bochs error "could not open rom image file" - centos7

enter image description here enter image description here
it just show me that could not open the rom image , and I thought it was the security , and I chmod 777 to the file , but it does not work . Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I also changed the address form 0xf0000 to 0xe0000, it does not work too. what should i do ? Any help will be greatly apperciated.


Method Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint::model does not exist

enter image description here
how to this error fix.plaese help me
how to this error fix.plaese help me

where should i put the text_loader.json?

I've put the text_loader.json file in /root/.questdb/conf/ directory, and I changed the cairo.sql.copy.formats.file = /root/.questdb/conf/text_loader.json which in server.conf, finally when i start questDB , it appeared can't find the file.
Exception in thread "main" io.questdb.cutlass.json.JsonException: [0] could not find [resource=/root/.questdb/conf/text_loader.json]
at io.questdb#6.2/io.questdb.std.ThreadLocal.initialValue(
at java.base/java.lang.ThreadLocal.setInitialValue(
at java.base/java.lang.ThreadLocal.get(
at io.questdb#6.2/io.questdb.cutlass.json.JsonException.position(
at io.questdb#6.2/io.questdb.cutlass.json.JsonException.$(
at io.questdb#6.2/io.questdb.cutlass.text.types.InputFormatConfiguration.parseConfiguration(
at io.questdb#6.2/io.questdb.PropServerConfiguration.<init>(
at io.questdb#6.2/io.questdb.ServerMain.readServerConfiguration(
at io.questdb#6.2/io.questdb.ServerMain.<init>(
at io.questdb#6.2/io.questdb.ServerMain.main(
this picture is my storage localtion.
enter image description here
and document is here
please tell me how to deal with it. thanks
This seems to be a bug, raised an issue.
Will come back to this thread when fixed.

Opencart Image Manager not showing large files

I am creating a theme for opencart but facing issue such as when I upload a small image in image manager it shows in the folder but when I upload a large image(4MB) then folder does not open.
I use Opencart 2.3, all image folders are chmod 777.
I do not what is the problem is causing this error.
I think, You have get the following Allowed memory size error there.
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to
allocate 4000 bytes) in /home/public_html/system/library/image.php on
line 34
You will need to change Memory limit size in php.ini file for that.
Go to Your site source > admin folder > and Open php.ini file.
And then change memory_limit = 64M; to memory_limit = 128M; and then check it.

How to read text from an application window using pywinauto

I have a python code which opens a SSH session using Putty and passes a command to reboot a remote machine using pywinauto.
I want to read the text from the putty terminal after typing the password and compare it
Is there a way I can do it?
Below is the piece of code for the same
app_Putty = application.Application()
I am using pywinauto v0.4.0
Thanks in advance.
OK, let's try app_Putty.top_window_().WindowText(). If it fails your mission looks impossible.
You can't capture directly like this from what I can tell, but I had to find a workaround, and the one I found was this
#clear the buffer with alt space menu
app.window(title='PuTTY - Title').type_keys('% l',with_spaces=True)
#copy the buffer to clipboard
app.window(title='PuTTY - Title').type_keys('% o',with_spaces=True)
I was having to do this because the putty.log file was missing the selection indicator icon (asterisk) on the screen when it was logging output and I needed a way to know which item was selected to move up or down.

Unable to find audio stream

I'm trying to adapt a code in order to add a sound capture feature (on a live stream), with the help of ffmpeg and directshow.
When i try to play with ffplay the AVIsynth file, everything works perfectly i've got the audio and video. But when i open this input file by code i only find the video stream.
The Avs file :
V = DirectShowSource("Decklink_HDMI.grf", fps=10, framecount=1000000000, seek=false, audio=false)
A = DirectShowSource("Decklink_Audio.grf", fps=1, framecount=1000000000, video=false)
AudioDub(V, A)
The opening code :
ffmpeg::AVInputFormat * ifmt;
ifmt = ffmpeg::av_find_input_format("avs");
// Open input file
if(ffmpeg::avformat_open_input(&pFormatCtx, filename.toStdString().c_str(), ifmt, NULL) != 0)
When i make a variable lookout on gdb just after the opening.
i'm looking at nb_streams in pFormatCtx->nb_streams and it's at 1
The only stream i can find in pFormatCtx->stream is a video one. And that's why i'm not able to capture the sound.
So i'm asking if i'm doing something wrong with my opening or if i miss something.
Ps : I know the code shown is short but the problem appears at this very step !
Thank you
-- EDIT --
I've also noticed that when I dump the AVFormatContext the video stream got a 456x32 size.
And i can find this very same size of the window displayed when i try to launch a corrupted script with ffplay.
The original video format when i play the correct script with ffplay is of 1920x1080
I think my problem is maybe deeper than the simple fact of not being able to get the audio stream.
I'm trying to find out how to know the error message that is displayed on this 456x32 windows
-- EDIT2 --
I Find out what is written on this image and my problem is solved, badly placed avs script an old one was is place.
I'm ashamed.
My bad,
A badly placed avs file was my problem.
Anyway ffmpeg is a bit painful in his way of showing error, being forced to make a snapshot without any error msg or exception raised (or maybe did i failled).