'builtin-baseline' in vcpkg for installing Franka Matlab? - vcpkg

I want to install the Matlab Extension from LibFranka according to
After installing Visual Studio, they state i should install vcpkg, add it to the PATH and run
vcpkg install eigen3:x64-windows
However, the error message
error: this vcpkg instance requires a manifest with a specified baseline in order to interact with ports. Please add 'builtin-baseline' to the manifest or add a 'vcpkg-configuration.json' that redefines the default registry.
is yielded. I looked the documentation of vcpkg, but I have no clue what to put in which json file.
I tried adding a vcpkg-configuration.json but this file was ignored. I read in a forum, that a vcpkg.json has to exist but I dont know what to fill in, otherwise it states "Unexpected EOF in vcpkg.json".
I read that vcpkg builtin-baseline are to specify versions, but I dont know what to put in. Please help.

I installed it by cloning the Github repo, instead of using the msi file. Then it worked


How to disable manifest mode in vcpkg?

Vcpkg has a manifest mode where one specifies a vcpkg.json file with all the packages required for a project. I would like to temporarily disable this feature and instead use vcpkg install mypackage directly. However, if a vcpkg.json file is present in your root directory vcpkg automatically switches to manifest mode, so when I try to run vcpkg install I get:
error: In manifest mode, vcpkg install does not support individual package arguments.
To install additional packages, edit vcpkg.json and then run vcpkg install without any package arguments.
To get around this I instead tried this:
./vcpkg install mypackage
But I still get the same error. Is there a way to disable manifest mode? The only way I've found so far is to delete the vcpkg.json file temporarily, but this is rather cumbersome.

Visual Studio 2017 Nuget Install Package Builds Project Instead of Installing / Uninstalling Packages

When importing existing library projects into an existing solution (after I copied them locally from somewhere else), when I try to install or uninstall a Nuget package through the package manager, it justs builds my solution showing me all of the errors I have because the package is not installed. It does nto try to install or uninstall the package. Why is it building my project instead of just installing / uninstalling the bloody package?
Why is it building my project instead of just installing /
uninstalling the bloody package?
It's not default behavior of VS IDE itself.
As for VS2017, if we install a normal package using Package Manager UI, VS will check the compatibility between the package to consume and the current project. If they're compatible, the package will be installed successfully, if not, VS will throw nuget error like NU1202 or others in ErrorList window.
But I'm sure for VS2017, installing/uninstalling won't call a build.
Possible causes of the issue and corresponding suggestions:
1.This behavior results from one third-party extension.
Reset all VS settings => disable all the third-party extensions => restart VS to check if the issue persists. If after the check you find this issue results from one extension, you need to make sure if the extension provides one option to turn on/off the auto-build. Or you may need to disable/uninstall the extension temporarily and contact the author of the extension to post the issue.
You may get more details for trouble-shooting from this similar issue.
2.Custom script(.ps1,.targets) from one specific nuget package causes this.
The authors can place powershell script and PackageID.targets in .nupkg when generating packages. Some of these scrips will execute when we install the package, others will execute when we uninstall the package. See similar issue here.
You can create a new simple console project TestProject in TestProject solution. Then right-click solution=>add=>Existing project to import a new external project. Now let's install the Newtonsoft.Json package to check if the issue disappears. If the issue disappears in new project with Newtonsoft.Json package. I think it indicates one special package you try to install/uninstall may cause the issue.
Hope all above helps and feel free to let me know if there's any update.

Cannot open include file 'getopt.h'

Firstly, I know nothing about C/C++, but I am trying to compile LCI https://github.com/justinmeza/lci under Windows 10 with Visual Studio 2015, but I'm getting the following error:
Cannot open include file: 'getopt.h': No such file or directory.
I see that getopt is not part of Visual C so people are saying you have to implement your own. It looks like this is what I need:
Problem is, I don't really know what to do with this file. I've been reading a fair bit and messing around for ages just to compile lci.exe!
Already emailed the OP about this, but here's the steps I followed in order to build lci successfully. The missing step seemed to be that Justin Meza neglected to mention that you need to install CMake as well in order for the install script to work. CMake will allow you to build C code against the glibc headers.
Install MinGW
Install Python 3.5.1 (or latest Windows version)
Install Git for Windows (if you haven't already)
Make sure to enable Git for the Windows command prompt
Install CMake
Add MinGW and Python to your PATH environment variable. I'd double check that your paths to the executables are correct, mine looked like this:
C:\Program Files\mingw-w64\mingw64\bin
Run a command prompt as administrator, and go to your Documents folder and clone the lci repository (if you haven't already):
git clone https://github.com/justinmeza/lci.git
Go into the lci directory, and run:
install.py --prefix="C:/Program Files/lci"
Add lci to you PATH, if using the default location add this to the end of your PATH:
C:\Program Files\lci\bin
I would have included some links to the various programs above in steps 1-4 but apparently I don't have enough reputation on StackOverflow for that...you should be able to find them easily enough in a quick Google search.
You should now be able to run lci from any command prompt. A good test would be to run the "HAI WORLD" code at lolcode.org.
Just copy getopt.h to the directory where .c files are, so the compiler can find it.
Based on the linked source code and it's contents, the project you're trying to build appears to be written for Linux. It might be possible to sufficiently rewrite it to be able to compile under Microsoft Windows, and Microsoft's compiler; or perhaps install something like MinGW.
However, given your stated lack of development experience, this does not appear to be something that you could easily handle on your own.

Error when compiling Rcpp code in an R package using RStudio

I am using Rstudio to create a package, and exploring the use of the Rcpp package to gain access to C++ code, however, when trying to build the package, and error is being thrown as follows:
fatal error: Rcpp.h: No such file or directory
Inline C++ code compiles fine, its only when considering standalone C++ files in the src folder, obviously referring to the #include <Rcpp.h> directive at the head of the .cpp file.
I think it may have something to do with environment variables, does anyone know what the correct configuration is and how to fix for Rstudio operating in an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS environment?
The commands sourceCpp('./src/xyz.cpp') execute as to be expected, the error is being thrown when Build and Reload is executed from within the RStudio IDE.
It is hard to say without having the package available. I guess you miss:
LinkingTo: Rcpp
in your DESCRIPTION file.
Did you by chance start with 'Create a package' in RStudio? If so, are you aware that you may have missed its sibbling option 'Create a package w/ Rcpp' ?
See the page on Using Rcpp with RStudio site for details, and particularly the final section on package building.
Also note that we wrote an entire vignette on using Rcpp with your own packages so I suggest you have a look at that too.
I encountered this same symptom (Rcpp.h: No such file or directory) when trying to install the "xml2" package on an Ubuntu 14 system. In my case the root cause appeared to be a bad installation of package "Rcpp". Some of the files were there (Rcpp/libs) but others were not (Rcpp/include). I am not sure how the system got into this state but I suspect an installation of that package terminated part way through. Re-installing package "Rcpp" cleared up the issue for me.
This is because your GCC has been updated, and it is different than the one you had when you installed R. I had the same problem.
I removed the package "Rccp" by using:
Then you need to install it again. Just run:

How to build google google-breakpad for windows?

I am trying to build google breakpad for windows. I don't get it. I tried installed autoconf and m4 for Windows which seems to work. But running
m4 CXXFLAGS=-m32 CFLAGS=-m32 CPPFLAGS=-m32 ./configure
results in
func_dirname ()
# Extract subdirectory from the argument.
func_dirname_result=NONE:0: m4: ERROR: EOF in string
after some seconds of executing scripts.
I searched form visual studio solution files, but they have been removed since revision 581.
So i found the related post
How to build google breakpad.
But how do i install gyp? What prerequisites does it require?
Or does anybody have a working (VC2005) sln file for all parts of google-breakpad ?
Can anybody give me a step by step description on how to build it?
This is really poorly explained in the documentation, but actually gyp is already present if you've done an ordinary checkout of breakpad. Open a command prompt and place yourself in the root ( google-breakpad-read-only if you're going by the instructions ). Then just do:
src\tools\gyp\gyp.bat src\client\windows\breakpad_client.gyp
This will generate visual studio sln files for you.
The latest master of breakpad (March 15th 2016) does not include gyp, which is used to generate the solution files. The best thing to do would be to simply check it out and install it; gyp does, however, require Python 2.7 so make sure Python is accessible in the path.
git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/gyp
cd gyp
python setup.py install
Now your gyp installation will work; simply invoke gyp.bat on src\client\windows\breakpad_client.gyp. (gyp is checked out one directory below breakpad in my case; change it accordingly to your setup)
..\gyp\gyp.bat src\client\windows\breakpad_client.gyp --no-circular-check
The solution files should now be present.