Method Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint::model does not exist - database-migration

enter image description here
how to this error fix.plaese help me
how to this error fix.plaese help me


bochs error "could not open rom image file"

enter image description here enter image description here
it just show me that could not open the rom image , and I thought it was the security , and I chmod 777 to the file , but it does not work . Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I also changed the address form 0xf0000 to 0xe0000, it does not work too. what should i do ? Any help will be greatly apperciated.

reprojecting a raster in R error "could not find function "wkt"

I've been working with raster data and the code has been working fine. Unexpectedly when reprojecting with:
I get
"Error in wkt(projfrom) :could not find function "wkt".
I'm using... CRS arguments:
+proj=utm +zone=5 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
I have also tried projectRaster() and get a similar error
Might be an issue with the rgdal package? Anyone else getting this? thank you!
This problem should go away if you update the sp package

Drupal 8 error InvalidArgumentException

i got this with drush :
InvalidArgumentException: Field field_date is unknown. in Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityBase->getTranslatedField() (line 472 of
And i don't find solutions to resolve this :/
Has anyone ever encountered this problem?
Try running and see if it helps
if this does not solve your problem I would suggest you go to admin/config/development/logging and enable backtrace and reproduce the error again and look for (or post) a bug in the first module of the backtrace

What is the error message corresponding to Bsafe error code?

We are using Bsafe cpp code in an application to verify the signature, but it is raising back with error code 540 while calling B_VerifyFinal.
Is it possible to know what this error code corresponds to? and how we will find all the error messages for bsafe error codes.
Thanks in advance.

Getting error "The owner SID on a per-user subscription doesn't exist " in DXVA2 but not in DXVAHD while calling ConnectDirect() MSFT API.

I am getting the error "The owner SID on a per-user subscription doesn't exist " in the return value "hr" when I call:
hr = pGraph->ConnectDirect(pOut, pIn, NULL);
I get this error only when I use DXVA2 but it returns S_OK when DXVAHD is used.
Can anyone kindly let me know the reaosn for this.
I suspect the the 3rd argument that I have given for "ConnectDirect()" i.e Media Type is NULL. I must have given some other type is it?
The pOut & pIn for the 2 filter are correct as I could observe from the S_OK return value while getting the pin values.
Since ConnectDirect() is a Microsoft API, I am not able to step into the code tooi order to do furtehr debug.
Can anyone kindly help me in getting this fixed?
Thanks in advance.
The error you are getting is 0x80040207 "There is no common media type between these pins.", VFW_E_NO_ACCEPTABLE_TYPES. There is something in your graph building done incorrectly.