof(char))))
perror("Error reading data from POSIX read()");
qDebug() << "POSIX read() returned" << szReceived;
This produces the following output:
QTcpSocket::bytesAvailable() gives 0
Error reading data from QTcpSocket::read() "Network operation timed out"
POSIX read() returned 1
How is it that the POSIX system calls reads the buffered data as expected and the Qt class cannot read it? Plus I have not set any socket options and so I don't know why it reports an error that network operation timed out!
"read" is a blocking call in POSIX, it waits till the data is arrived. while QTcpSocket is non-blocking operation it immediately returns the buffered data. Call waitForReadyRead before doing a read
if(sizeof(char) != (szReceived = m_pSocket->read((char*)&nData,sizeof(char))))
I think that it is misuse of QTcpSocket concept. QTcpSocket implements asynchronous architecture while POSIX read/write calls are blocking until the success or error of I/O on socket. It is much better to process read in slot for readyRead signal. Consider this:
class MyClient
private slots:
In your intialization:
m_pSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()),
this, SLOT(readFromSocket()));
And real job done here:
QByteArray buffer = m_pSocket->readAll();
// All your data in buffer.
I'm aware of the non-blocking nature of QTcpSocket and blocking nature of POSIX read call. Unfortunately I cannot use the signal readFromSocket because my communication architecture expects a header to be sent before each communication (TCP way) to see the payload that is streamed for that particular message. Hence I have to wait till I receive at least the header.
I do believe that this has something to do with the mode (blocking or non-blocking). I did some more tests and none of them were conclusive. In one of my tests, I tried to call a waitForReadyRead with a timeout of 1ms, 2ms, 3ms. This still wasn't sufficent for the read to succeed! I doubt if the read would need such time to read from the kernel buffers to user space as I can clearly see from wireshark that the message was received within 400ms.
When I give -1 as the timeout value of waitForReadyRead, the read succeeds! To put it in another way, the read succeeds only when the socket waits indefinitely like in the case of POSIX read call.
Another strange thing I observed was, this issue was originally observed when I was running a server compiled using Qt 5.3.1 and client compiled using Qt 4.8.1. When I compile my client to use Qt 5.3.1, I do not see this problem!!! I even tried compiling using Qt 4.7.1 and it worked without any issues!!!
Are there any known issues with socket implementation of Qt 4.8.1? I couldn't find much info regarding this unfortunately.

QextSerialPort connection problem to Arduino

I'm trying to make a serial connection to an Arduino Diecimila board with QextSerialPort. My application hangs though everytime I call port->open(). The reason I think this is happening is because the Arduino board resets itself everytime a serial connection to it is made. There's a way of not making the board reset described here, but I can't figure out how to get QextSerialPort to do that. I can only set the DTR to false after the port has been opened that's not much help since the board has already reset itself by that time.
The code for the connection looks like this:
port = new QextSerialPort("/dev/tty.usbserial-A4001uwj");
Any ideas on how to get this done. I don't necessarily need to use QextSerialPort should someone know of another library that does the trick.
I'm new to C++ and Qt.
I noticed that if I run a python script that connects to the same port (using pySerial) before running the above code, everything works just fine.
I had a similar problem.
In my case QExtSerial would open the port, I'd see the RX/TX lights on the board flash, but no data would be received. If I opened the port with another terminal program first QExtSerial would work as expected.
What solved it for me was opening the port, configuring the port settings, and then making DTR and RTS high for a short period of time.
This was on Windows 7 w/ an ATMega32u4 (SFE Pro Micro).
bool serialController::openPort(QString portName) {
QString selectPort = QString("\\\\.\\%1").arg(portName);
this->port = new QextSerialPort(selectPort,QextSerialPort::EventDriven);
if (port->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Unbuffered) == true) {
connect(port,SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(onReadyRead()));
return true;
} else {
// Device failed to open: port->errorString();
return false;
libserial is an incredible library I use for stand-alone serial applications for my Arduino Duemilanove.
qserialdevice use!
Can you just use a 3wire serial cable (tx/rx/gnd) with no DTR,RTS lines?